3 minute read
The land on which we educate
2022 Scholarship Recipients
Front row: Jack Moor (Warialda, NSW) RC and EC Webb Trust (Agriculture), William Sylvester (Nundle, NSW) Warrawidgee (Farm Management), Martin Smith (Keith, SA) rma network, James Dawson (Glengarry, VIC) The Calvert-Jones Foundation, Hugh Browning (Narromine, NSW) Ingleby Farm Management, Megan Kennett (Harden, NSW) Ingleby Farm Management, Annabelle Hamilton (Narromine, NSW) Yiddinga Farm Management, Diana Wheaton (Broughton, VIC) Freemasons Foundation.
Middle row: Alexander Edgar (Boddington, WA) Australian Farm Management, Mitchell Lollback (Forest Springs, QLD) RC and EC Webb Trust (Agribusiness), Hugh Dawson (Elliott, NT) C.A.S.Hawker, Will Wright (Banana, QLD) Warrawidgee (Agriculture), Luke Johnson (Nerrim South, VIC) Rabobank Tertiary Pathways, Tanner Morris (Karatta, SA) Kerin Ag, Katherine Faithfull (Calulu, VIC) Hazeldean Livestock Production, Lucy Reed (Mansfield, VIC) Adam Giblin Memorial, Bonnie Weir (Navarre, VIC) Thoroughbred Industry Careers (Godolphin), Harriet Taylor (Wellington, NSW) Dr Alastair Mackenzie, Caitlin Ward (Coomera, QLD) Australian Equestrian, Bella Joseland (Isisford, QLD) RC and EC Webb Trust (Agribusiness), Emma Muldoon (Palmerston, NT) Australian Thoroughbred, Judith Jaeckle (Thurgau, Switzerland) International Sport Horse Breeding. Back row: William Seyffer (Cambewarra, NSW) Te Mania Angus, John Ashleigh (Trangie, NSW) Upper Namoi Cotton Growers’ Association, Matthew Dykes (Applecross, WA) Warakirri Agricultural Trusts, Archie Howard (Wagga Wagga, NSW) Excel Farms, Oscar Klose (Lucindale, SA) Lawson Grains, Samuel Crouch-Loveday (Laang, VIC) Dairy Australia, Jack Webster (Cuballing, WA) RC and EC Webb Trust (Agriculture), Samuel Palmer (Quirindi, NSW) Warrawidgee (Agriculture), Henry Anderson (Carnegie, VIC) Mutooroo Pastoral Company, Hugh Valpied (Ballarat, VIC) Warawidgee (Farm Management), Jack Jordan-Hill (Winchelsea, VIC) RC and EC Webb Trust (Agribusiness), Elliot Jaeschke (Mundulla, SA) The Calvert-Jones Foundation, Lachlan McLennan (Yarrawonga, VIC) Lawson Grains, Reagan Jones (Simpson, VIC) Dairy Australia, Lachlan Gardner (Paterson, NSW) Greenham Ag, Samuel Marshall (Mulwala, NSW) Dalara Foundation and Dalara Pastoral. Absent: Abbey Arbuckle (Moolerr, VIC) Emerging Equestrian Performance
C.A.S. Hawker Scholarship
Meet the Student Executive
The 10th C.A.S. Hawker Marcus Oldham College recipient is Hugh Dawson in first year of his Bachelor of Business (Agribusiness). A special morning presentation on Friday 13th May in the Beggs Boardroom brought together the Hawker and Dawson families. The C.A.S. Hawker Scholarship commemorates the achievements of one of Australia's most respected pastoral pioneers who served in the First World War and went on to become a distinguished scholar and leading figure in the Federal Parliament, prior to his tragic and untimely death in the Kyeema aircraft accident in 1938.
Ian Doyle OAM MC of the ceremony, Sarah Dawson Mother of Hugh Dawson, Peter Dawson, Father of Hugh Hon David Hawker AO, Hugh Dawson, Principal Andrew Baker.
Back row: Sam Crozier FM3, Lachie Brumpton FM3, Hugh Browning FM3 (President), Ben Mulligan AG2, John Ashleigh FM3 (Vice President) Front row: Sophie Loane FM3, Zali Thomas AG2, Frazer Duff FM3 Out & About on Tour Marcus students on tour in 2022.
EM at Ballarat Vet EM at Widari Stables
AG1 at DiGiorgio Family Wines, Coonawarra. Wine Maker Brian Tonkin speaking
AG2 at Jayfields Nursery AG1 students with James Mann AssocDipFM'87 Graduate of Excellence '06 Donovans Dairy, Wye, SA
AG2 students at Goulburn River Trout Farm
FM3 at Hells Gate - James Paterson DipAgri'12 FM3 at Kagome Australia, tomatoes North of Echuca
FM1 at Sawers Farms, Boort FM1 at Cheeky Grog Co, Bunbartha - fruit orchard and cidery