Architecture Portfolio

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selected PROJECTS Marco Rizzetto



International Workshop Villard 11: ‘‘Case +


Grid Failure: Mixed Use Masterplan, Padova


Identity reconstruction: UDP Taller 9, Bucalemu, Chile


Sprawled Hotel, Eraclea Mare, Venezia


In-Between: 0 m3 Architecture, Mestre


Citta’ Diffusa: Territories of a new modernity


International Workshop Connecting Venice


International Workshop Immeuble Citè


Visual: modulor - unitèe d’ habitacion


Visual: Workshop Another Venice


Visual: Cranes

Contact Marco Rizzetto Rosas 2019 Santiago Centro Region Metropolitana, Chile +569 66158421

Abstract A Portfolio is a work of synthesis, can’t fully explain the projects. A Portfolio shows a growth that might still have to happen. A Portfolio does not show enough. A Portfolio (and a CV) usually is not honest, but this one tries to. A Portfolio needs to grow and so do I. A Portfolio can’t be coherent, unfortunately.

Seminar Villard11: Case + Mixed residential-public-park Rome, Palermo, Paris, Venice 2010 with M. Provinciali, L. Scapin, F. Salvarani.

Taking as a starting point the roman walls as a big mark of the historic ground we chose to use them as a urban scale design instrument�. The roman walls are clearly a residual and misused space in the contemporary Rome; the project, instead, wants to enhance the space between the walls and the fabric of the city. Through the design of a whole part of the walls perimeter the project reconnects various neighbourhoods ensuring also the full practicability of the perimeter re-establishing the broken links, as like Porta San Paolo - Piramide di Caio Cestio and the end of the archeological roman path at the Terme di Caracalla. The project has a complex section that recall the sensation of an archeological discovery and builds a new soil where the emerging items let foresee the hypogeum cultural centre, its stratification and its relation with the main residential buildings. On the urban front the most opened situation is offered to give back to the city the permeability the usually is obstructed by the private fences. The access to the underground public spaces is in the residential buildings to ensure a real communication between the houses and the public space, furthermore the space of the cultural centre is strongly different than the residential one, almost coming from another time, it is characterized by a strongly filtered relation with the exterior where the light filters like in the ruins and the sound is heavily softened.


“Ex Gasometri” Area in Padova Mixed residential-public-park IUAV Venice, 2009 with Georgi Stanishev, Ottavia Manzo

The lack of integrity in the big contemporary cities is, in fact, their fundamental mark, which radically transforms the conception of their composition and growth. In this absence of memory is the concept of formal integrity of the place which suffers a crisis. The town of Padua represents a clear case of “evaporation” of urban material. At the same time this indeterminateness of the growing organism contains a peculiar potential: in the fragmented thickness outside of the medieval walls are contained all the hopes and the countless facts of its growth. To design this place would mean consciously denying any research of unity and deliberately assuming artificial instruments, enacting the inevitable coexistence of seemingly contradicting layers. Like in memory, on the flat black asphalt soil come into sight isomorphic grids; starting from their internal rigour and inscrutability, those grids anticipate an overall structure of the place and become the palimpsest of urban reality. The grids, absolute rules, more than setting the basic orientation of the place, define autonomously structural, typological and content layers, so their simultaneous presence structure an hyper realistic image of the contemporary city. Systematic repetition, within each one of the principles, preludes an hypothetical endless extension towards the city, the unresolved overlapping of the grids and the elements of the landscape determines an opposite mechanism which deny the grids original decontextualisation. So every contact between the grids and the physical reality potentially creates a new event, and the juxtaposition of the grids adds even more complexity.


Identity reconstruction after tsunami, Bucalemu, Chile Cultural Centre, Masterplan Universidad Diego Portales, Santiago, 2010

The small fishing-men village of Bucalemu suffered the 27/2/2010 tsunami and lost partly of its fishing infrastructure, a large part of the lower part of the village and most of its representative places. So we tried to work not only on the reconstruction of what had been lost but also searching a new identity for this place. After a territorial analysis that included province ecosystems, economy, tourism, infrastructure, geology and landscape we worked on a provincial masterplan that considered both the productive and the touristic economy of the place and how they could grow together. The second step was to work at a smaller scale on the village itself reconstructing its lost infrastructure and contributing to a new identity coherently with the general masterplan and scenario. Bucalemu lost its main square and the only public space so the first objective was to rebuild it and it became the centre of the project. On on side of this water sensitive square we designed a large parking lot that during winter can be used as a playground, so it’s not a dead space for most of the year. On the other side, strictly connected with the square we designed an investigation and touristic diffusion centre, the main aim of the centre is to investigate about the lagoon and the waterscape of the province and diffuse these informations to the tourists or the schools. The first aim designing the centre was to keep it the most public and permeable as possible, doing so the village could have even more quality space.


Laboratorio 1 Laboratorio 2 Maquinas + 1,0 m

+ 1,0 m + 1,0 m

Archivo Semillas y Plantas

Almacén + 1,0 m 5

4 3 2 1

+ 1,0 m

Biblioteca + 1,1 m + 0,5 m

Area inundable + 0,5m

+ 1,5 m

+ 0,4 m





Sala Reuniones

+ 1,5 m

Taller Escolares Exibiciòn + 1,5 m

+ 0,5m

+ 1,0m

+ 0,6 m + 0,9 m

+ 0,4 m + 0,4m

+ 0,8 m

Area inundable

+ 0,5m + 1,0 m

Sala 1

+ 0,9m

Sala 2

Almacén Cocina

+ 0,9m

Restaurante Vestuario

Centro Vecinal area multifunciònal

+ 1,0 m

+ 1,0m

+ 1,0m

Touristic Resort Eraclea Mare IUAV Venice, 2009 with Michele Moresco, Silvia Balzan

The assigned plot for this project was an empty flat rectangle, bounded by typical touristic areas on three sides and by a thick pine forest towards the sea. The challenge was to distinguish this area from the typical small scale bungalows, hotels and holiday cheap houses that make the whole fabric of Eraclea Mare, deserted for 9 months a year. So we decided to work on a different kind of touristic life, the spreaded hotel, the residential units are detached from the reception and the other central and service buildings and the residential units themselves are all different, so every one provides a different kind of experience, from the backpackers hostel to the quiet family houses in the forest. Designing the fabric of the plan we looked deeply at the work of Candilis about touristic villages also to structure an otherwise amorphous plot. The project also includes a SPA which can be open as well in the winter together with some of the houses provided with heating system and more independent from the central hotel services. The whole intervention is connected to the existing touristic axis of Eraclea Mare and constitutes its natural ending. The axis itself, in fact, works as a filter between the small village and the pine forest being porous towards the forest while hosting bars, ice cream kiosks and other services ending with the hotel main building and a square with a restaurant and other bars, indeed one of the side of the square is constituted by the forest itself leading to the sea.



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pianta piano primo_scala 1:50



pianta piano terra_scala 1:50

pianta scala 1:20

pianta piano primo_scala 1:50

sezione AA’ scala 1:20

In-Between: 0m3architecture Reuse, multi functional IUAV Venice, 2008 with A. Bortolotti, A. Nodari, L. Nicoletto

The aim of the workshop was to study the forgotten spaces under the flyovers and viaduct between the cities of Mestre and Marghera, the border between the two cities is a complex multilevel crossing of high speed roads and railroads which are the umbilical cord of Venice and contributed to literally cut every possibility of joint growth of the two cities. The challenge was to work only on the space between the road and the ground, a space that normally constitutes a dross-scape. It appeared obvious since the beginning that we couldn’t speak about conventional architecture but refer instead to a non-boxed architecture, working with the space and not with the box. The assigned plot was at the cross of two main roads, the mestre-marghera and the perpendicular mestre - venezia, close to the railway, the infrastructure was from the ‘50s so the span between the pillars is much shorter than in newer construction, in this case the span was about only 5 m creating a visually strong presence. We found out two basic needs, the first one was to guarantee the possibility to cross this space to pedestrians and bikes, the second one was to use the soil. The first need was resolved with a network of suspended pathways which connects the two cities without having to cross the highway, this part of the project included a lane that will be dismissed to give space to a linear park along the way which contains the public transport stops. The soil instead is accurately handled working on the microsection, using small scaled difference of height and surfaces we created a multifunctional space, a half-arena with many different levels associated with different materials which suggest different ways of use. There is also space for a containers based street market.

Città diffusa: territories of a new modernity Landscape, urban plan IUAV Venice, 2007

The idea of city in the north east of Italy is not anymore the idea of the compact city, it does not exist anymore, the contemporary territory can be described instead as a sprawl city, a “città diffusa”. This territory can be described with terms like, density, emptiness, distance, nature, sustainability and this is what we tried to do in this project, investigate the relationship between the pre-existent water network and the road infrastructure. First we analysed the territory with historical maps, photos, topographic maps ecc. but also with the aid of statistical resumes of the area to formulate hypothesis on the future of the area in terms of inhabitants and activities. Starting with these informations we tried to use them as a guideline for a landscape project which could response to the different “scenarios”. The examined area is along the river Livenza, between Friuli Venezia-Giulia and Veneto and is a territory with a strong water presence due to the nature of the soil and an enormous urban sprawl since the 70s. The proposed scenario, based on statistics, is about an agricultural crisis, which is already happening that will become worse in the years leaving large uncultivated areas, the project cares about these areas proposing new uses for an otherwise abandoned territory, focusing especially on ecology and landscape.

Re.connecting Venice Landscape IUAV + Syracuse University Venice, 2009 with S. Bortolussi

The theme of the IUAV-Syracuse University joint workshop was proposing solutions for the border between the Venice mainland and the lagoon, focusing especially on the Liberty Bridge. During the analysis we found out five target areas that potentially can change the relationship of the mainland border with the island and the lagoon, these areas are: Forte Marghera (a 15th century fort), San Giuliano Park, Vega area, via Torino and the Pili area just opposite to the San Giuliano Park. The project tries to reconnect these five areas, passing over and “healing” the big wound which is made by the railway and the highway. There are two kind of connections, the first one is a visual one and it’s based on tall landmarks like the many chimneys, cranes and silos that already exist in Porto Marghera and the new ones that the city of mestre is planning to build in the future. Those landmarks now are not recognisable but we propose to work on them with a “packaging” strategy making them easily recognisable even by the people passing on the Liberty bridge. The second strategy more physical and, of course, more speculative tries to reconnect the two sides of the infrastructure using big bridges. Those bridges become part of strip organised landscape that goes perpendicularly to the main infrastructure. Each one of the strips is made up of a particular kind of vegetation and it’s also a landmark for the fast paced transport infrastructure or for the slower movements of boats and bikes.

Immeuble Citè Masterplan IUAV Venice + E. Zenghelis, 2007 with P.Luciani, C. Pavan, R. Sega

On the one hand, the city is dissolving within the sea of urbanisation, the generic habitat of absolute individualism. On the other hand, architecture seems to have become the exclusive domain of market forces. By now, the statistics of urbanisation growth have replaced the metropolitan consciousness that once formed the urban ideals of the great metropolis - and the city has become a mall, where pluralism and diversity are the features of its form. But City Form is the product of fabrication and sense of belonging to an idea that is incarnated by the city itself in its collective spaces. Today as the loft of the middle-class, the city is the space of mass servitude to an existence nurtured by the market.The phenomenon of urbanisation does not exemplify an idea of human cohabitation; it is merely the methodical rendering of population on the territory, devoid of any social or political content: and in the current architectural jargon, the tendency to confuse the term Urbanisation with the City hides a symptom of post-modern culture that sees the city as an aesthetic category, applicable everywhere. It is clear that in the present need for radical visions - and in this scenario, any mark of Utopia is not about Architecture; it is about politics. Thus the big needle is required to represent both the public (institutional) and the private (collective) realms. Such visions could be buildable, even today, given the political will. And indeed they are already needed; they simply do not have to rely only on the idea of the market opportunity. But for the time being, a lingering question remains. What governs us: economics or politics?

Visual: Unitè d’habitacion 3D Animation IUAV Venice, 2008 with H. Pahl, C. Weber

The result of a long work to connect the principles of Le Corbusier’s Modulor with the Unitè d’habitaciòn, the video shows first how the Modulor measures are obtained and then trhough a 3D animation examples of how those same measures were applied to the design of the building.

Visual: Another Venice Project + 3D/2DVideo IUAV Venice + Mathias Klotz 2010 with K.K. Czasarsty

Point of the workshop was to imagine a future for Venice in the eventuality of a Tsunami like the one that hit the chilean coast in 2010. After an analysis of the possible tsunami effects on the islands of Venice, Murano, Burano and the Lido we thought of reusable floating docks, like the ones that are already used in marinas that eventually can be converted into mid-term living unities and organized in new floating villages. All the necessary material is hosted inside the floating dock so it is only necessary to mount it.

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