This book is normally only available for sale as an eBook download for $10.00.
it is free to you in the hope that if you appreciate this book being free in any way, in return you would consider taking time out to visit by way of Google search for Sangreal on Indiegogo, my crowd-funding project.
And help in any way you can by way of your kind contribution in exchange for one of the many great perks you will find there.
Or if not able to contribute with money doing something just as valuable for us by spreading the word about Sangreal the family dice board game.
Sangreal . . . some do . . . some don’t have a beautiful mind!
The following are three testimonials from players recently after filming for the Indiegogo pitch video you can watch to see why Sangreal’s time has come with your help!
Three Testimonials: Sue said, “Well I’m really surprised by how much I’ve learned about you two today, and I think Sangreal’s the kind of game that gets you talking to each other”.
Bonne said, “Yeah”. Sue said, “And not so much about yourself, although of course Sangreal’s about you, Sangreal is about what you share, but things a little more than ourselves”.
Jenah said, “I learned something about you too”.
Sue said, “Ah cool, yeah I love that about Sangreal, it’s amazing”. Bonne said, “Sangreal’s a game that you can learn from, Sangreal sort of opens up conversations on topics about people that you may know but also things like Sangreal sort of brings in topics that are not that usually spoken about or wouldn’t usually or come up in a conversation”.
Sue said, “Yeah”. Bonne said, “Sangreal kind of opens up your world, and Sangreal’s kind of good though because you get to exercise different thought processes”.
Sue said, “Yeah that you wouldn’t normally “. Bonne said, “Like the cards you bring out, like you really have to think sometimes”. Jenah said, “Sangreal gives people a chance to say something without prejudice and they can say something honestly they think without people having to go on a huge debate against them or Sangreal’s just hearing peoples ideas which is nice”! Sue said, “Yeah, perspective”. Bonne said, “I quite like the fact that Sangreal is not competitive, because most games out there are and these games depends on who you play with, it can ruin the game if your playing with someone who is really competitive or is a really bad, you know a poor loser, but because Sangreal’s a game where everyone is equal at the same time and that includes everyone when it is your turn as well, Sangreal’s quite enjoyable”. Sue said, “Yeah, Sangreal’s more ethical, it’s the level of co-operation, Sangreal’s cool”!
Sangreal board game . . . some do . . . some don’t have a beautiful mind! For more information about the true depth of the Sangreal project on Indiegogo visit the homepage of my website and bookmark it today and tell your friends about it.
And I hope you enjoy your free gift from me to you of this book.
Yours genuinely Marc A Stewart
This eBook. Is all about the Holy Grail (Sangreal) Method. You can be sure. You have arrived at the right eBook. To give you the most powerful tool. In any consciousness engineer's armory. Of tools. Right this very minute. Visit the end pages of this eBook for the Sangreal family board game rules. Then go to Wikiquotes and read some of the quotations you like that you find. And write down the quotation on your own paper. And with the pen follow the words saying them out aloud and pretend you are playing in the game Sangreal. Now pause at the end of your reading out aloud and think about what you want to say yourself as your original comment on the quotation. As if one of seven players'. Write your answer down. The Holy Grail (Sangreal) Method is no different to this. In fact. It is a little different. In that. Rather than pausing. To think up your original comment yourself. Using your left waking consciousness. Or indeed locking into your right-brain subconsciousness creative mind. If in deed you are a naturally creative person. At one stage I used the Holy Grail Method to drag out of the unknown. The waking known I wished. To know all about. However I always for a very long time. Simply wondered what do I call the force. That gives me all. Of these answers. To all these questions of mine? Because of this unknown element. I searched by way. Of deep thinking. The truth or at least. A name or perhaps a title. For this particular gift from whomever. I realized soon after this enquiry. That I was being given the contents of a sealed envelope I received at my birth. Marked riches I will recive if I takĂŠ proper control of my mind as Andrew Carnegie would say. After serious contemplation. As to the source. Of this wonderful mysterious always gift. I realized. I was communicating. With my subconscious mind. So I began going forwards and expressing the term QUESTION OF SELF. In regards. To my question and answer episodes. I am a very spiritual person. I am consistently seeking out to be with. To gain access. To the force in our lives. Responsible for making and sustaining this reality IĘƒwe call life. And now in the year 2013. I call this force God. And just so you know right away. I just got off the phone. To the graphic designer to get him to place. The Holy Grail Method at the bottom of this cover The End of Violence and Disease for this eBook. Instantly my mind became filled with excitement. Over the thought. That I will get lots of people helping me the world over. Read on to learn how.
I have adult ADHD and I cannot get the drug Ritalin I need to be myself. Instead I drink lots of very strong coffee and lots of the most powerful energy drinks I can find. But please note. These energy drinks. And Ritalin. Calm my mind down. And I can do two things. I cannot do without this additive in my blood stream. I can concentrate. And I can sleep, and I have my own memories of self. Including memories of the home I left behind by way of being born again to achieve. My aim. Which is. To assist othersʃall. To bring about. The end. Of violence. And disease. Please do not believe that I am merely. One of many voices crying in the wilderness. I am in the wilderness. I travel mindfull in the place you all do not go. Due to an accident when I was a baby rendering me unconscious. I adopted the unconscious mind from that day to be my friend. And one of my wishes is to one day. Have my brain waves compared. To other peoples brain waves. Now for the Holy Grail Method proper. However know that for ease of writing and personal preference. I choose to head up my questions of self. As Dear God. And although I believe in my heart that God is indeed a feminine impulse. I will image God to be a man. So in this way God is a friendly father figure and role model to me. However this does not mean I will stick to this approach. For the Holy Grail Method religiously. Know that sometimes as we progress at times only known to myself as self. Please feel free to adopt your own Dear energy if you prefer. Holy Grail Method questions. NOW FOR THE MOST IMPORTANT THING I WILL TELL YOUʃMYSELF. BOTH THE USE OF THE GAME SANGREAL AND THE USE OF THE HOLY GRAIL (SANGREAL) METHOD EMPOWER YOUʃME IN A MOST AMAZING WAY. BEING THE PROCESS SIMPLY WHEREBY. HOW GOD HAS NEVER LEFT US OUT IN THE COLD. KNOW THAT GOD IS AT WAR FOR US AGAINST AN ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE WHICH HAS CAUSED THE LIGHT TRAVELING INTO YOUR BODY TOO BE TOO WEAK. AND THEREFORE THE HUMAN BRAIN AND DNA CANNOT FUNCTION FULLY AS DESIGNED BY GODʃFEMININEʃMASCULINEʃSELF. Please note that this book also will serve as a LOOK INSIDE HOW TO HAVE THAT ONE BIG IDEA. By way of extracts given. Being as how I will sometimes double up on its contents. But never in a way to ruin your reading of its most original text.
The Holy Grail Method
Take a clean single sheet of paper
and a pen or a pencil. And write Dear God. Or write Question of Self. Which ever you wish. Write down your question. Now taking your pencil or pen. Following the words down the page reading the question out aloud. Pausing at the end whereby a single word or words will pop into your mind like toast out of a toaster. Whatever this first word or small phrase or complete idea is as formed inside your mind. YOU MUST DECIDE IF THIS ANSWER IN REPLY IS FROM A NEGATIVE OR A POSITIVE SOURCE. If negative recite for a week as often to yourselfʃmyself the words as follows. AND YES I KNOW I AM CHANGING A DIRECT BIBLICAL QUOTE.
I can do all things through Godʃself which strengtheneth me. Now I pause for a moment as I write. This last from the beginning of this book being one stream of consciousness. My intention and attitude is to move forward beyond the seredipidous events of coincidence that have been occurring in my life regarding my attempts to go in my mind deeper than I have for a while into the Question Of Self. By the way that little symbol I keep using is the shape of the sound resonance making holes cut into a violin. It gives after itself the equivalent reactive response of as if two atomic particles. Atoms as if that have met and are now quantum entangled forever. The negative enemy amongst us implementing this process. We call quantum entanglement. To dumb down all of your brightest minds by way of a university education. Unless you can retain your openness of mind by remaining a naturally curious person. I have fought ever since 2007 to not say this out aloud. And never to put it in writing. So I will only show what I have done by myself working alone. With only three years of high school. And I give you this not to be smart or any other kind of motivation. I just needed you to know also that none of these inventions I am going to HEREBY PUBLICALLY DISCLOSE HEREIN TO TELL YOU HAVE BEEN PUT TO THE TEST OF PRACTICALITY.
Marc Stewart has quietly engineered the following...
Changing Albert Einstein’s E = MC Squared into a waveform algorithm for everything.
A new physical model of physics replacing the Standard Model, strings and M-theory and multiple worlds and dimensions.
A fine dusting of gold. For computer chips. To bring them to their fullest potential. Increasing computer speed.
A sealing system created in two ways depending on the nature of the dwelling being insulated to become a C only zone with all interior environmental spaces excluded from the destructive E energy configuration. One method is a film of plastic membrane like material to be adhered to the inside or to the outside of glass windows on a building or when building the building new making the glass prismatic to 44 degrees or 22 degrees as the case may be. Also a 22 or 44 prismatic as the case my be fine clear sticky film membrane can be used to wrap buildings to elevate those buildings deemed most important to be wrapped entirely to form a large indoor space of C protection mentally and physically rather than relying on people having to wear the Phoenix ear or eye wear. Also older houses may be able to be insulated likewise for the same reason with the pumping into existing cavities with silica beads, which are pure C subject to further investigation.
A system of plumbing using a carbon back flow filter system to provide good fresh water and sewage treatment anywhere on the planet.
An America’s cup boat sail like a bubble that never needs to be taken down or its boom altered by swinging it to catch a breeze in a competition freeze.
A scratch protection system based on the same practical approach of the slot opening on a floppy disc for all CD & DVD discs plus audio and visual player’s to utilize this new system.
A room temperature semiconductor.
A simple balance. To. The Earth’s. Magnetic field envelope. Ensuring a 30% plus. Increase. In. The. Growth rate. Of plants. Trees. No earthquakes. No violent weather. Ozone restored. Removing global warming. Ending all carbon emissions.
Increasing male and female libido and absolute fertility across the entire globe.
Completely eradicating all disease.
Ending capacity for violence.
Recovery of the E = C color/sound scale 16 harmonic upper partial (overtones).
Removing completely the capacity within the human mind to perform an act of violence anywhere on the globe.
Making it possible to bring about the conditions necessary to change the landscape of Mars to an Earth-like habitat suitable for all forms of life.
Placing Stargate teleportation portals for transportation of people and anything of any size from anywhere to anywhere else on the planet and beyond.
Anti-gravity flight for surface, air and space vehicles.
A plastic credit card sized super computer mainframe using the Earth’s magnetic atmosphere as its memory storage system. Called S.A.M (syntax Analyzing Milieu) it is a voice activated and capable of producing a 3-D holographic projection taking on the form of any character so chosen to relay communications and to receive instructions. S.A.M is about 290,000 digital sound files of all the entries in the English alphabetical language dictionary transposed to replace the zeros presently established in the programming of the binary computing we are using now.
An Earth magnetic energy driven super computer environment containment area where digitally produced blueprints will be turned into real every day physical objects. Enabling us to build anything we desire without people power.
Frictional drag reduction circular raised dots system for boats and flying craft.
Two & four camera feature film movie set-up system for animation and live action combined films or separately projected to produce real life human eye same seeing in 3-D movies.
A simple device to power up all current electricity dependent appliances directly extracting The C’s positive magnetic energy from the Earth’s immediate atmosphere.
Phoenix eyewear and earwear to bring light and sound into the human brain in the best form required ensuring complete mental and physical well-being. Based on an it's all dots of color reality.
A Titanium Milk mixture to restore equilibrium to the human physical body inside an MRI scanner to gather the currently un-gathered so-called even spin atomic
components and placing them in their correct order inside our cells in the form required for each cell to correctly interpret the flow of instructional DATA from our DNA by way of the human brain and providing for the first time a color photographic quality image of the E produced disease.
All present electrical appliances running positronically with ten-fold more power and no wires, poles, cables, pylons and the same for phone and internet broadband needs supplied wirelessly with full coverage over the entire planets surface and out into outer space. Including cars running the same without battery’s needing to ever be charged.
No nuclear waste, no hydro dams, no wind mill power generation. No fiber optic cables, and no need for any satellites’ to be orbiting the planet.
Sangreal board game—so glad the real you came to play.
The anthology movie “Day of Reckoning” with more to follow.
The coffee table logbook volume of Marc Stewart’s amazing journey to the solving of all the world’s problems single-handedly in 90 day’s without funding titled: “Sangreal Coffee Table Book.”
Marc (MS) leading light artworks available as reproduction prints on canvass, paper, window treatments, rugs, office ceiling panels and as electric light illuminated framed artworks as at
Marc’s Q of S teleseminars work.
Marc’s Q of S lectures work.
Marc’s Q of S consultation and speaking engagement work.
And original Marlon Brando & James Dean made famous All-American Beefy-T-shirts in all colors with your choice of one of Marc’s artworks on them for sale.
Establishing the PHI, PI, Primes to English alphabet language inside that energy uses at its base foundation level being its behind the black curtain of outer space. It is TIME which is pure consciousness, no smell and no sound zone called A-Z Mechanical which uses Phi lines to form a structural consciousness to use and provide a back-bone structure mostly as a from upon which spiraling curves of its use of Pi create this reality as a projection made by way of our own human consciousness. Ina word no us no reality, no existence not even the Earth Q of S . . . Quest of Survival . . . make no mistake!!! Life is about quality it is not about a quantity. A new antibiotic made from new stilborn infant lung tissue before it is exposed to the air, made by forced critical culture! The Holy Grail Method used by Marc to ask any question and get an immediate answer placing you on track to work out difficult problems thus dragging the unknown into the known.
Before any great discover. Before the release by God or by your unconscious mind into your waking left-brain conscious mind. Know a great negativity implements itself prior to the positive creative act mental download of previously unknown to you information uploads itself. Secondly if what you are doing has become difficult in any way stop doing it. As whenever what you are doing is right and going to become very extremely practical and constructive in your chosen field of endeavor.
Know it will be EASY. Just falling into place. Like a Hollywood movie plot. All of the inventions above came to me because my unconscious mind is my waking consciousness. The only memories I have are photographs I have seen of my childhood. And when on Ritalin or a massive caffeine hit. My thoughts move towards memory of being married to an individual woman alive today. But the memory I have is being married to her in a different world. And that I am on an away mission to spread the GOOD NEWS and change others
ハフhis world.
Extract: out of How to Have That One Big Idea. . . . . But it's. Just part. Of the story. For uncomplicated. Perpetual clarity. Choose. The total clear. Advantage. Of an inner rapport. With God's God Code. Bear in mind. Once you desire a particular new outcome. And are committed. To its realization. You will unleash the God Code. And God. Will action. A plan. To bring you. To this end. He will reason. Through the actions necessary. To ensure. Your arrival. At the best outcome. What makes this so special? God. Will put your hand written goal plan. In motion. Supplanting his thoughts. So stealthily. There is no way. You can tell. They are not yours. Until you awaken. Having stumbled. Through your daily actions. Realizing. You have found. The perfect. Inspirational material. For the creative (as prayed for) endeavor. You have placed. In motion. Through your rapport with God unknown. You will know God has supplanted positive magnetic thoughts. Amid yours. Executing. A God computation. C brain-waves planned. Flow. Of thoughts. To fulfill. Your immediate. Wish upon a star. Your notions. Of the magnitude. Of this event. Accompany. Your arrival. At God's ESP (Sangreal-like) thinking. At your orchestrated plan. Of action. You will have put two. And two together. No longer dismissing. His C weaved. Through you. Coincidences. As unpredictable. Inconsistent thoughts.
Of no distinct purpose. Rather seeing these. As C's movements. Within your. Self-analysis. But rather. Seeing providence. In action. Through God's mind. By way. Of your. One million US dollar. Invention. Contemplations. Of God's secret art. God Code.
Believe it or not. C life is a playground. Of minds. C knows every resource. Ever created. This is God's Relate Agenda. He knows. The information you seek. He longs. To guide you. God's. Will. Being. The successful advancement. Humanity. What’s this got. To do with you? This is the key. To obtaining his help. Here’s what this is all about. The God Code assisted brain. Carries a mandate. To assist humanity. In reaching. Your violence free. Political. And religious intolerance free. Disease free. Utopian society. You are invited. To ally yourself. As God's companion. In this. Lofty cause. As simply as playing Sangreal. Now I wish to tell you more about how I worked out the inventions I have listed so that you can also use the same method I used. First thing you need to know is that whenever you move in your mind to an enquiry you open the doorway of the unknown. However if you are not making headway towards your chosen goalʃsuccess know that your masculine ego whether man or woman is getting in the way mentally. The male ego being submersion inside your left-brain thinking. Extract Two:
Your so-called waking conscious mind. Is the brains E left-hemisphere. It likes. In fact. It strives.To dominate.
What it knows would fill a postage stamp. Whereas God. Inside your righthemisphere. Is visual. And although. A person. Is unable. To think. The thought. Of the name. Of a pencil. God can tell you. Show you. Guide you. Towards. His infinite storehouse. Of knowledge. Of everything. One can do. With a pencil. As he. Is action motivated. As He. Is a visual medium. Radio with moving pictures. Of. Thoughts. Moving. Beyond the speed. Of light. As he moves. With and. Through time. In a circle.
And. It is TIME (God). Able. To action. Your thoughts. In a way. To empower you. Within your C driven. Right-brain depths. Lie infinite wisdom. Infinite power. And an infinite supply. Of all. You will ever require. If you simply believe God. Is with you always. Only he cannot communicate with you. Unless you seek him. Within you. God possesses within you. All necessary. To ensure. Your personal development. And expression. It is by way. Of seeking. This is where the game Sangreal. Comes into the picture. It acts. It serves. To be the way. To God's storehouse. Of positive information. About all the experiences. You have ever learned. A hobby here. A craftsmanship there.
Begin now. To recognize this potentiality within God. Being your rightbrains subconscious depths. SAY TO SELF: I always recognize. The lead. Coming. To my mind from God. I intuitively perceive the truth. About every situation. I hear the truth. I see the truth. I know the truth. God's infinite intelligence. In my subconscious mind. Reveals. To me. Everything I need. To know. At every moment. In time. And point. Of space. God gives me. The answers. To my most perplexing problems. And the cause. For every effect.
am God inspired. And God guided. In all my ways. God's guidance. Is mine
now. As I am open-minded. And receptive. I receive new thoughts. And ideas. Enabling me. To bring forth things. Of benefit. To me. And to others. As this advancement. Of humanity’s welfare. Is God's purpose. God's success. Is mine now. God's harmony. Is mine now. God's gold mine. And treasure house. Of infinity. Are within me now.
Through God. I subconsciously initiate. And carry out physical actions. Always serving. To instruct. To guide. To inform. To communicate. To relate. To my conscious waking left-hemisphere mind. The fact being. These actions. On my behalf. Through God. My subconscious right-hemisphere mind instills. In me. All power. To empower me. To realize. The wealth. Of knowledge beyond college. Available. To me. At all times. By way. Of God. But most. Of all due. To the Earth’s current slightly inharmonious environment. I know. All I need. To do. And will. Choose. To do.
To counter unwelcome E left-brain thoughts. Of negativity. God's right action is mine now. God's peace fills me now.
META: A nature. Of a higher order. And a more fundamental nature. ANALYSIS: The breaking up. By logic. Of the complex into simplistic. Logical. Reasoned elements. Principles. Extraction. Of definitive essence. Breakdown. Reduction into basic building blocks. Upon which being analyzed hinges. Translation. Interpretation. A free rendering. Of commonsense applied. To establish prime directive. Peace. Not piece (gun [gone] sun). Within. And without.
For your. Need for speed. Replace E established behavior. STUPID IS AS STUPID DOES.
Would you like. To initiate. And carry out. Subconscious actions. To serve. To place. You fairly. And squarely. On the success beam. Releasing the full potential.
Of your extrasensory perception. To instruct you. To guide. To form. To communicate. To relate. To your conscious. Waking. Reasoning mind. By way. Of these subconscious actions. The complete. Realization. Being all your mindful. Observations. Of these actions. And. Many subsequent actions. Of causes. And effects. In motion. Serving. To promote. A great truth. Being your mind. Now. By way. Of its harnessing. Of your subconscious. In this way. Has brought you. To experience. Not only. The realization. Of past hopes. And dreams. Aspirations for yourself. But also. To reap.
A greater health. And well-being. As expressed physically. Mentally. Artistically. Psychologically. Most of all. Spiritually. Or religiously. In the beginning. Eventually transcending. All of these labels. Into this. Complete. Whole right hemisphere experience.
All carried out. Without thinking why. Or what reason for this. Or for any other purpose. By you. And. As well as gaining. The above benefits. Of these subconscious actions. And much more. Beyond words. Beyond all poetry. Can describe. You’ll gain yourself. As you were meant. To be. As you are. Meant to be. As you wish. As you long. To be. But are unaware. Of what it is. You deeply. Long for. To be. In an all for one. And one for all. Expression. Of self. Of your uniquely individual personality and inner drive.
To succeed at every turn. Beyond every set back. Hitherto stopping you. Simply brushing aside. Uncertainty. As if brushing a fly off your forehead. Gaining an understanding. An all-embracing acknowledgment. And awareness.
Of the true nature. And power available within you. Through your subconscious mind. And in this knowledge. Knowing you have become. Completely as one. Of two. Your conscious. And your subconscious. In total balance. In complete synchronistic harmony. And equilibrium applied. To all areas. Of your life. Most people have a full measure. Of life. And most people just watch it slowly drip away. But Sangreal the board game. Is as the silent inner teacher. At the heart. Of the neurons.
At the heart. Of synchronicity (God). Instructing you. Simply teaching you. In this way. So you can summon it all up. At one time. In one place. Accomplishing something glorious. For yourself.
A Nasa cosmic microwave background. Probe. Was sent. Into deep space. To gather. Any new. Information. On the missing. 90% dark energy (purple gamma light). The probe. Successfully. Recorded. Two key sound signatures. Being C sharp. Happy Valley harp. And E (f flat). The E being the dangerous. To human life signal. Not belonging anywhere. How to Have That One Big Idea extracts end. I have come a long way in my education as given by my subconscious mind and conscious mind in balance.
But if you wish to continue the work I have begun in the same way I did. I am now going to give you some physics notes I wrote quite a number of years ago now. This is given because it is at a level of understanding I had at that time. And it will I hope serve to be an opening for you. Towards your entering into a greater understanding that EVERYTHING IS A FLOW OF MATHEMATICAL AND SPOKEN LANGUAGE DATA AS INFORMATION IN COMMUNICATION WITH YOU. And the easiest way to help you understand the work in need of being done by individual's who are willing to drop whatever it is they have been doing for some time in spacetime. And expect the unexpected to occur. By way of the empowerment offerred my the Holy Grail Method. But I still need to give you a working as I write right now example of how the Holy Grail Method can assist you in your life. To place you in the middle ground created when both brain hemispheres combine by way of this Holy Grail Method. The place from where all inspiration flows. Basically I have been parachuted into the crowd. Now I need a few minutes more in my writing here to explain that God has been laying into our ordinary everyday English language. His God Code. This is the coded story of our next us (clue Star Trek NEXUS) in the making. And you can begin by realizing that the missing information on my list of innovative works is a new antibiotic given my the God Code as laid through the subconscious mind of the writer of the dialogue for the movie THE BOURNE LEGACY! This valuable information is given inside my eBook How to Have That One Big Idea. And this following information is given now and not inside How to Have That One Big Idea. It is the idea of using a set of two containment areas for a simple enough for modern thinking invention. For the clean free energy. Of pure gamma radio waves. Of the Nasa found in spacetime key signature of C sharp. Using a radio tuner and an aerial tuned to C sharp only inside one containment area as such. Then place another second containment area around the outside of this C sharp containing only box. And inside this second containment area. Place the 180 degree waveform to neutralize the occurring Nasa found in spacetime F flat (E) note noise static. In other words by way of oscilliscope (great white hope). Where the mountain peaks of E's wave form occur place the troughs of the same waveform E. To thus cancel out the E presence masking the tremendous power of gamma purple energy of C hiding crippled behind the black sound masking by the presence of the E (F flat) tone. This work-up of these two energy sinatures is best seen from the point of view of the mysterious appeal of those sets of the wooden toy Russian dolls that begin with the largest doll showing its outside shape and features being the third containment area (box) around the second one containing the phase shifted E tone alone. Surrounding and surrounded by the C sharp tone. It may end up being a certain number of repetitions of this method or some finer details. But first let's leave this at the end of this book The End of Violence and Disease. Where I will use the Holy Grail Methos live here as I write in real time.
Now for the physics work I did in an hour studying inside a university science library.
Who will speak? Who will speak? In this atomic tyranny Of blood and brains, who frames his speech? To leave both friend and foe so free That manhood is evoked in each? Who, in this bewildered hour Of barbed intellect and strive, Can act out of the heart’s full power, Can forge and weild the fine-edged knife Of steeled and tempered consciousness To utter words so true and sharp That they can cut the emptiness, Can pierce, like tones plucked from a harp, This stagnant moil of reeking air, This farce of unreality, That dupes the peoples to despair And sod dens their humanity?
Who can aim the heart’s blade true And cleave the tawdy veil asunder, With all his human stature, who Can speak with lightening and with thunder, Can walk erect. Wide-eyed with death, And walking, foil the wraiths of terror, Can summon thoughts with living breath To grapple with the hordes of error? And when the faithful are accused, The wise deserted and denied, When the humble are abused, The free beset from every side,
Who will speak in such an hour? Who, in the face of shame and death,
Will act out of the heart’s full power Speak the truth with living breath?
by Arvia Mackaye Ege
The only matter. Is what matters to you. There are no atoms. No electrons. And no particles. Everything. Is information. In communication. As waves of sound. Destructive devices. Deliberately embedded in the Earth. Long ago by human hands. Has rendered. The light entering the human eye. Imperfect. Causing disease. As the human brain. And the human DNA. Cannot function correctly. As designed. Surface detonation. Of nuclear weapons. Will annihilate these devices. And restore Earth’s. Natural energy system. Ending global warming. Weatherdriven disasters. And earthquakes. Increasing plant growth. And human libido. Eliminating diseases. Of the human body. And restoring. The human brain. To full function. Ending. Psychological disturbances. Acts of violence. And the claims. And doctrines of the mental disorder. Of intellectualism. Known as science. And religion. All without endless rhetoric. And self-interest. Or loss of life. And providing. An infinite. Clean energy. In the air. For appliances. Transport. And communication.
From E=MC2 to E=PhiPiC3
Photograph. Of a steel. Multiple crossbar aerial. Sticking up out of the ocean floor. Taken. By the crew. Of the survey ship Eltanin. On the 29th of August 1964. While. Carrying out a sweep of the seabed. Off the coast of South America. Position given. Was Latitude 59 degrees 08’ south. Longitude 105 degrees 00 west. EXTRACT: 8.30 pm 13th of Jan 2008: The scientific world. Has a headache. That a mere aspirin can do nothing to cure. Why is the Earth so inconsistent? Why does the gravity field. Comply. With all the known rules of science. Over 99.999 per cent. Of the Earth’s surface. Then fail. To play. According. To the rules. In a few. Localized areas? What causes? These odd effects. In several small localities. Dotted around. The North American continent? At least six. Have been discovered in America. And in Canada. And although. Many scientists. Have set up their equipment. To solve these mysteries. They have all departed. Sooner. Or later. Scratching their heads. And. Admitting. They have. No satisfactory explanation. For what is certainly happening.
The two. Most famous of these odd spots. Are in Santa Cruz (California). And. At the Oregon vortex. A television program. On the Santa Cruz vortex. Clearly showed. How gravity. And light waves. Are warped. Within these areas. Weights. Will not hang vertically. And light. Gives strangely distorted. Visual effects.
The gravity of the Earth is not harmonic. Because of the aerials making the light too weak. I know it is hard for you to see the connection between these aerials and the F flat (E) tone in space the aerials use to make the gravity mistakes mentioned above. The reason I gravity is affected by the weakened too slow light. Is because of the most amazing thing about gravity and how everything that falls does so. I will just tell you. Gravity is a light made activity. When an apple breaks free of its twig branch it is guided to the ground by light as a change in data. It is all about the picture that becomes the scene of the falling apple. I will use the THE MATRIX movie to help me here. Just think about the rows of green data on the screen and recall how the world was computer generated. Made by all of the data streaming everywhere. The embedded aerials have changed the Earth's oscillation. From a harmonic easy up and down constant spring movement to a damped oscillation. Like a spring hesitating for a split second of time on its downward leg of its as a pendulum effect. Of constant motion. With all of the seven or nine aerials removed from the Earth as if thorns in a lions foot. The F flat (E) tone will disappear and the following shall happen immediately. Enabling us all to live lives free of physical and mental diseases. Free of drugs. And drug companies. Free of doctors. And surgeons. Free of fear. Free of paranoia. Free of stress. Free of jealousy. Free of greed. Free of lying. Free of cheating. Free of negativity. Free of depression. Free of infertility. Free of cloning. Free of Darwin. Free of the father. The son. And the holy ghost. Free of religion. Free of politics. Free of laws. Free of police. Free of security agency‘s. Free of dependance on alcohol. Free of dependance on drugs. Free of petty crime. Free of murder. Free of rape. Free of abuses of women. And children. Free of political intolerance. Free of religious intolerance. Free of racism. Free of terrorism. Free of suicide-bombing. Free of slavery. Free of forced prostitution. Free of child labor. Free of starvation. Free of dehydration. Free of poverty. Free of wars. Ffree of earthquakes. Free of tornados. Free of hurricanes. Free of global warming. Free of sea creatures ill. Caused by the pollutions. Poured. Into their watery home. Free of genocide. Free from losses of unique species. Free of having to cut down oxygen generating rain forests. Free from the need. To extract massive amounts of material. From within the Earth’s internal structure. Free of torture. Free of imprisonment. Free of cohercion. Free of subversion. Free of electric shock therapy. Free of mental institutions. Free of deliberate. So-called labotomys. Of the brain. With an ice pick. Free of throw away plastic fantastic products. Lasting only five minutes. Only to be dumped. Free us to rejuvinate our evironment. Free us from driving creatures. And animals from their homes. Free us from slaughtering animals. Caging them. Or confineing them. Free us from the killing of whales. Free of bullying. Free of the need. To hound with cameras. Free of false. And sensational driven news reports. Free of critics. Free of judging. Free of stand-over tactics. Free of endless self-interests. At the expense of others. Free. Of invasions of privacy. Free of interogation. Free of subjugation. Free of feuding. Free of dependance on oil. Coal. And nuclear
power. Free of revenge. free of grudges. Free of class systÊm. Free of statis seeking. Free of moral high ground. Free. Of covert operations. Free of assassinations. Free of therapy. Free of false diagnosis, Free of failures. To provide basic human rights. Free of the need. For drugs. Free of the surgeons knive. Free of endless rules. Free of regulations. Free of red-tape. Free of government bungling. Free of paradoxes. And the list of what we WILL BE free of goes on‌! The following image. Expresses in pictures. A look inside the human body. Ending. With a picture. Of colored spheres. Each sphere. Representing an atom.
The following picture. Shows the so-called. Atomic structure. Of Guanine. And of Cytosine. As denoted. By the letters G. And C. Of the language of DNA. According to sufferers‘. The letter O. Shows oxygen atoms. The letter N nitrogen atoms. And the letter H hydrogen atoms.
In an attempt. To remove disease. And restore. Well-being. Presently the answer is to place drugs. Chemical compounds. Different combinations. Of atoms. Into the human body. Often resulting. In further discomfort. And endless side-effects. Often worse. Than the disease. They are trying. To cure. Also. They will bombard the human body. With dangerous radiation. Causing patient’s hair. To fall out. And rendering their patients‘. Extremely weakened. And even more vulerable. To further illnessses. Then after these failed attempts. They are cutting the human body open. In attempts. To remove disease.
Let us now distance ourselves forever. From this endless chaotic confusion. And quickly. get into the positive. Empowering chaos free. Peace filled future. Of wellbeing. And the spirit. Of friendship. And love available to us all. Now!
I’m going. To show you. An image. Of the human eye. In its classical mechanical. Everyday form.
The second image. I am going. To show you. Is given. To show. Inside the human eye. This image. Shows the quantum mechanical world. Of the eye.
The third image. I am going to show you. Is given. To serve. As a simple version. Of the activities. Of energy. Within the quantum mechanical world. Shown. In the second image. Then. I am going. To show you. A fourth image. Which is given. To show. To reveal. To assist me. To describe. To you. The activities. Of energy. Even deeper. Behind the scenes. So to speak. Of the quantum mechanical world. As shown. By the second. And the third images. These activities. By energy. Beyond. Deeper. Behind the quantum mechanical sphere. Of its activities. Is known simply. Referred to simply as b (later to become A-B-mechanical). Where the letter b serves. To represent. The activities. Of energy. Which are taking place. And which. Have never ever ceased. To take place. Behind the activities. Of energy. in the quantum mechanical world. These activities. Of energy. Are easiest. To fathom. To understand. If you see them. If you look. Upon them. As being. The activities. Of energy. Best described. As before the so-called big-bang. But the activities. Of energy. Behind the results. Behind the reality. The existence. Formed. Formed after the moment of the so-called big-bang. However. Please. Be sure. To see. These activities. These before the so-called big-bang activities. As being ongoing. Having never stopped. Unknown. Till now perhaps. But most certainly. Never to be viewed. As either non-existent. Or stopped. Or not occurring. Or ever. Having occurred at all. Although. I have chosen. To show you images of the human eye. At all its levels of itself. The description. I am going to give you. Applies to each. To all. To every object. In this universe. And in universes beyond this one. In other words. As I describe the inner world of the human eye. See. And know. You can by simply transferring my description of the human eye to your heart. Or to your brain. You will accurately. Be looking inside. These human forms. As all forms. Of energy around you. Are made up in this very same way. As I am going to describe the human eye to you. Indeed to quicken the description. I am going. To give you. I will describe. The current state of the Earth’s energy. As it is currently. Then after. My description. Will be. Of the Earth’s energy. Within the human eye. As it is. As it should be. As it must be. As it will be. After our successful removal. Of the unwelcome destructive state. Of the Earth’s natural energy. As caused. By the embedded aerial devices. In the beginning of the description. I am going. To give you. Of the current unwelcome. State of energy. I will refer to energy. All energy simply as E. Or as e. Soon after. I begin the description. I am going. To give you. Of the unseen form. And function. Of current little e energy. Although. I may choose. To continue. To refer to e. E or energy. I am going to no longer refer to energy as e. Or E. Or as energy. Rather I will refer to e. E. Or energy as it. In the first instances. Where I use the term. The word it. I am going. To be using. The following definition. Of the word it. As given in my Oxford English Dictionary. I am going to use the word it. Under this definition. In place of e. E. Or energy.
You are going to discover. That. As you continue to read the description. I am going to give you. The description itself. Will serve. To further deepen. To further add to. To further expand. The original definition of it. Its forms. Its functions. Its activities. In. The classical mechanical world. In the quantum mechanical world. And. In the mechanical world I described as. I referred to. Termed b. In this way. In this manner. The description I am going to give you. Will reach comprehensive understanding. Of its (lights [colors]) activities. Its forms. And its functions as energy. As itself as space-time—the world. We know of. Both ourselves. And of the planet Earth. Your home.
This is Sharbat Gula. Her left hand photo shows her in 1984. And her right hand photo. Shows her now. Her photo. Is given. For you. To notice. The difference. In the level of IT (light) in her eyes. Between. Each photo.
The human eye made of waves of color tones.
One of the many visual clues I came across and was in a complete state of wonder about when I was trying so hard to understand the true make up of the atomic realm of the very small where I now believe we are dealing with tiny Mobius rings with pixels dots of color on them producing sound when they rearrange. Also each Mobius ring has an even smaller soccer ball of hexagonal panels inside its middle. Also covered in colored dots.
Albert Einstein’s E = MC squared say’s. When you. Multiply the speed. Of IT. (light) by itself. And then. Multiply this your first total. By the Earth’s mass. The sum. Of your math. Gives you. The total amount. Of energy. Of the entire Earth. While Albert’s equation accurately measures the current undesirable and destructive small state of energy. E=Phi x Pie x C cubed. Reveals for you. The true energy output. Available to You. After you have successfully. Removed the devices. Embedded in the Earth’s crust. Which are rendering the Earth’s natural energy capacity. To a mere shadow. Of its true capacity. A capacity. Able to provide you. With perfect well-being. And. Unlimited safe power. For your cars. Planes. Trains. Ships. Trucks. Trams. Submarines. Home appliances. Factories. Lights. And all. Your heating needs. Directly. Out. Of the atmosphere. Meaning. No more wires. Overhead. Criss-crossing. Your then. Global warming free. Earthquake free. Environment. Of calm. Balanced weather. Of greater sunshine. Streaming into our eyes. Energizing your water. And. Your oxygen. And greatly increasing. The growth rate. Of plants. And trees. Freeing you. From your need for oil. Coal. Gas. And the need. To produce. Crops. In soil you need. For the production. Of food. For yourselves. And other creatures. Of the Earth. Sharing this home. With you. Along side you. The equation E=Phi x Pi x the speed of light (waves of consciousness same as in Newton's Cradle) multiplies three times. Arrived. As a result. Of my observations. Of the everyday. World around you.
THE TRUTH ABOUT IT: The Oxford English dictionary defines the word it as. The subject. Of your thought. Of your attention. And. Of your. Inquiring. From this point onwards. Whenever you see. And read the word IT. Know. I am referring to energy. When I now use it in this way. It is energy. It is information. It is pure consciousness. It is waves. There is no physical matter. There are no particles. There are no atoms. There are no neutrons or protons. There are no quarks. There are no electrons. There are no photons. There are no neutrinos. There are no cosmic rays. It is sound. It is light. It is sound. It is a positive magnetic wave. In ITS (COLORS). Quantum. Mechanical world. Sound is positive magnetic. Light is positive magnetic. It is space-time. As spacetime. IT. Does not distort. Or bend. Under the weight. Of the planets. Within IT. Forming within itself. As space-time. IT. Is the tone of C sharp. As recorded. By NASA’s probe. Sent. To retrieve information. From the so-called cosmic microwave background. Of outer space. The F flat tone. Also recorded. In the cosmic microwave background. Of outer space. Is the destructive. Negative electric energy presence. The F flat tone. Must be eliminated. From its connection. To the Earth proper. There must be only one—tone. C sharp is that tone. IT is not a vacuum. IT is not nothing. IT is both form and function at the same time. IT is all forms. And all functions. IT is called anti-matter. IT is called dark energy. IT is called dark matter. IT is called gravity. II is the milky-way. II is the stars. IT is the planets. Et cet err a, et cet er ra (IT is set in RA [light]).
It has placed itself. Within each. Of its classical mechanical. Expressions. Of itself (our everyday objects). In a very special. And most profound way. All to reveal to us. Its current. Negative electric tainted form. In its actions. It provides its answer. Its design. Its blueprint. Its engineering. Its communication. Its story. As it has laidin to our classical mechanical world. In the visible rich. Hollywood movies. You have been making. And watching. By giving. The writer (s). A second encoded story. Of. How. The earth's energy. Has been compromised. By negative electricity. In your water. Inside you. As a second unwanted stream. Of information. In communication with your body. And mind cells. I will be producing a DVD disc comprising. Small edited out. Excerpts. Of special scenes laid-into your favorite movies to serve as an easily deciphered code. A part of this code based on the 26 letters of the alphabet is given in brief in my book titled How to Have That One Big Idea. The DVD I will be making soon will be called “Day of Reckoning”.
In Sharbat’s. Left hand photo. Her eyes. Are full of light. But in her right hand photo. Her eyes have dimmed due to less positive magnetic spectrum light. Being a human being. Her wholeness. Is a single cell of positive lights colors. This light has been replaced. Pushed out of her by the presence unwanted. Of incorrect negative E (f FLAT) light in her. The second image next. Is a close up of the human eye. The third image is also the human eye at the quantum mechanical level. You are looking at the strange attractor. Making up. The waves. Of light. Just the same. As every object. Of consciousness is made. Yes everything is made of consciousness. And you all. By coming together physically. And by using your mind's. Your consciousness. In a special way. You have lost the knack of. You will heal. of this little E (energy) negative light (electricity). In your midst.
By raising up. Your level. Of correct for you. Positive. Going to be doing energy. Of positive light magnetism. The tool of consciousness engineering I have provided to ensure this good outcome. Is a special family dice board game called Sangreal. Being another word. For Holy Grail. The legendary cup. Or platter. Able to heal. And provide. Percival. The last knight. To continue on. To reach the Grail. Is at his wits end. For want. Of reaching the Grail. And it is a woman. Lady Dinrane. Who tells him. He will. Find. The Grail. In the city. of Sarras. This name. Like the legend itself. Is part. Of the hidden code. Positive light. Has laid-in. To story's. In books. Using my knowledge. Of consciousness engineering. The S's. Are for. The two sounds. Of C. And E. E the unwanted. Lesser light. As shown. By the S. Followed. By the A. Before the R. The correct term for light. Being RA. Followed by. The S. Denoting. The C sharp tone signal. Found. By the Nasa probe. In deep space. Each human eye. In its. Positive magnetic form. In its form. As a strange attractor. Is a wave. Of positive magnetic energy. And its activities. In its strange attractor form. Are guided. By. And understood. In its application. Of its mathematical form. Known to us as pi in E=PhiPiC3. In the third image. You are still looking at the strange attractor. Of the human eye. Only in a much simpler form. In the fourth image. You see the eye as formed within. Even deeper still. At the level. Of its activities. As guided by. And understood. In its application. Of its mathematical form. Known to you. As Phi in E=PhiPiC3. Phi known to you also. As the golden ratio. Is ITS mathematical formula. It uses Phi. In its sound activities. As B. Which are known. To you. As C sharp. It applies Phi. To form straight lines. Into triangles. Cubes. Rectangles. Squares. Polygons. And so on. Once it has created this B mechanical foundational stucture. It proceeds. In its activities. As light. At its quantum mechanical level. Now in its positive magnetic waveform form. As formed. And guided. By its mathematical form. Known to you. As Pi. It now curves itself. Into its strange attractor form. By simply following. The foundational blueprint. It formed for itself. In this way. It forms itself. Into all the observable classical mechanical forms. Of itself. Of all life-forms. The Earth. The planets. The stars. The plant life. The oxygen. The water. All creatures. Great. And small. And of course you all. In your many languages. Words. And their definitions. Are the product. Of both the incorrect negative electric configuration. Of energy. And IT itself. The words. Regardless. Of whether formed. As a result. Of the actions. In your mind. Of the C sharp. Or the E tone signal. It's hard to explain. So just try. To follow. My explanation. Here. Whatever the first word. Is by sound. As made up of its letters in whatever order. IT will give you another word. In transposition. To reveal. The second rhyming as if. Word. It has used. To use. To tell the truth. About the use. And incorrect penetration. Of the E given word. In the language.
When I was doing. My research. To gather in. The hidden story. IT (light) was trying to reveal. Through books. Magazines. Newspapers. TV shows. And movies. I was able to rhyme any word. At all. Except for the odd word coming along. Which did not rhyme. But had another purpose. In the grand design C sharp. Was providing. I will now explain. The same using a different approach. Two different words. Yet almost two identical sounds. Where each word. Has its particular sound as it applies. Represents. And reinforces. The reality perpetrated. And manipulated. By the influence. And presence. Of. The unwelcome chaotic. Complex negative electric form. Of IT. A manipulation of IT. Not of benefit. To you. Or to IT. However. IT has laid itself into your languages. To enable you. To now. Compare the two. And see through to IT. To pave. ITs way back. To itself. As it observes. And recovers itself. Through you all. And in so doing. Supply you. With. The body of knowledge. You require. To restore IT. To perfection. To its correct strength. Of gravity. Light. Water. Oxygen. And so on. As described earlier. It is space-time. Space-time is it. The time element. Or expression. Of it. Is not an expression. As of a clock. Or duration. But rather. Of movement. Of location. As consciousness. Is both. The builder. The built. And the provision. The potential. The architect. As both composer. And conductor. And as apprentice. Learning from itself. As it witnesses itself. In its creations. Its feats. Of engineering daring. Without hitting the ceiling. For it is infinite. In all directions. Of itself. In all forms. And functions. Of itself. There is no zero. There is no termination. Only layers. Upon layers. Of depths. Of its endlessly unfolding. Expressions. Of itself. Through itself. As the arc. The curve. The circle. And the sphere. Of spherical. And elliptical. Of the egg. And. Of the ball. E=PhiPieC3 is the mathematical expression. Giving both witness. And intrigue to it.
All languages. Have been formed. The product. Of the current incorrect. Negative electric configuration. And running alongside interweaved. Dispersed. Are those words. It has laid-in. Two separate sets of sound. Two separate expressions. Of one language. One sound. One expression of it. And one language. One sound. One expression. Not of it. Through a manipulation. Of it. A manipulation of it (WATER). Not of benefit to you or to it. Yet both these languages have been formed. Created. By it. Through you. To enable you. To now compare the two. And see through to it. To welcome it back. Where it belongs. As one with itself. As itself. Not of itself. As. Something unwanted. And undesirable.
It is space-time. Space-time is it. The time element. Or expression of it. Is not an expression. As of a clock. Or duration. But rather. Of movement. And location. The walls. Creating the room. That is space-time. That holds within them. Through their containment. Through their form. And function. Both the quantum mechanical. And the classical mechanical states. Of physics. Required. To form. And provide. The necessary quantum mechanical. And classical mechanical states. Combined. To. Provide the room. Both the prerequisite. Form. And functions. Of the room. And the contents. That are both in it. And which also. Form. The room. Are provided. By the. Glue. that is it. That is. Consciousness. I for human consciousness at the quantum level and T for time.
The two images. Of two different stars. Taken after. They had each exploded. Are given. To show. ITs activities. As b. Through its use. Of its Phi calculations. In both these moments. Of its actions. Frozen in the form. Of these captured images. From space. Clearly show. Its use. Of straight-line forms. In its activities. Within itself. With itself. In this instance. Referring to itself as space-time.
Once again using the image of the eye. Which shows. Its activities. As waves of tones (sound tones and color tones). At the quantum mechanical level. I am now going to describe. Its activities. Which are taking place. As referred to as. Its B mechanical activities. You observe it. In this form. Which is known to you. As space-time. When you look. Not at it. In its strange attractor form. But when you. Concentrate. And hold your focus. On the space as itself. THIS SPACE IS PURE SOLID STATE PURPLE GAMMA LIGHT RADIATION. Hidden behind the mask. Of black. Which is caused. By weakening the light. By slowing it down. Its activities. Within its B mechanical world. Its quantum mechanical world. And its classical mechanical world. And also within its activities. In-between. Its classical mechanical forms. Such in outer space. As captured. In the images of the red rectangle. And the red square. Star disintegration photos shown earlier.
What if subconsciously. You initiated. And carried out. Physical actions. That always served. To instruct. To guide. To form. To communicate. To relate. To your conscious waking reasoning mind. Through these subconscious actions. The complete. Realization. Through mindful observation. Of the actions. And many. Subsequent actions. Cause. And effect. In motion. A great truth. That provided. Complete health. And well-being. Whether. In a physical. Or mental. Or indeed. In an artistic. Or scientific. Or religious expression. And that in this realization. Instigated subconsciously by you. As well. As gaining. These benefits. Of these subconscious actions. You gained. An understanding. An all-embracing acknowledgment. And awareness. Of the true nature. And power available. Within you. Through your subconscious mind. And that this knowledge. Was such. That you became. completely as one of two. Your conscious. and your subconscious. In total balance. In complete synchronistic harmony. And equilibrium. Applied. To all areas. Of your life. Most people have a full measure. Of life. And most people. Just watch it. Slowly. Drip away. But. If you can summon it all up. At one time. In one place. You can accomplish. Something glorious. Freedom of mind. Every thought you have. Is from you. By you. For your benefit. Or indeed. For the benefit. Of those. You love. Regardless. Of your actions. As long. As. You never bend the will. Of another. By thought. Or deed. Where necessary. Only proceeding. With their consent. Their informed permission. Their wishes applying in this way. In all circumstances. Including. After so-called death. And that their wishes. Apply equally. To their lifeless body. Or parts thereof. Regardless. Of your point of view. Opinion. Customs. Laws. Perceived rights. Religious beliefs. Or power. Derived. At all designed. To go against these wishes in any way. And that their wishes. Their choices. Their decisions. Are also. Not in any way. Yours to change. In any way. At any time. In any place. In any time. Or any. Circumstance. And that their wishes. Apply. Regardless. Of your relationship. To them. As mother. Father. Brother. Sister. Or any other connection. At all. Whether genetic. Or by acquaintance. Or by marriage. Or under. Any perceived bond. Or rights. As formed. Or displayed. Or claimed. Under. The term friendship. Regardless. Of the nature. Of any perceived. Or claimed physical. Or mental intercourse. In any form. Whatsoever.
This is the waveform. Of the C sharp KEY SIGNITURE FOR THIS UNIVERSE SIGNAL. Being the good sound recorded by the Nasa CMB probe. In deep space.
This is the reason. You are aging too quickly. And getting illnesses. And have the capacity. To carry out. A violent act physically. This is the unwanted sound signal. Waveform. Recorded by the Nasa CMB probe. In deep space. This is the sound. Being received. And transmitted. By your enemy. Invisible. In your midst. By way of. The aerial I showed you. Sticking out. Of the sea bed floor. At great depth. It is made of railway. Train tracks (Atlantis). Now how and when was it placed? Come on think about it. You are not being colonized. You are being slowly killed. Off the face of this planet.
Here is the C sharp. And F flat sound. Waveforms. Combined. As they are. Inside water. Inside your cells. There can only be one set of cellular. DNA led instructions. Transferring. through the human body cells. And mental. Neuron cells.
This is what I believe is the answer. A diode implant system. Set. In the correct place. Inside the spinal nerve bundle. At the base of the brain. Just. As is shown. By the in-feed connection. In the back. Of the neck. In the Matrix movie experience. That will. Only accept. The flow of C sharp. And prevent the flow. Of the dangerous. Radiation. Of the F flat sounds. Too sharp. For you. Waveform. In your. Human systems. The next step. For me later today. Is to establish. The line of questions. I will ask of self. Using the Holy Grail Method. In regards. To where. It would be implanted exactly. And any other necessary information. Given to me. To heal the world. And everyone on it. By removing these F flat aerial's.
With my artist's eyes. For detail. In a visual image. I can tell you. That. In this picture. Of millions. Of iron filings. Surrounding. A bar magnet. The energy traveling outwards. Is always. The C sharp positive. In this picture. You can tell. The end marked as S. Is the positive. S. The tonal hue quality. Of the lines. Of magnetic force. Are sharper. And held together. Better. The flow. Of magnetism. So depicted. Is in fact. A circling. Of C sharp. Generated energy. But it is the F flat signal. And its negative charge. Inflowing only. Stream. Of. Negative magnetism. Called electricity. Flowing around you. Inside your body. And minds. Energy communications. System. If you work it out. For yourself. By looking. At the iron filings. In the middle. Of this design. You will see. The presence of the inflow. Of middle C. Sound waveform. As the fullness. Of infinite. Magnetism. Supply. Hidden. F flat masked. Purple gamma Alfven waveforms. Feeding this event. Maxwell. Who created twenty beautiful qua tern math equations. For magnetism. Suspected correctly. The flow. Of energy. Of magnetism. Was an infinite supply. He was right. But a man called Hertz (hurts). Came along. And. Ignored Maxwell's insight. And Hertz. Reduced Maxwell's equations. To four of a lesser power. To show. The truth. About the Earth's. Magnetic power supply.
Quite some time ago. I made up. A set. Of large paper sheet. Consciousness engineers notes. For myself. In the form of artworks. As an inquiry. About color. I think. It is time. To begin. To take. A longer look. At these artwork. Notes.
The middle contents of this eBook have I hoped served to give you a simple run down of the way energy works. But now I would like to add something a little bit more up to date. With the world of the quantum particles the Mobius Ring and the Sphere inside it. The Holy Grail Method. Dear God please can I have a starting off word or phrase to assist me to work out teleportation of a human being from one point in spacetime to another point in spacetime? Answer is Quantum Wave Theory.
Extract Jefferson Lab: It was discovered that particles such as electrons, which are usually thought of as actual physical chunks of something, can be observed behaving as if they too are waves. It turns out that by using the equations that describe photons as waves, one could describe an electron as having a certain wavelength and frequency . . . matter waves. Extract ends. The waveforms of E (of the electron) are the enemy waveforms amongst us. The following frequencies of E in Hertz are given 20.60, 41.20, 82.41, 164.81, 329.23, 659.26, 1396.91, 2637.02. These being the waveforms of negative magnetism electrons. The coresponding counter waveforms of the positive magnetic photons are as follows in Hertz frequency. C sharp are in Hertz as follows: 17.32, 34.65, 69.30, 138.59, 277.18, 554.37, 1108.73, 2217.46, 4434.92. There is a certain way in which information is passed onto you from your subconscious mind into your waking conscious mind. I speak of the magnification of a certain object when you first come across it. And your arrival later at the entangled twin information in communication with you. It can takĂŠ some time to master the capture of what I am gifting to you here. I give one example of how it works in one's life. As you can probably imagine my most important goal or wish is to create wireless free energy to power up all vehicles, and homes etc. Purple gamma magnetism is the source on offer. It lies behind the black mask of E's presence in spacetime.
I have learned that when it comes to change or rather when it comes to the flow of new inventions into one's mind. You must be patient. Because TIME is a living force. Made up of pure C sharp gamma radiation as found on the right side of any chart of the electromagnetic spectrum of light. What I am trying to tell you is that God is not interested in giving my answers to any of my questions at this stage on teleportation. This is because of all the contemplation work I have already done on this subject. Rather God wants me to set to and drag out of him the Holy Grail Method questions and answers for free positive magentic energy.
I will place these questions and answers at the end of this eBook.
For private consultation collaboration or a speaking engagement regarding my new physics of C sharp send an enquiry to me from my art site.
This is my art work of a C sharp Mobius Ring.
My psychological test to determine your present mindset. You should see a giraffe. Or an upside down tree. That is if you are completely free of the mental illness of intellectualism. With this idea of universities taken up by the West after our first attack on Islamic persons'. Yes universities are a Trojan Horse mental only weapon counter attack upon Rome. Also the zero a part of this attack on the empire we are of Rome. The zero given to a point particle that should be of the numbers 1 to 9.
This page is blank to represent your new Questions of Self. Or if you prefer. Your Dear God question and answers. But please note. Your search for innovative inventions and cures occurs by way not of ordinary thought. But rather by way of extraordinary thoughts as stimulated by your entry into the twilight zone of the unconscious which steers your very actions. Filling your mind and the mind of others you meet or are near and dear to by way of your C sharp C only no E input extrasensory perceptions (ESP). In other words you are asking for God's answers which are already inside you. Known to you yet unknown. To explain how ESP works seredipidously in your life from here on out. You having no choice than to have your mind. Your very consciousness filled with mine now by way of the quantum entanglement instigated by way of reading my books. I have a teenage friend called John who went on to work on a tug boat called Orion. Orion I believe is where the E sinal is boosted from. But not originating from. It is true that there has never been a greater time than now. When the riches inside your sealed envelope marked riches is about helping this world become violence and disease free.
Earth as C sharp electromagnetic (light) producing energy engine not the present E in the mix of C sharp battery only form of the Earth's natural and normal harmonic oscillation capacity.
Because. I wrote this length. Of time. As being three years some time ago. I am just going. To tell you. That you must come together. As a whole collective human consciousness. Of one overriding spirit of friendship. Based on a rapport. When you come together. Physically as one. This is why. My board game Sangreal. Was created by God. And myself. To be. The tool. Of consciousness engineering. That will see you all through. Past the cut off. Which I can only reckon. As to be. The end. Of the Mayan calender. Being noon. On the 21 st day. Of December 2012.
Introducing The Board Game Sangreal in which THE GREAT THOUGHTS in which and THE REST cards together bring in to one place, one space, one time the ideas that have determined the intellectual history of the world - short passages in the original words of the men and women who conceived them. The great thoughts includes, Noble prizes winners, Scientists, Poets, Physicians, Writers, Dramatists, Editors, Painters, Inventors, Mystics, Presidents, Statesman, Founders, Innovators, Judges, Composers, World leaders, Romans, Greeks, Nuns, Monks, Bishops, Teachers, Global issues, Great thinkers, Historians, Generals, Publishers, Reformers, Journalists, Sculptors, Quantum theorists, Kings, Psychologists, Freethinkers, Biologists, Theologians, Champions, Radicals, Emperors. 'THE REST' cards include: Shaman, crystals, Ghosts, E.S.P, Dreams, Fables, Classical mythology, Knowledge, Truths, Healing without medicine, N.D.E (Near Death Experiences), Wisdom, Re-discoveries, Egypt, Symbology, Meditation, Imagination, Validation, Runes, Tarot, Superstition, Nostradamus, Mysteries, Proverbs, Occultism, Parapsychology, Astrology, Hypnotism, Brain-waves, Beyond death, Creativity, Visualization, Psychic voyages and powers, Reincarnation, Phantom encounters, Mind over matter, Spiritual science, Oracular traditions, Visions and prophecies, Numerology, Legends (Atlantis) 'Take care creation in progress', Ancient wisdom and secret sects, The minds eye, I ching, Tao, Prophets, Human aura, Mind dynamics, Cosmic power, Last two million years, The Bhagavad-Gita - Gita, Religions. WHAT DO‌ Carl Jung, Abraham Lincoln, Friedrich Nietzsche, Aldous Huxley, Dr Wilder Penfield, Pablo Picasso, Pythagoras, Leo Tolstoy, Harry S Truman, Shakespeare, Frank Lloyd Wright, Albert Einstein, Confucius, Ralph Waldo Emerson, George S Patton, Charles Lindberg, Henry David Thoreau, Plato, Thomas Jefferson,
Voltaire, Sigmund Freud, John F Kennedy, George Bernard Shaw, Walt Whitman, Michelangelo, Barbara Tuchman, Emanuel Swedenborg, Martin Luther King, Socrates, Rudyard Kipling, Napoleon Bonaparte, Victor Hugo, Louis Pasteur, Vincent Van Gogh, Emma Lazarus, William Penn, Albert Schweitzer, Virginia Woolf, Henry Ford, Lewis Carroll, Franklin D Roosevelt, William Wordsworth, Wilbur Wright, George Washington, Charles Dickens, Robert Burns and Sir Isaac Newton all have in common – The “C” driven Sangreal Board game . . . beautiful thinking . . . that’s IT!
ITS PURPOSE: To put forth, propose, present, to put forward for consideration, discussion or treatment; to set forth, present to the mind of another = purpose, to put forward remarks, questions etc; to discourse, converse, talk; to design or resolve upon the performance thereof. AND TO PROVIDE IMPETUS: In reference to immaterial things as feelings, actions, etc: moving force, impulse stimulus. AGAINST ACCIDIA: 1930 time and tide 28 mar 414/2; half of them suffer from the deadly spiritual disease of accidia, having no desire or wish, uninterested. TO PROVIDE A PANACEA: A remedy, cure or medicine reputed to heal all diseases; a universal remedy. TO EFFECT: To produce a state or condition: impression produced, purport (to convey to the mind), reality, to accomplish, bring about. VIRTUE: Superiority or excellence, unusual ability, merit or distinction in some respect straight and narrow path, integrity, spirituality, stainlessness, well spent life, on the side of the angels, fight the good fight. RESULTING IN JUBILATION: The action of jubilation, loud utterance of joy, exultation, rejoicing, gladness, an expression of exultant joy.
L A N C E L O T,
How Lancelot fell to his old love again, but withdrew from Guinevere to eschew slander, and how the queen commanded him to respect the way of play! So after the quest of Sangreal was fulfilled, and all knights that were left alive were come again unto the Table Round, as the rule book of the Way of Play of Sangreal maketh mention, then was there great joy in the court; and in especial King Arthur and Queen Guinevere made great joy of the remnant that were come home, and passing glad was the king and the queen of Sir Lancelot and of Sir Bors, for they had been passing long in the quest of winning Sangreal. Then, as the Great Thoughts card saith, Sir Lancelot began to lament and pine for his true love but Queen Guinevere open-mouthed put her foot down and suggested it was time to allow others the opportunity to play Sangreal. How Sir Galahad, Sir Bors, Merlin, Morgan le Fay and Sir Percival entered into the game, and of a The Rest card, and of how king Pelles had been maimed for drawing it. In the meanwhile Galahad blessed him by placing a sphere in the spirit measure cup, then next the gentlewoman Morgan Le Fay, and then Sir Bors and Sir Percival, threw the dice. And when they were playing, it was so marvelous fair and rich that they marveled; at the midst of the game was fairness, and Galahad went thereto, and found there a crown of virtue at the feet was a sword, rich and fair, and it was drawn out of the sheath half a foot and more; and the sword was of divers fashions, and the pommel was of stone, and there was in him all manner of colors that any man might find, and every charge of the color had divers virtues, How Sir Lancelot, half sleeping and half walking, saw a sick man healed of dullness by playing Sangreal long into the wee small hours. How Merlin announced to King Arthur that the SANGREAL BOARD GAME should be played throughout the Realm, and how King Arthur had all his knights together for to practice being not angry and never to laugh at anything before they departed, and how EXPRESSIONS of ABILITY appeared in the knights and in the ladies as they sat at supper, and how all the knights took upon themselves the quest to prove that Patience where woman are concerned should become a virtue too.
T h e S a n g r e a l B o a r d
W a y
o f
G a m e
P l a y
Sangreal . . . beautiful thinking!
Sangreal Way Of Play Rules Players choose a small cup each and the 7 same color pawn playing pieces and select a starting position on one of the seven points of the playing board. Then a pile of Great Thoughts, The Rest, Kids Corner, Science Notes and The Quest cards are placed face down on the table leaving the others in the game box. The player who throws the highest score with the two dice begins the game. Players remain on the outer pathway until they collect the full set of "Hallows" cards. Players may move in any direction on the outer pathway. When a player lands on a Hallows (H) square all players focus their attention on the moment for A Gathering has been called. The player who is on the Hallows square picks out a single card from off the top of either THE GREAT THOUGHTS, THE REST, KIDS CORNER or SCIENCE NOTES cards. The player on the Hallows (H) space reads this card out loudly to all the players present. The purpose of the game is to allow opportunities for all players to express themselves. Speaking in any way they would like to express themselves. Regardless of age (Kids Corner and Science Notes cards), life experience, or standing in eyes of anyone other than their own eyes the player on the Hallows (H) square must speak out aloud their comment first before the
other players get their chance to make a comment of their own. As simple as A.B.C. And this is all there is to this game and more-so what follows is the magic the game creates. During play any player who laughs in an obvious mocking or who gets angry at another player's comments for any reason during the entire game play. Must leave the table completely and try to remain as silent as possible. For any length of time as decided prior to play commencing. Or an ordinary 3minute kitchen egg timer. Of course once the time out is over. The player concerned takes up a turn when the die comes around to them again. Of course this rule can be ignored if you as players decide you want more of a university debate where the conversations can be more of a free for all more promoting freedom of speech. It makes conversations happen in a very good way on a wide variety of subjects. Instantly it gets people talking. It is a truth serum. Being really cupids arrows and bow to play romance or friendship between older players and the young for fun as the case may be. Either a discussion of note ensues or the voting commences as follows. Time for the "Reckoning" to begin players! If you decide on as little as a whim our player on the (H) Hallowed Ground is far from Dim then drop a sphere into the Sangreal Cup. However if you decide our player’s notion is shallow Small-Talk or back-pedalling Tall-talk. There’s no need to pout or shout. Simply, do not place your sphere in the cup! Sangreal does not need any rhetoric to hurt its players. Forcing turtles back into shells. So relax Jack and Jill and allow King Arthur, Queen Guinevere and Company an opportunity to show their way, their Round Table Way. And those who sit around it honor the art of Chivalry, courage and courtesy. If you are standing on "Hallowed Ground" and the Sangreal (Holy Grail) Cup sounds out its Reckoning Tone alone or by the many you may select a Hallows card. If on the H and you do not hear Merlin's tone drop in like a cherry pip stone on its own. Be still with your throat. You can only collect a "Hallows" card when at least one sphere enters the cup or when the cup runneth over through jubilation or discussion. Being simply the Hallows card given as this
player’s comment has set the game, every brain alight . . . on fire. Being the hearts desire. Once a player has collected the four Hallows cards he or she throws the die on their next turn. Beginning their journey to claim the seven Virtues. It’s the timeless fascination of the Virtues you must now unravel as you travel the inner pathways. The seven Pillar of Virtue (V) spaces are joined by a maze of pathways. Each player seeking to express their true self’s ability as best they can. Proceeds to the Pillar of Virtue of their choosing and so on to each in the order they deem best. Exact number does not need to be thrown to achieve position on a Pillar of Virtue. These positions are marked with a V. Once a player arrives on a pillar of Virtue (V) space they may choose to pick a Quest card off the top of the pile and answer its question with a yes or a no. A player other than the player attempting to answer the Quest card question reads the card out aloud and gives the answer on the card's back. When the card is no longer required it is returned to the bottom of the cards for selection. When a player successfully answers a Quest card question. They collect the Virtue card of their choosing and leave their color pawn like marker playing piece on this Pillar of Virtue (V) before you go, to let you know you have been to this destination on your travels. As the playing boards magic ride drives you deeper into its magic inner spaces. Later letting you know you have been to this V space and are on Track to empower yourself with the entire seven Virtue cards. If unsuccessful at answering a Quest question. Try again to get your Virtue card on your next turn of the die. These Quest cards are simply small stories of things; of adventures in Mallory’s book titled King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table. And each answer is either a yes or a no. No harder then this. However player’s at the start of the game can choose to be allowed to use the Great Thoughts, Science Notes, The Rest or Kids Corner cards instead in the same way reading aloud and making a comment and opening comments up to all players and either voting or agreement to give the Virtue card.
More than one player may be positioned on a Pillar of Virtue at any one time. A player who has collected all seven Virtue cards immediately heads for Camelot and the Round Table. Being your original starting outer playing board corner position. Players must on their turn of arriving back home tell a story based on one of the virtues displayed on the Virtue Cards or on one of the dictionary definitions of the word Virtue. Examples given: Excellence, worth, the practice of duty, a good quality and an accomplishment. The characters you use may be real or imaginary. An Animal, mammal, insect or cartoon. The player may mime, dance, act out a part, impersonate a hero, and draw from legend, fable, or poem. The sky is the limit. Be creative, explore! And you can use your time outside the game to think up your Virtue story ending. You do not have to tell your story right away; you may wait until the turn of your own making best suiting you being ready. Improvisation can be the key. Just pick a word, another player commenting on a quotation or something perhaps of the adventures of Sir Lancelot or of the Lady Dinrane, as your friend. Or as Morpheus put it to Neo, "you think it's air you are breathing". Say anything even absolutely outrageous and stop them in their tracks. At the end of some absolutely outrageous story of complete and utter unbelievableness. Add at the finish . . . oh and one last thing. You can’t believe a thing I say. How cool is Sangreal? Your five to fifteen minutes of fame awaits. Audience! One sphere in the cup will show our storyteller or actor your appreciation. You win the Sangreal prize by majority rule, example given, if there are five players then at least three spheres must enter the Sangreal Cup. Also players prior to starting the game. May designate the winner to be the first player to collect seven "Virtue" cards, reach Camelot their home starting corner and dramatize a Virtue with at least some degree of earnestness. Player's can discuss the way the game shall end and the winner found before play begins and vote on the decision with the voting spheres until a majority is reached. Or you may decide one vote will win the game!
Finally. Another twist is to use the board for a first player round the seven Pillars and home again wins the game. Leaving your pawn play pieces as you go, plotting the course you reason to be the shortest route home. (This version does not use the games cards. Sangreal Cup or voting spheres). When a player completes their story without victory there’s no time to bleat; to get back on your feet its focus you need to bring together a new act, line, mime, rhyme, story, or chorus line. So change tack and select another virtue and before you know it you'll be back on stage, the set lit up and this time its Ground Hog Day. By now you will have worked it out. It's communication, open minded, trusting, honest, to goodness, communication being the key to the Sangreal Round Table Harmony. And to the winner take a bow it’s customary somehow! Sangreal . . . some do . . . some don’t have a beautiful mind! But here’s a brief note re the millions in prize money. If you become one of the lucky team winners of The Sangreal Game contest #1 prize of 7 million dollars USA being 1 million for each player on the winning family team and a million for the best couple and a million for the best overall player solo as voted by cell phone voter’s being the viewing public at large after a round robin knock-out eliminations play time inside on the Barndoorbanging film production team TV set of the "Lights, camera, action". Cue that pause. We have a last split vote decision for the fighting team in the red corner going against you the fighting team in the blue corner going once, going twice do I have another bid? All done and sold by Mr, Mrs, Master, Miss, Ms anonymous over the phone texting alone all together. Hello winner team here?!?
TIME SLIPPING The way of play of the content of Sangreal the family dice board game instigates octave changes within the mind bringing about Time Slipping. When Time Slipping is occurring time slips from one moment to the next, pretty soon till nigh on hour upon hour has slipped on its merry way; Bye, and 'O' how time flies when you are having fun. And Albert Einstein said it best this way I believe a split second of your finger on a hot stove element seems like an eternity and five hours conversing, chatting and debating amongst players during Sangreal seems like only five minutes.
NEW YORK TIMES FRONT PAGE Don't wish to astound you, but life’s all around you and if you are quick you will catch the best of IT. IT is the 'Presence' and it's responsible for time slipping in THE SANGREAL BOARD GAME.
They Laughed When I Sat Down At the Game But When I Started to Play! -“Can he really play?" a player whispered. "Heavens no!" Arthur exclaimed. "He never played a card in his life." Arthur had just played. The room rang with applause. I decided that this would be a dramatic moment for me to make my debut. To the amazement of all my friends, I strode confidently over to the Sangreal board game and sat down. "Jack is up to his old tricks," somebody chuckled. The crowd laughed. They were all certain that I couldn't play. "Can he really play?" I heard a player whisper to Arthur.
"Heavens, no!" Arthur exclaimed, "He never played in all his life... But just you watch him. This is going to be good." I decided to make the most of the situation. With mock dignity I drew out a silk handkerchief and lightly rubbed the playing pieces. Then I rose and gave the dice a turn, just as I had seen other more experienced player’s do around the table. "What do you think of his execution?" called a spectator near the table. "We're in favor of it!" came back the answer, and those gathered rocked with laughter. Then I Started to Play Instantly a tense silence fell on the guests. The laughter died on their lips as if by magic. I played through the first Sangreal Great Thoughts card. I heard gasps of amazement. My friends sat breathless -spellbound! I played on and as I played I forgot the people around me. I forgot the hour, the place, and the breathless listeners. The little world I lived in seemed to fade -- seemed to grow dim -- unreal. Only Sangreal was real. Only the insight and knowledge it brought me. Insights as beautiful and as changing as the wind blown clouds and drifting moonlight that long ago inspired Sangreal's philosophers’ and other famous historical participants. It seemed as if their wise counsel was speaking to me -- speaking through the medium of Sangreal-- in words and the jubilant discussions promoted by the games way of play. A Complete Triumph!
As the discussions upon the comments I had made upon Sangreal Great Thoughts card in play died away, the room resounded with a sudden roar of applause. I found myself surrounded by excited faces. How my friends carried on! Men shook my hand -- wildly congratulating me -- pounding me on the back in their enthusiasm! Everybody was exclaiming with delight -plying me with their rapid questions... "Jack! Why didn't you tell us you could play like that?"... "Where did you learn?" -- "How long have you studied?" -- "Who was your teacher?" "I have never even seen my teacher," I replied. "And just a short while ago I couldn't find a game as stimulating as this board game Sangreal. "Quit your kidding," laughed Arthur, himself an accomplished player. "You've been studying for years. I can tell." "I have been studying only a short while," I insisted. "I decided to keep it a secret so that I could surprise you folks." Then I told them the whole story. "You’ve heard of the creative right hemisphere mind! It’s the creative, expressive empowering mind in a man and a woman" A few of my friends nodded. "That's the untapped potential 95% of the mind, isn't it?" they exclaimed. "Exactly," I replied. “The way of play of the Sangreal board game promotes contact and rapport with this creative mind within. Promoting the power of seeing into and understanding things. A practical knowledge providing the gift of THE KNOWING . . . a penetrating imagination you might say.”
Sangreal teaches how to play with this silent Teacher. And then I explained how for sometime I had longed to play Sangreal.
"A few months ago," I continued, "I saw an interesting sales letter for SANGREAL . . . a new game by its creator Marc Stewart. It was during initial trials that the rules were altered to allow the often- jubilant manner of play to flow. It sounded so convincing that I filled out the order form requesting to be a part of the games trail play and for the trail game materials to be shipped out immediately to my house.” "Sangreal arrived promptly and I started in that very night to study its way of play. I was amazed to see how easy it was to play.” "I found it was just -- as easy as A.B.C.! Before I knew it I was reading all the quotations I liked best. Nothing stopped me. I found that the Great Thoughts category stimulated my creative right hemisphere stirring my silent inner “C” STORYTELLER teacher into action, all with ease! And I never did have any special talent for thinking. This was my first opportunity to play Sangreal. You too, will now teach yourself to be an accomplished player -- right at home – or in the home of friends and family. You can't go wrong with this simple way of play that has already shown many satisfied trial players how to play. No matter whether you are a mere beginner or already a good conversationalist, you will be interested in learning about this new and wonderful game.
Sangreal board game . . . some do . . . some don't have a beautiful mind! To see the game go to
Above is a perfect replicar positive mould of one of my water to ice experiments. Where the apple is the height of the water into this 7 liter capacity fiberglass cylindrical container I made. Soon I will be filming one of these experiments by placing a very good webcam camera onto the lip of the bucket and connect it to my computer to record the transformation from what should come out flat and level. The rise to its high point on this one is about 44 millimeters. The question is how and when does the water climb and shape itself into these rolling hillside landscapes.
If you enjoyed my free book please visit to read about universal suffrage and the Sangreal family dice board game project on Indiegogo where you will find my family cooking recipes including a real Italian pizza shop secret pizza sauce and their dough recipe as a perk for contributing to the game for a gift of $10.00.