6 minute read
A blessing in disguise
ALL IMAGES COURTESY OF HILLEBRAND. Nothing less was true though, as the Dutch nitrogen emissions crisis threw a spanner in the works. However, in the end all things positvely came together positvely with the recent acquisiton of the Vlissingen facilites of the former De Donge Shipyard.
Jan Krielaart, Managing Director of the company, explains. “Our company should have had a new 250m long quay operatonal at our locaton in Vlissingen in January 2020. An extra terrain of 44,000m2 would have been realised behind this new quay, providing us with additonal storage and handling space. Furthermore, new ofces together with a new constructon hall and paintng facilites would have been constructed as well, to prepare ourselves for the future.”
18,000 projects stalled
Before the constructon works could start, the project came to a halt. The Council of State, which is the Netherlands’ highest administratve court, in May 2019 stated that government rules for grantng constructon permits and farming actvites that emit large amounts of nitrogen, were breaching EU legislaton. As a result, up to 18,000 infrastructure and constructon projects were stalled, including Hillebrand’s project.
A front-row seat
“Stalling our project was a disappointment for us at frst,” Mr Krielaart states, “as this was planned to meet the expected growth in demand from the ofshore and

Hillebrand’s Vlissingen site (left on photo) currently has a size of 25,000m2. The De Donge site (right on photo) will add 30,000m2, of which 20,000m2 consists of halls.
Once Hillebrand’s plans are realised, they will have a top-notch, future-proof deep-sea facility, ready to meet any demand from their markets. The development of the planned offshore wind farms will need tonnes of steel structures.
infrastructural industry. At Hillebrand, 50% of work consists of infrastructural assignments such as the constructon of steel bridges. The other 50% comes from the ofshore industry. Both markets have a lot of projects in the pipeline. When looking at the ofshore industry, small amounts of work stll comes from the oil & gas industry and on top of this, the development of the planned ofshore wind farms will need tonnes of steel structures. Also, ofshore turbines are growing in size, it means that larger installaton vessels are needed that require sufcient mooring facilites, for example for mobilisaton and demobilisaton. With our locaton in
Vlissingen, with sufcient draught and a lock-free direct connecton to the North Sea, we are already on a front-row seat and with the new quay, additonal storage, and workspace, our unique positon as a company that can support contractors from A to Z would only get beter.”
De Donge Shipyard
While waitng for a soluton for the nitrogen emissions issue, an unexpected opportunity presented itself only a few metres from Hillebrand’s locaton in Vlissingen. Mr Krielaart voices, “500m away from us, at the Kraaijerthaven, is located De Donge Shipyard with a large, covered dock and various constructon halls. This shipyard went bankrupt a few years ago and at some point, the premises came up for sale. First we never thought of the idea of buying the shipyard before, as we are not shipbuilders and have no intenton to become one. However, with the new situaton caused by the delay and our desire to act instead of wait, we decided to take a look at the yard to investgate its potental.”
Change of plans
Mr Krielaart was pleasantly surprised when visitng the shipyard. “Everything was in excellent shape. The size of the buildings is perfect for us, and the yard has a valuable waterfront”, he says. Hence, Hillebrand all of a sudden became the owner of a shipyard. In buying the De Donge facilites, the company changed its original plans giving it even more workspace and quay facilites. “In our new plans,” Mr Krielaart elaborates, “we are stll going to rearrange our own locaton. This means that some of our existng halls will be demolished and that we will have a new ofce building constructed on a more suitable point on the terrain. New in our plan is that we will have a 250m quay built that will connect our existng facilites to that of De Donge. This way, our strategic locaton near the North Sea will be improved as a deep-sea facility for ofshore vessels, enabling us to receive vessels with the dimensions of, for example, Bokalif 1, but barges like Allseas Iron Lady >>

Jan Krielaart, Managing Director of Hillebrand ASK Romein.
and jack-up vessels can visit our quay too. This really will be a great propositon for us in this market. The quay will also expand the terrain of the company, leaving ample space for storage, but also for easy loading out of workpieces on board of vessels and trucks. The yard’s covered dry dock will be flled to ground level, which will result in a very suitable workshop that is already equipped with very useful lifing capacity by means of three overhead cranes.
Steel constructon company Hillebrand has been part of ASK Romein since 2017. ASK Romein is one of the leading companies in the constructon of steel structures, for example for industrial complexes, data centres, distributon centres, and ofshore and infrastructural objects. Located in Middelburg, Hillebrand was actve in the constructon of infrastructural projects and in 2017 the company was merged with ASK Romein’s constructon facilites for ofshore projects in Vlissingen. In the new plans, they have decided to sell the locaton in Middelburg, bringing the ofshore and infrastructure actvites together at the expanded Vlissingen site. “Like in Vlissingen, we have notced a growing need for space in Middelburg. The width of the canal on which the Middelburg site is located restricts the transport of objects to a maximum of 20m. To obtain a growth in the market for infra projects, we needed to open up the market segment of the larger bridges. This 20m is increasingly becoming a drag on the turnover. The same counts for the available space that is reaching its limits.”

The width of the canal on which the Middelburg site is located restricts the transport of objects to a maximum of 20m. This is why it has now been decided to sell the location in Middelburg, bringing the offshore and infrastructure activities together at the expanded Vlissingen site.
Much better off
Even with closing down Middelburg, the new Vlissingen capacity will leave ample space to be prepared for the future. “Our Vlissingen site currently has a size of 25,000m2. The De Donge site will add 30,000m2, of which 20,000m2 consists of halls. With the constructon of the new quay, our open terrain will be expanded by an extra 9,000m2”, Mr Krielaart states. “We can conclude that the nitrogen emission crisis was actually a blessing in disguise for us. By buying the shipyard, we are much beter of compared to the original plan. If this hadn’t happened, our original plans would have been fnalised by early 2020 and we would not have bought De Donge.”
It is expected that the new quay facilites will be available at the beginning of 2023, three years later than expected. But for Mr Krielaart, it was worth the wait. “In our region, not many companies working for the ofshore industry can ofer facilites like ours. We have everything available on one strategic locaton to produce and assemble large size steel structures, to store and install them on board of vessels, alongside the ability to receive ofshore installaton vessels for (de)mobilisaton. This acquisiton will already give us additonal producton capacity and the possibility to receive ofshore vessels. In the next few years, we will further optmise our locaton and turn it into a modern facility. Once the entre plan is realised, we will have a top-notch, futureproof deep-sea facility, ready to meet any demand from our markets.”