Southwest star magazine 2015 1st quarter

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The Southwest Star Magazine – covering the southwest region of the Mercedes-Benz Club of America

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The Southwest Star Magazine – covering the southwest region of the Mercedes-Benz Club of America

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The Southwest Star Magazine – covering the southwest region of the Mercedes-Benz Club of America

The Southwest Star Covering the Southwest Region of the Mercedes-Benz Club of America February 2015 The Southwest Star Magazine is published four times per year by Fitzhugh Media Santa Clarita, California, USA

Editorial Editor in Chief Marcus Blair Fitzhugh Managing Editor Veeann Hegreberg Creative Director Karcy Bowles Creative Consultant Sean Fitzhugh Contributors To This Issue Steve Ross Peter Samaha Mike Zonnefeld Debbie Ichiyama Paul Kruger John McCully Paul Bergstrom Joslyn Salisbury Michael Cooper Lynn Davison Bea Werner Bob Gunthorp Bob Yoder Brigitte Sutherly Carlos Munoz Carol Kruse-Ross Chris Bingham Chris Murray Debbie Ichiyama Diana Kruse Dick Sharp Don Burton Dorothy Lindeman Ed Gladish Fran Schoenfeld Fred Finney Geoffrey Bolt

George Brown Gerhard Fehrmann Harman Cadis James Wiens Jerry Tucker John Phin Kathy Wilber Ken Borowitz Kenneth George Kevin Wright Lana Tbilisi Laura Dykstra Lynn Davison Lynn Hern Mark Ichiyama Marlyn Ortiz Matthew Crawford Michael “Coop” Cooper (the other) Michael Cooper (yet another) Michael Cooper Michael Turner Polly Dix Rich Schulte Robert Schmelzer Robert Wilber Robert Yoder Roberta Phin Ros Bergstrum Sara Aguinaga Susan Cadis Tamara Samaha Tina Wright Verna Eason Mercedes-Benz Mercedes-Benz Fashion Mercedes-Benz USA Daimler AG Tommy V’s Nikon USA

Distribution The Southwest Star is available worldwide via the 8 MBCA Southwest Section websites, Issuu and Fitzhugh Media

Subscribe Subscriptions are free of charge, We ask that you support our advertisers as they keep this publication afloat To receive an email notification when new issues are released drop us a note at We will not share your email address or send you spam. We will send you one email notification each time a new issue is released.

Legalese The Southwest Star Magazine is published quarterly by Fitzhugh Media and we welcome all contributions. Any and all items submitted to The Southwest Star Magazine will become the sole property of The Southwest Star Magazine and are subject, but not limited to editing, comments, and titles. The Southwest Star Magazine is a trademark of Fitzhugh Media. All rights reserved. This magazine may not be reproduced in part or in full - in print, by digital media, broadcast, or in any other manner without the express written permission of Fitzhugh Media. That said, permission is regularly given, so please, just ask first. The publishers of The Southwest Star Magazine believe the content of the magazine to be reliable and correct at the time of publication. We do our best but no representation is made as to the accuracy hereof as this magazine is subject to errors and omissions. With that in mind, neither the publishers nor contributors can be held responsible for any effects arising from the content of The Southwest Star Magazine. This may include but is not limited to excessive time spent tinkering with, admiring, discussing, or dolling out money on Mercedes-Benz vehicles. The views expressed in The Southwest Star Magazine are those of the individual contributors and not necessarily those of the publisher. Advertising is accepted with the understanding that it is accurate and does not contravene the Trade Practices Act. Inclusion of an advertisement should not be construed as an endorsement by The Southwest Star Magazine, the publishers or contributors. The Southwest Star Magazine is independent of Mercedes-Benz, Daimler AG, its subsidiaries, the Mercedes-Benz Club of America, all individual MBCA regions and the associated sections. Neither Fitzhugh Media nor The Southwest Star Magazine is responsible for any claims made by its advertisers or partners. In addition, neither Fitzhugh Media nor The Southwest Star Magazine is responsible for injuries, losses, or damages, to property or self.

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The Southwest Region of the Mercedes-Benz Club of America is made up of eight sections. As members, we like to do what we love and do it as often as we can. If life was a meal, we’d be the ones enjoying every last bite. Please consider joining a section near you. If you’re like me, join TWO sections. Why? Because any good meal is worth going back for seconds. Southwest Region

President - Steve Ross

Channel Islands Section President – Peter Samaha Ventura-Santa Barbara Counties, California Chaparral Section, President - Mike Zonnefeld Tucson, Arizona Desert Stars Section President – Debbie Ichiyama Phoenix, Arizona Las Vegas Section President - Tommy Alvarado Las Vegas, Nevada Long Beach - South Bay President - John McCully Long Beach and the South Bay area of Los Angeles County, California Los Angeles Section President - Paul Bergstrom Los Angeles, California Orange County Section President – Fred Simon Anaheim, Huntington Beach, Irvine, Laguna Beach, Newport Beach and Orange, CA. San Diego Section President - Michael Cooper San Diego, California

The Southwest Star Magazine – covering the southwest region of the Mercedes-Benz Club of America

5475 Car Country Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 (760) 438-4454

Best of the Best Dealer

Complete Custom Detail Regular $175.00 For MBCA Club Members $129.00 **Plus FREE loan car for the day. (Must present this coupon)

10% Discount On Parts and Labor To MBCA Members (Must present Club membership card while making service appointment) Page | 8

From the editor’s desk


ave you ever sat through one of those brainstorming sessions where the focus seems to be on negativity rather than progress? Cognitive scientists refer to that as “negativity bias”.

It’s when people emphasize risk, whether real or imagined.

The CEO of

Evernote, Phil Libin, says negativity is an odd reality at executive meetings. It’s common for people at board meetings to believe they sound smart and sophisticated when they point out what can go wrong.

These same people believe those who emphasize what might go right

sound naïve. Libin says the worst decisions he has made tend to be the ones based on fear, rather than optimism. Here’s an example of how negativity can play out. In 1975, an engineer at Kodak invented and built the first digital camera. Kodak studied the idea, weighing the good and the bad.

The bad

news was digital photography “could” replace Kodak’s established film based business. In 1975, Kodak had a 90% market share of photographic film sales in the United States.

Losing that

market was unacceptable. The good news was that it would take time for that to occur. According to their study, Kodak had roughly ten years to prepare for the transition. The really good news was Kodak would pioneer the digital camera business. Everyone else would have to catch up.

Negativity won out and Kodak ignored the digital camera business until it was too

late. In 2012, Kodak filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection. How does this apply to Mercedes-Benz? I’m regularly asked if I feel a Mercedes is a good car, how to buy one, or which one someone should consider purchasing.

In a nutshell, the other

person really wants a Mercedes-Benz, but for some reason, they’re hesitant. After telling them what I think, some people will dive into their comfort zone and start explaining all the negative things that could happen. “What if the car is a lemon? What happens if I lose my job? What if friends assume I’m loaded and start asking for money, or worse yet, what if I’m robbed?” The answers to those questions are; “It could happen”, “That too is a possibility”, and “Are you on medication?” The Southwest Star Magazine – covering the southwest region of the Mercedes-Benz Club of America

Yes, it’s possible to buy a lemon. I don’t know anyone who has purchased a new Mercedes-Benz and ended up with a lemon, but it is within the realm of possibilities.

Just as it’s possible to buy a Toyota Lemon, a Ford Lemon, or even

a Cessna Citation X+ private jet and have it turn out to be a lemon. Here’s the solution: If the car is a lemon, Mercedes-Benz will either correct the problem or get the customer another car. Yes, a person could lose their job. I’m not recommending that anyone restructure their life because of that possibility, but it could happen. If someone really thinks they are about to lose their job, then either (1) don’t buy the car because you may not be able to pay for it, or (2) buy the car now while you still have great credit. Besides, when you show up at your next job interview in a Mercedes-Benz, you may be taken a bit more seriously than if you show up in a heap of junk. If it’s a hypothetical job loss, try this – do such great work that no one in their right mind would consider letting you go. An upside to doing great work is, if you are let go, you’ll be hired by another employer much faster than if you’re only capable of mediocre work. As for losing friends because you can’t solve their monetary issues, or the possibility of getting robbed . . . . does anyone really stay up nights worrying about this kind of thing? Having friends is a good thing, but anyone who is desperate for companionship needs a dog. The dog won’t borrow money and will protect its owner from thieves, both real and imagined. There are reasons why someone may not want a Mercedes-Benz, but fear shouldn’t be one of them. 40 years ago Kodak had a 90% market share. On top of that, they had just invented the next big thing in photography. Unfortunately, their future was driven by fear and today Kodak is out of the consumer camera business. Mercedes-Benz is the polar opposite. If a Mercedes-Benz engineer invents the next big thing, Mercedes-Benz is moving forward. There won’t be a study on how to avoid using it. The study will be how to get it into production as fast as possible.

Marcus Blair Fitzhugh

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The Southwest Star Magazine – covering the southwest region of the Mercedes-Benz Club of America



es you read that correctly. The San Diego section has voted to host a Regional Event in March 2015.

The event has been named return to Tequila Rose which was an historic

regional event for the San Diego Section folks for many years. Many of you may recall

this fun filled event with epic rallyes, gymkhanas, and fine dining.

It is our intention to

recapture those great fun-filled times. When: March 20-22, 2015 Where: Tilting T Resort and Spa in Borrego Springs, California Cost: $335.00 per couple or $300.00 for single Suitable trophies will awarded befitting the Mercedes-Benz Marque for those who excel in the graded events.

What do you get: Two nights in a deluxe room, plated dinner and loads of

Mercedes-Benz fun! Schedule of events include: No host cocktail party Friday night, Saturday morning a gymkhana and at high noon a rallye through the Anza Borrego Blooming Desert, where you will see prehistoric life sized dinosaurs and other animals. Saturday evening an awards banquet where exquisite awards will be presented to the winning rallye teams and individuals excelling in the gymkhana. We hope to attract those legends of the track and rallye winners such as "Shoes" Matthews (the drivers driver), Chuck and Ava Stanford (Legendary rallye winners), Rudy Wokoek, (bartender extraordinar) and Bud Cloninger "Mr. Kool" to name but a few. We invite all Regions and Sections in the MBCA to come and show their stuff with the Southwest Region.

A printable version of the registration form is available for download at:

Steve Ross Page | 12

The Southwest Star Magazine – covering the southwest region of the Mercedes-Benz Club of America

The Desert Stars Section’s President’s Desk By Debbie Ichiyama


appy New Year to all! 2014 was a great year for our Desert Stars, with great events attended by even greater members. 2015 will be even better.

As is traditional around this time of year, a few resolutions are in order. The first is to continue to build on our past successes. Events like the Poker Run Rally, Havasupai Rally, Tech Session, Star Nights and Holiday Party never fail to bring together old and new members, but there is certainly room on the calendar for other events. Keep an eye on The StarDust, our website, Facebook page and Twitter account. And of course keep an eye on emails with notices and announcements. Success comes from members like you attending the events others help setup. I’d love to see you out there at something new! Second, this year we will continue to build on our long standing relationships with the local Mercedes-Benz community; the dealerships, service providers and vendors benefit us all. For the first time in many years, we plan to have activities that are coordinated with our three Phoenix area Mercedes-Benz dealership groups. My final resolution, with the assistance of a fantastic Board of Directors and all the volunteer members, 2015 will be the best year ever for the Desert Stars section of the Mercedes-Benz Club of America. Wishing everyone a very Happy Holiday Season. Stay safe.

New Star Dust Section Members, “Welcome!” Dave Deblois - Paul Reuter - John Trump - John Bergquist John Carter - John Hadad Sascha Janssen - Barry Yedlin

More Than a Car | We’re a Community Page | 14

The Southwest Star Magazine – covering the southwest region of the Mercedes-Benz Club of America

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From the Desk of The San Diego Section President

By Michael Cooper


e are off to a great start for 2015 with our first fun filled event in Coronado at Peohe's where we will have a Sunday Brunch. There are numerous little sops boutiques and an art gallery or two for those who like to shop. You may even catch a ferry across the bay

to San Diego if you feel like going to sea. The largest wooden resort hotel is the Belleview Biltmore Resort and Spa in the town of Belleair, Florida. The Tequila Rose committee Chair tells me we are going full steam ahead on this event. Prizes are being gathered, driving events planned and awards in work. Steve, Carol, Diana and Brian could always use a hand so if you have a spare one let us now. I have never been to a Tequila Rose or a Regional event so you can show me the ropes while we are having a great time. The MBCA National President is joining us so this is a big deal! Please join us at our next board meeting and have a bite to eat and a beverage of your choice. You will not be asked to do anything so don't be afraid. As always, thank you for the support and let’s have a great T-Rose

Michael Cooper President

New San Diego Section MBCA Members Peter Lobner  Philip Palumbo Bill Reuter w/2014 E350 Cabriolet, 2012 E350  Rafael Rivera  Leonard Jastroch Denise Longwell w/2009 CLK 550 Cabriolet

A hearty welcome to all our new members.

The Southwest Star Magazine – covering the southwest region of the Mercedes-Benz Club of America

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The Southwest Star Magazine – covering the southwest region of the Mercedes-Benz Club of America

The President’s Desk

A Banner Year for the Chaparral Section…


our Chaparral Section closed out a banner year for 2014. Our membership is now 112, which is a 20% increase over the past five years. Our wonderful events, both driving and social, have no doubt contributed to this growth. Our newsletter is wonderful, and in my

opinion, one of the best in the business. Our relationship with Mercedes-Benz of Tucson has taken a major step forward with discounts offered to MBCA members.

They were just named the number one dealership in the United

States, reflecting their hard work and the outstanding product, our Mercedes-Benz automobiles. 2015 is upon us and again many outstanding club events are planned. The huge, 21st annual Tubac Collector Car Show is set for January 31. If you have not attended this event before, plan to join the club for fun at this outstanding event. We re-elected the existing board members for 2015 and added at least one new board member for 2015. Our board meets the second Thursday of each month at 5:30 PM at Mercedes- Benz of Tucson and is open to all members. We welcome your attendance and can always use your input to make our club more responsive to our members. Looking forward to seeing you in 2015 at some or all of our Chaparral Section events. Have fun, enjoy life, and above all, drive safely. Happy New Year. For the Chaparral Section, MBCA

Mike Zonnefeld

We welcome the following new members to the Chaparral Section: Mark Mehalic - Candace Walters - Richard Outenreath - John Divjak - Michael Streed - Arthur Olson – Jutta Lunario

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The Southwest Star Magazine – covering the southwest region of the Mercedes-Benz Club of America

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ack in November, celebrities and guests arrived in droves for the evening’s festivities at Stars & Cars at the Mercedes-Benz museum in Stuttgart A who’s who of Mercedes-Benz motorsports and football stars from Germany’s 2014 world cup winning squad were also among the invitees. At the event, a temporary show track was constructed.

From there, the fans in attendance

could see modern and classic Mercedes-Benz race cars in action as they staged demo runs. The public program began at 10 am and admission was free. The following two pages are pictures of some attendees. The luminaries included the 2008 and 2014 Formula 1 world champion Lewis Hamilton and last year’s Formula 1 world championship runner-up Nico Rosberg – both of MERCEDES AMG PETRONAS, Joachim Löw and Oliver Bierhoff (the head coach and manager) of the 2014 world champion German national football squad, football legend Franz Beckenbauer, golf pro Martin Kaymer, football players Christian Gentner and Daniel Didavi, actress Fernanda Brandao, snowboard world champion Isabella LaBöck, all seven Mercedes-Benz DTM drivers, ex-Formula 1 driver David Coulthard, ex-Formula 1 driver and Silver Arrows legend Hans Herrmann, Formula 1 legend Stirling Moss, touring car legend and winner of numerous races at Le Mans - Klaus Ludwig, ex Formula 1 driver Jochen Mass, deputy team principal at Williams Mercedes Claire Williams, test and development driver at Williams Mercedes - Susie Wolff, as well as over 50,000 attendees. The Southwest Star Magazine – covering the southwest region of the Mercedes-Benz Club of America

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The Southwest Star Magazine – covering the southwest region of the Mercedes-Benz Club of America

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The Southwest Star Magazine – covering the southwest region of the Mercedes-Benz Club of America


he SL has been around since the 1950’s and it is the

quintessential personal luxury vehicle. Introduced in 1954 as a two seat sports car, it was highly desirable, extremely lavish, and the fastest road car in the world. The original SL was so remarkable that today, the starting price for one in good condition is in the $1.5M range. Even rancid barn finds with seized engines and rotted out interiors sell in the $700,000 range. Those looking for a more affordable classic can find comfort in a later model;

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In 1963, Mercedes-Benz introduced the W113 based 230SL as its new two seat roadster. Due to its 1963 Pagoda with hardtop in place

uniquely shaped

removable hardtop, this model is commonly called the Pagoda.

The Pagoda launch occurred

during the last year of production for Mercedes-Benz’ two other roadsters; the affordable 190SL and the uber pricey 300SL. With a $7,600 MSRP, the new 230SL fit nicely between the “then new” $5,443 190SL, and the $11,099 300SL. Making its debut at the 1963 Geneva Auto Show in Switzerland, this new SL was considered a technological tour de force. Comparable in size to the outgoing 190SL, Mercedes-Benz used this model change as an opportunity to make the car both more luxurious and more powerful. Considerably more upmarket than the four cylinder 190SL, the 230SL used a derivative of the 220-Series sedan’s 2.2 liter in-line six cylinder engine. bored out, increasing displacement to 2,308 cc’s.

The 220SE’s overhead cam six was

This was paired with a new head, valves,

camshaft, and a more advanced version of Bosch’s multipoint fuel injection.


improvements resulted in 170 horsepower and 159 lbs.-ft. of torque. This was a 36 horsepower increase over the most powerful 220SE of the day. Power was routed through either a standard all-syncho four speed manual gearbox or the optional Daimler-Benz four-speed semi-automatic transmission.

The rear suspension was a low-pivot swing-axle design.

Braking was handled

with Girling discs up front and drums in the rear.

190SL and 300SL

Although markedly slower than the outgoing 300SL, the 230SL is noticeably faster than the 190SL. Even today, the 230 is a very good daily driver. The 230SL continued production until very late 1966, when it received the first of two major upgrades.

The Southwest Star Magazine – covering the southwest region of the Mercedes-Benz Club of America

As the name implies, the 250SL’s engine size was increased to 2.5 liters. This power plant had a new engine block and a new crankshaft design with seven main bearings, versus the 230’s four. Peak horsepower remained the same, while torque increased by 15 lbs.-ft. to 174. Other upgrades included a


one piece instrument panel, four wheel disc brakes, larger fuel tank, larger radiator, an optional five-speed manual transmission and a number of safety improvements. The 250SL is somewhat of an odd model as it was only available for fourteen months.


makes it rare in general, and depending on the options, some models can be quite rare. For example, a California Coupe equipped with an original optional ZF five-speed and air conditioning is quite rare. What’s a “California Coupe”?

A standard SL is a two-seater. The

California Coupe was introduced with the 250SL line and is a 2+2 without a soft top; only the removable hardtop. They have a fold down bench seat that replaces the soft top well between the passenger compartment and the trunk. Naturally, the hardtop would only be removed on those occasions when rain isn’t in the forecast.

California Coupe with the rear seats up, and with the rear seats folded down

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Another refresh, the 280SL, was introduced for the 1968 model year. The 280SL featured a 2.8 liter inline six cylinder engine.

With the 280, peak horsepower increased to 180, and torque

rose 19 lbs.-ft. to 193. The ZF five-speed manual transmission was initially kept available as a $500 option, but it was rarely ordered and eventually dropped in May of 1969. As with the 230 and 250, upgrades were made throughout the 280SL model run. That’s not to imply there were problems, it’s just the way Mercedes-Benz does things.

Even today, if

Mercedes-Benz uncovers a better design, improved materials, or an enhanced assembly technique, it’s moved into production sooner rather than later. When Mercedes-Benz says “the best or nothing”, they mean right now. If you’re considering a purchase, the first question is, “which one should I buy?”

Of all the

Pagodas, the 280SL is the most popular model. The most obvious reason being there were more 280’s produced. 12,924 280SLs were shipped to the U.S. In comparison, only 4,751 230SLs and 1,761 250SLs were shipped here. As for which model is best, that depends on the buyer. Some buyers prefer the minimalist approach: a lightweight manual transmission equipped 230SL with manual steering and little else.

Others may prefer a later car with power steering, an

automatic transmission, power brakes, air conditioning, the heated rear window, and perhaps a factory roof mounted luggage rack. Personally, I think the car in the best condition, equipped with the options that matter to the buyer is the right direction.

If you’re concerned about

originality, the Mercedes-Benz Classic Center in Irvine California can return anything to as new condition.

The Southwest Star Magazine – covering the southwest region of the Mercedes-Benz Club of America

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The W113 SL is very dependable and they were designed with safety in mind.

They predate

airbags, but they were one of the first mass produced cars designed with front and rear crumple zones and collapsible steering wheels. Buyers of these classics can find a great selection here in the U.S. During the W113 production run, one of every four SL230 and SL250’s built were sold in the United States, as were more than half of all the SL280’s produced. Model

Year and number of that model SL’s made during that year


1963: 1,463

1964: 6,911



1966: 17

1967: 5,177

1968: 2


1967: 143

1968: 6,930

1969: 8,047

1966: 4,956

1967: 185

1970: 7,935

1971: 830

The 230SL was produced from March 1963 until January 1967. Its chassis prefix is 113 042 and engine prefix is 127 981.

Of the 19,831 units built, 11,726 were exported. 4,751 of

those exports were shipped to the U.S. 

The 250SL was produced from November 1966 until January 1968. Its chassis prefix is 113 043 and engine prefix is 127 982. Of the 5,196 units built, 3,808 were exported. 1,761 of those exports were shipped to the U.S.

The 280SL was produced from November 1967 until March 1971. Its chassis prefix is 113 044 and engine prefix is 127 983. Of the 23,885 units built, 18,681 were exported. 12,924 of those exports were shipped to the U.S.

A total of 48,912 Pagodas were built. 34,215 units were exported, of which 19,440 were shipped to the U.S. In 1971, the Pagoda was replaced by the most popular SL ever built; The R107. The R107 was a masterly stroke of brilliance. This new design brought us V8 engines, a line of sport coupes, and the highest quality materials with power accessories . . . . . . but that’s another story for another day.

The Southwest Star Magazine – covering the southwest region of the Mercedes-Benz Club of America

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The Southwest Star Magazine – covering the southwest region of the Mercedes-Benz Club of America

Mercedes-Benz is world renown for combining luxury with performance across a full line of vehicles. A line that now includes surfboards


es, surfboards.

Last year, the Mercedes-Benz Design Studio introduced a surfboard called the Silver Arrow of the Seas. That was a collaboration with BBDO Portugal for Garrett McNamara. This year MercedesBenz has partnered with Garrett McNamara, Corticeira Amorim, and Polen Surfboards. If the name Garrett McNamara (GMAC) sounds familiar but you can’t remember the details, he’s an American professional big wave surfer and is known for breaking the world record for largest wave ever surfed. To set the record McNamara, rode a 78 foot tall wave. 78 feet is about the size of an eight story office building. No one paddles out to a mountain of water that’s eight stories tall on an entry level surfboard. This type of sport requires expertise on a number of levels.

McNamara provides the athletic skill.

Corticeira Amorim is the world’s largest cork

producer. Polen Surfboards has one of the most advanced surfboard manufacturing facilities in

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Europe. Lastly, the Mercedes-Benz Design Studio provides engineering. These three companies manufacture a progressive cork surfboard designed to withstand the most extreme conditions.

Cork is a highly resistant material, although sufficiently flexible to withhold the impact of big waves. When we surf big waves, we need a flexible board, although resistant enough not to break. It is an honor for me to be involved in the innovative MBoard Project developed by Mercedes-Benz, which now has the support of Corticeira Amorim, as well as the advanced technology of Polen Surfboards. - Garrett McNamara, Professional Big Wave Surfer

We are seeking to find the perfect balance between weight, flexibility and speed, in order to allow Garrett to surf the famous North Canyon waves again, something we believe will happen soon. - Jorge Aguiar, Marketing Manager at Mercedes-Benz

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omen's World Car of the Year assembled twenty international female motor journalists from 15 countries to choose the best all new car for 2014. different elements for each of the cars. style, appeal, drive quality and comfort.

The judges voted on ten

They considered design, technical functions,

Less tangible features such as the "wow factor", sex

appeal and value for money were also graded as these are all important to female buyers. Cars in six categories were rated and the experts were unanimous in choosing the S-Class as their favorite.

Not only did the S-Class receive the most points of all category winners, the

experts also awarded it the highest distinction – the "Supreme Award". To be eligible for consideration, the vehicle had to be a new design for the 2014 model year. These were the winners in each category: Family Car:

Audi A3 sedan

Sports Car:

Audi S3

Luxury Car:

Mercedes-Benz S-Class


Range Rover Sport

Budget Car:

Honda Fit (known overseas as the Jazz)

Green Car:

Tesla Model S

Overall Winner:

Mercedes-Benz S-Class

The Southwest Star Magazine – covering the southwest region of the Mercedes-Benz Club of America

April 11-12, 2015 The Largest Porsche Event in the Southwest on Saturday The Largest SuperCar Event in the Southwest on Sunday

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At The Southwest Star we don’t have a classified section, but that doesn’t mean we’re opposed to ads. Event ads are free. Ads for goods and services are very reasonably priced. The Southwest Star Magazine – covering the southwest region of the Mercedes-Benz Club of America

by Marcus Blair Fitzhugh

emember those wild house parties we threw when we were younger?

You know,

those riotous gatherings that usually resulted in our parents carefully explaining the difference between Mardi Gras and “their house”.

In my raucous adolescence, I

threw one house party and yes, the next day I got “the talk”. Nothing was broken, and neither the police nor the paramedics were called, but it was way over the top. My parents had a large house in a hillside community. Due to the number of guests, we quickly ran out of street parking in every direction. People packed the first floor, back yard, front yard, and street in front of the house. It looked like Times Square on New Year’s Eve. I’m sure my neighbors were awake until 2 in the morning when the music was finally turned down and my guests began stumbling out the front door. For similar reasons, the weekly automotive house party known as Cars and Coffee Irvine has been shut down. In a type of farewell tour, Cars and Coffee Irvine was supposed to run through December 2014. The crowd at the second to last gathering was, in the words of the organizers, “unprecedented”.

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The eight years Cars and Coffee Irvine has been in existence have been great. For those who feel it was too far away, now is a great time to jump in and suggest a more favorable locale. While waiting for the upcoming Cars and Coffee Orange County to open, this may be a good time to consider visiting the new Malibu Cars and Coffee. Malibu is about 70 miles north of Irvine and it is easy to make it a full day event. Well-known Malibu getaways include the Getty Villa, Point Dume, Solstice Canyon Park, the Adamson House State Park, Legacy Park, the Malibu Lagoon Museum, and Zuma beach

In the meanwhile, Cars and Coffee Irvine will be missed.

Both the exhibitors and spectators

made it an incredible Saturday tradition and we look forward to it re-emerging bigger and better than ever. For those who have never attended Cars and Coffee Irvine, we’ve attached a few photos from one Saturday morning a few years back when Mercedes-Benz was the feature marque. This particular Saturday was SL Appreciation Day. Nadine Schwartz coordinated the event, and it was absolutely stunning. Nadine put together one other Cars and Coffee event, and that was equally amazing.

Nadine Schwartz’ events are legendary.

They were like the

biggest, baddest, most popular band in the world coming out, playing two songs, driving the crowd completely off the deep end, and then saying “Good Night!”

The Southwest Star Magazine – covering the southwest region of the Mercedes-Benz Club of America

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The Southwest Star Magazine – covering the southwest region of the Mercedes-Benz Club of America


ew York Fashion Week is a citywide semi-annual series of events where international fashion collections are shown the press, buyers, and the public.

The shows consist of numerous branded events, including

Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week New York. NYFW is one of the world's four major fashion weeks.

The other three are Paris, London, and Milan Fashion Weeks,

which are collectively known as the "Big 4". Along with these four most established Fashion Weeks, there are a number of other smaller fashion events held worldwide. Some of the other events are annual, while others are more sporadic.

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by Marcus Blair Fitzhugh/photos made possible by Mercedes-Benz Fashion

The Southwest Star Magazine – covering the southwest region of the Mercedes-Benz Club of America

Fashion is very seductive, somewhat elusive, and always changing.

It allows us to express

ourselves, disguise ourselves, and at times, be ourselves. All of us have times when we know what we like.

There are also things that we have grown to like.

On the other end of the

spectrum are things we really dislike. Wherever any of the following photos from Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week fall, I hope you find the time enjoyable.

Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Lounge

Aside from the catwalk, there were models with display cars

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But lets not forget the catwalk

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he S-Class range has a long established tradition of setting the benchmark in the luxury segment, and the launch of the highly-anticipated new Mercedes-Maybach S600 in April will further assert its leadership position in the U.S. market. Priced from USD $189,350,

the new Maybach is more than 8 inches longer than the standard S-Class and features a suite of intelligent safety technologies and exclusive appointments that complete the package. The new Maybach seamlessly melds the perfection of the standard S-Class with the heritage and prestige of the Maybach nameplate. The MercedesMaybach is not simply an equipment line or an add-on to the existing S. It’s a subbrand that brings MercedesBenz vehicles to an even more exclusive form. Alongside Mercedes-AMG, Mercedes-Maybach becomes the second sub-brand for Mercedes-Benz that was created for customers who demand the absolute best. The Maybach is distinguished

The Southwest Star Magazine – covering the southwest region of the Mercedes-Benz Club of America

by unparalleled interior appointments and extensive individualization options to fulfill the requirements of even the most discerning worldwide customers. The US market launch of the Mercedes-Maybach S600 is scheduled for April 2015. Its dual turbocharged V12 engine has an output of 523 hp. Coupled with a displacement of 5980 cc, the maximum torque of 612 lb-ft is available from 1900 rpm. Inside the Maybach, the level of wind noise is extraordinarily low and even surpasses levels found in the quietest car in the world – the S-Class Coupe. For rear seat passengers, the new Maybach is the world's quietest production sedan. Standard equipment includes a Driver Assistance Package (Intelligent Drive), MAGIC BODY CONTROL, Night View Assist PLUS, a Warmth and Comfort Package with a heated windshield, Head-Up Display, LED Intelligent Lighting System, Burmester High-End 3D Surround Sound System, Executive Rear Seat Package, Rear Seat Entertainment System and the Air Balance Package.

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To participate in the raffle, you must be a member of the MBCA. Not a member? Join now!


Already a member? You need to login here with your username and password....


Then you can buy a raffle ticket here.


Print an official order form here.

Need help? Call the National Business office at 800.637.2360 (Monday-Thursday, 8 am - 4:30 pm or Friday, 8 am - 4 pm Mountain Time). Tickets are $50 each and there is no limit to the number of tickets you can buy. A minimum of 4,200 tickets MUST BE SOLD to award the Grand Prize. Buy your tickets today! (Raffle void in Washington State & where prohibited by law) To purchase tickets by phone: Call the National Business office at 800.637.2360

The Southwest Star Magazine – covering the southwest region of the Mercedes-Benz Club of America


s part of its autumn/winter 2015 fashion

campaign, MercedesBenz launched a film entitled "Champions of fashion", which brings together champion racing drivers Lewis Hamilton and Nico Rosberg as well as heavily sought-after model, Dree Hemingway. Alongside the photo shoot, the intoxicating and mystical campaign film has been directed by the outstandingly talented New York photo artist Collier Schorr. Set at a fast pace, this film combines the performance and sensuality of the world of Mercedes-Benz sports cars with the seductive world of fashion.

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The Southwest Star Magazine – covering the southwest region of the Mercedes-Benz Club of America


hortly after Karl Benz invented the automobile, his wife Bertha invented the road trip. 127 years later, Mercedes-Benz has given us a prevue of the reinvention of the automobile; The F 015. The F 015 is Luxury in Motion, a research vehicle that carries the spirit of continually

reimagining the independence of transportation.

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The Southwest Star Magazine – covering the southwest region of the Mercedes-Benz Club of America

The Mercedes-Benz Heritage in Advertising From the San Diego Section

This is one of the most noted MercedesBenz advertisements from the 1920’s The "Frau in Rot" (1928, Edward Cucuel Offelsmeyer) is one of the most striking advertising motifs of the 1920s I have read that this lady was in fact a driver of some note and may have been in the movies. There was a movie made in Germany prior to WWII titled Frau am Steuer " Women at the Wheel". This ad would have been just after the merger of the Mercedes and Benz companies. The European and American car manufacturers began to target women drivers in the 20ies as it became apparent that they were driving and were a factor in automobile sales. Mercedes was one of the few however to depict women as serious competition drivers. Page | 62

My Benz!!" from 1923 Ladies have been love with the Benz and Mercedes for a very long time.

The Southwest Star Magazine – covering the southwest region of the Mercedes-Benz Club of America

"That must be a Mercedes-Benz"

This ad from 1936 highlights the fact that dream cars were a rare spectacle.

Frank Lloyd Wright is considered by many to be the greatest architect of the 20th Century. He is pictured above in front of one the homes he designed, and he is standing in front of his Mercedes 300S Sedan, which kind looks like a Rolls Royce, and his Mercedes Benz 300SL Page | 64

Don't miss the Festival of Speed 2015 presented by CSF Radiators The Largest Porsche Event in the Southwest April 10-12, 2015 9 AM - 5 PM Auto Club Speedway 9300 Cherry Avenue, Fontana, CA 92335

Rain or Shine Event! The California Festival of Speed is the Porsche enthusiasts dream weekend. Club Race, Time Trial, Swap meet, Porsche Corral, Porsche For Sale Platz, Porsche Timeline Display, Vendor Row, Concours, Taste of Autocross, Parade Laps, Friends, Fun and all things Porsche. Need we say more? This event has race cars, show cars, it can even have your car! See the cars, meet the drivers and experience the excitement! Enter an event, or just come for the experience!! Free Admission Just show up and enjoy the fun! Don't forget to bring your Porsche and $10 Parking fee! Stay the Weekend Take advantage of our discounted hotel rates!


The Southwest Star Magazine – covering the southwest region of the Mercedes-Benz Club of America

by Matthew Crawford

Desert StarS In The Mirror: Holiday Party and Luncheon


hat an awesome turnout we had for this year’s Holiday Party on December 7! The day was warm and sunny and the venue was perfect. When we arrived, we were we able to mingle on the patio prior to lunch as the restaurant set up the tables for our amazing


After a delicious meal Debbie started off the customary tradition of recognizing our member’s anniversaries. She called upon our resident MC, Chuck Stanford to award our recognized members. He even managed to give brief bios they accepted their pins and posed for a photo. We then turned our

Debbie Ichiyama is presented with the SW Region Officer of the Year award for her work with the MBCA. Page | 66

acknowledgment to Roberta and John Phin (our esteemed activities directors) who together received our Members of the Year award. They work hard month in and month out for all of us and they really deserved the accolade. The rotating trophy will get its display on their mantle for the next year. The Desert Stars were lucky again this year in that one of our members was chosen to be the Southwest Region Officer of the Year. Steve Ross presented this to our own president, Debbie Ichiyama! Steve also had a well-deserved commendation for past president Bud Cloninger.

Members await a fantastic lunch.

Thanks to all who brought a toy for Toys for Tots which were delivered to a Scottsdale Fire Station where the fireman expressed their gratitude and were impressed by how many toys we dropped off. The Southwest Star Magazine – covering the southwest region of the Mercedes-Benz Club of America

We had a 50/50 raffle to benefit Ronald McDonald House. Jim Munier who won the raffle donated his winnings back to Ronald McDonald house. That’s the Christmas spitit indeed, and we thank him and all who participated in the raffle and donations. This year’s luncheon and party will be hard to beat! But next year we will give it our best of course. Our final recognition goes out to Zoran Kliskara and his fantastic crew at Tommy V’s in Old town Scottsdale. They put their best foot forward and it really showed. Get back there as soon as you can. I know I will!

Roberta and John Phin accept the Member of the Year Award and the travelling trophy for their outstanding contribution in 2014.

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Why read The Southwest Star Magazine? The answer is as clear as the hood on a freshly detailed Mercedes: We cover your cars and your events And we’re free

The Southwest Star Magazine – covering the southwest region of the Mercedes-Benz Club of America

Eurotopia was launched in November of 2012 in Santa Monica, California.

It all began when a

couple of driving enthusiasts came together looking to share a drive through some of California's most scenic roads. Since these humble beginnings, we've held monthly events and continue to do so to this day. Today, Eurotopia is one of the fastest growing driving enthusiast groups in Southern California with 700 registered users. We have branched out to include more events like car rallies, shows, track days, go karting and more. Why should you consider attending Eurotopia events? If you live in Southern California, enjoy driving events, and the company of like-minded enthusiasts, then the real question is “Why haven’t you attended a Eurotopia event?” The upcoming events are listed below. Register now on and receive future event notifications

March 8th, the Las Vegas Expresso & Exotics Show and Drive March 28th, the Little Tujunga / Big Tujunga Scenic Drive April 19th, the Las Vegas EuroRun 2015 May 30th, the Los Angeles to Las Vegas Rally

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Rom time to time at The Southwest Star, we hear from people who’d like to “get involved”.

These are typically people who are interested in journalism and Mercedes-

Benz. The problem with many people is, they don’t know where to start.

If you’re interested in journalism and you’d like to write about Mercedes-Benz, or fashion, motorsports, museums, restaurants, automotive themed/hosted parties, events, or personalities - these are all Mercedes-Benz related themes that we’d love to publish. If you’re unsure what to do next; grab your camera, attend something you’re interested in, write about it, and send us the materials. If you can write the lede and kicker (the opening and closing sentence of your article) the rest of the article is easy. We’re not promising you’ll be a novelist or playwright, but if you’d like to have a story published in The Southwest Star, we really would like to help. If the article needs work, we have editors who can help clean it up. Being a magazine, our audience is visual.

The more high quality photos you can supply, the

better. We’re not suggesting you buy a Nikon D4, but we’re hopeful that whatever is sent in can be used or massaged with Photoshop. Interested? Drop us a line at

The Southwest Star Magazine – covering the southwest region of the Mercedes-Benz Club of America

President Michael Cooper presenting Diana Kruse with her award.


he San Diego Section’s Member of the Year is Diana Kruse. Diana is a Board Member and is San Diego’s Director of First Impressions. Those in the San Diego Section may have had phone calls from Diana and she is one of the first people you meet when you attend

San Diego Section events. Diana is one of those people who make San Diego’s events fun and a pleasure to attend. CONGRATULATIONS AND THANK YOU DIANA!

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Beautiful setting, tables decorated with care, and a room full of really nice people. What else could one ask for? The food was the best this club has ever had at a party, in my opinion,

Upon our arrival we were greeted by Diana Kruse and Santa himself (played by Brian Kruse).

and there were many favorable comments the evening was filled with nonstop fun. I know it gets boring. We had prizes, raffles, stories, games and best of all awards for our hard working board

Laura and Richard Simonds are all smiles after winning the 50/50 raffle.

members. We were joined by the Mercedes Benz Club of America National Vice President Laura Simonds and her husband Richard the former National Arlys Erickson and George Watson

President of the MBCA

Our very own dapper man about town Gary Jarvis, arriving.

Ron and Marilyn Smith Paul Rose & Joan Barnard

The Southwest Star Magazine – covering the southwest region of the Mercedes-Benz Club of America

David and Munira Coomber

Diana Kruse and Christie Wright

Elaine & Chuck Richard Pepper & Sharon McKinney Arlys Erickson, George Watson, Walter & Doreen welsh

Victoria wins a raffle prize Gary Jarvis with Bud and Christine Hartwell

Laura Simonds on the Hot Seat!! She won a prize the Grey Goose Vodka

President Michael telling us about Airstream

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Elaine Davis is a happy winner

Ann Kinner, Richard Mann and Carol Ross

Richard & Laura Simonds, David & Munira Coomber

The social hour before dinning

Our beautiful tree graced by David and Munira Victoria Mazelli on the on the "Chair of Truth"

The "Hot Seat" or "Chair of Truth" was a game devised by Diana Kruse. Each table filled out a questionnaire about their Mercedes-Benz and other items about their life experience. The questionnaire was picked by the president after dinner and a candidate as selected from each table to take the seat to determine how much they remembered about the people at their table. If they answered correctly they were award a prize. Was there cheating going on YES but everyone was a winner and it was really a lot of fun!

The Southwest Star Magazine – covering the southwest region of the Mercedes-Benz Club of America

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The Chaparral Section’s Cars & Coffee - Toys for Tots By Lynn Davison


he Chaparral Section conducted a Toys for Tots donation drive during the Section Holiday Party on December 6, 2014; the members, as usual, opened their hearts for a very worthwhile cause. This year, Santa Claus needed a little more zip, so we filled the trunk

and backseat of Lynn and Marylin’s 2002 SL500 Silver Arrow with toys, instead of using the normal GLK-350 Claus Wagon...

That covered the Toys and Tots, but don’t go anywhere . . . . . there’s still Cars & Coffee Our first event for 2015 was a unique one. On Saturday January 24th, the Chaparral Section was invited by Mercedes-Benz of Tucson to an Open House. Mercedes-Benz USA had just been named Number One in customer sales satisfaction for the prior year, so the local dealership, Mercedes-Benz of Tucson, chose to party with our Tuscan Section with coffee and rolls. The Chaparral Section would like to use this as an opportunity to express our appreciation to them.

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ur Bells of Freedom of Family with Steve and Carole with our Bells of Freedom family. Both of the parents are in the U.S. Marine Corp and the father is deployed. Mom is holding baby Kaimana.

The Club thanks all of you for your generosity that enables us to help put our military families who are in need of assistance during the holiday season.

Her first ride in Mercedes- Benz ride

The Southwest Star Magazine – covering the southwest region of the Mercedes-Benz Club of America


aturday, October 18, 2014, eighteen Chaparral Section Mercedes-Benz vehicles, members, associates, and guests met at the River Road Center shopping center on the North East

corner of Craycroft Road and River Road in "Section Row". The section’s Mercedes-Benz models ranged from a 1958 190 SL to a 2008 C300 Sport. After signing in around 7:45 a.m. and receiving





window signs, the Chaparral Section vehicles were escorted to the Gregory School, at 3231 N. Craycroft Road where we had our own row. There we were parked in two, “Mercedes-Benz” facing







Gregory School for the 8th Annual Tucson Classics Car Show. The Chaparral Section has participated in all 8 editions of the Rotary Club of Tucson “Tucson Classics Car Show”, one of the premier events in Tucson and Southern Arizona to help charities and particularly the literacy programs in Southern Arizona. Boy Scout Troop 339 posted the colors and led the 425 car owners and guests in the Pledge of Allegiance. Then the Tucson Barber Shop Experience sang the National Anthem. This was really neat! Section members who attended are: Siegfried Rosenthal (1958 190 SL), Lynda Bosworth (1960 190 SL), Doug Klapstein (1961 190 SL), Robert Haley (1980 500 SE), Michael Cooper (1980 280 SL), Jerry Tucker (1985 380 SL), Mike Bailey and Tracy Long (1991 300 SE), Ron and Lucy Isler (1993 600 SL), Terrell Thomas (1998 SLK 230), Fred Finney (1999 SL 600),

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Kenneth George (1999 SL 500), Fred Finney (1999 SL 600), Kenneth George (1999 SL 500), Mike and Lillian Zonnefeld (2002 S 430), Lynn Davison and section member guest Beverly Maddalone (2002 SL 500 Silver Arrow), and Michael Turner (2008 C300 Sport). One of the highlights in the show was the continuing tradition of showing the previous “Best in Show” winners from 2007, 2009, 2010, 2012 and 2013.

The Southwest Star Magazine – covering the southwest region of the Mercedes-Benz Club of America

by Dick Sharp


haco Culture National Historical Park is a United States National Historical Park, hosting the densest and most exceptional concentration of pueblos in the American Southwest. In October 17 Desert Stars members were fortunate and adventurous enough to

experience this remarkable treasure in northwestern New Mexico. The park is located in a remote canyon cut by the Chaco Wash, and it preserves one of the United States' most important pre-Columbian cultural and historical areas. Early Saturday morning the club members headed out in 3 Mercedes SUVs, a Suburban and a Pickup Truck to make the scenic 2 ½ hour drive. The last 30 miles were

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on an undulating dirt road, hence no SL’s on this trip. Originally Dick and Mindy Sharp, the event organizers, were told that the group was too large to be accompanied by a Park Ranger, but when the Rangers saw what a great group they were, they volunteered to guide the group. Luck, or charm, resulted in a great and informative tour by a young ranger, leading the group through Pueblo Benito with extensive information about the Pueblo People and what historians have theorized about how they lived in the different structures in the area. But the trip was not all rough roads and canyons. The group stayed at the historic El Rancho hotel in Gallup, N.M, which opened in 1937 as a base for movie productions. The hotel still has a beautiful lobby, and provided large rooms for guests. Friday evening there was a welcoming meeting in a three-room suite where the plans for the Saturday EARLY start were made. On Saturday evening dinner was in a private room at the Bad Lands Steak House. The group was laid back and friendly…making this very rewarding for the Sharp’s work in organizing and leading this event. And perhaps this will inspire others to visit this unique and special part of our country.

The Southwest Star Magazine – covering the southwest region of the Mercedes-Benz Club of America

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At The Southwest Star Magazine, we’re always on the lookout for your cars and your events. For your cars, were covering every model Mercedes-Benz we can find. Everything, both new and old. As far as events, the southwest region is swimming in automotive merriment. We’ve got the MBCA, joint events with PCA, Eurotopian, Cars and Coffee, Supercar Sundays . . . . . what else can we do to get and keep your attention? Race coverage? We’ve got it. Fashion? Lifestyle? Technical articles? Yes, yes, and yes. Got an event? A story? Anything that may be of interest to our readers? Drop us a note and we’ll try to get some coverage arranged.

Did I mention the magazine is free? The Southwest Star Magazine – covering the southwest region of the Mercedes-Benz Club of America

by Michael Turner


he Chaparral Section’s Drive and Dine on November 15, 2014 to St. Anthony’s Monastery and Lunch at Mount Athos Restaurant & Café in Florence, AZ was a great success. Accompanying the 8 Chaparral Section Mercedes-Benz vehicles with 14 members and

guests, were Fred and Elisabeth Smit from New Zealand, who are on a 5 year journey to circle the globe in their 1957 Mercedes-Benz 220S.

During our driving break, we stopped at the Tom Mix Memorial on highway AZ 79.

The memorial

was created to honor the greatest of the silent-era

movie cowboys, who was killed by a flying suitcase when his car drove into a construction site and crashed.


was a prime ‘photo op’ for our friends from New Zealand.

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Upon our arrival at the monastery, we were greeted by a monk who provided instructions about touring the




importantly, the required ‘dress’ of the women and men.

We were

cautioned not to take photographs of the monks.

Our tour guide

provided a short overview of the monastery grounds and explained that we must only walk on the ‘Yellow Brick Road’ pathways.


then set off on our self-guided tours. An hour or so later, we gathered by the Gift Shop and then set out for the Mount Athos Restaurant & Café some 12 miles up the road in Florence. The restaurant had setup the outside






and the

wonderful conversation, Greek food,



a with

nice Fred

long and

Elisabeth about their journey.

The Southwest Star Magazine – covering the southwest region of the Mercedes-Benz Club of America

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Mindy and Dick Sharp


embers Mindy and Dick Sharp recently visited Mark and Terry Passarelli at their home and Mercedes restoration shop In Hawaii.

The restoration shop, Hale Merced, is located in a former coffee mill near the tiny village of Wai‘ohinu on the Big Island, Hawaii. Among other projects, Mark is recreating the entire 1952 gullwing prototype.

Mark and Dick sat in the chassis smiling and sharing the journey.

The Southwest Star Magazine – covering the southwest region of the Mercedes-Benz Club of America

The Chaparral Section’s Holiday Party and Dinner by Fred Finney


n Saturday, December 6th, the Chaparral Section once again celebrated the Holiday Season in style with a delightful dinner party at the venerable Mountain Oyster Club. A special thanks to members Ed and Barbara Gladish whose membership in that

organization makes this possible. A total of 29 people, consisting of members, spouses, and dates, attended the evening’s event which included a short annual business meeting and a novel gifting event following the always pleasing dinner and dessert offerings provided by the MO Club. Chaparral Lynn




members Davison

provided a very nice travelogueshow-and-tell



attendance at the fall MercedesBenz Club of America “Trip to Germany” 2014.

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Meeting, all current members of the





elected for another term, and new Director Mike Bailey was elected to serve





January. Zonnefeld

announced that Fred Finney had been selected as the Member of the Year, and he and his wife, Vera, were presented with a nice plaque.

The entertainment highlight of the evening was a special gifting event chaired by Jerry Tucker and Lynn Davison whereby attendees were able to




themed gifts based on how well they did on a trivia quiz, and then engage in frantic trading once the signal was given to open gifts.

The Southwest Star Magazine – covering the southwest region of the Mercedes-Benz Club of America


From the San Diego Section

he Blitzen Benz on the race track probably prior to 1915. In 1909 the Blitzen Benz was built in Mannheim by Benz & Cie. It was one of six built with a 1,312 cu in 200 HP inline four engine. The car was modified to improve its aerodynamics. At Brooklands on

November 9, 1909 Victor Hemery of France set a record with an average speed of 126.0 mph. On April 3 1911 Bob Burman, From Michigan, recorded an average of 14109 mph over a full mile at Daytona Beach, breaking Glen Curtiss's unofficial absolute speed record, land, sea and air set is 1907on his V-8 motorcycle. Burmans record stood until 1919 The Blitzen Benz today. Photos taken at Amelia Island in March 2014

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by John and Roberta Phin

n November Desert Stars met at Tanzy Restaurant in the Scottsdale Quarter for an excellent brunch and to watch the U.S. Grand Prix on a big-screen TV broadcast from Circuit of the Americas in Austin, Texas. After starting in the 2nd grid position behind his teammate,

Mercedes-Benz driver Lewis Hamilton passed and achieved a substantial lead over his Mercedes team mate Nico Rosberg. Hamilton sustained the lead, winning this race. Mercedes further consolidated its Constructor’s Championship with this one-two finish; in fact it was almost like watching two races – the two Mercedes out front and then the rest of the pack. Several Desert Stars members had attended Grands Prix around the World and were able to share their experiences and observations with the group. A fine time was had by all and interest in a repeat event next year was expressed. Thanks to Matt Crawford for suggesting this event! The Southwest Star Magazine – covering the southwest region of the Mercedes-Benz Club of America

From the San Diego Section Mercedes-Benz 500 K mit Erdmann-&-Rossi-Karosserie fĂźr den KĂśnig des Irak (1935)






1936)Originally equipped with a 540K engine one of six W29 "Autobahn-Kurier" ever built, one of three survive. This Mercedes-Benz won first place n class at the Pebble Beach concours

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The Southwest Star Magazine – covering the southwest region of the Mercedes-Benz Club of America

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The Southwest Star Magazine – covering the southwest region of the Mercedes-Benz Club of America


The San Diego section has voted to host a Regional Event in March

The event has been named return to Tequila Rose which was an historic regional

event for the San Diego Section folks for many years. Many of you may recall this fun filled event with epic rallyes, gymkhanas, and fine dining. It is our intention to recapture those great fun-filled times . When:

March 20-22, 2015

Where: Tilting T Resort and Spa in Borrego Springs California Cost:

$335.00 per couple or $300.00 for a single

Suitable trophies will awarded befitting the Mercedes-Benz Marque for those who excel in the graded events What do you get: Two nights in a deluxe room, plated dinner and loads of Mercedes-Benz fun! Schedule of events include. No host cocktail party Friday night, Saturday morning a gymkhana and at high noon a rallye through the Anza Borrego Blooming Desert, where you will see prehistoric life sized dinosaurs and other animals. Saturday evening an awards banquet where exquisite awards will be presented to the winning rallye teams and individuals excelling in the gymkhana. We hope to attract those legends of the track and rallye winners such as "Shoes" Matthews (the drivers driver), Chuck and Ava Stanford (Legendary rallye winners), Rudy Wokoek, (bartender extr a ordinai re) and Bud Cloninger "Mr. Kool" to name but a few. We invite all Regions and Sections in the MBCA to come and show their stuff with the Southwest Region.

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Menu choices: Top sirloin, with sweet onion and mushroom wine sauce, mashed potatoes and veggies du jour or Cuban Style Roasted Pork with steamed rice, black beans, fried plantations with mojo sauce or Red Snapper topped with tangy Veracruz Sauce, basmati rice and veggies du jour Name(s): Number in party: Menu:

Top Sirloin



. Amount enclosed: . Cuban Style roasted Pork.

. Red Snapper Vera Cruz

Send check made out to MBCA San Diego Section to: Steve Ross. 16151 Fruitvale Road, Valley Center , CA 92082. Reservations required by March 5, 2014 More info? Call Steve Ross 619-508-3925 or

The Southwest Star Magazine – covering the southwest region of the Mercedes-Benz Club of America

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The Southwest Star Magazine – covering the southwest region of the Mercedes-Benz Club of America

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The Southwest Star Magazine – covering the southwest region of the Mercedes-Benz Club of America

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The Southwest Star Magazine – covering the southwest region of the Mercedes-Benz Club of America

Go, California Chrome, Go! Best wishes for the Triple Crown!

Anyone can frame a photo, but commissioning a piece of fine art elevates even an iPhone photo to a heightened level of intensity. Artist Jane Roberts captures the essence and energy of everything she paints, adding color and dimensionality that bring her subjects to life. These one of-a-kind pieces become heirlooms that can be enjoyed for generations or simply cherished every day. Jane helps you celebrate what you love, be it a boat, a pet, or a Triple Crown contender. Contact the artist at . View samples at

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The Southwest Star Magazine – covering the southwest region of the Mercedes-Benz Club of America

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The Southwest Star Magazine – covering the southwest region of the Mercedes-Benz Club of America

If you would like to attend an event listed here, please be sure to contact the event coordinator of the hosting section. This is important as many events require an RSVP so we can know how many people to expect.


additional details may be available at the hosting section’s website. Join Eurotopian for the Las Vegas Expresso & Exotics Show and Drive Sunday March 8

Sunday, March 8 at 7:30am we’re meeting at 750 S Rampart Blvd, Las Vegas, Nevada 89145. Bring your Exotic, Highline, Custom or Classic vehicle out to Espresso and Exotics to share the passion with new and old friends! E&E meets at Boca Park (between Kona Grill and Cheesecake Factory). Audi Club LV, Vegas MBZ, and Vegas Bimmers are all planning a group drive at 11am afterwards. NOTE: Valley of Fire is the route - there are 2 check-in stations for entering the area! Bring at least $20 for check-in stations. We as a group did the route last year with 50+ cars. The park Rangers didn't approve of us holding up / blocking the entrance, so bring cash. RSVP: Read more:

Join the Chaparral Section for the 8th Annual DM 50 Casual Classic Car Show Saturday March 14 The DM-50 is having their annual picnic to show appreciation to the US Air Force and Davis Monthan AFB. Included in the festivities is the Annual Casual Classic Car Show which is a FUN event with no rigid rules and a special class just for Airmen to show off their classic cars. The entry fee is passed directly to the Kachina Fund to support the Airmen and their families, and other community related projects that do not have appropriated funding. This will be the 7th year the Chaparral Section has supported this worthwhile event. We will be pre-staging prior to entering the base as part of the overall Base security protocol for the event. Please note: We must enter the base as a group, there are no single car entries allowed on base. Michael Turner - or 520.743.3437.

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Yes you read that correctly. The San Diego section has voted to host a Regional Event in March 2015. The event has been named return to Tequila Rose which was an historic regional event for the San Diego Section folks for many years. Many of you may recall this fun filled event with epic rallyes, gymkhanas, and fine dining. It is our intention to recapture those great fun-filled times . When: March 20-22, 2015 Where: Tilting T Resort and Spa in Borrego Springs California Cost: $335.00 per couple or $300.00 for a single Suitable trophies will awarded befitting the Mercedes-Benz Marque for those who excel in the graded events What do you get: Two nights in a deluxe room, plated dinner and loads of Mercedes-Benz fun! Schedule of events include. No host cocktail party Friday night, Saturday morning a gymkhana and at high noon a rallye through the Anza Borrego Blooming Desert, where you will see prehistoric life sized dinosaurs and other animals. Saturday evening an awards banquet where exquisite awards will be presented to the winning rallye teams and individuals excelling in the gymkhana. We hope to attract those legends of the track and rallye winners such as "Shoes" Matthews (the drivers driver), Chuck and Ava Stanford (Legendary rallye winners), Rudy Wokoek, (bartender extraord inai re) and Bud Cloninger "Mr. Kool" to name but a few. We invite all Regions and Sections in the MBCA to come and show their stuff with the Southwest Region.

Menu choices: Top sirloin, with sweet onion and mushroom wine sauce, mashed potatoes and veggies du jour or Cuban Style Roasted Pork with steamed rice, black beans, fried plantations with mojo sauce or Red Snapper topped with tangy Veracruz Sauce, basmati rice and veggies du jour Name(s):


Number in party: Menu:

Top Sirloin


. Amount enclosed: . Cuban Style roasted Pork.

. Red Snapper Vera Cruz

Send check made out to MBCA San Diego Section to: Steve Ross. 16151 Fruitvale Road, Valley Center , CA 92082. Reservations required by March 5, 2014 More info? Call Steve Ross 619-508-3925 or

A printable version of the registration form is available for download at: The Southwest Star Magazine – covering the southwest region of the Mercedes-Benz Club of America

Join the Chaparral Section for the Kars for Kids in Sierra Vista Arizona April 4, 2015 For details contact Matt Johnson:

Join the Chaparral Section for the

Kieling Schaefer Winery Tour

April 11, 2015 For details contact Lynn Davison

April 11-12, 2015 The Largest Porsche Event in the Southwest on Saturday The Largest SuperCar Event in the Southwest on Sunday Join the Desert Stars Section as they Demo Mercedes-Benz Technical Features & Dine at Roaring Fork Sunday April 12, 2015 The newest generation of cars have innovations and technical advances that are designed to make your driving easier, more comfortable, more nimble and responsive, and most of all – safer! But technology is changing quickly, and for many of us, the plethora of options can be difficult to pick through. On Sunday April 12, at 3:30PM a Mercedes-Benz expert will provide a full review of the newest technologies at the Scottsdale Mercedes-Benz showroom in Scottsdale, Arizona.

Afterwards we will move across the street and up the block to the Roaring Fork

restaurant and lounge, where we will have dinner . . . and the camaraderie of fellow MercedesBenz members. Look for more information in the next Desert Stars newsletter, and in future email communications.

Alternatively, contact John or Roberta Phin at 480-272-8851 or Page | 112

Join the San Diego Section as they head out to The Antique Gas and Steam Engine Museum

Saturday April 18 April 18, 2015 we are taking our Mercedes-Benz automobiles to see their heritage and perhaps educate their owners as well. The museum has a wealth of our heritage to see and touch and even climb on. There are engines dating back to the turn of the twentieth century. There are steam engines both stationary and in vehicles that are mobile, driving a wide variety of machines. The museum has just about every application these steam gas and diesel engines were used in. There are buildings filled with antique cars, trucks, tractors, marine and even a diesel aircraft engine. There is a farm house furnished in the period of the early 1900s, a black smith shop, a weaving building where you may see people running large looms weaving cloth, and an upholstery shop. There is also a short track railroad that is said to be one of the best in San Diego County. The museum sets on fifty acres of land so you may imagine how much there is to see. Your tour director will try to arrange a tractor riding tour of the facility.

THE SCOOP When: April 26. 2015 Where: ANTIQUE GAS AND STEAM ENGINE MUSEUM. 2040 North Santa Fe Ave, Vista CA Time: Meet at the museum at 1000 AM. Cost: $5.00 per person--over 65 only $4.00. Tractor ride Priceless! Lunch will be a surprise The Southwest Star Magazine – covering the southwest region of the Mercedes-Benz Club of America

Tell Steve Ross if you are attending so he can arrange parking. You may e-mail him at inewsx@sbcglobal or call 6219-508-3925. Please let Steve know by April 23, 2015 if you will be joining us. There is always the US Mail Service @ 16151 Fruitvale Road, Valley Center CA 92082

Join the Chaparral Section for the Bisbee Car Show May 16, 2015 contact Mike Cooper

Join the Chaparral Section for the

Run to Pinetop Arizona

June 13 & 14, For details contact Ed Gladish and Jerry Tucker

Join the Chaparral Section for the Mystery Dine & Drive Coming in September For details contact Mike Bailey and Tracey Long

Join the Chaparral Section for the

9th Annual Tucson Classics Car October 17 Show For details contact Jerry Tucker & Mike Cooper

Join the Chaparral Section for the Annual Holiday Party December 5 contact Ed Gladish

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The Southwest Star Magazine – covering the southwest region of the Mercedes-Benz Club of America

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Hats embroidered with section logo only $12 each Available at all events or by mailing check to MBCA Long BeachSouth Bay Section PO Box 30132 Long Beach, CA 90853-0132

T-Shirts in blue or black with silver screen printed logo $12 each

New!!! Polo shirts with embroidered Long Beach-South Bay Section logo. Only $25 each Add $5 for packaging and postage per shipment The Southwest Star Magazine – covering the southwest region of the Mercedes-Benz Club of America

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If you would like to see your ad here, send us an email at The Southwest Star Magazine – covering the southwest region of the Mercedes-Benz Club of America

Advantages to being an MBCA member Your membership with the Mercedes-Benz Club of America (MBCA) comes with special privileges, like saving $500 off the purchase or lease price of a NEW Mercedes-Benz. To qualify, you must be a current Member of MBCA and have at least one year of uninterrupted membership with the Club, prior to your new car lease or purchase. The offer excludes Sprinter Vans, smart, SLS AMG Coupes and SLS AMG Roadsters. Discount CAN be combined with other MBUSA incentive programs; including Guest Appreciation Certificates, European Delivery, seasonal event discounts and other (select) Dealer offers. Please check with your Dealer in advance to confirm which offers may be combined with your $500 Loyalty Reward discount. Don’t need a new car? That’s OK, here’s something for your current Mercedes-Benz.

Discounts on parts, service & accessories at participating Mercedes-Benz Dealers As a Mercedes-Benz Club of America member, the presentation of your membership card may entitle you to 5%, 10% or (up to) 20% off parts, service and accessories from U.S. and Canadian Mercedes-Benz dealers.

Call your local Mercedes-Benz dealer in advance to

confirm their participation in the Mercedes-Benz Club of America dealer discount program. Have and older model? A classic with parts that aren’t typically carried at a dealer?

15% discount on parts from the Mercedes-Benz Classic Center Club members receive 15% off hard-to-find parts from the Mercedes-Benz Classic Center in Irvine, California. The Center caters to the needs of classic car enthusiasts like you with a vast array of services. From car sales to meticulous restorations, its manufacturer-trained technicians offer a wealth of expertise you won't find anywhere else. Because in the end, the Mercedes-Benz Classic Center isn't only restoring cars ... it's restoring dreams.

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The Southwest Star Magazine – covering the southwest region of the Mercedes-Benz Club of America

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