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Careful transport through full freedom of form
BOOTH NO. 1.628B
3D-printing allows full freedom of form, ensuring a perfectly fitted cradle or support, for example for the transport of monopile foundations.

Image courtesy of Royal3D.
Careful transport through fullfreedom of form
With its many advantages, 3D-printing is becoming more and more popular in technical solutions. Royal3D (part of Royal Roos) is your partner for 100% recyclable 3D-printed special transport and storage cradles and supports for transport over sea, road, or by air.
3D-printing allows full freedom of form, ensuring a perfectly fitted cradle or support. Material is lightweight but strong and special shock absorbing layers can be incorporated in the print. Regardless of the size of the products, the company can make any kind of perfectly fitting customised support.
Circular approach
The additional use of customised packing inserts for boxed products helps prevent shifting that could potentially harm the goods. This is especially interesting for sensitive and valuable goods during transportation and storage. After usage, all 3D-printed items can either be reused or Royal3D can take back the parts to shred and recycle them into new 3D-print material, o ering a fully circular sustainable approach towards waste-free transportation and storage packaging.
Scalable solutions
Royal3D can o er complete printing solutions ranging from engineering services such as AM on demand, design and digital tools, and research and prototyping. Thanks to a combination of technical engineering knowledge and 3D fabrication power, the company is able to provide scalable solutions from concepts to product. The company has a centrally located quay side and a storage and packing facility of over 1,500m2 in the Merwehaven in the port of Rotterdam. The facility is powered via 1,500m2 of solar panels. With their facilities the company has full control over specia l product transports while investing in the future of green shipping in the meantime.