Growing a Mentorship Program in Your Office

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Developing a mentorship program within your company is hugely valuable, when it comes to creating positive change & ongoing employee satisfaction.

A successful mentorship program will help to develop new leadership skills within the company, and help employees develop a path to a successful career with the help of a fellow employee.

There are two major things that need to be determined when developing the mentorship program: 1. The Program Objective 2. The Pairing Process


• Your company will need to

know what your goals are before the program can be approved

• If there are several issues

you think can be helped via a mentorship program…pin point the most important one to focus on first


• Make sure to work with

company culture • If your office is formal, make the

application formal • A more casual office can work

with a more casual sign-up process

DETERMINING THE PA I R I N G P R O C E S S This is hands-down, the most important part of developing your mentorship program. There are three major pairing options most mentorship programs will employ: 1. Group Mentoring 2. Peer Mentoring 3. Flash Mentoring


• In this scenario, a group of

employees collaborates to exchange resources and advice • The goal is to work towards

mutual professional growth • There is generally a group

leader in charge of facilitation

PEER MENTORING • This is the most commonly used

pairing process • Two employees that share a

similar background/career path are paired • The goal is to foster continuous

learning and an ongoing transfer of knowledge

FLASH MENTORING • This is a series of one-time-only


• Mentees get to sit down with

mentors for a certain amount of time and have a discussion

• Protip: This is a great way to

get execs & busy higher-ups to mentor: it’s low pressure and doesn't take up much of their busy schedule

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