DHC Interior

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Tö Vaán • Thieát Keá • Saûn Xuaát • Thi Coâng • Trang Trí Noäi Thaát • Baûo Haønh

Tö Vaán • Thieát Keá • Saûn Xuaát • Thi Coâng • Trang Trí Noäi Thaát • Baûo Haønh



Corporate Profile 2012

Corporate Profile 2012

Tö Vaán • Thieát Keá • Saûn Xuaát • Thi Coâng • Trang Trí Noäi Thaát • Baûo Haønh

Tö Vaán • Thieát Keá • Saûn Xuaát • Thi Coâng • Trang Trí Noäi Thaát • Baûo Haønh

GIÔÙI THIEÄU CHUNG Thö ngoû Toång quan Taàm nhìn Trieát lyù Vaên hoùa



Corporate Profile 2012



CHAÁT LÖÔÏNG DHC Söï khaùc bieät cuûa chuùng toâi Taïi sao baïn choïn DHC? Cam keát chaát löôïng saûn phaåm Thieát bò nhaø xöôûng Ñoäi nguõ

Corporate Profile 2012

CHUYEÂN MOÂN Lónh vöïc hoaït ñoäng Caùc dòch vuï Caùc saûn phaåm Caùc coâng trình

Tö Vaán • Thieát Keá • Saûn Xuaát • Thi Coâng • Trang Trí Noäi Thaát • Baûo Haønh

Tö Vaán • Thieát Keá • Saûn Xuaát • Thi Coâng • Trang Trí Noäi Thaát • Baûo Haønh

GIÔÙI THIEÄU CHUNG Thö ngoû Toång quan Taàm nhìn Trieát lyù Vaên hoùa



Corporate Profile 2012



CHAÁT LÖÔÏNG DHC Söï khaùc bieät cuûa chuùng toâi Taïi sao baïn choïn DHC? Cam keát chaát löôïng saûn phaåm Thieát bò nhaø xöôûng Ñoäi nguõ

Corporate Profile 2012

CHUYEÂN MOÂN Lónh vöïc hoaït ñoäng Caùc dòch vuï Caùc saûn phaåm Caùc coâng trình

Tö Vaán • Thieát Keá • Saûn Xuaát • Thi Coâng • Trang Trí Noäi Thaát • Baûo Haønh 7

“Khoâng gian beân trong cuûa baát kì coâng trình kieán truùc naøo ñeàu bò giôùi haïn bôûi dieän tích vaø caùc böùc töôøng bao quanh. Phong caùch trang trí noäi thaát saùng taïo seõ phaù vôõ moïi giôùi haïn, cho pheùp con ngöôøi ñöôïc hoøa mình vaøo moät khoâng gian töôûng chöøng voâ taän, thöïc söï höôùng veà thieân nhieân vaø cuoäc soáng. Coâng ty Noäi Thaát DHC Interior luoân chuù troïng vaø keát hôïp haøi hoøa töøng chi tieát noäi thaát trong moät toång theå kieán truùc sang troïng vaø tinh teá nhaèm môû ra nhöõng khoâng gian lyù töôûng mang phong caùch rieâng bieät.

“The inner space of every structure is limited due to the area and surrounding walls. A creative interior decoration style will break every limitation, which enables human to join a space that seems to be boundless and actually aims at nature and life. DHC Interior always focuses on and combines in harmony every interior detail in an overall luxurious and precise structure in order to open ideal spaces, each of which carries a distinct style.

Saûn phaåm cuûa DHC Interior luoân coù söï töông taùc vôùi chuû nhaân cuûa khoâng gian noäi thaát. Chuùng toâi coá gaéng ña daïng hoùa söùc soáng cuûa khoâng gian döïa vaøo nhöõng quan saùt vaø phaân tích saâu saéc veà phong caùch soáng, hoaït ñoäng laøm vieäc vaø thö giaõn cuûa con ngöôøi sinh hoaït trong khoâng gian noäi thaát ñoù.

DHC Interior’s products always have an interaction with the owner of the interior space. We make every effort to diversify the vitality of the space basing on profound observation and analysis about the style of living, working and relaxing of those living in that space.

DHC Interior saùng taïo khoâng ngöøng ñeå taïo ra nhöõng taùc phaåm mang tính nhaân vaên cuõng nhö laøm haøi loøng taát caû khaùch haøng baèng chính chaát löôïng cao caáp cuûa nhöõng saûn phaåm vaø dòch vuï DHC.”

DHC Interior is restlessly creative to make humanistic products as well as to please all customers with the very high-grade quality of DHC’s products and services.”

Corporate Profile 2012

Maët khaùc, DHC Interior ñaëc bieät nhaán maïnh vaøo nhaân toá con ngöôøi vaø moâi tröôøng trong taát caû caùc saûn phaåm noäi thaát. Chuùng toâi nghieân cöùu moïi yeáu toá xaõ hoäi, vaên hoùa vaø myõ thuaät cuûa töøng döï aùn ñeå taïo ra nhöõng taùc phaåm noäi thaát mang baûn saéc rieâng vaø haøi hoøa vôùi moâi tröôøng baûn ñòa.

On the other hand, DHC Interior specially emphasizes factors such as human and environment in all of its interior products. We have done researches on every factor of the society, culture and fine arts of each project to create interior works that carry distinct characteristics and is in harmony with the local environment.


Corporate Profile 2012


Tö Vaán • Thieát Keá • Saûn Xuaát • Thi Coâng • Trang Trí Noäi Thaát • Baûo Haønh


Tö Vaán • Thieát Keá • Saûn Xuaát • Thi Coâng • Trang Trí Noäi Thaát • Baûo Haønh 7

“Khoâng gian beân trong cuûa baát kì coâng trình kieán truùc naøo ñeàu bò giôùi haïn bôûi dieän tích vaø caùc böùc töôøng bao quanh. Phong caùch trang trí noäi thaát saùng taïo seõ phaù vôõ moïi giôùi haïn, cho pheùp con ngöôøi ñöôïc hoøa mình vaøo moät khoâng gian töôûng chöøng voâ taän, thöïc söï höôùng veà thieân nhieân vaø cuoäc soáng. Coâng ty Noäi Thaát DHC Interior luoân chuù troïng vaø keát hôïp haøi hoøa töøng chi tieát noäi thaát trong moät toång theå kieán truùc sang troïng vaø tinh teá nhaèm môû ra nhöõng khoâng gian lyù töôûng mang phong caùch rieâng bieät.

“The inner space of every structure is limited due to the area and surrounding walls. A creative interior decoration style will break every limitation, which enables human to join a space that seems to be boundless and actually aims at nature and life. DHC Interior always focuses on and combines in harmony every interior detail in an overall luxurious and precise structure in order to open ideal spaces, each of which carries a distinct style.

Saûn phaåm cuûa DHC Interior luoân coù söï töông taùc vôùi chuû nhaân cuûa khoâng gian noäi thaát. Chuùng toâi coá gaéng ña daïng hoùa söùc soáng cuûa khoâng gian döïa vaøo nhöõng quan saùt vaø phaân tích saâu saéc veà phong caùch soáng, hoaït ñoäng laøm vieäc vaø thö giaõn cuûa con ngöôøi sinh hoaït trong khoâng gian noäi thaát ñoù.

DHC Interior’s products always have an interaction with the owner of the interior space. We make every effort to diversify the vitality of the space basing on profound observation and analysis about the style of living, working and relaxing of those living in that space.

DHC Interior saùng taïo khoâng ngöøng ñeå taïo ra nhöõng taùc phaåm mang tính nhaân vaên cuõng nhö laøm haøi loøng taát caû khaùch haøng baèng chính chaát löôïng cao caáp cuûa nhöõng saûn phaåm vaø dòch vuï DHC.”

DHC Interior is restlessly creative to make humanistic products as well as to please all customers with the very high-grade quality of DHC’s products and services.”

Corporate Profile 2012

Maët khaùc, DHC Interior ñaëc bieät nhaán maïnh vaøo nhaân toá con ngöôøi vaø moâi tröôøng trong taát caû caùc saûn phaåm noäi thaát. Chuùng toâi nghieân cöùu moïi yeáu toá xaõ hoäi, vaên hoùa vaø myõ thuaät cuûa töøng döï aùn ñeå taïo ra nhöõng taùc phaåm noäi thaát mang baûn saéc rieâng vaø haøi hoøa vôùi moâi tröôøng baûn ñòa.

On the other hand, DHC Interior specially emphasizes factors such as human and environment in all of its interior products. We have done researches on every factor of the society, culture and fine arts of each project to create interior works that carry distinct characteristics and is in harmony with the local environment.


Corporate Profile 2012


Tö Vaán • Thieát Keá • Saûn Xuaát • Thi Coâng • Trang Trí Noäi Thaát • Baûo Haønh


Tö Vaán • Thieát Keá • Saûn Xuaát • Thi Coâng • Trang Trí Noäi Thaát • Baûo Haønh

Tö Vaán • Thieát Keá • Saûn Xuaát • Thi Coâng • Trang Trí Noäi Thaát • Baûo Haønh

Taàm nhìn DHC Interior taäp trung vaøo caùc chieán löôïc thieát keá saùng taïo, saûn xuaát hieäu quaû vaø tieáp caän caùc giaûi phaùp thi coâng töø nhieàu goùc ñoä khaùc nhau ñeå höôùng tôùi muïc tieâu trôû thaønh coâng ty haøng ñaàu cuûa Vieät Nam vaø vöôn ra thò tröôøng theá giôùi trong lónh vöïc thi coâng trang trí noäi thaát.

Toång quan Ñöôïc thaønh laäp naêm 2001, DHC Interior hieän laø moät trong caùc coâng ty thieát keá, thi coâng trang trí noäi thaát haøng ñaàu taïi Vieät Nam. Khaùch haøng cuûa DHC laø caùc cao oác vaên phoøng, nhaø haøng, khaùch saïn 5 sao, resort, khu caên hoä cao caáp, bieät thöï vaø showroom. Baèng nhöõng thieát keá saùng taïo vaø saûn phaåm, dòch vuï cao caáp, chuùng toâi coù theå ñaùp öùng caùc nhu caàu rieâng bieät cuûa töøng khaùch haøng cho baát kyø moät döï aùn naøo.

DHC Interior luoân keát hôïp haøi hoøa caùc yeáu toá con ngöôøi vaø moâi tröôøng ñeå taïo ra nhöõng saûn phaåm thaân thieän, ñeå khaùch haøng coù theå hoøa mình vaøo khoâng gian noäi thaát tieän nghi vaø eâm aùi.

Trieát lyù Noäi thaát beân trong coâng trình kieán truùc khoâng chæ ñôn thuaàn laø nhöõng maãu thieát keá baøi trí hay ñoà ñaïc cho caên phoøng, maø noäi thaát coøn phaûi ñoàng ñieäu vôùi caû khoâng gian soáng vaø hoaït ñoäng cuûa chuû sôû höõu khoâng gian ñoù. DHC Interior ñaëc bieät nhaán maïnh vaøo yeáu toá con ngöôøi khi thieát keá thi coâng caùc saûn phaåm cho khaùch haøng. Trieát lyù nhaân baûn naøy seõ goùp phaàn giuùp cho khoâng gian noäi thaát tieän nghi trôû neân thöïc söï thaân thieän vaø thoaûi maùi, phuø hôïp vôùi moïi hoaït ñoäng coâng vieäc cuõng nhö giaûi trí, thö giaõn cuûa con ngöôøi.

Corporate Profile 2012

Corporate Profile 2012

DHC Interior khoâng chæ taïo ra nhöõng khoâng gian noäi thaát sang troïng vaø ñoäc ñaùo. Chuùng toâi coøn cung caáp moät heä thoáng dòch vuï hoaøn chænh, töø giai ñoaïn phaùt trieån yù töôûng thieát keá, ñeán thöïc hieän toaøn boä quaù trình saûn xuaát.

DHC Interior thieát keá vaø thi coâng saûn phaåm döïa treân söï ñoät phaù khoâng ngöøng vaø hôïp taùc chaët cheõ giöõa caùc thaønh vieân trong coâng ty. Chuùng toâi khuyeán khích söï giao tieáp côûi môû vôùi khaùch haøng, caùc ñoái taùc vaø giöõa caùc thaønh vieân cuûa DHC Interior ñeå taïo ra nhöõng saûn phaåm thieát keá hoaøn haûo nhaát.



Moãi giaûi phaùp hieäu quaû ñeàu caàn ñeán nhöõng kieán thöùc chuyeân saâu, vì vaäy moãi döï aùn cuûa DHC Interior ñeàu ñöôïc thöïc hieän bôûi caùc chuyeân gia giaøu kinh nghieäm trong lónh vöïc noäi thaát. Ñeå töø ñoù, moãi saûn phaåm, moãi coâng trình cuûa chuùng toâi ñeàu theå hieän moät caùch tinh teá nhu caàu cuûa khaùch haøng cuõng nhö ñaït ñeán tính thaåm myõ vaø hieäu quaû öùng duïng cao.


Vaên hoùa

Tö Vaán • Thieát Keá • Saûn Xuaát • Thi Coâng • Trang Trí Noäi Thaát • Baûo Haønh

Tö Vaán • Thieát Keá • Saûn Xuaát • Thi Coâng • Trang Trí Noäi Thaát • Baûo Haønh

Taàm nhìn DHC Interior taäp trung vaøo caùc chieán löôïc thieát keá saùng taïo, saûn xuaát hieäu quaû vaø tieáp caän caùc giaûi phaùp thi coâng töø nhieàu goùc ñoä khaùc nhau ñeå höôùng tôùi muïc tieâu trôû thaønh coâng ty haøng ñaàu cuûa Vieät Nam vaø vöôn ra thò tröôøng theá giôùi trong lónh vöïc thi coâng trang trí noäi thaát.

Toång quan Ñöôïc thaønh laäp naêm 2001, DHC Interior hieän laø moät trong caùc coâng ty thieát keá, thi coâng trang trí noäi thaát haøng ñaàu taïi Vieät Nam. Khaùch haøng cuûa DHC laø caùc cao oác vaên phoøng, nhaø haøng, khaùch saïn 5 sao, resort, khu caên hoä cao caáp, bieät thöï vaø showroom. Baèng nhöõng thieát keá saùng taïo vaø saûn phaåm, dòch vuï cao caáp, chuùng toâi coù theå ñaùp öùng caùc nhu caàu rieâng bieät cuûa töøng khaùch haøng cho baát kyø moät döï aùn naøo.

DHC Interior luoân keát hôïp haøi hoøa caùc yeáu toá con ngöôøi vaø moâi tröôøng ñeå taïo ra nhöõng saûn phaåm thaân thieän, ñeå khaùch haøng coù theå hoøa mình vaøo khoâng gian noäi thaát tieän nghi vaø eâm aùi.

Trieát lyù Noäi thaát beân trong coâng trình kieán truùc khoâng chæ ñôn thuaàn laø nhöõng maãu thieát keá baøi trí hay ñoà ñaïc cho caên phoøng, maø noäi thaát coøn phaûi ñoàng ñieäu vôùi caû khoâng gian soáng vaø hoaït ñoäng cuûa chuû sôû höõu khoâng gian ñoù. DHC Interior ñaëc bieät nhaán maïnh vaøo yeáu toá con ngöôøi khi thieát keá thi coâng caùc saûn phaåm cho khaùch haøng. Trieát lyù nhaân baûn naøy seõ goùp phaàn giuùp cho khoâng gian noäi thaát tieän nghi trôû neân thöïc söï thaân thieän vaø thoaûi maùi, phuø hôïp vôùi moïi hoaït ñoäng coâng vieäc cuõng nhö giaûi trí, thö giaõn cuûa con ngöôøi.

Corporate Profile 2012

Corporate Profile 2012

DHC Interior khoâng chæ taïo ra nhöõng khoâng gian noäi thaát sang troïng vaø ñoäc ñaùo. Chuùng toâi coøn cung caáp moät heä thoáng dòch vuï hoaøn chænh, töø giai ñoaïn phaùt trieån yù töôûng thieát keá, ñeán thöïc hieän toaøn boä quaù trình saûn xuaát.

DHC Interior thieát keá vaø thi coâng saûn phaåm döïa treân söï ñoät phaù khoâng ngöøng vaø hôïp taùc chaët cheõ giöõa caùc thaønh vieân trong coâng ty. Chuùng toâi khuyeán khích söï giao tieáp côûi môû vôùi khaùch haøng, caùc ñoái taùc vaø giöõa caùc thaønh vieân cuûa DHC Interior ñeå taïo ra nhöõng saûn phaåm thieát keá hoaøn haûo nhaát.



Moãi giaûi phaùp hieäu quaû ñeàu caàn ñeán nhöõng kieán thöùc chuyeân saâu, vì vaäy moãi döï aùn cuûa DHC Interior ñeàu ñöôïc thöïc hieän bôûi caùc chuyeân gia giaøu kinh nghieäm trong lónh vöïc noäi thaát. Ñeå töø ñoù, moãi saûn phaåm, moãi coâng trình cuûa chuùng toâi ñeàu theå hieän moät caùch tinh teá nhu caàu cuûa khaùch haøng cuõng nhö ñaït ñeán tính thaåm myõ vaø hieäu quaû öùng duïng cao.


Vaên hoùa

Founded in 2001, DHC Interior is one of the leading interior design and decoration execution companies in Vietnam. We are in designing, executing and decorating interior of office buildings, restaurants, high-grade hotels, resorts, apartments, villas and showrooms. With creative designs and high-grade products, services, we are capable of meeting particular demand of each customer for any projects. Each effective solution needs expertise knowledge; therefore, every realistic project of DHC Interior is executed by experts that are highly experienced in the interior field. That is why each of our products or interior projects manifests precisely customer’s demand as well as achieves an aestheticism and highly applicable effect. DHC Interior not only creates luxurious and distinctive interior space but we also provide a complete service system, from developing design and interior decoration concepts to finishing the entire production process. DHC Interior always combines in harmony human factor and environment one to make friendly products so that customer can join a comfortable and gentle interior space.

Vision DHC Interior focuses on creative design strategies, effective production and approaches execution solutions from different angles with the purpose of being the leading company in Vietnam and joining the world market in the field of interior decoration execution.

Culture DHC Interior designs and executes products basing on nonstop breakthroughs and close co-operation between its members. We encourage open communication with customer and partner, between members of DHC Interior to create the most perfect design products.

Philosophy The interior inside a structure is not purely arranging design samples or furniture in a room; it must be in harmony with both living space and activities of the space owner. DHC Interior specially emphasizes on human factor while executing products for customer. This humanity philosophy will contribute to helping a comfortable interior space become really friendly and restful, which is suitable for every activity and work as well as relaxation and entertainment of human.

Tö Vaán • Thieát Keá • Saûn Xuaát • Thi Coâng • Trang Trí Noäi Thaát • Baûo Haønh


12 Corporate Profile 2012

Founded in 2001, DHC Interior is one of the leading interior design and decoration execution companies in Vietnam. We are in designing, executing and decorating interior of office buildings, restaurants, high-grade hotels, resorts, apartments, villas and showrooms. With creative designs and high-grade products, services, we are capable of meeting particular demand of each customer for any projects. Each effective solution needs expertise knowledge; therefore, every realistic project of DHC Interior is executed by experts that are highly experienced in the interior field. That is why each of our products or interior projects manifests precisely customer’s demand as well as achieves an aestheticism and highly applicable effect. DHC Interior not only creates luxurious and distinctive interior space but we also provide a complete service system, from developing design and interior decoration concepts to finishing the entire production process. DHC Interior always combines in harmony human factor and environment one to make friendly products so that customer can join a comfortable and gentle interior space.

Vision DHC Interior focuses on creative design strategies, effective production and approaches execution solutions from different angles with the purpose of being the leading company in Vietnam and joining the world market in the field of interior decoration execution.

Culture DHC Interior designs and executes products basing on nonstop breakthroughs and close co-operation between its members. We encourage open communication with customer and partner, between members of DHC Interior to create the most perfect design products.

Philosophy The interior inside a structure is not purely arranging design samples or furniture in a room; it must be in harmony with both living space and activities of the space owner. DHC Interior specially emphasizes on human factor while executing products for customer. This humanity philosophy will contribute to helping a comfortable interior space become really friendly and restful, which is suitable for every activity and work as well as relaxation and entertainment of human.

Tö Vaán • Thieát Keá • Saûn Xuaát • Thi Coâng • Trang Trí Noäi Thaát • Baûo Haønh


12 Corporate Profile 2012

Tö Vaán • Thieát Keá • Saûn Xuaát • Thi Coâng • Trang Trí Noäi Thaát • Baûo Haønh

Trong nhöõng naêm qua, DHC Interior ñaõ tích luõy ñöôïc nhieàu kinh nghieäm quyù baùu trong lónh vöïc thieát keá vaø trang trí noäi thaát cho nhieàu coâng trình kieán truùc noåi tieáng, phaïm vi traûi roäng töø caùc cao oác vaên phoøng, nhaø haøng, khaùch saïn cao caáp, khu resort, cho tôùi caùc khu chung cö, bieät thöï vaø showroom. Ngoaøi ra, DHC Interior coøn chuyeân veà thieát keá noäi thaát nhaø beáp cho caên hoä gia ñình. • • • •

Khaùch saïn Resort Caên hoä thöông maïi cao caáp Nhaø beáp cao caáp, xuaát khaåu vaø noäi ñòa

Tö vaán Khi ñeán vôùi DHC Interior, khaùch haøng ñöôïc tö vaán moät caùch chu ñaùo töø caùch thieát keá, boá trí noäi thaát, trang thieát bò cho ñeán vieäc keát hôïp maøu saéc, nguyeân vaät lieäu sao cho haøi hoøa vôùi khoâng gian kieán truùc vaø phuø hôïp vôùi ngaân saùch ñaàu tö.

Thieát keá

Tö Vaán • Thieát Keá • Saûn Xuaát • Thi Coâng • Trang Trí Noäi Thaát • Baûo Haønh

Lónh vöïc hoaït ñoäng

Vôùi ñoäi nguõ kieán truùc sö, kyõ sö chuyeân nghieäp vaø giaøu kinh nghieäm trong lónh vöïc thieát keá thi coâng trang trí noäi thaát, chuùng toâi thaáu hieåu moät thieát keá ñeïp phaûi ñöôïc thöïc hieän tæ mæ töø khaâu khaûo saùt, tìm hieåu nhu caàu cuûa khaùch haøng cho ñeán thò hieáu thaåm myõ, chöùc naêng vaø quy moâ cuûa döï aùn ñeå taïo neân khoâng gian kieán truùc noäi thaát haøi hoøa vaø hôïp lyù.

Saûn xuaát Saûn phaåm cuûa DHC Interior ñöôïc saûn xuaát treân daây chuyeàn maùy moùc tieân tieán beân caïnh moät ñoäi nguõ coâng nhaân coù trình ñoä tay ngheà cao vaø heä thoáng quaûn lyù chaát löôïng chaët cheõ. Do ñoù, moãi saûn phaåm DHC khi xuaát xöôûng ñeàu ñaûm baûo tieâu chuaån kyõ thuaät vaø ñaït chaát löôïng cao.

Thi Coâng DHC Interior taäp hôïp moät ñoäi nguõ thôï thi coâng naêng ñoäng, laønh ngheà coù khaû naêng ñaùp öùng linh ñoäng nhu caàu cuûa khaùch haøng vaø thöïc hieän ñuùng tieán ñoä thi coâng coâng trình.

Baûo haønh Boä phaän baûo haønh cuûa chuùng toâi hoaït ñoäng chuyeân nghieäp vaø nhanh choùng hoã trôï vaø ñaùp öùng moïi nhu caàu cuûa khaùch haøng.

Corporate Profile 2012

Corporate Profile 2012

DHC Interior thöïc hieän trang trí noäi thaát cho caùc coâng trình theo nhieàu phong caùch khaùc nhau, töø coå ñieån cho ñeán hieän ñaïi, töø sang troïng, lòch laõm cho ñeán trang nhaõ, aán töôïng, töø phong caùch phöông Taây ñeán phöông Ñoâng, taát caû ñeàu taïo neân khoâng gian mang neùt ñoäc ñaùo rieâng vaø chuyeån taûi ñöôïc chieàu saâu caûm xuùc.



Trang trí noäi thaát

Tö Vaán • Thieát Keá • Saûn Xuaát • Thi Coâng • Trang Trí Noäi Thaát • Baûo Haønh

Trong nhöõng naêm qua, DHC Interior ñaõ tích luõy ñöôïc nhieàu kinh nghieäm quyù baùu trong lónh vöïc thieát keá vaø trang trí noäi thaát cho nhieàu coâng trình kieán truùc noåi tieáng, phaïm vi traûi roäng töø caùc cao oác vaên phoøng, nhaø haøng, khaùch saïn cao caáp, khu resort, cho tôùi caùc khu chung cö, bieät thöï vaø showroom. Ngoaøi ra, DHC Interior coøn chuyeân veà thieát keá noäi thaát nhaø beáp cho caên hoä gia ñình. • • • •

Khaùch saïn Resort Caên hoä thöông maïi cao caáp Nhaø beáp cao caáp, xuaát khaåu vaø noäi ñòa

Tö vaán Khi ñeán vôùi DHC Interior, khaùch haøng ñöôïc tö vaán moät caùch chu ñaùo töø caùch thieát keá, boá trí noäi thaát, trang thieát bò cho ñeán vieäc keát hôïp maøu saéc, nguyeân vaät lieäu sao cho haøi hoøa vôùi khoâng gian kieán truùc vaø phuø hôïp vôùi ngaân saùch ñaàu tö.

Thieát keá

Tö Vaán • Thieát Keá • Saûn Xuaát • Thi Coâng • Trang Trí Noäi Thaát • Baûo Haønh

Lónh vöïc hoaït ñoäng

Vôùi ñoäi nguõ kieán truùc sö, kyõ sö chuyeân nghieäp vaø giaøu kinh nghieäm trong lónh vöïc thieát keá thi coâng trang trí noäi thaát, chuùng toâi thaáu hieåu moät thieát keá ñeïp phaûi ñöôïc thöïc hieän tæ mæ töø khaâu khaûo saùt, tìm hieåu nhu caàu cuûa khaùch haøng cho ñeán thò hieáu thaåm myõ, chöùc naêng vaø quy moâ cuûa döï aùn ñeå taïo neân khoâng gian kieán truùc noäi thaát haøi hoøa vaø hôïp lyù.

Saûn xuaát Saûn phaåm cuûa DHC Interior ñöôïc saûn xuaát treân daây chuyeàn maùy moùc tieân tieán beân caïnh moät ñoäi nguõ coâng nhaân coù trình ñoä tay ngheà cao vaø heä thoáng quaûn lyù chaát löôïng chaët cheõ. Do ñoù, moãi saûn phaåm DHC khi xuaát xöôûng ñeàu ñaûm baûo tieâu chuaån kyõ thuaät vaø ñaït chaát löôïng cao.

Thi Coâng DHC Interior taäp hôïp moät ñoäi nguõ thôï thi coâng naêng ñoäng, laønh ngheà coù khaû naêng ñaùp öùng linh ñoäng nhu caàu cuûa khaùch haøng vaø thöïc hieän ñuùng tieán ñoä thi coâng coâng trình.

Baûo haønh Boä phaän baûo haønh cuûa chuùng toâi hoaït ñoäng chuyeân nghieäp vaø nhanh choùng hoã trôï vaø ñaùp öùng moïi nhu caàu cuûa khaùch haøng.

Corporate Profile 2012

Corporate Profile 2012

DHC Interior thöïc hieän trang trí noäi thaát cho caùc coâng trình theo nhieàu phong caùch khaùc nhau, töø coå ñieån cho ñeán hieän ñaïi, töø sang troïng, lòch laõm cho ñeán trang nhaõ, aán töôïng, töø phong caùch phöông Taây ñeán phöông Ñoâng, taát caû ñeàu taïo neân khoâng gian mang neùt ñoäc ñaùo rieâng vaø chuyeån taûi ñöôïc chieàu saâu caûm xuùc.



Trang trí noäi thaát

Hotels Resorts Commerce and high-grade apartments High-grade kitchen, export and inland

Once coming to DHC Interior, customer is advised thoroughly from design manner, interior equipment arrangement to colour and material combination in harmony with the architectural space and investment budget.

DHC Interior gathers an execution staff that is dynamic, skilled and able to meet customer's demand flexibly and execute exactly to the project time schedule.

Design With a staff including professional, experienced architects and engineers in the field of interior design and decoration execution, we comprehend that a beautiful design must be executed meticulously from survey, studying customer's demand to aesthetical taste, function and scale of a project in order to create a reasonable and harmonic interior architectural space.

Production DHC Interior s products are made on an advanced machinery line, by highly skilled workers and with a close quality management system. Therefore, every of DHC's finish products guarantees technical criteria and achieves high quality.

Interior decoration DHC Interior executes interior decoration projects following different styles from classic to modern, from luxurious and elegant to graceful and impressive, from Western to Oriental, all of which create spaces that are distinctive and able to transmit the depth of emotion.

Warranty Our warranty division operates professionally and rapidly to support and meet every of customer's demands.


• • • •



Corporate Profile 2012

Tö Vaán • Thieát Keá • Saûn Xuaát • Thi Coâng • Trang Trí Noäi Thaát • Baûo Haønh

Over the past years, DHC Interior has accumulated a great deal of precious experience in the field of interior design and decoration for many famous architectures which vary from office buildings, restaurants, high-grade hotels, resorts to apartments, villas, and showrooms. Moreover, DHC Interior also specializes in kitchen interior design for family houses.


Tö Vaán • Thieát Keá • Saûn Xuaát • Thi Coâng • Trang Trí Noäi Thaát • Baûo Haønh

Operation field

Corporate Profile 2012

Hotels Resorts Commerce and high-grade apartments High-grade kitchen, export and inland

Once coming to DHC Interior, customer is advised thoroughly from design manner, interior equipment arrangement to colour and material combination in harmony with the architectural space and investment budget.

DHC Interior gathers an execution staff that is dynamic, skilled and able to meet customer's demand flexibly and execute exactly to the project time schedule.

Design With a staff including professional, experienced architects and engineers in the field of interior design and decoration execution, we comprehend that a beautiful design must be executed meticulously from survey, studying customer's demand to aesthetical taste, function and scale of a project in order to create a reasonable and harmonic interior architectural space.

Production DHC Interior s products are made on an advanced machinery line, by highly skilled workers and with a close quality management system. Therefore, every of DHC's finish products guarantees technical criteria and achieves high quality.

Interior decoration DHC Interior executes interior decoration projects following different styles from classic to modern, from luxurious and elegant to graceful and impressive, from Western to Oriental, all of which create spaces that are distinctive and able to transmit the depth of emotion.

Warranty Our warranty division operates professionally and rapidly to support and meet every of customer's demands.


• • • •



Corporate Profile 2012

Tö Vaán • Thieát Keá • Saûn Xuaát • Thi Coâng • Trang Trí Noäi Thaát • Baûo Haønh

Over the past years, DHC Interior has accumulated a great deal of precious experience in the field of interior design and decoration for many famous architectures which vary from office buildings, restaurants, high-grade hotels, resorts to apartments, villas, and showrooms. Moreover, DHC Interior also specializes in kitchen interior design for family houses.


Tö Vaán • Thieát Keá • Saûn Xuaát • Thi Coâng • Trang Trí Noäi Thaát • Baûo Haønh

Operation field

Corporate Profile 2012

Processing workshop


It will be very difficult to turn a creative design idea into a complete interior product if there is lack of advanced and synchronous workshop equipment. DHC Interior possesses large-scale workshops, modern equipment that can support production process and interior decoration quickly and effectively.


Corporate Profile 2012

Tö Vaán • Thieát Keá • Saûn Xuaát • Thi Coâng • Trang Trí Noäi Thaát • Baûo Haønh

Khoù coù theå bieán moät yù töôûng thieát keá saùng taïo thaønh saûn phaåm noäi thaát hoaøn chænh neáu thieáu nhöõng thieát bò nhaø xöôûng taân tieán vaø ñoàng boä. DHC Interior sôû höõu nhaø xöôûng coù quy moâ roäng lôùn, trang thieát bò hieän ñaïi hoã trôï hieäu quaû vaø nhanh choùng cho quaù trình saûn xuaát vaø trang trí noäi thaát.

Tö Vaán • Thieát Keá • Saûn Xuaát • Thi Coâng • Trang Trí Noäi Thaát • Baûo Haønh

Xöôûng gia coâng saûn phaåm

Corporate Profile 2012

Processing workshop


It will be very difficult to turn a creative design idea into a complete interior product if there is lack of advanced and synchronous workshop equipment. DHC Interior possesses large-scale workshops, modern equipment that can support production process and interior decoration quickly and effectively.


Corporate Profile 2012

Tö Vaán • Thieát Keá • Saûn Xuaát • Thi Coâng • Trang Trí Noäi Thaát • Baûo Haønh

Khoù coù theå bieán moät yù töôûng thieát keá saùng taïo thaønh saûn phaåm noäi thaát hoaøn chænh neáu thieáu nhöõng thieát bò nhaø xöôûng taân tieán vaø ñoàng boä. DHC Interior sôû höõu nhaø xöôûng coù quy moâ roäng lôùn, trang thieát bò hieän ñaïi hoã trôï hieäu quaû vaø nhanh choùng cho quaù trình saûn xuaát vaø trang trí noäi thaát.

Tö Vaán • Thieát Keá • Saûn Xuaát • Thi Coâng • Trang Trí Noäi Thaát • Baûo Haønh

Xöôûng gia coâng saûn phaåm

Corporate Profile 2012

Tö Vaán • Thieát Keá • Saûn Xuaát • Thi Coâng • Trang Trí Noäi Thaát • Baûo Haønh

Tö Vaán • Thieát Keá • Saûn Xuaát • Thi Coâng • Trang Trí Noäi Thaát • Baûo Haønh

Xöôûng sôn hoaøn thieän Saûn phaåm DHC ñöôïc hoaøn thieän theo coâng ngheä sôn cuûa UÙc vôùi toaøn boä nguyeân vaät lieäu ñöôïc nhaäp khaåu töø UÙc. Maøu saéc ña daïng cho söï löïa choïn phong phuù theo maøu kieán truùc, ñoä beàn maøu cao vaø hoaøn toaøn khoâng phai theo thôøi gian. Sau khi hoaøn thieän, saûn phaåm ñaït ñoä cöùng an toaøn vaø coù ñoä boùng tuyeät ñoái. Ñoäi nguõ thöïc hieän khaâu hoaøn thieän saûn phaåm coù tay ngheà cao ñöôïc huaán luyeän bôûi caùc chuyeân gia ñeán töø UÙc.

Finish Coating Workshop



Corporate Profile 2012

DHC's products are finished under Australian coating technology with all materials imported from Australia. Diversified colours enable plentiful choices following architectural colours; the finish colour is highly durable and completely not fades to the time. After being finished, products will achieve safe hardness and an absolute shining level. The staff to finish products is proficient and trained by Australian experts.

Corporate Profile 2012

Tö Vaán • Thieát Keá • Saûn Xuaát • Thi Coâng • Trang Trí Noäi Thaát • Baûo Haønh

Tö Vaán • Thieát Keá • Saûn Xuaát • Thi Coâng • Trang Trí Noäi Thaát • Baûo Haønh

Xöôûng sôn hoaøn thieän Saûn phaåm DHC ñöôïc hoaøn thieän theo coâng ngheä sôn cuûa UÙc vôùi toaøn boä nguyeân vaät lieäu ñöôïc nhaäp khaåu töø UÙc. Maøu saéc ña daïng cho söï löïa choïn phong phuù theo maøu kieán truùc, ñoä beàn maøu cao vaø hoaøn toaøn khoâng phai theo thôøi gian. Sau khi hoaøn thieän, saûn phaåm ñaït ñoä cöùng an toaøn vaø coù ñoä boùng tuyeät ñoái. Ñoäi nguõ thöïc hieän khaâu hoaøn thieän saûn phaåm coù tay ngheà cao ñöôïc huaán luyeän bôûi caùc chuyeân gia ñeán töø UÙc.

Finish Coating Workshop



Corporate Profile 2012

DHC's products are finished under Australian coating technology with all materials imported from Australia. Diversified colours enable plentiful choices following architectural colours; the finish colour is highly durable and completely not fades to the time. After being finished, products will achieve safe hardness and an absolute shining level. The staff to finish products is proficient and trained by Australian experts.

Corporate Profile 2012

Tö Vaán • Thieát Keá • Saûn Xuaát • Thi Coâng • Trang Trí Noäi Thaát • Baûo Haønh

Tö Vaán • Thieát Keá • Saûn Xuaát • Thi Coâng • Trang Trí Noäi Thaát • Baûo Haønh Taïi DHC Interior, khaùch haøng seõ coù dòp hôïp taùc vôùi moät ñoäi nguõ chuyeân nghieäp vaø saùng taïo, saün saøng coáng hieán heát mình cho moãi döï aùn. Caùc caùn boä quaûn lyù cuûa DHC ñeàu toát nghieäp ñaïi hoïc chuyeân ngaønh vaø coù kieán thöùc chuyeân saâu trong töøng lónh vöïc ñaûm traùch. DHC coøn coù moät ñoäi nguõ chuyeân vieân quaûn lyù döï aùn giaøu kinh nghieäm ñaõ töøng kinh qua raát nhieàu döï aùn trang trí noäi thaát lôùn trong nöôùc. Maët khaùc, caùc chuyeân vieân kyõ thuaät sôn hoaøn thieän ñeàu coù tay ngheà cao vaø ñöôïc ñaøo taïo bôûi caùc chuyeân gia nöôùc ngoaøi.

Corporate Profile 2012

Cam keát chaát löôïng saûn phaåm DHC Interior khoâng ngöøng tìm hieåu caùc xu höôùng theá giôùi vaø öùng duïng caùc coâng ngheä kyõ thuaät tieân tieán trong thieát keá thi coâng, cuõng nhö trong saûn xuaát ñeå ñeà xuaát nhöõng yù töôûng saùng taïo vaø ñaûm baûo chaát löôïng cao nhaát cho töøng döï aùn.

Thaønh tích Söï phaùt trieån khoâng ngöøng cuûa DHC Interior cuøng vôùi vieäc khoâng ngöøng gia taêng soá löôïng khaùch haøng thaân thieát trong nhieàu naêm qua chính laø söï chöùng thöïc cho uy tín vaø chaát löôïng ñoàng nhaát trong taát caû caùc hoaït ñoäng vaø dòch vuï maø chuùng toâi cung caáp cho khaùch haøng.

HOÀ THANH ÑIEÀN - Chuû Tòch HÑ Thaønh Vieân Gia nhaäp DHC töø naêm 2001, oâng Hoà Thanh Ñieàn ñaõ phuï traùch caùc döï aùn Ñaïi hoïc RMIT - Phuù Myõ Höng, River Park - Hoäi An, Nam Haûi Resort Quaûng Nam, Nguyeãn Du Park Residents, Novotel Nha Trang, Baõi Traøm Resort - Phuù Yeân, Tröông Quoác Tuaán - Giaùm Ñoác Saûn Xuaát Huyønh Trung Tuaán - Giaùm Ñoác Kinh Doanh Buøi Vaên Huaán - Giaùm Ñoác Döï AÙn Nguyeãn Ñình Tieán - Quaûn Ñoác Xöôûng Saûn Xuaát Phan Nguyeãn Töôøng Quaân - Tröôûng Phoøng Thieát Keá Ngoaøi ra, chuùng toâi coøn coù: 8 chuyeân vieân Quaûn lyù cho töøng Döï AÙn 3 chuyeân vieân kyõ thuaät sôn hoaøn thieän

Corporate Profile 2012


Vôùi hôn 7 naêm kinh nghieäm taïi DHC, oâng Phaïm Taán Haûo töøng phuï traùch raát nhieàu döï aùn trang trí noäi thaát lôùn nhö: Khaùch saïn Novotel - Phan Thieát, Olalani resort, Khaùch saïn CATACO - Phuù Quoác, Döï AÙn Nhaø Lieân Keá laán bieån - Raïch Giaù - Kieân Giang, heä thoáng Showroom cuûa Coâng ty may Vieät Tieán, Döï AÙn xuaát khaåu sang UÙc vaø Canada, Caên hoä cao caáp thöông maïi Taûn Ñaø




Tö Vaán • Thieát Keá • Saûn Xuaát • Thi Coâng • Trang Trí Noäi Thaát • Baûo Haønh

Tö Vaán • Thieát Keá • Saûn Xuaát • Thi Coâng • Trang Trí Noäi Thaát • Baûo Haønh Taïi DHC Interior, khaùch haøng seõ coù dòp hôïp taùc vôùi moät ñoäi nguõ chuyeân nghieäp vaø saùng taïo, saün saøng coáng hieán heát mình cho moãi döï aùn. Caùc caùn boä quaûn lyù cuûa DHC ñeàu toát nghieäp ñaïi hoïc chuyeân ngaønh vaø coù kieán thöùc chuyeân saâu trong töøng lónh vöïc ñaûm traùch. DHC coøn coù moät ñoäi nguõ chuyeân vieân quaûn lyù döï aùn giaøu kinh nghieäm ñaõ töøng kinh qua raát nhieàu döï aùn trang trí noäi thaát lôùn trong nöôùc. Maët khaùc, caùc chuyeân vieân kyõ thuaät sôn hoaøn thieän ñeàu coù tay ngheà cao vaø ñöôïc ñaøo taïo bôûi caùc chuyeân gia nöôùc ngoaøi.

Corporate Profile 2012

Cam keát chaát löôïng saûn phaåm DHC Interior khoâng ngöøng tìm hieåu caùc xu höôùng theá giôùi vaø öùng duïng caùc coâng ngheä kyõ thuaät tieân tieán trong thieát keá thi coâng, cuõng nhö trong saûn xuaát ñeå ñeà xuaát nhöõng yù töôûng saùng taïo vaø ñaûm baûo chaát löôïng cao nhaát cho töøng döï aùn.

Thaønh tích Söï phaùt trieån khoâng ngöøng cuûa DHC Interior cuøng vôùi vieäc khoâng ngöøng gia taêng soá löôïng khaùch haøng thaân thieát trong nhieàu naêm qua chính laø söï chöùng thöïc cho uy tín vaø chaát löôïng ñoàng nhaát trong taát caû caùc hoaït ñoäng vaø dòch vuï maø chuùng toâi cung caáp cho khaùch haøng.

HOÀ THANH ÑIEÀN - Chuû Tòch HÑ Thaønh Vieân Gia nhaäp DHC töø naêm 2001, oâng Hoà Thanh Ñieàn ñaõ phuï traùch caùc döï aùn Ñaïi hoïc RMIT - Phuù Myõ Höng, River Park - Hoäi An, Nam Haûi Resort Quaûng Nam, Nguyeãn Du Park Residents, Novotel Nha Trang, Baõi Traøm Resort - Phuù Yeân, Tröông Quoác Tuaán - Giaùm Ñoác Saûn Xuaát Huyønh Trung Tuaán - Giaùm Ñoác Kinh Doanh Buøi Vaên Huaán - Giaùm Ñoác Döï AÙn Nguyeãn Ñình Tieán - Quaûn Ñoác Xöôûng Saûn Xuaát Phan Nguyeãn Töôøng Quaân - Tröôûng Phoøng Thieát Keá Ngoaøi ra, chuùng toâi coøn coù: 8 chuyeân vieân Quaûn lyù cho töøng Döï AÙn 3 chuyeân vieân kyõ thuaät sôn hoaøn thieän

Corporate Profile 2012


Vôùi hôn 7 naêm kinh nghieäm taïi DHC, oâng Phaïm Taán Haûo töøng phuï traùch raát nhieàu döï aùn trang trí noäi thaát lôùn nhö: Khaùch saïn Novotel - Phan Thieát, Olalani resort, Khaùch saïn CATACO - Phuù Quoác, Döï AÙn Nhaø Lieân Keá laán bieån - Raïch Giaù - Kieân Giang, heä thoáng Showroom cuûa Coâng ty may Vieät Tieán, Döï AÙn xuaát khaåu sang UÙc vaø Canada, Caên hoä cao caáp thöông maïi Taûn Ñaø




Tö Vaán • Thieát Keá • Saûn Xuaát • Thi Coâng • Trang Trí Noäi Thaát • Baûo Haønh 23

Product quality commitment DHC Interior restlessly finds out about the world's trends and applies state-of-the-art technologies in design, execution and production to propose creative ideas and guarantee the highest quality for each project.


PHAÏM TAÁN HAÛO - Director Mr. Phaïm Taán Haûo is one of the founders of DHC. He has undertaken many big interior decoration projects such as Novotel Hotel - Phan Thieát, Olalani Resort, CATACO Hotel - Phuù Quoác, Sea Encroaching Houses Project - Raïch Giaù - Kieân Giang, the Showrooms system of Vieät Tieán Garment Corporation, Export Project to Australia and Canada, Taûn Ñaø Commerce and High-grade Apartment... HOÀ THANH ÑIEÀN - Chairman of the Board Mr. Hoà Thanh Ñieàn is a co - founder of DHC. He has undertaken projects such as RMIT University - Phuù Myõ Höng, River Park - Hoäi An, Nam Haûi Resort - Quaûng Nam, Nguyeãn Du Park Residents, Novotel Nha Trang, Baõi Traøm Resort - Phuù Yeân Tröông Quoác Tuaán - Production Director Huyønh Trung Tuaán - Sales Director Buøi Vaên Huaán - Project Director Nguyeãn Ñình Tieán - Workshop Manager Phan Nguyeãn Töôøng Quaân - Manager of Design Department

In addition, we also have: 8 Managing experts for each Project 3 finish coating technicians

Corporate Profile 2012

The nonstop growth of DHC Interior and the continual increase in the quantity of regular customers in recent years are the very certificate of the prestige and synchronous quality in all activities and services with which we provide customer.

At DHC Interior, customer will have a chance to co-operate with a staff that is professional, creative and willing to dedicate to each project to the fullest. All managing officers of DHC are major graduates and expertise in the field of which they are in charge. DHC also has a team including experienced project managing experts who have executed many big interior decoration projects nationwide. On the other hand, finish coating technicians are all highly skilled and trained by foreign experts.


Corporate Profile 2012

Tö Vaán • Thieát Keá • Saûn Xuaát • Thi Coâng • Trang Trí Noäi Thaát • Baûo Haønh


Tö Vaán • Thieát Keá • Saûn Xuaát • Thi Coâng • Trang Trí Noäi Thaát • Baûo Haønh 23

Product quality commitment DHC Interior restlessly finds out about the world's trends and applies state-of-the-art technologies in design, execution and production to propose creative ideas and guarantee the highest quality for each project.


PHAÏM TAÁN HAÛO - Director Mr. Phaïm Taán Haûo is one of the founders of DHC. He has undertaken many big interior decoration projects such as Novotel Hotel - Phan Thieát, Olalani Resort, CATACO Hotel - Phuù Quoác, Sea Encroaching Houses Project - Raïch Giaù - Kieân Giang, the Showrooms system of Vieät Tieán Garment Corporation, Export Project to Australia and Canada, Taûn Ñaø Commerce and High-grade Apartment... HOÀ THANH ÑIEÀN - Chairman of the Board Mr. Hoà Thanh Ñieàn is a co - founder of DHC. He has undertaken projects such as RMIT University - Phuù Myõ Höng, River Park - Hoäi An, Nam Haûi Resort - Quaûng Nam, Nguyeãn Du Park Residents, Novotel Nha Trang, Baõi Traøm Resort - Phuù Yeân Tröông Quoác Tuaán - Production Director Huyønh Trung Tuaán - Sales Director Buøi Vaên Huaán - Project Director Nguyeãn Ñình Tieán - Workshop Manager Phan Nguyeãn Töôøng Quaân - Manager of Design Department

In addition, we also have: 8 Managing experts for each Project 3 finish coating technicians

Corporate Profile 2012

The nonstop growth of DHC Interior and the continual increase in the quantity of regular customers in recent years are the very certificate of the prestige and synchronous quality in all activities and services with which we provide customer.

At DHC Interior, customer will have a chance to co-operate with a staff that is professional, creative and willing to dedicate to each project to the fullest. All managing officers of DHC are major graduates and expertise in the field of which they are in charge. DHC also has a team including experienced project managing experts who have executed many big interior decoration projects nationwide. On the other hand, finish coating technicians are all highly skilled and trained by foreign experts.


Corporate Profile 2012

Tö Vaán • Thieát Keá • Saûn Xuaát • Thi Coâng • Trang Trí Noäi Thaát • Baûo Haønh


Tö Vaán • Thieát Keá • Saûn Xuaát • Thi Coâng • Trang Trí Noäi Thaát • Baûo Haønh 25

DHC Interior cung caáp saûn phaåm chaát löôïng cao, ñöôïc thieát keá tinh teá vaø saùng taïo cho töøng coâng trình rieâng bieät. Ngoaøi ra, caùc saûn phaåm ñeàu ñöôïc saûn xuaát treân daây chuyeàn coâng ngheä hieän ñaïi, söû duïng caùc nguyeân vaät lieäu vaø phuï kieän ngoaïi nhaäp neân ñaûm baûo chaát löôïng vaø coù ñoä beàn cao.

DHC Interior provides products that are of high quality, designed precisely and creatively for each separate project. Moreover, all products are made on a modern technology line, from imported material and accessories, which guarantees quality and high durability.

Caùc coâng trình


DHC Interior ñaõ thöïc hieän thi coâng trang trí noäi thaát cho nhieàu coâng trình lôùn treân khaép Vieät Nam.

DHC Interior has executed interior decoration for many big projects across Vietnam.

Corporate Profile 2012



Corporate Profile 2012


Tö Vaán • Thieát Keá • Saûn Xuaát • Thi Coâng • Trang Trí Noäi Thaát • Baûo Haønh

Caùc saûn phaåm

Tö Vaán • Thieát Keá • Saûn Xuaát • Thi Coâng • Trang Trí Noäi Thaát • Baûo Haønh 25

DHC Interior cung caáp saûn phaåm chaát löôïng cao, ñöôïc thieát keá tinh teá vaø saùng taïo cho töøng coâng trình rieâng bieät. Ngoaøi ra, caùc saûn phaåm ñeàu ñöôïc saûn xuaát treân daây chuyeàn coâng ngheä hieän ñaïi, söû duïng caùc nguyeân vaät lieäu vaø phuï kieän ngoaïi nhaäp neân ñaûm baûo chaát löôïng vaø coù ñoä beàn cao.

DHC Interior provides products that are of high quality, designed precisely and creatively for each separate project. Moreover, all products are made on a modern technology line, from imported material and accessories, which guarantees quality and high durability.

Caùc coâng trình


DHC Interior ñaõ thöïc hieän thi coâng trang trí noäi thaát cho nhieàu coâng trình lôùn treân khaép Vieät Nam.

DHC Interior has executed interior decoration for many big projects across Vietnam.

Corporate Profile 2012



Corporate Profile 2012


Tö Vaán • Thieát Keá • Saûn Xuaát • Thi Coâng • Trang Trí Noäi Thaát • Baûo Haønh

Caùc saûn phaåm

Tö Vaán • Thieát Keá • Saûn Xuaát • Thi Coâng • Trang Trí Noäi Thaát • Baûo Haønh

Tö Vaán • Thieát Keá • Saûn Xuaát • Thi Coâng • Trang Trí Noäi Thaát • Baûo Haønh



Corporate Profile 2012

Corporate Profile 2012

Tö Vaán • Thieát Keá • Saûn Xuaát • Thi Coâng • Trang Trí Noäi Thaát • Baûo Haønh

Tö Vaán • Thieát Keá • Saûn Xuaát • Thi Coâng • Trang Trí Noäi Thaát • Baûo Haønh



Corporate Profile 2012

Corporate Profile 2012


Expla qui blaut pa quassi dis et ad es ex eariae earia consed quias et alita sedi seceper ionsequam sim estiae non pre cuscil idus essitii squisimusam, quodicimust eam audist dolupidiossi.


Corporate Profile 2012

Tö Vaán • Thieát Keá • Saûn Xuaát • Thi Coâng • Trang Trí Noäi Thaát • Baûo Haønh

Tem ipiendaest ut pedicaes ipietur? Quisciam cum re qui int deliquas consequi utem. Lent, ditatio testibusam, officipitet iliqui quat est molo volupis dolorer cidus.

Tö Vaán • Thieát Keá • Saûn Xuaát • Thi Coâng • Trang Trí Noäi Thaát • Baûo Haønh

The Nam Hai Resort & Spa - Danang

Corporate Profile 2012


Expla qui blaut pa quassi dis et ad es ex eariae earia consed quias et alita sedi seceper ionsequam sim estiae non pre cuscil idus essitii squisimusam, quodicimust eam audist dolupidiossi.


Corporate Profile 2012

Tö Vaán • Thieát Keá • Saûn Xuaát • Thi Coâng • Trang Trí Noäi Thaát • Baûo Haønh

Tem ipiendaest ut pedicaes ipietur? Quisciam cum re qui int deliquas consequi utem. Lent, ditatio testibusam, officipitet iliqui quat est molo volupis dolorer cidus.

Tö Vaán • Thieát Keá • Saûn Xuaát • Thi Coâng • Trang Trí Noäi Thaát • Baûo Haønh

The Nam Hai Resort & Spa - Danang

Corporate Profile 2012

Tö Vaán • Thieát Keá • Saûn Xuaát • Thi Coâng • Trang Trí Noäi Thaát • Baûo Haønh

Tö Vaán • Thieát Keá • Saûn Xuaát • Thi Coâng • Trang Trí Noäi Thaát • Baûo Haønh



Corporate Profile 2012

Corporate Profile 2012

Tö Vaán • Thieát Keá • Saûn Xuaát • Thi Coâng • Trang Trí Noäi Thaát • Baûo Haønh

Tö Vaán • Thieát Keá • Saûn Xuaát • Thi Coâng • Trang Trí Noäi Thaát • Baûo Haønh



Corporate Profile 2012

Corporate Profile 2012


Expla qui blaut pa quassi dis et ad es ex eariae earia consed quias et alita sedi seceper ionsequam sim estiae non pre cuscil idus essitii squisimusam, quodicimust eam audist dolupidiossi.


Corporate Profile 2012

Tö Vaán • Thieát Keá • Saûn Xuaát • Thi Coâng • Trang Trí Noäi Thaát • Baûo Haønh

Tem ipiendaest ution pedicaes ipietur? Quisciam cum re qui int deliquas consequi utem. Lent, ditatio testibusam, officipitet iliqui quat est molo volupis dolorer cidus.

Tö Vaán • Thieát Keá • Saûn Xuaát • Thi Coâng • Trang Trí Noäi Thaát • Baûo Haønh

The Villa 85 Le Loi - Danang

Corporate Profile 2012


Expla qui blaut pa quassi dis et ad es ex eariae earia consed quias et alita sedi seceper ionsequam sim estiae non pre cuscil idus essitii squisimusam, quodicimust eam audist dolupidiossi.


Corporate Profile 2012

Tö Vaán • Thieát Keá • Saûn Xuaát • Thi Coâng • Trang Trí Noäi Thaát • Baûo Haønh

Tem ipiendaest ution pedicaes ipietur? Quisciam cum re qui int deliquas consequi utem. Lent, ditatio testibusam, officipitet iliqui quat est molo volupis dolorer cidus.

Tö Vaán • Thieát Keá • Saûn Xuaát • Thi Coâng • Trang Trí Noäi Thaát • Baûo Haønh

The Villa 85 Le Loi - Danang

Corporate Profile 2012

Tö Vaán • Thieát Keá • Saûn Xuaát • Thi Coâng • Trang Trí Noäi Thaát • Baûo Haønh

Tö Vaán • Thieát Keá • Saûn Xuaát • Thi Coâng • Trang Trí Noäi Thaát • Baûo Haønh



Corporate Profile 2012

Corporate Profile 2012

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