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Ofshore Energy Exhibiton & Conference in a changing world
Offshore Energy Exhibition and Conference in a changing world
The world did not stop spinning the last year and the energy transiton is shifing into higher gear. Companies incorporate sustainability as part of their business strategy. To make the right decisions in tmes of change, it is essental to have a broad view. Informaton from the own sector and neighbouring markets can help spot business opportunites. Sharing knowledge with the community creates strong and valuable networks and sparks innovaton.
OEEC 2021
It all starts with connectng people. With the upcoming Ofshore Energy Exhibiton & Conference (OEEC) (held on 26 and 27 October 2021 in RAI Amsterdam) we look forward to an editon where people can see each other in real life, without the help of an internet connecton. Because of the vaccinaton programmes around the globe, some COVID-19 restrictons are lifed and we are returning to a situaton where people can go out and meet face-to-face. Of course, OEEC 2021 will make sure that people can connect in a safe way, but OEEC is not returning to its pre-pandemic ways. “Like so many other companies, we learned a lot in recent tmes. One thing is that the online connecton with our audience during the event is very important. That is why OEEC is going to be hybrid this year, both onsite and online”, says Director of Operatons Anne Visser. The event will allow exhibitors, visitors, speakers, and sponsors to connect both online and ofine through matchmaking and live roundtable discussions. The content programme will also be broadcasted live from OEEC.
Connect both online and offine
On the exhibiton foor, face-to-face connectons are leading. Ms Visser contnues, “Afer a long period in which networking and sharing knowledge could only be done online, we see that the industry is longing to meet again in person. OEEC 2021 is grateful to be able to provide an opportunity in which people from the ofshore energy and maritme industry can meet each other in a safe way.” The content programme of OEEC 2021 has the ttle ‘Ofshore Energy in a Changing World’. The ofshore energy sector is changing. Developments like the energy transiton and the need for sustainability are reshaping the industry. These changes also afect the workforce. To shed light on the diferent facets of this transformaton

The content programme of OEEC 2021 is titled ‘Offshore Energy in a Changing World’.

Ofshore Energy Exhibiton & Conference 2021 presents a content programme in which the energy transiton and crossmarket collaboraton are leading. It will be broadcasted on ofshore-energy.biz before a live audience.
Content programme
Expect two content packed days of industry insights and network opportunites with like-minded peers. In the programme experts discuss the diferent facets of the energy transiton, as well as many other topics. The content programme has several elements. The ‘Talks Shows’ take place in an OEEC studio and provide strategic visions and business intelligence that are of interest for the whole ofshore energy community. Because of industry insights based on business and editorial knowledge, Ofshore Energy presents a landscape in which the diferent markets are connected in relaton to the energy transiton. Front runners, game changers, and analysts share their unique views during the ‘Energy Talks’. Fresh ideas and inspiratonal insights which are related to the ofshore energy sector are presented during a talk. Six thinkers and doers will each take the stage. The Energy Talks are recorded before a live audience and will be broadcasted live during the event. During OEEC 2021 a live show is recorded from ‘The Studio’ on the exhibiton foor. Expect the latest news from the sector. The ‘Round Tables’ are interactve gatherings of likeminded peers. Both onsite and online, they act as platorms that >>
Offshore Energy Exhibition & Conference (OEEC), held on 26 and 27 October 2021 in RAI Amsterdam, will be an edition where people can see each other in real life again.
What makes OEEC as an exhibition special is its connection with the Offshore Energy platform. First of all, with www.offshore-energy.biz, a connector of communities.

Who can you meet at Offshore Energy 2021?
Below, a number of the companies exhibitng at this year’s Ofshore Energy in Amsterdam give a short presentaton about themselves. In additon to this selecton, all the exhibitng companies will be very pleased to see you at their booths. An overview of all booth numbers is listed on the tradeshow’s website at ofshore-energy.biz.
BOOTH NO. 1.528B
BOOTH NO. 1.537

Rometal Constructive Solutions

From fabricaton, conservaton, transportaton, up to onboard installaton we are your reliable partner. Located in the Port of Roterdam, we ofer you the full scope. Integratons of hydraulic and electrical systems are also a part of our experience. Furthermore, because of our wide range of qualifcatons we do have a large track record in producing and load testng as per class body of diferent kind of lifing tools. Even rentng this equipment can be an opton! As we do have two plants, we can produce in two locatons at the same tme which results in short and reliable lead tmes. With our company we have been serving our customer in the on- and ofshore, heavy lifing, dredging and maritme industries for years. Our key words are, reliability, hands-on, quality, safety and fexibility. For more info we will be glad to meet you in our ofce or, in Amsterdam at our booth at Ofshore Energy 2021.
i. rometal.nl
Electromach is a 100% subsidiary of R. Stahl Group. As one of the global market leaders, R. Stahl has many years of experience and global expertse in explosion protecton. Our products are certfed worldwide and thanks to our high level of systems expertse, oue products can adapt individually and to the requirements of your industry. The R. Stahl brand is synonymous with the very highest quality and sophistcated solutons. Your safety is very important to us. The product range within the group is vast and contnually being reviewed and expanded as necessary. The four product areas that we cover are, Switchgear, Automaton, Lightng and System Solutons. Curious about our full DALI controlling for lightng? Let’s meet at our booth at Ofshore Energy.
i. electromach.com
connect players from the industry. Industry knowledge and developments from the markets are shared in select groups. In ‘The Showcase’ element, companies present their added value to the ofshore energy industry online via informatve videos. “These concepts will connect the event foor with the digital environment of Navingo Career and Ofshore Energy platorm. In that way, we can service our customers and global audience regardless of their locaton”, says Ms Visser.
Offshore Energy Platform
What makes OEEC as an exhibiton special is its connecton with the Ofshore Energy platorm, in the frst place with www.ofshore-energy.biz, a connector of communites. The exhibiton brings daily news from markets of interest, in-depth artcles and videos, insights from industry leaders, an overview of the important players in the business landscape and job boards. It also features online news portals like www.ofshorewind.biz, www.dredgingtoday.com, and Ofshore Energy Magazine. Ofshore-energy.biz focuses on the energy transiton. Via valuable insights and foresights, the platorm provides an overview of what is going on in our industries. “Being futureproof within the oil, gas, maritme, ofshore wind, and marine energy industries means being part of the energy transiton and investng in sustainable solutons, which is why the Ofshore Energy platorm focuses on these topics. Our communites – the maritme and ofshore energy industries – are front-runners in this change. By combining markets, we connect the gears that set the energy transiton in moton”, explains Ms Visser.
Everything is connected
When you think about it, maritme ingenuity is needed to construct wind farms, electric power is transmited by subsea cabling, and oil & gas form the fuel that makes the energy transiton happen. Other forms of renewable energy, like marine energy are needed to meet energy demands; ports cannot functon without dredging, thus everything is connected. Ms Visser concludes, “Our scope throughout diferent markets and specifc userbase provides clients valuable visibility. With our platorms, we reach a global audience of potental new clients. We tell the story of the companies that drive the energy transiton. Join our platorm for a targeted approach. Your company has a story. Together we can tell it.”
i. offshore-energy.biz