10 Tips for buying a used washing machine 1. Manually spin the drum Ensure the drum will manually spin; this will give you the opportunity to listen for any unusual noises and to see if the drum is loose, it shouldn't rock back and forth. 2. Full cycle Once the machine is turned on, carry out a full cycle, this way you can ensure the washing machine is washing, spinning and rinsing properly, a faulty cycle timer is one of the main problems with a used washing machine. 3. Leaking water Whilst the machine is on, you will also be able to see if the machine is leaking any water from either the door or the water tube connections. 4. Rust Check for rust on the inside of the drum, this is usually caused by wet clothes being left in overnight or metal buttons/zips stripping the paint work. This can lead to rust getting on your clothes during each wash. 5. Brand
Brand and type of washing machine is a big sector so I won't cover it here although I will recommend checking the model reliability, you can do this on the Which? Website 6. Cold fill Now day's washing machines are produced with cold fill as it is a lot more economical than hot fill and therefore is good for our environment and good for your pocket. A detailed view on cold fill can be seen here 7. Meets your requirements
Before you go ahead and buy the washing machine, make sure it suits your requirements: What load size do I require?What type of cycles do I need?What spin speeds do I need?Will this machine fit in my kitchen?Can I afford this washing machine? 8. Buttons working Ensure all the lights/buttons/knobs/switches are all working as expected, if some buttons are not working, you may be losing out on valuable features. 9. Efficiency Grading The better the grading, the more efficient the washing machine is (in theory). Aim to go for a machine that has a good grading, these machines should generally come with more efficiency features such as unique wash cycles, time savers and many more. 10. Check for odd socks in the machine - Well they Fridge Repairs Johannesburg must end up somewhere!
Other expenses to think of: You may need the washing machine delivered or you may have to collectDisposal of old washing machine & Installing new washing machineYou may not have any guarantee so think about the appliance repair you may needIf it is an old machine, the efficiency may not be that good = more bills Where to buy used washing machines from: eBayPrelovedVivastreetGumtree