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Showcasing the potental of wind-based electrifcaton

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Paving the way

Showcasing the potential of wind-based electrifcation

Photo courtesy of Bella Center.


WindEurope is expecting a full physical event at the state-of-the-art Bella Center.

By 2050 largest part of the EU energy system will be electrifed. Direct electrifcaton, complemented with the indirect electrifcaton of harder-to-abate sectors, is the most cost-efectve and energy efcient way to cut energy sector emissions to net zero. Most sectors of the EU economy can electrify their power and heatng needs with established and commercially available technologies. In a recently published report WindEurope has shown that industry could directly electrify 76% of heat and power by 2050. Direct electrifcaton will also be the preferred decarbonisaton soluton for individual road transport, short distance shipping and rail. And inital progress is being made in electrifying commercial road transport and aviaton. As a result, the demand for electricity in the EU is set to increase almost threefold to 6,800TWh per year by 2050. Most of it will come from renewable sources.

Full exhibition and conference

WindEurope’s event Electric City 2021 is all about renewables-based electrifcaton. Taking place in Copenhagen on 23-25 November, it will comprise a full exhibiton and conference. Speakers will include Ministers, policy-makers, CEOs, NGOs, fnance and academia. Several Natonal Energy Ministers have already confrmed. “The European Commission envisages 1,000GW of onshore wind (up from 165GW today) and 300GW of ofshore wind (up from 15GW today) by 2050. These volumes can only be delivered if we look beyond traditonal wind energy development, and focus on the large-scale electrifcaton of the entre energy system. We need new partnerships and innovatve cross-sector collaboraton. And this is what the Electric City will all be about. We’ll be showcasing the potental of wind-based electrifcaton across the whole energy system – including sectors like industry, mobility and heatng”, says Malgosia Bartosik, WindEurope’s Deputy CEO.

Far from wind only

Theme of WindEurope Electric City is ‘Electrifcaton – how can wind help electrify Europe’s energy system?’ During the event, major stakeholders from the worlds of policy and industry will come together in Copenhagen to discuss exactly that – Ministers from Belgium, Denmark, Poland, Portugal, Greece, Norway and Luxembourg, industry leaders from Ørsted, Vestas, Shell, Hitachi ABB Power Grids, LM Wind Power, Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy, AWS,

Venue overview.

Image courtesy of WindEurope.

Northland Power, RWE and more. Electrifcaton is a cross-sectoral efort, and therefore this is far from a wind-only event, meaning representatves from chemicals, steel, storage, heat pumps, transport, hydrogen and grid sectors will also be there, identfying common goals and working on shared strategies. This extensive mixture of companies and organisatons from various industry sectors will enable atendees to diversify partnerships, to meet new customers, and take place themselves at the core of an electrifed European power mix.

300 Exhibitors

There will be over 300 companies exhibitng at WindEurope Electric City presentng themselves at dedicated booths or pavilions. The Innovaton Park is the pavilion designed to enable start-ups and EU projects to showcase their innovatons through highprofle presence on the exhibiton foor (Hall A). With a prime locaton and a stage on which one can pitch a project, the Innovaton Park puts partcipants before the event audience, giving them great visibility and >>

Photo courtesy of WindEurope.

During the event, major stakeholders from the worlds of policy and industry will come together in Copenhagen.

Photo courtesy of WindEurope.

There will be over 300 companies exhibiting at WindEurope Electric City presenting themselves at dedicated booths or pavilions.

The Conference at Electric City 2021 will address the many opportunities – and challenges – that this brings.

networking opportunites. The Safety, Skills & Training Zone was a major success at WindEurope Copenhagen 2019 – and it promises to be even bigger and beter in 2021. Visitors will witness a series of demonstratons, a comprehensive program of thought leadership presentatons, debate and networking, plus the fnal ceremony of the GWO Safety and Training Awards. The Awards will form a centerpiece of the Zone’s theatre actvity, with GWO fnally revealing the results of a global competton to shine a light on the world’s leading instructors and training teams from across the GWO network. The Global Market Theatre is the place to meet the experts, fnd out about opportunites in major and emerging markets, and fnd the right partners for wind projects. Over the three days of the event, a wide range of regions will be covered, from the US to Asia-Pacifc, and more transversal themes will be explored like local partnerships, ofshore supply chain development, local content requirements, foatng ofshore wind, hydrogen, and internatonal climate negotatons. With so much to see and do, visitors’ tme at the event is precious. The Speakers’ Corner gives exhibitors the opportunity to catch visitors’ atenton with a short and snappy presentaton. Brief descriptons of the presentatons will be available online before the event, so visitors can fnd what they’re interested in before the event and plan ahead.

Conference leaves nothing out

Wind power is set to become central to the decarbonised electricity system of the future. The Conference at Electric City 2021 will address the many opportunites – and challenges – that this brings. Spread over three days, all aspects of wind and electrifcaton will be addressed. On and ofshore wind, grids, renewable hydrogen, digitalisaton, energy policy, storage, innovaton, sustainability, fnance, health and safety, nothing will be lef out of the picture. From design to decommissioning, through operatons and fnancing, we need to up our game in order to fulfl our potental. Wind energy needs to stay ahead of the curve and remain the most compettve source of clean energy available in Europe and the conference will address how to meet this challenge. New power also brings new responsibilites. If wind energy is going to be at the heart of Europe’s decarbonised energy system, this will bring new responsibilites. In partcular, a deeper understanding of the existng relatons (and possible synergies) with other parts of the energy ecosystem is needed. The conference will shif the conversaton by gathering experts in business, technology, research and innovaton – from the wind industry and from other sectors.

Delivering a safe and enjoyable event

WindEurope is expectng a full physical event at the state-of-the-art Bella Center. Afer nearly two years of restrictons, Copenhagen is now fully open. It was also recently named the safest city in Europe, so as far as venues go, it is ideal. Following the lifing of social distancing measures in Denmark, there is currently no requirement for a reduced capacity at the stands, exhibiton halls, conference and meetng rooms, or social events during the event.

Details –WindEurope Electric City

Date: 23-25 November 2021

Venue: BELLA CENTER, Center Boulevard 5, DK-2300 Copenhagen, Denmark

How to get there: Bella Center Copenhagen is just a ten minute taxi ride from Copenhagen Airport. A regional train also runs from the airport to Orestad Staton. From there, you can travel to the Bella Center staton (1 stop on line M1), which is located next to the Bella Center’s east entrance. Bella Center shutle service operates from 06.00h to 23.00h and runs between Copenhagen Airport and the two hotels, AC Hotel Bella Sky Copenhagen (which is directly connected to Bella Center Copenhagen) and Crowne Plaza Copenhagen Towers. The shutle bus departs from the shutle parking in Terminal 2. When departng the hotel you can order the shutle in the hotel recepton. Bus line 30 runs between Vesterport Staton (via the central staton) and the Bella Center. Bus line 4A runs from Svanemøllen Staton to Sundbyvester Plads via Valby Staton and Sjælør Staton. The metro line M1 runs between Vanløse and Vestamager (West Amager). The metro staton is located next to the Bella Center’s east entrance. The Bella Center is ideally suited for visitors who come by car. It is situated alongside the Airport Motorway (E20). The exit to the Bella Center is called Orestad (number 19).

Accommodaton: The organisaton has appointed Kuoni as ofcial accommodaton service provider for a large amount of rooms at preferental rates. All hotels have agreed to very fexible payment and booking deadlines.

i. windeurope.org/electriccity2021

Photo courtesy of WindEurope.

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