7 minute read
Pets at Home: Dance with Your Dog
Sally Paul and Kissy share a moment as they dance to Side by Side. Photo Courtesy Nancy Marston
The Art of Dancing With Your Dog
By Amee Abel
“There are shortcuts to happiness and dancing is one of them.” Vicki Baum (author & woman’s rights pioneer 1888-1960)
The Pandemic may have us holding people at arm’s length, however partnering with our dogs for a spin around the floor is a super way to keep us dancing. Dancing with your dog combines tricks, movement and music to create a performance that is both artistic and athletic. As an activity in your living room, it’s called fun. As a competitive sport, it’s called Musical Freestyle. Many Americans first exposure to Musical Freestyle was watching Britain’s Got Talent in 2012 when an amazing young dancer, Ashleigh Butler and her dog Pugsy won Simon Cowell’s heart and the competition. Butler explains the sport as “choreograph a routine to music for you and your dog.” Since its beginnings in the early 1990s, Musical Freestyle has grown in popularity and spread throughout the world. Classes and competitions are held throughout Europe, in Japan, in Australia, New Zealand, Canada and the U.S. The surge in U.S. musical freestyle has paralleled the increasing understanding that “training” doesn’t mean “punishment.” Owners who attend modern manners classes see how much their dogs love to learn. It’s easy to get hooked on the fun of teaching their dogs new things. Musical Freestyle combines tricks, manners, creativity, music, and fun. No wonder dogs and people love it. Computers, smartphones, and the internet have given a big boost to Musical Freestyle. It’s easier for this small sport to reach a big audience, thanks to Youtube; on Facebook, Musical Freestyle affinity groups allow enthusiasts to share training tips and recorded performances. Music itself is more portable (and more editable) than it has ever been before. The ease of making videos has aided both the learning and the performance end of the sport. Yet, nothing beats the camaraderie and fun of learning in a live class. My students at Monadnock Humane Society’s Training Center enjoy a weekly get-together where they can experiment with new moves and practice dance sequences. We’ve also done some mash-up videos that highlight students’ increasing skills. You can watch the 2019 Holiday video here: www.youtube.com/watch?v=CP7LJLX1Zyk.
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MHS adheres to pandemic safety protocols, including frequent facility sanitizing and mask-wearing inside the building at all times. Classes that can get you started include “Tricks for Fun” or “Intro to Musical Freestyle.” A session of Musical Freestyle is slated for Wednesdays at 5 p.m. starting Oct. 7 and costs $120 for six weeks. If classes aren’t your thing, private lessons are available as well. Whether you prefer Bach, The Beatles, or Beyonce, moving to music is the most natural thing in the world for both people and animals. It’s easy to get started dancing with your dog. The next time you hear a tune that gets your toes tapping, grab a couple of pieces of your dog’s food, and invite them to move around with you. Forward and back? Sidestep? Every few steps, stop and give your dog a bit of food to keep them interested. End with a nice bow to your partner. Don’t know how to teach a bow? Monadnock Humane Society’s Training Center has a free video for you on their Facebook Page: www.facebook.com/887180434768958/ videos/2289306391172897

Amee Abel is a certified professional dog trainer who teaches people to live better with their dogs. You can find her teaching classes at Monadnock Humane Society, or receive in-home lessons from her through her private business, Abel Dog Training, LLC. Learn more about her at her website is www.abel2train.com
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Twin Elm Farm 133 Wilton Rd., Peterborough, NH 03458, 603-784-5341 twinelmfarm.com
KCS Architects 310 Marlboro St., Keene NH, 603-439-6648 kcs-architects.com
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TD Bank 603-695-3234 • td.com
Waterhouse Baker’s Station 18 Depot St. Peterborough, NH 03458 603-784-5653 bakersstation.com
Orchard Hill Breadworks 121 Old Settlers Road Alstead, NH 03602 603-835-7845 orchardhillbreadworks.com
Architectural Birdhouses Unlimited 276 State Route 101, Amherst, NH 03054 603-554-8869 architecturalbirdhouses.com
The Toadstool Bookshops Peterborough • Keene • Milford toadbooks.com
Eco-Logical Building Solutions 27 Frost Hill Road Marlborough, NH 03455 603-876-4040 ecologicalbuildingsolutions.com K&J Dean Builders, Inc. 20 Pine St., Swanzey, NH 03446 603-499-3561 kandjbuilders.com MT3 Unlimited LLC 856 Guilford Center Rd., Guilford, VT 802-254-1688
Tri-State Chimney Sweepe 33 Parker St., Winchester, NH 03470, 800-530-6639 tristatechimney.com
Hubert’s Family Outfitters Stores in Peterborough Lebanon • New London Claremont, 603-863-0659 huberts.com
Howard’s Leather 1651 Route 9, Spofford, NH 03462, 603363-4325, howardsleathernh.com
Gallery Walk Downtown Brattleboro, VT www.gallerywalk.org Horatio Colony House Museum & Nature Preserve 199 Main St., & Daniels Hill Road Keene, NH 03431 603-352-0460 horatiocolonymuseum.org
Aldworth Manor 184 Aldworth Manor Rd., Harrisville, NH 03450 603-903-7547 thealdworthmanor.com
Devine Flooring 438 Gibbons Hwy., Wilton, NH 03086 • 603-654-5400 devineflooring.com Lawton Floor Design 972 Putney Road, Unit 3 Brattleboro, VT 05301 802-254-9303 lawtonfloordesign.com Monadnock Flooring & Jingles Christmas Shop 1024 Route 12, Westmoreland, NH 03467 603-352-5905 • monadnockjingles.com
Monadnock Food Co-op, 34 Cypress St., Keene, NH 03431 603-283-5401 monadnockfood.coop
Shaker Style Handcrafted Furniture • 292 Chesham Road Harrisville, NH 03450 603-827-3340 • shakerstyle.com
Achilles Agway Six Locations in the Region achilleagway.com Coll’s Garden Center & Florist 63 North St., Jaffrey, NH 603-532-7516 collsgardencenter.com Ecoscapes 121 Pond Brook Rd West Chesterfield, NH 603-209-4778 ecoscapeslandscapes.com Maple Hill Nursery 197 W. Swanzey Rd., Swanzey, NH 03446 603-357-2555 maplehillnursery.com Tom Amarosa Plants/Property Care Specializing in Pond Installations Call or text: 603-209-1427
Hancock Inn/The Fox Tavern 33 Main St., Hancock NH 03449 • 603-525-3318 hancockinn.com

Ann Henderson Interiors • 16 West St. Keene NH • 603-357-7680 ahinteriors.com
Home Healthcare Hospice & Community Services 312 Marlboro St. Keene, NH 03431 603-352-2253 • hcsservices.org
Hobbs Jewelers 20 Depot St., Peterborough NH 03458 603-924-3086 www.nhhobbsjewelers.com
Geo-Graphic Gems Keene, NH 03431 603-369-2525 geographicgems.com
CVTC • 375 Jaffrey Rd., Peterborough, NH 03458 • 877-428-2882 • cvtc-nh.org
Robert Codman Painting & Wallcovering 49 Old Dublin Rd., Hancock, NH 03449 603-547-7906 robertcodmanpainting.com
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Dogs on Depot Suite 20 Depot St., Peterborough, NH 978-386-0992 • woofwagon.com
Clearwater Pool & Spa 233 Monadnock Hwy. Swanzey, NH 03446 • 603-357-5874 clearwaterpoolandspa.net
Blais & Associates Realtor 32 Monadnock Hwy, Keene, NH 03431, 603-3521-1972, blaisrealestate.com Giselle LaScala RE/MAX Town & Country 117 West St. Keene, NH 03431 603-357-4100 • glascalahomes.com Robin Sanctuary Traditions Real Estate P.O. Box 138, Walpole, NH 03608 603-313-9165• traditionsreal-estate.com
Green Energy Options 37 Roxbury St. Keene, N.H. 03431 603-358-3444 •greenenergyoptions.com South Pack Solar 68 Cunningham Pond Road Peterborough, NH 03458 603-924-7229 • southpacksolar.com
Harlow’s Pub 3 School St., Peterborough, NH 03468 603-924-7554 • harlowspub.com The Pub Restaurant & Caterers 131 Winchester St. Keene, NH 603-352-3135 thepubrestaurant.com Pickity Place 248 Nutting Hill Rd, Mason, NH 03048, 603-878-1151, pickityplace.com
Craig Finnell Roofing PO Box 925, Brattleboro, VT 802-257-0841 finnellroofing.com
Sterling House at Rockingham 33 Atkinson St., Bellows Falls, VT 05101 802-463-0137
Nelson’s Candy & Music 65 Main St., Wilton, NH 03086 603-654-5030 nelsonscandymusic.com
Gaia’s Blessing 1 Summer St., Peterborough, NH 03458 603-567-7129 gaiasblessingshop.com Hannah Grimes Marketplace 42 Main St., Keene, NH 03431 603-352-6862 hannahgrimesmarketplace.com Monadnock Flooring & Jingles Christmas Shop 1024 Route 12, Westmoreland, NH 03467 603-352-5905 monadnockjingles.com Monadnock Oil & Vinegar 3 Grove St., Peterborough, NH 03458 603-784-5175 monadnockoilandvinegar.com Cultural Cocoon Nashua, NH 603-924-6683 culturalcocoon.com
Joseph’s Coat 32 Grove St. Peterborough, NH 03458 603-924-6683 jocoat.com Penelope Wurr Glass 167 Main St., Brattleboro VT 05301 802-246-3015 penelopewurr.com
Wilcox Tree Service 1968 NH 9, Spofford, NH 03462 603-363-8197 wilcoxtreeservice.com
Spofford Upholstery Spofford, NH 603-363-8057
New England Fabrics & Decorating Center 55 Ralston St. Keene, N.H. 603-352-8683 newenglandfabrics.com
Dave Scobi Quality Replacement Windows 30 Homestead Hwy Richmond, NH 03470 603-762-1504 davescobi@gmail.com