Cour se catalog N 41 2 o
rescue solutions and training for your vertical world
Contents E mer g e ncy E s cap e Op t io n s
R op e Acce s s Cer t if i cat i on
Emergency Escape Options..................................................4 Emergency Escape for the Tower Crane Operator............................................................5 Emergency Escape for the Wind Energy Professional.....................................................5
Competent Tower Climber/Rescuer ....................................6 Rescue From Fall Protection.................................................8 Rescue From Fall Protection, Difficult Access..................9
Competent Person PPE Inspector......................................16
Portable High Directionals: Module–I...............................10 Portable High Directionals: Module–II..............................10 Portable High Directionals: Module–III............................11
Rescue From Fall Protection Train the Trainer.................17 Competent Tower Climber/Rescuer Train the Trainer....17
Con sult i ng Ser v i ce s
P or table Hig h Direc t io n al R ig g ing
PPE In sp ec t or T r a i n t he T r a i ner
S af e t y & Re s cue Work at He ig h t
Rope Access (SPRAT®)........................................................14
Rescue/Safety Consulting ..................................................18
Enr ollmen t Infor m at i on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .19
P r of e s s i o n al Re s cuer
Rope Access for the Professional Rescuer.....................12 Tower Rescue for the Professional Rescuer...................13
©2012 Pigeon Mountain Industries, Inc. All rights reserved. PMI and the PMI swish logo and VRS™ and the VRS™ logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Pigeon Mountain Industries, Inc.
Who is Vertical ™ Rescue Solutions by PMI? VRS™ courses provide the knowledge and skills of safety, and especially rescue, necessary for those who work at height and trust their lives to PMI manufactured and distributed life safety and rescue gear. Our expert staff keeps current in many industries where work at height is performed, and we are continually adding hands-on experience to our repertoire and working to expand our knowledge of regulatory information.
303-800-1708 ext. 51
Re sourc e s A nd Org aniz at ion s STANDARDS AND REGULATORY RESOURCES PMI puts major funding and time into supporting the development of consensus standards for safety in work & rescue.
National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 617-770-3000 Industry consensus standards pertaining to public and firefighter safety. Pertinent standards include professional qualifications, technical rescue, and life safety rope and equipment. Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA) 800-321-OSHA (6742) Federal regulatory agency regulating workplace safety through mandatory regulations. Pertinent regulations include fall protection and confined space.
Safety Managers, At-Height Workers, Professional Rescuers
You can consider Vertical Rescue Solutions™ by PMI the solution of choice for saving lives through regulatory compliance, instruction, and hands-on training. Our staff directs learning towards the individual and your specific needs, while maintaining instruction and application of the standards and skills necessary for performing your responsibilities at your highest potential. Whether you work in technical rope rescue situations, industrial rescue, fire, EMS, mountain rescue, wind, or another industry at height, VRS™ Instructors use their knowledge gleaned from their various backgrounds to create a better learning environment for participants.
Who are VRS™ Instructors?
When you hire Vertical Rescue Solutions™ by PMI, you receive training from an Instructor focused on your safety and industry standards compliance, while you learn skills and techniques your life depends upon. VRS™ Instructors come from a varied background of experiences and industries, and collectively continue their knowledge base by staying current in many industries where work at height is performed. Our expert staff is continually adding hands-on experience to their repertoire, while also participating as active members on multiple committees, standards groups, and organizations. Visit our Instructor page online to see more about those who work to help you stay safe.
COURSE catalog N o 412
American National Standards Institute (ANSI) 202-293-8020 Voluntary consensus standards pertaining to work and industry, including fall protection, safety equipment, etc. ANSI is the official USA contact for ISO standards.
PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATIONS American Society of Safety Engineers (ASSE) 847-699-2929 America’s oldest and largest professional safety organization for professionals managing, supervising and consulting on safety, health, and environmental issues. National Association of Tower Erectors (NATE®) 605-882-5865 A non-profit trade organization providing a unified voice for tower erection, maintenance, and service companies. Society of Professional Rope Access Technicians (SPRAT) Resource for information, networking, and support for companies and workers who use on-the-job rope access techniques.
VRS™ Approved Trainers
Visit the VRS™ website for list of current VRS™ Approved Trainers in YOUR area. See page 17 for more information on how to become a VRS™ Approved Trainer for your industry.
Why is compliance important?
Because year in and year out, falls remain the leading cause of death for workers worldwide. Safety education and rescue training for at-height workers is essential for a safer work environment.
Please see page 19 for VRS™ course enrollment procedures. Don’t see the course you are looking for? Contact VRS™ for special inquiries or custom courses. To participate in Open Enrollment courses at our PMI training facility, visit: Unless otherwise noted, prices quoted for all VRS™ Courses are for USA. All prices subject to change.
Ver t ical Re scue Solu t ions
Emergency E s cape Op t ion s WHAT YOU LEARN: This Emergency Escape course provides familiarity with a variety of different types of personal escape solutions, allowing you to focus in on application and use specific to your needs and environment. Whether you choose the Element Kit, the Micron Kit, the HOT X-It Kit, or the Emergency Bailout Kit, you’ll learn personal escape techniques that you can use, and you’ll get plenty of practice to help combat panic in an emergency.
E mer g e ncy E s cap e Op t io n s Work at height is often unpredictable. For this reason, PMI offers several different types of “bailout” kits for various applications. OBJECTIVE: To accompany these “bailout” kits, and to help you get the most from the equipment you choose, Vertical Rescue Solutions™ by PMI offers custom emergency escape solutions instruction to suit both your needs and your environment. SAFETY: In addition to hands-on practice, participants will learn about regulations and standards affecting their industry, anchor selection, and equipment selection, inspection, care and maintenance.
1 Day
Open Enrollment $350/student VRS63006
303-800-1708 ext. 51
At your US Location $2,700/6 students VRS63007
Emergency E scape Op t ion s Emer g ency E s cap e for t he T ow er Cr a ne Op er at or Tower Crane Operators work in a world high above ready help from most emergency responders, so it only makes sense to be well prepared for urgent evacuation in case of an emergency.
SAFETY: Participants will receive instruction on proper gear selection and compatibility, anchor selection, escape and controlled descent techniques, and will get plenty of hands-on practice using both types of personal escape gear during the course. WHAT YOU LEARN: During the course, we can also help you decide which PMI Personal Escape Solution best meets your unique needs: the ultra lightweight Micron Personal Escape Solution, with it’s fire-resistant Technora™ 6.5 mm rope, or the heavier duty EvacPack, featuring 11 mm rope and the PowerLock™ descender. Both solutions feature an auto-locking “panic mode” if the handle is either squeezed too hard or released. Each comes in its own bag, and are small enough to be stored unobtrusively in the crane-cab.
COURSE catalog N o 412
OBJECTIVE: In the Emergency Escape for the Tower Crane Operator course you’ll learn emergency escape techniques that you can use from the cab, or from any viable anchor point on the crane.
This course can also be customized to use different escape systems. 2 Days
Open Enrollment $625/student VRS63008
At your US Location $3,900/4 students VRS63009
E mer g e ncy E s cap e for t he W ind Ener g y P r of e s s io n al When your job involves work on wind turbines, you need to be prepared for the unexpected. Vertical Rescue Solutions™ by PMI offers custom Personal Escape Solutions instruction that suits both your needs and your environment. OBJECTIVE: In the Emergency Escape for the Wind Energy Professional course you’ll learn personal escape techniques that you can use down through the shaft of the turbine or off the top of the nacelle. SAFETY: Each participant will attend a classroom session that addresses the unique challenges each situation presents when using personal escape in the wind industry. Instruction on proper gear selection and compatibility, anchor selection, escape and controlled descent techniques will allow participants to use their personal escape gear with confidence - not in panic - when the chips are down. Hands-on field sessions will give each participant the opportunity for several repetitions in a safe, controlled environment to reinforce learning. WHAT YOU LEARN: We can also help you decide which PMI Personal Escape Solution best meets your unique needs. The ultra lightweight Micron Personal Escape Solution, with its fire-resistant Technora™ 6.5 mm rope, features an autolocking “panic mode” if the handle is either squeezed too hard or released. It comes in its own bag, and is small enough that it can be worn on your harness and carried from job to job like any other tool for work at height. Or, if you prefer the peace of mind of an Escape Solution that utilizes an 11 mm rope used with a stainless steel, two person rated, auto-locking descent device like the PowerLock™, the TowerPack II™ may be just what you have been looking for. 3 Days
Open Enrollment $950/Student VRS63010
At your US Location $5,850/6 students VRS63011
Ver t ical Re scue Solu t ions
E m e rg e n cy E s c a pe O p t i o n s
Safe t y & Re s c ue Work at He igh t Comp e t e n t T ow er Climber / Re s cuer At VRS™, we offer unparalleled custom instruction in tower climbing and rescue after a fall. Stressing simplicity (no knots!) and a common-sense approach to rescue, the heightec-PMI™ TowerPack II™ Rescue Solution is designed to get the job done using a minimal amount of gear, thereby eliminating the head-scratching that can waste valuable seconds. OBJECTIVE: This course was created to arm those who work at height with the tools, knowledge and expertise to climb safely, and to effect self or companion rescue quickly and efficiently using the revolutionary heightec-PMI™ TowerPack II™ Rescue Solution (ANSI Z359.4-2007). SAFETY: This course meets the criteria established by the National Association of Tower Erectors (NATE®) Tower Climber Fall Protection Training Standard (2008 edition). The classroom session will focus on the importance of establishing a rescue pre-plan, OSHA compliance, PPE use, fit and inspection and rescue theory. A strong emphasis on multiple repetitions of rescues is used to maintain a high level of participant retention. Suspension intolerance avoidance and treatment will also be addressed. WHAT YOU LEARN: The field portion of the Competent Tower Climber/Rescuer course will teach self-rescue, companion rescue by raise, companion rescue by controlled descent and companion rescue by lowering using the heightec-PMI™ TowerPack II™ Rescue Solution. 3 Days
Open Enrollment $925/Student VRS63002
At your US Location $5,800/6 students VRS63003
If VRS conducts this course at your location, and if it immediately precedes Competent Tower Climber/Rescuer Train the Trainer (page 17), you get the Trainer course at 1/2 price! ($1,300/4 students)
303-800-1708 ext. 51
Safe t y & Re sc ue Work at Heigh t
COURSE catalog N o 412
what is NATE ? 速
The National Association of Tower Erectors is an non-profit trade association, providing a unified voice for tower erection, maintenance and service companies. NATE速 is headquartered in Watertown, South Dakota with a staff of seven people who administer the day-to-day operation of the association. As a member-driven association, NATE速 is directed by its Board of Directors and committees. These individuals come from all types and sizes of companies located throughout the United States. NATE速 Mission Statement: To pursue, formulate and adhere to uniform standards of safety to ensure the continued well-being of tower personnel. To educate the general public, applicable government agencies and clients on continued progress toward safer standards within the industry. To keep all members informed of issues relevant to the industry. To provide a unified voice for tower erection, service and maintenance companies. To facilitate effective safety training for the industry.
Ver t ical Re scue Solu t ions
S a fe t y & Re s c u e Wo rk at H e i g h t
Safe t y & Re s c ue Work at He igh t Re s cue F r o m Fall P r o t ec t io n Every job performed at height is different, and so it is that every job site rescue performed by those who work at height differs as well. If you work in an industry where fall protection gear is being worn at height (like window washing, scaffolding, water tower construction and maintenance, offshore platform maintenance), this is the course for you. The course also covers rescue of workers who fall onto their Self Retracting Lifeline (SRL), or Fall Arrest Block, and are hanging suspended. OBJECTIVE: The Rescue From Fall Protection Course offers participants the opportunity to receive manufacturer approved instruction on one of the simplest and most versatile rescue systems on the market - the heightec-PMI™ ScaffPack™ Rescue Solution (ANSI Z359.4-2007). SAFETY: The classroom portions of this course focus on the importance of establishing a rescue pre-plan, OSHA compliance, PPE use, fit and inspection, and rescue theory. Familiarity, avoidance and treatment of the dangers associated with suspension intolerance are also covered.
WHAT YOU LEARN: Course participants will learn to effect companion rescue by controlled descent and companion rescue by lower, as well as how to secure and raise the subject, using minimal personnel and without having to learn to tie knots or construct complicated mechanical advantage systems. A strong emphasis on multiple repetitions of rescues is used to maintain a high level of participant retention. 3 Days
Open Enrollment $925/Student VRS63000
At your US Location $5,800/6 students VRS63001
If VRS conducts this course at your location, and if it immediately precedes Rescue From Fall Protection Train the Trainer (page 17), you get the Trainer course at 1/2 price! ($1,300/4 students)
303-800-1708 ext. 51
Safe t y & Re sc ue Work at Heigh t Re s cue F r o m Fall P r o t ec t io n , Dif f icult Acce s s High voltage tower linemen, wind turbine workers in the hub of a nacelle or in the blades, offshore platform maintenance crews- all work in dangerous and complex environments that may necessitate a complicated on site rescue.
COURSE catalog N o 412
OBJECTIVE: This specialized, in-depth course is designed to instruct students who work in environments where rescue at height may require horizontal, as well as vertical, movement of an injured or suspended worker. SAFETY: The classroom session will focus on the importance of establishing a rescue pre-plan, OSHA compliance, PPE use, fit and inspection and rescue theory. Familiarity, avoidance and treatment of the dangers associated with Suspension Intolerance are covered in this course. The ScaffPack™ SS Tower Rescue Solution meets ANSI Z359.4 2007 requirements WHAT YOU LEARN: The heightec-PMI™ ScaffPack™ SS Tower Rescue Solution was developed in conjunction with Basin Electric, the nation’s largest rural electric cooperative, to achieve both horizontal and vertical movement of an incapacitated worker on a high voltage tower. The extra rigging included in the kit can be used to rig a “skate block”, or cross haul, of the subject before raising or lowering them. 4 Days
Open Enrollment $1,275/Student VRS63004
At your US Location $6,750/6 students VRS63005
Ver t ical Re scue Solu t ions
S a fe t y & Re s c u e Wo rk at H e i g h t
PORTAB LE HIGH DIRECTIONAL RIGGING P or table Hig h Direc t io n al s : M odule I Course can be customized for either work at height applications or for rescue. OBJECTIVE: This is a basic one day rope technician introductory course that instructs participants in the use of portable anchor systems, focusing on the TerrAdaptor™. SAFETY: Rigging theory that supports sound and reliable manipulative tripod skills congruent with the requirements of NFPA 1670 and 1006 Technician Level and the basic force multiplier theory of portable anchors are key components of Module 1. All participants are required to complete and pass a written test. WHAT YOU LEARN: Upon successful completion of Module I, all participants will be able to accomplish the following: • Demonstrate proper safety protocols when working with portable anchors. •D emonstrate proper assembly of the TerrAdaptor™ Tripod congruent with the manufacturer’s instructions. •C onstruct and safely operate a main and belay line system with a standard tripod configuration in place. • Understand and construct a back-tie system to stabilize the tripod during operation. • Understand and perform basic communication for raises and lowers using a portable anchor. 1 Day
Open Enrollment $375/Student VRS63014
At your US Location $2,700/6 students VRS63015
P or table Hi g h Direc t i on al s : M odule II Course can be customized for either work at height applications or for rescue. OBJECTIVE: This is a two day rope technician intermediate skills course that instructs participants in the use of portable anchor systems, focusing on the TerrAdaptor™. SAFETY: Rigging theory that supports sound and reliable manipulative mono-pod and bi-pod (angled A frame) skills congruent with the requirements of NFPA 1670 and 1006 Technician Level and the intermediate force multiplier theory of portable anchors are key components of Module II. All participants are required to complete and pass a written test. WHAT YOU LEARN: Upon successful completion of Module II, all participants will be able to accomplish the following additional skills: • Demonstrate proper safety protocols when working with intermediate configurations of portable anchors. • Demonstrate proper assembly of the TerrAdaptor™ as a monopod (gin pole) and bi-pod (angled A frame) portable anchor congruent with the manufacturer’s instructions. • Construct and safely operate a high line in addition to a main and belay line system using a standard tripod configuration as well as mono-pod and bi-pod configurations in place. • Understand intermediate principles of force multipliers as they apply to whiteboard analysis of critical angles and resultant forces. Prerequisite: Successful Completion of Module I 2 Days
Open Enrollment $650/Student VRS63016
303-800-1708 ext. 51
At your US Location $4,000/6 students VRS63017
PORTABLE HIGH DIRECTIONAL RIGGING P or table Hig h Direc t io n al s : M odule III Expect a very strong emphasis on analysis of multiple vector and resultant forces on a portable anchor system using whiteboard analysis. Course can be customized for either work at height applications or for rescue.
SAFETY: Rigging theory that supports sound and reliable manipulative skills of all portable anchor configurations congruent with the requirements of NFPA 1670 and 1006 Technician Level and advanced force multiplier theory of portable anchors are key components of Module III. All participants are required to complete and pass a written test.
P or table Hig h Direc t io n al s : Three M odule Ser ie s
Prerequisite: Successful Completion of Module II 2 Days
Open Enrollment $650/Student VRS63018
At your US Location $4,000/6 students VRS63019
5 Days
Open Enrollment $1,600/Student VRS63012
At your US Location $9,125/6 students VRS63013
Ver t ical Re scue Solu t ions
COURSE catalog N o 412
OBJECTIVE: This is an advanced two day rope technician intermediate skills course that instructs participants in the use of portable anchor systems, focusing on the TerrAdaptor™.
WHAT YOU LEARN: Upon successful completion of Module III, all participants will be able to accomplish the following additional skills: • Demonstrate proper safety protocols when working with advanced configurations of portable anchors. • Construct and safely operate high lines and sloping high lines using all possible combinations of configurations of the TerrAdaptor™. • Understand advanced principles of force multipliers as they apply to whiteboard analysis of critical angles in high line rigging and the calculation of critical angles.
R op e Acce s s for t he P r of e s s io n al Re s cuer The great thing about rope access technicians is that they can get to places that almost no one else can. Unfortunately, this can also make them very difficult to rescue in the event of a mishap. OBJECTIVE: As a prerequisite, rescuers must first be SPRAT® Level 1 certified. This course builds on that foundation, providing advanced skills and techniques necessary for more complex rescues. SAFETY: Professional rescuers whose jurisdictions may include riggers, engineers, or others using rope access techniques should ensure that at least some advanced rescue technicians have the skills necessary for rescue from these environments.
WHAT YOU LEARN: Advanced rescue techniques, comparable to a Level III SPRAT® skill set, will be the focus of this course, in order to provide the techniques and advanced thinking skills necessary for an advanced rescue that may be required as a professional rescuer. Repetitions of hands-on applications will be key during this course. Prerequisite: Rope Access (SPRAT®) – see pg. 14 2 Days
Open Enrollment $650/Student VRS63028
303-800-1708 ext. 51
At your US Location $4,000/6 students VRS63029
PROFESSIONAL RESCUER T ow er Re s cue for t he P r of e s s io n al Re s cuer
OBJECTIVE: Prepare professional rescuers in the techniques and safety procedures they should be aware of in their vicinity, so they are ready for that next call. Discussions of being proactive in your community with uprising towers, as well as the standards and laws pertaining to such will also be a focal point of the classroom trainings.
WHAT YOU LEARN: At VRS™, we know there is more to tower rescue than just good rigging. Safe climbing techniques, tower-type identification, lockout/tagout procedures and Radio Frequency (RF) exposure all go hand in hand with these challenging rescues. This course will also familiarize the student with some of the tools and techniques unique to tower work and rescue. 3 Days
Open Enrollment $975/Student VRS63030
Ver t ical Re scue Solu t ions
At your US Location $5,900/6 students VRS63031
COURSE catalog N o 412
Even in the very best of scenarios, tower rescue for the professional can be a daunting task. The dangers of extreme height, high voltage, microwave radiation, radio frequency exposure and gusting winds make tower rescue one of the toughest calls the professional rescuer deals with. And with the number of tower erections skyrocketing (there are currently about 200,000 cell sites in the US and the number is expected to nearly double in the next five years, according to The Wireless Estimator), the likelihood of a tower rescue in your department’s response area increases almost daily.
SAFETY: This course uses the curriculum established by the National Association of Tower Erectors (NATE®) for Competent Person Climbing and goes one step further by teaching small team tower rescue techniques to the professional rescuer, per NFPA 1670.
Rope Ac c e s s C er t ifi cat ion R op e Acce s s Cer t if i cat io n Cour se (SPRAT ® ) Rope access provides a safe, cost-effective, and efficient means of access, egress, and positioning for work at height: • Construction • Engineers • Inspectors • Window washers •M aintenance of structures, buildings, towers, bridges OBJECTIVE: This four day course will provide the information and skills you need to pass the SPRAT® certification session that will be held on the fifth day by an independent SPRAT® Evaluator. Adding a SPRAT® certification to your toolbox will improve your chances of being hired as employers increasingly rely on SPRAT®-certified workers for their skill and practice in safety and awareness while on the job. SAFETY: Become a Rope Access Technician and improve your safety at height and your skill set. WHAT YOU LEARN: Participants will learn many skills, including but not limited to: • Ascending and descending • Rope to rope transfers • Passing knots • Short and long re-belays • Passing deviation anchors • Passing and installing rope protection • Basic knot craft • The importance of fall factors • Mechanical advantage systems SPRAT® Levels Two and Three are also available, providing participant can provide proof of necessary hours for evaluation. 5 Days
Open Enrollment $1,675/Student VRS63022
At your US Location $10,750/6 students VRS63023
Corporate Member
303-800-1708 ext. 51
Rope Ac c e s s C er t ifi cat ion
The Society of Professional Rope Access Technicians (SPRAT®), based in the United States, is dedicated to promoting the safe development of industrial rope access standards in the US, Canada, Mexico and beyond. SPRAT® supports companies and technicians using rope access with: • Certification programs • Regulatory support • Networking • Opportunities to participate in developing industry-consensus standards. SPRAT® was established in the mid 1990s to address the needs of a growing number of companies and operators employing rope access techniques in North America. While various forms of rope access had been used in industry for decades, the development of modern rope access systems collided with the growth of industries that provided conventional means of access such as scaffolding and swing-stages. These conventional methods required standard fall arrest systems. Without specific standards and legislation in North America to support rope access systems, companies and operators were at times prevented from working by safety managers and legislators. SPRAT®’s development of industry-consensus standards has raised the awareness of the safety and effectiveness of rope access systems. PMI is proud to be a founding member of SPRAT® and continues to provide support by participating on the SPRAT® Board of Directors and regulatory committees. You can visit for more information, or contact VRS™ for upcoming SPRAT® certification courses.
Ver t ical Re scue Solu t ions
Ro pe Ac c e s s C e r t ifi c at i o n
COURSE catalog N o 412
what is SPRAT ? ®
PPE INSPECTOR Comp e t en t P er s o n PPE In sp ec t or No one knows your PPE and life safety gear like the people who manufacture and distribute it. Vertical Rescue Solutions™ by PMI can give you and your employees the information and resources to set up and maintain a PPE use and inspection documentation program for the gear you trust your life to. OBJECTIVE: The course will offer instruction on how to: • Select • Inspect • Store • Care for, and • Document the use of rope, webbing, harnesses, helmets and connectors.
SAFETY: This is an eight hour program designed to meet the OSHA guidelines for the establishment of a competent person inspector for personal protective equipment (PPE) within a given organization. WHAT YOU LEARN: Upon completion of this course, the participant will be able to set up and implement a gear inspection, use and retirement program for their organization. The proper fit and usage of PPE, and PPE for specialized applications will be covered as well. 1 Day
Open Enrollment $390/student VRS63020
303-800-1708 ext. 51
At your US Location $2,900/10 students VRS63021
COURSE catalog N o 412
Re s cue F r o m Fall P r o t ec t io n T r a i n t he T r a iner
Comp e t e n t T ow er Cli mber / Re s cuer T r a i n t he T r a i ner
There will be a great deal of hands-on time in this course. The field sessions will cover the best use of the ScaffPack™ Rescue Solution for a variety of scenarios, emphasizing effective approaches to sharing this information with future students. Self rescue, companion rescue by controlled descent, companion rescue by lowering, and companion rescue by raise using the ScaffPack™ are covered.
There will be a great deal of hands-on time in this course. The field sessions will cover the best use of the TowerPack II™ Rescue Solution for a variety of scenarios, emphasizing effective approaches to sharing this information with future students. Self rescue, companion rescue by controlled descent, companion rescue by lowering, and familiarization with the dangers of suspension intolerance are covered.
OBJECTIVE: This course is designed to educate existing professional rope rescue trainers, PMI Pro Trainers and Health and Safety Trainers on the latest techniques for rescue after a fall using the heightec-PMI™ ScaffPack™ Rescue Solution (ANSI Z359.4-2007). Trainer-candidates should have already completed the VRS™ Rescue From Fall Protection Course (page 8).
OBJECTIVE: The Competent Tower Climber/Rescuer Trainer Course is designed to educate professional rope rescue trainers on the latest techniques for rescue after a fall using the heightec-PMI™ TowerPack II™ Rescue Solution (ANSI Z359.4-2007). Trainer-candidates should have already completed the VRS™ Competent Tower Climber/Rescuer course (page 6).
SAFETY: Familiarization with the dangers of suspension intolerance is addressed as well. Upon completion, participants in this course will receive a certificate, reproducible course material and photo ID. They will also be listed on the VRS™ website as VRS™ Approved Trainers for the ScaffPack™ Rescue Solution.
SAFETY: Upon completion, participants in this course will receive a certificate, reproducible course material and photo ID. They will also be listed on the VRS™ website as VRS™ Approved Trainers for the TowerPack II™ Rescue Solution.
WHAT YOU LEARN: This course will provide: • Additional insights • Course manuals • Tests • Skills checklists • Pre-packaged PowerPoint presentations • E quipment tips for trainers who want to teach their own Rescue From Fall Protection Course. Prerequisite: Before taking the Trainer Course, potential trainers must have successfully completed the Rescue From Fall Protection Course –pg. 8 1 Day
Open Enrollment $325/Student VRS63032
At your US Location $2,600/4 students VRS63033
If VRS conducts this course at your location, and if it immediately follows Rescue From Fall Protection (page 8), you get this Trainer course at 1/2 price! ($1,300/4 students)
WHAT YOU LEARN: This course will provide: • Additional insights • Course manuals • Tests • Skills checklists • Pre-packaged PowerPoint presentations • Equipment tips for trainers who want to teach their own Competent Tower Climber/Rescuer Course. Prerequisite: Before taking the Trainer Course, potential trainers must have successfully completed the Competent Tower Climber/Rescuer Course – pg. 6 1 Day
Open Enrollment $325/Student VRS63034
At your US Location $2,600/4 students VRS63035
If VRS conducts this course at your location, and if it immediately follows Competent Tower Climber/Rescuer (page 6), you get this Trainer course at 1/2 price! ($1,300/4 students)
Ver t ical Re scue Solu t ions
T r a in Th e T r a in e r
CONSULTING SERVICES Re s cue / S af e t y Con sult ing Employers have more responsibility than ever for the safety of their workers. In the often confusing and ever-changing world of safety compliance, we not only know the rules, we’ve helped write a few ourselves. PMI and VRS™ staff members are active participants in: • ANSI • NFPA • The Cordage Institute
At VRS™, we can help your company formulate a detailed Rescue After A Fall Pre-Plan and Managed Fall Protection Plan that will both keep your company in compliance with current OSHA and ANSI standards, and also provide your company with real world safety and rescue solutions. We offer much more than compliance. VRS™ can help establish a foundational culture of safety that begins at the end of a rope and extends past the anchor into the front office. If your company needs help developing a comprehensive rescue plan for work at height - we can help.
Please Call for Quote
303-800-1708 ext. 51
Enrollmen t Informat ion FAQs:
What’s included in a course? All VRS™ courses include: • Continental breakfast each day of course • OPEN ENROLLMENT: lunch each day of course • Instructional manual • Certificate of Completion (upon successful completion of course) •S ome courses also offer an identification card (upon successful completion of course) • Necessary rigging equipment for the course •O PEN ENROLLMENT: individual equipment is provided at no cost to the students, if requested •A T YOUR LOCATION: all Instructor costs are included (lodging, transportation, meals, etc.)
COURSE catalog N o 412
Why are there two prices listed for each course? What’s the difference? VRS™ courses can be taken at our PMI training facility (OPEN ENROLLMENT) or at your preferred location. Pricing differs due to costs of transportation and lodging for our Instructors to travel to your location, as well as the shipping of equipment necessary for the course.
What’s NOT included in a course? •O PEN ENROLLMENT: student lodging, transportation, and dinner are not provided when a student participates in a course at our PMI training facility. •A T YOUR LOCATION: individual PPE is not provided – students are responsible for providing their own equipment necessary to partake in the course. Will VRS™ travel internationally to my location, to provide a course? Are there additional costs involved? Yes! VRS™ will travel anywhere in the world, as allowed by permits and travel restrictions. There is an additional travel fee per international course, depending on your continental location. Contact your PMI International Account Manager for more information (, or VRS™ staff at I’m a PMI Dealer – can I sell VRS™ courses to my customers, along with PMI equipment? Yes! Contact your PMI Account Manager for more information. If you are unsure of your PMI Account Manager, please contact I’m not sure if I have the proper equipment to participate in a course – what are my options? Contact VRS™ staff beforehand or 303-800-1708 x51 For OPEN ENROLLMENT, use of PPE equipment for the course is available upon request at no charge. For AT YOUR LOCATION courses, you will need to plan ahead to have necessary equipment. If you have issues, please contact VRS™ staff for recommendations and/or to contact your local PMI dealer. What’s your cancellation policy? •C ancellations 21 days or more before a course date are subject to a 100% refund, minus a 10% administrative fee • 15-20 days before course start date = 50% refund • 7-14 days before course start date = 25% refund •A cancellation less than 7 days before course start date, or a “no show” = no refund NOTE: International destinations require twice the above timelines! *Substitutions of students before course start date ARE allowed.
How soon do I need to register for a VRS™ course? • OPEN ENROLLMENT courses are available online until 14 days before the course start date. • Courses AT YOUR LOCATION need to be requested a minimum 6 weeks prior to course start date. NOTE: International destinations require twice the above timelines!
Are there any discounts available? Yes! If you register a minimum of 30 days before the course start date for an open enrollment course at PMI, you receive a 10% discount! Also, PMI Dealers receive their prearranged agreement costs, similarly to those of PMI equipment. NOTE: Dealers are not eligible for the Early Bird Discount for VRS™ courses sold
Ver t ical Re scue Solu t ions
P i g eo n M o u n ta i n I n d u s t r i e s PO B ox 8 0 3 L a Faye t t e , GA 3 072 8 3 0 3 - 8 0 0 -170 8 ex t . 51 ve r t i c a l r e s c u e s o l u t i o n s @ p m i r o p e . c o m
rescue solutions and training for your vertical world Fo r m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n o n O p e n E n r o l l m e n t C o u r s e s h e l d a t o u r PMI Tr a i n i n g Fa c i l i t y, c o n t a c t Ve r t i c a l Re s c u e S o l u t i o n s™ b y PMI . D o n’ t s e e t h e c o u r s e yo u a r e l o o k i n g f o r ? C o n t a c t V RS ™ f o r s p e c i a l i n q u i r i e s o r c u s to m c o u r s e s : 3 0 3 - 8 0 0 -170 8 ex t . 51 . Visit us online for: • Updates in the world of Work & Rescue • Registration and information for VRS™ Courses • VRS™ Approved trainers near you • Products available to use in your industry for safety and rescue