Contaminated land management: Ready Reference 2

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In Situ Flushing/In Situ Bioremediation Process variations & synonyms


Physical/biological/chemical Soil, water In situ (saturated/vadose)

Risk Management Role

Pathway management Source management?


Extraction or destruction or stabilisation

In situ soil washing In situ chemical treatment



OUTLINE In situ flushing is a development of pump and treat (see Table 7.2.3). Flushing systems combine injection with recovery wells. The injected liquid flushes the subsurface. The liquid is often treated groundwater, but some applications use organic solvents. Treatment typically is for the saturated zone, but unsaturated zone applications also exist. Both water and soil are treated. Flushing may be designed to achieve one or more of the following: • solubilise or mobilise contaminants into a liquid phase (usually as an aqueous solution but may be dissolved in an organic solvent) • stimulate in situ biodegradation • stimulate in situ redox reactions (see Table 7.2.7) Solution recovered at the surface is treated to remove contaminants extracted from the subsurface and prevent system fouling. Depending on regulatory requirements, treated water may be also be returned to the aquifer, or discharged to sewer or be re-injected after conditioning. Conditioning injected water is used to control subsurface conditions to continue ongoing mobilisation, biodegradation or to stabilise contaminants (e.g. Cr VI to Cr III). Possible conditioning amendments include: surfactants, cosolvents, microbial nutrients, pH modifiers, redox agents, ozone, and aeration.

Air emissions control Flushing solution

Monitoring wells

Contaminated sludge for disposal Water treatment

Injection well Extraction well

Mounding of water table

Cone of depression

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In Situ Flushing/In Situ Bioremediation


The environmental impacts of any additive or treatment agent must be fully assessed before use. Accessibility to the treatment may be enhanced using fracturing techniques or horizontal drilling. In situ flushing is used both in pathway management and source management. Source removal is often incomplete, with 70% removals seen as a realistic upper limit. Some regulators may take the view that this source term removal is necessary. However, residual sources may have enhanced mobility, causing greater contaminant flux into groundwater over long periods. STRENGTHS


• Minimal site disturbance

• Transfer of soil contaminants into solution may be slow

• Extraction of organic or inorganic contaminants which are soluble or can be brought into solution • Use of in situ biodegradation results in contaminant destruction rather than extraction • May also work if contaminants are physically suspended (e.g. emulsified) within liquid extracted from ground • Process may be designed to treat specific contaminants • Process may be designed to stabilise or extract inorganic contaminants • Combinations of in situ flushing with MNA may show enhanced costeffectiveness

• Potential changes to soil and geotechnical properties by surfactants or other amendments • Potential production of more toxic or mobile compounds • Treatment of process effluent may be required • Good understanding of geology and hydrogeology required to predict movement of flushing solution and design of well system • Often of limited effectiveness for source removal especially in the short term, and for NAPLs the process of flushing may also result in increased risk of dissolution of remaining NAPL into groundwater

• Can be highly effective as a pathway management strategy


Organic cyanides


Gravel >2mm Key:

Sand 0.06–2mm

Pesticides/herbicides Dioxins/furans Volatile metals


Non-volatile metals




Silt 2–60 µm ?





Asbestos Misc

Organic corrosives


PCBs Organic

Halogenated volatile Halogenated semivolatile Non-halogenated volatile Non-halogenated semivolatile



APPLICABLE CONTAMINANTS AND MATERIALS – Outcome: extraction or destruction or stabilisation



Reducers Clay <2 µm

? Peat

Usually applicable; Potentially applicable; ? May be applicable; not treatable; may worsen situation. See Tables 4.9.2 and 4.9.3 for contaminant classifications.

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In Situ Flushing/in Situ Bioremediation


Notes Treatability depends on choice of flushing approach Also possible for chalk, dependent on fissure flow High permeability is important to enable liquids to enter, move through and exit efficiently Heterogeneous ground conditions militate against soil flushing Sandy soils less likely to be adversely affected by treatment agents Difficult to treat certain mixtures of contaminants, e.g. metals and oils, as different flushing solutions are required PROCESS VARIATIONS In situ bioremediation

Injected water is conditioned with microbial nutrients and electron acceptors (e.g. dissolved oxygen by aeration or peroxide addition, nitrate) to stimulate aerobic biodegradation. Conversely, injected water may contain materials that effectively produce electron donors, such as lactic acid, where anaerobic biodegradation is being stimulated. The conditioning selected is dependent on the nature of the degradable contaminants, the nature of the aquifer (e.g. pH, redox potential, dissolved organic matter) and the biodegradation route most likely to be effective. Surfactants may be added to try and improve the availability of organic contaminants such as PAHs.

Combined Typically used to support in situ bioremediation, with in situ flushing approaches with supplying microbial growth factors (such as nitrate) and sparging being used sparging to supply electron acceptors (dissolved oxygen) Chemical destruction

Most commonly achieved by the addition of redox reagents (see Table 7.2.7), but customised approaches may be used to target specific contaminants

Acid leaching approaches

Acidification used to leach metals from the subsurface, as many metallic species show greater solubility at reduced pH; the reduced pH also assists in promoting desorption of these metals from soil

Use of surfactants and complexing agents

Surfactants may be used to assist the mobilisation of organic contaminants, in particular DNAPLs and PAHs. Complexing agents such as EDTA may be used to increase the mobility of metallic contaminants

Solvent flushing Flushing with water-miscible solvents such as alcohol or cyclodextrin (modified sugars) used to increase mobilisation of NAPL contaminants In situ treatment Use of in situ flushing in managed zones or curtains across an aquifer to zones and achieve more controlled risk management (see Table 6.1.11) control planes Linkage to MNA Treatments may be designed to achieve initial contaminant reductions, with MNA used as a ‘polishing’ step over time, for example downstream of a treatment area Application of fracturing

Fracturing can be used to create zones of enhanced permeability within the subsurface. This has been applied to increasing the influence of injection and recovery wells in low-permeability materials, and may also be used to create in situ treatment zones

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In Situ Flushing/In Situ Bioremediation



Civil engineering plant, injection and extraction wells, pumping water treatment and conditioning. Note installation and maintenance costs are usually high in comparison to design costs, so third-party peer review of suggested designs may be prudent

Operation and maintenance

Repair and maintenance, e.g. pump, treatment systems, sampling and testing to check treated water

Monitoring progress

Groundwater monitoring is likely to be a strict regulatory requirement, including wider effects on water quality (e.g. dissolved non-aqueous phase, chemical agents such as surfactants, as well as contaminant and daughter compound concentrations)

Site requirements

Plant access, access to subsurface


Well locations, above-ground treatment and conditioning plant

Potential environmental impacts

Environmental impacts from the addition of chemicals to the subsurface, indirect impacts on aquifer quality from in situ processes, e.g. on aquifer pH, redox conditions, nitrate concentration and dissolved organic matter

Health and safety issues

Risks from contact with treatment solutions and extracted water Risks of possible release of noxious gases from chemical reactions in ground (e.g. hydrogen cyanide, hydrogen sulphide, arsine)

Practical depth of 20m or more depth limited by hydrogeological controls and cost of deep treatment drilling/pumping


In ideal conditions, pathway management goals may be reached in months; source removal applications may last many years

Availability in UK

Widely available

REFERENCES Learning Alvarez, P.J. and Illman, W.A. (2005) Bioremediation and Natural Attenuation: Process Fundamentals and Mathematical Models. Wiley ISBN 0471650439. American Petroleum Institute (2003) Answers to Frequently Asked Questions about Managing Risks at LNAPL Sites. API Soil and Groundwater Res. Bull. No 18. May 2003. Environment Agency (1996) Evaluation of Remedial Actions for Groundwater Pollution by Organic Solvents. R&D Tech. Report P9, Bristol. ISBN 1857050525. Evans, D., Jefferis, S.A., Thomas, A.O. and Cui, S. (2001) Remedial Processes for Contaminated Land: Principles and Practice. C549 CIRIA, London. ISBN 0 86017 549 9. GWRTAC (2002) Fracturing Technologies to Enhance Remediation – Shuring, J.R. GWRTAC Technology Evaluation Report TE-02-02. Groundwater Remediation Technologies Analysis Center, Pittsburgh.

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In Situ Flushing/in Situ Bioremediation


GWRTAC (2003) Treatment Trains for the Remediation of Soil and Groundwater – Roote, D.S. GWRTAC Technology Status Report TS-03-01. Groundwater Remediation Technologies Analysis Center, Pittsburgh, USA. Interstate Technology and Regulatory Council (2004) Strategies for Monitoring the Performance of DNAPL Source Zone Remedies. Interstate Technology and Regulatory Council, Washington DC, USA. Interstate Technology and Regulatory Council (2004) Remediation Process Optimization: Identifying Opportunities for Enhanced and More Efficient Site Remediation. Interstate Technology & Regulatory Council, USA. MacDonald, J.A. and Rittmann, B.E. (1993) Performance standards for in situ bioremediation. Environ. Sci. Technol., 27 (10), 1974-1979. NATO Committee on the Challenges of Modern Society (2002) Performance Verification of In Situ Remediation Technologies. Report 251, EPA 542-R-02-002. Otten, A., Alphenaar, A., Pijls, C., Spuij, F. and de Wit, H. (1997) In Situ Soil Remediation. Soil and Environment Volume 6. Kluwer Acad. Pub., Dordrecht, The Netherlands. ISBN 0792346351. Suthersan, S.S. (1999) Remediation Engineering Design Concepts. CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida (CD ROM). ISBN 0849321689. Suthersan, S.S. and Payne, F. (2004) In Situ Remediation Engineering CRC Press ISBN 156670653X. Teutsch et al. (2001) Source remediation vs. plume management: factors affecting costefficiency. Land Contamination and Reclamation, 8 (4), 128-139. and United States Department of Defence (2004) Cyclodextrin-Enhanced In Situ Removal of Organic Contaminants from Groundwater at Department of Defense Sites. Environmental Security Technology Certification Program ESTCP Report. CU-0113. United States Department of Energy (2000) Remediation of DNAPLs in Low Permeability Soils Subsurface Contaminants Focus Area. US DOE Office of Science and Technology OST/TMS ID 163 DOE/EM-0550. United States Environmental Protection Agency (1993) Hydraulic Fracturing Technology. Applications Analysis and Technology Evaluation Report. EPA/540-R-93-505. United States Environmental Protection Agency (2004) Technologies for Treating MtBE and Other Fuel Oxygenates. Report: EPA 542-R-04-009. United States Environmental Protection Agency (2004) The DNAPL Remediation Challenge: Is There a Case for Source Depletion. US EPA Report: EPA/600/R-03/143. United States Environmental Protection Agency (2006) Evaluation of the Role of Dehalococcoides Organisms in the Natural Attenuation of Chlorinated Ethylenes in Ground Water. EPA/600/R-06/029. United States Environmental Protection Agency (2006) Microfracture Surface Characterizations: Implications for In Situ Remedial Methods in Fractured Rock. EPA/600/R05/121.

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United States Naval Facilities Engineering Command (2003) Surfactant-Enhanced Aquifer Remediation (SEAR) Implementation Manual. April 2003 NFESC Technical Report TR-2219ENV.US NFESC Washington DC 20374-5065. CLU-IN In Situ Flushing web page CLU-IN Fractured Bedrock web page: Handbooks Interstate Technology and Regulatory Council (2003) Technical and Regulatory Guidance for Surfactant/Cosolvent Flushing of DNAPL Zones. April 2003. Available from NOBIS (1996) Design and Maintenance of Infiltration and Extraction Systems. Report 96-3-06. CUR/NOBIS, Gouda, The Netherlands. United States Air Force (2004) Principles and Practices of Enhanced Anaerobic Bioremediation of Chlorinated Solvents. Report of the Environmental Security Technology Certification Program (ESTCP). Bioremediation/default.asp United States Department of Energy (2002) Guidance for Optimizing Ground Water Response Actions at Department of Energy Sites Contaminants US Department of Energy, Office of Environmental Management. United States Environmental Protection Agency (2000) Engineered Approaches to In Situ Bioremediation of Chlorinated Solvents: Fundamentals and Field Applications. EPA 542-R-00008. Case studies and demonstrations GWRTAC (1998) In Situ Flushing – Roote, D.S. Technology Status Report TS-98-01 Groundwater Remediation Technologies Analysis Center, Pittsburgh, USA. Interstate Technology & Regulatory Council (2007) In Situ Bioremediation of Chlorinated Ethene DNAPL Source Zones: Case Studies. April 2007. IRTC 444 North Capitol Street, NW, Suite 445, Washington, DC 20001. NATO Committee on the Challenges of Modern Society (2002) Demonstration of Remedial Action Technologies for Contaminated Land and Groundwater. Pilot Study Reports 1985 to 2002 (CD ROM) EPA/542-C-01-002. US Environmental Protection Agency (2004) FRTR Cost and Performance Remediation Case Studies and Related Information. CD ROM. EPA 542-C-04-004. (has a comprehensive listing of case studies). US Federal Remediation Technologies Roundtable (FRTR) Cost and performance web page:

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