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A network of licensed repair experts
ALVEUS, A RESEARCH, DEVELOPMENT, AND APPLICATION COMPANY, PROVIDING ENGINEERING AND MARKETING SOLUTIONS IN THE maritme and ofshore industries, reported that afer successful fnalisaton of an EU-funded project with Compa Repairs named Compa 2Go, it now aims to commercialise a Compa Repairs license soluton, which will establish a readily available network of license repair experts globally with emphasis on maintaining high quality standards.
The objectve of the 2020 innovaton project Compa 2Go was to commercialise Compa Repairs solutons for damaged or corroded ship pipes and structures. By using carbon fber reinforced plastc mixed with epoxy resin, Compa Repairs ofers cost and tme saving alternatves to traditonal repair methods, minimising vessel downtme and increasing vessel safety by providing fast and durable repair and eliminatng the use of fame. Compa Repairs solutons are applicable to geometrically complex structures and hard-to-reach locatons.
Two solutions
Through the Compa 2Go project, two main solutons have been developed: Compa Repairs service and Compa Repairs licence. On the one hand, Compa Repairs service was proven to be a reliable soluton through 26 repair cases on board diferent types of ships, such as ro-ro and cargo ships, vehicle carriers, cargo carriers, LNG carriers, ferries, and sailing boats. Compa Repairs’ technical team performed repairs of pipes and fanges, steel platng, and composite structures. On the other hand, the increase in worldwide demands for repairs has led to the development of the Compa Repairs licence soluton. The idea behind the licence is to make Compa Repairs technology available worldwide through a network of trained technical agents while maintaining high quality standards. For that purpose, a Compa Repairs training course for technical agents has been developed, as well as Compa Repairs sofware for automatc generaton of patch designs and instant creaton of reports for class approvals.
Fitness for Service
Currently, Compa Repairs met all the criteria for the fnal DNV GL’s Fitness for Service certfcate afer already receiving the Statement of Feasibility and the Statement of Endorsement certfcates. Besides the DNV GL certfcaton, Compa Repairs extended the certfcate of the Croatan Register of Shipping by demonstratng the technology through demonstratons in a real environment as well as through a number of tests. Future plans include further certfcaton by other relevant maritme organizatons.
i. comparepairs.com
Reinforced damaged doubler plates above ballast and oil tanks – before and after. Sea water pipe repair using Compa Repairs service to prevent a leakage in the engine room.