better results in the sit up test. Chiba (20 1Oa, 201 Ob, 201 Oc) repmted a major assoc1at10n between perfonnance on a physical fitness test and a participant' s height- weight BMI. As with Chiba' s study, the results from this study showed that participants (thus young people in Guam) who were in good physical condition had less weight relative to their height (the BMI) than the less fit. The results of the cmrent study also indicated that Guam residents with greater flexibility tend to have better results on the physical fitness test. Reliable correlations, between exercise frequency and sit-ups (r = 0.29 for men, r = 0.27 for women) and between exercise duration and sit-ups (r = 0.40 for men, r = 0.27 for women), also appeared: consistent with the premise that people who exercise more frequently enjoy greater physical fitness in general.
Conclusion As stated previously, more than 90째/o of the participants answered that they were in good physical condition. This may be natural, given that the majority of the participants were still young. Throughout this study, the results support the following: ( 1) a positive correlation between frequency of exercise, muscle strength and endurance, and a negative correlation between exercise frequency and weight; (2) a negative correlation between Bl'vfl-weight-height and strength; and (3) differences by sex, such that acute power, agility, strength, and muscle endurance are significantly higher for men, while women are significantly more flexible. It will be impmtant to create a database in order to track the physical status of Guam residents, and the present data provide a foundation for doing so. However, this is only a beginning, and the work must continue if important fmdings are to serve as a basis for healthy changes in lifestyles.
Acknowledgments The authors acknowledge the encouragement for this study provided by the late Dr. Jeff Barcinas of the University of Guam. Special thanks go to all the participants. The authors also acknowledge Dr. Kyle Smith's helpful contributions to the review of the statistical analyses.
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