M A RC B Ă DĂ L A N a sele c t ion of re cent wor k 2017-2022
TABLE OF CONTENTS 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 25 27
ARC HI T E CT UR E Con n ect ed Ho u se Hot el in t h e Wo o ds Holida y Ho m e V ib re Ho te l Sh owroom + Wa re ho u se Res earch Ce nte r J un ior Reside nce Hill Ho u se Two-in -on e Re side nce Body Pr iority Gym GRAP HI C D E S IGN
Co n n e c te d Ho use
type house location Ciurila, Cluj, Romania status building permit gross floor area 280 m² description the plot is located in a hilly area outside Cluj-Napoca, and features gorgeous mountain views towards the west. The cultural context informs the simple volume comprised of two traditional houses connected through a middle element that encloses the entry and the kitchen.
The clients wanted the kitchen to be the intersection between the living room and the bedrooms, also allowing for a visual and acoustic link to the indoor playground upstairs. Large glass openings enlarge the perceived dimensions of the great room, while also framing beautiful stunning views towards the mountains. The outdoor terrace is hidden from the street, opening towards the backyard to the south while allowing for contemplation of the landscape towards the west.
H o te l I n Th e Wo o ds
type hotel, event halls, wellness center location Făget, Cluj, Romania status building in progress gross floor area 18020 m² description the clients aim to create a five star hospitality complex bringing togther a luxury hotel, wellness and sports facilities, events halls and an auditorium. The site is located close to the Faget forest and was formerly used as a public camping place. The project preserves the connection to the woods and seeks to manta in a similar proportion between the built and natural environments that the camping previously offered.
Therefore half of the facilities are “sunken” below the ground level in order not to block the open perspective towards the forest. The hotel design underlines the horizontal layout of the landscape. Each of the different functions of the complex - hotels, wellness, business center, event halls - can operate independently or as an integrated whole.
H o l i d ay Ho m e type holiday house location Petreștii de Jos, Cluj, Romania status building in progress gross floor area 105 m² description this small weekend home was carefully inserted within the existing culturally rich built environment. The design reflects the surrounding rural homes, with a more traditional look facing the street and a contemporary, fully glazed wall on the opposing side. The materials were chosen to blend with the architecture of the village and the size and proportions of the house itself are informed by the traditional Romanian house of the southern hills of Cluj.
Vi bre Ho tel
type hotel location Cluj-Napoca, Romania status finished 2021 gross floor area 3680 m² description the business hotel is located on a busy street outside the central area of the city. The plot and the urban restrictions determined a wide volume. The challenge was to manage the appearance of the main facade in a way that does not emphasize its size while also stating reliability and representation.
T he overall image reflects the inner combination of functions and spaces. The ground and fi rs t floor a re dedicated to shopping areas, the restaurant, as well as a gym and meeting rooms, while the hotel rooms a re situated on the upper floo rs. Each floor plan is dif fe rent and the exterior of the building expresses that diversit y.
Sh ow ro o m + Wa re ho use type warehouse / showroom location Cluj-Napoca, Romania status building permit gross floor area 1500 m² description situated on a heavy traffic expressway towards the cit y outskirts, the challenge was to create a friendly, welcoming experience for the public towards the showroom, while turning away from the busy street. Since it hosts both an industrial space - the warehouse, and a showroom, the building design negociates both openness and privacy, facing a solid concrete wall towards the road and opening towards the city in order to appeal to the pedestrian.
Digitally signed by Mihai Konradi
Digitally signed by Florin-Andrei Antonescu DN: c=RO, cn=Florin-Andrei Antonescu,, serialNumber=AFA12, givenName=Florin-Andrei,
Ju n i o r R e s i dence
type apartments location Cluj-Napoca, Romania status finished 2021 gross floor area 12,440 m² description the project aimed to convert a former industrial area into what would become the beginning of a bright residential neighborhood. The V shape of the building turns as many units as possible towards the best view to the east, facing the river nearby. It also creates an urban room, the private, quiet park where residents can meet and spend time together.
R e s e a rch Center
type research, laboratory location Miercurea Ciuc, Harghita, Romania status building permit gross floor area 600 m² description an old and run-down concrete shed that dated back from the70’ is proposed for refurbishment. I will host the new research center for the new Biodiversity and Mountain Resources Institute. Since the concrete walls no longer fulfill the contemporary technical requirements, only the concrete structure will be preserved. I proposed the complete remake of the outer walls and of the interiors.
The facility will host four research laboratories, offices for the staff, a conference hall and a foyer that cand hold science exhibitions. The overall architecture connects the building to the natural environment surrounding the site. Transparency is the core value of the design concept. The public foyer has visual connections to the laboratories and the offices, offering a glimpse into the everyday work of the scientists.
H i l l Ho use type single family house location Cluj-Napoca, Romania status building in progress gross floor area 125 m² description the clients wished for a single floor house but the plot they owned had a steep slope towards the south. The proposal suspends the living spaces on the hillside without creating an enclosed basement. The living room opens the view towards the valley and is directly linked to the terrace. The eastern facade facing the street contains smaller windows connecting the bedrooms to the outside without interferring with the intimacy of the interior.
Two - i n - o n e R e s idence type semi-detached house location Vidra, Ilfov, Romania status building in progress gross floor area 410 m2 description two related young families opted for building their homes within a shared house. The design uses an urban language fit for the suburban character of the area, and aims to visually downscale the size of the house that the small plot d e t e r m i ne d . G ive n t he lo c a t i o n i n a densely built neighborhood, windows are carefully placed and sized as to bring light in and to open the interior space to specific sur rounding views without diminishing the privacy of the occupants.
B o d y Pr i o r i t y Gy m
type gym, interior design location Cluj-Napoca, Romania status finished 2022 gross floor area 150 m² description the purpose of this project was designing a beautiful space for a personal training gym start-up that possesed a small budget. My proposal uses simple, available materials like OSB, demolition bricks and the existing concrete walls in order to lend personality and a sense of warmth and well-being to the interior without exceeding the budget for the investment.
thank you! marcbadalan@gmail.com w w w. semarc . ro