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FFANY Hilton New York Hotel - 12th Floor August 1st - 3 rd, 2012
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Suite Index Accademia Suite N. 1247 ANCI/Italian Trade Commission Suite N. 1220 Area Forte Suite N. 1248 Brunate Suite N. 1214 Calpierre Suite N. 1235 Daniele Ancarani Suite N. 1232 Dei Mille Suite N. 1241 Evado 足 Multimoda Suite N. 1229 Exitalia Productions Suite N. 1236 Fabio Rusconi Suite N. 1230 Franceschetti Suite N. 1224 Gardenia Suite N. 1252 Gerardina Di Maggio Suite N. 1228 Gianni Barbato Suite N. 1251 Gidigio Suite N. 1221 Giemme Suite N. 1240 Italian Trade Commission/ANCI Suite N. 1220 Jo Ghost Suite N. 1249 Joyks Suite N. 1234
Koil Suite N. 1227 Le Ble Italian Style Suite N. 1217 Liverpool Shoes Suite N. 1233 Mac Dugan Suite N. 1244 Manas Suite N. 1222 Mario Valentino Suite N. 1231 Marliv Suite N. 1237 Moda Di Fausto Suite N. 1242 Moschino 足 Voile Blanche Suite N. 1216 Mugnai Suite N. 1223 R&Renzi Suite N. 1215 Santini Massimo Suite N. 1226 Sax Suite N. 1218 Taccetti Suite N. 1219 Thierry Rabotin By Parabiago Collezioni Suite N. 1225 Tiffi Suite N. 1250 Violavinca Suite N. 1243 Italian Collections Preview Suite N. 1213
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Accademia Via Provinciale Sud, 126 30030 Fosso’ (VE) tel: 041/4165342 fax: 041/5170418 accademiasrl@libero.it www.accademiashoes.it Contact: Enrico Barbato
Brands: Accademia Suite N. 1247
Women’s shoes A team with a strong technical background and manufacturing knowledge of Italian luxury shoes founded “Accademia” in the early seventies. Its name was inspired by the nearby famous, “Accademia of Venice” where artistic education is an expression of quality and creativity. High quality materials are used to create the footwear and handbag collections.
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Area Forte Via Guazzetti, 228 63014 Montegranaro (FM) tel: 0734/891298 fax: 0734/890021 info@forte.it www.areaforte.it Contact: Massimo Foresi
Brands: Area Forte Suite N. 1248
Men’s and women’s shoes Representative: JT Group 39 West 14th Street Suite 207 New York, NY 10011 tel: 212/6754940 Fax: 212/6750594 joataveras@aol.com Contact: Joan Taveras Area Forte was created to express a contemporary, freespirited and revolutionary style. The Area Forte brand appeals to women who are authentic and sensual and are seeking details that define their personality. The collections, inspired by nature, are a mix between traditional elegance and modern dynamics.
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Brunate Via del Seprio, 54 22074 Lomazzo (CO) tel: 02/96779393 fax: 02/96779596 info@brunate.it www.brunate.it Contact: Ursula Besch
Brands: Brunate Suite N. 1214
Women’s shoes Representative: Ursula Besch 1286 Edmund Park Drive Atlanta, GA 30306 tel: 404/8721581 fax: 404/8727277 Since 1926, Brunate shoes are designed and manufactured near Milan, Italy. The collections focus on maintaining the best traditional Italian style and excellence. Brunate’s philosophy is to produce elegant and trendy footwear for women while giving the utmost emphasis on comfort and Italian style. Extreme care and great attention to detail is given to every pair.
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Calpierre Viale Olimpico, 5 80025 Casandrino (NA) tel: 081/5055589 fax: 081/5051497 fiere@calpierre.it www.calpierre.it Contact: Domenico Di Nuzzo
Brands: Calpierre Suite N. 1235
Men’s and women’s shoes Calpierre was founded in 1964. Thanks to its founder Ciro De Pascale and his ideas, the company has grown. In 1992, a new shoe line is launched for young and dynamic women at mediumhigh price points. The products are natural and completely made in Italy utilizing Italian raw materials. Shoes are produced by local staff and according to expert shoe artisans.
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Daniele Ancarani Piazza di Porta Ravegnana, 1 40126 Bologna (BO) tel: 051/273309 fax: 051/273405 info@danieleancarani.it www.danieleancarani.it Contact: Lorenzo De Cunto
Brands: Daniele Ancarani Suite N. 1232
Women’s shoes The Daniele Ancarani collections are famous for a blend of sophisticated simplicity and fundamental balance. The shape and the height of the heels are never drastic. The everyday relations with clients lead Ancarani to continuously learn about market requirements and his aim is to offer quality at an affordable price. The materials, colors and designs are carefully studied.
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Dei Mille P.zza E. De Nicola, 46 80139 Napoli (NA) tel: 081/450536 fax: 081/450939 info@antonmode.it www.deimille.it Contact: Pasquale Dellapia
Brands: Dei Mille Suite N. 1241
Women’s shoes Founded in 1926, Luigi Della Pia began making handÂmade shoes in a small workshop situated in the historic center of Naples. Following family traditions, today Deimille shoes are available worldwide and are well known for their Italian style and quality.
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Evado - Multimoda Via 8 Marzo, 25 63811 Casette d’Ete (FM) tel: 0734/861100 fax: 0734/871692 mavis@multimoda.it Contact: Mauro Renzi
Brands: Evado Suite N. 1229
Women’s shoes Our Company has been producing ladies shoes since 1984 and it is situated in the heart of the Marche’s Fashion District. The EVADO woman is always trendy, she loves to shop and socialize and her passionate nature drives her to always choose quality that could give value to her style.
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Exitalia Productions Via Strasburgo, 1A1B 76121 Barletta (BT) tel: 0883/330280 fax: 0883/345470 info@exitalia.it www.exitalia.it Contact: Ruggiero Piccolo
Brands: C’EST MOI La Chaussure Suite N. 1236
Women’s shoes and handbags With over 20 years of experience, Exitalia Productions manufactures high quality leather footwear for women. The selection of materials, constant design innovations, and the skill to perceive fashion trends help to create successful footwear collections. Its brand C’EST MOI® La Chaussure is an expression of the best Italian handcrafting tradition.
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Fabio Rusconi Via Cave di Monteripaldi, 39/A 50125 Firenze (FI) tel: 055/6533043 fax: 055/6536314 fabiorusconi@iol.it www.fabiorusconi.it Contact: Roberto Marciano
Brands: Fabio Rusconi Suite N. 1230
Women’s shoes Years of experience in the footwear industry lead to the creation of the Fabio Rusconi brand, which was established in 1998. The brand is now present in the most beautiful shops in the world.
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Via Fermana Nord, 95 63812 Montegranaro (FM) tel: 0734/890732 fax: 0734/892998 info@franceschetti.it www.franceschetti.it Contact: Arturo Venanzi
Brands: Franceschetti, W.Gibbs, Lendvay & Schwarcz Suite N. 1224
Men’s shoes Men’s high quality handmade footwear: Classic, sporty, trendy and fashionable designs.
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Gardenia Via Provinciale Francesca Nord, 115 56020 S. Maria a Monte (PI) tel: 0587/704000 fax: 0587/709108 info@gardeniasrl.it www.gardeniasrl.it Contact: Chantal Bachini
Brands: Gardenia Suite N. 1252
Women’s shoes Since 1968 Gardenia has been dedicated to the development of specialized artisan craftsmanship in footwear manufacturing. Extensive research of materials, accessories and most particularly methods and techniques of construction, brings distinction to its products.
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Gerardina Di Maggio
Via del Commercio, 81 63018 Porto Sant’Elpidio (AP) tel: 0734/901996 fax: 0734/903300 info@gerardinadimaggio.it www.gerardinadimaggio.it Contact: Giammauro Olivieri
Brands: Gerardina Di Maggio Suite N. 1228
Women’s shoes and handbags Representative: Phillip Bolajiz 4809 Windblown Ct. Raleigh, NC 27616 tel: 919/6963905 bolajizdesigns@aol.com High quality women’s leather shoes, sandals, boots and handbags.
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Gianni Barbato Via S. Paolo, 10/A 63831 Rapagnano (FM) tel: 0734/890135 fax: 0734/850135 info@fabianoricci.it www.giannibarbato.it Contact: Fabiano Ricci
Brands: Gianni Barbato Suite N. 1251
Men’s and women’s shoes Quality, elegance and style, are the core of Gianni Barbato shoes. The luxury shoes are entirely made in Italy. The collection targets a special clientele able to capture the essence of fashion. The company’s continuous research identifies and provides the perfect lifestyle for its consumer.
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Via Ansaldo Scn 62012 Civitanova Marche (MC) tel: 0733/897059 fax: 0733/803091 refac@tiscali.it www.gidigio.com Contact: Kevin Powers
Brands: Gidigio Suite N. 1221
Men’s and women’s shoes Representative: Kevin Powers 34 Wild Hunter Road Yarmouth Port, MA 02675 Tel: 703/5771049 Fax: 202/4592214 kevin@c6wholesale.com Since 1996, GIDIGIO has provided a line of shoes that offer affordable luxury. The shoes are traditionally handmade, boasting quality and style with surprising comfort at a reasonable price.
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Giemme Via Salvo d’Acquisto, 9 30010 Campagnalupia (VE) tel/fax: 049/9834039 giemmesrl@alice.it www.giemmeshoes.it
Brands: Giemme Suite N. 1240
Women’s shoes Giuseppe Marin with over 30 years of experience in the shoe industry created the Giemme brand in 2008. The footwear collection is handmade in the Veneto region by the finest artisans and it is completely “made in Italy”. Prestigious materials and soft leathers, such as deerskin are used to produce comfortable footwear for dynamic and demanding women.
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Jo Ghost
Via Marco Biagi Snc 63812 Montegranaro (FM) tel: 0734/889312 fax: 0734/664519 princes.sas@tiscali.it www.joghost.com Contact: Joan Taveras
Brands: Jo Ghost Suite N. 1249
Men’s shoes Representative: JT Group 39 West 14th Street, Suite 207 New York, NY 10011 tel: 212/6754940 fax: 212/6750594 joataveras@aol.com Contact: Joan Taveras Jo Ghost footwear reflects a combination of extraordinary leathers with an extraordinary design company from Italy. This brand transforms classic footwear into entirely new outlaw stylishness – hip and funky.
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Joyks Via Lawloy, 26 56012 Calcinaia (PI) tel: 050/642268 fax: 050/623215 luca@lucanencioni.it www.lucanencioni.it Contact: Luca Nencioni
Brands: Joyks Luca Nencioni Pasotti Suite N. 1234
Men’s, women’s and children’s shoes The Luca Nencioni is a family company that has been handed down through many generations. The company designs and manufacturers its own line of footwear under the name brand Joyks and is 100% made in Italy. It specializes in the production of tubular moccasins and recently started to produce other types of shoes.
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Via Alpi, 288 63812 Montegranaro (FM) tel: 0734/891337 fax: 0734/892832 info@koil.it www.koil.it Contact: Marco Leonbruni
Brands: Koil Suite N. 1227
Men’s shoes The company produces men’s leather footwear with leather and rubber soles. The collection is not only comfortable but also fashionable and trendy.
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Le Ble Italian Style Via Nuova Toscanella, 71/A 80145 Napoli (NA) tel: 081/5852155 fax: 081/5854970 leblesrl@alice.it www.leblesrl.it Contact: Matteo Esposito
Brands: VDM Emanuele De Marco Suite N. 1217
Women’s shoes Le Blè produces approximately 400 pairs of mediumhigh quality women’s shoes per day. Presently, the company is interested in increasing the distribution on the international markets. In 2011, a significant amount of the production was exported.
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Liverpool Shoes
Via dell’Artigianato, 11 45020 Villanova del Ghebbo (RO) tel: 0425/669400 fax: 0425/650091 info@liverpoolshoes.it www.liverpoolshoes.it Contact: Daniele Mengoni
Brands: Liverpool Shoes Suite N. 1233
Women’s shoes The history of the LIVERPOOL shoe factory begins in the first half of the 20th Century: it originated from an old artisan’s passion for handmade footwear. Even nowadays, each product is handmade by skilled artisans. The result of such work is a shoe featuring the highest quality and comfort standards, specializing in the production of women’s moccasins.
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Mac Dugan Via G. Rossa, 49 62015 M.S. Giusto (MC) tel: 0733/837080 fax: 0733/837085 info@macdugan.it www.macdugan.it Contact: Laura Ciccioli
Brands: Porpora Koxko Carlo Ventura Laura & Ko Suite N. 1244
Men’s and women’s shoes Established in 1975, Mac Dugan specializes in casual and fashionable footwear for men and women. Both the Porpora women’s brand and the Carlo Ventura men’s brand boast a perfect blend of crafted artisan appeal paired with comfort and style. Recently the company introduced a range of sports shoes for both men and women.
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Via Tangenziale, 14/16 62010 Montecosaro Scalo (MC) tel: 0733/86231 fax: 0733/564978 info@manas.com www.manas.com Contact: Riccardo Quacquarini
Brands: Manas Suite N. 1222
Men’s and women’s shoes Representative: Ultramoda Inc. 27 West 20th Street Suite 603 New York, NY 10011 tel: 212/2553071 fax: 212/2555210 ultramoda@ultramoda.com Contacts: Andrea Cecconi, Emiliano Baccarini What began in 1956 in a small workshop in Montecosaro, Italy, has become a successful international company. Manas specializes in women’s footwear and accessories. The Manas products are a perfect blend of innovation, fashion, quality and competitive pricing.
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Mario Valentino Via Fontanelle, 85 80136 Napoli (NA) tel: 081/5441380 fax: 081/5441395 valent@mariovalentino.it www.mariovalentino.it Contact: Massimo Bustelli
Brands: Mario Valentino Valentino Suite N. 1231
Women’s shoes and handbags Mario Valentino founded the company in 1952. The company located in Naples, produces footwear, accessories and women’s wear under the trademarks, Valentino and Mario Valentino.
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25 Quartiere dell’Industria, 1 Strada 21/E 30032 Fiesso d’Artico (VE) tel: 049/502044 fax: 049/9802733 marliv_snc@libero.it www.iloveitalianshoes.eu Contact: Loretta Zuin
Brands: Marliv Venezia Suite N. 1237
Women’s shoes Marliv shoes are designed and manufactured in Fiesso d’Artico, near Venice and are exported worldwide. They specialize in manufacturing luxury and evening footwear utilizing fine silk and other materials. They are committed to creating beautiful collections of the finest quality.”
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Moda Di Fausto Via C. Colombo, 24 30030 Vigonovo (VE) tel: 049/9899701 fax: 049/9899730 info@modadifausto.it www.modadifausto.it Contact: Gilberto Ballin
Brands: Moda Di Fausto Zone 24/7 Suite N. 1242
Women’s shoes Moda di Fausto was founded in 1979 by Fausto Ballin and Maria Rosa Piacentini. Today the company is one of the leading manufacturers in the renowned “Riviera del Brenta” in the Veneto region, famous worldwide, for its high quality footwear. Design, quality and craftsmanship define the fashionable classic collections.
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Moschino - Voile Blanche
C.da San Domenico, 24 62012 Civitanova Marche (MC) tel: 0733/79091 fax: 0733/890753 info@falc.biz www.falc.biz Contact: JoAnn Ranson
Brands: Moschino Man, Voile Blanche Suite N. 1216
Men’s and women’s shoes Representative: Falc USA 21 Industrial Park Drive Westmoreland, NH 03467 toll free: 888/3252872 Contact: JoAnn Ranson tel: 212/5949433 Falc was founded in 1974 and is known all over the world for the high quality children’s brands Naturino, Falcotto and Moschino. In 2005, Moschino selected Falc to launch its men’s shoe line and the same year the company launched the Voile Blanche men and women’s line for an elite market.
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Mugnai Via Tevere, 1/E 52043 Castiglion Fiorentino (AR) tel: 0575/680106 fax: 0575/657989 massimiliano@mugnai.eu www.mugnai.eu Contact: Massimiliano Mugnai
Brands: Mugnai Suite N. 1223
Women’s shoes Representative: Ultramoda Inc. 27 West 20th Street Suite 603 New York, NY 10011 tel: 212/2553071 fax: 212/2555210 ultramoda@ultramoda.com Contacts: Andrea Cecconi, Emiliano Baccarini The Mugnai Company’s manufacturing tradition dates back to 1978. Skillful craftsmen, using techniques that have been handed down through generations contribute to the meticulous details, making each footwear creation unique and exclusive. The products are certified and guaranteed by the “100% Italian Consortium”.
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Via San Crispino, 31 63821 Porto Sant’Elpidio (FM) tel: 0734/996353 fax: 0734/905128 gianni@rerenzi.com www.renzishoes.com Contact: Giovanni Del Gatto
Brands: R&Renzi Suite N. 1215
Women’s shoes Renzo Renzi was born in small town in Italy. His family specialized in the production of children’s footwear. He joined the family business and in the 70’s, along with his brothers Gianni and Marco, they shifted their focus to women’s luxury footwear and the Gianmarco Lorenzi brand was created. After seven years, the R&RENZI brand followed suit.
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Santini Massimo Via Romagna, 23 62010 Morrovalle (MC) tel: 0733/222572 fax: 0733/223944 info@massimosantini.it www.massimosantini.it Contact: Andrea Santini
Brands: Massimo Santini Suite N. 1226
Men’s shoes The line Massimo Santini is designed for trendy professional women who love to look beautiful, while being comfortable. Styles are rich, colorful, vivacious and detailed oriented. Among the most popular styles are sandals, wedges, moccasins and basic silhouettes embellished by cult details.
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Via della Querciola, 4 50054 Fucecchio (FI) tel: 0571/24721 fax: 0571/260402 info@baracchino.com www.baracchino.com Contact: Alessandro Baracchino
Brands: Sax Suite N. 1218
Men’s and women’s shoes Right after World War II, Luigi Baracchino was already well known for the quality of the shoes he created: sturdy, comfortable, and beautiful. The Sax footwear and accessories collections for both men and women are contemporary, glamorous and most of all are wearable everyday. The products are 100% made in Italy.
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Taccetti Via Castellucci, 8 50056 Montelupo Fiorentino (FI) tel: 0571/91471 fax: 0571/913363 info@taccetti.it www.taccetti.it Contact: Vasco Manetti
Brands: Taccetti Suite N. 1219
Women’s shoes The Taccetti shoe company was founded in the early 1900’s following the family tradition. Design, ongoing research for materials, attention to details, and manufacturing techniques are just some of the made in Italy characteristics that define Taccetti shoes.
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Thierry Rabotin
By Parabiago Collezioni
Via dell’Industria, 38/40 C 20020 Busto Garolfo (MI) tel: 0331/495007 fax: 0331/492180 info@thierryrabotin.com www.thierryrabotin.com Contact: Melissa Kenady
Brands: Thierry Rabotin Suite N. 1225
Women’s shoes Representative: Melissa Kenady 2722 Kelton Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90064 tel: 310/9773678 fax: 310/4706170 For Spring/Summer 2013, the Thierry Rabotin S/S collection focuses on greatly expressive dress shoes, slingbacks, sandals, flats, laceups and slipons made employing traditional shoe making methods and brought to life through the use of the finest leathers painstakingly sourced from Italy.
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Tiffi Via G. Serra, 6 80012 Calvizzano (NA) tel: 081/7131515 fax: 081/7123528 info@tiffi.it www.tiffi.it Contact: Roberto Battista
Brands: Tiffi Suite N. 1250
Women’s shoes Tiffi shoes are all handcrafted, from the cutting of the leather to the final stitching stage. Each production phase is marked by artisan craftsmanship and a very meticulous control process. Given Tiffi’s strong commitment and passion for footwear, the collections meet the highest quality standards.
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Viale Europa, 77 56022 Castelfranco di Sotto (PI) tel: 0571/480355 fax: 0571/489145 info@violavinca.com www.violavinca.com Contact: Nicoletta Francalanci
Brands: Violavinca Suite N. 1243
Women’s shoes Violavinca introduces a new way of highquality thinking and living, which subverts the paradigms of fashion, the perception of value for money and the traditional relationship between elegance and shoefitting quality. Violavinca originates from the desire to create practical and dreamyelegant dress shoes. Thanks to a patented innovation, it allows women to easily wear high and lowheeled styles.
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Italian Collections Preview Suite N.1213
Claudia Ciuti
915 Broadway, Suite 1310 New York, NY 10010 tel: 212/2467621 fax: 212/2467629 eva@claudiaciuti.com www.claudiaciuti.com Contact: Eva Lisinska
92 Chambers Street New York, NY 10007 tel: 212/6082590 fax: 212/6082594 infomauri@yahoo.com www.maurishoes.com Contact: Angela Mauri
Brands: Claudia Ciuti
Brands: Mauri
Women's shoes and accessories Trendy, classic and elegant
Men's shoes Trendy, classic, elegant and casual
Vic/Linea Marche CO Angelique Inc. 247 W. 46th Street New York, NY 10036 tel: 310/6212929 fax: 240/3523205 lineamarche@lineamarche.it angelique@coangelique.com www.vicshoes.it Contact: Angelique Thompson Brands: Vic Women's shoes and accessories
Fratelli Rossetti 130 West 57th Street, Suite 6C New York, NY 10019 tel: 212/8885107 fax: 212/8884168 mail@rossetti.it www.fratellirossetti.com Contact: Theresa Hiner Brands: Fratelli Rossetti Men's shoes
Roberto Guerrini/Mauron Ultramoda Inc. 27 West 20th Street, Suite 603 New York, NY 10011 tel: 212/2553071 fax: 212/2555210 mauron@ultramoda.com ultramoda@ultramoda.com www.robertoguerrini.it Contact: Emiliano Baccarini, Andrea Cecconi Brands: Roberto Guerrini Men's shoes Trendy, classic, elegant and casual
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Italian Trade Commission 33 East 67th Street New York, NY 10065 tel: 212/9801500 fax: 212/7581050 newyork@ice.it www.fashionitalianstyle.com www.italtrade.com Suite N. 1220 The Italian Trade Commission’s task is the development, facilitation and promotion of trade between Italy and other countries in the world. Its mission is to support the internationalization of Italian firms and their consolidation in foreign markets. Through an international network, including 5 offices in the United States, the Italian Trade Commission is the most authoritative ambassador of Made in Italy excellence in the world.
ANCI Via Monte Rosa, 21 20149 Milano tel: 02/438291 fax: 02/48005833 info@ancionline.com www.ancionline.com Suite N. 1220 A.N.C.I. The National Association of Italian Footwear Manufacturers groups together Italian footwear manufacturers. Approximately 800 firms belong to the Association. The turnover produced by the member companies represents approximately 70% of the overall Italian footwear production. The purpose of A.N.C.I. is to examine, support and promote projects of an economical, technical and scientific nature in the interest of the shoe industry and to represent it at all institutional levels. The association is particularly dedicated to promoting the industry in the most important foreign markets in order to ensure the good image and the presence of Italian footwear which is renowned for its creativity, style, original design and detailed workmanship of an artisan nature, as well as for the use of carefully selected materials. A.N.C.I. Servizi S.r.l. is the association's services company through which it organizes the MICAM Shoevent, the leading worldwide footwear exhibition.