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New operational planner for increased uptime and safety
ABB introduces a new operational planner module for its ABB Ability Octopus – Marine Advisory System to help ofshore feet managers plan and optimise the maintenance of ofshore wind farm operations.
Ofshore support vessels typically operate close to their shore base with frequent trips to fxed assets, such as wind turbines at sea, which sets specifc requirements to their ability to perform in demanding conditions. Moreover, as the vessels perform time-sensitive and demanding marine operations, planning is of utmost importance.
For support vessels moving between turbines or rigs during a single shift, Octopus Operational Planner forecasts vessel workability across multiple sites, benefting decisions on deployment, safety, efciency and sustainability. Ofshore feet managers can rely on the system to optimise the performance of ofshore support vessels, as well as the equipment and crew onboard.
The Software as a Service (SaaS) planner is an industry-frst functionality, allowing users onboard or ashore to plan and optimise operations for various ofshore locations. Whereas an ofshore support vessel typically relies on an onboard weather routing system to predict weather and wave heights, Octopus incorporates the weather forecast into the system, combines it with the vessel’s hydrodynamic properties based on size and design, and calculates the expected vessel motions. Thus, instead of weather, the operational limit of the vessel is based on its maximum allowable motions for ofshore operations, for example safety in deploying robotic platforms for inspection and maintenance.
The module represents ABB’s contribution as a key technology partner for the EU-funded Atlantis research project. Atlantis is exploring remote ofshore inspection and maintenance techniques using advanced robotic systems for wind farms and developed two Testbeds in the Atlantic Ocean to be used by the international community. “The Atlantis project is all about optimising safety and efciency with smart robotics when performing maintenance tasks at ofshore wind farms”, says Dr Andry Maykol Pinto, Project Coordinator of Atlantis. “The Octopus Operational Planner plays a vital role in planning these ofshore tasks, by giving the vessels and the shipowners onshore access to a motion- based mission planner, determining the operational window and thereby reducing the costs and increasing the safety of these operations.”
Signifcant step
“The Operational Planner is a great addition to the Octopus – Marine Advisory System suite of products”, explains Osku Kälkäjä, Head of Digital Business of ABB Marine & Ports. “This is a signifcant step forward in the ofshore wind and energy industries. Rough seas can mean cancellation of ofshore projects at short notice but making the wrong call has an opportunity cost, at a time when wind turbine installation vessel rates are on the rise.”
Enhancing operational efciency in maintenance is a growing challenge for the ofshore wind sector. The Global Wind Energy Council forecasts the sector will add 680GW of new capacity in the period 2023-2027, and Clarksons1 estimates there will be a surge in demand for support, crew transfer, and
1 https://www.clarksons.com/home/news-andinsights/2023/us-20bn-of-spend-is-needed-tobuild-200-new-vessels/ maintenance vessels to maintain wind farms over the course of their lifespan.
Improve performance and safety
ABB’s Process Automation business automates, electrifes and digitalises industrial operations that address a wide range of essential needs – from supplying energy, water and materials, to producing goods and transporting them to market. With over 20,000 employees ABB Process Automation helps customers in process, hybrid and maritime industries improve performance and safety of operations, enabling a more sustainable and resource-efcient future.
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