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hub Biden Administraton jumpstarts US ofshore wind energy projects
Photo courtesy of Business Network for Offshore Wind.
The White House roundtable outlined a series of actions, grants, and initiatives to achieve its stated goal to deploy 30GW of offshore wind by 2030, and a longer-term goal of 110GW by 2050.
Biden Administration jumpstarts US offshore wind energy projects
The Roundtable included key Biden Administraton agency leaders, ofshore wind developers, labour leaders, and state government partners. This unprecedented meetng emphasises the importance of clean energy development to the Biden Administraton and the central role it places on ofshore wind energy and supply chain development in meetng its energy goals.
The kickstart into high-gear
The White House roundtable outlined a series of actons, grants, and initatves to achieve its stated goal to deploy 30GW of ofshore wind by 2030, and a longer-term goal of 110GW by 2050. The White House estmated that, by 2030, the industry and local supply chain would create over 40,000 well-paying jobs and another 30,000 in local communites. “Today’s White House Ofshore Wind Roundtable highlights the importance of ofshore wind as a cornerstone industry in America’s clean energy future”, says Liz Burdock, President & CEO of the Business Network for Ofshore Wind. “The Biden Administraton brought the power of the federal government to kickstart a burgeoning industry into highgear. Together with industry and union leaders, the Administraton is making the
Photo courtesy of Business Network for Offshore Wind.
Image courtesy of Vineyard Wind.
With the release of the fnal environmental impact statement on Vineyard Wind, the US is moving the offshore wind industry towards construction of the frst utility scale offshore wind farm. Liz Burdock, CEO & President of Business Network for Offshore Wind: “ Today’s White House Offshore Wind Roundtable highlights the importance of offshore wind as a cornerstone industry in America’s clean energy future.”
investments, supportng research, and advancing the permitng milestones needed to make ofshore wind a foundaton of America’s climate change response.”
Complete review
During the Roundtable, Secretary Deb Haaland announced that the Department of Interior (DOI) is identfying a new priority Wind Energy Area in the New York Bight, with a lease sale expected for late 2021/ early 2022. DOI will immediately begin to prepare an Environmental Impact Statement for the New Jersey Ocean Wind project. Ms Haaland also announced a complete review of at least sixteen ofshore wind project plans by 2025. To support the developing of a domestc supply chain, the Department of Transportaton identfed USD 230 million for port infrastructure improvements and the Department of Energy (DOE) is facilitatng USD 3 billion in loan support for the industry. The Department of Commerce also announced a new data sharing agreement between industry and NOAA and a new grant to help study any impact on ocean management.
Vineyard Wind
Already within its frst 100 days, the Administraton has announced an executve order for the Department of Interior to double ofshore wind by 2030. The Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) released the fnal environmental impact statement on Vineyard Wind, moving the US ofshore wind industry towards constructon of the frst utlity scale ofshore wind farm. Meanwhile, the DOE is working to expedite disbursement of funding for additonal ofshore wind research and is developing a new report focused on ofshore wind to Congress, which includes identfying areas requiring sustained fnancial investments to expand deployment of a domestc ofshore wind supply chain.
The Network has developed a recommended list of legislatve and funding priorites which if enacted would further advance the development of a strong US supply chain. “The level of agency cooperaton is unprecedented and exactly what is required to achieve 30GW of installed ofshore wind capacity and create jobs for Americans”, adds Ms Burdock. “The Network could not be more pleased with the level of commitment and focus the Administraton is placing on ofshore wind. Every small and medium-sized US business should take a hard look at diversifying into this sector – it’s not every day a company has the opportunity to get in at the ground level of the next great American industry.”
i. offshorewindus.org
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