The Guam Recorder, April 1928

Page 1



APRil, 1928


LOCAL NEWS IN BRIEF ~lr. C.l'. llntl~r ~~il!· tl on tht· ":-;. S. nracc Dollar'' fo~r ~la11ila, ].t,,,c·h l4th. II" islt· al'it>~ l;natll to taktl.'lt:•r..:•· .,f hi~ Ill:\\' ~lau: of IHt>iii~S>, fotn:.rl~· kt ;o\\n "' " t;.,uldte 's ]{t·• Lattl':l11t and f,·o: Crea111 Parlor of that t·ity." ~lr . l't·tlrn ~!art ira· ~. s:>ilul 011 tht· S .S . \.raee llcollar fnr \I :11111a wh<·t<" Ill· will >i•<·rrd 11 •lwrt \':ll':ttinn, and will r <·tnrn 1111 the St :t1i n 11 ~hip , li . S. S . Cold Star , I'.XI •<<' t<d In :ortin:ulo<oltt ;\pril 2·1th .. fr•·lll a ht·alth tri1• whic· h ha s indutlt:tl th" l'ltilip;oint:• and n11iut:s l'l: inc>~· pnrls.

Guam to have a new Recreation Center It has. hc~rr 1111111111nro:d that th<· Jli,hnp of \.11om it.t' ht'<' ntlll' intt·a~~t·tl in funoi>hin~-: the Catholic \' tlllll)! 111l'll ol Cn.tnt with a r~ero:atinl' ct· nter which .w ill ille)tlolo: 11 two ''"r~· <"nllt'rt:lc- l>11ildir:g tift~· hy nllc·lllllulrt·d ft'l'l, ut n co-t of upproxinratt·ly :;.5 ,0011. A lrhrhr\' '""' 1.!\ltllr~·it:tll will],., lht• 111ai11 ft'IIIIHl'~ oi tht· n~· w nr)!a;riz.ttioll . A hand. lo:"o:loallto:an: and utltn u:hlt-ti< ' 11:.>111> will l>t· nr).!aniH<l to cumprte in the gt· nt·ral >p ort' <of the bland . Thi, i' Cll!l>i<krt·tl nne 11f the \'t· rv !,,·,t id~as that h~, lll'l'll cnnlo:rt•iol"l'·d f11r yt":trs , an;l pr<>l•t·rly maungt·tl, as 110 tlnulot it will h<·, it \\ill 'llff•ly th· y<•nth of the bl:.nd With :Ill nr);,Jitization that Will he 0£ ~rent la·m ·lit to tlttrn. Sn,·h 11 phn wa~ p11t i11 operation on n small ~c:tie '"""'l\\'c\n· ~· t•:t r' ugo, hnt at thut tinll• wa' not looked with(,,,.,.,. lo~· tla· cllltll' ll ~ot:J tilt Co\'t"tllllr, und W(IS 'onn di'l""''k•l.




A cahle


wns rtcently reeei\'e<l from Mr.

\V . ll. ?\otky at ~lanila, stating that it hud betn n~t·t· ,· a r\' fur him to uncltrlo:'O 1111 ahd"lllinal :1peraLi o n. ~lr . ?\otley h:~> IH:en spendilll-:' the pa't few 111011tlts i11 tht l'hilippine bland' wht:re he hoptcl a v:H' ;IIiun at H.t..:·inu wonhl imprc~\'l: his ltt"alth. He will h~ joinul hy ~Irs . Notley ami their young claughtt· r who han: left on the Chaumont. l'hc pn•sengers for C:unm who arrh·ed on the Ch.tunwnt ha\'c h~l'll plucl'd in qn:trnntint: due to u ca<e of spi11al ~lt· llin;:iti' which d~\'t:lopetl un board oftcr leal'ing Honolulu .

The Curiosity Shop The nel\' curiosit~· shop recently op~ned by Mrs . Gcrtr11clc Hornho,tcl, on Hernan de Cortez Street , cflnt~in' 11Ltny curious ohjects thnt will snit th~ fancy of th<»e wi,ltin~ to ohtain memt'nto ... s of their tour of dntv in Guanr. There are on di,pl•y u large t"snrtm~nt nf cnriou~ly formed pit c e~ of coni, beautiful shells, decorated gourds, vario11s articles :1! sc.uvcnir wood work of lucnl mnnuf:< clnrt", and many other items 'ttit:till~ for g-ifts or bridge prizes,

Sin?,le Shipment of Guam Copra

The,.;l·•t 'inglt· >hiptnt· nt on ttt' nrd of (~1111111 pr.,dnc~d ,·.,prn, w:.s ~xpnrtt· d on the S. S . l'·ran~ Jl ·. llar, 1\'hich \'t'>'·t·i sailt-d fron : thi, p o rt lll:lrdt :!4th. This , l, ipment ntnnl1111<·d tn S7l ton .,, and is ntlt1ed in S :t n Franci,co Ill :qoproximatt"l~· f.<Jt . StJO. The ]Jr<>dnc c r~ rc-ec1n·d ~l r HPXim:ttt·l .\ · t .'L ,.1.!0 for tltt·ir t•rnp. lrr additinn to the ahon· un1nnnt of copra ~ltitopt•d, thnt· 'till 1'\'lll:t ill<·d :thCJllt l.\(1 ton' that it "'"~ nol i'""il•\r t" p :·,·jo:trt• in tint l' fnr thi~ ship, du~ tn tlr~ l:•c k nf ll<:C~>s:tn· hag,, nncl transport:llion facilitie~ from r<·nHI\l' part' of !he lsl:tntl . B~tlcr's

Under New Management

lldort' ll' :l\·irrg- f,r ~lnnila to onr hi~ nt'w hn , i'"'''· ~lr, l'. C. H•.ttler appointed Mr. Ah·in Thnmp,nn, ~lana ~: < · r nf his btt-ine•• int<"re,ts in Gnnm. ~lr. Tlllllllf""" was, until ""nmi~;g- his m·w l""itinn, the t•roprit·tor vf a thri,·i n..: caqo<·nttr ~hop in :\gnnu,

Guzm Not Such a Bad Place After All


le :uler~ and g-nnmt'n, to rob and shoot up our ~ it inns, and 1vo: may slet'p pt::tceably with unlocked :loors ond open ,,.i ntluws, unufraiJ that we will he :li,turbed in 011r sl•tmhers b~· visitors who ore prepared to do vinklll'~ a111l rnurtler.

The rl'cc-nt kil!inc of l.ittlt- llianwnd Joe , ont' of Chil-a~:o'• can~: 1<-:l d t"rs whn \\'as fo11111i ll'ith f.ftl'eight h11lkt h< •k> in his ha.-k. rrmir :ds ns thHl Cm."m is n ,·~rv safe pla c t· to li\'c in . \\'c ha\'~ no gang"

THE GUAM RECORDER l'ul•l iP> htd Mnull !lv nt A~nllfl , Guam. 1:or J'ro!-:n: ss, E c! n c~lir. u u11d Jh·\·(·ic•Jl111f"lll

in thi s Ishuul. \\' . \\', Kowh·y Editor .o\SSOl"IATV. F.llilOUS

J.i.,ut.-Comclr . 1' . ) . Sl·arl o>' (U·:t: l 1:. S. l\a\'y )( . (; . Jlorul }{)~ let \V. c; . J oh n~ton Mrs. J. C. tln·k

f' . H.. \'anckub~: rg ·

J•. t\ c-J . , on Cllat ,Jn; , W . R . Hall

\\'. \\'. RoY~ h-y - J:u ~i lll'!'~ ~htlaJ;t:r Submiption te<ms and Directions To l l nitNl Stnlt"'i unci pnsst>s!'Oio ns. ()J1t> Yt..·;lr , f:! i:'OSIH" Sl.SO, Pt·r Copy ).'; crnta.

To t'un oH b. 1 Jnl· \\ ar, • - - -

~z .oo

Tn F nn ·i J,:II Countrh.· "i, One Yt·ar, -- $.2 .00 CHANGES OF ADDRESS. Sulos nil>~" ""'"t gi\'e old as w\'11 us nl' \\' :uldn·ss. I ( you do nnt g-l•t yuur paper rr)(ularly or pn-·1!1ptly nntify us. \Ve F.Upply misatng nmnl•t:r s if f<'<]lll·~ll'cl iu tiu11·. RENEWALS . \\'hen r e rH•win)! •lwa.<·• •tate that vour 1\Uh-;,: ription is n n·nr-wnl, ntltl if your acldrrs!\ h&a he-~n chBtl,L:"t..'cl, ~i\'l' furnu·r nddrrss . \\'c n·t·r-ipt your subSl.'riptit•11 by starlin).!' tht' pnpcr. ERRORS. \\'e cna\:e th<'"' •ometimes. If you hue cu.u :-;l· f•,r conq,la i nt plt·nst• write us . \\' t< will do our p:1rt . {~i,· r us (: rc~ dit for int e 11tion to t!~nl fairly. Addrrss. THE GUAM RECORDER, AGANA, GUAM.











:\cuL Lujan Cr111. .lnnn S . ,\, fljc ·ola ~~:aria l:o~.ou rill Cr11z It""" Sa l.l :11c Cru1. r:ic·.~rdu lluc•nn- l.c·uu .fer a 11 l( .. ja • ~lafncc >' ,J,>:~qclin II. Uut.r.,rrc·t.

yt• : tr~ .


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Dulnn•:1 'l'u\'1·:-4 :O: .atll11:4 J.,.-.. S , <luich<~c· lc" Ho~•a ~lirwr fljo·cln C:rt :tliun ,\ , Artclc·nnn ( ;,,IH' I'IWiou C. ~.tllln!'t .lu.<c• .\1•·-=tlturjll .lu>da Cr11~ l'c·rt·im l>• 1 lur•·~ Cr111. l.11jccn Ju.""'' P•·rt•z P• · rt.·~ ·'"''' .\lc •noli"l" ( ' n:o~t. ro ~·raru: i .• r. " :oi . ~. Ca>'lro C:crcr,c•n H. Qrlintnnillm Justo '1' . Chcci'J!IIIItll! 1-' .. lca~t inn ::; , .l•·"us ~lnl'in Hc•yc·~ l>nrni:crt Ann <Juidnc·hn.l' fJuinntu J,,,o II. Ch ·crlnnru>' .J .... .! rhnc •u l'hnrfalll'll>' Aug-u..; 1 o ~antn!'( lti\'l ·ra


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i>l yc·:cr11. -1!) yenr~ .

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mo~ . ~ clar~· s .


Vemls in Port The lJ. ::i. S . ~AI' .\, ~tntion Tu~-t, Lie11tc~nnnt A If reel Duuct•l, ::i. Na\'y, Comllll\lldiu~; .


s. s. H. L. nAnst:~. Floating Oil DPpot,•lltcnanl Alfred Dccllc'l'l,u .S .:--ia\'y,Corumunuing. '!'IcC' lJ.

, I

Dul to Arriv! Tht• 1'. s. H. (iuLII 21 April, l\l:!S .

STAH '"""'



I., auuut

Tlw l i S. A. T . GrtAST frnru l'nitt•cl Stoll's nhoul IIi April, 1\1~1<.

Arrivals 'l'lr,. S . ~- GU.\t "t: Oot.I.AH, ~l:t'l•·r :\.C . Diclri~ho• n, urri\'etl llllcllll un IS ~lurc·h . 1!1:!~ from 1-'tllt :FrunriH•o, Cnlifcorni:r. cnrryinll 1111 lcuutcl Jt :l-i lou~~ of n.nil, ]~li -~ ton~ nf fl'l·i11ht and ~I;, :\lorri~ Axl'lrotl, Cuule Stnti"" I


' I jI




t'lnpl,·~· ··f' n~ Jlll~~engl·r .

Tit .. ll . s. ~- Ctt." ' ~IOST, C':cptnin n. T. Gh«-nl, lJ , l'-1 . :<icL\',1", commctrlllillll., ftrriHcl c;uunr f•r.• 3 ~pril, Hl21< , from ~an Fr.111ci~co, Cnlifornin, carrying on

lcu:rrJ :!00 lt:r:.: ~ nf nwil, :)50 cubit~ luiiH of fr~igltt oucl th e fulluwon~: t•• · :'H·IIgt· r~ fur (iuuu,; Lieut. T . r.. ~lillc·r, (ClrCI, l'. S. N; wife nnd :: drilclro•n; Cupt. F. C. Cu.-hill;_,, li.S .t.l.<'; wilt• II too~ ~ clrildro·n; Lic·ut. .J. A. ~l:cr>lr, O!C), I'.S.1\: wift- unci ·I cdrildn•u; l'ny Clt·rk C . .\1 . \\'niclrot-r, U. l:i . N; nnd wifo· ; .\l:ll'lriui•l \\' . H. -'lc·Alli>-lt·r, 1:.::' . ~; wiff'ttr .cl ~



~on ; ~lr ,. t: . 'l' . l'lurl;t· nlocl:! H · l • ~; ~~I'~.J . E.CI<c\llc.Jcl ; .\li .• > ll . ,\ . Ktdlo ·c>u, ~lii W. 1' .1;.:\; ~li's F .S . Dc·nk, :\11rl'l· l' . ~.~; ~li"" II. C. :\w·l.!\ur~t·, U . :~U\; Mr~. Tu11q.:u ; ~Ir s. JO. l'crry; -'lr . \ ' ,A , llluz, 11110 3 pri\'ales, lJ.S . ~I.C .

Thr> Japnrcf'~f' Schooner ~IAHJANA'



K . Ukar11• , al'l'i\'l'd Guaru 10 April,ltJ:!!l frulll Yokl•·

h:Lrna, J :qmn via ~aiparr, ~I I, eurr~· iug 011 honnl Ollc! p:cs:'t'lll(f'r fro111 ~aipan , )1. 1. : 1\lr. Jose Bla·z, uucl :1 l'ar~tu of gc · neralluerclcandi~c .

Tire U. S . S . Ht:l'Wt:nsu:'i, arriv!'d 13 April, l!l28, frt, llt tiH·l'lrilipJ, inc blnncl,, witlc Cuptain Atlrillll H . Alfn·d . OIC), U . S. N:.vy, wife uud daughter on bunrd ns passCIIj:!CI's for Gunm .

Departures The S . S. GRA c ~: I>or.LAU, Mn~Jer A. C. DidrickPen, for .\hc11iln, P. 1., 011 ~4 Alan·h, J!l21i, with (i bn~~ or mnil nllll th~< following pn"H' IIjtt· r~ fruu : Guuno: ;\lr. C. C. Buller, .Mr. l't·dru Mnrtin~z. Mr . }<', l\k;\ lli"tt•r.


Tire U.S . S. CH .\ UMOST, Cnplain D. 'f. Ghent, l'. S. !\u,·y, corr1muuuiug, ~uilt· u f"r l\lcwil11, P . 1., on :3 April, l!l:?S. l bug of ucufl oud lhc f•JIIowin~ pn,:~engrr;; froru Gunm: Comdr. \\' , H. Hall. (('hC), U.S. N; wife ond a ~li.-~ Mary .M . llc·t·k, Nur~e, IJ.S.N; P.Ji~d M. Doherty, Nur6t>, U .S.N i MiFR E . L. Kll'in, Nuree, TJ . S. N; .\Irs. F. Perry; lllrs. W. H. Nolley, anti tlnu~:htl'r; 111 r . Jf· Ht~ l\1. Cunrnrlw; lilt~ . A .C. Flore~ ; ~I rd . Jonqui1111 '1'. Sulus: P.lo~tt>r Fcli,l.t·rto C. Flores onJ .\!u~tcr Rit·anlu C . .Flons. tlnu~;lrlt· rs;

The U. S. S. HENDERSON, sailed 1-1 April, 1928., cnrryin11 on l.JonnJ the following J.!B~dengcrs from Guam: Licnt.-Corntlr. Lyle J . Rnberts,(MC),U. S. Navy, wife c1ncl chught~r; ChiP( Puy Clf'rk 0 . E. Gutml\un, U.S . M.C., and wifc•; Chief Pay Clerk G11rr!'t Boer, U. S . N:1vy , wife nncl iufunt son; Mnchi11i~t Hnrry E. :\filltwl, U . S . Nnvy, wife nnd l'fi,'O ciJilclr!'n; l\lrs. Henry Nuglc; ~lr. Jose C. Cruz; .\lr. Joaquin P. De· Leon; .\lr. Jose T . Garrido; 5 euli~tcd mcu Nll\'Y and 4 crrlisted men Marine CuiJ.!S.



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