2 minute read
From the MOCOSA President
Peter Stephens
It could be argued that Simon Livingstone’s contribution to Marcus Oldham is the embodiment of what Marcus is as an organisation; nothing else quite captures the spirit of what you can achieve in agriculture in this country if you study hard, work hard, and play hard, regardless of whether you are brought up on the family farm or come from the big smoke.
Simon’s association with Marcus started in the same fashion as most of us, he drove through the gates in his ute not really expecting what an influence this place would have on his life. After 24 years he leaves after progressing from a student, to lecturer and then a 19-year tenure as Principal, and in the process added a doctorate to his Dip FM qualifications. Simon has overseen the largest capital and student expansion in the College’s history and leaves us on the cusp of gaining full university college status. To Simon, Helen, and Nick, MOCOSA thanks you for not only your contribution but also the way you went about it, always in a friendly bush manner, treating everyone you met with cheerful good grace. Simon has indicated he will continue for a little bit longer on the MOCOSA executive and we look forward to sending him off with a laugh and a few refreshments! Fittingly, whilst technically not a part of Marcus’s alumni, Andrew Baker (AB) has had a 15-year association with the College as lecturer and currently Director of Agribusiness and Agriculture (also current parent of a class of 2021 student). Andrew knows intimately the culture of Marcus and is enthusiastic about maintaining Marcus’s role at the forefront of agricultural business management. On behalf of all the alumni I congratulate AB on his succession to the Principal’s role and wish him all the best. As many of you may know Mr. Bruce Wilson has also decided to hang up the boots as Chairman of the College Council. Bruce, likewise, has been in the chair during some tough times and some good in ag but leaves the place in exceptionally good stead with record enrolments and an impressive capital works program under his belt, culminating in the state-of-the-art Learning Centre and the nearly completed accommodation block. MOCOSA wishes Bruce and Judy a well deserved “retirement” in Barwon Heads and we look forward to collaborating with Chairman-Elect Rob McGavin going forward. Finally, despite the ongoing lockdowns, I have been fortunate to have a good look around parts of S.E Australia, ranging from the Hay Plains in the north to the high country in East Gippsland, as well as the Midlands of Tasmania. Everywhere I went I saw some of the best seasonal conditions you would see, this combined with very solid commodity prices ($500 + for merino ewes in Hay!!) assures that ag’s boom is not over yet by a long shot. Make the most of it and encourage any young aspiring agriculturalists to invest in their future by investing in a Marcus education.
Wishing everyone all the best heading into the summer. Cheers Peter Stephens DipFM'83 MOCOSA President