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News in Brief
Royal Doeksen takes over Vuyk Engineering Roterdam from Royal IHC
On 3 March 2021, Royal IHC and Royal Doeksen reached an agreement on the acquisiton of all shares in Vuyk Engineering Roterdam. Mid 2020, IHC presented their new strategy going back to its core business. As a result of this new strategy, it was decided that Vuyk, among other companies, would be divested. The management of Vuyk was involved during the whole divestment process and is very pleased to now be a part of the Roterdam based Royal Doeksen. Over the past decades, Vuyk has evolved into a design and engineering ofce with expertse in various parts of the maritme industry. Nowadays Vuyk focusses on three disciplines; Vessel design, Equipment design and Marine operatons. The combined expertse in these areas and the highly qualifed engineers enable Vuyk to fully understand complex operatons and requirements.
i. vuykrotterdam.com
Big Electric Power for FPSO
The large crude carrier VLCC Ariake, which was purchased for conversion to an FPSO was built by Hitachi in Japan and delivered in January of 2001. Once the conversion process is completed, the ship will be deployed of the east coast of India. It will be capable of storing up to 1.3 million barrels of oil and processing 90,000 barrels of oil per day. The conversion, to be completed by late 2021, is being carried out by Singapore-based Sembcorp Marine under contract to Shapoorji Pallonji and Bumi Armada. An electric generator powered by Cummins’ most powerful marine engine is installed as essental genset. The 16-cylinder, QSK95-DM powered generator is rated at 3,000ekW, 60Hz, and 6,600V, with a power factor of 0.8. In additon to the QSK95-DM-powered essental generator set, the FPSO Ariake is being fted with a powerful QSK60-DM emergency generator set.

i. cummins.com
Orange Marine again selected VARD ship design

Orange Marine has selected a ship design from VARD’s extensive portolio again for the expansion of its cable ship feet. This tme specifcally designed for fbre-optc cable repair. The vessel will be built by Colombo Dockyard. The VARD 9 03 design for Orange Marine is specially designed for the maintenance of submarine cables, both fbre-optc telecommunicaton cables and inter-array power cables used in ofshore windfarms. VARD has developed the vessel design according to the clients operatng requirements with special atenton to the vessel hull design in terms of good sea-keeping capabilites and low fuel consumpton.
i. vard.com
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Oretol purchases Beaver 65DDSP
Royal IHC has sold a Beaver 65DDSP alongside a DMC 1450 workboat, booster staton, and discharge piping to Oretol Nigeria. The cuter sucton dredger (CSD) and additonal equipment will be delivered within four months and deployed on various sand excavaton and land reclamaton projects, with a view to developing real estate in the Lagos Lagoon. The Beaver will be assembled at IHC’s yard in Kinderdijk, the Netherlands. Oretol Nigeria intends to upgrade its feet and further professionalise its operaton by partnering with IHC. The powerful Beaver 65DDSP is the largest of IHC’s standard series of CSDs and ofers the highest volume of producton at the lowest cost. With an increased dredging depth of 25m and the ability to pump soil over great distances, the vessel will be a powerful additon to Oretol’s dredging feet. Combined with the booster staton, it will ensure that Oretol can work efciently on land reclamaton projects to the beneft of its real estate business.
i. royalihc.com

Servio: Joint Build in Serbia and the Netherlands

Internatonal vessel building has become an accepted practce. This was recently demonstrated when the 110m by 11.45m inland river tanker ms Servio was built at the Shipyard Kladovo in Serbia for her Dutch owner Larosare. On completon of the hull, cargo piping, and superstructure, the vessel was towed up the Danube, over the contnental divide, down the Mains and Rhine to the Netherlands for ftng out at Oonincx in Werkendam. The most signifcant part of the work done in the Netherlands was the installaton of the engines. A Cummins QSK38M1 main, generatng 1,400hp at 1,800RPM provides main propulsion power. This engine, a favourite among inland boats in Europe, assures the power and reliability expected of a tank ship. Various auxiliary engines include the frst IMO Tier II Cummins X15-powered, 450hp, pump style bow-thruster and generator-set. All engines and generator sets were supplied and installed by Marine Power Drechtsteden.
i. marinepowerdrechtsteden.nl
20 - 22 July, 2021 Intermodal AsiaShanghai, ChinaIntermodal-asia.com 27 - 30 September, 2021 Seatrade Cruise Global Miami, FloridaSeatradecruiseglobal.com 2 - 5 November, 2021Europort Rotterdam 2021Rotterdam, The Netherlands Europort.nl10 -13 January, 2022 Nor-ShippingOslo, NorwayNor-shipping.com7 - 9 September, 2021 TOC EuropeRotterdam, The Netherlands Tocevents-europe.comMaritime Events 7 - 8 June, 20217th International LNG Congress Madrid, SpainLngcongress.com
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Nautc Africa launches fagship vessel
Nautc Africa has announced the launch of its 35m fagship Sentnel vessel, the second of the new enhanced class. This is a major milestone for the company and the wider African shipbuilding industry, thanks to its successful completon despite the challenges presented by the COVID-19 lockdown enforced across the globe. The mult-purpose vessel is destned for the Gulf of Guinea where it will be utlised for Internatonal Oil Company (IOC)-related assignments as well as escort patrols for larger vessels that have experienced an escalaton of pirate atacks within 370km of the West African coastline. The new fagship Sentnel class maritme vessel sets a new benchmark in innovatve protecton. It is fully compliant to the standards of naval and oil and gas (O&G) industries and Internatonal Oil Companies (IOCs) operatng on the waters of the African contnent and beyond.
i. nauticafrica.com

ROG plots independent path with share buyback

Ship repair and vessel services specialist Roterdam Ofshore Group (ROG) has charted an independent future afer reacquiring a controlling 75% stake previously held by shipbuilder Royal IHC. The move marks an important development for ROG, which comprises two divisions focused on general ship repair and ofshore wind mobilisaton and demobilisaton projects. ROG has retained a shareholding in its business since IHC bought its share in 2017 and has maintained separate facilites and systems. The new ownership structure is expected to have no day-to-day impact on customers.
i. rotterdamoffshore.com
Schotel propulsion systems for nine more Russian cargo vessels
Schotel has delivered propulsion units for nine more newly built cargo vessels. Each of the carriers, designed by the Russian company Marine Engineering Bureau, is equipped with two rudder propellers from Schotel. The main propulsion of the multpurpose dry cargo vessels consists of a pair of diesel driven Schotel Rudder Propellers type SRP 340, each with an input power of 1,200kW at 1,000RPM. With this thruster confguraton, the vessels reach a free sailing speed of approximately 10 knots. The 141m long and 16.9m wide vessels each have a capacity of 11,200m3 as well as 7,445 deadweight tonnage at sea (draught 4.5m) and 5,112 deadweight tonnage in rivers (draught 3.6m). Moreover, the new vessels are characterised by a partcularly high block coefcient, ensuring the best combinaton of speed, load capacity and required propulsive power.
i. schottel.com

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Voith Inline Thrusters for three new German MPVs
On behalf of the German government, Lemwerder-based shipbuilder Abeking & Rasmussen Schifs-und Yachtwerf (A&R) is building three multpurpose vessels for use in German waterways. Each vessel will have LNG powered engines with a total output of 12,000kW. As bow thrusters, all three ships will be equipped with a Voith Inline Thruster (VIT) 1650 with an input power of 900kW. The VIT has already proven efectve in many ofshore supply ships, cruise liners and luxury yachts. The propulsion concept is appreciated thanks to its very low running noise and fast responsiveness to steering commands that enables precise dynamic positoning. Both these benefts were crucial factors in the decision by the shipyard, supervising agency and operator to award the contract to Voith, because the mult-purpose vessels will have a landing pad for helicopters on the bow as well as a winching area on the stern.

i. voith.com
CWind launches frst hybrid SES
CWind delivers the world’s frst hybrid powered Surface Efect Ship (SES), the CWind Pioneer. The vessel was developed in response to an industrywide push to develop and deploy innovatve technologies that reduce CO2 emissions, while cost-efectvely servicing windfarms located further ofshore. The CWind Pioneer achieves this through a hybrid diesel and batery electric power system which enables the vessel to operate purely on batery power while in harbour or at standby in the windfarm, resultng in a decrease in fuel burn and CO2. The CWind Pioneer can operate at speeds exceeding 43.5 knots and can transit and transfer safely in sea states in excess of 1.8m HS, while minimising moton and acceleraton through its air cushion moton control system, resultng in a smoother, more comfortable CTV experience for technicians and crew.
i. cwind.global

Abeking & Rasmussen Order MAN 175D Hybrid-Propulsion Packages for Indonesian Navy

German yard, Abeking & Rasmussen, has announced that it has begun the constructon of two minehuntng vessels for the Indonesian Navy. Ben Andres, Head of High-Speed Sales, MAN Energy Solutons says, “The 175D engine is ideally suited for demanding naval applicatons where its compactness and best-in-class fuel-oil consumpton are always key criteria for customers. Delivering propulsion packages to these two minehunters also fulflls our ambiton to increasingly becoming a supplier of complete solutons. This is the frst tme that we have worked with Abeking & Rasmussen and I look forward to further developing our relatonship in the future.” This order is an additon to other 12V175DMM engines already in operaton aboard several other Indonesian Navy patrol vessels.
i. man-es.com
SH Vega announced as name of second Swan Hellenic ship
Swan Hellenic announced the keel laying of SH Vega, the second of three purpose-designed ice-class expediton cruise ships that Helsinki Shipyard is building. The keel was laid in accordance with seafaring traditon and current COVID-19 restrictons. The ceremony included the customary placement of coins. SH Vega will feature a 5MW diesel-electric hybrid propulsion system with selectve catalytc reducton, 3MW maximum batery package, and PC5 ice-strengthened hull. At 113m, the 10,500t vessel has been specially designed to explore the most inaccessible and inspiring places in the world. Providing uncompromising 5-star accommodaton for 152 guests in 76 spacious staterooms and suites, the vast majority with large balconies, SH Vega will be operated by an onboard team of 120 to provide the highest levels of personal service.
i. swanhellenic.com

Thecla Bodewes Shipyards granted NIOZ Research Vessel Wim Wolf

The NWO-I Foundaton Board awarded the constructon of Research Vessel Wim Wolf to Thecla Bodewes Shipyards. This research vessel replaces the RV Navicula and is the frst new vessel in the natonal research feet. The vessels are managed by the Natonal Marine Facilites (NMF) at the Royal Netherlands Insttute for Sea Research (NIOZ). The expected lifespan for RV Wim Wolf is likely to exceed thirty years. With marine fuels rapidly evolving into cleaner types, further limitng emissions, power plants could become outdated multple tmes within the ship’s life cycle. Thecla Bodewes Shipyards developed a Modular Energy Concept, with a propulsion train independent of the energy source system. This enables the use of alternatve energy systems, without the need for a major ship conversion.
i. tbshipyards.com
The 2020 Work Boat World award for best side thruster supplier goes to Veth Propulsion. The company has supplied side thrusters and rudder propellers to every imaginable kind of ship and boat globally. These range from tugs, trawlers and yachts to dredgers, tankers, ferries and warships. Their owners are everywhere and, clearly, are very satsfed with Veth products because they keep specifying them. With a greatly expanded sales and distributon network, Veth took the opportunity to introduce new key product oferings in 2020. Even with the introducton of new and innovatve – and ultmately generally well-received – products, 2020 also proved to be a challenging year for Veth.
i. vethpropulsion.com

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