AR2-Final Presentation

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marc thompson s2890377

research purpose

The purpose around this research topic is the need for more research and understanding of partner violence to raise more awareness for society to take on this issue. People need to realise this isn’t just a woman being the victim; males can also be the victim to intimate partner violence. There is a particular stigma against males and the masculinity behind it of being a victim to partner violence. The research purpose is to dig deeper on the issue of male victims. To create outcomes that will discretely give males a shining light to show them there is help out there, where to find it while not in front of their mates or perpetrator is ideal, as well as awakening victims which might not know they are in a relationship like that. This will be done through bar coasters and urinal stickers.

Contextual Relevance:

The contextual relevance behind my chosen research question is the need for more research and understanding of male victims in partner violence to tackle the issue and raise more awareness around it. Partner violence is an issue that happens behind closed doors which even family and friends may be unware of. Adding to this is the secrecy and shame attached for the male victims with notions of bravery in manhood. As many people are unaware of male being victims I have dug deeper into the situation males face and to create awareness and support for them.


Throughout my research I have found ways to design an outcome to overcome barriers, limitations and design strategies to connect with society. Since Action Research 1 and more research I have discovered I don’t need to hone in on a particular target age group but just relate to all age males as it can affect males of all ages.

Practitioners: Societal expectations of male dominance and the potentially greater stigma faced by male victims will likely make it more difficult to identify and treat targeted males and aggressive females. Accordingly, victimization by a female partner is considered emasculating and might ultimately deter males from reporting their victimization and seeking help (Arnocky & Vaillancourt, 2014). The public is less certain about what kinds of domestic abuse are against the law. Respondents reported simply not knowing whether these behaviours are illegal than that they believe they are lawful (Carlso & Worden 2005). IPV is not exclusively limited to female victims is an important step toward addressing the needs of male victims. Just as important is the need to identify potential challenges which agencies offering emergency advocacy services must overcome to successfully provide assistance to men (Wallace, 2014). Men do not report the violence to the police out of fear of not being taken seriously although they do talk to people in their surroundings about it. It is important to make social services (especially the police) aware that men are also victims of DV, and a lot of work has to be done to provide male victims the same support as female victims (Drijber et. Al, 2013). Final comments that physical and psychological IPV may produce long-term adverse physical and mental health effects for both women and men have important implications for intervention and prevention efforts. If IPV can be identified early, interventions could be developed to reduce the impact of IPV on mental and physical health status (Cocker, 2002).

Contemporary exemplars:

Fig. 1: Saint Hoax,Prince Charmless.

Fig. 2: Mabrey, Audrey, #WeWillNotAbuse.

Audrey Mabrey president of Break The Silence Of Saint Hoax’s Prince Charmless is a set of campaign posters

Domestic Violence whom created a digital campaign called

featuring a variety of Disney males with battered visages, and a

#WeWillNotAbuse which incorporates men and women of

tagline that reads: “When did she stop treating you like a hero?”

all sexual orientations to take part of a global campaign. The

which was created to push an experience onto the viewer in an

participants needed to take a photo of themselves holding

effort to target any boy/man who has been to subject to domestic

a sign that says a phrase that fits them the most. The

violence and encourage victims to shamelessly report their cases

campaign was viral and proved that anyone can be abused

(Hoax, 2014).

and an abuser as well as waking up victims of partner violence (Mabrey, 2014).

Fig. 4: Kate Spade, No More: ‘Listen: 60’. Fig. 3: British Women’s Aid, Act Until Women And Children Are Safe: ‘What Does It Take To Get People Talking About Domestic Abuse?

Kate Spades from ‘No More’ works with a video campaign

British Women’s Aid, draws attention to society

that was played during the 2015 super bowl to show the

to admit domestic abuse is a problem, call it by

scary situations victims often find themselves in and to

its name and talk to someone about it. Also to

raise awareness against domestic violence

get people talking about it and to make those experiencing it to realise they’re not alone.


Since last presentation I have dug deeper into my research question and updated one theoretical exemxplar and two contemporary exemplars due to my early research and last presentation investigated partner violence itself and mainly relating to female victims. The new exemplars have helped my research immensely due to relating more to male victims and the potential challenges they face in partner violence. This newly defined focus has helped me recognize more the societal expectations of male dominance and the potentially greater stigma faced by male victims. Since the first presentation I have modified my outcomes from being heat sensitive urinal stickers and coasters to normal stickers and coasters that will be still be implemented in the previous way just without the heat sensitive part. This is due to the heat sensitivity not needed as they won’t help getting the information across and don’t fit well with my chosen designs and if they were to go to mass production the cost of not using heat sensitive inks and materials would be a great cost saving. I have also decided that I would keep a certain design style and replicate them to create different designs so that replicate throughout the whole campaign and style and both going on coasters and stickers. I have created a campaign company named ‘SeeTheFlags’ which means see the flags of partner violence and if you need help we can help you. Additionally, to the stickers and coasters, since last presentation I have added an Instagram ad post which fits in with all my designs using the Instagram logo colours that would be posted on the ‘See The Flags’ Instagram account to reach the younger and tech savy audience and also fit in with the #SeeTheFlags.

Campaign & Outcomes



#SeeTheFlags Of Intimate Partner Violence



says i’m not

allowed to

hang out

with my






Of Intimate Partner Violence If you think you’re in this situation and ready to leave and need help call us: 1800 RESPECT (737-732)


Checks my



i do





Of Intimate Partner Violence If you think you’re in this situation and ready to leave and need help call us: 1800 RESPECT (737-732)

SHE says i’ll


anyone better than

her #SeeTheFlags




Of Intimate Partner Violence If you think you’re in this situation and ready to leave and need help call us: 1800 RESPECT (737-732)

Urinal Stickers:


says i’m not

allowed to

hang out

with my


#SeeTheFlags Of Intimate Partner Violence Need Help? Call us:

1800 RESPECT (737-732)





Checks my



i do

#SeeTheFlags Of Intimate Partner Violence Need Help? Call us:

1800 RESPECT (737-732)




SHE says i’ll


anyone better than


#SeeTheFlags Of Intimate Partner Violence Need Help? Call us:

1800 RESPECT (737-732)




Instagram ad


Checks my



i do





Of Intimate Partner Violence If you think you’re in this situation and ready to leave and need help call us: 1800 RESPECT (737-732)


Throughout both Action Research 1 and Action Research 2 by developing my research question from the beginning to the end has been an enjoyable journey. The research has changed a lot from the start to finish which is a good thing as I was developing my knowledge about the research topic which in return was shaping my final outcome. Initially I didn’t know much about partner violence at all but thought it was an interesting topic to research into and use my graphic design skills in but on research changing that interest into male victims which don’t get recognition. Through research and aid of my practitioners and examplers as well as my graphic design I now have developed an outcome which I believe will help male victims through the secrecy of giving information in a bar through the coasters and a discrete way through urinal stickers in male bathrooms which females don’t have access to show the victims there is help out there and to make them aware that they may be a victims in a partner violence relationship. The main reason behind this was that males don’t know how to find help and don’t want help due to the stigma behind it, which I believe this could break down these barriers. Next from this would be taking this to be funded and be mass produced so it can be an actual project which would help males all over Australia and from that be put into other outcomes to reach more people for example shopping trolley handles and cup sleeves that would only be given to males.


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