[Interface 2013] [Project Delta] General Mechanics

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What is Project Delta 2013? Project Delta 2013 is an innovative idea generating project of the Ateneo Electronics and Computer Engineering Society (AECES) for high school students. The project gathers the top high school students in the nation for a single cause of social service through Engineering, Science & Technology.

II. Objective. To provide the high school students a venue to practice the concepts learned in the classroom in a creative manner though a research-based project proposal and oral presentation.

III. Mechanics. a. Qualifications of the joining participant i. The competing team must consists of 2-3 students studying in that high school (maybe supervised by a coach) ii. There must be at least 1 non-graduating participant iii. The competing teams are preferably from extended Metro Manila area 1. Extended Metro Manila includes cities and provinces from the National Capital Region (NCR), Central Luzon (Region III) and CALABARAZON (Region IVA) 2. the organizers will not shoulder any transportation and lounging expenses for the competing teams b. Qualifications of the Project (Pre-event Proposal) i. Each competing can only send a maximum of one project. ii. Each competing team is to submit a proposal containing details of their project. iii. The proposal may be a new product or invention, an improvement in existing solutions, innovative step/ method or a useful application. iv. The proposal must have an Engineering/ Science & Technology-related means with social relevant ends. v. The proposal must be research-based following the standard IEEE paper format. vi. Competing teams must provide a creative poster of dimension (16 in. by 11 in.) summarizing their proposal to be posted in the official Interface 2013 Facebook page a week before the event and in the Interface gallery during the event. vii. The proposed project should have been sent on or before October 26, 2013.

c. The proposal paper must be published in A4 size paper, following the official university standard. d. The proposal paper must contain the following content. i. Title. The title of the proposal and, later, of the dissertation should be a succinct summary of the topic and generally should not exceed 15 words. Unnecessary words, such as “A Study of ...,” should always be avoided. The title should include key terms that readily identify the scope and nature of the study and should be typed using all capital letters. [1] ii. Abstract. The abstract is a brief summary of the dissertation project’s area of investigation and expected course. It should reflect familiarity with current issues in the field and raise research questions or hypotheses suggested by findings in the current literature. In the abstract, the investigator should briefly describe proposed methods and expected conclusions. [1] iii. Introduction. The introduction presents (at greater length than in the abstract) the problem to be addressed by the project. The introduction should describe an unresolved issue in a field of investigation and explain the importance of conducting a study to help resolve that issue. Terms likely to be used throughout the proposal should be defined in this chapter. [1] In the introduction, the objectives of the project will be clearly defined and stated, as well as the significance of the project’s output. In addition, the introduction should include the scope and limitations of the undertakings of the proposed project. iv. Conceptual Framework. This section details the theoretical/conceptual basis of the project, as well as the underlying techniques, programs, and previous researches/projects that will support the project to its realization and completion. Cited sources will be expected in heavy usage in this section. Note however that the essential elements of the project must be novel and original of the proponents. v. Methodology. The methodology section describes in detail how the study will be conducted. This chapter is typically divided into labelled subsections. Often a subsection describing participants or subjects is followed by subsections describing testing or other measurement procedures to be undertaken with the participants and a subsection describing how the resulting measurements will be analyzed to help resolve the problems stated in the introduction.[1] e. The proposal must not exceed four (4) pages, and must be published in PDF format.

IV. Criteria for Judging. The criteria listed include judging on the paper, the poster, and the presentation.

V. Procedures

Innovativeness 25% Social Relevance 30% Feasibility 20% Overall Impact 5% Delivery 15% Paper 5% Poster 5% Oral presentation 5% TOTAL 100%

a. Preliminary. i. The members of each competing team must register on/before November 1, 2013 in http://aecesinterface2013.eventbrite.com/ to be accounted for as a team. ii. Send the proposal be must via email on the given deadline with the following format: 1. TeamName_ProjectDelta.pdf (ex. AECES_ ProjectDelta.pdf) 2. Send to aeces.externalaffairs@gmail.com b. Finals. i. The applicant must be able to send a PowerPoint presentation of the project via email on the given deadline with either of the following formats and send it to aeces.externalaffairs@gmail.com. 1. TeamName_Presentation.pdf (ex. AECES_Presentation.pdf) 2. TeamName_Presentation.ppt (ex. AECES_Presentation.ppt) ii. The presentation submitted will be used during the oral defense to the official judges. As a guideline, the presentation should consist of the following. In addition, it is recommended to refer to this document (ignore the 12-minute suggestion). 1. Introductory statements. 2. Problem/s addressed. 3. Objectives. 4. Significance of the project. 5. Scope and Limitations. 6. Underlying Concepts/Literature. 7. Methodology.

iii. The poster must be published in 16 in. by 11 in. dimensions, in any picture file format. Guidelines on the layout of the poster can be followed here. Templates are available here and here (for the PSD file, please view the Guides for the margins). Note: The organizers will be the ones to publish the poster. It is up to the competing team to pass the soft-copy of the posters before the deadline.

VI. Event Proper a. All short-listed competing teams are to attend Interface 2013 for the final phase of the competition. b. Proposals are to be presented and defended in front of a panel of judges with at most 3 student presenters. c. A maximum of 7 minutes (ignore the 12-minute guide in the presentation reference from the link above) will be given for each competing team to present. d. Another 3 minutes to answer questions from both the panel and the audience.

VII. Awarding of Winners. a. After all competing teams have presented, scores based on the overall criteria will be ranked. b. The competing team that garnered the most number of points will be determined as the champion of this year’s Project Delta. i. They will go home with Php 5,000 in cash, medals and a trophy (to be approved) for their school.

VIII. Deadlines Task Last day for submission of project proposal (paper) Release of preliminary results Date of Project Delta 2013

Deadline October 26, 2013 October 28 ,2013 November 16,2013

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