Massage can manage chronic pain on many levels, and mostly works well in combining with other supportive measures, such as acupuncture, chiropractic treatments and physical therapy. Rest, exercise, and a healthy diet will maintain these results for a more considerable period of time, as well as helping you to maintain your optimum health.
There are some health conditions that may need a doctor's approval prior to treatment. Some may contradict clinical massage therapy. If you have a condition that you are not certain about, please consult your doctor or your therapist before your treatment.
You know yourself well and you can definitely determine how often you should receive a massage. If you are in good health with no specific complaints or problems, you would probably only need to receive a massage once a month. That is only for maintenance purposes. Depending on the severity of your pain and specifics of the problems that you feel, once or twice a week might be necessary to attend to your physical needs. Monthly follow up visits after the desired results are achieved would be beneficial to keep you maintained and keep the old pain from coming back. Your therapists will be able to inform you of your treatment recommendations at the conclusion of your session.
Clinical massage therapy is a highly specialized health care modality that focuses on both the evaluation and the treatment of soft tissue dysfunction through manual manipulation. The purpose of clinical massage therapy is to develop, maintain, rehabilitate, or augment the physical function of the massage patient.
HELPS REDUCE OR ELIMINATE CHRONIC PAIN Clinical massage reduce or eliminate chronic headaches, neck and low back pains caused by sudden trauma such as unexpected accidents, sports related activities or from recurring activities such as working at a computer or doing labor intensive jobs that require a lot of bending, lifting and reaching. Massage can help by releasing the tight, shortened muscles and trigger points. When the muscles relax and become more pliable, the pressure on the nerve decreases and it improves blood circulation. By increasing oxygen and blood tissue, the pain is reduced and often eliminated.
Cancer and cancer treatments can cause great physical pain and anxiety. Women who have mastectomies report negative feelings about being touched and must fight a common problem of lymphedema (a buildup of lymph in the arm after their surgery). Clinical massage has been shown to lessen and relieve lymphedema, to ease the pain and anxiety among hospitalized cancer patients, and to help mastectomy patients recover from their reluctance to be touched.
TO BOOST IMMUNITY Your body's immune system helps you fight off infection and illnesses, and it helps you recover from injuries. When you are under high levels of stress, the immune system may not always work as well as it should. Various people in different situations have shown that clinical massage can increase the immune system's cytotoxic capacity and decrease the number of T cells. The result is an immune system that is working better. Massage doesn't cure ailments, but it has been shown to help the body function better in fighting ailments.
THE BENEFITS OF CLINICAL MASSAGE THERAPY Increased circulation and lymphatic movement Increased flexibility and range of motion, preventing muscle injury Increased endorphin production (the body's natural painkiller) Reduced or eliminated chronic pain, muscle aches, spasms and headaches Preventing or reducing the pain of Repetitive Stress Syndrome Increased endurance during physical activities Boost to the immune system Improved quality of sleep Lowered stress levels Comfort to pregnant women