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From The MOCOSA President
Welcome to the autumn issue of MOCOSA. We also welcome Neen McKenzie to the role of Scholarships and Alumni Officer and congratulate her on this first issue.
Peter Stephens
Neen has replaced Jess Chandler, who headed back above the 29th parallel in search of warmer weather. MOCOSA wishes to thank Jess for her work and good nature during the journey and wish Neen all the best going forward. The La Nina in the east has certainly created an abundance of feed in most areas and great crop yields, albeit in the south harvest was much later than normal and some crops were downgraded as a consequence. Meanwhile, as is often the case, the South West of Western Australia is suffering with extreme heat and serious water issues. I am sure the Marcus community in the west are looking out for each other and I hope the autumn break is not too far away. In the last issue, the opening of the Douglas Boyd Centre was celebrated and the resource has been worth its weight in gold during the COVID-19 lockdown(s) in Victoria. Since then, Marcus has plans for additional onsite accommodation which is critical for the success and uniqueness of the Marcus model. With the exception of a seminary or Duntroon, there are not too many single stream teaching institutions that offer residential teaching environments and I am sure all past students can attest to the experience that it offers. On the 14th of February, Marcus celebrated 59 years since the first students started at the College, which means next year a few drinks are in order to celebrate the big Six Zero! Celebrations are planned for the weekend May 21st and 22nd, and a number of graduating year reunions are also planned. I am not sure where the last 10 years have gone, but put this date in your diaries and let’s make this a weekend to renew friendships, tell old stories and celebrate all the wonders of being a member of MOCOSA. I wish everyone a great autumn and winter wherever you may be. Cheers!