The Guam Recorder, September 1925

Page 1


164 tJfJl'l'/llf' propt•l' l)' U_l" HI'C'IJ111pli:oh


I.'C':4JWrli\'t! run e··

tiu lt~ c• ITt •l·tivc·ly \\' lllt oul g~>u<l dtHipll tll· .

Thi-. i:-~ tlu: th·finition ui\'(:n in \\'t·h:-; tc•r 's l'n · or "Di:·wip!illl', (Xuun) :trr:t l lllf'lll :-uitt•cltu u ,Ji:-~t· il • h ~ ur l••:nucr; t•tl· u;·nti 1111 • tlc •n• l ttJIIIII' nl ,,r tl w lnc· ult ic·!" 1,~. imctnlt'tit•n nw l I'X'';·t·i::P; r .ra.i uin~. wln:th Pr plly:·dt·:d , t~w ntnl , ol' nl u· id~o:,· •IIJi..tiuuary

1 'J'hl'

fllll l':tl.



1i-1ht•rf rlllt•:o;

tu _n c•f

/ll't ' II :O: IIIIIIIIlj!

Ill / U't' OI'II : ill~'l' \\' II h I':O:l:a h · Ill :0:~':-CII'Ill :t ll l" ltll d l'f'~lll:tl'

IU"Iiun: ,Jrill. a. Su hj t•t•litlll lu rlt!t·; ,.c uh lllb:: :-< h:l' IH'~" 111 orda nnd t•unlru l; •·••i•lrul; lt :1hil. 11f ullt'dll'll l'l.'. (Es:ll np k) ' TI11• 11111 ~1 .JII·~ft•t·l, whu h:n·• ·.t hr·ir p:.~ ­ :o~iu n .. in t lw lu•:-tl ,J, .. ,.,, ,Itllf', IHP ,.,,, uhlt5-:,t •d t o ht• 1 • 1111 ~ 1:~ut h·on thl'il' l!ll :il'd . ( lt uJ,.:.I'I'~) . ' -4 . Currf't' ti•m; •· h : 1 ~ti~c· n ll'll l inlli•·l,•• l h.\' wny ,,f t•u rH••·tiou nut! t.r:dtd n~.t ; lt1'11f'l' , t r:1iniu..: throu~h ~ 11fTI'I'in~ . ;) , Till' :-t!lhjt•t•t (l .Utfl•r 11 f i tl~f l'llf ' li'lll; II t't to ll'~·· H I. 1'\ ltl d~·; II hr:ttwlt of knuwil •dJ.L•'. li ( Jo:,· ,•:t•..;;i :t.. l i•·.• l.) Tl11• •·ufun·•· nwul ••f IIll' I laud:-: uf l.'url'•'t' l inn u~ot:lil' :: t oru • J:;llilty uf c·•·•·l••.·d: 1 ~ 1 i•·:d •dT•·n:-: .. ~; r..r,,t·n• :tto rr or rwn :ll :1 c·tion Inward ~ \ l'hllt'l'h llll'lllhr·r·. 7. ( lt n:n:t ll C:u hnli•· C hll l't'h) S••lf. inllit·t··d au<l \'ti iH ••f:ll-y c· oqu•r: • ' tllll i~ h ­ llll'ltl; ~ p•·•·ili··:dl r. n IH'I dt••ntinl ~•·••11 ' 1!" · s 1·:··•·11'· l'li:t~l :t•:d . ) A "'·''" '''Ill of t·!-l~t · u t it\1 nth·s :l tHI tlulil'!.l; :t!-1 , 1!11• ltnnt :HI C ll h!lli ro. • •r ,.\ n~l ic · nn, di!<~t·ip!int•. HytHtll· \'llto4. ( tt'4trut·linn, ft·. ti rring, •·u llltr·,. , t ~nt• rt·• •tic m, c•IHI!'I·

'ti:-:c•tu ••nl, nllturt·. :-;f'll EIJl'(':\TlO!'\ ." l t would lu• m• ll fur I h·tst• conrot 'l'll l' : l wit II cli:--l'iplrw (nwl f'\'c•r.r h nd.r i:c llll'l't' ur l••-4-t l' :lll.'•'l'lll'd with i•), In r€':"lnl..:n t lu•d t·finiti nn!'l of " di ..·dp:inc·'', !ht· \'l'rb, n'4 J!in•n in tlll' J,j~ tli t·tion :n·it·!'l.

HOW ABOUT lHE RECORDER? \\'c.: nrc J,:t·nnincly pu1.zktl n\·e r lhc futur~ of thc Gu nm Ket·n nll•r. \\'h\.'11 it W:l!" :-.t:trtl'cl, we thnu..:ht it wnulcllill n Iongo felt w:mt : wc thought :1 11 hol:nul ns up·to·tln tl.' nr1tl prOJ.:fl'!'>!'>in· :1~ (;u am needed n news· pnpt· r: we thnuJ.:hl pcnplt" woulcl n:ul nml npprcciutc our dTnrt~. fl·chl l.• ns th C'~' h nn· hl·t·n. :'\'nw we !'O illC· ti111 c.:s wnnck·r if it wasu ' t :1 m h-t:tkc. Our fl' C' l.· ip t:-< :III li l' Xf'l'lhliturc.:!'> ju!'>t uloottt h:d :tnCt.' , so fin:rnci:tlly we arl· n 't wuHying- for the prc:M:nt. Hu t \\' <" wonclc:r if you n ·ally want a newspaper. \\' h:tt alHIUI it? 1ln ~· o u want :1 n11.:din m fo r !<·:truing tla• nt·ws of tiH· blatul, irs l1i s!M\' :tml 111\'lh!'>; do \ '0 \1 want :t 1m·dium for kar nitt J.! lol.'IIL·r ;~griculrur:tl ~ll l'­ thculs, hL·.,lrlt 11ntl !'>:t11i1 :1ry ll.' : lchin J.!· ~ :11111 the lil;c: cln \ 'O tl w :111t a fnrum fo r tli !-l' ll!'>-"'·iclll of puhlic Cjlll'H · ion:-. th nt nn· nf \'i ta I importunce to th e is bml ? O r clo THE OUAM RECORO[R IS ISSUED EVERY MONTH Subscription term s end Directions Tu l'uill•t l Si nk .. :11 11! P""l'!o!oit! ll ~.

Yt·nr, 1: i"<!lh''" $1.50, t•,. r Cu)ly 1.~ l'c: U\!4. ,.,, C'nnnl!n, fl111• \'1·.tr, -. ·. $..!.110 On•· \'t•llr, - • $2.00


1'11 Fun· i~n l'lllllllril·ll ,



n ll


Sul o!lnil ••·n

nHnol f.. ; , .c: o ltl o,

udtln·..,.... 1I you tlo not 1-:t' l your p:~Ju• r

rt'Jo{lllnrl y nr pro\IIIJitl}· notify UM,

umnl ...·n• if n·ttu,•,.h•t l in tinw.

\Vc ,;upply IIIIIIIUIIJ.:

pr e~ ,

you prefer ns readinJ: matt'!r onl)• the tinily nt\\'!'>? \\'e rc:a lly want to know th~ :u1 l'< wtr.

Coullilructirc criticism nmJ s U J:J.:'C~ tion:oo for impron.. mcnt arc alwo)'li welcomto. Uut regularly, a nd iu · cn·asingly of l:&te, we ha\'1: lwtl cnrping c rit ichm wi th no hclprul ideas, cheup wittici!->ms, and :o.UIJI.:rcilim;... snecrinJ.:". 'J'he Uu:tm H.cco rdtr is not th ..• htst p:q ll r in the world. or c\·en in the l'acilic, hut it'~ the hl·~ r \. nam lw s, :11ul we nre tryinJ:: to impro\'c it. \rc m·..·tl h elp thouJ,!'h. lnstc:ttl uf stu:erinJ.:", wh~· dou ' t )' P tl wri t c.: ror liS, Of t:\' e l\ tl'll liS of intCrt·:ootiltg h:q lpl·Hiii J,! .. . Pl·rlwps yo u c:111 writ~ ltt'th:r thnn Wl' c:111. \\'h y "' '' ~l· llcl lh an articll· anti pron: it. \'on r:m rl·l'ot U!'o!'>llfl·tl th:tt wh at ynn se nti in will he pu hli ..:lu.•tl j( it is ,.f J ~l·twr:tl intl·rl'~t. nn cl i!l not nfTcn ~ i\'C to our rt·:ttlu:-.. Of cou rst• we h:l\'1.:' S '~'·l'ral , ·alu:1ill"· h C"Iptrs - knk nn·r til l' 1•:1pl·r t·ac h.mnnth nnd note.: tlu· rc:)!ul:.r Cf'ttt r ilt:· tor:->. Hut we w ~n t mort help. \\"on't \'Otl r!n \ 'O IIr ! lf clp more :111cl criticize 1(.-:-!'. J(tl! C' l':t l;t:r j , not )lt.:'rh·c t,tla· fault li e!'> n ot nu:v wit It th t· ulitor :md pnhli s ln·r (\\'hn adm it s lh ti r £:.11il:ilityl , hut with yn11 who 1I C1 unt hl'lp . \\ · h~· n ot ("0111(' acros"'? Cin· :t . ltun .. t an cl a pu!'>h rather th a n a kn oc k . :\l itl n ·mt·u: ht:r :TillS ISX 'T TilE NE\\' \'ORK '!'DIES : 11' \\'ERE IT \I' Ol:J.DX' l' BE IN Gll.\M .


\'011 AREX'T TilE WORLD'S IIEST 1.1'1'ERAR \' CRITICS : - · IF \'0\1 \\'ERE . \'Ill' \\'0\JI.UX "I' BE 11\ GUAM .


Ill' ~! : -


MOTOR VEHICLES Guam Has 301 Motor VehiciPs, Listed As Follows: Prir:ttcl y nw n~:tl c:tr!'> .. Offidal' ' ncn · lic<:ttst: pnyi t!)! • • . . . i.i

Prh·:ttl'l)' owned c:1rs, liccn!'>e paying ..

. _.


Puhlic. Taxies• ---·--·--· - --· · -- ---- - - · · · - · · . IJ.J U til ity 1'ru cks, __ · · ·- - · .. - ·-- · •. . -- -· - - · · --- .H :\l otorcyc les "Officia l'' non -licen se paying- __ , . .. .~ Moto rcycles , Prh'att"ly 0 \\' llt:tl , liccn!'c pa yiuj.." _. !S In ncttl ititln to the :thn\'C thcTl~ arc the gm·ernmcut truck s n1tac h ec l to the \':lriou s units . Thcrt' arc about six ty miles of good roml s in (;uam. RENEWAlS. IIUit~c:riptlon

\\'hl·ll n• u,·win~o:

iM n

ulwa.nt s tall' thnt yu ur p 111r :ultln•M• ha ~ lk'l'/1 \\\· r,·c~iJtt you r snh·

rt'lll'Wdl , otu l i(

dtiiiiJ:t'd, ,_.;,.l' (nrnll'r ncklr"'so;.. 114•riptiun hy !ilnrting the: p:lpc r.

ERRORS. Wt' mnl.a• lbcni AOmc:timc::~.

fur l'Omp loi ut purl. <!in• " " c rl't1it 1ln•ss.

If you hu nplca!'C writl' u :~. \\'l• will du our for intention to tlt·al fai r1}'· ~\t.l ·




THE EUROPEAN CORN BORER (Pyrausta nubilalis Hubn.) By S. R. V1ndenbere. Associate Entomoloeist. U.S.D.A. ,'hi" i n~l ha" be-en pr~ut iu (~muu (or :a ~r:n·ut tmmbt r )'C'arJ~o but only in th t- lnr-1 fin· or ,.ix p.·ur:oo hi\~ it altraC'tctl mu ch l llt'nt ion hy tJ•c tlum u~t' it hu"' tlune. It wuro fir:-.t no tt'tl tloinJ.t con..itltrnlllt.· tlutu:•uc in 191M wlu.· n It utl uckt'll n o t unly corn Inn nl:-o the.· ..:raiu ~nrJ.thnm"'. Sinct: tlu.·u it ha,. n i M I hu.·n kmm 11 tu ntt nc.·k ricC", A~ nauC' h ns 50~ or tiu~· cor n rrop flu.; heen tlc:,.truyt'll h)• thi,. pt•:oot in tlu.· Jtll:ot h:w )' turro uml iu rcrtui n tli"t ricts, C"l't'cinll)· Uttlt'tlo, tht' lo:-,. \\illite: that mur h or I..O:.,.i1•1>· mort' thi,. )'t>nr . The uc1ult in"'rtt i"' u niJ,:ht Hyi u..: molh uutl tlu.•fl.•· run: i:r- tntcl)' M,.'Cm . 'fhc cJ~111H1..:t.' IO I he (' f OJI j, tiUIIt' h)' lht' wnru t" o r l•orcr' of tlh.... l' mnth:oo umlthcir work j., c>t .. il\• Jt~I.'I.' U lw the numl1cr o r holt.' in the rurn .. tuJk., fWtn whit'it prntn\lll·~ Q Ina'" uf NH\'tltt,t•llke mnteriu l \n·hl. t•tl tu..:t.·ther in n lu111p ufh· nt imt.·~ 11" l ure~.· u.. th1.• cntl ur )'u ur lhmnh. In ln·:wil y inft.·~ tcd fit.."ltl" th~.·rc mny lu.• from fin· to ten or u w re cnt r un ce ho lt..•lf. in I.'Ot' h rufly J.,!f0\\'11 corn p)unt t:'XII.•IUJiUJ: fr om the hrnt'c ruob up to th e hl,. .. cJ.


Character of the Injury \\'hen the eJOr~. which nrc upon the lt'a\'t':oo, hutch, thr )'OUUJ.:' borers fl't:tl ror n ~hnrt t illlc fll1 th~

tcruh:r ltuf ti"'""' liut MHJII miJ:rutt: to clifft·rcnt :· u rb J( tht.· t;, ..,. .... i~ jn:oot r4nlllin..: !'10111~ \\Ill ..:o thtr~ untl l.ort: tlirt'\~t)y into th ..·ta:o-M:I 2ttalk or f~tl upo n t he out,.illc lft)I.J<od l i,, in ruc:t u chuructc-ri:o·tk injury is cnu~ooctl hy th e ho rrr e-ut iu..: o ut the tlll'<,t:l "'tnlk w hich t.'IHIM'~ it tu Ln·nL: O\' et hut to rcmuin athlchrd. Ot h er or the I M irt:r~ will hc.:..:in tht"ir nltack ut \'Uriou~ points on tht: corn l'ot nlk mul etilllt...., t'\'cn in the mitlrih of thc Jcu\'Cl'o. Tht:)' u)l'oo dn con .. i•lcra h lc t lutn:t~l.' to 1he cur ... hy l.'illin~ the kcrncJ , nml tunuclin.: thrun.: h th~ f..'oh. Tht:~· ..::ain rnl r.mcc t u the c:ar lhrnu..:h the JooiJk, the l'<hanlc: , or tli rct'l l)· t h ruu.:h lhe hnf"k , 'l'h i:oo la .. t mctltocl u)...o uiiOWl'o t he t.•ntnnu.: .... or \'Uriou:~ kintl,. of moult).. IUHI 1mcteriul rub \\'hich often fini,Jt the jut, or tlt."-- trnctiun or the t.'ar unci in I"UIIIt.' ("Ol ..C"'<o tl u: entire t• lant. I n ruct the c.·. ntin.: p1.uu, wi th the c.:xccplion o r thco fi1Jt>f011l'o fOfJil'o, form .. nn o pen hou .. e rnr t hc:ooc \'OradoUl'o in:-eCil' 10 lh·c :1 ml .:row in ;m tl who uh ..·r the phull j,. alc-•ul Utili7(' it ~ootill , lb U hou-.c.o or prnll'Ciion in whit'h the)' nmy chunf,:t.' frnm the l:tn·:•l to the p npal ~ootns,:e :1111\ then rt"t sl.'c un.:l)' until n:mly to cmc:rJ,:c n~ n \d n ~ctl mot h.

or the phwl .

life History T he lift.• h l"tOr)' nr thi!i in,.ect hr.s not bet•n \\'or ked out u nder (;unm comlitions h ut in the colth:r count:i e~ where th e-rei"'. on ly one nop o f cor n there is usunll)' one nti\in s;:tncrntio n t.•nd • ye;ar, with n ra rt iul or cotn(llru.• ~ccontl gcntrntion if the .._'Towi n ~ Joot-a-.c'tn h11 lon..:tr th nn UM~:tl. Ul' Cl(tc~n h~p(""lt'fl". Jn C u am wht re th uf' i" two c rn p..., of corn :mel wh~re t he ttnweroture i!\ C'tl11:ah1e th e ye-:ar nrnnml there probahl)' a rc four or more J,trnt'r:uion8 en r h year.

•rhe f'-'m:•lc muth" lay tht'i r es:.:s i n a-ro ups of t S 1v lS on th~ "·'ulersicle-1\ of th e Ito.\· ~. th~ e-~a:s a re rathH t1nt :1ntJ "r'-' l nid ~ooo 11" to o\·e rJnp euC'h other In tlh· IHII IIIH:r ur II t il~ roor. Euch rcmuh: mot h lay:'i 011 1111 a\·croa.:c ur :\00 to ·WO eg.,:~ O\'tor a JICr iod of about U tl ay~. The I.'J:t:~ 11re nhont one tweuty· fi rah of un inch in tl i:uneter , are whi tt: when fr~hly Jnid, turn iu~: to u !h:ht yellow utul lhcn to ll clnrker ye llow ju .. l heforc lmtchinJ,:. 'fht")' hu tclt in from -4 to 10 '' "·' ... untJ the: nrw ly hotn borer i,. ulM>ut one·,.ixtecnth 111 n n inrh Inn.: ntHI lHI' n hl.lC'k head and p;;alc..: )'clluu hoth· wi lh l'ol'\'tr;" row.. o r hrowu )'> IIOtJoo on it" h:u k Uurin.: i tJOo 1 ~ri oal or J,:row11t , ~aiJcm JS d:ay:-. it mnuh .. nr ..,Jtcds it .. Jookin fi\·c: or :-ix tintt'", gnuhmlly l~on11ua.: 1l:arker iu color unlil full j.,'"rown wbt-n it j., clark hr~\\ n t\ l'o pre\·iun)loly stnh -cl Ihe newl y horn hortrl'o rcul rm u few du )'!i nc:ar w h crt.' they hatc hed and aht:r c1 n "'uminJ: tnous:h euer~y iu the form of foeti. lhc..~ mi.:ratc to tl ifTt:rc nt )Jilt I S o f the plnlll Wht'rc 1 ht•\ enter uml rom J,)c..· tt thei r s.:rowt h with in the pl:uu t iSMlt"S. 'J'he rull J,:rO W11 Jur\"R is nbou t one inch It I' J.; hy % inch thid.: uml h:l\'i n ~ h ~come full .:rm\ u 11 C'uU :t n~w ex it hole O\·t'r which it :oorlin.. n tlmr proh."Cti\'t' weh unc i 1hcn rc:t ir eJoo in it,. hnrrow tn tll1 mo.. t ~t-clu •l t'tl "IWll nnc.l ~pi n~ :tlxmt it .. eU n th111 CUC:0011 ill which il procet.t.Jl'o IO JIUJI::IIt' O r chanJ.:t' (TJ nl tlu: Jan·:•I fonu into the adult or ntot h ,.tas,:e. 1'Ju.. proc-e~!<t lnkl~ ollfl ut IS U:ty~ . ut the rnd o f whic.·h 11 to plib opt'll the cocoo nm:ak ts it"' way to tht txi t hoi" w here it hrc..·uks thruu.:h the :oilk t.n dc•c r ;~ntl Uth 'J.'" lb :t win..:ed mot h . 1'he J IU Jl:J j,. .. hntt le !'<oh.•t,.•l. hrnwn in cnlor . nud nbou t one-h a lf nn int'h lnu,.: The udult (<•mule moth has o robu st bod y uho ut um h uH indl lou~-: with II wine- cxp;m~e o r a 1itt1 ~ II\'\ I one int'h. h i:oo \':.&rinhle in color from n t•;•lr ycllnw to lh:ht h rown nrul the o ut er 1hinl o f :ttl four \\ itlf,.:" il'< cro:oo~ecl hy two tl11rk 7.i~o: :r.nJ.{ li ne"' with n p:• lccoll'a~l area hetween. •l'he m:tlc mot h j,;, dnrk er in c••l• 1f "'lit.:htl r !'lmaller. anc.l has a narrower hody tlmu tl'" f<·nt:tle. ~n

ufttr emtrJ:tncc the mothl'< m:llt' anti tftf' hegin to lny e~:s:~ wi thin a wet-lr: 111111 thcJ•rocess of o new life cycle ilf. bt.""J:Un n,.:ain. 1' milt t'\'e n fa\'orahl e: comli t lnn!'. the mo ths do not l i n• nwrr th ou three week~ 111111 tlu:r dore if co nd it iou .. of we-ntht'r o r climnte uriJOot tllnt are un fn\"oroble (ur lh' continuou s clt\'tlopm<·nt or thi ~ in ~et't. as fe r t x : lt'J'k r~mQ)e~

the cold we:uhtr of winter, the adults, e..:t.:"'· l'"l'tl' ond y oun,:: lnrYHe l~fif"h while the full trnwn l •unr~ ar~ ohlt to hi bern .1tv for n10nt h s ot u tun e in lhur

hu rrow :c in th e ho"'t plnnts, where tlley remain nnlll fo,·orable- " 't:\thcr rouu.>:e \\hen th ey g-o i nto pUI :.1ioa and m:tke t he rhans:e- to adult !IIi without ruum n.: 1bt. rh·k of c-xtinction .




SCHOOL NOTES · 0\'er 8e\'Cnh•cn tJullnnt wur•• rcnJi,.NI I•)' l nttjnrnn Hohool through thn ~nlc or cuprtL ln ML month. E:u·h

huy cttntrihutNl fi\'c coc·unulg uncll•clped cll·y 1111'111 . ThiKiK tho rt•cord crop or ull •chuul• thu• lnr. l\101. F rnm turz, hrr tc•ar lwr~~, nwl pupiltt hn\'t' n il luw u hi~hl y c:ocuplicurntf'fl fttr thr wntrr fcHc nnd pru~m111 Kivc u hy Su umy Schnul cm :u July H)25.

lh~ uniciUC! n tul ori~innl cha rftt•lf'r wun hi~h pmi:'r fror n nil who ullc•rulcd. Fm u ri:~co L ujnn nt Mc•rill) 1\tttl ~1 iJ,t tll'l S;tln..-t nt lluunj:w nrc• rumhttlin~ot fr<-r ni~ h L l'l t•hnoiMfur c ia~· twhuolpupil:4 whu w is l1 lu lll akt• ~n ·ntt· r :ulnUit•c•me•nt

l h 1111 pu:-.' ililc• t lmHIJ,:h

day sc•houl

'l'lu· ttm·c•rnur n111 l n p:erty f1f Auw rit•ntul wert• ~ llt•:o t!'l cc( lucnur nl n rc•Jwli!iu n c·f tl11' Jaal y pro~ru111 nt B nrl'iJ,tn•l~i :wl•u ul uu Wt•tl nl•J\t l ~ •y , ;; A u.:u~t. t 92.i . 1\ l t·~ . I.ieut in•·o u nd Yict · r~ tt· Ht'YI'I4 tuul lht•ir pupil~ pri'Jolt•ll lt•d an c•xt·t·llc·ut fJI'uJ.:rnlll . Jlln u~ nn• hl'inJt Jwrfc·r t•·cl tu iii!\IIJLUm lt• un r t·uut ..:-~L 011 " Cupm Cultun, ' ' , lw,.;in ning I Octu fH•r 1U25 iu nil uf th•• P uhl il· S•·ltuultt ur Gwuu . Urll'

huntln·d •lulll\1'14 in r>riY.t•,i will lu· tli:o'trilultt••lthrnugh

t lu• t·uu rt r~" ur till' Uun nl ('h n111lll•r nr ('unuu•·n·<·. ;fh t• hook, '*'W itnl iM tlu• runlh•r in (:unln " will h1•

wee• I R:o' n I•:U~i:ot (ur thc:u• t.•s.<~~!I)'K. Yontl School hutt u ~ ph• 1u li d lt•nk woutl pn•~t·n·c• ~nil





Hiu•lnii"C' lwcn c•cuupli ·

lllt'lllt•cl rur the W:l)' in which t hu n:•ti\'1' chiJtfrt•ll t'OIH inuully :OCJH:nk Eu~lish . Tho fnllowinp; pr••Kram wa~ p;h·c•n uL 1hn AM':\1 fH c·c·cl, l•'rhl 1y. Acc~cc <t I I, Icy 111111il• col thu ,;c•houl. All whu nt h•n•lt!tl rnjuyt• I el m rt•:llllrf'-. and rumpli· 111~ntrtl

Mr. Juaqu in


l ht• Priawipnl.

t. Stnr Rp:U1~Ir11 Bnnm·r


ll oo\'i'r tuu l Un ch• ~:un

3. Alplcnlu•t 4. llirtluluy fi. Tlll' ru \\. :1:1 n l.ittl•• liirl Cl. Little• Jnc·k ll urtcc·r 7. The• E:~rl y Flccu" 8. llmuariiiJ.: tilt• (o' lu~ot \) . Jo'uu l !"tuldit•l')( 10. A :;tn r II. II cede• Scucc'• Little• llclpl'rl J'' Ac l• l n·:~~ h,\' th•• l'riul'ipu l

I iou tli;cu1~rt f w~' AI to who thor all p:u'Cntll Wt'l't· wi llinK tu hn\ro lhis cluU or not. Tho cxplunat i ~,ll t u lw so VCI'Y conrltao t h l\ t all pru~nltt vot ..d fur 11u· crc:•a1iun or Much a cluU. Our purpOBC ntul ni111 iu huvi ug t h is cluh is t hai o( (08terinac: ecluca tiott, crca t inf.C nnd m niuta.iuinK HJiirit of gooll will am uua fH\n•ntH , lcrtchcrs &1111 chlldrcn. A~ n r~~u l t o f thi" cliscu~8 ion we nrc to hold a mrt•f iug ont·c e:u·h month nt our f'th oo l lmild i n~t. l\ t:pc-r- i:\1 Jlrogrnm wn~ pi\·C'n on Ju ly 31 , t9:!!i a l I ::JU p .m . t\ lnrge t·rowc l c f mot hrrs nnd rhil•ln•r1 rnrull't) tl\1' tUHiil' fl t 'r 1 nnd it WRIJ f'O iu lc•rf"~ting t hai wr· f'xldhih•cl ltJ;::tin nn A u~u"t 2. nl 7:00 pIll . hy lite· r t'I ) UC'l' l or t hr IIIO ihNI' ( cu· lhr rr\1 fl('n< IO !C'~. '1'1~ )lfUJ.!fR IU \Y :lS :\~ roiJn W.!t; I . A111f•rit·1a ·• ,\ \Vclc·m u~ SpC'l'C' h a. Plcnt\<' - - - · - ·-----·- - - .. · - ---- -- Pulitc· m·» ..J . GNiin~ ltr nJy Fur A \"is iL __ ___ ... D i:tl••a:u•· rc. Tho Boy Who Hccnnctnenclccl Jlincocll ___ , Nr.atm·-· 6. Flng Drill . __ ... -- - -- - ·- - - -- - -- - Putriuli' "'

to~N•n u•tl

i . J uan iln ••.• • . • . · - - --- -- -- -- - - - ---- SultJ: ~-

lluying I~K.i - - - - - - · --- _,; __ · --- --- DinJt,;:cu

f). Sptwbd a Ou.nct' 10 . Tc·n LiJt lr l ndinns 11 .

A tl<lrl'l'• Jt otnl' Sweet Home Tim CO·Opc mti o n um ong sa.rcoltl, trnche n;~ ii B•I t· hi ldren is :dwnyM con~i c l erc itu..l iHpenMnUlc• to "''' ltUCCt'S.'4 of th is kind o£ entc rpri..-ca 10 WC hopo it. M'ill net. tt.s n tt iuccUI h·c (actor in the est:\blishmcnt :ltttl :utd m ai utcu:uwc of u Literury Society 1\nll Sinl{it1.C Choir in thco PIChuol:i or G uam. Tlw pl:ml~ in ou r "cluml KJ. rdcnlll nrc t hrivi n~ w••ll pucl WI' t'XJK'cl tu pruclUC.'C J(UOtl r Cf\U(t. th i~ to~:U:oll .



Tyclin~r u

GUAM TEACHERS' ASSOCIATION Ramon M. Sablan Ahrr \':.a rinu~ intcrmi lh:nt prn(Hl!-UI:oi hr intt n,. h•· tl·nch cr:oo . thl· (~n n m Tcachcr:io' A:-~nrin tiou wn~ ff•llll


oJiy e~tuhli:-het.l a l a n1eetint: ht.•ld in A~amn. july 11 llJ.!5. g, flcr clue a pltrOnal or the pro po:-td Con:-tilutic•a

On tlco d~ h t h ol J uly, Hl25, Mi•• Mnri~ ltivNil " ' t\lt rd iuvutl a~ tc•ru·lu•r hv M i~o~Jt MRria. 11. UntBinn. ThiJ for111er ru ~i Jtruu l tu lit•lp hor \ nts f\t thrir rnnr h; '''r I\ II cxtcn· l uur lw1it wia 1c" thut she 111:\Y tnjny A pru!-41lt'ruus nntl lm1•11Y li rn. llt i•• Jlt nl"in II. Untnlncc with hrr untiri nJ< t•lfort• mruln n rric•n•t1r C!l\11 al I ht• h omr•111 or the p!\rcntM of th i" cli~o~t ri nt. unc invilf"tlth('m tn cnrnc to 'tho,.chool· hnu><• nn Friclny, 17 July, Itt I :30 p. m., lor the purfUlotf" ur urp;n nh:illll' ll cluiJ whieh i~ known 8!4 th~ l'1\rt•n' - T t•twltt•r!4 Cl•tlt or A!4AN. All mulhen. nr thi1t ch,.trit:t. :\lt.(•lltlc.l ~~~~ mt\c·~in~ . T \w fir"l 'l'u•s ·

nn<1 Uy-I.a ws. ~rlu: nim:- untl purpo :-cl' o f this orJ,:"unizuticn :1 rt h• crea te nntl fo:-lt!r the !Opiri l of clluco.tion, to p rm it!• for mton~ of dt\'t:lopi n~ 1he te~chc ~ or the J:..)J ilJ thronJ;!h soci;al interc-ourse n m1 impt O\'C:Ult nb. :mel I" pro\'iliC for m ean~o~ or ~u itn hJt:- entertuinmenl!4 (N 11:1 purpo:-e or de,·elopi ng morn I, v h ys ic31, UIHI in h:lh:ct ual cult u re. The officcn ~lcct~ for the: fir:.t adminit.tralinu rrr. ~o~i~ted of ~l r K:uuo n M. S:tblnn. l,re:-idtnl , Atr ... Jtr mctli0!4 Perez. \" ice-l•rc:siden t , ~1r . Anton io J. Cnu 1'r,:a!4urcr , :uul ~lr . Simon Snnche:t., Sc.'crc usry .



A ~trnngf'r p::u:t~f'clme·ttuel.-niel ~urnr thiuJt iu Frt•tll'h whil'11 I ruuh l 11111 cmuprrlu· rul. J I he•u Rpnlw in " \VIII) i~ (.iu\'cruor1" ''Gnvnruur!" lu• c.•x·

J •:n~~:li•d1

•·luiuu·•l u()r do y·u u tnrnn l'rcl'i• lcnt'!' ' II•• we•ut uiT with" ~ rn ilt•l-.r1 hil'l (:u•e• thr re•:L"4111l I e•n•e l It,\' u f,ti i;IU'r ul m y p:t ul,c 't\'hie·h \\'N'(' l'IU " lluly tlltl.l till'}' uu~l11 l u ~· · tu t•lmn·h", Uli' 'A'a ..oc tht• ,.:n~·i n~:.

I irn tuin•d nhnut tu)'•ntl-4 u nci ,;i,.ct••rl4 nllfl funnel tlant t lu·~· h :u iiH•t•n kill t·el inn""'' '''' ' '' t•nrl lu t Uilku. Sn ,.,.,., n•tw•ut inN tny l'lur ruw I lh·c·el in Guam fur tier rr:'t uf 111 ~· lifP. Alf re'~l \\'in:mn Rru\\' 11, jr


By Joaquin Guerrero. The J'I UCI'l!:\1<1 n r fnilurc uf nny nup ele•rwntl" upun tl w kitul uf 14C~• I ))llllll t•ll . ,\.;: liku lwJ.:t!h~ lik(•, "I.HIII t•oru, ~l'"tJ tnktm (rutu Jwalt l1y Jti:Uitr' J)ftHJUt'l'l!l U IZ'IHM ( c•rup untlc r ftn ·uruiJil' \'fllltlit iult:l, whih· JMtur l"'t'HI cll'\'t•lulof'l n J)ltur t•rua, ' '''' '" H J,tin~ u l"''tM·r ullt•ulit •lt 1U11I ~truwn tlt nl..r JlHHt l t•ut Hiitiun~. Hut huw cull K'" 'd \'ttfll ~•·•·•I l10• u ltllli!ll'tl'! T hrt<e• IIICIIItlil t' !l rt• l:l'lll •l ully ill\·uJntl. ~'ir11t . fh•ltl :4t•lt·t.:t iou; l'il'l'•nhl, t•Hf l<lt•lt•t•ti un : nml I hinl, .cmin ~o~t•h•t·liu n . Tlu• tir:'l flliuotit·t· i~ lty rnr tht· ht"JOt nntl IIH"'t i tn J)r.trl nnt ill t ill• iluprc +\'t'IIH' III uf lhf" ('U fll NUJl. 1'hilt i" ltt·Pl cl.uu• IH·furt• hn·:.kiuJt u\'t•r tht• t~fn l k-4 hy J(niuJC thruuJ.:h l ht• li•·ltl :u uJ s,•lc•· tlnJ:: flnrh 1•l nut~ tl utl nrc· fr,.l' fr.,m cli,.t·n~• ·· \'i..:nrou~ 1111t l hl'nrinJC 11"1·1:4' wcll · lillt•tl e•1u~ tlutt nrt• uul ' "" hh::h h n ut tlw Jt: fUHO tl. J.niH•J tiU'fll' Jlllllll:<t 11tUJ hur\'1'1"1 lltt'IH "'t'j'nm\1") ,\' rrn m Ow ft':oll ..r lh t• Cfll f). Thf',('('llllt l m.-•lhttd t•un .. i~tiJ' of l"t'lt•rtiuJ.t tlu~ ' "'"'' rnrl'l nftt·r tht• nc•p l ut~ IM't•n hnf\'f'Mit•tl withnu t nuy rt•J! nr•l o r t iH'f'f+UIIi lit+IJ II , tim mn th r r Jllnut~o~. Tlliro+ '-• n tli,:lu h·nu lnJ.!t• lu thnt tht•l"at,_. miU"hii iU\'1' ht•t•ll ftnlll \ 'tor,)' 1;~)1 Jll t·Ullt•f plrt nl ,t whit•h nrr wl'll I':<J.,•:<~t>t lln wintl:'. 1'1w t hin l nwtiHHI ic J,t+' IH' rnll)' rulluwt•ll h.\' l)lt' fltflnt•f,. or (iunm nml j,. JH:•rfurnw•l nht•r th•~ t•:lf-" lw\'t• ltot•t•n ,. )...11••1 1.y ft•lr·•·t· in~ t llf• lwl'll IIIII) J nrl!t'~l ~rnln!' irrt •,:fM't'l in• n r 1111' I'UIItiiiJun 11f till' 1'11 1'11- 11 1111 pJunl ~ rr11111 wJtidt l)w k£>r nr•l" t•:u m• frum . \\'hi lt· tl tiJll nll'llu wl i~ l>\•ttro r thtt11 uu ~tt•lr•e·tinn ntull it ill ~l nw 111111 n•ry uurt•rlnill iu tlw lutflru\·rnwnt ''' t hl" rrup . Purn !lt'f'tl tu ht• itlt• nl mu:<~l )Jl' wr·ll ru l:trtt•tl In tlw l'lt'U l'l-~•n ntul !'nil ct•IHii!iuu!'l tdll'r" it i~ tu lt1• plnuh1tl: IIIU:Il.. l•u ttruwn un pru: lu,·tlnl Jlln t t l ~ of 11 JUtliiUt·th•t• \'ltrlch'; n1ul 111\lli l he Wl'll IUt'llun••l lllltl prt•:ft'r\'f"tl frn•n ri swuiu~ lim'' t ill plnn li nt: ti ntu iu n "'"·' ' tlmt wi11 rt'lnin ito~ full \'it:ur, ll ndfiJ,t tlw nlttl\'(' f:tl'lil in Ill inti clot.'ll il rny tlu-n tu "U\'t! J.CI Httlt~nrn ~~oc•t•t l frmn well rll'lt!<'lt:'tl Jllnn t ~'! Tlw wurk uf the J.~x puinwnt ~tnt inn tluri nR th<' pnl'll yt•:t rto: ,o~ltowt•tl tlm t t ltu yil•lll c·uuld Itt' nhut•:-l cluul•l•·tl hy t•lnntinJ;t unly w\•11 :ott•IC'C I('•I ft'ttl nml ,::h·inl( tht• Jll ntu~ ht•ltu c•uhh•n\ io n . Aflt•r tlu• k..r nl'l" lw•c·unu· hnnl. ~nt lw r the rorn nncl tlry il in tl u~ ttnn. 'fill' \'il ul ity uf tht• !lt•c•d il" ofh•u iluJ'tli rt•ll hy lc•cwi n~ it In" JIIH'k Clf i ll 11 pile· ( !If f'\'('1) " tl l\y nftt·r t~ntlwring. Uuriu~r \'fRrlll \\t'rtllh' r with ilumo mni!~.l u ro in t he ~ll~:~ rtml krrtt('l)l, tltt• t·n rs lu·nt

nr mild ew in R remnrknhly e:hort time. The be,.t 1\l.)S:d hi L• trt'utment immf'tliat ely afte r gntlu~ri ng ia t.y ei the r tying the "an and hanging lht•m in an opcu flllu:.·d or by tthellin g tht" en.rl' nnd dr1ing the Mt"NI Jlf(IJlerly. A prupuly tlritd rntn Hc>cl "' ht' u 11tored iu nu ui r·lhtht. f"ontu intr will k t.'t'JI for ft long lime nn•l lt<:";ilicn t he t:hnnt'f'li' for •· •~viis h i nlhwk tit~ ftttod . AI the Jo;xpc ri mcnt Stntion W('ll·tlrictl t:urn !lf't"tl hn:4 brt•u . c torf'tl in lu')l..tlc:4 (thf' cnrk slwulcl bo pui>the•l tletl\'l t i n tU tf10 11eck (I( & bolt Jp to lc~\·~ ft llp nt•e n r At J..•A PI uu~·fou rth inch altO\'t• which i.-Iii ltd • ·ith \'oconut oil nr t1ouw .-:i milnr ncntc r inl) for h\'rJ' ' "" )'tllltl' Anti nl the CUI) Of lhn t timt" Wluon the t't•ed WA ll t'XnntinecJ IIIII 11 "lnl(l u k••rtwl wn:o: tlnmn~cd IJy WN' \'il,t , St•rtl :Otnrt'1l in UJ>t• n rtt•t•pl ncl"li wi ll lif•ter iornh• nr.'· ruph1l,\' l"!'Cf'H.' t inll.'· in Uun1u wlwrt• tht- l'limntr b• nry l u un itl n nd ir nul drictl uu l i n tlu• •un ohf'n r·nc ·u~ lt lu t•:<pl'l thro W("t'\'illf, th•· :-'f'f'tl mi~tl t t he c•ntirc·ly tit•· 1" \ruyt••l. ~·urn larJ!'' IHtlllllu t uf ~crc l it j,: ltt·~t tu ,,..,. ll lt'tal tnn~~ flfU\'itl('tl wi t h n ln rgi' or•rnin~. Th i:t OJlf'ni n~ i:<~ ,-urruun clt•tl h)' IW11 t•ouc·t·ntrit· rullnu lt·JH' · i ug n. l"fl:U't' uf nltttn l tlllt• hwh witlt. Afh•r thl' ''"~ ! hnl'l ltt•rtJ lllured, lill tid:~ !"f):trt> wit h oil. ~t'l't l it hc~t tm•.~:t.•n·t•tl J,y putt ink n t~nmll n lllt llllll ur cnlduru dth•ritll' llf rt·~u l nr IJUfll l liuw ul ,,,,. I+Ottum uf the Ft."l'tl contniurr. Tlw:-r mnl!·riltlPt uh!>'c •rh mui!ollure whic h i~ nne uf the caU!-{'ll' 11f l't'{>tl tlt•lt•riurn· l ion . \\'lum the 11ect.l iP~ nllndwtllly u-t•t•\'i l,r, it. ntn.\" he frcetl hy fu111 h.::ati nu it wi Lh c•nrlwm ltiFuiJIIIitlt• :tl the rule ur one J)(tllml fur l'\'t•ry 1000 cubit" fcl•t of ni r tiJ IIh't~ inc:h•~<ecl .

The mntrrinl is ltt•t-t n1Jplir•1 h)·

JH:tn ri ng tl1c rCcJUi rt•t.l uwoun t into n t~mnll \'t')l!'el \\ hi•·h ito~ th,.n plrt<'etl on top (I( tilt' fl.('f' tl iut~icl .. theC"nutninf"r. A~ Llll! $:1\... u( thil'l clwmirul il'l hrn,·itr thnn air , it. n·i11 l'f'ncl• th e lluu orn o f the tnnk . E:'ttc·n~imt Cin•ulur ~o. a. cn till t'tl "C'urn C:ro"·h'J! in (;unm" ifi~UNl hy thf" OU:'i lll Agriru l:urnl Ex1wri· mcn t. St11tinn. trt·nti4 uf nil pllll!lt•!l of cor n llti•WiUJ!, uml Jllnnt f'MI intt'rcP:tfcl in JlfocluC"i ng tnflr~ nml ltt•llt•r cu rn. will lind mn rf' tlt•lnilr-cl intttnw tinnt' t •ll ti ll' ~~ot•lcdiuu nntl tt'~tir.~ uf tlt•t•tl curu in tlii" pu hlit·nt ic 11 , whic•h cnn he 11htni ncd trnlit, \1111111 npplicntiun lut lw Jo;xpcriule nt r-- tntillll.

"M;\~ w:mt:- htH little ht'rc hclow." He- wnnt .. ' hi!<! mr:tl)oi conla-d ju:-1 ri~:h t , and comp<lt\:tl uf the p articulur thill).:S he likt:s to cut. He wanb hi:4 clot hes kl'l'' in perfect o rdt'T, and the hut· ton~ :.t!'Wctl on. He wants to J{CI up when he ~eb ready, nml t h('n he want~ to swc~r ht-cau~e he mi~:-t'd h b u:-ual cur . lie wom:-o to he ..:rouch}' wht•n h~ coml· ~ home untlu ot h:we it mt"ntioncd. Hc w:ut l:to le:l\' t: hi:-~ C'ftnt nlltl hnt Pnd ~hot~ ju!'>t \\her"· he h:l l'*l*"~ to take th em off wht'n he comb in lit: wanb h is :o.1ippi-r:. ri~ht in a certain v1:1ce when· ht' c~m find them wi thout t'fTort . He wnut:o: to 1•ut the u:ola::4 fro m hi:' ci~nr in t he mn!ot co11\'t'll i,· tH plllet' while he ~mokes. He wants to \' nw n nm1 J:O In l"d when hi~ wife wa nts him to .:o oui wit h her nuclnu•h a call. lle want!'! c\·eryt hinJ: just os be want~ it :mel ht want!' no lolk abou t it.-ll'llrhi"t''" Htrnltl.


"DRINK MORE SODA WATER" That was a wise idea from a health and economical point of view to advocate drinking more Soda Water

Butler's Better Beverages Are always pure and wholesome. The bottles are thoroughly cleansed The sodas are always uniform. Our courteous and painstaking service have brought us the "cream of the trade" and we are bound to satisfy you~ Butler's Better Beverages are sparkling and delicious. They have that pleasing tang so much demanded in soda water. Phone your orders direct to us .

•r A

ei,utler~ -

P H ONE 7 11




TYPHOID PROPHYLAXIS lt.·Comdr. J. G. Zieater, (M. C.) U. S. Navy l>u rin.c t he ta~t fe w Wt.~k,.. M>t llcthinJ.: hus hccn go iu..: o n ut t h e Nuvnl Jl uspitu l t h ut j,.. o f ~nmt i nt~rc.·l't tu

ntHI ft'Sicll•nt!l- in t :uam. 'fhil'> tluu thl" clnctor li ur c ,..y,.t ....mutil-ullr \ ' PC·

u11 tlu: in hnh ltants

~omt'lhi tt.t: i ~~o


dnntittJ.: wit h trph o icl t•ropb)·lu<.t iC' t he: t·n l in : pop uln· tion of till' il'lntul , whn hun.· not IK't'n pn: dnu~oly pru· h ."t'h •tl n-.:u i n~t t ht' llun..:l·r of t'HIIt rnc.·tin~ t y phu itl fc.·\'cr .

" Pruphyln~:t lc" j ,.. 11 hi7,111Hl fu nny luuk in_..: wurcl, lu!t lth.'ll ll' to pn: \'t·nt , uucl , u" n tm ·tlt t.'il l tctm , 11 lll l'llll" to '' J•rl' \'l'lll u r J•Tc •h ·ct nJ,:n iu:oot tli .. t·;t l'>t.' •• 'l'hn t ~ c.·rm .. l ' :tU"l ' tli' t' ll"l' il' tH I l nnJ:l' r tl h.pnh•tl It\'


II II,YlM itl)' U( i ll h:ll i J.:l'llt'l' , (~l'f llll'> llf\' 1\Ut \'j~j JtJt• I O ti ll' unu itll•tley e , l.ut wheu we n:-e n t nicro,.C'fll'l.' to l' :OC:lltll · inc: t he m , tJu:)·l ·:m !Je llll' l' U u:- pl .. inly n:-. W"-' onl in uri h · t'IW W\' n ('fl)Uit ) ' u f :Ui h•, JII u l h l·r wur d :-.. J:, eriii :O un • YC'ry u::ll t hin.:~ n ntlnut , in :any !11\' 11:-"-· · c n ·a tnf\·:- tt( t h"· i1tutJ,:i nat iun. ~J'hi .. nrt ic lt• i:- nnt n ..t u th • i n·rio· lu.a:y- th"-'l'llhl y u f J:"enu .. - hu t it m iJ,:ht ·he nf inh·rc!"l t n k n nw how tl uctor~ n •. t-.c tll ou t tha t "-' "·nu i n J.: "-' fl ll :oo prntlnn· p ar tit·n ltt r tli M·n:-t·:-. 'f o prun.• t l mt u c"·rta in

pn uht t'C:lll n part k u lnr t l i't'll~'"-' · th at J.:t:rlll 11111:-.t ulwnr:o h"· fun n •l in t ht: ltltH•tl ur l" ltly t iJO. .. tu'l' , , ( n i•cr ,.un l'> llfTt·ri n..: \\'ith I h ut tli"t':lM' , \\'h"·n ~n (nmu1, nml. if iuJ"-'I.'h 'tl int o t h~ hotly nr nnut ht·r ht·:tllh \' ;Jt·r~flll o r unim:tl, it 11111:-.t cu u:c.C' uh\ n)'t- t he u.• tli,.to '"'"'• unc1, in t urn . 111tl!ol he round i n t h e Llootl o r hotl y til'.:-U~' f lll

!IIO i n f~:ctet1. :&J td , whl'u :-o fo n nc1. it r· m~t he itlcnti c:tl in :tPI• :111•l o th er au r i hu tes wi th th e o riJ..:illltl ~c nu , t ht·n it c uu I.e.· ,;u itl to cnu:.e t he fti :oeil it.' . I n th i:oo ma nn ct it h n:-1 h t'l'n tl cfinitt·l~' 11r O\'l'll t hat t yphuicl fc\"l.'r i:o ca n:-ctl hy n j.!'NIIt whic h is C!llh:cl the lmci llns n r ty plwhl ft·\·~r. l>iffcrf'nt du:oo!'o t..,. of J:t•rut:o hun • t1i fft·rt.·nt ,.hil Jit'" nrul n ha"·i llu~ i:o A lq)C o f J:t.'r&ll I hat look~ li ke u liuh~ rut! when l"een mute r o m icro-.copc.•. 1' he tr phohl J,: e rm ,:: r O\\'"' hc=:-1 i n t h e i n l c-:-.t in e o f fl~r ..uns l'>11 ffer in..:: wi th h l•hni cl fevtr uml is throw n off In ~o:n·:&l n umhcrl'i in \he cli .. ch nr~o:"-'~' from llu.· l ln w~1 :- nf .. u r h pnti"-· tH:-. J n ttl a ny ra :-n. e \·tn uh u u pnt it•ttl rt•t.·n,·<·r:o £ru mu n ult nd : of th is ctil't' IH·t' h"· r r n· t lnttt.•!ll t o p:''"' t h e t ~· phoi tl J.:t•rtn in his ~t oo l:~ . ~nch (ll'ro;,u n i- rnllc.•tl n " c.•n r r it·r " nf t y pho itl· £t.•\'t.~ r nncl is R Jlrt•:tt mt•n :u•c In :t comuum il )' )Jt•c:m:-c.• it i.e u n t ah \':tYJl 1'1 \l ' J'l'C h •tl I h ut h~ is tht• l':111!'-C n £ t he d il'o(":l-e . 1' h e h n .. t•itnl tries to tll'lt.'t" t M tc.-lt cnrr it.•r s hr muk in)l n cardul l':<:uuin nt iou of 1111 h ·phoi•l· fen ·r p~t il'11hi he·

n ( t11l• l•t·r so n

rorr th r ir cli:-charJ:C' rrnm

l rt.·n tmt..• ut.

H nl1 the hmt~l~~ in Uu:un w t re fi tt<'d w ith nt od ern to il"-•1 (nril i l i"-·~ the tiii Uj.!t.'f ( rC\nt U gen era l Sp rea d 0 £ t y p h oitl UIU OIIJ: t he Jlc.'11plt• \\'0\tltl ) It: ~Ji).:hl , \Ht t w i th the 111t"lhncl of M~\\' :15-:C.' cti.. t WI:-n l n n w in Uf t" tlte mt nncc of co nl:lm innt iu n i!4 nh\'11) .. presen t , Lecuu ,.:e tl1e J lf O· h1cm of •li:-JtO!on l is l:u J,:d\' a n imlh ·i•lmtl o ne. fre· tiUt<n tlr h :m tlletl hy mc.·re l'l; iltl r (.'n ; nml ther~ nre niWU\'S M) ll1 t" pc.•ople in o C'ununu n it)· whn nre uum iml h tl of tln·ir T\'!o iiOUllli hll ity uutl who ftre canlr~" i n t h e cii .. JIO"'iti o n or tht.."ir :o t"\\';l..:t•. A ll'IO Ml l o UR Alii OJlCil c o utnl n t"r l'i nr c us('cl th t.•rt· if\ nlwnys t hC' prol mh il il )' tlun hou ~c · Oicl'> will cnrry .:erms fro m o n e plure to

an o ther . Orten too , people o re li ubl c to dit>VO~ uf St"WU).:"C 011 the WOtenbed 0 £ 0 r t !lef\'Oir- thnt it•• IJII 1;11111 wh ic h is drain ed by syst t ms . finollr empt y iu-.: into n r~en·oi r-nntl in su c h c nse the re iii alway s t ht· 1 •o~~i hi l i l)' of u wicle ~rrc-nd epitltm ic o f t y f'hoic.l·ftnr: IH.·c:au ..t· nnrt- t h~ fYJ•hoid s:trm lll s;:tt in t h e w nttr uf th e r e .. cn ·n ir t he)' n 1uhip lr nml orr c:u rriu l t o u ll l ht· hollll.'lll "'"l'l'lit.·tl h y lli iiCh r~en·o i r. 1' ht" htuhh c fli da ll'> urc C'Htt~t utlll)• o n t:ll:trtl (ur ,..u c.·h • po"sibi lity , un t1 , to fnre:-tul l it , the wntc: r fro m t\'t r,\' rc.·!'\t.r\'Oir ... lt•l'ol l'l l eac h wee k rnr tht: Prl'P.,l.' IH' l' Cl( CIII II IH ' f Cl US J.:UII I". und i£ they ore round, th t: pul•lir i:'\ urdend tn 114til t ht· wa tl.'r hdore tl!oiUJ: it ro r :Ill)' IJ\l fJ IO!'tc . llo i liu~ wi ll kill th e \y p ho id ~-:~ rut , h u t i r i:-1 n willltf th in.a: tu try tu p r e\' t.'hl "-' nnt:uniunt iru uf t ilt: w :a t u in tllc rir· l l'h•rt-, ht.c.m :ot: 111nny ti m e!> flt"r.I'IC \\ h u nrt· t hi rl't~· \\ ill tl riul:: t h t \\'ntt.• r hr fo re it is ho ilu l r\·en thouJ.:h t ht·\ k n u w it t o ~~~ r o nt nmina ted . A ~o:rt n t clt11l mon· rnnld ht: .. nicl a1ltnu t th e J O!>:olltl l it i"·s unci prcn:ntinn o f ,JiH ·U" l', ltut t hi ~ i!ll uu 11\t"ll· =• (rc:at i:-e on ~:uli tutinn t han it i " on hac t~r iolnJ.:~' · T ilt• ruct is t h n t rl~o:h t nn\\' no rnal irnl r hnnJ,:t: i n th e.' pH·· ~rut mtthn•l of 't:\\'ll~e cl il'lpn,.n l is cu n tt'lll p hlht l , ~~~ the doct or~ nrt' com ~lled to mukc thei r ollnck • 11 t)' p hoid (e \'rt in a not h er h iPH II er : uml r h illl nw 1~ ntr j .. t he protectio n o f th e imlh·itl uul pt• nu hy \·ncdnnti• 11

with typhoi<ltornphylnrtir. \\' h en t he ty phoicl·J:e rm entt: r:- t he hml~· i n l' llfli ci c n t n umi H.:rs t o ca•.rsc t y p h oic1· £t \'e r th e Moctl ,,, t h ut per:.o n so iu £ect cd Hhl nl •CJUt to tu iUHt£nt"l 111t" ccrtni n ~ubstnuc:~s w h ich h n\'e the jHl\\'t r to tlhtffl.\' the h:tdHi nncl tu O\'e rc ontt· thl' poi:- on or tox in wh it II t he J:t'TI11S art COII:ot nntly throwiltJ!' off. N> in tht• hotly o £ t"\'CfY t y p hoi d · (c\'t'f put it-111 tfn•re is W3J:Ctl "' h:ttt le IK"tween the im·atlinR: ft'rC~ of t he l~· ph(Jitl ~~:erm:- a mi the opJ H•:-iug su h:-tnuct.•, in the Th i:- hntt lc t hou~h u n,'n , is lll' \'t>rl ht" lo:":oo c1ui1e tt :•l nml on its outcnmc cl epem1" thto lire o f the ,..._, it·ul )( t h e J.rt•rm?l nll nck w it h u n m ·t:n\'h l·hu i n.: (r. rt'l' • f

uum iM.-'fl'l t he o ppo:'\iii J.: !\Uh~ t.aii Cl'l'> in t lw hlllml lift' U\'t.' f C'OIIH.• I K• (o rl' thc.•y h:l\"e 0 clt:t iiCl' to fi J: Ill , muft l!t' pn t ie n t di t·s A~o:n i;1 , tht:-"-' p roh ·C't h •t· !lltl h~ t:. I ICI .. 111 t h t· hlnod tl oc tor:- c:ll l t h em n n ti hc dit lll mt· in tla· 1: .t tu r c o £ u rt.• \'ef~C fo rce ami H'i!Uirt• time fo r 11u it mohilh::u inn untl t"l lll ip me n l , :on : h a t the.· i n \·:Kii •· ~ fnf<'l..' o ( ty J•hoitJ }:\'f ill S Ill :&)' ~~C U rt..' U llllr:ttq ,:ic- : u ) \':•11 taJ.C t bt: (o re t h l' rl.'a l h att ie u gni n :- t t hem ~ ~~in :-. . In SUCh ('II!>C:o> th e (nte o ( t he p at ien t j~ in U hahtll('t.' , :1., it w ere , a nd t h e ultim ate rc:-ult. i:- \ 'iclo r)' nn d lift· nr t1efent nncl clf oth . oml is .rrc11tl\' in flu t•m·c- d I•\· t h~· car~ n n ct nn r~in J: th ~ p.ati e"ut n ·cc.:in ,_. Th" u toO. 1hc re:,tn·e JlfOt cctin · fo redo in th e lllc r.d m ny he f!ft.' "tiU in num hr r:o: h u t n o t prop er ly ec iUiJIJ!c?d h rtau st tht· bJootl has hecn mndc poo r by fi..:: hl in..: huttlt":'> \\ it h nt h~ r en emie:-, l'> IICh o:o-t ht h et•k · wor m . I h e nl'c nril'or wit h the g c.-nn or t nherculo!o<i~ J-0 tlu\1 it 11 0 to n,.:t·r (':Ill p ro\' itle nmmun i1iu n £o r n hollllt.• RJ.:ui n:oot the lypltnitl )!erms . ~nch cn~es, t oo. nrt p r nn t to c1 ie nml lliUC"h tlc upo n the nur:oinJ.:" n n cl c nrt t hey rt."<'t i \'e .


194 DEATHS Ju111•, IH!!!i. 1 ~,

20, ~1 .


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:,0, :tu,•liun Tuituuu"lu ~tuH'hfiX Jnnu l.t•• ul th ll'rrt•ru Mt'Mll Aut uuitt lti''"'" l;lllmulH. Jww llurjn ('uiii '''IW'itlfl ~fnmH·I Unre•iunl'l ltulwrtu Fnull'i>~e•u .\ l••ue liulll fluzmau Ht•nu ••liul'l M nlljn u Ju,ct• 1\~uuu (l uinu ll\ ltu 1111111l tlu l riarh • :-\Kulu•• l.w·r.-.·j,, ~luu it':l Atla ~1 amilmriiUI ~lllr in Cru x l\4u jn

July, 1!1:!!"•. I, Fram·i~•·u l'IJUrlnuru.l'4 Tnitnuu 1, Jt•:illl" ~l••nt liulu Buxl\ :!, 1' 11titli)( Cruz Cintlllllll H, ,Junn ~l llllll ~· ·• lt•• l ntc IU, An r\ ~n ulina:o lluiluttn II, A.:u•·•lu l.••nu CiuPrr••ru lrlurtl" }) , .Jnliun ll:d t:tll lll l>llt'IIIHI l :l, l.uurt lt·:ot t:. ll iu 1. 1...,, .fuun Atlu~n· · T11rrt• IIi,

.l lllhlll i ll Al.lllllll .\utll'r~uu

111, l!l,

.11'"'\1:<1 1\c•n!"I C• ~:Ill



('r111. S kulul4

~(ll: ·~~r~ ~~i~: ~~:~', i(l~:: :,',''~ ~ ::,:~~~~:·:' 1


Jut'lt' t:fiiJ. ~:urrn•m

2:2, Antonio Cruz S~thlan 22. Paulimt CriROfltOnltl Uurju 22. J unn ~lnnRinno Tnltaoou 2a, AILerto F. Romern :!-l,

Ju:\n Cnnlltch o J."ejuanf(


CatalinA Aa:unln Cr h•ol'itonlfl


ThomltM t•ayne

" NOTICE" \ Vc tlcsirc to thank nur numy fricrul~t, throu~~:h II••· cohuoons of the " HECOHDEH", lor thrir kind • •·ooo· JUUhy nmt corulolrnt·c, tlu ri ntt the IH•rrllven\rnr t hru11gh whit·h wt• hu\'f' jllr'l pn.. l't•cl, wh~n uur li t I ~· clnu~ h h•r Jmw, WllA cu ll1•cl frum lhiH Iif~ tu th•• r••nlm, c)( c•t t-rn nl Ll i~~ on AIIKU I'II ht . 1925.

Air. nuol Mrs.('. ll. 1\irk(lalric·k.

NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS Owinst to t he limilctl fncilitie" fur 1•rinting, - .<\d· \'erti~ertl ore informtd thnt muk lnJ.: chnna,:tM in t hl'ir od\·ertisementM after the I.Sth. of the month of i t-!\Ur, cause\ considerable incom·enitnct •. And delay~ geuinJ! the p01per out on time.


THE BANK Of GUAM ESUBLISHED 1916. Capital Surplus Deposils

$ 15,000.00

The Jo:,,uilul.l•• Trn11l Compnuy, N'tw \'ork Well• Fnr~u Ilk . •~ l ' uiuu Tru•t Co., Vr.uwillt'U,

The llnnkool lln wnii. l.t<l .. ll unululu; T . U. l nlctlltll ittl lnl IJHnkiltK CurJ•urntlun, ~~""""· r . I. l nt~rnnt!.tunl llntakill k Corpurnllou, Yukulmmn, Jupnn, Nctlur)n lllll'l t' lt t' ll ntult•l ~1tmiHI' h ntfJIIJ, Hltanjllutl, Chlun, 1'1o•ol urh1110l"·l"' ll unolol Moooot.c•looop1ol) , IIHIIJ.(kun.r, Chinn. CMhlnr'.- llr1\f1 ,.. l~l'ltll'cl tn tii'Jlllllltuu frtte of chnrgo 1111 lu $:11KI.(JO In vnlue. Mnn•)' tnl••g rurlwtl ln nil pn;t'.- c•( t1 w wnrld. I •c•rr~onlll n111l Cutull14'rt'l"l l.t•UeB n f Crmllt. AnH'rit'l\11 Unukcr11 A~e11oci aliun Tr''''l·l~r•' ClH"'Itlt'"• We niTer K""'"l hnnkinR fncillti .. n«lOA14AtY in the Lr:tnt'nclion of puhlie bu8in~<ll8.






Correspondent & nk• ~ll11

Hospitality. Tho my house i,. ama.ll, my heart

A ol•epinR ohrlmp I• <arri<u awoy l•y the curr•·oot. A lazy dog doea not geL f'\'en 1Mmt>M.

Work put oiT endo in

~othina .

H e who ia alwara prepa r ing to tin "UIIItlhiua.

doeM tt.nyth ing.


Mtril The qunli ly olrold io known by rulol•iooK il &l(oo ioo•l aton r.

Modesty. lie who lo loiKh ouiTor. n Kr<•nl fall. The lly ro•tl ooa ooo tlo• loou•k col a coarahao, ("''" louiTnlo) tloluko II Ia tnll••r lloo•• t he ca ral•an,

Perseverance. A th ing I• neo1r, tho fnr, It yuu wnnt It, Ifyou wnnl,.gatt, put u p with the cacklln1of tht htll I r you nre nfrnid uJ •••ery doR bark, )'UU .. moourr reach your tleslinAlion.

Shrewdness. It you want lo fool, pretont 1o be a fool.

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