GLOBAL SOCIAL VENTURE COMPETITION 20 Years of Turning Ideas to Impact.
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I n t e r v i e w T E X T
FALCON UAV PROJECT I would like to tell you that with a team we are participating in a technological innovation competition, called the Global Social Venture Competition, of the University of Berkeley, California. Therefore, we are collecting opinions from professionals in different areas that help us show the importance of the project for a future social impact I will explain what the project consists of ... Falcon UAV This is a technological innovation of agricultural aeroapplication project with drones. The purpose is focused on the quality and sanity of massive food production and its potential on a global scale. Paradigm shift: At present, fumigation services are carried out day by day with drops with antievaporation additives with manned aircraft or terrestrial fumigation services. What we propose is a nocturnal fumigation with drones that use micro and nano drops in addition to advanced topography recognition technologies, crop species and automated flight programming. Advantage: 1. The night application facilitates the application due to several factors: Climate • Generally less wind drifts • Without evaporation • Presence of dew Techniques • Micro / Nano drops (spray) • Good coverage at low height • Greater care with water zones and human border areas. • Less toxic handling • No risk of operational life
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2. The application with aircraft-type drones covers large areas and hexacopter-type drones are used for small areas, near gutters or areas of difficult access. 3. The modality of franchise with school of agricultural drone pilots, facilitates the insertion in an existing market as an upgrade of agricultural machinery positioning us as allies instead of competition. Social impact In the short term - Reducing the amount of application of agrochemicals would save a large number of lives from pollution and directly related diseases (cancer, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, hormonal alterations, paralysis, malformations, leukemia, sterility, etc.), in turn, an improvement in health worldwide. Workers, agricultural communities, pregnant women and children are the most affected. Adding to that we all consume fumigated food, dying in this way about 200,000 people per year in Argentina. In the medium and long term we are interested in analyzing the nocturnal behavior of insects and crop pests to study better in relation to their ecosystem. Then investigate how the chemicals can be replaced by organic products that conserve the flora and fauna of the place to achieve the highest quality in basic foods. If the food is healthy, everything that is derived will be good. For all these reasons, we are sharing this information with you. Our project has more than 15 years of work, and participation in this global contest could help us finish our prototype to start testing it in the field and finally implement it. We select you because we believe that your opinion is very important in this process. If you authorize us, we would like to know your professional opinion and the possibility of a mention of you in our presentation, as well as that of other professionals who support us. • We would like to know according to your opinion and experience: Do you consider that the agricultural world urgently needs a project like this? If your answer is yes, explain briefly to the form of comments. Why? Thank you very much for your valuable time.
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Navegación asistida
c ió
Tr ia
la ngu
Relevamiento topográfico
*Unidad de control de tierra *Programación del vuelo *Planificación de la aeroaplicación
Interior de la unidad móvil y datos de referencia
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C u s t o m e r
I n t e r v i e w
S u m m a r y
Q u o t e s
1. Carlos Fornillo
Landowner - Farmer and cow breeder Concordia • Entre Ríos * Argentina
“We must emphasize that this project would keep us like many others at the peak of our development in everything related to the advance of precision agriculture”. “The world is not only asking us to feed it, it wants us to do it safely for ourselves and for the planet, this project allows us the two options, that is, it is not only important, it is URGENT”.
6. Jorge Marino
Landowner - Farmer and cow breeder Chascomús • Pcia. Bs As * Argentina
“The agricultural world needs a project like this, since current agricultural practices are being questioned as they would not be sustainable in the future for various reasons, but basically two: human health and the waste of resources such as water”. “This project is aimed at reducing the risk to health, minimizing the number of people in contact with the product, either by being unmanned instruments, such as the possibility of conducting them remotely or even automated”.
2. Eduardo Montaña Lic. Communication Sciences
7. Armando Lemos
Capital • Buenos Aires * Argentina
Developer. S.I.T.R.U. S.A. (Urban Waste Termolysis System)
“According to my opinion and qualified experience, the agricultural world clearly needs and requests, through different referents and alarming situations, the development of this product”
“This project has as incalculable virtue beyond cutting-edge technology, putting man and society as a whole out of risk, achieving the desired results of this activity, giving a highly effective crop protection”.
“The Argentine National Government has entrusted, invested and bet on this enterprise, which, by being part of it, its involvement also makes it favorable the results of the same, when promoting, the efficient result of having relied on capital human of national origin and towards the world”.
“I consider that this project has several favorable innovations for agriculture, the farmer and society”.
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Q u o t e s
3. Adrián Cedrola
8. Facundo Santiago
“The project avoids human losses due to the risks of traditional fumigation”
“I know the project and from the first moment I said that the work they are doing is "extraordinary" ”
4. Silvia Falcon
9. Marcelo del Hoyo
“Considering the prevention of diseases to fumigate fields, also avoiding environmental contamination and the risks of work that this profession entails, is undoubtedly a product of conscience".
“I am a specialist in bees and in beekeeping one of the biggest problems that has is the aeroapplication and land spraying”
Director ENOSUR City Hall Mar del Plata * Argentina
Teology – Dermatological Laboratories Consultant
“The technology put in place to protect life, maximizes the quality of products, preserves the earth, reduces air and water pollution, and collaborates with future projects in pursuit of a better quality of life for all beings on the planet. Excellent project! ”.
5. Gustavo Huici
Presidente Surf Rider Foundation Argentina
“We support the initiative for all the reasons exposed”
Customs and Foreign Trade Dispatcher Mar del Plata * Argentina
Apilab SRL – Lic. of Biology at the Faculty of Exact and Natural Sciences UNMDP
“It would be a great advantage because we would do it at night when the bees are all inside the bee apiary”
10. Miguel Buero
Advisor and Coordinator of trips and strategies of Discussion and analysis of the agricultural Business. Factor C - Trenque Lauquen • Buenos Aires * Argentina
“I believe that this is a totally necessary project for our sector".
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K e y
L e a r n i n g s
Development, agriculture, precision.
Agricultural development, government.
Human losses, fumigation.
Preve nti o n , aw are n ess , te chn o l o g y.
Support, initiative, reasons.
Resources, sustainable, future.
Te c h n o l o g y, s o c i e t y, c r o p .
Pr oj e c t , e x t r a o r d i n a r y, wo r k .
B e e ke e p in g , a e ro ap p li c ati o n , b e e ap iar y.
Proj e c t , n e cess ar y.
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E x e c u t i v e S o c i a l
S u m m a r y
v e n t u r e
o v e r v i e w
FALCON UAV, we present this project as the basis for the future, technological innovation company. Our proposal works, as a bridge of authentic reach to transform the agricultural world and its fumigation techniques, having as a direct result better population health, an improvement to health in the food products to which we all consume. We can afirm this project, is pioneer in the field of agricultural technological innovation, and could generate a global social impact. Value Proposition The problem of poisoning by agrotoxics is global. We are all exposed to consuming contaminated food that can affect our health as well as lead to certain death. The uncontrolled use of the chemicals that are used in the crops can also be expanded by air, water, livestock, and even generationally through breast milk. Various diseases such as cancer, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, hormonal alterations, renal failure, paralysis and cardiovascular problems, malformations, leukemia and sterility, are directly related to these toxic substances. Agricultural workers, the communities near the fields, pregnant women and children are the most affected. According to the World Health Organization WHO, some 200,000 people die every year in Argentine poisoned by pesticides. Faced with this problem, we propose a low-wing monoplane as a solution. In this case it consists of a self-manned drone and created especially for agricultural work. Each product has a micro dropping system that sprays substances in droplets, reducing considerably the quantity of pesticides used and avoiding contact with risk areas that then directly affect the populations. Its command and control are used remotely. It can operate, take off and land in small spaces thanks to its small size and weight, being able to operate in diversed topographical conditions and differentiated crop areas. It can be transported in a utility vehicle and its consumption is only one fifth compared to current equipment. FALCON UAV project put distances to workers from direct contact with agrotoxics and helps reduce the substances that aect our society. Moreover, it is a pioneering product since it works at night avoiding the evaporation of products, reducing environmental pollution. Each team will count with a maintenance vehicle that will fulfill the functions of remote control, programming and flight control. Social Impact This project is not just a technological innovation, it is a proposal to overcome and understand the responsibility we have as citizens to transform our social space, generating awareness of the consequences we are experiencing due to the misuse of
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chemicals and the impact that projects like this can have. This is a matter of an urgent nature since it corresponds to the rights to health and to the integral well-being of people and society as a whole. Although our medium-term purpose is to improve the aerial technology used in fields, we are interested in investigating the behavior of the nocturnal application of the substances, as well as the replacement of the most harmful chemicals by organic products. Market The interest of this rationale lies within the agricultural and technological market. Today, a quarter of the population suffers from hunger and many cases do not have enough food. This situation tends to become more complex due to the historical, political and economic events that the world is going through, such as massive migrations where States are asking themselves how they are going to support the communities that request shelter. In the coming years, food processing will have to rise, and therefore its production conditions. To do this, agricultural nations must prepare responsibly to face these types of challenges. Competitive Advantage This project seeks to improve agricultural activity complementing our innovation to work in fields, does not seek to displace positions but to generate links for work together. So we have no competitors, which positions this company without barriers of entry. On the other hand, when protecting the pilots of the manned ships, what is sought is to merge them with the school of agricultural drone pilots, which facilitates our insertion in an existing market. This strategy position us as allies instead of competition. Revenue Model, Stakeholders & Go-to Market Strategy FALCON UAV will be used for fumigation services, especially for farmers who have ranches, fields, farms, and also including medium and small producers that exploit small plots of difficult access. It should be noted that through the use of modern technologies you can extend the use to other productive applications. The most benefited will be the farmers and their respective technicians. At the beginning of the launch until economic growth we will use the direct sales system, placing the product in the market within reach of our objectives. Subsequently, a franchise system of the services performed will be implemented. Others are needed as stable customers of agrochemical companies that pack their product in sealed tanks and insured with a guarantee strip. Team Who runs this group is Jorge Daniel Falcon who was the precursor of the idea. Marcelo Fabian Capellaro has been the graphic designer who has contributed and accompanied during this journey with the conformation of the prototype.
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Federico Capirone is the industrial designer who manages the production and presentation of the project, and finally Ivanna Capellaro, an advanced student of the career of Sociology, has analyzed the social impact that this project aims to encompass. We consider that the importance of each team member is important because for a comprehensive project like this one needs the vision of multiple disciplines that are their opinion and nurture the idea. On the other hand, the long trajectory that we present shows a journey where we have learned from positive and negative situations that have passed, which gives us an experience of support and security when making decisions. Track Record and Next Steps Since this proposal has a trajectory of more than 24 years, the achievements and advances have been important since its conception (See Team I Bios Jorge Falcon for details). As it is possible to observe, the project has gone through the first instances of formulation the idea, adding in this journey different professionals, companies and institutions that contributed their knowledge and experience (mechanical structures, avionics, computer systems, transport, etc). We are currently at a stage close to the final construction of the prototype. Once finalized, we can start with the tests in various fields and pilots school for the final release to the market. Financial Model Taking into account the investments to be made, the hypothetical income, the repayments of the loan and the risks inherent to the investment, the model has been closed in a period of 12 (twelve) years, to see the investment as acceptable, having been tested in the project other working hypotheses that advised in principle to be more prudent in the evaluation given the lack of knowledge of what the future result will be in the face of a technological change that will allow to mark a gap in the trajectory of the agricultural exploitation.
4,000,000 3,500,000 3,000,000 2,500,000 2,000,000 1,500,000 1,000,000 500.000 0 -500.000 1 año 4,000,000
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10 años 11 años 12 años
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B i o s
Jorge Daniel Falcon
LinkedIN Mar del Plata • Buenos Aires * Argentina • Manager and precursor of the project "Falcon UAV" - Unmanned Aerial Vehicle.
• Original idea since 1994 • Young Entrepreneurs Project, Secretary of Production - City Hall of Mar del Plata / Buenos Aires / July to November 1994. • Organization of the United Nations for Industry and Development, Faculty of Engineering - National University - Mar del Plata / August 1994. • Quality and Competitiveness, Industrial Union of the Province of Buenos Aires / Mar del Plata Stock Exchange / Bank of the Province of Buenos Aires, September 1994. • 111 Award Edition Entrepreneurial Tecno, Bank of Credit Argentine / Federal Capital - Nominated among the ten best projects presented / October 1994. • FOGABA SAPEM, Ministry of Production and Employment / Buenos Aires / 1999 • Faculty of Engineering Agreement / 2000 • Certification in Europe, Publication of the project in Brussels IT Center for the whole Europe / IT Center - Canary Islands / 2004 • Exhibitor at Innovar '07 - October 3 to 5, 2007 • Publications Newspapers Clarin and Pagina 12 / 2007 • Presentation of the project to the government of Uruguay / 2011
Marcelo Fabian Capellaro LinkedIN Mar del Plata • Buenos Aires * Argentina • Web/ Graphic/ Textil designer • Digital layout of the drone and worked in the project from the beginning • Professor of Industrial Design University UNMDP • Professor Faculty of Graphic Design University CAECE
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Federico Capirone
LinkedIN Mar del Plata • Buenos Aires * Argentina • Industrial Designer, FAUD, UNMdP (2011 – 2015) • Academic Secretary UNMdP (2017 - 2018) General Technology of Materials. Industrial design, FAUD, UNMdP.• Design, management and production in "Falcon UAV" - Unmanned aerial vehicle.
Ivanna Capellaro
LinkedIN Mar del Plata • Buenos Aires * Argentina • Last year student at Bachelor's Degree in Sociology - National University of Mar del Plata • HarvardX: Humanitarian Response to Conflict and Disaster. • Certificate Issued March 29, 2018. • Atlas.Ti training center, qualitative data analysis, certificate 2018 • Social impact analysis in "Falcon UAV" - Unmanned aerial vehicle.
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