License Defense Lawyers | Marcarian Law Firm

If you are facing a California Board of Pharmacy license investigation, accusation or pharmacist criminal charge, you need an experienced and respected Pharmacist License Defense Lawyer asearlyaspossibleinthe process. Investigations, disciplinary actions and criminal mattersriskyourlicense,reputationandcareer. We understand the investment required to secure a pharmacy, pharmacist or pharmacist technician license and everything that is at stake. This is why we use all our experienceandresourcestovigorouslyprotectyouandyour license.
California Board of Pharmacy License Defense

Marcarian Law Firm, P.C., our experienced pharmacy license defense attorney represents individuals, pharmacies and companies licensed and regulated by the California State Board of Pharmacy, the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA), the Food and Drug Administration(FDA). , Marc L. McCulloch, and Kristina Markarian are respected professional license lawyers with over 35 years’ experience handling thousands of healthcare license defense, criminal defense, DEA, pharmacistDUIandFederalcrimecases.Theyarehighly qualified in the complex intersection of administrative

Pharmacistlicensedefenseisthelegalpracticeofdefendinga BoardofPharmacylicenseat6stagesindisciplinaryactions: The 6 stages of Pharmacist License Defense Pharmacist complaint or criminal charge, License investigation and interview, Formal Accusation, Administrative Hearing, Appeal, and Reinstatement and penalty relief.

Experienced Pharmacist Lawyers Our California pharmacist license defense attorney specializes in defending all Board of Pharmacy licensees. Pharmacist and Pharmacy licenses are subject to strict Pharmacy Laws and regulations. If you need legal help, call 818-995-8787 to speakwithalawyer.

Contact Us Contact Us 21650 W Oxnard Street, Suite 1980, Woodland Hills, CA, 91367 818-995-8787, 800-924-3784 socialmedia@marcarianlaw. com www.marcarianlaw.c om
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