Table of Contents 1. Summary.............................................................................................................................................. 3 2. Sociodemography ................................................................................................................................ 4 2.1 Age ................................................................................................................................................. 4 2.2 Gender ........................................................................................................................................... 4 3. Reading Habits ..................................................................................................................................... 5 3.1 Number of Books Read in a Year ................................................................................................... 5 3.3 Where do Heavy Readers and Influencers Discover New Books? ................................................ 6 4. Reading Recommendations................................................................................................................. 7 4.1 Heavy Readers as Influencers ........................................................................................................ 7 4.2. Multiplier Effects and C2C Reach of Heavy Readers .................................................................... 7 4.3 Online Recommendations by Influencers ..................................................................................... 8 5. Purchase Habits ................................................................................................................................... 9 5.1 Number of Purchased Books ......................................................................................................... 9 5.2 Decision Criteria when Purchasing Books ................................................................................... 10 5.3 The Importance of Reviews and Ratings in the Purchasing Decision Process ............................ 11 6. Recommendations............................................................................................................................. 12
1. Summary Social media has become a part of life for many consumers and thus became an important part of the marketing strategy of many companies. In recent years, publishers, authors and the book trade have dramatically extended their marketing activities to social media like Facebook, Twitter and Blogs. The Holy Grail of Social Media Marketing is the access to and the good relationship with heavy readers and so called “influencers”: certain readers that develop an enormous reach through social media and influence the purchase decisions of other readers through their opinions. Who are these heavy readers and influencers on the Internet and how can one differentiate them from an “average” reader?
As a special interest platform for literature, the reader network particularly attracts book and online affine readers that share a great pleasure in talking about books. We can answer the above question as we have surveyed these readers. The online survey was conducted from 25 June 2012 until 1 July 2012 on Participating in the survey did not require registration on LovelyBooks. The report summarizes the answers of a total of 2,296 readers.
2. Sociodemography 2.1 Age
Age distribution of surveyed heavy readers (blue) and average readers (grey, AWA2012)
Compared to the 2012 data of the Allensbach Media Market Analysis (AWA), heavy readers and influencers on the Internet are slightly younger than the average
reader. 83% of the surveyed heavy readers are above 20 years of age or older and 43% are 30 years of age or older.
2.2 Gender
Gender distribution of surveyed heavy readers (orange) and average readers (grey, AWA2012)
With 90%, the share of surveyed female readers is well above average. Women play an
for book recommendations and book purchases (this applies to the entire family).
3. Reading Habits 3.1 Number of Books Read in a Year
The results clearly show that the surveyed readers were definitely heavy readers.
94% of the surveyees read 10 or more books in a year. 79% (n = 1,837) read 20 or more books and definitely have to be categorised as heavy readers according to the definition of the Bรถrsenverein des Deutschen Buchhandels (> 18 books per year). On average, surveyees read 36 books in a year.
3.2 Which Genres are preferred by Heavy Readers?
Heavy readers in the net prefer germane fiction genres. The most popular genres are fantasy, crime/thriller, young adult books and light novels, contemporary novels, romance and historical. Genres preferred by heavy readers in the net match the main bestselling fiction genres.
3.3 Where do Heavy Readers and Influencers Discover New Books?
online booksellers with a personal recommendation system (e.g. reader reviews) play an important role. Traditional media such as print media or TV and radio only marginally contribute to discovering new books.
Online affine heavy readers get their inspirations for new books at the local bookstore or are inspired by friends. On the Internet, special interest platforms such as book communities, blogs or
Personal reading recommendations play an important role in discovering new books both online and offline. Review and recommendation platforms with the possibility of readers exchanging ideas and networking are therefore an important element in the book marketing of publishers.
4. Reading Recommendations 4.1 Heavy Readers as Influencers
This classifies a much larger portion of surveyees as influencers when compared with the average AWA 2012 reader (only 28% state that they recommend books). 97% of surveyees like to recommend books they have read to friends and acquaintances.
Word of mouth is an important element in the marketing mix of publishers and identifying the right influencers is an important factor of success.
4.2. Influencer Effects and C2C Reach of Heavy Readers
On average, surveyed heavy readers recommend about 2.8 books per month (n=2187). 47% of the readers recommend 3 or more books per month. Number of recommended books per month
On average, surveyed heavy readers recommend books to 3.5 persons per month (n=2216). 69% recommend books to 3 or more persons per month. Number of people that books are recommended to per month
4.3 Online Recommendations by Influencers
87% of the readers use rating systems to rate books they have read.
Readers that use rating systems (e.g. 5-star ratings)
Readers that write reviews
Readers that blog about books
69% of surveyed readers write reviews and therefore create book-relevant content that positively support book sales. One third of the surveyed readers publish reading recommendations on their personal blog. The willingness of heavy readers to post recommendations online is principally very high and helps other readers in their search for and selection of their next books.
5. Purchase Habits 5.1 Number of Purchased Books
Number of purchased books by heavy readers (purple) and by book buyers (grey, source: AWA2012)
When compared to the average AWA 2012 book buyer, the surveyed heavy readers are also above-average big buyers. 85% of the surveyed readers buy 10 or more books per year.
On average, surveyees purchase 30 books per year and are therefore a target group with a strong purchasing power.
5.2 Decision Criteria when Purchasing Books
Similarly important is the availability of excerpts and the presentation at the local bookshop. Traditional marketing measures such as newsletters, ads, etc. and professional book reviews in the media and on feature pages are increasingly becoming insignificant to this target. The importance of book trailers is also rather small.
Heavy readers are mostly influenced in their decision to purchase a book by honest and credible recommendations from friends and other readers. These recommendations may also be pinpointed on the Internet in the form of reviews or ratings at the point of interest.
The most important purchasing decision criteria are reviews, ratings and recommendations by friends. It demonstrates once more the importance of providing the reader with viral opportunities to express his or her opinion.
5.3 The Importance of Reviews and Ratings in the Purchasing Decision Process
To 69% of surveyees, both ratings and reviews by other readers are important decision criteria when purchasing a book.
Relevance of ratings in purchasing a book
Relevance of reviews in purchasing a book
To 42% of surveyees, reader reviews are “very important� when purchasing a book and to 38% the same is true for reader ratings. This result emphasises how important the opinion of readers is to potential book buyers. Therefore, information should be distributed where readers look for information about books.
6. Recommendations
Heavy readers not only are a target group with a strong purchasing power but can become effective ambassadors for books they have read. Use this opportunity and make word-of-mouth marketing an integral element of your marketing mix! Personal opinions and recommendations from other readers significantly influence purchasing decisions. Distribute content where readers look for information about books. Heavy readers and influencers are essentially different from the “average” reader. Get to know this target group better and develop a personal relationship. Find out who often likes to talk particularly about your books. Influencers cannot be reached via traditional communication lines and marketing channels. Be present where they are and communicate with the readers on equal footing.
Promote recommending your books and authors. Show that reader opinions are a matter that is near to your heart. Start a word-ofmouth avalanche in collaboration with your book ambassadors!
The aboutbooks GmbH and provide a central meeting point for readers and authors on the Internet. is leading in the development of Social Reading solutions for E-books and websites in Germany. Authors and publishers successfully get their books talked about by readers via virtual reading circles and other activities dealing with literature. Aboutbooks GmbH Schleißheimer Straße 26 D-80333 München
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