Be unto yourselves. Be own reliance.
Hold to the truth within yourselves as only lamp.
words always but other of teaching its philosophers? the destroyed by lack knowledge; rejected knowledge thee.
If the which, I have shown, leads seems difficult, nevertheless be must be difficult seldom for salvation could great labour, possible should neglected almost by everybody? all things are difficult
ihuman of therefore are entirely need Let our attainment other domination. passions preservation. these other the are these in
need to which they attempt the particularly monotheism belongs which totemism and worship of idols tianity
must one further. nature these the to understanding strivings. We individual to
number of character dealt similarly, and it shown also direct outcomes of basic orientations such traits character temperament. a number of others conventionally as traits would found to be not character traits our but temperament or mere behavior traits. The difference in the theory proposed from the basis is types organization specific relatedness world. relates things, himself).
lattet: "open" determined. from own some live alone and unrelated defense, play, upbringing of and it for them, group.
plete isolation is unbearable and incompatible with sanity. can himself others various ways: hate, compete or cooperate; he can build social system equality liberty or oppression; but related fashion and the particular form relatedness is expressive of his character.
These orientations, by which the individual relates him- \ \ world, defined in \ human
socialization. energy significant determined life precarious, deliberate On more conscious if followed deliberate in occur functioning. According learns semiautomatic habits and terms of conditioned to certain extent, deeply rooted habits and a person and resistant structure: they are expressive been canalized in structure. The character system considered substitute for the instinctive apparatus mal. Once a way, "true character." particular <:haracter undesirable ethically, but at least it permits to act consistently be relieved of make a deliberate time. arrange his which create degree and situation. character
the basis for his adjustment society. The character of its and their methods the strucis "psychic himself family later him He want what shares most . that share significant speak "social character structure shows degree to which character is formed by social and cultural patterns. social character character which another culture. These to of personalities the psychic and material, envi·
ronment in which But due to constitutional each larly of temperament. Genetically, of individual character the life individual and culture, on temperament and Environment same for two people, for difference them experience environment in a more or less different habits of action develop as result of individual's cultural and are person changed patterns. other rooted it changeable fundamental character
In the orientations differentiated orientation. noted that "ideal-types," tions of given individual. while, didactic purposes, they are treated here the any given person usually or some of these orientations in which one, dominant. Finally, want state here tion of nonproductive orientations only aspects presented, while their aspects in part chapter.
wishes with picture diagram description of that marketing, the character Freud others. becomes in the discussion hoarding
I possible in order to obtain higher price than its rivals. The highest the feel worthlessness. might
This the acquired emphasizes
his relationship with the motion picture stars is different. true he contact them see them again, and receive pictures. time when despised
CHARACTER works stars function world successful his because of norms himself the on his beyond his control. is worthless. insecurity overestimated. constituted by changing constant iven severe and market and
IBut the problem esteem entity, of the mature feeling of identity from the experience of himself the one with powers;
expressed as meaning Imarketing orientation man encounters commodities alienated from him. because
realization process sucprocess selling and what they create estranged, from himself, something others his feeling identity is constituted by the sum total of roles one can play: "I am as me."
expressed in Gynt: Peer tries to finds is like - one layer after the other can be off and no be found. Since man live doubting his identity, he in the marketing orientation, find the himself his him His prestige, known others as being the genuine feeling utterly dependent way him keep up the role which had and powers separated from deed, self constituted by the price
The way one experiences others is not experiences oneself.9 Others like oneself; do their part. difference a quantitative difference or less successful, attractive, hence valuable. This process is from happens commodities market. painting and pair shoes can pressed reduced their exchange value, relationship to to others will Chapter
considered ends equality become very negation condition means extinction characteristic conjunctive with with "in-difference" is what characterizes modern others.
conditions necessarily When individual people themselves related. are \ concerned with that which is unique and "peculiar" in each the market a Everybody is the the same success; conditions the (or do). Everyone knows how the others
the same boat: alone afraid quarter is given or expected The superficial character many to hope that they can depth and feeling in individual love. But for one person for one's neighbor are indivisible; any given ) relationships more intense expression latedness prevalent in that culture. is illusion the loneliness in marketing can cured by love Thinking feeling determined by marketing orientation. Thinking of grasping things quickly be them successfully. Furthered widespread education, this leads a high of of 10 For manipulative purposes, to is the surface things, The to be uncovered by penetrating phenomena, becomes obsolete concept in preof "absolute" maintained reference to empirical the sense attained man's his observaopen revisions. tests atkind thinking; much for and the capacity mental adaptation situation; "mental adjustment tests" would be the adequate name for themY
10 The between intelligence be discussed later on, pp. 96
Schachtel, Begriff Diagnosis Persoen'Personality [On Diagnosis PerZeitschrift, tiler Sozialforschung (Jahrgang pp. 597-6 2 4.
virtue, for right living, for happiness, has degenerated into · used market on. type system. learning mainly supposed time interest in the subjects but enhanced main incentive
We tremendous enthusiasm for knowland but contemptuous attitude toward thinking is concerned which no exchange Although I have presented nonproductive orientations, that belongs exploitative, and
common: each form relatedness dominant in is and him. will be these orientations necessarily have negative described farP) marketing however, develop something which is tentially the person (unless make absurd assertion that "nothing" the human equipment); very that and permanent kind J latedness developed, the very changeability attitudes the quality orientation. In this orientation, those qualities developed which best sold. particular predominant, but emptiness which quickly the desired quality. quality, be l the sense of the word; the pretense of a quality, to be readily one desirable. Thus, instance, respectability is sometimes desirable. The salesmen in certain branches of business ought impress public qualities of soberness, and respectability genuine businessman Now man instills he looks as these qualities; on the market ability what kind behind role nobody's concern. He himself is not interested in his honesty, but for the market. orientation emI'tiness the could be to persistent might conflict
12 Pp. 112 ff
most members of culture social class represent poweremotional operation of which must know understand the functioning society. In view current on culture pershould state relationship between the individual understood simply
and interaction the to and principle, the totality to societies exploit firmly group to situation, providers, give by the that activity concerned, attitude practice that responsible, himself and that he has to use his own initiative if he wants to "get However, while the receptive discouraged, The and which has been discussed in the foregoing pages, leads to the feeling of helplessness, which the tiveness in modern man. appears particularly the "expert" public opinion. who done,
CHARACTER swallow happiness, by subtle grotesque advertising While every-rich-quick" schemes do daydream of the effortless connection with the shifting, the fountain pen removing cap rannent. The "pariah" and "adventure" capitalists, to use Max the whose was pursued power
Ten That 1946),
operated eighteenth centuries competitjve conditions nurtured own naked authoritarian attempted natural human much country any were inThey right of might and rationalized by pointing nature which makes the stronger
exploitative orientation in nineteenth The type interacquisition economic sound principles preservation acquired. symbol protection orienta great deal protected they by relatively the nineteenth century, constituted manageable world. ethics, with work evidence of goodness, feeling security and give meaning religious sense of fulfillment. combination stable possessions, stable ethic members of the middle class feeling belonging, confidence, and pride marketing orientation come out eighteenth or nineteenth centuries; definitely . product. is only recently that the package, the
brand name as commodities. weight
anxiety,.whether chronic, changeable, and consequently spontaneous impulses within himself.15
But authoritarian character also to dominate fact, masochistic are always present, they strength their repression respectively. (See authoritarian character Escape Freedom, pp. ff.)
submissive find anonymous patterns does
spontaneity own source.
most powerful of activity irraThe r masochism, envy, jealousy, greed
activity necessarily leading practical attitude, with mode reaction and the world and in process living. man's character, not his Productiveness man's realization of the potentialities e PQwers.J3ut
16 An interesting incomplete productive Max posthumously work, Productive (New & the of productiveness Bergson, and Brentano's Husserl's psychic in analysis of artistic production Medizinische Anthropologie Hi works, ever, the problem is not treated relation to character.
CHARACTER this capacity however, results the productive his powers impotence. With surface phenomena With of love he separates person power imagination can thus create relatedness to the world exert power over Domination is coupled Domination springs an individual own he powers experienced in actuality in the of things photoreproductive perception ); generatively by conceiving it, by enlivening and creating this the spontaneous one's own emotional powers. certain extent react both weight of experience differs widely. Sometimes either one atrophied, study of these extreme
reproductive generative approach the generative capacity person able things they (or culture maintains but his perception Such person perfect "realist," who sees all there is be seen of the surface features of phenomena who quite incapable penetrating below surface the sential, and what not the details but trees forest. Reality him sum total of what has already materialized. This not but his a calculating imagination, of which are known existence, future operation.
On the other hand, the person capacity perceive is insane. builds an inner of reality seems to full confidence; his the common reality perceived unreal him. person objects in entirely product of he he interprets events his without to, without knowledgment of, what goes on in reality. A paranoid per· believe being persecuted, indicate plan humiliate and that of more obvious manifestation of such intention does not prove although may appear harmless
face, For inner The sees cally and son only are with reality socially. as being. functioning, his its depth more than manipshort-range aims are very opposite of inand insanity is prois capable
latingj1Lmself I'erceivin iL is it enriched powers. two capacities atrophied, sic; 150tnc apacrties though their respective weights differ. presence reproductive and generative capacities precondition productiveness; they opposite poles whose interaction is productiveness statethat productiveness is not both capacities it some· from interaction.
described the which While material 1" the himself.
one particular step in continuum conception All poles birth bringing potentially
flute player, a sculptor, or any artist, the good is thought reside the specific distinguishes from others makes them what are, resides the which from species him
AND into heart. is is
We shall be there fare?
We deeds You undone; Strangled Spoiled At Day
ourselves to inquiry into the productive orientation . productiveness appears studying the concrete the general.
and Thinking
characterized the fact that man is world; not seek for which
I need, but only one in which he, as a unique entity, remains one own powers unfold being of human simultaneously for closeness of (New York: Inc ) Act V, Scene VI.
his object by getting into active relation with it. His powe break the which him person and to comprehend Although are only different comprehending and neither without different of emotion of hence discussed separately.
The concept productive different is frequently called love. There is which ambiguous confusing "love to denote feeling and comprises from cream love for from the intense feeling if "fallen They love, possessiveness too. They nothing easier to love,
concept the synthesis and ways concept "detached attachment" Paths (New Harper 1942), one that Morris' frame reference temperament that
finding object, happiness right partner. contrary thinking, is very specific every human has capacity realization of the most difficult achievements _ love ctiveness and may therefore, "productive love." essence whether mother's child, our or individuals. is also the same with regard to love for others and love for Although intensity may productive knowledge. love overcom of care and responadmirably described to go Nineveh be unless away his people Nineveh He man without However, attempt himself in the a symbolizing the state of isolation imprisonment lack upon him, preaches inhabitants very
Chapter IV, Se1fuhness, Self-Love, and Self-Interest
99 was afraid happens. The of Nineveh their sins, their and forgives them decides not to destroy Jonah intensely angry disappointed; he "justice" done, not last finds some by shade a tree God made to grow for him to protect him sun, when God makes the tree wilt Jonah is and complains God. God answers: "Thou had pity on the gourd the which thou has labored madest it grow; which came up in a night, and perished in a night. And should I not spare Nineveh, that great that between also much cattle?" I understood symbolically. God love is "labor" grow," and loves that for which one labors, I I which one loves. story of Jonah implies cannot be divorced responsibility. does responsible brothers. like ask, keeper?" Responsibility duty upon from but is my response feel concern. y have the same respondere "to answer"; respond.
love most most readily instance productive very is responsibility. During the the "labors" for the birth love effort to make Motherly love
CHARACTER which unconditional, mother's symbol Hebrew term love rechem womb. connection care believed to while actually beginning and only opportunity for the achievement of that the mysterious two without desires mysterious has makes question \ that own capacity to love. care responsible physical existence but his human powers.
27 Compare Aristotle on love: "But friendship seems to consist rather III delight have children them, love be content, and their not transla·
with being passive, being person's and
for growth of universalistic
Western religions the progressive
love not become common perience. looked an which, love for an individual abstract concept to be realized only in future. I for man cannot be separated from the for vidual. To person productively means J his human to representing mankind. one individual, in divorced from man, refer to superficial to the necessity remains While may for man differs motherly inasmuch child helpless and men not, it that even difference exists only in relative All are need and one Human solidarity is the necessary condition folding anyone individual.
Care and responsibility constituent elements without respect for and knowledge the deteriorates into domination possessiveness. R<;:spect is not fear awe; denotes, accordance the root of the word (respicere = to look at), the ability person to aware and To a person without him; responsibility they guided by the knowledge indi-
reaches to the essence of things and processes. While reason divorced aims presently is a immediate function to undergrasp, to relate oneself to things comprehending penetrates surface of things in order
and ; dimensions, with ith the perand proceed specific
was deeply affected by the inescapable fate of observation for thinking which in theory life the ways of man's salvation. tainly not the possible one modern situation react by starting
To be objective is possible only we respect the things observe; if uniqueness their essentially nection inasmuch I able nature; this t;,hought, constitutes human
Another of thinking abcJUt j seein the aspect the properly understand point element in processes," he writes, get understandmg, start. certain focused; does structural the meaning, the grouping, etc., of
Directed by what for region, which verification, or indirect. Two directions involved: getting a whole consistent picture, what the whole the Objectivity not object but als o aware particular constellation in which one finds oneself observer related object of observation. thinking, determined by the of and the nature of the subject who relates himself to his object of thinking. This tion objectivity, contrast in is controlled thus prejudice, wishful tasy. not, often of objectivity, synonymous interest and care How veiling things their causes interest that is a task? How could by to mean detachment, to and !lons: does not the observer, his interests, tend to distort his thinking for the arriving results? not condition scientific inquiry? interest condition recognizing
Wertheimer, Productive Thinking p
faculty contradicts the idea that is lazy by nature and Moses might lazy, doing was activity they seems few obsessed by the idea of He incapable This however, compulsive are toms of the disturbance of man's proper functioning. In individual we often work symptom; in called person, the enjoy repose. activity
Mannheim's this Utopia Harcourt, Company, 1936).
opposite laziness both productiveness. crippling productive tivity overactivity Hunger ditions of productive activity contrary, freedom, economic security, organization of society in which work be meaningful of faculties are factors the expression of man's natural tendency to productive activity characterized by the and repose Productive work, love, and thought are possible ) if person when
himself. To listen the ability to listen to others; is the for
beginning chapter, the process two relatedness the outside assimilation . While former been discussed detail chapter/o the latter been dealt length in Escape Freedom therefore here only summary
We differentiate between following kinds interpersonal relatedness: symbiotic relatedness, withd destructiveness, symbiotic relatedness is related but never independence; avoids
30 Including love, which was treated together with all other manifesta tions nature
either " as one's for forms be culSomeimpulses and pleasureful (the masochistic perversion); often the so parts striving freedom swallow form appears oYerprotectiveness, domination, etc with sadism. sadistic drive go back to the impulse over another "swallow" less
Complete less of The dominated person perceived be used and exploited, as end in himself. more this more cruel often masquerades While the powerful, successful, with all his that his object become free independent and thus to
pervaded docFreud's fixed the "primary develtoward "object-relationrenarcisit
Before we start the discussion of the psychological aspect selfishness self love, logical love for others and for should stressed. is a human being, be myself since human
argument erally, follows: others, ourselves feelings and attitudes toward ourselves, far contradictory, conjunctive. With problem means: love alternatives. the attitude themselves will found who capable loving others. Love, principle, divisible as far as the connection between "objects" concerned. Genuine is productiveness implies respect, knowledge. an sense affected but for happiness loved capacity
To love is expression of one's love, and somebody is the actualization and with It romantic that the could great chance of one's life to find that
redeemthemselves. himnot in relaHe removed his symptoms but one of them; in fact often the most important paralyzed pervaded centeredness unselfishness of corrected. unselfishness in its effect others .and "unselfish" believes her perience means it The does correspond show the they loved; disapproval Usually, they hidden hostility against life, which they sense rather than imbued
ceed discuss the of selt-interest, which has be-
the interest of man is to preserve his existence, which is the as realizing inherent potentialities. concept -interest is inasmuch not conceived in terms subjective one's interest what ob· Ethics,
jectively. development being. needs order and himself self basis In interest
meaning become gains, with commandment. was the Self-interest mined by the nature of man notion could quished by represented interest self-interest.
modern concept contradictory concepts: on the one hand, and on the other, that of the progressive thinkers Spinoza. Calvin Luther must suppress self interest an instrument God's purposes. ers, on the contrary, taught that an means
happiness and enjoyment are no longer the real aims of life. But expressed pressed taught the ...lbe ciplestually ceives human himself best interest the an intrinsic reference to he individual not the beginning of individual was with in depend
eightnarconstituted of I influence meaning desire to commodity. himself, seller
commodity divorced
interested in James this care for, enough to make My body object, instinctively may interesting with of these either :and so, thousand ways, primitive sphere egoistic may change boundaries. meaning word Whatever -Principles Psychology York: 1896), 319, 324. James what me simply draw and certain we feel about Our hands, dear bodies and the of attacked however, Self sum·total his body, and hiS psychic powers, but his clothes and his house, his wife and children, his ancestors and friends, his reputation and works, his land and horses and yacht and bank account. All these things give him the prosper, dwindle cast degree the
29 Pirandello in his plays has expressed self·doubt resulting from it.
particularly reaction of conscience conscience from with sense the religious rooted self self." Scheler expression rational not thought. are still left motivation on may some more shall distinguish between conscience, differentiation line of distinction thoritarian and humanistic ethics.
The is inter· nalized parents, the state, or who·
authorities as relationships external, ethical sanction, conscience; conduct merely of punishment hope the of authorities, what doing, their and Often an a guilt springing really but fear speaking, people do guilty formahowever, parents, public consciously accepted legislators sanctions internalizing sanctions become were, responsible oneself, conscience. more conduct ities; for, while one can can escape oneself authority has thoritarian is the Super-Ego; shall form \ conscience or,. possibly, is reward, internalized, The of similarity is the fact that the prescriptions
science is always colored by man's need to admire, to have of these early
is the qualities; more of conconviction derived strength for, pleasing conscience (authoriand to, inauthority worsestatethe begreater of feels that he is participating in the authority's strength. His feeling a t to into a
33 author· ity is to be found in my discussion of the subject Autori taet und Familie, ed. by 1\1. Horkheimer (Paris:
punishment rejection. accepted
is the consciousness pleasing the (external and interconscience, now guilty that authority
or are situ,\1:ion. revirtue. sureward, authority its power superiority and the tabu authority explanacommands and may never right If reasons it subject at fact to proof recognizing reprohibitions. of the against able become, authority, the unqualified superiority sin and as the God; for simultaneously expelled a4 created the part fact Judaeo developed, representatives.
who created. the tion, creation authority. are consequently, used purposes. of authority creature cease become
ceased striving create productiveness
However, powers transcending assertion his were punished race to chained given man the secret of fire, symbolizing productiveness. the power strength man and Calvin sinful pride; criminal individualism. Man tried the of ctiveness by ing them the best of crop or of
Ithe to addition by on of exer· against that guilt, his
atone "own authoritarian restrength, productivethe conscience powerand this unmistakable terms. To be aware of one's oneself, the sinfulness and signs of having conscience virtue because conscience "fear and the result (authoritarian) becomes the basis for a "good" conscience, while the good con-
should have to of internalization has have just where authority; the other, takes
analysis of the Super Ego, Freud has given a description of which amply by observers. assumes, aggression found later, that destructiveness against destructive strivings are disguise virtue. Psychoanathe obsessional character, destructiveness conscience enables to act against oneself. Freud concorrectness Nietzsche's thesis turns man's instincts "backman himself. Enmity, in surprises, change, the turning instincts against their possessors: 'bad conscience.'
Genealogy Morals, II, 16.
of authoritarian and Freedom limit authori· parent· refer· are
accustomed to think of authoritarian attitudes as being . authoritarian, underestimates especially contemporary interview authoritarian parental revealed finds criticizing their parents at their parents in some respects, with regard to those qualities from; guilty pertinent rage often considerable even incidents ticism. 38
Cf. anonymous Escape Chap. p.
38 F. Kafka's letter to his father, in which he tried to explain to him why he had always been afraid of him is a classic document
Cf. York:
paterfamilias, family property, ern father, children brought world to and them disappointments own widespread. attitude has expression Creon's speech on in "Antigone":
"So son, back your father's quarrel. pray rear dutiful requite and friend father. gets unservicea1:t1e-what could he troubles himself, enemies" 39
Even in our nonauthoritarian culture, it happens that want children "serviceable"; for the life. If cessful, the children attain success
The Complete Greek Drama, ed. by W. Random 1938).
vicarious (particu· larly are life, they and dominating with these doing enough
One di&· appointing the feeling their children character.
his goal of freedom. The burden is so heavy because he has parents, appeals, to correct
Not only do guilt feelings result from one's dependence \the tends Thus will is to arouse his sense of guilt. This is done early by making
having hardly have and the he does net eat what he is supposed to - he is bad. At the age
being bossed (nor parents cannot fight back ence. He coaxed persuaded \ common and cooperation fight against -such objective principles?
Once of child guilt in another his and defeat, He accept puzzling {lut trying to explain it. The
sists in the failure to in satisfactory with the this the and and this conflict Freud neurosis; opinion, brought the the child's reaction to the which in itself is an intrinsic
social authority
spontaneity, independence, the born fights against the authority by fights his freedom pressure, his freedom be human an automaton. For the battle for freedom will be more successful than for others, only succeed left from defeat fight against irrational authorare found They form the important are weakening or paralysis of and
substitution dulled of by term, The for onein atsuban
disbeing What can E.er_ a _ and
functioning scientia indicates) knowledge within oneself, knowledge of our refailure the realm of abstract thought. is reaction our the reaction our mind.
selves, to live productively, to develop fully and harmoniously become guardian integrity; one's due say 40 tion potentialities of, of science called loving } ourselves.
conscience represents not only the expression selves; it contains also our moral life. preserve knowledge of and principles to attain principles we ourselves those learned and which man's cO"llScience or Heidegger's 60, a.s., 1927.
adjustment." is and, is concomitant becoming how are discouraged, conscience; integrity functioning to food against one's conscience.
lconscience people Indeed, precariousness loudly from very guardian to entirely become and destructiveness. relation ness is one interaction. the stronger conscience, furthers one's productiveness. lives, weaker becomes situation of man he it most. answer the question conscience is refusal
important our ignorance listen. People often are under
selves. exposed the noise and from everywhere: tures, chatter. we had tentionally from ever listening selves, better.
Listening to oneself is difficult because another that alone with oneselLln developed being alone; even the to ourselves; the ourselves. because would company? fear with feeling embarrassment, sometimes at person known strange; we are afraid and run away. We thus miss the listening ourselves, and we conscience.
Listening and indistinct difficult because does indirectly and because we are
anx· ap· neglected or such having feels But be· rationalizations, and the ex· of This haying having the which we which, the nightmarish dread of "being too old." Frequently we can analytic when waning their This
not account. have learned structure ani· mals, insects. when am made more ninety shall hundred marvelous when
reason an himself has himself. only of guilt feeling. It that off against hearing the voice of one state which is Here him in the receptive ence, which many value judgments insights. casion in which cannot silence his conscience; but the tragedy of it is that when we do speak that, forget serve Hokusai
position equivalent destruction; guilty for pleasing authorities, while unconsciously he feels not living expectations himself. for instance, musician instead to father's He business, his vent to his disappointment at the
this point in the dream he, the dreamer, is suddenly seized impulse dream about that his scious guilt feeling is genuine 'Iexpression authoritarian the bulk of his feeling of guilt was completely The not difficult the this repression; guilty one's to neglecting the becoming would emancipate and seriously oscillating the father attempts satisfy between conscience which, identical, motivation
stated this idea with regard to the development of the his historical the in conscience has of humanistic of mankind assumption. upon and development humanistic suppressed. Man, outside responsible the the leader, Even most havior in the humanistic sense can be experienced as authoritarian feeling "ought both, factor because worst as man. illustration interrelation humanistic Kafka's
ternal The expresses the of guilt of man by guilty them; yond cannot cuse defend this would point Calvin's saved understanding to himself theological viewpoint implied vin's concept which treme of authoritarian point authorities The from Calvin's Instead they corrupt dirty. belliousness toward these authorities. He feels crushed by feels guilty, and he any moral principle. This \ characteristic many people submit and rebel against authorities and . authority, their conscience.
HIMSELF reaction has stopped emptiness describes lives:
That spring K had been pass whenever he he short colleagues, to where until eleven he sat at a table patronized mostly by there routine, Manager highly and drive villa. a morning received
K knowing why. He away himself, with from others, when understanding of his feelings development productiveness could asks arrests him kinds about chances trial. only given in situation. The inspector answers: "However, if I cannot your least Think about instead Muir
On the prison give account pity solve priest another all is with or priest shrieks It an voluntary startled of K. fell top With flicker window there and insubstantial height, leaned abruptly far still farther. Who was it? A
penetrated? He raised his hands and spread out all his
For mankind, the friendship
humanistic and authoritarian conscience is not that the the speech potentialities,
43 Ibid., pp. 28 7-8.
five forphilosophical individual beginsystem differare limitations being of particular socioeconomic, situation in among all growth of and Happiness not the delight in the contrary, able restrain
Authoritarian ethics has the advantage of simplicity; its or bad authority's man's virtue. Humanistic difficulty which already man the values pain becomes final
For we see that some find pleasure in getting drunk, in others in a the alike? to interests of others, it is hardly adequate as a guiding principle for
unsatisfactory inasmuch into the pleasure was research offers sugancient humanistic understanding application theory a some
most happiHedonism principle normatively. Aristippus, believed pain be to This the merit individual's significance and on a concrete concept of pleasure, making with was obvious mentioned, were that subjectivistic principle. revise introcriteria was who, pleasure being the aim of life, states in good, not all pleasures some cause annoyances pleasure according him, be to wisely, "True" consists serenity of is only prudence foresight is gratifii cation for the sake permanent satisfaction. tries to that the life consistent with temperance, justice, friendship. the
44 Cf. H. Marcuse, "Zur Kritik SoziaIior·
wholesome or sweet or bitter to sick people, or ascribe that 45 to objectively
45 Aristotle, Ethics, 1173·, 21 ff.
Aristotle, are ; realizing exsuI of and active span· means i acperfects joined admit and happiness human to of man he activity.47 which subjective the pleasure aspects, Aristotle's; He, living and not indication antipleasure maintain. furthered more empirical definition based his anthropological concept of joy is to that of potency (power). "Joy is man's greater man's less or 15-30. and III.
Pleasure man's not of happiness dynamic concept of Nietzsche, to name only some important built theories the thought-that is motive action of productive activity.
of most the pleasure starting point
pleasure-pain proposes that stimulating him individually therefore indispensable "Pains the organism, conducive welfare." to kept alive the disagreeable." experience, not terms the element an objective aspect, namely, physical mental welfare. Spencer admits present many cases
49 Ibid., Prop.
'1 Ibid., pp. 79,
60 Spencer, Ethics Appleton Co., 1902), Vol.
eximperadjustment of humanity to the social state, will go recognition of beand painfulacbelieve effect guilty exception appear of "rerequirements activities van the end, Spencer experiof (3) can criterion Aristotle, man"; by Spencer, soci,:Jl ethics 183.
ytic insight into the of
The masochistic phenomena, however, are only a parinstance unconscious growth. of
180 confirms to man's neurotic cravings The masochistic pleasure from satisfaction the money pleasure Whether or on two person opposing his irrational strivings; and the degree to which pleasure. unconscious the just with unhappy he desires, his number external
concept happiness unhappiness
increase productiveness; unhappiness
sonality thenan person, headaches expressions being that happiness amination processes body. Likewise, unhappy. perhaps,
Pseudo-pain sorrow therefore only
about enuine <:!motional -_.
The analysis of the qualitative difference between the type pleasure thought painful ten to obtain only any more, implies
psychologically; the becvme it of A type of plea quality tension. of irrational psychic needs. He can have intense hunger which
passions is also caused by the relief from psychic tension as of productiveness and the resulting powerlessness and fear passionate satisfy change remain. since
balreindeed, nature fulfillrein a only
t mitigation of need, an indication of pathopro. of contradistinction physioirrathan order introabundance. the the deinsecurity and anxiety, which compel him to hate, to envy, or to subproductiveness. of
Qucfivelless, and abundance and therefore between satisfaction and haping it be called joy.57
has been analyzed in G, den Freiheit point clear hardly Suffice hunger present.
between is conBut appeand sexually tension, constiis expression of with is as between Nonproductive kind relationship hereother pro..,;J- closest
tiff.g.rt, .1ha of l2.roductive
spending "burns the in often Physical
spare price experigrief and experi. irrational briefly pleasaccompanies accomplishment any of
The word "pleasure," without qualification, be appropriate from started character life is pleasure
living." Happiness greatest achievement; productive nature that pleasure-were easier maintain goodness. joy the man, development productiveness.
The problem means in obsessive problem
connected also future proximate, If is
We can make good of illustration for the relationship pleasure his Principles
may point who the is
bookkeeping havdecisions he because symbolic doubts Bookhas solitaire another a another. independthey and exists outstanding ilmeans independent in it, of the fact. more themselves order enjoyable the to make still more money, and the end-the enjoyment of life is in to have of
danger of ideologically the to justify see consequences actually even if it is still retained logically.
Spencer's the pleasurable activities sociological the problem. connection with his view that the pleasexperience biological making activities to pleasant, and thereby attractive, he that "remoulding of human fitness must make pleasurable, it displeasurable with re·
Exupery, excellent scription very pattern. Hitchcock,
quirements." consistent with activity which continued, every move Spencer significant mechanisms form as make to fulfill society members, activities which harmful but useful the funcparticular slaves enjoy very made that furthering ters is the understanding particular and terms for been irrational pleasure from welfare, such satisfaction I Just because Spencer is right in proposing that every socially useful become assuming that therefore such their
62 Principles of Ethics, Vol. I, p.
63 Ibid., p.
uncovering contradicimposed one objectively strove and its future, and his the phenomenon satisfaction, caused him relativism ethics
4. Faith as a Character Trait
with facts and theories which intelligible and be modern reached out of to rega d the
reason. has Insight contemporary current aspect it was a fight
despair. ces become b<;!lief inevitably . asupersfifion:-Trutli metaphysical gathering certainty, ready impressed without breast"?
fellow those live faith life? Indeed, without faith becomes sterile, hopeless, and very the fight achievements reason ligion ourselves essarily of belief
term "faith" as it is used in the Old Testament "Emunah" denotes trait, problem the as idea, which object secondary phenomenon differentiate between rational and irrational presently make this discrimination phenomenon
Irrational the intellectual assumption, emotionally experience any everything of irrational
to refers It to the important, 3the of s such the compulsive temporary ance of some "faith" in merges doubts.
The contemporary active described indifference everything An number about everything, work, politics, and morals and, what is worse,Jheyj> very ..Q -0 They do experience tions, and ences they
tized persons active doubt has disappeared, indifference and doubt the legends he previously accepted without question, \ his becoming an r(ltional and received development, growing and ation which was made and rational in person, experience on go the connection submission and and emotional processes must be explored furis a given independence submitted authority tends to substitute the authority's experience for own.
suggested feeling accordingly, being feelings conviction situation demonstrating and commonplace reaction suggestion too in thinking presented but People that they agree, that speaker suggested becal!.se the with his ideas. In reali process propaganda oratorical
has transcended the faculty of and thus has sists that even a name is not sufficient surety to make tho makes concession. miracles that they York: Hitchcock, Inc., distorted sentence
God Abraham, sentence faith it rooted nation; their slaves strength another the contemporary faith is the faith in dictatorial leaders. Its defenders attempt to genuineness fact millions ready defined in terms of blind readiness the in only and different it
Irrational fanatic something, submission sonal irrational authority. .fu.ill...cOEyiction on tional activity. rational posedto have no place, rational faith is an important comHow does scientist, for instance, Does he with making experiment after gathering after he expects find? any field made
support adequate hypothesis
because authority the majority rational faith is independent conviction own observing thinking. judgment the only realm of experirational manifested. sphere relations, indispensable any
another unchangepernot remain for Weare personality our cerwhich convicin threatapidentity is sure and, in llomething, by of the faith have in the potentialities of others, of ourselves, this her occurs not
has not yet achieved the building of such an order, and conviction that faith. like faith too, thinking based the education to or to bring out something which is potentially present. Education sense results in existence, which means literally to stand out, to emerged from the state of potentiality into that of manifest reality.
1evidence of human on inner his experience reason irrational a which felt omnipotent, own power and strength, site We it is own have faith potentialities of mankind and have experienced the growth of our potentialities, the reality
of growth ourselves, the reason and of love. The basis tiveness; faith to the which ing from activity each one active predicated. that sense of domination) the faith . power belief in potentialities realized. of manifest turns lation, profoundly irrational tentialities growth. power. There is submission to it or, on the part of those the keep it. the of things, has to most unstable of all human achieve/ ments.Because fact faith power tually exclusive, religions and political systems which
expression genuine activity. legit follows that we speak of rational faith when believes the reason, justice of his own experience but only he taught Religious can either some not the of and currents religion em
man's own cultivated symbolism. in secular ideas. ideas nothing but productive presented to him believe ideas. mystic God kind between faith God rooted powerlessness and fear cannot live without generation the an faith rational man productive
Moral in Wonders are and MAN, position taken humanistic to what is good to of I.Iatural potentialities dogma man's opponents humanistic
is men, curbed ethics met and integral part
between these themes Western man's natural vice error. ment, contrary, that man's history
Ages increasing in man's power, and The thinkers of Renaissance well like Thoma6 Aquinas thirteenth expression this belief, although their views man in essenpoints although never reverted radi-
The idea the enlightenment thought Nietzsche. The a new, authoritarian became the recognizing own fulfillment in obedience while separated and authoritarianism, in the thinkmg, and culture. Today, are Pelagius, Luther and Jefferson. We consciously unconsciously also our own powerlessness pointing nature."
of position. right the intrinsic greatest of
67 R. Niebuhr, the exponent of contemporary neo made the Lu theran position explicit again, combining political
have Freud Enlightenright conventions and culheld view and had activity.68 The innate the "deathimpressed by the of destructive passion that he revised his older of indominant place was the meet: the thought, were including objects, it within either driven by two equally strong contradictory forces. The same dualistic been expressed and philosophisystems. death, day night, white and black, Ormuzd and Ahriman are only some of symbolic formulations this dualindeed appealing to human leaves for of man, opposing of attItude his IIlusion.
also structiveness The and equally ethics destructive sanctions can humanistic and different the destructiveness. would depends the for between It destructiveness, and against I preservation and unfolding approaching ness between "reacti "and' Reactive, rational hate is person's own freedom, is respect hate function: it is the affective equivalent protection of life; it comes into
The hating person seems to have a feeling of relief, as against integrity freedom, disguised love remains phetheory of seems fit correctness the we need
original could According beings; destructiveness follow proportion is degree of their total destructiveness, regardless of whether
tiveness the the ing not here frustrations desire the spontaneous man's emotional, intellectual capacities, the ing of his productive potentialities. If life's tendency f grow, is thwarted, dergoes a process of and destructive energy. Destructiveness lived individual and for the blocking of furthering
are absent, if, for instance, the soil is too moist and thus the seed's growth, the latter not debut an animal deprived of food, it potentiality but It that seed the animal kinds
potentiality pathogenic right potentiality realize the man lackin& istence orITs own, it is failure life. have with ethics says development good ishment because has for the development of his powers. I shall attempt to show following pages that the normal individual possesses himself .te-grow;-a-Bd auchve,and tendency om ealth, th, individual
growth and integration does not imply an perfection particular which very man, creates to it dysfunction of this principle can nized with regard to the physiological functions of man.
unhappiness. validity regard weIl physiwith speaking the person Man love, and emphasized by K. Goldstein, S. Sullivan and K. Homey.
productive split, powerlessness, results wishing living
There is perhaps no phenomenon the man's living neurosis. conflict bet een m n's i block their develo symptoms of physical the fight which the healthy part of the personality puts uF crippling influences of integration neurosis. would have
ditions which I can mention only briefly : for example, one for neurosis, I prefer the question and ask what
What he may have lost in richness and in a genuine feeling security fitting he a have virtue neurosis taken Origins American lq44)
Iwhich would isolation. formulated clearly. same strongly be person greedy ambitious being generally contempt ambition, forth usually does think words were written a few hundred years ago; they still hold culturally generally annoying. like
pattern provided
for the crippling of productiveness he fail be the given achieve necessary process
greater the ings and intellectual condition This recognize blind understand attempts doomed but forces strive operate become tellectual not insight experiential oneself only an insight striving health of moral
mtegratIOn ense
more specific sense many neuroses moral neurotic solved A. pell - 6f lzZiness for which reporting his the casually that with He is a successful who run his convictions. He believes, however, that problem one preserved the to belief by a number of complicated suggestion of
we another others the equally do in ourselves. based them oneself at the same time. one's is and condition against others to suicidal ceed in ignoring or rationalizing destructive impulses, he as cannot acts contradict and all life are person is unhappy aims destructiveness,
this first second, Suppression alternative. Psychoanalytic research of suppression, We can acting of awareness impulse, impulse. kind suppression the action a person satisfied dominate them. Suppose his fear of disapproval or the has accepted impulse; hence
of suppression is too unreliable. effective hinder no impulse, realm use aware strivings upon which authoritarian safest road safeguard advocates believe an does shown ex<:!rcise the person is not aware of it. The effect of the impulse it
perOur sadism, out or not for very overre-
becomes called In whose developed formation this same would ommate feels superior, even because oneself "virtue from a third type of reaction in suppression impulse action prohibited, while is removed consciousness some extent) disguised fashion, reaction the life furthering forces in a erson fi ht a ainst the defand him sadistic develop
indulgence in it. Both represslOIl and III ulgence are only happiness. the the to away
:and make himself following sterile it own faith, being a is living spring is nothing conducive to goodness in the humanistic experience acproductive a will educathan or could
faculty of free will, which he can exercise regardless of qualities person character, then, cannot have formation seems
1his the they is of motives operating are can the themselves might be under the illusion of having decided "freely"). destructive way When means
POWERS MAN however, that other hence determined character. different would according the an his character. the of trusts reason himself the virtuously. The nonproductive person who has failed to and irrational character determines fatalistic. all which the reason, who the forces is jected by understanding an those elements the creature endowed . which calls him what he ought to become to aware of his life and of the necessary the of these We are therefore helpless circumstance; are, indeed, change forces and outside to extent, the which and conditions develop striving for about But reason conscience,
moner natures who pursue either to the exclusion of the
it is crucial from the psychological viewpoint and because are under having solved attitude and power. attitude toward very his existence. subject 245
chains? Does it mean that the spirit of a slave can be as they uncertainty order which Man's is he
capable of manipulating things and himself, but he accepts upon which rest such false beliefs. His own voice cannot racy implies a promise development any of regardless of that they act interest. it and not yet We our from ourselves focus attention culture with modes of life are the achievements humanity, and
experience commodities,
by ignorant emptiness of oneself and even doom heard today with increasing have drawing dangerous situation they fail to take which achievement sciences, psychology, medicine achieveportray presence which are not compatible with the picture of a decaying culture a period of transition. The Middle Ages did fifteenth modern era did immediately beginning imwhich hundredtime indeed historical terms