AA Emtech 2015-16 | Bootcamp Documentation

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|abstract| During the 3-week Boot Camp, our goal was to achieve a doubly curve surface related to a global system structure. We deeply exploited algorithm thinking process not only by digital design and fabrication, but also understanding how digital and physical worlds can be combined to better results. As a starting point, at the Generative Geometry Stage, we developed an hyperbolic paraboloid surface that were divided in cells that could be treated in different ways. We decided to go inside this logic and had the total control of the articulated surface, its division and openings. Secondly, during Material Intelligence Stage, we aimed to maintain our initial surface geometry and research it in detail. On this phase, we investigated the plywood behavior in various conditions and designed a principal component to populate the surface, following a structural grid. However, our main inaccuracy was to think piece and grid as separate elements, not as a whole system. Consequently, on Stage 3, we restructured the grid, thinking about an arrangement that avoid joints, and create an overlaying material to reinforce grid density. Despite a succeed experiment, intended to go further on design process, we focused on digital structural analysis, which allowed us a better understanding of structure behavior and, finally, we could reach a good level of knowledge to comprehend and design a global system configuration.

Emtech 2015/2016


|contents| BootCamp Stage 1: Generative Geometries Stage 2: Material Intelligence Stage 3: Digital Analysis

Boot Camp Documentation


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Developing the Project




|stage 1: generative geometries| articulated surfaces The experimentation/project began with the investigation about how treat the Hyperbolic Paraboloid geometry as a paper articulated surface. The surface were divided in two main groups of cells, squares and rectangles. We particularly focused on the cells that compound the three diagonals along the structure, which were created in order to increase stiffness and to give shape to paper assembly. During the design process, a deeper and more detailed study on load spreading let us to understand how important was the cell shape in paper and, moreover, in stage 2, how the is related to the whole structure.

digital model

physical model Emtech 2015/2016



physical model Boot Camp Documentation


|stage 2: material intelligence| plywood The conclusions reached during the stage 1, impulse us to recognize how load distribution through the surface is fundamental to create a structural grid. Our aim was to propose a web that could follow the stress diagram.

have noticed that most of loads were concentrated within the joints, causing a consequent displacement on the surface. This result brought us to re-examine the structure design and starting to consider it as a Global-System.

Each element of the grid has a particular relation between its position on the surface and its length. In fact, the areas characterized by a higher load concentration, have a denser grid. On the other hand, an open grid defines areas that have less compression. We verified trough material tests that the element designed to compound the grid has a positive behavior in terms of stiffness. On the other hand, despite its good rigidity, we observed that it preserved a valid twist parameter, which was indispensable to complete our project assembly. The elements were connected between each others’ by circular joints in order to have connections from different angles. Consequently, we did not have problems on the assembly process and we could finish a big model in a limited time. However, after the construction process conclusion, we

digital model perspective

physical model Emtech 2015/2016


component design forces in the piece

flexion reaction

twist reaction

compression reaction Boot Camp Documentation



digital model- top

loads distribuition diagram Emtech 2015/2016


digital model perspective

stress diagram

physical model Boot Camp Documentation


|stage 3: digital analysis| system diagrams

After realise that our main inaccuracy, in Stage 2, was to think piece and grid as separate elements, not as a whole system, we restructured the grid. Our main goal on this phase was avoid joints and create an overlaying material scheme. We developed a branching-based system, which spreads loads in a homogenic manner. Sitiffness was increased and buckling was reduced on the whole structure.

hyperbolic paraboloid anticlastic negative gaussian curvature curvature analysis

pseudocode Emtech 2015/2016


joints problem tackled increase stiffness reduce buckling stripes overlaying

structure diagram

forces act in a different way in ech element element diagram

Boot Camp Documentation


|developing the project| karamba analysis During the design process, the analysis of the curvature and structure were excellent tools to verify our design ideas and to have a better comprehension of the design development of the model. We analysed the project system by comparing the grids that we develop in Stages 2 and 3 and verified that not only the global system was more efficient than the separate element assembly, but also could evaluate the structural function of each element separatelly. DIAGRAMS - GRID STAGE 2

material utilization


axial forces

bending moment Emtech 2015/2016



material utilization


axial forces

bending moment


We have noticed that material utilization are concentrated just in some parts of the grid, reinforncing that this squeme is not acting as a global system structure. On displacement analysis, its clear that the boundaries are being deformed and compressed. Tension and Compresion diagram can be analysed by axial forces and bendind moments helped us to understand material behavior.


In this case, we have improved the grid distribution in order to spread loads in a homogenic surface. Its clear what are the loads path and the elements with high utilization. On displacement analysis, we have confirmed that the boundaries are being deformed and compressed. It is a geometry condition. On axial forces and bending moment diagrams its clear how loads are being spread and how this system is working as a whole system. Boot Camp Documentation


|conclusion| Understand Boot Camp as an unfinished learning process is our main conclusion. We have noticed that not only our developing process has been improved but also how analysis inputs have given us the right directions. For the period of the workshop, we have learnt how to improve a design process following a logical method and how important is to take advantage from all not succeed experiments in order to reach consistent results. It is a non-stoppable learning process.

Emtech 2015/2016


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