EuropeWill - Project Booklet

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Follow the Wave

Project Booklet Eur pe Will Voices from the Future

DISCLAIMER This project is fictional and so it is all the content of the booklet. EuropeWill is the result of a project management course of a group of students at Lund University, Sweden

Copyright © 2013 by UrbanBaltic EuropeWill: Voices from the future By Hanna Högberg, Ittipol Jungwatanawong, Marco La Rosa, Oliver Pavlovic, Sofia Wendt Published by: UrbanBaltic Design: Marco La Rosa ( Editing: Hanna Högberg, Ittipol Jungwatanawong, Marco La Rosa, Oliver Pavlovic, Sofia Wendt With special thanks to: Oscar Mapes This Information may be freely used and copied for non-commercial purposes, provided the source is acknowledged.

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PHASE 3: Dissemination



20 22 23 25

Event 1: Turku Event 2: Gdansk Event 3: Riga Event 4: Tallinn Event 5: Malmรถ Event 6: Vilnius Silja-EuropeWill Cruise

Dissemination and Exploitation Dissemination Strategy Evaluation Sustainability Marketing, Communication, Dissemination

13 13 14 14 15 15 16 17 17 17 18 19




Photo: Marcus Bengtsson


With a keen interest in the future of European culture we invite artists of all different techniques and expectant visitors to be a part of our project EuropeWill – Voices from the Future, a result and vision that has come of many years of experience from cultural cooperation amongst each other and within the Baltic Sea region. The idea of creating EuropeWill was born during the planning process of Riga’s application for the ECOC 2014. Culture organisations active on the European level were contacted and an idea of a major European project, comprehensive for the whole Baltic Sea region, started to take shape among some of these organisations. Due to its vast experience in European cultural projects, UrbanBaltic took the lead and began concretise some of its ideas and contact potential partners, thus EuropeWill started to take shape.

Malmö and Vilnius. Each stop on the journey will last four days and will consist of exhibitions and two workshops at art galleries and centrally located city squares.. The overarching theme for all workshops is the future of the Baltic Sea region and what possibilities that entails, but each city and each workshop will interpret it differently. Due to the wide artistic background of the six partners and a wish to explore the creativity in the Baltic Sea region, EuropeWill includes fine arts, post-graffiti art, video installations as well as live performances.

A competition will be held in each city in which the winners will have the opportunity to display their art at the following exhibition. The grand finale of EuropeWill will ride the waves across the Baltic Sea on a cruise liner from Tallinn to Stockholm where all the winners and other stakeholders will meet and discuss EuropeWill is a travelling exhibition that their visions on what the future for the will start its voyage in Turku and then Baltic Sea region will hold. continue on to Gdansk, Riga, Tallinn,



Due to the partners’ wide experience of various artistic disciplines, we have chosen to incorporate fine arts (painting, photography and sculpting), postgraffiti art, video installations as well as live performances. We believe that these disciplines are relevant to our project aims and will be able to showcase the future of the Baltic in an interesting and dynamic way.

Fine Arts Fine arts, especially painting and sculpting, have a feeling of belonging to the past. But paintings can provide interesting comments on contemporary issues, which is something that we want to highlight. Likewise, sculptures, crafted from metal, wood, stone or glass can highlight aspects in a three dimensional way and draw focus to certain aspects that is unique. We want to revise the general view of sculptures by focusing on their relationship with the surrounding and the wider world.


Photography provides limitless opportunities to capture the history, culture and future of a particular place since all that is needed is a camera and a vivid imagination.

Sound Sound installations can be used to express the voices inside of us, the sounds we hear everyday or it might be the sounds that we long to hear but that we never give any room in our everyday life. The sounds can heighten and change our feelings as well as our impressions of our surroundings, what was perceived as boring can be highlighted and understood in a new way with sound installations. With sound as our companion the future of the Baltic will be understood in new and spectacular ways.


As the name implies, post-graffiti art is not only about graffiti, and our exhibitions will also include murals and yarn bombing. When it comes to post-graffiti art, the imagination is the only limit! As post-graffiti art is made to be used outdoors and to reinterpret and reshape urban environments, we believe it is a perfect tool to use in order to get our message across to the general public on the importance of the future of the Baltic Sea region.



In a bustling but quiet centrally located square the sound of live performances will draw everyone’s attention and people will turn their eyes and ears towards the performance on the stage. Songs, dances and theater will draw the attention from the general public usually not attracted by culture. Live performance which is a more lively and interactive form of art are contrasted to nonrenewable art in the urban setting of a city square.



Six cities and six partners

The six cities chosen to hold EuropeWill’s events are all the home of partners involved in the project. The cities are located in different countries, both in ‘Western’ and ‘Eastern’ Europe, surrounding the Baltic Sea on all sides thereby giving credence to EuropeWill representing the different Baltic cultures. The cities all have a bustling and dynamic cultural sector with support from local and regional authorities, which is proven by Turku and Vilnius being the ECOC in 2011, and Gdansk being in the running for 2016. Riga is the designated ECOC in 2014, where EuropeWill will be included in the official programme. This demonstrates that these cities have a real interest in increasing cultural awareness thereby supporting the sustainability of EuropeWill.

Gdansk Art and Cultural Foundation (GdArt) GdArt is an independent organisation that aims to promote and develop Polish contemporary arts and culture in a European context. GdArt mainly focuses on supporting art students and young artists through providing exhibition spaces and granting scholarships. One of GdArt’s most acknowledged projects is Gdansk Art Exhibition, a biannual expo gathering art students and professional artists from all around Poland.

GdArt’s specialisation in contemporary art and its knowledge in web technologies makes GdArt an invaluable partner. GdArt will be in charge of the website design along with the design and production of promotional material. Along with these specialised tasks, GdArt will also manage the event held in Gdansk.

Turku Modern Performance Company (TMPC)

TMPC mainly focuses on street art, dance, still and moving images, and sculpting. Its main aspiration is to be a forum and a meeting place for artists and works according to an open-house principle where studios and rooms are available and free to use. Two of TMPC’s previous European projects are Success!, aimed at young artists in Finland and Sweden, and Voices of the North, a live performance included in the official programme of the Turku ECOC in 2011. TMPC will bring its extensive expertise of modern arts into EuropeWill, gained through a long cooperation with Konstcentret and University of Turku. As well as being in charge of the event held in Turku, TMPC will manage the evaluation and the quality assurance of the project as well as the design of the evaluation forms.

Riga Culture Organisation (RiCul)


RiCul is a non-profit organisation that was established in 2000. It’s main focus is on young artists and musicians in the Baltic Sea region and to make art and music a part of the everyday life of the general public. RiCul is one of the official partners of the ECOC 2014 in Riga. RiCul’s European cultural cooperation include the RE RE Riga Festival, an international contemporary arts and music street

Container Organization (CO)

CO is an interdisciplinary street art project, turned organisation, that was founded in connection to the ECOC 2011 in Tallinn. Its main goal is to raise political and social awareness through art and colourful images by arranging events and exhibitions in Tallinn’s industrial areas. A selection of CO’s European projects is Boring to Adoring, which focused on remaking public spaces, and On the Docks, which aimed at showcasing art in unusual places. As CO is very active in raising social and political awareness it will be in charge of EuropeWill’s website and blog monitoring. Apart from managing the event held in Tallinn, CO will also help organising the grand finale on the M/S Silja Serenade.

Urban Baltic (UB)

UB is based in Malmö that believes in a European relaunch of artistic movements in the private sector in line with the Europe 2020 goals for sustainable growth, jobs and social cohesion. Some of UB’s previous projects are Young Art, an active project where young artists get the opportunity to be a part of exhibitions held in various Swedish and Danish cities, and Youth in Motion, aimed at supporting young filmmakers in Skåne and Sjaelland. In addition to acting as a liaison between the other partners and being in charge of the overall management of the project, UB will organise and manage the event held in Malmö as well as the final event of the project. Furthermore, UB will be in charge of planning dissemination and the awareness raising campaign.

CreativeHouse (CH)

CH, located in Vilnius, functions as an artistic greenhouse cultivating emerging artists and arts, challenging ideas and a new kind of society where culture is a focal point. Furthermore CH strives to encourage and strengthen the interaction between Lithuanian artists and their European counterparts. CH’s engagement in the European level includes the travelling exhibition Spotlight!, which aimed at raising the public’s awareness of urban culture. Being a cultural greenhouse, CH will be in charge of the exploitation and sustainability strategy of EuropeWill. Furthermore CH will also managing and organising the event held in Vilnius.


festival, and Cooperating Dance, where young dancers choreographed and performed dances. As well as being responsible for the event held in Riga, RiCul will formulate and finalise the artist criteria. Furthermore, it will serve as the link between EuropeWill and ECOC 2014.



Selection process of artists

In order to secure a fair and impartial selection, art schools in all the exhibiting cities will assist EuropeWill in the process of electing the artists for our project. The process will be led by RiCul who will set down the criteria and make the final selection, but a jury consisting of three art professors will give their expert opinion on the matter as well as providing some guidance throughout the artists’ creative process. These professors either teach or have a relevant background in the various art disciplines that are included in EuropeWill. After the final artist criteria are determined, the artists will have four months to complete their entries depicting their vision of A European Future Built on Culture as well as a short paper (approximately 500 words) explaining the background and aim of the entry more in detail. As previously stated, the art professors from the participating art schools will be available to support the artists and give them feedback throughout this process. After all the entries are handed in, the selection process begins and is estimated to run for six weeks. 10 installations, 5 performances, 15 fine arts and 5 street artists from each city will be chosen by the respective art schools to participate in the exhibition in the city that they applied to.


Artist Criteria • We have an age limit of artist born 1977 onwards since we would like to have young artists that represent our future and the future of Baltic. • We accept the following kinds of art to our exhibitions: sound installations, live performances, fine arts (sculptures, paintings, and photos), and post-graffiti art. • The theme for the exhibitions is “A Baltic Future Built on Culture” all artistic work shall follow this theme.

the amber that is found around the

baltic sea each of our artists is unique and precious


• Promote intercultural dialogue and create a closer cooperation in the area of culture in the Baltic Sea region that is sustainable and long-lasting by establishing the EuroBaltic Culture Network. • Highlight cultural diversity and the common history and future of the Baltic Sea region by facilitate transnational mobility and integration of artists and artworks • Provide promising artists with the opportunity to showcase their art to a wider public, both in their own country and in another country in the Baltic Sea region. • Expand the general public’s interest in art by giving them the opportunity to attend workshops where they can take part in creating their own art. • Showcase street art and live performance as an engaging form of art that expresses emotions by exhibiting the art in public spaces. • Establish installations and sculptures as common elements in our everyday life and as a natural part of an urban environment in town squares. • Shed a new light on paintings and photographs by highlighting that they can provide useful comments on contemporary issues.

Tangible outcome

• The event in each city will attract approximately 600 to 1000 visitors. For the final event held on the cruise liner 100 people will be invited. • Art professors from the participating art schools will be present at the workshops and lecture and provide professional guidance to both the artists and the general public participating in the creative exercises. • The artworks showcased in the events will be collected and exhibited in the art galleries participating in the project. When possible, the artworks that are exhibited outdoors will remain at the town squares to demonstrate a colourful urban environment and a long-lasting reminder of EuropeWill. • Throughout the entire project, photos and videos will be shot which will be uploaded on the official website as well as other social network sites.


Aims and Objectives

Intangible outcome

• The artists participating in the project will be encouraged to be active on the European level. The insights gained during the project will provide artists with confidence to exchange, experience mobility and see the opportunities it could bring to their personal development. • The events are free, held in city squares and in centrally located art galleries facilitating equally accessible opportunities and participation, increasing the cultural awareness of the general public. • Visitors will gain new artistic experience from watching art, interacting with artists and art experts, and practicing their art skills during the workshops, which will increase their interest in arts. • The project will inspire further collaboration between artists and cultural projects beyond the Baltic Sea region, as our events can be an inspiration to similar projects in other regions in Europe.




The project has been divided into three stages; phase one, phase two and phase three.

Phase one: Planning and Design

During this part we will lay down the foundations of the project. Everything will start with a kick-off meeting in Malmรถ which will be followed by finalizing the guidelines for the artist criteria, strategies for evaluation as well as exploitations and sustainability. Online dissemination and evaluation will be on-going throughout the project by way of our website An online platform will be the primary tool and meeting area for internal activities and documentation of the consortium. In order to ensure a good quality and efficiency throughout the project the partners will meet continuously.

This part is the heart of the project and where most of our external events will take place through workshops and exhibitions in Turku, Malmö, Gdansk, Riga, Tallinn and Vilnius. The events will be held at our associated partners’ galleries and at city squares. The reason for these central locations is because we want as dynamic environment as possible where people go about their daily businesses, thereby reaching people that would not normally visit art galleries and/or cultural workshops.

Event 1: Turku

Turku Modern Performance Company will be the lead partner during this event which is held in cooperation with B-galleria and the Arts Academy at Turku University of Applied Science. During EuropeWill’s four day long visit in Turku two workshops will be held in B-galleria, the first workshop will deal with Arts From the Baltic: A Finnish Perspective which aims at exploring the current trends in Finnish art along with the ideas and views of Finnish artists conveyed through their artistic work and the future of Finnish art. The second workshop will focus on the more practical Building Art From Scratch where the visitors will be given the opportunity to practice their artistic skills with a lecture on the basic principles of painting, drawing, dancing and drama. With assistance by the Arts Academy expert opinions will be provided by Taina Eravaara, Head of the Degree Programme in Fine Arts, Tarja Yoken, Head of the Dance Education and Minna Haapasalo. We expect that the workshops will attract 280 people during the four days. The outdoor exhibitions will be held at Gamla Stortorget, a traditional meeting point centrally located in Turku.

Event 2: Gdansk

During our event in Gdansk, Gdansk Art and Cultural Foundation will serve as lead partner for EuropeWill with the assistance of gallery Laznia Centre for Contemporary Art and the Academy of Fine Arts. Our first workshop at the gallery will focus on the theme of Arts From the Baltic: Polish Influence in a European Perspective where we will take a closer look at the influence that Polish arts and culture, such as traditional painting and the more contemporary live performances, has had on a European context. Light will also be shed on the current Polish arts and culture where participants will be given a deeper understanding of the ideas and perspective of Polish artists. “Building Art From Scratch” is the theme of our second workshop where focus will be on the basics of creating art. Experts will lecture on the principles of the various disciplines of creating art and the visitors will also get the opportunity to put these principles to the test by making artworks with a Polish influence.

PHASE 2: Development

Phase two: Development and Events


PHASE 2: Development 14

In order to facilitate discussions during the workshops we will be assisted by the Academy of Fine Arts and Professors Anna Bem-Borucka, Aleksander Widynski and Maciej Swieszewski. We plan that the total number of visitors to each of the workshops will be 300. The outdoor exhibitions will be held at the Długi Targ, a picturesque square with ample space for the artists to showcase their art and installations.

Event 3: Riga

Riga Culture Organisation, RiCul, will take lead during the project in Riga and gallery Maksla XO and the Art Academy of Latvia will serve as associated partners.

The first of EuropeWill’s two workshops will focus on Arts from the Baltic: Progression of Latvian art where the participants will get the opportunity to delve deeper into the development of Latvian art after the Soviet Era and the Communist Regime. Focus will also be on examining ideas and perspectives of current Latvian artists and their expectations of the future. The second workshop will take a more practical direction with the theme “Building Art From Scratch” where visitors will have the chance to explore and practice their skills in painting. There is no right and wrong when it comes to creating art and the aim of the workshop is to let the imagination run free. Expert opinions will be provided by Assistant Professors Rihards Patersons, Laima Reihmans and Ivars Heinrihsons. We expect that the workshops will attract 280 people during the four days. The outdoor exhibitions will be held at Ratslaukums in the heart of Riga, a popular place for the people of Riga to meet up and enjoy the sun during the summer months.

Event 4: Tallinn

The lead partner during the event in Tallinn will be Containers Organization. The Estonian Academy of Arts will assist EuropeWill in providing expert opinions in the form of Mart Kalm, Dean of the Faculty of Art and Culture, Professor Jaan Toomik, Department of Painting and Professor Erik Alalooga, Department of Performing Arts. The first workshop held at Art Container and will deal with Arts From the Baltic: Estonian Art in Present Europe which will offer a captivating exploration into the current Estonian art scene and the journey of Estonian art and artists to the European level. What is the current situation and how did Estonian art get there? During the following workshop “Building Art From Scratch” the visitors will get the opportunity to practice and explore their talents in the disciplines of dance, painting and theatre. In addition, there will be lectures on the principles of painting and live performance. We expect that the workshops will attract around 300 visitors and participants. The outdoor exhibitions will be held at the Town Hall Square whose medieval setting will provide the perfect backdrop for our contemporary art.

Urban Baltic will lead the project in Malmö with assistance of Form/Design Center and Malmö Art Academy. The first of the two workshops that will be held at Form/Design Center will follow the theme of Arts From the Baltic: Sweden as the Bridge to Europe where focus will be on the importance of Sweden and its Southern parts as a link between the Baltic and Europe and the influence and reflection that Swedish art have on Baltic culture. In the second workshop “Building Art From Scratch” the spotlight will be on painting and visual arts. With expert help and through simple lectures the visitors to the workshop will have the chance to familiarise themselves with contemporary art styles and also get the opportunity to produce simple visual art. Discussions in the two workshops will be assisted by Professor in Fine Art Joachim Koester, as well as Professors in Visual Art Haegue Yang and Sarat Maharaj as well as independent artist Karl Valve. We expect that the workshops will attract 320 people during the four days. The outdoor exhibitions will be held at centrally located Stortorget, a stone’s throw away from Form/Design Center.

Event 6: Vilnius

The lead partner during the event in Vilnius will be Creative House with the assistance of Vilnius Graphic Art Centre and Vilnius Academy of Arts. Arts from the Baltic: Art management in Lithuania will the theme for our first workshop in which we will explore the art education and management by the Lithuanian government; what is the current situation for aspiring and established artists, in which direction are the government policy concerning arts taking and what is the future for art? In the second workshop “Building Art From Scratch” the visitors will be asked to suggest appropriate policies that can develop and support the art community in Lithuania which will subsequently be discussed and analysed by the participants and the experts present. In addition, the participants will have an opportunity to practice basic painting with instructions and guidance by experts from the Vilnius Academy of Arts.

PHASE 2: Development

Event 5: Malmö

Expert opinions during these workshops will be provided by Agne Narušyte, Head of Department of Art History Theory and Critics; Jonas Gasiunas, Head of Department of Painting; Vitalija Gražiene, Head of Department of Art Education and Ieva Kuiziniene, Headmaster of UNESCO Cultural Management and Cultural Policy. We plan that the total number of visitors to each of the workshops will be 300. The outdoor exhibitions will be held at the square Lukiškiu aikšte, a green oasis in the middle of Vilnius.


PHASE 2: Development

Silja-EuropeWill Cruise “Follow the wave�

The final event will take place on M/S Silja Symphony (with a capacity of 2850 passengers) leaving from the harbour of Tallinn on 16 January 2015 and arriving in Stockholm the next morning. The cruise will host an exhibition during the entire route which will be accessible to all passengers on the cruise liner. The final conference will consist of 100 participants from the main partners of the project, associated partners as well as other stakeholders involved in EuropeWill, such as representatives from the European Commission, international and national cultural operators and networks, artists and culture committees in various city councils. During the conference the final report of the project will be presented which will be followed by a panel discussion on the creation of a Euro-Baltic Culture Network. The exhibition will be situated at the indoors promenade deck which will guarantee maximum visibility and accessibility for all passengers. Apart from having the opportunity to display their art to an even wider audience, the winning artists of the six city events, in total eighteen, will also get to meet and discuss their works and other related issues with experts in the international culture sector.


The final phase of the project will principally focus on internal activities and be under the responsibility of UB. The final phase will focus on the promotion of the outcomes of EuropeWill, the follow up of the project, administration tasks and the project report. This phase will also be coordinated by UB.

Dissemination Strategy

The dissemination strategy will focus on campaigns directed at the following target groups: • Artists • Cultural organisations • Museums • Art schools • Media • General public Representatives from city councils, regional, and national authorities in the field of culture, mobility, and international cooperation. The dissemination will be carried out at the beginning of the project mainly via the tools previously described. An important contribution will come from our media partners and the associated municipalities that will include the events in their official agendas. Audiovisual material will be accessible to the public through the project website and our social media accounts. Furthermore, the final results will be presented by the consortium partners at festivals and international events in order to share best practices and produce a multiplying effect.


Quality control and evaluation of the project’s progression will be a responsibility shared by all partners in the consortium. The quality control and evaluation of the different project activities as such will be accomplished both by internal evaluation and external auditing. These external auditing will be done with the help of experts in the culture sector, such as members of the city culture committees. In addition, the participating artists will be given the opportunity to evaluate the project, the individual events and their own experiences. The visitors will also have a chance to say what they think of the project in the form of guest books that will be available at every exhibition and workshop.

PHASE 3: Dissemination

Dissemination and Exploitation

Apart from a continuous internal evaluation, as every event is followed by a meeting with the Steering Committee, the project outputs and the experiences gathered throughout the project will be assessed through evaluation questionnaires and discussions. TMPC will be responsible for assembling all the evaluation data and the final evaluation report will be available on 31 December 2014.


PHASE 3: Dissemination 18


To ensure a durable impact of the project, the exhibited art will remain in the art galleries for three months. The art will then go on a travelling exhibition around various art galleries in the cities, this will though be under the management of our associated art galleries and outside the framework of EuropeWill.. The project website and online material will remain available after the project to showcase the outcomes of the project. The official website will be kept active after the project has ended where all produced and other assembled material of the project will be accessible for interested parties. The final event will highlight the outcomes of the project and will lead to the establishment of the Euro-Baltic Culture Network founded by the consortium. The new established network will carry on with future projects and expand including all countries facing the Baltic.

Internal communication

To enhance our cooperation, the consortium will take advantage of both modern collaboration tools and direct emails. The consortium will use OpenAtrium CMS, GoogleApps and Social Media.

External communication

We expect to reach our communication objectives through the following tools: Websites • Project website: • Partner websites: banner exchange, RSS integration Traditional media: media partners and press conferences involving our media partners • Social media: Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, Tumblr, YouTube • PR material • Postcards. 1200 postcards, 200 in braille • T-Shirts • Posters • Other goodies (such as flyers, key rings, smartphone covers with artwork of our artists) Audio Visual Material • Teaser video • Final video

PHASE 3: Dissemination

Marketing, Communication, Dissemination



Associated Partners Form/Design Centre Vilnius Graphic Art Centre B-Galleria




Providing the space for the exhibition and workshops in Malmö Providing the space for the exhibition and workshops in Vilnius

Lithuania Finland

Lazina Centre Poland for Contemporary Art Gallery Latvia “Maksla XO” Art Container Estonia Malmö Art Academy Vilnius Graphic Art Centre Arts Academy at Turku University of Applied Science Academy of Fine Arts Art Academy of Latvia The Estonian Academy of Arts City of Malmö


Vilnius City Municipality City of Turku


City of Gdansk Riga Municipality Tallinn City



Sweden, Latvia, Finland, Lithuania, Estonia Poland

Warta Insurance and Reinsurance Company


Providing the space for the exhibition and workshops in Turku Providing the space for the exhibition and workshops in Gdansk Providing the space for the exhibition and workshops in Riga Providing the space for the exhibition and workshops in Tallinn Provides experts for the workshops, takes care of the selection of artists in Malmö Provides experts for the workshops, takes care of the selection of artists in Vilnius


Provides experts for the workshops, takes care of the selection of artists in Turku


Provides experts for the workshops, takes care of the selection of artists in Gdansk Provides experts for the workshops, takes care of the selection of artists Riga Provides experts for the workshops, takes care of the selection of artists Tallinn

Latvia Estonia Sweden


Latvia Estonia

Provide the permits for the exhibitions held at a square in Malmö Provide the permits for the exhibitions held at a square in Vilnius Provide the permits for the exhibitions held at a square in Turku Provide the permits for the exhibitions held at a square in Gdansk Provide the permits for the exhibitions held at a square in Riga Provide the permits for the exhibitions held at a square in Tallinn Provides the insurance for the exhibitions on the squares as well as during the transportation to and from Malmö, Vilnius, Turku, Riga, Tallinn Provide the insurance for the exhibition on the square as well as during the transportation to and from Gdansk

Description Provides the cruise liner for the final event as well as discounts on food and beverages.

The media partners have been divided into three categories, depending on their contribution and involvement in EuropeWill. Gold Media Partners The Baltic Guide Yleisradio Sydsvenska Dagbladet Latvijas Avīze Lietuvos Rytas The News

Country Estonia, Finland, Sweden Finland Sweden Latvia Lithuania Poland

Other media partners Helsingin Sanomat Neatkariga Rita Avize LRT SVT Sydnytt

Country Finland Latvia Latvia Sweden

Eesti Päevaleht


Description Online News paper Broadcasting Company Daily newspaper Daily newspaper Daily newspaper Daily newspaper

Description Daily newspaper. Daily newspaper. Radio broadcaster. Regional news on SVT, broadcasting company. Daily newspaper.

PR partner Country Description Navigator Sweden Mainly involved in the Malmö event and the final event.


Sponsor Country Tallink Silja Line Estonia, Sweden



Provisional budget for the project EuropeWill is 379 400 euro. We strongly believe that the project will be funded by the European Union’s Cultural Programme as well as selffinancing from the project partners. The grant awarded from the Cultural Programme will amount to 50 per cent of the budget while the self-financing will constitute the rest of the budget. These funding sources will include grants from both cultural organisations and public authorities. In addition, the project’s associated partners will contribute with material and technical assistance. Expenses: Eligible costs Amount in € Costs directly linked to the implementation of project activities 114 958 Communication , promotion and dissemination costs 55 160 Costs in connection with conferences, seminars/workshops 127 582 Staff: administration and coordination 58 700 Indirect costs 23 000 Total expense 189 700

Income: Eligible Income 1. European Community grant requested 2. Income generated by the project 3. Self-financing by the coordinator and co-organisers Total income

Amount in € 189 700 0 189 700 379 000

Detailed Expenses


Costs directly linked to the implementation of the project activities




Hotel and travelling costs for artists


Transportation costs


Final event


Promotion, communication and dissemination costs


Project webpage




Costs in connection with conferences, seminar/workshops


Equipment for workshops


Material for workshops


Exhibitions rental fee


Workshops rental fee


Staff: administration and coordination


Kick off meeting


Transportation costs for staff


Hotel for staff and partners


Compensation for staff


Indirect cost




Phase 1: Planning & Design 1 September 2013 - 28 February 2014 Leader

Partners involved


Steering Meeting Kick-off (Malmรถ) Final Action Plan Design Final website design and release Final Artists Criteria Planning dissemination and Awareness Raising campaign Evaluation and quality assurance strategy Exploitation and sustainability strategy

P1 P1 P3 P4 P1

P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6 P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6 P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6 P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6 P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6

1-Sep-2013 15-Oct-2013 1-Nov-2013 15-Oct-2013 15-Oct-2013

P2 P6

P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6 P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6

15-Oct-2013 15-Oct-2013

Design of Evaluation forms Website updating and blog monitoring Design and Production of PR material Steering Committee - Planning & Decision Making (Malmรถ) Steering Committee - Ready to start! (Malmรถ)

P2 P5 P3 P1

P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6 P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6 P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6 P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6

15-Feb-2014 continuous 15-Feb-2014 1-Dec-2013


P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6


Phase 2: Development 1 March 2014 - 31 July 2014 Leader

Event 1: Turku Steering Committee meeting (Turku) Evaluation Event 1 Reporting good practices Event 1


Event 2: Gdansk Steering Committee meeting (Gdansk) Evaluation Event 2 Reporting good practices Event 2


Event 3: Riga Steering Committee meeting (Riga) Evaluation Event 3 Reporting good practices Event 3


Event 4: Tallinn Steering Committee meeting (Tallinn) Evaluation Event 4 Reporting good practices Event 4


Event 5: Malmรถ Steering Committee meeting (Malmรถ) Evaluation Event 5 Reporting good practices Event 5


Event 6: Vilnius Steering Committee meeting (Vilnius) Evaluation Event 6 Reporting good practices Event 6


Partners involved


P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6 P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6 P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6

24-27 April 2014 28-Apr-2014 28-Apr-2014 28-Apr-2014

P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6 P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6 P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6

8-11 May 2014 12-May-2014 12-May-2014 12-May-2014

P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6 P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6 P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6

22-25 May 2014 26-May-2014 26-May-2014 26-May-2014

P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6 P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6 P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6

5-8 June 2014 9-Jun-2014 9-Jun-2014 9-Jun-2014

P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6 P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6 P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6

19-22 June 2014 23-Jun-2014 23-Jun-2014 23-Jun-2014

P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6 P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6 P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6

3-6 July 2014 7-Jul-2014 7-Jul-2014 7-Jul-2014


Project Timeline



Phase 3: Dissemination & Exploitation Expert consultation and Feedback Final Evaluation Report Final Report on the events Montage Audiovisual Material Collection of Good Practices Online Dissemination Materials Final dissemination event with stakeholders representatives on Silja Line Cruise (Tallinn Stockholm) Final Steering Committee meeting (Stockholm) Final Report Partners: P1: UrbanBaltic P2: Turku P3: Gdansk P4: Riga P5: Tallinn P6: Vilnius

P1 P2 P1 P3 P1 P3 P1

P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6 P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6 P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6 P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6 P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6 P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6 P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6

31-Aug-2014 31-Dec-2014 31-Dec-2014 30-Sep-2014 30-Sep-2014 continuous 16-17 January 2015

P1 P1

P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6 P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6

17-Jan-2015 28-Feb-2015


website: mail:

UrbanBaltic (Coordinator) Project Manager: Oscar Mapes Financial Director: Hanna Högberg Education Officer: Ittipol Jungwatanawong Communication Manager: Marco La Rosa Technical Director: Oliver Pavlovic Artistic Director: Sofia Wendt Address: Potatisgatan 1, 224 00 Malmö Contact person: Oscar Mapes

Turku Modern Performance Company Address: Auragatan 21, 20100 Turku Contact person: Tapio Korpela

Gdansk Art and Cultural Foundation

Address: Walowa 26 80-858, Gdansk, Poland Contact person: Mattias Kowalski

Riga Culture Organisation

Address: Minsterejas iela 4/18, Riga, LV-1050, Latvia Contact Person: Dain Priede

Container Organization

Address: Toom-Rüütli 9, 10130 Tallinn, Estonia Contact person: Tanel Sokk

Creative House

Address: Asmenos str. 16, 01135 Vilnius Contact person: Jolita Jaruseviciute


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EVoicesufrrom pWeill the Future

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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