Marc Davies // Undergraduate Landscape Portfolio Edit

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University of Sheffield, 2010-2013

On-Going 3rd Year Work

This portfolio displays samples of the work I’ve created during my undergraduate degree in Landscape Architecture with Town and Regional Planning at the University of Sheffield. The projects in this document have been chosen to represent the vast array of skills I have learned during my 3 years at Sheffield - from conceptual design and strategic planning, to plant identification and construction detailing. I hope these projects translate my passion and loyalty towards the profession and I look forward to the prospect of a future career in the field of Landscape Architecture.

Marc Davies

41 Longview Rd, Rainhill, L35 8LN / / 07527 550 818

SOCIAL ASPECTS OF DESIGN: 1. Private Garden, Kerwin Road, Sheffield, UK. LANDSCAPE CONSTRUCTION: 2. Western Bank Library, Courtyard Sheffield, UK. FROM CONCEPT TO DETAIL: 3. The CIQ, Sheffield, UK. SITE PLANNING FOR HOUSING: 4. Psalter Lane, Sheffield, UK. CULTURAL LANDSCAPES PROJECT: 5. The Rivelin Valley, Sheffield, UK. ON GOING WORK: INTEGRATED DESIGN PROJECT:

6. Castle Market, Sheffield, UK.

WRITTEN REPORTS: 7. Examples of written reports completed between 2012-2013

Four Sheffield University in redesigning a small-si bound. He’d recently pur garden to reflect his inter

Carrots Harvest: June - Sept

Colour & Texture


Beetroot Harvest: Nov Salad Leaves Harvest: May - Oct

Food Production The concept evolved around the idea of a garden with clear layers. The design and function of these zones responded to the clients interests and desires for their space.

Accessibility was the ma therefore allowing easy m property to the rear of the process.

Vegetation Wood

The concept, masterplan looking at academic pub for those who use wheelc consultation with the clie allowed the masterplan b his needs.

Concrete Water Vegetation Gravel

Early on in the process th garden reflecting that of translate into a series of materials and functions.




Formal vs. Informal Design Language: Japanese Gardens

The Concept


1. Private Garden, Kerwin Road, Sheffield, UK.

students were selected to take part ite for a client who was wheelchair rchased the property and wanted the rests and preferences.



ain issue of the current design, movement from the front of the e garden was identified early on in the

n and sketches were derived from blications which focused on designing chairs. Furthermore, continuous ent throughout the design process be highly personal and respondent to

he client expressed his desire for a Japanese gardens, which would layers of varying heights, scales, .



Garden Masterplan Original Scale 1:200 @ A3


Section A1-A2 / 1:50 @ A3


A large entertaining area is at the heart of the design, with overlooking views of the rest of the garden. The formal nature of this space contrasts with the experience the rock garden expresses. Large Bamboo at the rear of the property creates a backdrop for the design, whilst increasing privacy for the client.


Original Scale 1:50 @ A3




Section B1-B2 / 1:50 @ A3 The small area adjacent to the main bedroom door allows the client to easily access their personal, intimate outdoor space. The central Betula pendula will provide shade during the summer months, whilst the tall grasses remove the underneath of the decking from view.




Sketchup Modelling

The Western Bank Library Courtyard is a neglected strip of land situated between the Western Bank Library and Firth Court. The design brief was to provide a new linking space between the Arts Tower concourse and Western Park, which allowed for uninterrupted progression through the site and seating areas.

+ 115.15

The restraints of the space included the necessary access of the second floor entrances, the significant levels changes and the low light levels of the space.

The design concept was formed around the components of the library itself. The linearity of the architectural lines of both the outside of the building and passage ways inside, coupled with the desire to reflect the fluidity of the movements of the users through the library. + 118.6

+ 118.1

+ 118.15

+ 115.15 + 118.15

+ 117.1

+ 118.55 + 118.55

+ 119.05

+ 118.2 + 118.6

+ 118.15

Sketchup Modelling

+ 119.05 + 120.3

+ 118.15

+ 119.1

Construction Masterplan

Original Scale 1:500 @ A2


2. Western Bank Library Courtyard, Sheffield, UK.



Original Scales 1:20, 1:15 & 1:10 @ A2


3. The CIQ, Sheffield, UK. Expression along the River The Central Industries Quarter (CIQ) is currently fragmented and needed revitalisation to inject people back into the south-east area of the city centre. This conceptual based module involved on site surveying, strategic planning, 3D modelling and finally a small scale detailed masterplan of a section of the strategic masterplan. The strategic masterplan identifies the ‘spine’ route through the area indicated in red, with the main secondary routes indicated in yellow. In order to entice people not only into the CIQ but towards the river, strategies involving music, art and dance would enhance the currently empty warehouses in along the site.

3D Concept Modelling

Strategic Masterplan

Model constructed from recycled materials

Original Scale 1:100 @ A3

Site Masterplan


Down to the Detail



Original Scale 1:100 @ A3 This detailed, small-scale section of the CIQ strategic plan was produced in order to translate how material quality and the waters-edge location can help to create the space.

In this proposal, the courtyard has become the centre of the CIQ, with the amphitheatre allowing visitors to sit, eat and relax in the sun whilst art and music happens around them. Vegetation helps soften the hardscape of the site, whilst injecting both seasonal colour and inspiration. Sheffield is a city dissected by many rivers, thus a small waterwheel was included to signify both the power of the rivers and the industrialisation of which Sheffield has became famous for.

Original Scale 1:500 @ A3 Since the demolition of the University of Hallam Campus in 2008 the site has since been left empty and detached from the surrounding urban morphology, with the listed Bluecoats School Building sitting abandoned in the centre of the site. The design brief involved creating a sustainable housing development which responds to the surrounding context and effortlessly encompasses the central historic building. ‘Extending your Habitat’ is a response to the brief in which providing safe and accessible outdoor spaces encourages inhabitants to accept their surroundings as an extension of their home.

Vision Statement

Habitats are important for survival - They provide food, water, shelter, places to facilitate a niche and a place to raise young - but why should they end at your front door? This inclusive, supportive, ecologically-rich mixed-use development will reduce the boundaries between indoor and outdoor living. Encouraging residents and the surrounding community to venture outside and talk to their neighbours.

Site Masterplan

Extending your Habitat SITE PLANNING FOR HOUSING:

4. Psalter Lane, Sheffield, UK.

Bluecoats School Building:



Original Scale 1:200 @ A3

Original Scale 1:200 @ A3




5. The Rivelin Valley, Sheffield, UK. The Rivelin Valley offers a glimpse into the industrialisation Sheffield experienced during the 18th Century, but those historic elements which were once regarded so valuably, are being allowed to erode away into the undergrowth and be forgotten. The brief involved creating a vision statement and master plan detailing the main proposals for revitalisation of the site. The vision for the site is focused on safeguarding the historical fabric of the landscape. Measures will be implemented to ensure the viability of the cultural heritage for the enjoyment of not only the current, but the future visitors as well.

Vision Statement

Strategic Masterplan Educational Heritage Trail

To emphasise the unique historical fabric of this cultural landscape by carefully enhancing the key components, through adaptation and conservation. This will provide a distinct heritage learning experience within an ecologically diverse woodland setting.

Interpreting the Natural Systems

Original Scale 1:2500 @ A1

Reinstating the Significance

Regenerating the Facilities for Education

Strategic Plan



Concept Plan The Layers The Layered Membrane ON GOING WORK: INTEGRATED DESIGN PROJECT

6. CastleMarket, Sheffield, UK.

Concept Plans

With the impending relocation of Castle Market to the other side of the City Centre, the site represents the opportunity to create a new layer of development; which connects into the fabric of the surrounding urban Infrastructure and embraces the waterside location. The proposed solution to Castle Market will reduce the harsh boundaries which separate the local community from the River Don & Sheaf in the form of a new urban ecological system reconnecting Sheffield with these once treasured elements.

Strategic Concept Plan

The organic nature of membranes underpin the theory of this design. Through manipulating the landform and vegetation - experiences of fluidity and permeability are created, which will contrast with areas of solidarity and structure around the built form. Furthermore, the spatial structure of the design reflects the shapes membranes create when stretched and layered creating a coherent, yet diverse master plan/


Site Masterplan

Original Scale 1:500 @ A


Legend. Meandering main route through the site. The River Don walkway.

Wet woodland planting with intermittent coppicing. Structural, aesthetic planting encouraging movement. Temporary wet woodland edge anticipating development. Sustainable urban drainage with riparian species.

A design which integrates future development, accommodating and welcoming change: Temporary layers.


Encourage the local community into the site, through a series of routes and experiences: Inclusive design.


Improve the linkages and legibility between the City Centre and Victoria Quays.

Design Aims. Enhance the role of the rivers: No longer hidden away by harsh boundaries: Increased sense of fluidity at the waters edge.

A1 Wet Woodland Edge Flexible Open Space Adaptable/ Open/ Exercise/ Freedom/ Relaxation/ Childs Play

Public Walkway

Main Routes / Public Park/Gardens Colourful/ Textural/ Bold/ Flowing/ Barriers/ Dynamic/ Meandering

Section A1-A2 1:200 @ A2 10


Contrasting planting styles to distinguish different functions.

The River Don Revealed/ Ecological Corridor/ Stimulating/ Alluring/ Focal


Riverside Walkway Interactive/ Movement/ Connection to River/ Bespoke Steel/ Poetic Viewing Platform Meeting point/ Engaging/ Views/ Seating/ Wooden/ Adaptable

Strategy Diagrams.

Site Analysis.

0 1 2 3 4 5

Wet Woodland Diverse/ Coppices/ Habitats/ Soothing/ Fused/ Organic/ Shaded

The River Sheaf has long been hidden underneath the urban development of the City Forgotten.

Initial design has been installed. Temporary viewing layer anticipates future development. Vegetation starting to establish.

Strong barrier between the City and the River Don Separation.

New builtform has been constructed where marked. Existing builtform adapted where highlighted .

Removal of CastleMarket will create a void in the local community - Displacement.

Temporary viewing layer removed to accommodate new development. Established vegetation has interlocked topographical layers together. Flexible layer could change function to suit the needs of the Castlegate area.

Planting Design Journal (Jul-Aug 2012)

Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment (Jan 2013)

Land Contamination, Restoration and Revegetation Report (April 2013)


WRITTEN REPORTS: Examples of written reports completed between 2012-2013

Thank you for viewing. Marc Davies

41 Longview Rd, Rainhill, L35 8LN / / 07527 550 818

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