"My family" - Clàudia Oliveras and Marc Rider

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“MY FAMILY” Timing

Description of the activities

10 min.

1. Introduction. The activity will be contextualized to the students through an explanation of the International Day of Families, offering them an overview of the different types of families (nuclear, monoparental, homoparental, etc.) and making them aware that it is essential to respect others. Once this is done the learners will be explained that, with the aim of honouring their families, throughout the session they will create hangers with their own photographs.

10 min.

2. Running dictation. The students, distributed in groups of 4-5 people, will do a running dictation in order to obtain the necessary instructions to make the final product. Therefore, a student from each group will go to the teacher's desk, memorize one of the instructions and go back with his/her group to dictate it. However, it should be noted that the same person will not always be in charge of this task, but after a certain time (1-2 min.) the roles will rotate. When the groups have finished, each of them will have to read carefully the instructions to deeply understand what to do and how.

40 min.

3. Creation of a Polaroid photo hanger. The learners, individually, will create their own Polaroid hangers with their family pictures. To do it, firstly they will glue their photographs on slightly larger pieces of blank paper, making them look like if they were taken with a Polaroid camera. Subsequently, they will write 1 or 2 short descriptions on the lower edge of each and every one of their photographs, thus using the past continuous tense (e.g. In this photo we were celebrating our birthday). Finally, the pupils will create the structure in which all the elements will be hooked, using a stick, thin ropes and wood clamps as base materials.

Clàudia Oliveras and Marc Rider

Materials and resources 

Classroom computer, digital board, instructions to create a photo hanger, writing and drawing material, family photographs, glue sticks, thin ropes, clamps.

Prezi, early finisher task cards. Forms of social organization

Large group: introduction.

Small groups: running dictation.

Individual: creation of a Polaroid photo hanger. Attention to diversity

Heterogeneous criteria are followed when grouping the children so that those students with more difficulties, especially in reading and writing, are integrated with their classmates, who can help them and give them support when difficulties arise. In addition, the fact of having two teachers in the classroom helps those learners with more difficulties in understanding and performing the tasks, that is, a much more individualized attention is promoted.

Clàudia Oliveras and Marc Rider

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