Micronesian Educator Vol. 16, 2012 About the Contributors and

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About the Contributors Mike Burdge and Jean Clayton are educational consultants with Keystone Alternate Assessment and have worked with students with significant cognitive disabilities and their educators for over thirty years. In the past

six years they have conducted institutes throughout Hawaii, American Samoa, Guam, CNMI, Marshall Islands, Palau, and FSM on how to implement alternate assessment and aligned inclusive instruction. June De Leon is Associate Director for Program Development, Technical Assistance and Outreach for

University of Guam and Center for Developmental Disabilities Education, Research, and Service (CEDDERS), serving as a program director of the GSEG Pacific Assessment Consortium (PAC6) Project in which she organizes and provides close on-site assistance and regional institutes in American Samoa and throughout Micronesia on age/grade appropriate instruction for students with significant disabilities and aligned alternate assessment. She has also led the regional technical assistance and development initiative to advance resultsoriented measures and compliance reporting, and to collaborate on new initiatives benefiting students with disabilities. Asuncion (Connie) Guerrero, Training Associate at Guam CEDDERS, has worked closely with Pacific educators in American Samoa and Micronesia on the use of educational materials in appropriate accessible formats for students with disabilities, and on other professional development activities to advance inclusive instruction and curriculwu. She has also collaborated on classroom observation research and data analysis. Yukiko Inoue-Smith, Ph.D., is Professor of Educational Psychology in the School of Education, University of Guam, Mangilao, Guam, 96923; yinoue@uguam.uog.edu. Her research focuses on education for sustainability; interdisciplinary studies on student learning; improving university teaching and learning with technology; online education for diverse learners; and the social context of learning with a higher education focus . Jonas D. Macapinlac leads the media and information technology team at Guam CEDDERS and has trained

and mentored a team of Pacific educational videographers and media product developers who are working to create media on topics supportive of the education and assessment of students with disabilities. Mary Jane Miller is Associate Professor in the Foundations, Educational Research and Service Division of

the School of Education at University of Guam. She received a Bachelor of Science from Arizona State University in education with a double minor in general science and anthropology. With a Master of Science from Portland State University in Curriculum and Instruction emphasizing integration of science and math content into language arts lessons and an Ed. D. from University of Sarasota with an emphasis on cognitive learning theory, she teaches both graduate and w1dergraduate courses at the University of Guam. June Quitugua, Inclusive Communities Area Coordinator for Guam CEDDERS and Program Coordinator for

the GSEG PAC 6 project, has provided an expansive range of training and technical assistance opportunities to all school systems in the U.S. Pacific Territories, CNMI, and the Freely Associated States in Micronesia, supporting the development of local expertise on Special Education curriculum, inclusion, and integration. Heidi San Nicolas, Ph.D., Professor and Director of CEDDERS at the University of Guam, has served as a principal investigator for a series of grants that supported research and technical assistance related to the study published in this issue. She has more than 30 years experience administering programs that train professionals, provide services, and develop products and curriculum in the area of disabilities. Mary L. Spencer, Ph.D., Professor of Psychology and Micronesian Studies (retired), University of Guam,

Micronesian Language Institute of Micronesian Area Research Center, advises on testing, assessment, and evaluation. Her current research interests also include studies of the everyday lives, cognitive and language development of children in Chuuk, Guam and other parts of Micronesia.

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