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Health & Well-being Everyone's business

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Periods, endometriosis and menopause: arguably three of the most taboo topics known to professionals workplaces. But it’s time that employers start taking these health issues seriously, understanding that they affect everyone – and not just women

omen account for 47.7% of the global workforce, yet still, there are many silent barriers that we face everyday. Although it’s commonly known that women face a great amount of adversity, health concerns should not be one of them.

The first topic to touch upon is periods, formally known as menstruation. Anyone who has ever found their bag empty on that day of the month will know the sheer inconvenience and dread that rushes through the body. Asking for a tampon feels like an elite game of Chinese whispers, as the message spreads from woman to woman until a winner is found. And then there’s the mission of tactfully receiving it without arousing suspicion from those who find monthly bleeds uncomfortable, embarrassing or, dare I say it, disgusting.

Slowly, the idea that women are impure, dirty, or sinful while menstruating is fading – but, when considering that 26% of the global population experience periods for two-to-seven days a month, it’s hard to understand how it became a taboo topic in the first place.

Some countries are trying. Spain made headlines in May this year for becoming the first Western country to offer unlimited menstrual leave to women who can provide a doctor’s note. A grand gesture, but a poor performance in comparison to Indonesia, which passed a law in 2003 to give women the right to two days of paid menstrual leave per month, without the need for prior notice. But Japan can top even that: in 1947, a law was passed instructing

companies to grant menstrual leave for as long as a woman needs, if requested. Although the cynics out there may be rolling their eyes, a survey of 6,000 companies found that just 0.9% of eligible workers had taken leave.

Endometriosis in the workplace

So now we move on to a disease that is often inaccurately labelled a ‘bad period’. Typically the most debilitating of women’s issues, endometriosis is woefully misunderstood by both the medical community and wider society at large. It’s a condition where cells – similar to those lining the womb – are found elsewhere in the body, usually within the pelvic cavity. Each month, these cells react to the menstrual cycle in the same way as those in the womb, building up before then breaking down and bleeding. Unlike the cells in the womb that leave the body as a period, though, this blood has no way to escape. “This leads to inflammation, pain, and the formation of scar tissue,” Faye Farthing, Communications Manager, Endometriosis UK, says. “Other symptoms can include chronic pelvic pain, painful periods, painful bowel and bladder movements, and fatigue.”

Although this is an issue that affects approximately 1 in 10 women, it’s largely overlooked in the workplace. So much so, that a 2020 study found that 75.2% of patients reported being misdiagnosed with another physical health issue, a mental health problem, or both before they received an endometriosis diagnosis. Often, women have to endure an average 8.5-year-long wait before receiving a diagnosis, with some waiting much longer.

“Endometriosis affects everyone differently – some may need time off work or other support to deal with the symptoms, others may not,” Faye explains. “Those experiencing endometriosis symptoms that impact their ability to work deserve to be given support, just like anyone with any other chronic condition would expect to receive. Unfortunately, the lack of public understanding of endometriosis means that many employers do not provide the support or flexibility needed to enable those with the disease to fulfil their potential.”

Endometriosis UK runs the Endometriosis Friendly Employer (EFE) scheme. Since it launched in 2019, more than 100 organisations have pledged to provide support to those with endometriosis in their workforce. This includes raising awareness of the disease and tackling stigma, as well as implementing policies to support those with endometriosis, such as flexible working where possible.

“Among the organisations that have become EFEs are law firms, media organisations, banks, police forces, and more,” says Faye. “We believe it’s important to show employees with endometriosis that they are valued and can expect support. Individuals also need to know that it’s okay to be open about their health, that they can create a trusting, supportive culture, and a more engaged and effective

The lack of public understanding of endometriosis means that many employers do not provide the support or flexibility needed to enable those with the disease to fulfil their potential


workforce – as well as ensuring that those with endometriosis can thrive.”

On the other side of the globe, the Australian government has also been celebrated for contributing AU$58mn in funding to help improve access to diagnosis, treatment and care for individuals who have endometriosis. The sum will be added to the National Action Plan launched in 2018, which has already totalled AU$22.5mn. Former Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison described the fund as a "welcome relief and support" for Australians with endometriosis, after sharing that his wife suffers from the disease.


Endometriosis is a condition that affects 1.5mn women in the UK, 6.5mn in the US and 25mn in India. Globally, this number equates to 190mn

Endometriosis impacts approximately 1 in 10 women and those assigned female at birth

38% of those with endometriosis say they have often or very often had concerns about losing their job

28% said they have often or very often had to change or leave a job because of the disease

Employers and managers need to realise that this is not something that is going to go away or that can ‘be fixed’. It’s something that every woman goes through, and it affects all of us, including men


Menopause in the workplace

In some ways, menopause can be viewed as the aunty of menstration, and even a distant cousin of endometriosis. Yet, despite most women that have periods ‘huffing and puffing’ over them, things can get even more challenging when our bodies change and we begin menopause.

Hot flushes, night sweats, low moods, anxiety and problems with memory and concentration – these are just a few of the symptoms that can affect us when our time comes. Those used to a busy business environment will easily be able to understand how these symptoms can impact a woman’s professional career.

In fact, 10% of women shared that they left their job because of menopausal symptoms, 14% had reduced their hours and 8% of women expressed that symptoms had deterred them from applying for promotion, according to The Menopause in the Workplace report.

A word of advice

Hayley shares her top tips for women struggling with menopausal symptoms

First and foremost, remember that you are not alone – there is always help and support available. I always advise individuals to visit their GP for medical advice and ask whether there is a menopause-trained specialist in the surgery. If you have an Employee Assistance Programme (EAP) use it to see a specialist.

Don’t be afraid to consider alternative therapies, such as taking supplements and vitamins, herbal remedies and CBD. The positive effects from eating the right foods, as well as engaging in exercise and meditation, cannot be underestimated.

And, finally, try to be solution focused, not problem focused. Ask ‘How can I help myself?’. It’s important to know your body and be your own best friend.

What’s more, 44% of polled women shared that menopause symptoms affected their ability to work, 61% felt that symptoms caused them to lose motivation to work and 52% had lost confidence.

Although these statistics may have you shaking your head, the worst is yet to come. A whopping 41% of women had seen either the menopause or menopause symptoms being treated as a joke by peers at work. Why is this the most shocking stat? Well, because it’s a direct reflection of the cause behind previous statistics, while also demonstrating the adversity that every working woman, at some point, will face.

“Menopause and the symptoms associated with it are still seen as taboo,” says Haley White, menopause trainer and consultant at Menopause Experts Group. “There’s an assumption that the menopause only happens to older women, when in fact, menopause can happen at any age.”

Haley also shares that menopausal women are the fastest growing demographic in the workforce – nearly 8 out of 10 menopausal women are in work.

“Employers have a responsibility for the health and safety of their employees. The number of tribunals citing menopause has tripled, yet staff training and the right policies are still lacking,” Haley adds. “Employers and managers need to realise that this is not something that is going to go away or that can ‘be fixed’. It’s something that every woman goes through, and it affects all of us – including men.

“The more we talk openly about this, the less embarrassing it becomes. Organisations should start with training for both male and female line managers, run sessions that allow and encourage women to share their experiences, as well as having menopause policies in place. Organisations need to remember that this is not a box-ticking exercise – women’s health issues need to be taken seriously and embedded at all levels throughout the organisation.”

Similar to endometriosis, though, increased exposure is leading some countries and workplaces to pioneer change – it just isn’t enough. In the UK, Wellbeing of Women reported that over 600 signatories have signed the Menopause Workplace Pledge, in a bid to make necessary changes to support women with menopausal symptoms.

Australians are calling on the government and organisations to increase support, with a few companies leading the way, such as Future Super and Modibodi, which have introduced menopause policies.

Likewise, across the Pacific in the US, there are a number of organisations focused on supporting women’s health issues, such as Evernow. Evernow’s primary mission is to build a new way of delivering healthcare based on science, innovation, and women’s lived experiences.

Final thoughts

Change is happening – but not at a quick enough pace. Rather than seeing women’s health issues, such as endometriosis and menopause, as a female problem, employers need to understand that they impact the enitre business.

“Workplaces need to remove the taboo and any barriers around the subjects – staff training is key,” Haley adds. “It’s wonderful that we have seen a huge rise in wellbeing and mental health support in workplaces, but employers need to start taking women’s health issues just as seriously. After all, the two are linked.”

Once the perspective on these topics change, we can only hope that women will receive the support they deserve, making them less inclined to cut their careers short.

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MindGym: Behavioural Change is the Path to Better Leadership

Dr. Janet Ahn, MindGym’s Chief Behavioral Science Officer, on how behavioural change empowers leaders to build profits and a culture of performance

For more than two decades, MindGym has built a reputation as a change-maker, equipping leaders with the tools to enhance the performance and well-being of the people within their organisations.

“Through a mix of coaching and digital-live hybrid products, MindGym creates sustainable behaviour change that touches every part of the business, nurturing innovation and creating a culture of high performance,” says Dr. Janet Ahn, MindGym’s first Chief Behavioral Science Officer, and an expert at the forefront of behavioural science.

A key partner to Moody’s, MindGym is rolling out its unique DE&I solution, built upon four cornerstones: judge wisely, value variety, forbid and forgive, and step up. “Moody’s already has a strong record of diversity, but MindGym focused on a partnership to bring inclusion to the next, global level,” Ahn says. “Based on our four cornerstones, MindGym created a very comprehensive journey for Moody’s. The goal of our partnership is to build cohesion globally at Moody’s around the topics of power and inclusion, belonging, and psychological safety and, even more importantly, to help Moody’s leaders build a strong foundation and understanding of things they can do differently every day to ultimately lead that culture of inclusion.”

Beyond DE&I, MindGym solves a multitude of problems in the human capital space, from leadership development to employee well being, establishing frameworks under which leaders are empowered to change behaviours when they spot opportunities.

“People are what drives growth in revenue and innovation,” Ahn explains. “To create the best performing teams, we have to invest in their experience. How we do this is by leveraging the insights we have on behavioural science in terms of how we know people psychologically are most motivated and driven.”

Learn more

Brunswick Shelli

COO of Space Foundation

Brunswick Shelli

From the US Air Force to Space Foundation, Shelli Brunswick shares the story of her fascinating career, while showing us that the sky is not the limit


Age: 16

Positive role models should never be underestimated – especially for young girls. Leading by example and showing that anything is possible with strong will, hard work and determination can help set a young girl’s life on a positive path. At least, it did for Shelli Brunswick. “My mum was a manager for a manufacturing facility,” Shelli shares, “which wasn’t a typical career for a woman in the 1980s.”

“Growing up having a female role model who was in a supervisory position in a male-dominated industry showed me that there were no limits. From her, I inherited the attitude that, if I want something, I should go for it and not let being the only woman in the room stop me from doing anything.”

Age: 18

Some of us grow up aspiring to be an astronaut, a doctor or, nowadays, a social media influencer, but Shelli was different – she grew up dreaming of travelling the world. “I didn’t have the money to go to college after graduating high school,” Shelli says, “so I decided to join the US Air Force. Not only did this give me the opportunity to learn a whole new skill set, but I got to see different countries and experience a variety of cultures, too.

“My journey started when I took the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB), which helped both myself and recruiters see which skills I possessed. Although I had no idea what the ASVAB would do for me, it ended up putting me on the path of the Air Force, so since then, I’ve always believed it to be important to seize every opportunity. I enlisted in the U.S. Air Force and became a human resource specialist.

Failure doesn't mean you can’t do something; it just means you didn’t get a ‘yes’ that time around

Age: 22 Age: 26

As a young woman fresh out of high school, Shelli had little idea of what she wanted to do or who she wanted to become. But the Air Force proved to be an essential part of her life story, as it allowed her to fully immerse herself in different cultures. “I was stationed in Turkey and Germany, which would be an amazing experience for anyone, but especially a young woman,” Shelli says. “Not only was I able to make new friends, but I was experiencing different cultures that allowed me to open my mind to new ideas, concepts and insights.” Although Shelli had been busy exploring the world, she never lacked ambition or motivation. “I was going to night school,” she says, “as I initially joined the Air Force to earn enough money to pay for college. So, I was serving my country during the day, wherever I was in the world, and I was studying for my Bachelor's and Master’s degrees at night. After completing my Bachelor’s degree, I realised that I could become an officer in the Air Force.” After working day and night, you’d think that Shelli had a pretty good chance of being selected as an officer. Unfortunately, you’d be wrong – she had just a 12% chance. “The Air Force was looking for STEM professionals,” Shelli says, “and I had a business degree. But, although the odds were against me, I wanted to give it my best shot and not let fear of failure take over.

“I applied and was rejected. This meant I could either let my application go to a second review, or I could update it. I did the latter, because I believe in always putting your best foot forward, even if the answer might be ‘no’. The second time around, I was accepted.

“Rejection taught me tenacity, not to let people put me into stereotypes and most importantly, that failure is okay. Failure doesn't mean you can’t do something; it just means you didn’t get a ‘yes’ that time around.”

Age: 29 Age: 35

Finally, Shelli had been selected as an officer. But she realised that it wasn’t quite what she wanted. “I was in personnel, so it would make sense for me to be a personnel officer, right? Well, I had been assigned as a space programme manager. I had no idea what it was, and I didn’t want to do it,” Shelli says. “Calling all my mentors, I asked for their support, and they tried to make requests to get me reclassified. They weren’t successful, and I received a call to affirm my position as a space programme manager.

“In that moment, I decided not to let the fear of the unknown take over, which consequently started my 25-year-career in the space industry. So, although people tell you to follow your passion, sometimes you don't even know what your passion is, because it might be something you haven’t even considered yet.” Settling into her new career path, Shelli wasn’t too sure what to expect. But luckily, she had a supportive network of mentors and coaches to guide her along the way. “Nothing just happens in life,” Shelli explains, “so to ensure I was always challenging myself, I volunteered for hard projects that would push my boundaries.”

“One of these positions was a military executive officer, which meant I would work for a senior officer. Although it was a lot of work, it provided me with the opportunity to learn from him, while also allowing him to get me to know me, which created opportunities.”

Age: 42

By now, you’ve probably realised that Shelli isn’t the type of person to shy away from opportunities – in fact, she dives into them

headfirst. “‘Get out from behind your desk’ is one of the greatest pieces of advice I can give,” Shelli says. “As I was volunteering to be a military executive officer, I was invited to an event where all the space programmeme managers got together at a reception. I barely knew anyone, as none of my colleagues wanted to go.

“When I was there, I saw my boss’s boss, so I went over to say hello – he introduced me to another man who turned out to be his representative at the U.S. Capitol Hill. The representative had been given a new assignment, so he would be leaving – thus, they needed to replace him. My boss’s boss looked at me and said: ‘How would you like to be a legislative liaison?’.”

“I wasn’t just given the job, but I was offered the opportunity to interview because I had gotten out from behind my desk and built networks and relationships. After the interview process, I was offered the role and told that I gave the best interview they had ever seen.”

Age: 47

You may be wondering how Shelli transitioned from a career in the Air Force to being chief operating officer of Space Foundation? Well, by continuing to do what had got her here in the first place: getting out from behind her desk. “The military offers a programme called the transition assistance programme. Some people don’t take it, but I took it twice,” Shelli says.

“I then started reaching out to people and various offers came through – one being COO of Space Foundation. I instantly thought that it was out of my reach, but it was actually a colleague of mine who shared words that have stuck with me to

this day: ‘Never disqualify yourself from something you haven't been offered’. And she was right, because out of 176 candidates, I got the job.”

Age: 50

Space Foundation is a non-profit organisation focused on teaching children and young adults about space, while also helping entrepreneurs and professionals find success within the industry. “I’m often asked if I work in space or if I’m an astronaut because of my career in the space ecosystem,” Shelli laughs, “however careers in space are far more diverse in skill sets, regions of the world and opportunities.

“There is a place in space for everyone, as every country and citizen use space technology – whether they realise it or not. Virtual meetings rely on space technology, as do ATMs, agriculture, transportation, public safety, and so on.

“Space is creating more economic opportunities to help people find prosperity. For example, those doing agricultural activities could use space technology to increase crop yield, which will help to increase income and quality of life. This doesn’t just apply to America either, as we help people in Africa find clean water close by, then they don’t need to walk for miles and miss school or work.”

Age: 52

Although Shelli always sees room for improvement, she also prioritises passing on her knowledge and skills to the next generation. “For me, kids are the future. But what I love most about my role at Space Foundation is that it allows me to show kids, especially those from a disadvantaged background, that a career in space is a viable path,” Shelli says.

“It’s not just important for us to encourage more women to pursue space careers, but we need to make it a more diverse environment too. In the 1960s, the United States was focused on sending the first man to the moon. Now, countries are focused on putting the first woman and person of colour on the moon.”

Age: 54

As busy as she may sound, Shelli always makes time for her passions: mentoring and travelling. “Later this year, I will be going to Morocco, as the Islamic World Educational Scientific and Cultural Organisation (ICESCO) will be hosting their first International CanSat Training Workshop and Aerospace Symposium, with the theme ‘Building Tomorrow’s Global Workforce’. I have the privilege of joining experts and astronauts from around the world with the goal of empowering the next generation to lead the space industry,” Shelli says.

“Throughout my career, I’ve made time to see the world. I’m an avid photographer, so I love travelling to Africa, particularly Tanzania, with my husband to capture images of wildlife – while, of course, building an understanding of how space technology can prevent poaching. My passion for space leads to my passion for Earth. The Earth is just the starship we’re living on, and we need to take care of our home.”

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