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Tuesday, February 18, 2020 80p


EVIDENCE: CCTV footage of Megan Newton arriving back at her flat with Joseph Trevor after inviting him to stay as an ‘act of kindness’. Far left, Megan and her killer.

Killer jailed for life after raping, strangling and then stabbing teen 9 times

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The Sentinel  Tuesday February 18, 2020



‘Council services have gone down the drain!’ Joe Burn

A pensioner has taken it upon himself to clear almost 40 blocked grids in his neighbourhood – because he claims the council don’t do it anymore. Smallthorne resident Terry Blunt has so far cleared around 34 grids, or ‘gulleys’ as they are known locally. He believes certain types of trees could be to blame for the grids becoming blocked in the first place, and says Stoke-on-Trent City Council used to make an effort to clear them out. But recently the retired demolition worker decided to take matters into his own hands and, armed with a screwdriver and litter picker, he cleared litter from the streets before setting about to unblock the drains. The Zamenhof Grove resident has so far cleared grids on his street, Baden Road, Saturn Road, Mercury Place and Skipacre Avenue. The 73-year-old said: “I just got fed up. They don’t send road sweepers out now. “Across the road from our house we’ve got one of those stupid ash trees which should have never been planted in the first place. So there’s all this mess. “I went and picked it up and filled one and a half bags full of litter, and then I started doing the grids.

thumbs up: Terry Blunt clearing one of the 34 blocked grids he has tackled so far, which is normally a job for city council staff.

In Brief

CLOGGED: One of the drains before Terry does his bit.

Pensioner clears blocked grids after getting ‘fed up’ of waiting “Up the top end there we’ve got a aware of the problem and can do jobs, but none of the grids had been tree growing out of one of them. That’s something about it. We have specialist brought to our attention. They are a council job to clear them. equipment to tackle these kind of scheduled to be cleaned in June.” “They should be doing it, I’m retired. The litter dropping and dumping is the residents and the people, not the council. “The grid is all covered up with the debris off the trees, and then the cars go over it and it gets compacted. “So it’s only working at about 60 per cent.” The former demolition man explained his technique for clearing the blocked drains. “I’ve got my helping hands,” continued Terry. “And I’ve got my screwdriver, and I just poke the holes out. “Some of them poke through in about three or four minutes, and then other ones take a bit longer because it’s compacted. “There’s one grid that the council will be mowing in the summer, it’s got grass growing out of it.” A city council spokesman said: “We are responsible for maintaining approximately 70,000 grids across the city which are cleansed on a routine basis. “We will also happily go out and clean a blocked grid if it is reported to us by the public. “We’d like to thank Mr Blunt for the community spirit he has shown, but we would always prefer for residents to report any issues to us so we are

staffordshire RESIDENTS have been urged to have their say on the county fire service. A consultation aims to shape the service’s safety plan from 2020-24. It runs until March 22. Go to www.stafford


4   The Sentinel

Tuesday February 18, 2020





‘It was a brutal, sustained attack conducted in a most callous way’ Sentinel R eporter

student Joseph Trevor brutally murdered a teenager he knew from his schooldays - just hours after being released from police custody when he was found with drugs in a club. The 19-year-old raped, strangled and stabbed Megan Newton to death after she met him on a night out and invited him back to her flat ‘as an act of kindness’. The details of Megan’s tragic death emerged yesterday after Trevor, the son of a retired Staffordshire police officer, pleaded guilty to murdering and raping her. Megan, aged just 18, was killed at her flat off Fletcher Road, Stoke, on April 20 last year. The court heard that Trevor, who played football semiprofessionally for Newcastle Town FC, told a psychiatrist he had previously been accused of rape, although he was never prosecuted. It was heard the pair met at a taxi rank before going back to Megan’s bedsit. He raped and strangled her, before arming himself with a knife from the kitchen area and stabbing her nine times to her back and then left her naked and dead on the bed. Trevor, aged 19, of Danebower Road, KILLED: Trentham, has been Megan in custody since last Newton.

19-year-old student jailed for life for murdering teenager

Newcastle College. The defence added that Trevor was arrested at school at the age of 15 which led year. Before his trial was due to and got changed before going out Trevor was later seen by a mental to his depression. begin at Stafford Crown Court at 11pm. health worker at the Harplands The court heard he made an yesterday he pleaded guilty to “She went to the Commercial Inn Hospital before he was collected attempt to take his own life in murder and two charges of rape. before going to the Kiln club.” by his dad. Neighbours of Megan March 2019 but was talked down Prosecutor Adrian Keeling QC Mr Keeling QC said: “She was found the keys covered in blood from jumping from a bridge over said: “He raped and murdered described as being in a really good later that morning. Concerned, the A50. Megan in the early hours of mood. She had just got a tattoo they let themselves into her flat Mr Hannan QC said: “He did Saturday, April 20 last year. He did and was showing it off to friends.” and found her. not go out that night to kill. What so at her flat. Megan also went to the taxi rank The defendant was arrested at occurred was not premeditated. “She invited him back there as an where she met the defendant. his parents’ home. He told police But he did behave dreadfully.” act of kindness. During the course They had known each other from they had consensual sex. Judge Michael Chambers QC of the night he got so drunk on school. He said he had a blank memory told Trevor: “She had invited you drink and drugs he could not bear She offered him a place to stay after that. to stay in her home that night as going home to his parents.” and at 3.45am they left in a taxi. Mr Keeling QC said he told an act of kindness because you’d Mr Keeling QC said the They arrived at her bedsit flat in police that the trigger for murder had too much alcohol and drugs. defendant met friends earlier Stoke at about 4am. was that Megan said she was sorry You felt you were in no fit state to in the night and went to The court heard the defendant for telling people he had raped a go home to your parents. Wetherspoons, in Newcastle, received a message from his girl. But the court heard that he “The attack on her was driven before going to the Kiln club. dad and he lied to his father. He has since changed his mind and and motivated by your serious and He added: “He took drink and messaged him and said he was resiled from that account. violent sexual conduct. drugs, ketamine and maybe with a male friend from college. He accepted grabbing Megan “You raped her. You went on to cocaine. He was very intoxicated. Mr Keeling QC said: “At some around the throat. She lost strangle her. You went on to arm “He was seen to hide a bag of point in the next 90 minutes consciousness. He got a knife and yourself with a knife from the white powder down his trousers the defendant had sex with her, stabbed her. kitchen area and stabbed her no and the police were called. strangled her unconscious and The court heard Trevor was less than nine times to the neck “He was taken to the police stabbed her to death. He strangled previously teased and called and back, penetrating her chest station so officers could undertake her with his hands.” ‘Paedo’ and ‘Rolf Harris’ and in and both lungs. a proper search. The white As she lay naked and unconscious one incident he struck a friend “This was a brutal and sustained powder, ketamine, was found. he got off the bed, armed himself with a single blow. attack conducted in the most Police seized the bag with a knife, returned to the bed Timothy Hannan QC, mitigating, callous way in her own home. and told him he would and stabbed her nine times in the said the case was a tragedy. “The gross aggravating feature have to go back at a neck area of her back. “Two young lives have been was the sustained and brutal later stage. They let him Mr Keeling added: “He got the destroyed,” he added. rapes. out of police custody. key, let himself out and threw Mr Hannan QC said Trevor was “She must have suffered for “CCTV shows he away the keys. He walked away. of previous good character. He some significant time. This was an went to the town He must have realised he was was 18 at the time of the killing appalling offence.” centre to a taxi rank at never going to get away with what and only 19 now. Trevor was sentenced to life 3.20am. he did. Far too many people had He said: “He comes from a imprisonment. “Megan had also seen them leave together. decent, close, good and supportive He must serve a minimum 21 gone out that night. ”He walked to a bridge on the family. They are devastated by his years and 65 days before he can She had finished her A500 in Stoke with his legs the actions that night too.” be considered for release by the shift at a fish and chip wrong side of the railings. A The court heard he gained parole board. shop in Trent Vale at passer-by saw him and went to good passes in 10 GCSEs and He was placed on the sex 10.20pm, went home speak to him.” was studying for his A levels at offenders’ register for life.



The Sentinel  Tuesday February 18, 2020



‘He had taken drugs and was worried about going home’

case: Forensics officers and the emergency services at Fletcher Road. Top, killer Joseph Trevor. Bottom, flowers left for Megan.

‘My life has been ripped apart’ Megan Newton was much loved by her family and friends. She was a huge football fan and as her sporting side flourished she started playing for Stoke Town. She also coached Norton Wanderers’ under-7s side. She studied sports and science at Newcastle College – also playing football for the college – and held down three part-time jobs. She loved her annual family holidays to Butlins at Skegness, and had enjoyed her final trip there just three weeks before her death. The court yesterday heard a victim impact statement from Beryl Smith, Megan’s nana. She said: “Meg’s life was cut so tragically short. Meg’s death has wiped out the spark in my life. The loss of Meg is unbearable. We are heartbroken.”

She read a statement Megan had written in which she revealed how she wanted to be a physiotherapist or sport therapist. She had a genuine hunger for football coaching and was to undertake an FA coaching course. Megan’s dad, Michael said: “She was so excited about finishing college and talked about going to America to study. “I am never going to see her grow and blossom into the amazing woman she was going to be. “My life has been ripped apart. She was amazing caring, kind, loving, funny young lady.” And Sentinel readers took to social media to pay tribute to Megan. Sophia Lomas said: “Poor Megan, I remember her as a little girl and her mum. Thinking of all the family through all of this.”

Detectives have revealed that murderer Joseph Trevor accepted Megan Newton’s offer to stay at her flat because he was worried about returning home. The police had been called after 19-year-old Trevor was seen hiding a bag of white powder down his trousers in a club in Newcastle. He was taken into custody and the white powder, ketamine, was seized before Trevor was released by police officers. Senior Investigating Officer, Detective Inspector Cheryl Hannan, said: “Trevor carried out a sustained and violent assault on Megan. “She had kindly offered him a place to stay overnight because he had taken drugs and had been stopped by police and was worried about returning home. “In return he attacked and killed her and left her lying in her own bed while he let himself out and told no-one what he had done. “Megan was a young and gifted teenager who through hard work and dedication had achieved so much with opportunities to achieve so much more. “Trevor’s actions have taken this away from Megan and the chance for her family to see her continue to thrive as a woman who they were rightly so proud of.”

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6   The Sentinel

Tuesday February 18, 2020

The Big Issue


The Sentinel Online

‘High hospital admissions is a sign the system isn’t working’ New figures show more than 2,600 people in the city were admitted to hospital because they drink too much. P hil Corrigan asks why and what can be done about it


lcohol abuse is hospitalising more people in Stoke-on-Trent than anywhere else in the country, new figures show. A total of 2,677 people in the city were admitted to hospital primarily due to an alcohol-related condition in 2018/19 – up from 2,246 in the previous year. The city’s admission rate – 1,127 per 100,000 people – is now the highest among the 151 upper-tier council areas in England. The English average rate is 664. And there were 9,086 admissions where alcohol was either the primary or secondary cause, up from just 4,740 in 2010/11 – although this increase could be partially due to changes in ‘coding practice’ at hospitals. Stoke-on-Trent also scores highly for alcohol-related mortality, with 175 deaths in the city linked to drinking in 2018. This gives it the second highest alcohol death rate in the country, with only Blackpool doing worse. But the city is doing better than most other places when it comes to alcoholspecific admissions among under18-year-olds. Stoke-on-Trent had an admission rate of 23 per 100,000, below the national rate of 32. The figures come as leaders at Stoke-on-Trent City Council – which is responsible for dealing with public health issues such as alcoholism – are set to approve £1 million cuts to addiction services as part of budget savings. Deputy council leader Ann James, who is also cabinet member for health and adult social care, said alcohol misuse is linked to deprivation, which is also high in Stoke-on-Trent. But she insisted that the council was working to address the issue. Mrs James said: “All large cities experience issues of deprivation and health inequalities, and Stoke-on-Trent is no different in this respect. We know that historically, very high levels of alcohol misuse in the city are closely linked with these issues. “The city council funds the Community Drug and Alcohol Service (CDAS) to provide support for people who struggle with substance addictions and their families. A wide range of services are available including behavioural support through to medicines and inpatient detoxification. We also fund Stoke Recovery Service to support people who leave treatment drug and alcohol-free to sustain abstinence, meaning that residents are supported at all stages of their recovery journeys and to rebuild their lives. “We are working innovatively alongside partners such as the police, the NHS and local charities to meet the needs of residents and to provide

/stokeontrentlive /stokeontrentlive @sotlive

TOP STORIES ONLINE 1. Hundreds of parents call for return of lollipop lady Mez after she’s stopped from working outside school 2. ‘There was a huge flash and a bang’ - North Staffordshire bungalow goes up in flames after being struck by lightning




ABUSE: A total of 2,677 people were admitted to hospital due to an alcoholrelated condition in the city.

them with the right support. This includes being awarded £400,000 after successfully bidding for funding from Public Health England last year. This money is currently being used to develop tailored alcohol support services, including a dedicated offer for parents with young children and people who are homeless. We are particularly working closely with health partners to make the most of commitments from the NHS’s long term plan for additional funding to address alcohol-related harm. “In schools we fund programmes to develop education and awareness around alcohol misuse. We also work directly with young people who are at risk of using alcohol or who are exposed to family who misuse alcohol. There is also work being done alongside other city council teams and partners to tackle the attractiveness and availability of alcohol.” Alcohol can cause more than 60 medical conditions, ranging from cirrhosis of the liver and cancer, to high blood pressure and depression. Dr Paul Scott, a GP and chairman of North Staffs Local Medical Committee, says alcoholism is a growing problem due to the availability of cheap booze and cuts to support services. He said: “Funding for these services was moved from the NHS to councils, and at first they were ring-fenced but that was removed. GPs have seen the

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effects of that. We used to have quite good services we could refer patients to before, but that is no longer the case. “The high figure for hospital admissions is a sign of a system that isn’t working. They’ll just be discharged out of hospital and start drinking again. You’ll get the same people being admitted two or three times a week. “I think a big issue is that in England we haven’t had the introduction of a minimum price for alcohol, like they have in Scotland. People with this problem will usually go for the cheapest way of getting drunk, which can mean a big, three-litre bottle of super strength cider. This isn’t just people having a drink on a Friday night. It’s people who wake up and the first thing they’ll do is reach for a bottle.” Leaders at the city council say the planned review of drug and alcohol provision will address ‘poor outcomes’ currently experienced by service users. Alcohol misuse is estimated to cost the NHS £3.5 billion a year, and society as a whole £21 billion a year. Across England there were 358,000 admissions to hospital where alcohol was the main cause in 2018/19 – 19 per cent more than in 2008/09. ■■If you would like help and support with your drug or alcohol use, or would like to know about how to help someone you know, please use the following contact details for CDAS and Stoke Recovery Service: CDAS

Have your say on the issue...


Road & Rail Updatesk meir

A50 Meir Tunnel closed in both directions from Uttoxeter Road to Broadway during the night until April 30.


Narrow lanes and speed restriction of 50mph in both directions from A527 (Wolstanton Retail Park) to A5271 Porthill Road (Porthill Bank) until September 30.


congleton Back Lane closed due to roadworks from Longdown Road to Chelford Road until February 28.

WEATHER Your five-day forecast...






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The Sentinel  Tuesday February 18, 2020




Wayne dies 8 days after losing mum Dad says his son had heart of gold Ruby D avies

A devastated dad has paid tribute to his son ‘with a heart of gold’ who died eight days after losing his mum. Wayne Sant, aged 41, was discovered by his dad David and step-daughter Natalie Ashby at their home in Bucknall. The former Berry Hill High School pupil, who previously worked at George Wade in Burslem, lost his 69-year-old mum Brenda to kidney failure on January 20. David says he thinks his son ‘couldn’t cope’ without his mum. And now the 69-year-old has been left to deal with the agony of losing his wife of 50 years and his only son. He said: “He was in a dark place and suffered from depression. He was so close with his mum, and this is the result of him losing her. “We were given the prognosis Brenda had six to 12 months left on Thursday, but she went into

close: Wayne Sant with his mum Brenda, and inset, with his dad David. hospital two days later and died on the Monday. “I was with her at the hospital, but Wayne missed her by about five minutes. “Wayne was actually taking it a lot better than me for the first four days, but after that he completely went to pieces. “I think Wayne was trying to be

strong for me at first, but he started drinking and stopped eating. “On Thursday I went to pick up his step-daughter from work, and before I left Wayne came down to me and said ‘I’m sorry dad’. “I dropped Nat off at home around the corner, and when I got back home I couldn’t open the bathroom door. I went to get

Nat and we managed to open the bathroom door together and we found Wayne, but he wasn’t breathing and was turning blue. “I rang an ambulance and they managed to get him breathing again, but he died in hospital. It was horrible finding him like that. “I don’t like to think he would have left me in this state, but he

had depression for about four years and I don’t know whether he could have coped without his mum.” David says losing his wife and son is the ‘hardest thing’ he’s ever had to cope with. He said: “Wayne was in a dark place, but he had a heart of gold. He always looked after me and his mum, and to lose them both, I am devastated” David says Brenda was the ‘backbone’ of the family and says she was ‘very close’ with Wayne. Wayne’s step-daughter Natalie says she is ‘devastated’. The 32-year-old said: “I’m shocked and I can’t get my head around it really. Wayne was my step-dad and I was very close to him. “We didn’t realise last Christmas would be our last Christmas with us all together. He had a heart of gold, and so did Brenda.” A joint funeral service will be held for Brenda and Wayne at St Mary’s Church, in Bucknall, tomorrow at 2pm.

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8   The Sentinel

Tuesday February 18, 2020

LETTERS /stokeontrentlive


have your


Write to Martin Tideswell, Editor-in-Chief, The Sentinel, Sentinel House, Bethesda Street, Hanley, Stoke-on-Trent, ST1 3GN Letters should be no longer than 250 words and need to have full name and address to be considered for publication. Only the name and area will be included in any published letter

‘PM’s plans will put us into more debt’ How long had Boris Johnson been thinking of replacing Sajid Javid, the former Chancellor of the Exchequer? Was it part of an early recommendation from his political advisers, perhaps to cover perceived poor outcomes from Brexit? The problem posed for the PM was how to pay for the costly promises he was committed to? The answer it would seem was creative accounting, something seemingly not disclosed until now. What is this creative accounting arrangement? Seemingly it will be to label the promised improvements

Contact us editor-in-chief martin tideswell

01782 864112 / @MartinTideswell

executive editor (print) rob cotterill 01782 864155 / @RobCotterill2

executive editor (digitAL) MARY-ANN ASTLE

as investments and to borrow to pay for them. This would have not been considered prudent funding under normal Treasury guidelines which have been respected by all chancellors. It no wonder Mr Javid resigned. The PM’s plan in a nutshell is to spend without regard to increasing the country’s debt. Surely this is is turning upside down the prudent fiscal rules specially created to curtail Prime Ministers spending money the country is not earning? If implemented, it must be said the plan will help to ameliorate the country’s poor economic performance if promises for the trade treasures promised by the supporters of Brexit turn out to be pie in the sky.

All fridges could be sold with irremovable photos of what obesity can do

Colin beardmore Stone


The article headlined ‘Preventing type 2 diabetes has to be priority for public health’ (Sentinel, February 13) states the case exactly. Diabetes cases have now risen to around four million. One of the chief causes is obesity. The combination of diabetes and obesity tends to be associated with other illnesses from heart disease to joint degeneration. If we do not stop this rise we will end up like the Marshall Islands. There, 28 per cent of adults have type 2 diabetes and more than 60 per cent are overweight. We should discourage this at source. The ceaseless flow of leaflets advertising takeaways should stop. The ‘just eat’ mentality should be discouraged. Newspaper sections and

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‘Fridge warning can help stop diabetes’




TEST: Type 2 diabetes is on the rise. Letter writer Margaret Brown feels ending obesity is the key and wants targeted warnings for people on everyday items. colour supplements devoted to food should be reduced. Is the present deluge of temptation necessary? Propaganda could be trained on the overfeeding industry. All fridges could be sold with irremovable photos of what obesity can do. If smoking could be substantially reduced after years of warnings, surely obesity can too. Such a change would lift a huge burden from the NHS. Doctors and nurses might have time to relax. Patients would have better chances of recovery. Governments should ignore complaints of ‘the nanny state’ and take action before the NHS collapses under the strain. Margaret Brown burslem


If we have published anything factually inaccurate, please contact the editor, Martin Tideswell, at The Sentinel, Sentinel House, Bethesda Street, Hanley, ST1 3GN. Alternatively email Once verified we will correct it as soon as possible. The Sentinel is published by Staffordshire Sentinel News & Media, a subsidiary company of Reach plc, which is a member of IPSO, the Independent Press Standards Organisation. We adhere to the Editors’ Code of Practice as enforced by IPSO, who are contactable at IPSO, Gate House, 1 Farringdon Street, London, EC4M 7LG. Website:; Tel: 0300 123 2220; Email: If you have a complaint concerning a potential breach of the code of practice, we will deal with it directly or IPSO can refer your complaint to us. Go to howtocomplain, where you can view our complaints policy and procedure. A How To Complain pack is also available by writing to the Legal and Compliance Department, Reach plc, One Canada Square, Canary Wharf, London, E14 5AP.


‘CPS should have dropped the case’ Was it really in the public interest for the Crown Prosecution Service to pursue the case against TV presenter Caroline Flack? She was accused of assaulting her partner, who did not support the prosecution. Surely the CPS should decide cases on the basis of whether it is worth using taxpayers’ money to prosecute people when the victim does not support the case. Ms Flack had apparently been under a great deal of stress over this matter. Following her suicide, just weeks before the start of the trial, I think that CPS

prosecutors should hang their heads in shame at this decision. S CLARKE BLURTON


‘Ladies from salon were a cut above’

The awful news of Caroline Flack’s suicide has prompted me to talk more and seek help with my mental health. I’ve had a lot of bad news which I haven’t dealt with. Her death has made me resolve my issues.

i would like to thank the two young ladies in a hairdressing salon who came to the aid of my brother when he was found confused and in pain in Hanley on Saturday, January 18. He was taken to A & E and checked over before being discharged, and is now fully recovered. He said he had asked for help from a number of people who had ignored his pleas, so thank you again to these ladies for their compassion.

darren f milner blurton

andrew burdon oulton


‘Resolving issues after star’s death’

READERS’ COMMENTS Brown and Green shop to close at Trentham Gardens...


Oh no! I love that shop, I always go in every time I go to Trentham, even if I don’t need anything. All my family and friends who come up to visit insist on going in there too. They can’t close!


Most of the shops are expensive

but that’s because they have to be able to make money for themselves as they have to pay rent and also the management company take a percentage of the shop’s profits.


Hang on a minute... they are owned by the garden centre. Why pay rent twice? It makes commercial sense.

It doesn’t mean the business doesn’t work. Not all businesses struggle. Some great success stories at Pavers, Totally Delicious, the perfume and candle shops, The Whisky Shop, Outdoor and Country.

ann-marie allen

It’s aimed at tourists more than locals.



The Sentinel  Tuesday February 18, 2020



‘Six Towns Runner’ Phil to jog along every street in the city in 6 weeks Serial fundraiser planning to cover more than 500 miles Bethan Shufflebotham

in training: Phil Thomas, who will start his mammoth challenge on May 1. Picture: Malcolm Hart


Energetic Phil Thomas is set to take on his biggest challenge yet – running down every single street in Stoke-on-Trent. The 44-year-old, nicknamed the Six Towns Runner, will be clocking up more than 500 miles on his Potteries beat. He was inspired to take on the challenge after seeing a tweet from a runner who had completed a similar task in San Francisco. Phil, from Etruria, is planning to start from the ‘Welcome to Stoke-on-Trent’ sign in Trentham, and end his six-week journey in Packmoor. He’s previously tackled several marathons and half marathons, as well as canoeing the length of the River Trent. But Phil hasn’t always been a runner, and got into the sport after accidentally joining in with the Potters ‘Arf. He said: “I lived on Hanley Road at the time, which is part of the Potters ‘Arf route. “I was on my way into Hanley and the race happened to be on. I was wearing trackies and trainers, so people started to cheer me on. “I was so embarrassed that I jogged along the road until I got tired. But I decided I would run the race the following year.” Phil has now been running for 13 years, and an avid member of Trentham Running Club for 10 years. Since 2010, Phil has raised in excess of £5,000 for the Donna Louise with his efforts. Ten years ago, Phil celebrated the federation of the six towns by running six half marathons in six days – one in each of the six towns. Two years later, in 2012, he ran 12 half marathons in 12 days for the same charity. And it didn’t end there – in 2014 he canoed 200 miles down the Trent over seven days. Phil added: “That was a mad adventure that just came about after a conversation with friends in the pub. “The next year, in 2015, my friends decided to do the Potteries marathon. So I told them if they did it, I’d do it six times in six days. “That was supposed to be my final challenge, but when I saw the tweet I figured that if anyone was going to do that in Stoke-on-Trent, it had to be me.” Phil spent 2019 studying maps of Stoke-onTrent and planning his route around each and every named road in the city that falls under Stoke-on-Trent City Council’s patch. This year, he will be donating funds raised to Iris’ Cats in Need and North Staffordshire Mind, in memory of his brother. Phil said: “In August last year, my brother, Steven, died of ischemic heart disease. “I chose North Staffordshire Mind as we have both had mental health issues – as so many people have. Steven loved cats so that’s why I’ve picked Iris’s.” Steven would have been 40 years old this year, but died days before his 39th birthday.

Phil will start his challenge on May 1, and hopes to complete it on June 14 to coincide with the Potters ‘Arf. He said: “I’m so looking forward to it, to see everywhere in the city. I’ve lived in other parts of the UK, as well as Australia, but there’s still loads in Stoke-on-Trent I’ve not seen. “I’ll be running street to street, ticking them off as I go, and also on a map on my phone.” ■■Phil will be posting details of how to sponsor his challenge on his Facebook page.

In Brief hanley Police descended on a city centre street after fighting broke out at an under-18s night. Police cars and ambulances were spotted in Brunswick Street from around 7pm. Officers have now confirmed there was a disturbance at Fiction nightclub. Eye-witnesses also reported seeing a youth lying on the ground at around 8pm. A Staffordshire Police spokesman said: “No arrests have been made and we are keeping an eye on the situation.” One Sentinel reader said: “There appeared to be a man lying on the floor. It looked serious.”

10   The Sentinel

Tuesday February 18, 2020

Voice of the Sentinel G


PERSONALLY SPEAKING Jenny Amphlett – Sentinel feature writer

be human: Jenny says communicating via technology can be difficult for some.

Wildly contrasting fortunes for our two teams in the city ames come thick and fast the English Football League. But this week is a rare one where there are no matches in either the Championship and Leagues One or Two. Applying the old adage that when you are winning, you want to play the next game as soon as possible, we would imagine that Port Vale would have been delighted with a game tonight, while Stoke City probably wouldn’t. Vale are in a rich vein of form and up into the play-off places after a superb win over high-flying Colchester United on Saturday. Two brilliant goals from Mark Cullen capped an impressive display and delighted the 5,000 Vale fans who ignored Storm Dennis. Vale have been on the periphery of the play-off race for weeks but are now slap bang in the middle of it. After back-to-back campaigns when they have only retained their Football League status by the skin of their teeth, the outstanding job done by the hugely impressive John Askey has got Vale fans daring to dream of promotion. And daring to hope, no doubt, of the return next season of the Potteries Derby. That’s because the consistency craved by Stoke City fans to allow a smooth transition away from the bottom of the table, continues to elude their team. Prior to losing at Derby, the Potters were four league games unbeaten. But since the 4-0 defeat at Pride Park, Stoke have easily beaten Charlton, undeservedly lost against


y m h Tec . . . e c advi ! e t i l o p e b

Preston before the capital capitulation at QPR on Saturday. In the aftermath of another dreadful afternoon in London, there has been a clamour for wholesale changes to the team ahead of Saturday’s game against Cardiff. This free week will allow Michael O’Neill to get his charges out on the training ground to iron out some of the issues which have blighted the Potters all season long.

Port Vale fans are daring to dream not only of promotion but also the return of the Potteries derby against Stoke City

Any defeat for the Potters is bad news because of their appalling start. They are still paying the price for not winning until game 11 of this season. But now is the time for everyone connected with he club to remain calm and not panic. All those with the club’s best interests at heart need – as hard as it may be – to keep a cool head. As one of the previous incumbents of the Stoke City hot seat was renowned for saying.

CONTRASTING FORTUNES: Stoke lost 4-2 at QPR, left, while Vale beat Colchester 3-0 with two goals from Mark Cullen.


s I sit writing this at my kitchen table I’m wearing pyjamas, a dressing gown and slippers. I haven’t brushed my hair yet this morning, or brushed my teeth for that matter, and I’m resisting the urge to raid what’s left of the Christmas biscuits at the other side of the room. I’m made of flesh and blood, and have my own personal foibles and frailties just like every other human being on the planet. I have blood rather than wires and cables running through my veins. The last time I looked I wasn’t a robot, although you might be forgiven for thinking the opposite given the way so many everyday interactions are now conducted. I’ve communicated with at least a dozen different people this morning for work reasons. None of them heard the sound of my voice or saw that my hair looks a bit like a cockatiel where it’s rubbed against the pillow in the night. For all they know, I could be robot Jenny. They have hopefully read my polite, perfunctory emails or text messages sent quickly to inform, book or confirm the various tasks required as part of my everyday working life. With a few typed words and a click of a button I placed a large order for event merchandise, book a meeting room, update some HR records and various other day-to-day tasks. Like so many other technological innovations, I’m convinced that the

ability to communicate quickly and easily with others without speaking to them is a double-edged sword. What we gain in speed and efficiency we lose in warmth and empathy. As our lives become increasingly automated, as we scan our own shopping at the supermarket, as we use a cashpoint rather than a cashier, as we order our clothes online rather than trying them on in a shop, we can forget that there’s another human at the end of that text, email or DM. I’m forever ringing people rather than sending emails to and fro as it’s just so much friendlier and easier to build up a rapport. People are much more inclined to help you if you’ve smiled at them in person or at least taken the time to ring them and be polite. Fast communication via technology is dehumanising some of us and that, I believe, is behind many of the ills that are commonly blamed on social media or overuse of screens. I’m convinced that when people treat others appallingly online they forget that there’s a human being with feelings on the receiving end. Like most women on social media – I’m sure it happens to some men too – I’m approached at least a few times each week for non-work purposes by strangers trying to chat me up. I would never reply to that sort of message, but I’m fascinated by how different those messages are to traditional chat-up lines. Over the past few weeks I’ve been on

the receiving end of “Hello woman”, “You single?” and “Can I get to know you?” among others. My personal favourite (I still didn’t reply to it) was the rather epic: “Sorry for violating your privacy, but it is said that a photo is worth more than a thousand words, but when I see your photo it is not just something that can be explained. This fascinating profile is irresistible…so I have to throw this message to this fascinating person and would love to…” Have the people sending these sorts of random, unsolicited messages ever had a conversation with a real-life woman? Do they realise the person they’re aiming them at is human and not some sort of sci-fi-inspired computer with a woman’s face on the screen? I’d say I’d like to eavesdrop if someone attempted to use one of those lines in a pub, but in reality I’d be cringing with embarrassment. The moral of the story? When you’re communicating via technology please try to use the same manners and respect as you would in a face to face conversation. Be polite, be human and remember that the person on the receiving end has feelings too.

Read more from Jenny at




The Sentinel  Tuesday February 18, 2020




In Brief newcastle Families have been invited to take part in a ‘bird challenge’ at Brampton Park tomorrow. Visitors can make and decorate bird boxes, build a themed obstacle course or create a giant bird nest or bird hide to spot local feathered friends. The event has been organised by Newcastle Borough Council and Staffordshire Wildlife Trust. It runs from 1pm to 3pm. The free drop-in session is suitable for all ages and is funded by Children in Need. It’s part of the Newcastle in Bloom campaign and celebrates National Nest Box Week. PRIZE: An MG like the one won by Roger Wright.

‘I can’t believe I won £30k BOOK TODAY electric car!’ NHS worker Roger nets Sentinel prize Bethan Shufflebotham

Hospital worker Roger Wright couldn’t believe his luck when he got a phone call to say he’d won a brand new electric car. The Royal Stoke employee had been walking to work for four years after being unable to afford a car. But now, Roger has headed down to Pinkstones, in Trentham, to pick out a colour for his new electric MG ZS EV worth £30,000. Roger won a competition with The Sentinel as part of our #Do1Thing environmental campaign, after collecting tokens in the newspaper. The 44-year-old, from Newcastle, said: “I couldn’t believe it – I never win competitions. “I’ve not driven for a few years as I haven’t been able to afford a car so I thought I would try my luck. “I collected the tokens from the paper and filled the online form in.

“I was getting phone calls but I missed them as I thought they were nuisance calls, but then I got an email from The Sentinel. I rang and couldn’t believe my luck!” The outpatients clerk didn’t think he would ever be able to afford an electric car, but is excited about the MG being more environmentally friendly. He said: “I am quite environmentally conscious and I am glad I can now travel via an electric car over a diesel coach. “I usually walk to work but I am looking forward to driving and using the new car to visit friends and family in Plymouth. “I’ve never had an electric car and never thought I’d be in the position to afford one either.” The family-friendly car will be perfect for Roger when travelling down south to visit family. It’s described as MG’s ‘most high-tech car ever’, boasting an 8-inch colour touch screen with Apple CarPlay and MG Pilot driver assistance.

ALTON Staffordshire Wildlife Trust, Alton Group, has cancelled its next meeting due to the weather. It was due to take place on Thursday.

A world of overseas property under one roof



Hop aboard for vintage bus screening DOCUMENTARY footage helps tell the story of how buses overtook trams in the latest Staffordshire Film Archive free event at the Stoke Film Theatre. It features visual archive material,

reminiscences, interviews with experts and film sequences from the 1890s to today. There is also a tribute to the Potteries Omnibus Preservation Society. It starts at 7.45pm tomorrow.


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To claim your advance tickets, visit and enter code ‘STOKE’

12   The Sentinel

Tuesday February 18, 2020





A man with his dogs in floodwater in York in the aftermath of Storm Dennis


Stamps of approval

A new set of stamps is being released by the Royal Mail to celebrate James Bond films and mark the 25th Bond movie, No Time To Die. The 10 stamps feature the six actors who have played 007, as well as some of Q Branch’s most well-known vehicles. The stamps will be available from March 17, ahead of the new Bond film, No Time To Die, which is on release from April.

Call for Cummings SNP Westminster leader Ian Blackford has called for the Prime Minister’s chief adviser, Dominic Cummings, to give evidence before a parliamentary committee. Mr Blackford has expressed concerns

over what he calls a “revolving door” of ministers in the UK Government, following last week’s reshuffle. Mr Blackford has written to the Liaison Committee at Westminster, to urge them to take evidence from Mr Cummings.

Measles so serious Complications from measles are more serious than people realise, doctors have warned, amid increasing cases and “unfounded fears” about the vaccine. The preventable viral infection can lead to “many and varied” conditions such as hepatitis, appendicitis, viral meningitis and seizures, experts said in a medical journal. They hope the warning will increase those having the vaccination.

Pienaar leaves Beeb

BBC deputy political editor John Pienaar is leaving the broadcaster to join Times Radio. Pienaar, 63, left, said he was quitting after nearly three decades at the BBC. The news follows reports that Times Radio is making big-money offers to hire BBC stars.

Warning to vapers

Vape and e-cigarette users have been urged by the Government to use manufacturer-recommended chargers and batteries in their devices amid fears of potential fires and explosions. The Office for Product Safety and Standards has warned about the risks of incorrectly charging e-cigarettes and vapes after a growth in the number of people using the devices. Around 6% of all adults in Great Britain use a vape or e-cigarette, as do about 15% of current smokers.

Climate change is ‘causing flooding’ Climate change is causing more heavy rainfall in winter storms and increasing the risk of flooding for which the UK is “clearly” not ready, experts have warned. The country took a battering from heavy rain and strong winds as Storm Dennis swept in over the weekend, just a week after Storm Ciara, with more than a month’s rain falling in 48 hours in some places, and homes, roads and railways flooded. Research has shown that the conditions in a previous winter storm, Desmond in 2015, which brought very heavy rain to parts of the UK and caused widespread flooding, were made 40% more likely due to climate change. In the wake of the latest storms, Dr Michael Byrne, lecturer in climate science at the University of St Andrews and research fellow at the University of Oxford, said more water in the atmosphere is “an entirely inevitable consequence of climate change”. “When you warm the planet, the atmosphere holds more water. In many parts of the world, including the UK, rising temperatures go hand in hand with more rain,” he said. He added the jury is still out on whether

Flood water in Tenbury Wells, Worcestershire

climate change will strengthen or weaken the high winds in storms such as Ciara and Dennis, but “when the storms come there will be more rain associated with them”. “These storms are nothing new, going back 100 years, but, because we are now more than 1C warmer as a whole versus pre-industrial times, every degree means 7% more water in the atmosphere and more rain in these heavy rain events. “When they come, they bring more rain, 100% for certain, because of climate change.” If temperatures rise by 3C, which is what efforts to cut emissions already outlined by countries currently put the world on track

for, storms could be bringing around 20% more rain than they would without climate change. “It would put a huge strain on flood defences if that were to happen,” said Dr Byrne. Hannah Cloke, professor of hydrology at the University of Reading, said: “These types of events are most likely a taster of what is to come and we should be paying very close attention to that.” And she warned: “Clearly, we are not ready for them. We’ve always seen these big floods, but we do keep seeing these records being broken, it’s very concerning.” She said more people are living in areas at risk, and there is a need to think about how the landscape is managed. It is not just down to more hard flood defences, she said, urging: “We should be using the whole toolkit of things to prepare for floods.” They include looking after soil so it can soak up water and does not run off the land to block watercourses, using uplands to catch water, diverting it on to fields upstream of settlements, and putting in “leaky dams” made of wood in streams to slow the water’s flow down to the towns.

Caroline ‘warned police that she would kill herself’ Caroline Flack told police she would kill herself after she allegedly assaulted her boyfriend in December. The TV presenter was found dead at the age of 40 at her home in London on Saturday, after taking her own life.

Caroline, who was described as “vulnerable” by her management, had pleaded not guilty to assaulting her boyfriend Lewis Burton at her former flat in north London in a court hearing in December. Highbury Corner

Magistrates’ Court heard that, in the aftermath of the alleged incident, Caroline told police “I did it” and then warned she would kill herself. She was arrested and charged with assault by beating after police were called

to her flat in Islington on December 12. The Metropolitan Police declined to comment. Caroline Flack stepped down from presenting the current winter series of Love Island after the alleged assault.



The Sentinel  Tuesday February 18, 2020




‘Closure will have a big impact’ Residents hit out over the loss of their local centre

shutting: Chell Health Local Centre.

Rachel Lawton

families will have to travel further to access council customer services after their local centre became one of four earmarked for closure across the city. The centres in Chell Heath, Burslem, Norton and Meir are due to be shut as part of Stoke-on-Trent City Council’s £9.2 million budget cuts. There are currently 11 of these customer service bases, where people can pay bills and speak face-to-face with council foficers. In the second quarter of 2019/20, a total of 69,063 people used the local centres, down on 75,801 visitors over the same period in 2018/19. People living in Chell Heath are unhappy at the closure of their local centre. The nearest one will now be in Tunstall.

Steve Cook likes having the faceto-face services. The 51-year-old said: “I use the centre all the time. This will affect how I pay my rent. I do drive so I can get to Tunstall,but

this one is much closer. It’s ideal for me.” “I’d rather have this centre and be able to come in and speak to the staff than use a machine.

“The closure will have a big impact and I imagine elderly people will really struggle.” Another resident, who is in her seventies, says she is lucky to have

her car, but worries about how her fellow pensioners might be hit by the closure. The woman, who did not want ot be named, said: “I know that there’s a lot of elderly people who are bad on their feet and can’t just hop on a bus to Tunstall, especially in the cold. Taxis are an option, but that’s just an extra expense. “People use the centre to pay their council tax every month. If you pay here, it goes straight on, but if you go to the pay points it can take five days. It’s convenient to have this service. “I’ve only visited the Tunstall local centre once and I much prefer Chell Heath. The staff here are nice and they explain things really well if you have a problem.” Diane Regan also regularly uses the services at Chell Heath local centre. The 63-year-old said: “I imagine this will really affect people who walk and don’t have access to a car. “I use the centre every week. I do have my vehicle so I could travel to Tunstall, but this is my local. It’s a bit surprising because it does get quite busy here. It’s a shame.” As part of its budget savings, the local authority is also proposing a 3.99 per cent council tax hike and a further 78 job cuts.

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The Sentinel  Tuesday February 18, 2020


Pensioner calls for pavement repairs after falling six times Joe Burn


88-year-old says streets must be safer for all

before I got up. I just want the council inspection being due at the end of repairing to make it safe for other February. Pensioner Malcolm Roberts is people. “The welfare of our residents is demanding action over loose paving “It’s not only elderly people, it’s slabs and other trip hazards after children and mothers with chairs suffering six falls on city streets. that’s been my concern. The 88-year-old, from Smallthorne, “If something is dangerous in a says he is fed up of reporting public area, it should be done. If I go problems to Stoke-on-Trent City out again, it could be worse next time. Council. “That one at the post office, I’ve He has tumbled several times in heard it’s happened about six times.” the last three years and has reported Smallthorne neighbour Nora every road defect that tripped him up. Bean agreed the Ford Green Road But just yards from his Wooldridge pavements were a mess. Court home, Malcolm says there The 67-year-old said: “It’s awful, are more problems and some issues it’s a trip hazard and it’s waiting for remain as unsafe as the day he fell on somebody to crack their head open. It them – more than a year ago. looks like it’s going to collapse outside The former Wedgwood worker told the chemist.” The Sentinel he was well within his Chetwynd Street resident Edward rights to lodge a claim after his falls, Standeven and his wife May, both but didn’t, as he just wants safer aged 84, have also fallen in the area. roads. Mr Standeven said: “We were just He said: “It’s where you cross over going up the post office to post a letter the road on the bumpy area. Every so and she fell on the kerbs that are all often it goes straight down, but it’s not sticking up. painted. It should be painted red so “It broke her glasses. We’ve had to people know it’s dangerous.” pay more than £200 for more. Malcolm has fallen over in Tunstall “Another time it was raining and I at a crossing, resulting in a black eye. went down a pothole and I fractured He has also tripped up in Burslem, my eye socket and my cheek bone in Burslem Park, Hanley and outside Athlone Street. That was March last Smallthorne post office in Ford Green year.” Road – just steps from his flat. A Stoke-on-Trent City Council “Outside the post office, I just spokesman said: “We were sorry to tripped,” added the octogenarian. hear of Mr Roberts’ fall on Ford Green “The day before, someone fell and Road. An inspection of the pavement split their ear. Most of them haven’t took place and we have identified two been touched. rocking flags that require re-laying. “The one that has been done is “These will be repaired within the one in Hanley near Wilkinson’s. seven days and this area will be Somebody saw me fall from the monitored during our walked office window and they were down quarterly inspections, the next routine

hazard: Malcolm Roberts and partner Joy Sherwood outside Smallthorne Post Office where Malcolm has fallen over loose paving.

always our priority, and as soon as the scheme manager at Wooldridge Court was made aware of Mr Roberts’ stumble outside the premises, it was reported to the highways team, who are now investigating.”

In Brief hanley Fifty-nineyear-old Henry Alexander, of Union Street, denied assault occasioning actual bodily harm on September 15. His trial will be held at Stoke-on-Trent Crown Court in the first week of June.

16   The Sentinel

Tuesday February 18, 2020

News Drug dealer to be sentenced Thirty-year-old Craig Hemmings, of High Street, Silverdale, pleaded guilty at Stoke-on-Trent Crown Court to possessing cannabis with intent to supply. He also pleaded guilty to possessing criminal property. The case was adjourned for the preparation of a pre-sentence report.




‘Good fellas’ raise cash for cancer fighter GOVERNMENT SUPPORT CAN HELP YOUR BUSINESS GROW Loopwheels received two government grants to turn their innovative idea into a successful business. From help with finance to export advice, visit

Sam and Gemma Pearce Founders of Loopwheels and recipients of two Innovate UK Smart Grants

support: Will Bateman, Tom Dawson, Eddie Cooper with his sister Madeleine, Tom Wood and Dan Wood after the head shave. Picture: Malcolm Hart

Teens have heads shaved to support girl, 4 Jon Bamber

Five mates had their hair shaved off to raise funds after a little girl was diagnosed with cancer. Four-year-old Madeleine Cooper lost her hair through chemotherapy following her diagnosis last year. Now the Meir Park youngster’s elder brother Eddie, and four of his friends at Blythe Bridge High School, have braved a headshave. The event, organised by family friend Mark Wood, took place at Goodfellaz barber’s shop, in Forsbrook, on Saturday. Fifteen-year-old Eddie said: “Madeleine being diagnosed with cancer has turned our lives upside down. It was only right that I had my head shaved as she is my sister. “ I didn’t want them to do it and not me. I reckon my hair will grow back in a few months.” Forty-seven-year-old Mark, from Meir Park, said he organised the event because he wanted to help. “I persuaded my lad, Dan, and he approached the others. “To be fair, they all jumped at it straight away. The company I work for, SJ Walchester Limited Demolition and Earthworks, have donated a lot of money . “The lads have raised nearly £1,000 and we are going to give it to Madeleine’s family and they can decide what they are going to do with it.” Dan, aged 16, said: “My dad came up with the idea. I had quite long hair. I just wanted to help raise money. It is such a good cause.” Sixteen-year-old Tom Dawson, from Blythe Bridge, said: “We all came together and thought this would be a nice thing to do. We thought if Madeleine is losing her hair, we can lose ours.” Also taking part in the challenge was Will Bateman.

The 15-year-old, from Meir Park, said: “I have been friends with Eddie for ages. When we heard his sister had cancer, Dan came up with the idea and I thought, why not? It is raising money for such a good cause. “I am going to get some funny looks at school after half-term, but it will be worth it.” Tom Wood , aged 15, from Meir Park, said: “Dan came up to me in school and said he had an idea where we have our heads shaved to raise money. “I said I would do it and I stood by that and did it. “I have known Eddie since nursery and am pleased to have been able to help the family.” Madeleine’s parents, Scott and Emma Cooper, were grateful to the lads for their efforts. Mum-of-four Emma, aged 42, said: “Madeleine is doing very well. The treatment is going well. She is having a full cycle of chemotherapy this week. She has always got a smile on her face. “She has a wonderful bond with her brother. She has known the boys since she was born. “She said, ‘Why are you having your head shaved Eddie? You are not having chemotherapy’. Then she realised they were doing it in support of her. “It is great that five 15 and 16-yearolds have come up with this. They made all the arrangements. It is a testament to their character. They are wonderful lads. It is great that everybody is rallying together.” They were also grateful to Amy Bagguley, who gave up her time for free to shave off the locks. Amy, aged 25, owner of Goodfellaz, which is soon to be named Amy’s Barber’s Shop, said: “Dan is a regular customer so, when he asked, I didn’t hesitate to say I would do it before the shop opened. “It’s the first time I have done it for charity. I was only too pleased to help.”





The Sentinel  Tuesday February 18, 2020



Hero PC Claire says thanks to hospital staff donation: PC Claire Bond, front left, with staff at the Royal Stoke University Hospital.

Police officer has been fundraising after suffering serious injuries while on duty Kathie McInnes

A police officer seriously hurt after being mown down by a drug dealer has now donated £1,500 to the hospital that cared for her. PC Claire Bond suffered two breaks in her left leg and a fracture to her right knee in the terrifying incident while on duty in September 2018. Gurajdeep Malhi, right, had driven his BMW at her while she tried to arrest him in Stafford. She was trapped between his car and a garden fence, then dragged several metres and flung to the ground as the BMW sped away. The 26-year-old driver was later jailed for 12 years after admitting wounding. Claire was treated at Royal Stoke University Hospital and has now returned to ward 226 to donate the proceeds from various fundraising activities. As well as dealing with her injuries, hospital staff provided care and support for her family. Claire said: “I was keen to say thank you and to try and help make the

ward a more comfortable place for people.” The money has gone towards 16 foot stools, plaster cast equipment and ice-packs for physiotherapy. Claire’s colleagues had organised a raffle to raise some of the funds. And her husband Darren – a serving officers in West Midlands Police – also completed an X-runner event. “I’ve got further fundraising plans in store with the hospital. I want to keep busy, but I want us to get back to normality,” she added. She is making good progress with her recovery and hopes to return to work with Staffordshire Police following a further assessment in March. Joining Claire at the hospital presentation were temporary chief constable Nick Baker and Staffordshire’s Lord Lieutenant Ian Dudson. Mr Baker said: “Claire has made great progress and her positive attitude is inspiring to all of us. She suffered a terrible injury while doing her job and selflessly trying to protect the public. “Even while she’s working to get better, she’s still thinking of how she can help others. We’re very proud of her and her fundraising work.”

Shoe shop reopen after coronavirus test A shoe shop has reopened after an employee tested negative for coronavirus. Clarks, in Nantwich, closed on Saturday with a sign on the door telling customers it was shut due to ‘unforseen circumstances’. It later transpired it was thought an employee could have become infected with the deadly supervirus. Now a Clarks spokesman said: “The individual staff member affected has now had confirmation from Public Health England that they have tested negative for coronavirus and are able to leave self-quarantine. “Throughout this process, Clarks

has strictly and closely followed the guidance from Public Health England to ensure customer, public and staff safety. “As a business we will continue to support all our staff throughout this period and we are continuing to take steps at a local and national level to protect both public and staff safety in line with and in addition to current government advice.” It comes after a North Staffordshire couple have just been allowed to return to their home after fleeing China on a rescue flight. The couple – who have since tested negative – were kept in quarantine until the all-clear.

18   The Sentinel

Tuesday February 18, 2020




#localandproud APPEAl: Nikki with daughter Paris. Picture: Malcolm Hart

Thief had vodka ‘down trousers’ Shoplifter Andrew Lloyd hid bottles of vodka down his trousers. The 35-year-old was stopped by a security guard at Tesco in Hanley who suspected he had been stealing. Magistrates at North Staffordshire Justice Centre heard the incident took place on January 22. Prosecutor Karen Oldroyd said: “At 4pm the defendant entered Tesco and put bottles of spirits down his trousers. He was walking towards the exit when he was stopped by a security guard. “Mr Lloyd stated, ‘Okay I’ve been caught, I’ve got three bottles on me. Police were called and he was arrested.” Lloyd, who is living at The Macari Centre in Hanley, pleaded guilty to theft. The court heard he received a community order in December for another theft offence. Joanne Corbett, mitigating, said: “He has been in the throes of a drug addiction. He has now been able to secure a methadone prescription. The community order is still in its infancy.” Magistrates handed Lloyd a 12-month conditional discharge, meaning he will not be punished if he stays out of trouble for the next year, to allow the community order to progress. He must pay £71 in court costs and charges.

Mum’s £7.5k appeal to build ‘sanctuary’ for autistic Paris 17-year-old needs peace and quiet and currently shares a bedroom with sister Fahad Tariq

A mum-of-four has launched a fundraising appeal to help build a sanctuary for her autistic daughter. Nikki Finney, from Barlaston, is hoping to give her eldest daughter Paris somewhere peaceful and quiet to go if things get too much for her. Paris, aged 17, was diagnosed with autism and dyspraxia, which affects her physical co-ordination, in 2011. Thirty-four-year-old carer Nikki is aiming to raise around £7,500 to build an attic bedroom for Paris.

She said: “With autism they have sensory issues with sounds and feels and smells, all these things can affect them. “Paris shares a room with her sister, but she likes to have the door closed and the light off. “If she needs to study she has to have peace and quiet. Paris can get very anxious and upset but she can’t express her emotions either.” Nikki also has three other children – another daughter, aged 14, and two sons, aged 13 and six. The youngest also suffers with autism and dyspraxia. She added: “It’s hard because I have to try and think of the children with disabilities but then I also have to think about the children that don’t have the

disability because it’s not fair on them. My youngest daughter can’t have friends over or she can’t have the bedroom light on. She can’t have the curtains or the door open, she can’t listen to music. “It’s hard trying to get the children to try to understand each other and although they try to understand, they can start to feel down about things. “I have to give up my bedroom as well so that Paris can use it. I’ve slept on the sofa quite a few times.” “I have had to make sacrifices so that Paris can have her own peace and quiet which is what she needs otherwise she will have meltdowns.” Nikki has created a Go Fund Me page to help raise funds for a space

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where Stafford College student Paris can relax and study in peace. She said: “The room we want to build is so she can have peace and quiet if things get too much for her. “She will be able to concentrate more on her studies. She won’t have stress or any meltdowns. “It will also help her sister as well who is suffering. It doesn’t just affect Paris, it’s a ripple effect and is affecting the whole family. “Everyone will have a lot more freedom. My eldest can have her own space without being depressed and stressed which causes tension in the house. “I have to find the money myself somehow or move house. I don’t want to move house because I have family around here.”

got this Can’t believe we our e family enjoyed ol wh e Th k! ea fantastic br is fabulous! nd the weather a k, ea br t gh er for 4 ni mmend this off co re ly te ni fi de Would Nicole B you soon, Love next time! See



The Sentinel  Tuesday February 18, 2020



Are GPs key to helping people who self-harm? Rachel Lawton

Some GPs do not feel equipped to manage patients who self-harm, despite recognising the serious link it has to suicide, new research has found. More than half of young people who die by suicide have a history of selfharm. Among male patients, there are increasing self-harm rates reported in midlife. And people aged 65 and over who self-harm are 145 times more likely to commit suicide. The rates of self-harm in patients presenting themselves to their GP are rising and an estimated 220,000 self-harm episodes present yearly to A&E departments across England. The new research has been led by Dr Faraz Mughal, pictured, who is a GP and National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) In-Practice Fellow at Keele University. It has found GPs have an important


New university research aims to find out role in the management of people who self-harm, including assessment and treatment, giving ongoing support and referral for further care. There are currently no effective GPdelivered interventions for people who self-harm. Dr Mughal suggests there is an urgent need for acceptable and holistic training for GPs to improve their confidence in supporting people who self-harm. The study identified barriers and facilitators which impacted GP management of patients who self-harm. The current limited consultation time in general practice with people who self-harm, and a lack of self-harm services in primary care were found to be barriers to the provision of good care. According to Dr Mughal, GPs are well-positioned to support early selfharm intervention. The development and testing of effective, GP-delivered self-harm interventions are therefore required to reduce repeat self-harm. The National Suicide Prevention

Strategy has prioritised reducing selfharm as a key priority to reduce suicide risk, and this research outlines the current role of the GP in the support and management of people who self-harm. Dr Mughal said: “This is the first study to review the global literature on GPs and self-harm, and bring it all together, to outline the role a GP could play in helping people who self-harm. “This provides the foundation for important further research to understand and test how GPs can better support people who self-harm. “I aim to study how GPs can improve their provision of self-harm care, and how they can help people struggling with self-harm.” Professor Carolyn Chew-Graham is a Professor of General Practice at Keele University. She said: “This is an important study highlighting the key role a GP might play in supporting people with selfharm behaviour, but identifies learning needs and training opportunities which Dr Mughal will be addressing in his future work.”

COLOURFUL: A children’s charity has announced a giveaway called Freebie Fridays – to reward people for registering for its fun run. Caudwell Children is giving away neon headbands, wristbands and angel wings to those who register on certain Fridays. The Colour Runner event takes place on April 4 in Central Forest

Park, Hanley. It is 2km or 5km and participants are blasted with powder paints on their way round the course. Pictured modelling the kit is Malcolm Beardmore, director of sponsors Intercity Taxis and Kate Sherwin, from Caudwell Children. Secure a place at caudwell

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20   The Sentinel

Tuesday February 18, 2020




#localandproud CLOSED OFF: Adies Alley. Inset, the narrow entrance on High Street and burcher Nick Griffin.

Spencer blazes trail for charity FIREFIGHTER Spencer Smith ran 13.1 miles – dressed in full kit and breathing apparatus. Spencer, from Hartshill, braved Storm Dennis to complete the Oulton Park Half-marathon in 2:31:20 on Sunday. It is the first event of several this year he is doing to raise funds for four charities – Mind, the Fire Fighters’ Charity, Animal Lifeline and Make A Wish Foundation. Spencer, above, who is based at Newcastle Fire Station, said: “Not a bad time but it was tough at times. Great support from fellow runners.” ■■Support him at https:// uk.virginmoneygiving. com/SpencerSmith3

Traders’ despair as walkway shuts due to loose roof tiles ESCORTED HOLIDAYS

Butcher was given just 24 hours’ notice

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Traders were given just 24 hours’ notice that a well-used access to their shops would close due to safety concerns about a derelict building. Adies Alley, which connects Stone High Street with Crown Street, is home to a number of businesses as well as being a walking route into the town centre from car parks, the Trent and Mersey Canal and the Joules Court retirement home complex. But the Crown Street entrance to the alley was closed last Thursday after concerns were raised about the condition of the Grade II listed building The Maltings nearby. Helen Fisher, cabinet member for Highways and Transport at Staffordshire County Council said: “As the building has been declared as unsafe due to loose roof tiles, our highways teams have had no choice but to close the alley for safety reasons. Officers are hoping to meet with the building owner and Stafford Borough Council to discuss time scales for any repairs.” Nick Griffin of Adies Alley butchers

Griffins of Stone said he was told on Wednesday morning the alley section could be closed within 24 hours. Deliveries to his shop, which normally come up the alley from Crown Street, would instead have to come through a narrow entry off High Street if the access was closed. But vehicle access along High Street is restricted during the day. Mr Griffin is also concerned visitors with mobility issues, Joules Court residents and passengers getting off buses at Crown Street will face a longer journey to High Street. He said: “Businesses will be open as usual. However it still won’t look very good. We have deliveries coming through from Crown Street. And our refuse collections will be a massive problem because our bins don’t fit through the High Street archway.” Parts of The Maltings date back to the 17th century and the building was previously part of the Joule’s Brewery. But in recent years the building has been vacant and its condition has deteriorated, with plants growing out of the walls and a hole in the roof. Councillor Jill Hood said: “Something should have been done about this two years ago.”

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The Sentinel  Tuesday February 18, 2020




‘It was very foolish of me to drive and get another bottle of wine’ IN COURT: Barbara Harrison.

Drink-drive OAP, 63, hit neighbour’s car Sentinel R eporter

Drink-driver Barbara Harrison crashed her car into a neighbour’s vehicle. The 63-year-old had drunk half a bottle of wine at home when she drove to the shop to buy more booze. But when she returned to her Cheadle home, her Volkswagen Fox hit a parked car in the street. North Staffordshire Justice Centre heard the car’s owner saw the collision. Prosecutor Karen Oldroyd said:

“The witness was in the front passenger seat of her partner’s car in Mill Road. She saw a car approaching and recognised it to be her neighbour Miss Harrison’s car. She observed Miss Harrison’s vehicle collide with her own, which was parked outside her address. She saw her own car shunt forward. “She got out of the car and spoke to the defendant. She could immediately smell alcohol and suspected the defendant was drunk. Miss Harrison kept saying she was sorry.” Harrison, of Mill Road, Cheadle, provided a positive roadside breath test. She later gave an

good sports: More than 2,200 children and 300 teaching staff took part in the City Learning Trust’s first fundraising event. 5 Alive saw pupils from Haywood Academy, Trentham Academy, Mill Hill Primary Academy, Smallthorne Primary Academy and City College complete sponsored sporting activities. The event was staged to raise money for the Douglas Macmillan Hospice and the Donna Louise Children’s Hospice. Fundraising activities leading up to and on the day itself included a non-uniform day, cake and sweet

alcohol reading of 60 micrograms in 100 millilitres of breath – the legal limit is 35. Harrison pleaded guilty to drink-driving on September 2. The court heard she had no previous convictions. She told magistrates: “I don’t remember that much about it. It was very foolish of me to drive and get another bottle of wine. I’m sorry for the damage caused to my neighbour’s vehicle. It was a one-off.” Magistrates fined Harrison £100 and disqualified her from driving for 17 months. She must pay £135 court costs and a £32 victim surcharge.

sales, a silent auction, clothes sales and a coffee morning to boost the grand total. Year 6 teacher Deb Sutherland said: “It’s been amazing. The children have come in and just had a whale of a time, and the staff have too. We didn’t have a target, we just wanted to raise a lot of money, and I think the fact that we have all come together made it possible.” Above, clockwise from bottom left, are Riley Mottram, Daisy Cooke, organiser Liam Freeman, Oliver Rushton, Elina Vitale and Lucy Hughes.

Picture: Leanne Bagnall

22   The Sentinel

Tuesday February 18, 2020




Jo now goes the extra After struggling to walk long distances following an accident that left her with pain exacerbated by her weight, Jo Triner joined Slimming World and lost almost seven stone. M att Jackson reports...



uper slimmer Jo Triner found it difficult “Now I can just pop into most shops and know to walk long distances after an accident that if I pick something out, I can try it on and it left her with pain in her back and will fit. I couldn’t do that before. suffering from arthritis. “When I first started off people didn’t always But after losing 6st 9lbs at her local notice, but now, a year later, some people see me Slimming World group, the 62-year-old has found and always ask if I’ve lost more. a new lease of life – walking two to three miles a “We can get a lot of walking done now. We very night with husband Paul. much enjoy each other’s company so Initially Jo, of Biddulph, felt hesitant we can walk two or three miles having to join the group but, after driving a chat.” past the adverts every day, decided to Since joining their local group at St take the plunge and join. WEIGHT BEFORE Lawrence’s Church, in Biddulph, Jo She has now managed to smash her and Paul picked up the ‘couple of the original expectations and finds year’ award, while herself reinvigorated. Jo picked up WEIGHT AFTER Jo said: “I had always been ‘slimmer of the overweight, but was in an accident year’ and ‘woman in 2014 and fractured my spine. of the year’. “I had arthritis which was made And 58-year-old TOTAL LOSS worse by my weight – I wanted to do Paul says the something but lacked the change has had a confidence. dramatic impact “Paul had been saying he wanted on Jo. TOP TIP to lose about 2st, and we drove past He said: “It is “Just do it! Go the signs every day on our way to absolutely amazing through the door work. I said I wanted to join up, and what she has done. and take the first Paul told me he would support me. I have never seen step. Everyone “I was nervous at first so rang her like this. is welcomed, no about joining – I now wonder why. “The weight loss matter how much We joined on January 24 last year has given her a you need to lose.” and have never looked back. You new lease of life get loads of support and no one and she is far more judges. active. Before we “It can be quite hard to get into at the start, but were trying to do some once you get over that first hurdle it’s fine. walking to help, but Jo “We work long hours so the urge was to come would really struggle – now home and have a ready meal, but now all of our I have to try keep up. cooking is done from scratch. “It used to be me being “We get the books out and pick what to eat, then told to slow down, but now think ‘that’s another for the repertoire’.” she outpaces me. Now, over six-and-a-half stone lighter, Jo says “We wish we had done people regularly notice the remarkable this sooner.” transformation – and she can even walk further. The pair attend the She added: “I have had to buy a whole new Biddulph St Lawrence’s wardrobe. But it’s not just that, when you’re big group every Thursday. you can’t shop everywhere you want. There were Group times are 5.30pm places I would only visit with my niece. and 7.30pm.


19st 13lb 13st 4lb 6st 9lb

RELATIONSHIPS Columnist and trained counsellor FIONA CAINE offers her perspective on family dramas, emotional issues and dysfunctional relationships I’m 16 and when I split with my girlfriend before Christmas, I turned to one of my mates for help. He really seemed to understand how I felt, but the thing is, I think I’m now attracted

to him. I think about him all the time and can’t wait to be with him; I’ve even had fantasies about sleeping with him. I don’t understand why this is happening because I’ve always been attracted to girls before. Am I gay? And if so, how am I going to cope with my parents?

when you’ve needed one, and it would be a shame to lose that when your feelings are so in conflict. If you think he’s open to it and feel comfortable doing so, then perhaps you could talk about your feelings with him? I suggest you keep an open mind, continue to see people of all sexual orientations and see how things develop. Try not At this stage, I don’t think you need to to feel pressured into acting a certain start putting a label on yourself (unless way or fitting in with other people’s you feel that you want to – but there’s expectations of you – and that includes no need to rush). You may be gay, you your parents. When you know who you may be straight, you may be bisexual or are, really know who you are, then you any of the other numerous orientations will find telling your parents and other that people can be. I would suggest people will be very much easier – if, not making any fast moves with your indeed, you need to tell them anything friend though. He’s been a good friend at all.

Jo Triner after losing 6st 9lbs with the help of Slimming World, and inset, before joining the group.



BRADELEY Community Centre, Chell Heath Road 5pm & 7.00pm Tel: Emma 07702 488000

LONGTON St Marys & St Chads Church Hall Anchor Road 5pm & 7pm Tel: Zoe 07881 306929

CLAYTON The Baptist Church, Stafford Avenue 9.15am, 11.15am, 5.15pm & 7.15pm Tel: Liz 07738 179260

SNEYD GREEN St Andrews Church Sneyd Street 9.30am Tel: Rachel 07757 269975

DRESDEN United Reformed Church Trentham Road 9am & 11am Tel: Lynne 07884 143764 DRESDEN United Reformed Church Trentham Road 5pm & 7pm Tel: Kealey 07933 857352 BuCkNALL Eaves Lane New Spring Church 9.30am, 5.30pm & 7.30pm Tel: Angela 07760 878254 FENTON Temple Street, Methodist Church 5.30pm & 7.30pm Tel: Lynne 07884 143764 MEiR PARk Meir Park, Community Hall Lysander Road 9:30am, 11:30am, 5:30pm & 7:30pm Tel: Joanne 07546 486904 MiLTON Hardman Development Centre Millrise Road 9.30am, 11.30am, 5.30pm & 7.30pm Tel: Lisa 07470 505023 TuESDAYS PENkhuLL Village Hall Trent Valley Road 3.30pm & 5.30pm Tel: Laura 07841 539349 RED STREET Community Centre Talke Road 7pm Tel: Zoey 07512 540784 hARTShiLL The Minton Centre (behind Holy Trinity Church) 5pm & 7pm Tel: Angela 07894 834679 SNEYD GREEN St Andrews Church, Sneyd Street, 5pm & 7pm Tel: Rachel 07757 269975 CLAYTON The Baptist Church, Stafford Avenue 9.30am Tel: Liz 07738 179260 AuDLEY Audley Community Centre 9.30am, 5pm & 7pm Tel: Laura 07791 428832 ABBEY huLTON St Johns Welcome Centre, Greasley Road 9.30am, 5.15 & 7.15pm Tel: Paula 07788 891950 BuRSLEM BURSLEM Scout HQ Baddeley Street 9.15am & 5.30pm Tel: Alison 07903 771384 hiGhERLAND Newcastle Methodist Church 3:30, 5:30 & 7:30pm Tel: Claire 07986 569076 BLuRTON Blurton Community Hub Ingestre Square 9:30am, 5:30pm & 7:30pm Tel: Nicola 07758 517815

CLAYTON St James Church Clayton Road 6.30pm Tel: Julie 07803 373549 CROSS hEATh St Michaels Church, Linden Grove 5.30pm & 7.30pm Tel: Angela 07894 834679 BRADWELL St Barnabas Church, Cauldon Avenue 3pm, 5pm & 7pm Tel: Dawn 07763 418132 OAkhiLL Stoke Baptist Centre, Foden Street, 5.15pm Tel: Sue 07980 549840 BuCkNALL Methodist Church, Werrington Road 5pm & 7pm Tel: Emma 07702 488000 TRENT VALE St Johns Centre Newcastle Road 9.30am Tel: Sue 07980 549840 kiDSGROVE St Thomas Church The Wade Centre 9.15am, 5pm & 7pm Tel: Claire 07986 569076 TuNSTALL Christ Church Hall High Street 5pm & 7pm Tel: Laura 07842 219456 WERRiNGTON Werrington Scout Hall Bridle Path 5.30pm & 7.30pm Tel: Emma 07702 488000 NORTON Norton Community Church St Nicholas Avenue 5:30 & 7:30pm Tel: Lisa 07470 505023 WESTON COYNEY Weston Coyney Village Hall Princess Drive 9am & 11am Tel: Sue 07932 550803 BLuRTON St Paul’s Church Hall Longton Hall Road 5:30pm & 7:30pm Tel: Nicola 07758 517815 LEEk St Luke’s Church, Fountain Street 3.30pm, 5.30pm & 7.30pm Tel: Emma 07786 440010 ThuRSDAYS TRENThAM Priory Primary School New Inn Lane Entrance 5pm & 7pm Tel: Vicki 07925 550421 SMALLThORNE Smallthorne Community Centre Community Drive 7pm Tel: Agnes 07832 196934 BRADWELL St Barnabas Church Cauldon Avenue 9.15am Tel: Dawn 07763 418132

ChELL St Michaels Church Michaels Road 9.30am, 11.30am, 5.30pm & 7.30pm Tel: Emma 07786 440010

SiLVERDALE Cornerstone Community Centre 9.30am, 5pm & 7pm Mill Street Tel: Clare 07584 071643

MEiR Meir Holy Trinity Church Hall Watchfield Close 5.30pm & 7.30pm Tel: Sue 07932 550803

WOLSTANTON St Wulstans Community Centre, Church Lane 9.30am & 11.30am Tel: Sue 07980 549840

MiLTON Leigh Memorial Methodist Church Leek Road 5.30pm & 7.30pm Tel: Lisa 07470 505023

BiRChES hEAD (formerly Northwood) The Bridge Centre 5pm & 7pm Tel: Emma 07702 488000

MAY BANk Marsh Hall Community Centre, Grange Lane 3.15pm, 5.15pm & 7.15pm Tel: Sue 07980 549840 GOLDENhiLL Goldenhill Workingmen’s Club 9.30am, 5pm & 7pm Tel: Paula 07788 891950 ChESTERTON St John The Evangelist Loomer Road 9.30am, 5pm & 7pm Tel: Clare 07708 043960 NEWCASTLE Revolution (private upstairs) 7 Hassell Street 9.30, 11.30am, 3.30 & 5.30pm Tel: Claire 07986 569076 WESTLANDS Whitfield Community Centre Whitfield Avenue 6.30pm Tel: Julie 07803 373549 BERRYhiLL Berryhill Village Arbourfield Drive 7pm Tel: Stacey 07749 416425 BLuRTON St Paul’s Church Hall Longton Hall Road 9:30am Tel: Nicola 07758 517815 FENTON Temple Street Methodist Church Temple Street 5.30pm Tel: Lynnette 07813 147464 MEiR Meir Hoy Trinity Church Hall Watchfield Close 7pm Tel: Sue 07932 550803 NORTON Norton Social Club Knypseley Road 9.30am Tel: Emma 07786 440010 TRENThAM Trentham Methodist Church Barlaston Old Road 9.30am Tel: Sue 07932 550803 FRiDAYS WESTON COYNEY Weston Coyney Village Hall Princess Drive 5.30pm Tel: Hayley 07906 452113 hANLEY WRVS, (Next to Iceland) 8am & 10am Tel: Sue 07889 256071 LYMEDALE Lymedale Bar Liverpool Road, Newcastle 9.30am Tel: Clare 07708 043960 TuNSTALL DW Fitness First (private room) 9:30am Tel: Lynnette 07813 147464 SATuRDAYS MEiR PARk Meir Park Community Hall Lysander Road 8.30am Tel: Joanne 0756 486904 NEWCASTLE COLLEGE The Gordon Banks Centre Knutton Lane 8.30am & 10.30am Tel: Clare 07708 043960 LONGTON St Mary & St Chads Church Hall Anchor Road 7.30am, 9.30am & 11.30am Tel: Zoe 07881 306929 ChEADLE Cheadle New Life Church 37 Tape Street 8.30am Tel: Kealey 07933 857352

24   The Sentinel

Tuesday February 18, 2020





t’s always alarming when a loved one develops cardiovascular disease or suffers a heart attack. As well as worrying about them, it might make you consider your own health too – especially as these things can run in families. So, if you do have a family history of heart disease and stroke, how concerned should you be? And what can you do about it? We talked to Dr Gerald Carr-White, a consultant cardiologist at Guy’s and St Thomas’ Hospital, as well as London Bridge Hospital, part of HCA Healthcare UK (, and Philippa Hobson, a senior cardiac nurse for the British Heart Foundation (

How important is family history for heart health?

Around 7.5 million people are living with heart and circulatory disease, according to the British Heart Foundation, and even though treatments have generally improved, cardiovascular disease remains a leading cause of death in the UK and Ireland. Family history can be very relevant – but it’s important to remember this is part of a bigger picture. Generally, “the most common thing that tends to run in families is vascular disease, affecting the coronary arteries”, says Dr CarrWhite. Known medically as ‘atherosclerosis’, heavily clogged, blocked or narrowed arteries are a recognised cause of potentially life-threatening heart attacks and stroke. It occurs due to a build-up of fatty deposits which, over time, leads to plaque developing within the artery walls. Family history is one of five or six important risk factors that come into play, says Dr CarrWhite: “The others are whether you smoke, whether you’ve got a healthy diet, whether you exercise. There’s also high blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol to consider. All of these are very important.”

Find out what’s actually going on

The first step is to try and have a general awareness of your family history, and if you are concerned, Philippa says it’s a good idea to “ask questions about what happened”. Did doctors specify a cause? How old were they when it first happened? “If your granddad or dad was in their 60s or 70s then of course that’s still a serious thing, but if there is a family history of very premature heart attack, then you might want to take a more serious look at things like high cholesterol in the family,” says Philippa. “Some people may even be born with high cholesterol but just not know about it until something happens.” For example, familial hypercholesterolaemia, a genetic condition that affects around one in every 250 people, causes abnormally high cholesterol from a young age. “It’s also worth pointing out that a lot of the time when people die young or suddenly, while [the cause of death] is often put down to a heart attack, this can sometimes be due to inherited conditions within the muscle or electrics of the heart,”

It’s a good idea to know if cardiovascular problems run in your family – but lifestyle factors also play a key role. A bi Jackson finds out more

Heart issues can recur down the generations

low in saturated fat – which is often dubbed the world’s healthiest diet, thanks to numerous major studies. Watching your salt intake can help keep blood pressure healthy, and while exercise is important this isn’t just about hitting the gym for an intense workout every now and then. There’s lots of evidence that having a generally active lifestyle – think daily walks and avoiding too much time being sedentary – can be just as beneficial. Regular exercise can Don’t wait until you have a help offset generic health scare to start factors and keep you healthier later in life There’s growing evidence on how our diet and lifestyle in childhood impacts health in later life – and it’s never too early to start encouraging adds Dr Carr-White. regularly, eat a healthy diet – that healthy habits. Plus, the build-up of “So, if you do have a family history probably does more good than all plaque in our arteries develops over of people dying at a young age, the tablets put together.” years and prevention is always better particularly if it’s below 40, it’s This is important for everyone, than cure. worth going for a check-up with a regardless of family history. For “If you look at the aortas and arteries specialist to see if there is anything those of us who are more genetically of adolescents, you can see the early else running through the family.” predisposed to developing probstages of problems with the walls of the lems, Dr Carr-White notes that a arteries,” says Dr Carr-White. “So healthy lifestyle “can make a Healthy habits go a long way getting those lifestyle habits in from an difference to when those problems Understandably, knowing early age is a good idea.” present”. In other words, we could heart problems run in your family help delay them, and sometimes can be worrying. “Family history is prevent them entirely, by living Know your numbers what’s called an ‘unmodifiable risk healthily. Another way we can be proactive factor’,” says Philippa – but that He recommends looking to the is by finding out our blood pressure doesn’t mean future heart problems Mediterranean diet – typically rich and cholesterol levels. “High blood are inevitable. in fresh fruit, vegetables and healthy pressure and high cholesterol don’t “We can’t help our family fats found in nuts and oily fish, and normally have any symptoms,” says background, but many of the other key risk factors are modifiable. So, it’s really about addressing the other It’s also worth pointing out that a lot of the risk factors.” time when people die young or suddenly, Lifestyle plays a vital role here. while [the cause of death] is often put down “Lifestyle measures are the most important thing anyone can do, and to a heart attack, this can sometimes be probably make more of a difference due to inherited conditions within the than anything else,” says Dr muscle or electrics of the heart...” Carr-White. “So keep an eye on your Dr Gerald Carr-White, consultant cardiologist, pictured right weight, don’t smoke, exercise

Philippa, “so it’s a good idea to have your numbers checked.” Detecting these things early means we can take steps to manage them – through lifestyle adjustments and sometimes medication – before they get worse. You don’t have to wait until you’re invited for a routine health check either. In fact, you can often now get these things checked on your local high street. “Chemists and pharmacies are very good at this now, you don’t even always have to go to your GP,” says Dr Carr-White.

Be symptom savvy

Being aware of potential symptoms is also key, and ensuring you get them checked out quickly, and this doesn’t just include chest pain. “Particularly if you’re becoming more breathless when you do things, if you’re having a very fast heart rate or having blackouts, it’s very important to get those checked out. They could indicate narrowing in the coronary arteries, or a weakness of the heart muscle or an electrical problem,” says Dr Carr-White. “It’s also worth saying that women often present late with coronary heart disease, and people don’t tend to think about this sort of thing as much with women.” Indeed, anyone experiencing symptoms should get things checked. As Philippa notes, even slim people get clogged arteries. And Dr Carr-White’s final piece of advice? “Everyone should learn CPR. You never know when this vital skill could save a life.”



Your local chemist can check blood pressure

Oil change: A Mediterranean diet rich in oily fish is great for the heart long-term

The Sentinel  Tuesday February 18, 2020

Do you struggle to ask for what you want in your relationships? Being assertive can be particularly hard if you’re a “people pleaser” who is used to investing lots of time and energy in keeping everyone else happy! However, it’s important to find balance and to skilfully ask for what we want when we need to, so we don’t end up feeling resentful and like we’re sacrificing too much of ourselves for the sake of others. Try using the “DEAR” formula below to help you ask for what you want clearly, confidently and with compassion. Describe – Begin by briefly describing the situation you are referring to. Stick to the facts, being non-judgmental and objective. This helps get both parties on the same page. Express – This is your opportunity to express your thoughts and feelings and make it easier for the other person to understand where you’re coming from. Sometimes we hope that other people will intuitively know how we feel but people aren’t mind readers. Assert – Clearly and confidently ask for what you want. Don’t beat around the bush or tell the other person what they should do. Remember, there is a big difference between asking for something (being assertive) and demanding some-





Don’t get frustrated, tell your partner what your needs are


How to ask for what you want in your relationships thing, which can come across as aggressive. Reinforce – The final step is to identify something rewarding that will happen for the other person if they give you the response you want. Consider the other person’s perspective and what they might want from the situation. Linking your request to consequences that other people desire will make them more likely to agree. Always show appreciation when someone does something you have asked for. Let me give you an example of this in practice. Say I’ve been invited out by my friends at the weekend and I need my partner to look after the children so I can go. I would apply

the “DEAR” formula as follows: “I’ve been invited to go out with my friends on Saturday (Describe). I’ve been feeling pretty stressed recently and like I haven’t had much time for myself, so I’d really like to go (Express). “Will you look after the kids for me on Saturday night so I can go? (Assert). “I’d be really grateful if you would and I’d be happy to return the favour sometime (Reinforce)”. You can apply this formula in any interaction where you want to ask for something or you want to say no to a request from another person. Give it a go and see how you get on. Dr Ellie Harper is a counselling psychologist

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26   The Sentinel

Tuesday February 18, 2020



health & l ifestyle

It’s time to trust your exercise instincts

You could swap your boxing class for a gentle yoga session if you don’t feel like pushing yourself

The intuitive fitness trend is all about listening to how your body feels, rather than counting the amount of calories you’ve burned. Liz Connor reports


ome fitness resolutions are still going strong, and many of us are optimistically booking in some early morning strength and cardio sessions. But if you’re turning up to the gym feeling sore, demotivated and like you’d rather crawl back into bed, it might be time to re-evaluate how you’re working out. In the wake of the fast and furious HIIT boom – which basically saw us working out as fast and hard as we could – intuitive exercise is, conversely, set to be one of this year’s biggest health trends. Rather than trying to pack in back-to-back gym sessions that push our bodies to breaking point, the idea is to dial down your training to avoid workout burnout – a very real issue that can stem from excessive training and not allowing your body proper recovery time.

Rather than punishing your body with strict rules and restrictions – like religiously doing five workouts a week – intuitive exercise is all about listening to your body and only moving when it feels good. “Intuitive movement refers to your body’s innate ability to communicate how, when, how much, and how often to move,” says Tally Rye, a personal trainer who has just released a book on the topic called Train Happy: An Intuitive Exercise Plan for Every Body (£14.99, Pavilion Books). “It moves us away from looking at exercising and working out as a means to control our body, and towards a way of grounding into and being in our body.”

What are the benefits? If you’re looking to get leaner or fitter, it’s understandable to think that the fastest way to see results is to exercise as often as possible. What is intuitive exercise? But research has shown that what Much like the intuitive eating trend you do outside of the gym is just as that reigned our kitchens last year, important as the time you spend this mindful exercise concept is all working out. about creating a healthy and Experts say that building rest and sustainable relationship with fitness. recovery days into any training

Avoid workout burnout and try to dial down your training regime

program is important, because it habitually been doing for a while allows the body to adapt to the and try out new ways of doing stress of exercise and repair things.” damaged body tissues. Tally says that approaching Recovery also aids the body to exercise this way has helped her to replenish its glycogen energy stores create a healthier relationship with for sessions later in the week, both exercise and her body image. helping you to stay at your peak. “Personally, I had weight trained As well as supercharging your with a bodybuilding-style split for physical gains by giving years, because it’s what I your body time to adapt believed was best to and grow, intuitive manipulate my aesthetics exercise can also provide and weight,” she says. some pretty great mental “When the pressure was benefits too. off and I let myself be free If you struggle to give from worrying about yourself days off from the those things, my workout gym without feeling horizons hugely guilty, it could be a sign expanded. that you’re edging “There wasn’t a ‘right’ or towards an unhealthy ‘wrong’ way to train Tally Rye’s new relationship with exercise. book, Train Happy anymore, and I wasn’t Exercise addiction can stuck to the rigid confines be difficult to spot, but the pressure of what I thought was ‘good’ or ‘bad’ to stay in shape coupled with the when thinking about results.” feel-good endorphin buzz can cause Intuitive exercise does require a many people to become a slave to degree of discipline and you can’t their treadmill data. just lie on the sofa for the next few If you’re drastically reducing months because it feels good. activities in other areas of your life, You have to learn to separate a like seeing friends and family, to genuine need for rest with make time for exercise, moving propensity to go for weeks without intuitively could help you to strike a moving your body properly. better balance in 2020. If you’re unsure, follow the NHS’ recommended 150 minutes of Change your way of thinking moderate aerobic activity per week. Getting our mindset back into On days where you genuinely thinking of movement as a form of fancy some movement but know self-care, and not a punishment, is you don’t want to push yourself to the key. injury, you could swap a boxing “Listening to your body means class for a gentle yoga session. that you can begin to engage in But if you’re waking up and exercise on your own terms,” says wincing with DOMS (delayed onset Tally. “You can start to explore and muscle sorness), it’s probably a find what feels good for you if you’re good idea to intuitively give yourself new to exercise. Or if you’ve been the morning off and indulge in that stuck in a rut, then stop what you’ve Saturday morning lie-in instead.



False stories make it harder to tackle Covid-19

harmful spread of FAKE NEWS The increase in fake news could be making disease outbreaks worse, experts say. Researchers focused on the flu, monkeypox and norovirus across two studies. But they say their findings could also be useful for dealing with Covid-19, the strain of coronavirus that originated in Wuhan. They suggest efforts to stop people sharing fake news, misinformation and harmful advice on social media could save lives. Covid-19 expert Paul Hunter and Julii Brainard, both from the University of East Anglia’s (UEA) Norwich Medical School, tested the effect of sharing dangerously wrong information on human health during a disease outbreak. Professor Hunter said: “Worryingly, research has shown that nearly 40% of the British public believe at least one conspiracy theory, and even more in the US and other countries.” ‘urgent’ for youths to get active Adolescents don’t get enough exercise. In a World Health Organisation study of 1.6 million 11-17-year-olds from 146 countries, 85% of girls and 78% of boys said they don’t take the recommended one hour of physical activity a day. “Urgent policy action to increase physical activity is needed now, particularly to The majority of promote and teenagers are retain girls’ too sedentary participation in physical activity,” said Regina Guthold, study author. Their report in Lancet Child and Adolescent Health said action was needed at many levels, including education, urban planning and road safety. HEALTHY HEART, HEALTHY MIND Keeping the heart and blood vessels healthy reduces the risk of cognitive decline and dementia, a new report has suggested. According to the paper released by the Global Council on Brain Health (GCBH), cardiovascular problems increase the risk of memory, thinking problems and dementia. These include factors such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, smoking, an inactive lifestyle and obesity.



The Sentinel  Tuesday February 18, 2020


today’s tv With Sara Wallis

best of the rest

Evening is set to be a brit of alright... pick of the DAY


the Brit Awards 2020 ITV, 8pm

Your guide to all the drama in the Square, on the cobbles and in the Dales

THE SPLIT BBC1, 9pm Hannah, played by Nicola Walker, is stressed out – no surprise since she’s conducting an illicit affair with her work colleague. And Christie (Barry Atsma) is not remotely concerned about keeping his feelings quiet. He’s calling Hannah at home, sending flowers to the office, leaving Post-it notes all over her computer. It won’t be long before Nathan (Stephen Mangan) starts to feel suspicious. Especially since she’s out almost every evening until late. Meanwhile, Hannah begins to equip TV star Fi (Donna Air) to separate from her controlling husband Richie (Ben Bailey Smith), negotiating the impending threat of a media storm. She’ll need Nathan to help her on the case, but Christie won’t be pleased. Elsewhere, Rose (Fiona Button) deals with the devastation of her miscarriage, while Nina (Annabel Scholey) comes to terms with her surprise pregnancy. This drama is the perfect storm of relationship turmoil, legal wranglings and amusing side notes – with a great cast.

Jack Whitehall with one of this year’s Brit Award trophies

HERE’ll be no bruises on Lewis Capaldi’s ego tonight – he’s definitely someone we love, the 23-year-old has four Brit nominations. London rapper Dave is also in the running for four awards, with him and Scottish singer songwriter Capaldi up for new artist of the year, best male solo artist, best album and best song. The last 12 months have been a whirlwind for both artists, with Dave’s album Psychodrama winning the Mercury Prize, Capaldi topping the singles chart for seven weeks with Someone You Loved and both playing hit studded sets at line up. Glastonbury. We’ve been It promises to promised be a well-fought performances battle at this year’s from many, 40th edition of the including Capaldi, biggest night on the Mabel, Harry Styles, British music calendar. Stormzy, Billie Eilish, Lewis Capaldi Jack Whitehall hosts Celeste and a few more the ceremony, live from surprises along the way. London’s O2, with a starIn the main categories, you’ll

SOAP watch

Barry Atsma as Christie and Nicola Walker as Hannah

Lucy Worsley dressed as Anne Boleyn Mercury Prize winner Dave is up for a host of Brit awards see Styles, Michael Kiwanuka and Stormzy up against Dave and Capaldi for both best album and best male artist. Aitch, Mabel and Sam Fender battle the two top dogs for best new artist. International stars up for gongs include Ariana Grande, Bruce Springsteen, Lizzo and Billie Eilish. Charli XCX, FKA Twigs, Freya

Ridings, Mabel and Mahalia are all nominated for best female artist, while Bastille, Bring Me The Horizon, Coldplay, D Block Europe and Foals compete for best group. BRITs producers tease: “This year we’ll be letting the artists fully take the reins to create unique performances, guaranteeing memorable and show stopping moments.”

Emmerdale ITV, 7pm


In a scene that screams ‘that escalated quickly’, Will has co-ordinated a blaster gun battle. But then Lucas comes into the room holding a real gun. Will starts hyperventilating, while Billy tries calmly to get Lucas to hand it over. There’s some explaining to do from Will – the gun belongs to him. Meanwhile, Moira feels outcast from the Dingles while Sam quizzes Cain on the divorce. Elsewhere, Pierce still refuses to let Vanessa see Johnny and she fears for her life.

Having been bullied online, Bobby is now harassed by a gang who recognise him and racially insult him, Iqra and Habiba. He tries to Bex is shaken after seeing defend them all, what happened to Bobby but he gets badly beaten up and is left fighting for his life in hospital. Meanwhile, Bex is shaken after seeing what happened to Bobby – she knows who is behind his attack. Elsewhere, with the boat party well under way, Denise suggests Jack tells Max the truth, that he’s been helping Lauren out.


ROYAL HISTORY’S BIGGEST FIBS WITH LUCY WORSLEY BBC4, 9pm THERE’S plenty of speculation about the royal family right now, with sagas about Prince Harry and Meghan, Prince Andrew and most recently a royal divorce taking up headlines. But will we ever really know the truth from fiction? As historian Lucy Worsley points out, events can be manipulated and mythologised over time, leaving us wondering what really happened and what is fake news. “History is a chorus of voices, each of them shouting out their own version of the story,” she says. There’s no insight on present-day princes here, but this is a right royal romp through the past as she lifts the lid on three big stories from history. In this episode Lucy takes on myths surrounding the English reformation. It’s often told as a gaudy royal soap opera, with randy King Henry VIII in pursuit of a younger wife and a male heir. But did focus on Henry’s love life distract from the real story?

28   The Sentinel

Tuesday February 18, 2020





The Sentinel  Tuesday February 18, 2020


HARRY DAWSON FUNERAL SERVICES Contact: Mr Paul Davies or Mrs Nicola Davies

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30   The Sentinel

Tuesday February 18, 2020



PUZZLES & STARS Cryptic crossword




Across: 1 Stool pigeon; 9 Orbital; 10 Vista; 11 Torso; 12 Rissole; 13 Inches; 15 Accede; 18 Allegro; 20 Poles; 22 Cameo; 23 Inciter; 24 Typesetters. Down: 2 Tuber; 3 Outdone; 4 Paltry; 5 Gives; 6 Onshore; 7 Contrivance; 8 Tape measure; 14 Calumny; 16 Copycat; 17 Notice; 19 Glove; 21 Later.

1. Popular tunes from the British, it seems (4) 3. Doesn’t hold with being placed in different sides (8) 8. Obnoxious status in life (4) 9. Attributes to a writer the start of the scriptures (8) 11. They gather impressions when a little ship’s wrecked (12) 13. Summary falling short of being exact (6) 14. Nevertheless not put back as clothes fastener (6) 17. How the ship with one deck labourer is controlled? (6-6) 20. What the debater did is logical (8) 21. Horse sprinted round the ring (4) 22. So I shan’t cause amazement anyhow (8) 23. He’s a fool to hold the head of the python – they’re poisonous! (4)

Quick crossword

ACROSS 5. Newborn child (4) 7. Overdo (10) 8. Completed (4) 10. Nuisance (4) 12. Personal pride (3) 13. Airships (6) 16. Provincial (5) 18. Bleat (3) 20. Cot (4) 21. Press (4) 22. Habitual drunkard (3) 24. Unit of weight (5) 25. Large scissors (6) 26. Mesh (3) 27. ---- Reynolds, actor (4) 29. Level (4) 33. Horrific (10) 34. Golfer’s warning (4)

DOWN 1. Two instruments required for a dance (8) 2. Can be drawn out in steel, maybe (7) 4. A section of the foot soldiers are trained to move like this (6) 5. A single item showing fastidiousness in taste (10) 6. It’s near the far end of Everest, I wager! (5) 7. Indifferent note duplicated (2-2) 10. Making a written record of what the demolishers are doing (6,4) 12. They relieve pain, but any dose must be regulated about the middle of the morning (8) 15. Boring outside, in a way (7) 16. Where’s the new order for the woodmen? (6) 18. It’s awkward to sleep in it (5) 19. Agricultural measure – could it be a yard? (4)

Hand tool (3) Eye up (4) Compass point (4) Heavy-hearted (3) Sleeping place (3) Curves (5) Therefore (5) Buff (6) Petty lie (3) Perfect happiness (5) Principal (4) Mother or father (6) Woodwind instrument (4) Insects (5) Scottish river (3) Volley of gunfire (5) Red meat (4) Discourteous (4) Definite article (3) Irritate, vex (3) Actor’s signal (3)



Across: 4 Assess; 7 Lingerie; 8 Salmon; 10 Glove; 13 Hobo; 14 Yeti; 15 Taps; 16 Pet; 17 Gait; 19 Emir; 21 Direction; 23 Palm; 24 Halt; 26 May; 27 Open; 29 Trap; 32 Sues; 33 Noise; 34 Coward; 35 Autobahn; 36 Vandal.

Insert letters to form the listed words, moving between adjacent cells horizontally, vertically or diagonally in any direction. Insert all the remaining letters of the alphabet (except Z) in the grid so all the listed words are spelt out in this way.



Down: 1 Elegy; 2 Ingot; 3 Here; 4 Aesop; 5 Solo; 6 Shower; 9 Abseil; 11 Leg; 12 Vigil; 13 Hatches; 15 Tie; 16 Pin; 18 Armour; 20 Motto; 21 Day; 22 Tan; 23 Pagoda; 25 Was; 28 Pedal; 30 Rival; 31 Penny; 32 Sand; 33 Neon.



























This puzzle has no clues. Instead, every number printed in the grid represents a letter, with the same number always representing the same letter. For example, if 8 turns out to be a V, you can write in V wherever a square contains 8. Using your knowledge of words, complete the puzzle.


DOWN 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 9. 10. 11. 13. 14. 15. 17. 19. 23. 25. 27. 28. 30. 31. 32.













































































Split Decision Cross out one of the two letters in each divided square to reveal a completed crossword grid.































































































Each row and each column must contain the numbers 1 to 9, and so must each 3 x 3 box.



The Sentinel  Tuesday February 18, 2020

Rearrange the letters in the top grid to make five words that read both across and down. Five letters have been placed in the bottom grid to start you off.









7 4

1 8



3 4



DINGBATS® original logotype, 1987


6 1


2 7


5 3 7 6 4 8 2 9 1

4 1 6 9 7 2 3 8 5

9 8 2 3 1 5 4 6 7

8 6 4 1 5 7 9 2 3

3 7 9 2 8 6 1 5 4

DINGBATS® iPhone logotype, 2009

1 2 5 4 3 9 6 7 8

2 4 8 7 9 1 5 3 6

7 9 3 5 6 4 8 1 2

6 5 1 8 2 3 7 4 9

Replace the question mark with a letter so that the letters within the circle can be rearranged to form words with a common theme. What are the three words, and the letter represented by the question mark?

M K P A A S R I ? O A V N H I C A U

Scan from DINGBATS® 1987 game board

R=255 G=0 B=0

DINGBATS®, 2009: vector trace

R=185 G=0 B=0

DINGBATS® Red DINGBATS®, 2009: for normal use


Find as many words as possible using the letters in the grid. Each word must use the central letter and at least 3 others, and letters may be used only once. You cannot use plurals, foreign words or proper nouns, but verb forms ending in ‘s’ are permitted. There is one 9-letter word to be found.


3 9




Find the familiar phrase, saying or name in this arrangement of letters.




8 8

3 1






THINGBATS™ logotype, 1999(?)

DINGBATS®, 2009: thicker stems. Only for use at very small sizes, optionally without ring.

R=60 G=212 B=0

R=0 G=130 B=7


HOW YOU RATE 20 Good; 25 Very Good; 30 Excellent. YESTERDAY’S SOLUTIONS

UNASHAMED ahead, ahem, amah, ashamed, ashen, dash, hades, hams, hand, hands, head, headman, heads, headsman, hems, hued, human, humane, hums, mash, mashed, mesh, mush, shad, shade, sham, logotype, 1999(?) shaman, shame,KINGBATS™ shamed, shed, shun.


The letter represented by the question mark is O. Overcoat, tailcoat, raincoat, all types of coat.

R=148 G=0 B=207

R=94 G=27 B=109




Each number from 1 to 9 represents a different letter. Solve the clues and insert the letters in the appropriate squares to discover a word which uses all nine letters. 643125479 gives a flower; 1329289 gives flowers;










424289 gives flowers.


18/2/20 Uploading, 2009



The Sentinel Tuesday February 18, 2020

BEARDMORE Pauline BASKERVILLE Joe Passed away peacefully on Thursday 6th February aged 69 years surrounded by his loving family. Beloved husband of Mary, loving father of Kay, David and Stuart, cherished father in law, grandad and great grandad. Joe will be deeply missed and lovingly remembered by all his loving family and friends. Funeral Service and Cremation to take place on Wednesday 26th February 2020 at 10:00am at Carmountside Crematorium. Would relatives please accept this intimation and friends wishing to attend kindly meet at the crematorium. Family flowers only please. Donations preferred in Memory of Joe to The Douglas Macmillan Hospice. Enquiries to: Co-op Funeralcare Sandon Road Meir, Stoke-on-Trent ST3 7DJ Tel. 01782 315238 / 711244

BATKIN Sylvia Suddenly and unexpectedly passed away on February 8th 2020. Sylvia aged 86 years of Longton. A dear wife of the late Graham, cherished mum of Carl and Beverly, treasured nan of Lee, Lloyd, Shane, Paddy and Alfie and a loving great-nan of George. Funeral to take place on Tuesday March 3rd. Service and cremation at Carmountside Crematorium at 10.30am. Will relatives please accept this the only intimation, friends wishing to attend kindly meet at the crematorium. No flowers by request please. All enquiries to: H. Dale Funeral Services, 176 Anchor Road, Sandford Hill Longton, Stoke On Trent, ST3 5EF Tel. 01782 313866.

BLOOD Barrie Thomas

At rest on February 4th 2020 at the Heywood Hospital, surrounded by her loving daughters, following a long illness, borne with great courage and determination. Pauline, aged 82 years, of Trentham. Pauline will be greatly missed and fondly remembered by all her family and friends. Funeral service at Trentham Methodist Church on Thursday February 27th at 12:45pm, followed by interment at Biddulph Cemetery. Will relatives please accept this intimation, friends kindly meet at the church. Floral tributes welcome. Floral tributes and enquiries to:

Birch House, Birches Head Road, Hanley, ST1 6LH. Tel. 01782 212880.

BINGHAM Dorothy Sadly passed away at the RSUH on Friday 31st January 2020 aged 78 years after a short illness. Dorothy will be fondly remembered by her daughters Yvonne, Michelle & Jackie, and by her son Sean. Dorothy will be sadly missed by all her family and friends.

Peacefully in his sleep on Friday 24th January 2020. Barrie, aged 80 years of Hanford Manor Care Home and late of Barlaston. The devoted dad of Mitchell, Martin & Sarah, loving brother of Betty, Celia, Jimmy and the late Violet, Hazel & Jack, brother-in-law of Bob & David and a loving uncle to all his nieces and nephews. Funeral Service and Cremation at Carmountside Crematorium on Thursday 27th February 2020 at 10.45am. Would friends wishing to attend please meet at the Crematorium. If possible, please wear something blue. Immediate family flowers only please, donations if desired would be gratefully accepted for The City Dogs Home and Iris's Cats In Need. A donation plate will be available at the Crematorium. Inquiries to: Geoff Tudor TUDOR-DAVIES Independent Family Funeral Services, The Beeches, 142 Waterloo Road, Burslem. Tel. 01782 811411

Dorothy's family would like to take this opportunity to thank all the staff on ward 79 at the RSUH, for the care and support shown toward Dorothy whilst in their care. Funeral service to take place at St. Saviour's Church, Smallthorne on Tuesday 25th February 2020 at 12.45pm followed by interment at Burslem Cemetery. Relatives and friends wishing to attend please meet directly at the church. Family flowers only. Donations preferred to the British Heart Foundation in memory of Dorothy. All enquiries to: John Johnson Funeralcare 22 Madeley Street Tunstall ST6 5AT Tele: 01782 837832

BRIDGWOOD Andrew John At Rest on Sunday 26th January 2020, aged 53 years, formerly of Abbey Hulton. The much loved son of Jean & the late Stanley Bridgwood and brother of Steven. Andrew will always be loved and sadly missed by all his family and friends. Funeral Service and Cremation at Carmountside Crematorium on Wednesday 19th February 2020 at 10.30am. Would relatives and friends please meet at the crematorium. Family flowers only please, donations if desired would be gratefully accepted for The Donna Louise Trust. A Donation plate will be available at the Crematorium. Inquiries to: Haydn Heath TUDOR-DAVIES Independent Family Funeral Services, The Beeches, 142 Waterloo Road, Burslem. Tel. 01782 811411

Peace of mind with a pre-paid funeral plan from us A caring, sensible and cost-effective way to plan and make financial provision for your funeral in advance

CAVE Barry Stephen Peacefully on February 7th 2020 at the Douglas Macmillan Hospice after an illness fought with dignity and courage, Barry, aged 70 years, of Sneyd Green. The loving husband and best friend of the late Dawn, loving dad of Stephen and Andrew, loving brother of Linda, John, Alan, Paul, Kevin, Mark and Colin, a dear grandad, brother-in-law and uncle and a good friend to many. Funeral Service at St Saviours Church, Smallthorne on Friday February 28th at 2.00pm followed by cremation at Carmountside Crematorium. Will relatives and friends kindly meet at the Church. Family flowers only please, donations if desired for the Douglas Macmillan Hospice or Cancer Research UK. Donations & enquiries to:

Birch House, Birches Head Road, Hanley, ST1 6LH. Tel. 01782 212880.

CAVE Barry Stephen Reunited with his late wife and soulmate Dawn on February 7th 2020 in the Douglas Macmillan Hospice. Dearly loved son-in-law of Pat, brother-in-law of Sharon and James and a much loved uncle of Laura and Matthew. Happy memories of our family life will remain in our hearts forever. Funeral Service at St Saviours Church, Smallthorne on Friday February 28th at 2.00pm followed by cremation at Carmountside Crematorium. Will relatives and friends kindly meet at the Church. Family flowers only please, donations if desired for the Douglas Macmillan Hospice or Cancer Research UK. Donations & enquiries to

Birch House, Birches Head Road, Hanley, ST1 6LH. Tel. 01782 212880.

DAVIES Desmond Bernard (Des)

DURBER Olwyn (nee Lear)

Suddenly but peacefully at the RSUH on the 4th February 2020 whilst surrounded by his loving family. Des of Wedgwood Farm, Fegg Hayes, formerly Swettenham, aged 70 years.

At rest on February 1st, 2020, Olwyn aged 92 years of Brown Edge.

The dearly loved Husband of Wendy. Son of Bernard and the late Vera. A loving Dad to Jon. Father-in-Law to Amy and a treasured Grandad to Zander and Kayden. Brother of Christine and Stan. Brother-in-Law to Joanne and Phil and Uncle to Tina, Graham and Rebekah. Des will be truly missed by all his family and friends. Funeral service to take place at St Michaels and All Angels Church, Chell on Tuesday 25th February 2020 at 10.00am. Followed by cremation at Carmountside Crematorium. Would all relatives and friends please meet at the Church. Family flowers only, donations if preferred to Leukaemia UK and St Michael's PCC.

The dearly loved wife of the late Philip, much loved mum of Celia and Jean, loved mother-in-law of Keith and Paul, treasured grandma of Thomas, Robert, Charlotte, Peter and Sophie, delighted great-grandma of Reuben, Theo and Emily. Olwyn will be very fondly remembered and sadly missed. Funeral service at St Anne's Church, Brown Edge on Tuesday February 25th at 2.00pm followed by interment at Brown Edge Lawn Cemetery.

DUNNE Eileen Marguerite Nee O'Reilly Of your charity please pray for the repose of the soul of Eileen, of Tunstall, who passed away on 7th February 2020, aged 89 years. The devoted Mother of Anita, Theresa, Desmond, Rita, Bernadette & Eamonn and loving mother-in-law to Sonal & David. A dear Grandmother to Catherine, Christopher, Thomas, Brigid, Jasmine, Ryan & Wei Wei and Great Grandmother to Amelia. A much loved sister to Thomas, Brian, PJ & Sean. A loving auntie, friend and former teacher at Tunstall RC School & Hanley RC School who will be sadly missed. Eileen died fortified with the rites of the Holy Catholic Church R.I.P on whose soul sweet Jesus have mercy. Reception into Sacred Heart RC Church, Tunstall on Wednesday 26th February at 5.00pm. Requiem Mass on Thursday 27th February at 11.30am, followed by interment at Tunstall Cemetery. Family flowers only, donations preferred to Marie Curie. Donations & Enquiries c/o:C McGough & Sons 79 Roundwell Street Tunstall Stoke-on-Trent ST6 5AW 01782 834300

Passed away peacefully on the 12th February 2020 surrounded by his children, Andy of Tunstall aged 55 years. Andy will be sadly missed by all his family and friends. Funeral service to be held at Christ Church, Tunstall on Tuesday 25th February 2020 at 1.45pm, followed by committal at Bradwell Crematorium. Family flowers only, donations preferred to Midlands Air Ambulance. No black and green to be worn at the funeral. Donations & Enquiries c/o:C McGough & Sons 79 Roundwell Street Tunstall Stoke-on-Trent ST6 5AW 01782 834300

No flowers by request please. Donations, if desired, for Action for Children.

Donations & enquiries to:C McGough & Sons 79 Roundwell Street Tunstall Stoke-on-Trent ST6 5AW 01782 834300


Will relatives and friends kindly meet at the church.

Donations and enquiries to:

Birch House, Birches Head Road, Hanley, ST1 6LH. Tel. 01782 212880.



FINNEMORE John Passed away at Adderley Green Nursing Home, Stoke on Trent on 5th February 2020 aged 84. Much loved Husband of Doreen and Father of Christopher and Edward. The funeral is to be held at St. Mary and All Saints Church, Trentham, on Friday 21st February at 12 noon. Followed by private cremation at Carmountside Crematorium. Will relatives and friends please gather at the church. Family flowers only please, donations preferred for either Dementia U.K. or The Alzheimer's Society All Donations and Inquiries to : HAROLD H. LEESE (A. Boulton & Sons) St. Peters Close Stoke. ST4 1LP Tel : 01782 744433

At rest on Monday 3rd February 2020 at The RSUH, aged 74 years of Birches Head. Devoted husband of Carol, loving step dad of Shaun & Gayle, treasured grandad of Charlotte, Tommy, Richie, Samantha & Alex, dearly loved brother of Marilyn and a much loved uncle. Ken will always be loved and sadly missed by Mandy, Chelsea and all his family. Funeral Service and Cremation at Bradwell Crematorium on Thursday 20th February 2020 at 3.20pm. Would relatives kindly accept this intimation, friends are invited to meet at the crematorium. Flowers are welcome or donations if preferred would be gratefully accepted for The Cystic Fibrosis Trust. A collection plate will be available at the crematorium. Inquiries to: Haydn Heath TUDOR-DAVIES Independent Family Funeral Services, The Beeches, 142 Waterloo Road, Burslem. Tel. 01782 811411

WILLIAMSON BROTHERS Family Funeral Directors

Williamson Brothers Ltd, Birch House, Birches Head Road, Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire ST1 6LH

FITCHETT Janet Passed away peacefully on January 11th 2020. Janet aged 68 years of Blurton. Beloved mum of Mark and Michelle, treasured sister of Linda, Patricia, Paul and Anne and a loving aunt.


FURBER Laurence Passed away peacefully on 28th January 2020 at Hilltop Manor Care Home, Laurence (Lol) aged 81 years of Smallthorne. The dearly loved husband of Beryl, much loved dad to Debra and Jason, loved father-in-law to Sharon and Kevin and a treasured grandad to Tom. Laurence's funeral service will be held at St Saviour's Church, Smallthorne on Monday 24th February at 11.30am followed by interment at Burslem Cemetery. Will family wishing to attend please meet at the church. Family flowers only please, donations preferred to The Alzheimers Society. Enquiries to ARLINGTON FUNERAL SERVICES (SJ BOULTON & FAMILY) Family Funeral Directors Arlington House Ford Green Road Smallthorne SOT ST6 1NX Tel. 01782 818888

HULME Phyllis Peacefully on 2nd February 2020 at her home, Phyllis aged 86 years. The dearly loved wife of Michael, much loved mother of Elizabeth, Rachel, Jeremy, Tracey, Delroy and the late Judith, a treasured nan and great-nan and a dear mother-in-law. A committal service will take place at Carmountside Crematorium on Monday 24th February at 10.00am followed by a service of thanksgiving for Phyllis' life at St Mary's Church, Bucknall at 10.45am. Family flowers only please. Donations preferred for St Mary's Church or the Donna Louise Trust. Will friends wishing to attend kindly meet at the church. "With Christ which is far better." Donations and enquiries: JOSEPH LYMER & SON Independent Funeral Director Trent Bridge, Bucknall. Tel. 01782 202270.

Funeral to take place on Friday February 21st. Service and cremation at Carmountside Crematorium at 11am. Will relatives please accept this the only intimation, friends wishing to attend kindly meet at the crematorium. Family flowers only please, donations in memory of Janet are very much appreciated. Donations and enquiries to: H. Dale Funeral Services, 176 Anchor Road, Sandford Hill Longton, Stoke On Trent, ST3 5EF Tel. 01782 313866.

Request your FREE information pack today

For more information call us today on

01782 212880

Email: Visit:

Terms and conditions apply to funeral plans – please ask us for details.



The Sentinel Tuesday February 18, 2020

ILES Eunice

LUKE David



Passed away peacefully on January 24th 2020. Eunice aged 85 years of Hanley.

Passed away peacefully on Wednesday 5th February 2020 surrounded by his loving family. David, aged 63 years, a beloved dad, grandad, great grandad, father-in-law, brother and a friend to many. David will be sorely missed by all that knew him.

Passed away peacefully on January 24th, 2020 aged 87 years of Loggerheads.

Peacefully at rest on Monday February 10th 2020, at the RSUH, Stan aged 87 years of Kidsgrove. The dearly loved husband of Iris, much loved dad of Dianne and Jane, treasured grandad of Natalie, Steven, Karl, Anna, Matthew and Elliot and great grandad of Sian, Lily, William, Zane, Stanley and Frankie, dearly loved brother of Hilda and brother-in-law of Don and a very good friend of Kevin and Bob.

Beloved wife of Len, adored mum of Terrance, Susan and Steve, loving nan, great-nan and great-great nan. Funeral to take place on Friday February 21st. Service and cremation at Carmountside Crematorium at 2.30pm. Will relatives please accept this the only intimation, friends wishing to attend kindly meet at the crematorium. Floral tributes welcome or if preferred donations appreciated for the Alzheimer's Society. Donations and enquiries to: H. Dale Funeral Services, 176 Anchor Road, Sandford Hill Longton, Stoke On Trent, ST3 5EF Tel. 01782 313866.

LEE Doris (nee Gerrard)

At rest peacefully at home on Saturday 8th February surrounded by her loving family. Doris, aged 89 years of Wellington Road Kidsgrove, beloved wife of John, mother of David and Denise and mother in law of June and Chris. Dearly loved by grandchildren, great grandchildren; a dear sister, sister in law, aunt and friend; Doris will be sadly missed. Funeral service to be held on Friday 21st February, 11.20am, at Bradwell Crematorium. Would family and friends kindly meet at the crematorium. Family flowers only please, donations in Doris' memory are welcomed for the Douglas Macmillan Hospice. All enquiries to: Coop Funeralcare 96 Liverpool Rd Kidsgrove, ST7 4EH Tel: 01782 776 678

Funeral Service at Carmountside Chapel on Friday 28th February 2020 at 12 noon followed by interment in Carmountside Lawn Cemetery. Would relatives kindly accept this intimation, friends are invited to meet at the Chapel. Family flowers only please, donations if desired would be gratefully accepted for Palliative Care at Bradwell Hospital. A collection plate will be available at the Chapel. Inquiries to: Haydn Heath TUDOR-DAVIES Independent Family Funeral Services, The Beeches, 142 Waterloo Road, Burslem. Tel. 01782 811411

MASON Roy Peacefully on 12th February 2020, Roy aged 98 years of Alsager. The dearly loved husband of the late Win, loving dad of Diana and Richard, a dear father in law and treasured grandad and great grandad. Service and cremation at Bradwell Crematorium on Tuesday 3rd March at 12.40pm. Will all friends please meet at the crematorium. No flowers by request but if desired a donation may be made to the British Heart Foundation and Cancer Research UK. All donations and inquiries to JOSEPH EDWARDS & SONS, Independent Funeral Directors of Alsager and Kidsgrove. TEL: 01270 882097 or 01782 775333.


Sadly passed away on February 6th 2020 aged 73 years.

Peacefully at rest on 8th February 2020 at Springbank Nursing Home, Knypersley, Derek aged 84, of Mow Cop. The devoted husband of Alice, much loved dad of Susan & Steven, cherished father in law of Peter & Maria, treasured grandad of Andrew, Matthew & Jack, brother of Alan, brother in law of Pauline also uncle.

A much loved Brother, Brother-in-law and uncle who has left a void no one can fill, but cherished memories no one can steal. Donations only in lieu of flowers are gratefully received for Parkinson's Research UK Enquiries to:Co-op Funeralcare 1 Park Avenue, Wolstanton N-U-Lyme, Staffs ST5 8AX Tel :- 01782 711244

Funeral service 11.30am on Tuesday February 25th, 2020 at St. Mary's Church, Mucklestone followed by cremation at 12.40pm at Bradwell Crematorium, Newcastle. Family flowers only, but donations if so desired for the NSPCC for which purpose a collection plate will be provided in church.

PARKER Barry Peacefully after a long illness at the RSUH on February 9th 2020. Barry aged 76 years of Fenton. Loving son of the late Walter and Ada, dad of Mark and Thomas, a loving grandad, also a much loved brother, brother-in-law and uncle. Funeral arrangements later


Resident of Chell Heath a service of celebration will take place at Bradwell Crematorium on Thursday 20th February at 1.20pm.

Beloved husband of the late Rita.

Derek will be sadly missed but fondly remembered by his family, friends, and all who knew him. The Funeral Service is to take place at 1pm on Friday 28th February at St Luke's Church, Mow Cop, followed by Committal in the family grave at St Luke's, Mow Cop. Family & Friends wishing to attend kindly meet at the church. Family flowers only, donations if desired to Alzheimer's Society in memory of Derek. Enquiries to: John Garside & Son, 2 Cross Street, Biddulph, Stoke on Trent, ST8 6BD. Telephone No: 01782 513210

Enquiries to H. Dale Funeral Services, 176 Anchor Road, Sandford Hill Longton, Stoke On Trent, ST3 5EF Tel. 01782 313866.

RAHMAN Hafiz (Ray)

Funeral Cortege will leave his own residence on Tuesday February 25th 2020 for Service and Cremation at Bradwell Crematorium at 12 noon. Will relatives please accept this intimation, friends wishing to attend kindly meet at the Crematorium. Family flowers only, donations preferred in memory of Stan for Parkinson's UK c/o The Funeral Director. Donations & inquiries to:Gail Spender C. EDWARDS & SON (FUNERAL SERVICES) 155 High Street, Talke Pits, Stoke-on-Trent. ST7 1QQ. Tel No: 01782 782842

SMITH Joan Nee Taylor Peacefully on 11th February 2020, at the R.S.U.H. Joan, aged 89 years. The dearly beloved wife of the late Ken, formerly of Stone. Much loved mum of Melanie and Paul, loved motherin-law of Martin and Lisa. Treasured nanny Joan of Amy, Ben and Sophie. A dear aunt. Funeral cortege from her daughter's home in Newcastle for a service and cremation at Bradwell Crematorium on Friday March 6th at 12.00 noon. Will all relatives and friends please accept this intimation and kindly meet at Bradwell.

Peacefully on Wednesday 12th February 2020 at the Haywood Hospital Hafiz "Ray" aged 93 years of Newcastle. The dearly loved husband of the late Ida Rahman, loving father to Susan, dear step grandpa to James and Lucy, cousin to the late Mani Durrani and friend to many. Retired Perfusionist at the North Staffs Royal Infirmary. Funeral service and cremation to take place at Bradwell Crematorium on Thursday 27th February 2020 at 1.20pm. Would friends and family wishing to attend kindly meet at the crematorium. No flowers by request but you may wish to make a donation to The Woodland Trust in memory of Ray. Enquiries to:Co-op Funeralcare 1 Park Avenue, Wolstanton N-U-Lyme, Staffs ST5 8AX Tel :- 01782 711244

Flowers or if preferred donations for Dementia UK. Donations and enquiries to:

Birch House, Birches Head Road, Hanley, ST1 6LH. Tel. 01782 212880.


WAGSTAFF Robert George (Rob) Suddenly whilst at home on Thursday 16th January, 2020. Rob aged 67 years of Hill Chorlton. Dearly loved son of the late George & Marjorie. Dear nephew & Cousin.

Peacefully at rest on Wednesday 12th February 2020 at the Douglas Macmillan Hospice, after a long illness fought with great courage and dignity, Eric aged 78 years of Trentham, the dearly loved and loving husband of Vera, a much loved and treasured dad of Darren and Debbie, a loving father in law of Joanne, a dearly loved and cherished grandad of Lauren, Bethan, Megan, Hannah and George, a much loved and treasured great grandad of Chase and Leo, also a dear brother of Alan and brother in law to Margaret. Eric will be sadly missed but fondly remembered by all his loving family and many friends. Funeral services and cremation to take place at Bradwell Crematorium on Friday 28th February, 2020 at 2pm. Will relatives please accept this the only intimation and would friends wishing to attend kindly meet at the crematorium. Family flowers only, donations would be preferred in memory of Eric to the Douglas Macmillan Hospice.

All enquiries to Kevin Lownds Funeral Services 12-13 Andrew Place Newcastle, ST5 1DL Tel: 01782 914777

THOMPSON Margaret Ann After a short illness Margaret Ann, passed away peacefully at Leighton Hospital on Monday 10th February 2020. The beloved Wife of William Solomon, dearly loved Mum of Nicola, very special mother-in-law of Mark and devoted and much-loved Nana of Isabelle and Ellie. Margaret will be sadly missed but lovingly remembered by her family, friends and all who knew her. Funeral to take place on Tuesday 25th February 2020 at 10.30am at St John the Baptist's Church, Smallwood followed by interment in the Churchyard. Donations if desired to Cancer Research and Alsager Animals in Need. All enquiries to Peter Forshaw Funeral Services Sandbach 01270 762230.

Rob will be sadly missed but fondly remembered by all his loving family, friends - in particular members of CAMRA. Funeral service to be held at Bradwell Crematorium on Tuesday 25th February, 2020 at 13:20pm. Close family flowers only, donations much appreciated to The British Heart Foundation.

Hopkinson Wootton Lovatt Hopkinson House, 15 Chetwynd Street, Wolstanton, ST5 0EQ. Telephone: 01782 715152. www. hopkinsonwoottonlovatt.

WARBURTON Chris Warburton Chris (chiefy) sadly passed on 16th February on the Isle of Arran aged 87 after a short illness. Formerly of Miles Green. Dearly loved husband of June and much loved uncle. Any enquires please ring 07716711766

WOOD Ronald (Ron) Peacefully on 27th January 2020 at his son's home in Newcastle, Ron, aged 80 years. The dearly beloved husband of the late Anne, of Penkhull, much loved dad of Kevin, loved father-in-law of Marie, treasured grandad of Luke and Abbie, loved and respected by Sue, Sam, Ben and Grace, a dear brother, brother-in-law and uncle.




One year today you left us. Thinking of you John is easy, I do it every day, missing you is the heartache that never goes away. Love you always and forever. April

Free Brochure and Home Visits Hanley Rd, Smallthorne

Tel. 01782 835394

COOKE Les Geoff, Jenny and Jackie would like to say a big thank you to everyone who attended Les's funeral service. For the kind messages of comfort, cards of condolence and generous donations for the Marie Curie Cancer Care and St. Matthew's Church are very much appreciated. Special thanks to Hanley Team Ministry, St. Matthew's Church, Small Arms School Corps, SASC Association, Royal Marines Association, Crime Prevention Panel, friends and family. It was lovely to see you all.

CALL JBM MEMORIALS A PERSONAL CARING SERVICE TEL 01782 411106 for a brochure Home visits if required

SIMPSON Pamela Robert, Debra and Paul wish to express their sincere thanks to all relatives, friends and neighbours for their kind messages of sympathy and support, cards of condolence, floral tributes and donations for Cystic Fibrosis Trust received during their recent sad loss. Special thanks to Rev. Joyce Smith for her personal tribute and prayers of comfort, Cater For, for a wonderful buffet and Williamson Brothers for all their help and kindness shown with the funeral arrangements.

Funeral Service and Cremation at Carmountside Crematorium on Friday February 21st at 1:30pm. Will relatives please accept this intimation, friends kindly meet at Carmountside. Flowers, or if preferred donations for the Douglas Macmillan Hospice. Donations & enquiries to:

Birch House, Birches Head Road, Hanley, ST1 6LH. Tel. 01782 212880.

WOODVINE Michael (Woody) Peacefully at rest on Monday 10th February 2020, whilst at home, Mick, aged 67 years, dearly loved dad of Martin, Lynsey and Philip, much loved grandad of Beau, Louie and Wyatt. Mick will be deeply missed by all his loving family and friends. Funeral service and cremation at Bradwell Crematorium on Monday 24th February 2020 at 10:30am. Will relatives and friends please meet at the crematorium.

Improving and Advancing Cardiac Patient Care for the benefit of local cardiac patients


Now a dedicated fund within UHNM Charity University Hospitals of North Midlands NHS Trust Newcastle Road, Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire, ST4 6QG Tel: 01782 676444

Flowers are welcome. Funeral arrangements entrusted to: Salt & Son Funeral Home Bridge St, Newcastle Tel. 01782 617073.

Registered Charity No. 1054889


The Sentinel Tuesday February 18, 2020


Vintage Toys Games


Vintage & modern toys wanted from the 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s with some modern also considered. Happy to buy large collections & loft finds. Star Wars, Transformers, Turtles, Ghostbusters, Lego, Warhammer, Power Rangers, He-Man, Action Man, GI Joe, Horror (Neca, McFarlane) etc Retro gaming items also wanted such as Nintendo NES, SNES, N64, Sega Master System, MegaDrive, Saturn, Dreamcast, PlayStations etc. Great cash prices offered and happy to collect. Please call after 6pm on weekdays or any time at weekends - 07446892836 or email jontwigg83@

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The Sentinel Tuesday February 18, 2020


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The Sentinel Tuesday February 18, 2020

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City Of Stoke On Trent (Bethesda Street, Hanley) (Temporary Traffic Regulation) Order, (No.108) 2020

City Of Stoke On Trent (Bethesda Street, Hanley) (Temporary Traffic Regulation) Order, (No.108) 2020

Notice is hereby given that the Council of the City of Stoke on Trent intend not less than seven days from the date of this Notice to make an Order under Section 14 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act, 1984, as amended by the Road Traffic (Temporary Restrictions) Act, 1991, the effect of which will be to prohibit the movement of pedestrians along: •Bethesda Street, on the north-west side, for a distance of 50 metres from its junction with John Street on a northerly direction; and •Warner Street, on the northeast side, between the PMAG and the police station.

Notice is hereby given that the Council of the City of Stoke on Trent intend not less than seven days from the date of this Notice to make an Order under Section 14 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act, 1984, as amended by the Road Traffic (Temporary Restrictions) Act, 1991, the effect of which will be to prohibit the movement of pedestrians along: •Bethesda Street, on the north-west side, for a distance of 50 metres from its junction with John Street on a northerly direction; and •Warner Street, on the northeast side, between the PMAG and the police station.

The Order, which is required for development works, will come into operation on Monday 24th February 2020 and will continue for 18 months, or until the works it is proposed to carry out are completed, whichever is the earlier.

The Order, which is required for development works, will come into operation on Monday 24th February 2020 and will continue for 18 months, or until the works it is proposed to carry out are completed, whichever is the earlier.

Nothing in the Order shall apply unless indicated by traffic signs or cones or by the direction of a police officer in uniform.

Nothing in the Order shall apply unless indicated by traffic signs or cones or by the direction of a police officer in uniform.

Dated this 17th day of February 2020

Dated this 17th day of February 2020

City Renewal, Civic Centre, Glebe Street, Stoke on Trent. ST4 1HH

City Renewal, Civic Centre, Glebe Street, Stoke on Trent. ST4 1HH

For further information contact Stoke City Council on 01782 234234.

For further information contact Stoke City Council on 01782 234234.

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The Sentinel  Tuesday February 18, 2020

RACING MUSSELBURGH TODAY NOVICES’ HURDLE (4) 2m 4f Winner HANDICAP HURDLE (4) 2m 4f Winner 2.00 £4,159 (12 run) RTV 3.00 £3,834 (15 run) RTV 1 Pull Green 1 Trongate 513 (48) D McCain 5 11-8 (BF)..........................B Hughes 2 214 Glorious Lady (59) K Dalgleish 6 11-7 (C).............D McMenamin (3) 3 564 Arnica (37) N Alexander 7 11-2...........................Lucy Alexander 4 805 Artic Mann (22) N Alexander 6 11-2............................H Brooke 5 534 Doyen Breed (22) Mrs L Normile 5 11-2.........................R Mania 6 P36 Folks Like Us (22) A Whillans 5 11-2............................C Bewley 7 7 Glen Ballagh (39) C Grant 5 11-2..............................S Quinlan 8 -22 Liar’s Dice (38) Justin Landy 7 11-2...................W Shanahan (7) 9 -5U Monte Alban (16) Justin Landy 7 11-2 (BF).................J Kington 10 Oscar Clouds K Dalgleish 5 11-2............................Craig Nichol 11 00 Saltmarket (141) Daragh Bourke 5 11-2.....................A Cawley 12 8P6 Six One Nine (22) C Grant 5 11-2..........................Ross Chapman

99 99 95 91 95 92 — — — — 70 89

BETTING: 15-8 Glorious Lady, 5-2 Pull Green, 11-2 Oscar Clouds, 8 Doyen Breed, 10 Arnica, 14 Artic Mann, 20 Six One Nine, 25 Monte Alban, Liar’s Dice, 33 Others. FORM GUIDE: GLORIOUS LADY 12-1 In touch, headway to chase leaders 4 out, soon outpaced, no extra 2 out, 4th of 10, 21l behind Desaray Girl at Haydock 2m 3f mares listed nov hdl (1) hvy in Dec. PULL GREEN 2-1fav Led to 2nd, in touch, headway before 2 out, soon ridden and one pace, switched right after last, no impression when lost 2nd towards finish, 3rd of 11, 4 1/2l behind The Dancing Poet at Catterick 2m nh nov hdl (4) gs in Jan. OSCAR CLOUDS Oscar gelding out of Bobbing Back. DOYEN BREED 12-1 Mid-division, not fluent 1st, headway normal 4 out, mistake next, weakened from omitted 2 out, 4th of 13, 27l behind Black Pirate at Kelso 2m nh nov hdl (4) sft in Jan. ARNICA 20-1 Towards rear, headway after 3 out, ridden after next, kept on same pace, never threatened leaders, 4th of 12, 24l behind Cheddleton at Kelso 2m nov hdl (4) hvy in Jan. ARTIC MANN 150-1 Mid-division, headway after normal 4 out, weakened bypassing omitted 2 out, 5th of 13, 28l behind Black Pirate at Kelso 2m nh nov hdl (4) sft in Jan. SIX ONE NINE 33-1 Prominent, lost place before normal 4 out, well beaten after omitted 2 out, 6th of 13, 34l behind Black Pirate at Kelso 2m nh nov hdl (4) sft in Jan.

NOVICES’ HANDICAP CHASE (4) 2m 4f Winner 2.30 £4,809 (6 run) RTV 1 221 Pogue (25) D McCain 7 12-0..........................................B Hughes

628 (47) Daragh Bourke 8 11-12 (D).....................A Cawley 2 322 Titus Bolt (39) I Jardine 11 11-9 (D).............................B Lynn (7) 3 125 Starplex (26) K Dalgleish 10 11-9 (BF, D)......................B Hughes 4 F56 A Ladies Milan (72) Miss L Russell 6 11-5............B Campbell (3) 5 96P Danced Every Dance (40) D Whillans 7 11-4.......C Whillans (3) 6 P93 Raemoir (22) R M Smith 5 11-3......................................R Mania 7 967 Whispering Waters (14) I Jardine 7 11-1................ C O’Farrell 8 7-3 Nineohtwooneoh (54) P Nicholls 6 11-1..................H Cobden 9 476 Old Jewry (46) Daragh Bourke 6 11-0........................G Sheehan 10 253 Chosen Flame (48) Mrs R Dobbin 8 10-12...............Craig Nichol 11 P43 Goldslinger (14) A B Hamilton 8 10-10.......... C McCormack (3) 12 510 On We Go (14) Kenny Johnson 7 10-10................Alison Clarke (7) 13 6-9 Le Gavroche (54) Mrs R Dobbin 7 10-8..................L Murtagh (3) 14 060 Abouttimeyoutoldme (17) A Whillans 6 10-5......Ross Chapman 15 3P7 Barfly (104) C Grant 6 10-5..........................................S Quinlan

Going: Soft Jackpot meeting

MAJOR BET 94 93 92 89 96 92 91 99 88 94 93 92 82 90 70

BETTING: 9-4 Nineohtwooneoh, 5 Titus Bolt, 11-2 Starplex, 7 Chosen Flame, 12 Trongate, Goldslinger, 14 Raemoir, 16 A Ladies Milan, On We Go, 20 Others. FORM GUIDE: NINEOHTWOONEOH 5-2 Mid-division, headway 3 out, driven to chase winner before next, readily outpaced between last 2, well held when lost 2nd approaching last, 3rd of 10, 12l behind Lightly Squeeze at Wincanton 1m 7f nov hcp hdl 0-110 (4) hvy in Dec. TITUS BOLT 3-1 Chased leaders, went 2nd before 4 out, pushed along and no impression on winner before 2 out, just held on for 2nd, 2nd of 11, 16l behind Bertie Blake at Sedgefield 2m 4f hcp hdl 0-100 (5) sft in Jan. STARPLEX 3-1fav Chased leaders, effort when mistake 3 out, weakened approaching last, 5th of 11, 29l behind Pola Chance at Wetherby 2m 4f hcp hdl 0-100 (5) sft in Jan.

3.35 1 753 2 3-P 3 9P6 4 P5P 5 2P4

HANDICAP CHASE (3) 2m 1f Winner £7,408 (5 run) RTV Duke Of Navan (25) N Richards 12 11-11 (D).....................R Day Pistol Park (17) B Ellison 9 11-5 (D2)..........................B Hughes Get Out The Gate (17) J Goldie 7 11-4 (C).....................C Bewley Ardera Cross (17) W Young Jnr 9 11-3 (D3).....Sam Coltherd (3) Monsieur Co (17) K Dalgleish 7 11-0 (C2, D3)...........Craig Nichol

86 — 70 92 99

99 2 032 She’sasupermack (21) I Jardine 7 11-12 (D2)........... C O’Farrell — 3 2-2 First Account (102) K Dalgleish 6 11-10 (BF)..........Craig Nichol 70 BETTING: Evens Duke Of Navan, 5-2 Monsieur Co, 7 Pistol Park, Get Out The Gate, 14 Ardera 4 312 Im Too Generous (16) Rebecca Menzies 10 11-7 (CD2)............... Cross. ................................................................................N Moscrop (3) 99 FORM GUIDE: DUKE OF NAVAN 6-1 Held up in rear, headway before 4 out, 3rd from 3 out, kept on from last, 3rd of 11, 9l behind Western Miller at 5 60P Carlitos Bay (164) H Burns 9 10-12......................L Murtagh (3) 97 went 2m hcp chs (2) gs in Jan. MONSIEUR CO 20-1 Mid-division, ridden 6 856 Destiny Is All (72) Miss L Russell 6 10-0.............S Mulqueen (3) — Doncaster after 5 out, stayed on into modest 4th after 2 out, no chance with leaders, 4th BETTING: 2 Pogue, 3 Im Too Generous, 7-2 First Account, 5 She’sasupermack, 8 Destiny Is All, 20 Carlitos Bay. FORM GUIDE: POGUE 4-1fav Made all, ridden and pressed before last, held on well towards finish, won at Doncaster 2m 3f nov hcp chs 0-120 (4) gs in Jan beating Lough Har by 1 3/4l, 11 ran. IM TOO GENEROUS 3-1 Led, hit 14th, clear before 4 out, getting tired 3 out, headed next, still disputing lead flat, held towards finish, 2nd of 6, 1/2l behind Dr Hooves at Musselburgh 3m nov hcp chs 0-120 (4) sft. FIRST ACCOUNT 6-4fav Tracked leader, went 2nd 5 out, mistake 8th, joined leader 3 out, led next, soon pressed, headed after last, stayed on same pace, 2nd of 5, 3l behind Saint Freule at Hexham 2m nov hcp chs 0-120 (4) hvy in Nov. SHE’SASUPERMACK 5-1 Pressed leader, led 5th, headed before not fluent next, every chance 2 out, held flat, kept on, 2nd of 9, 1 1/4l behind Ilaya at Newcastle 2m mrs hcp hdl 0-120 (4) sft in Jan. DESTINY IS ALL 50-1 Prominent, ridden before 2 out, weakened before last, 6th of 11, 34l behind Elf De Re at Kelso 2m NH mdn hdl (4) sft in Dec. CARLITOS BAY 10-1 Chased leader, slight mistake 6th, not fluent 8th, 3rd halfway, ridden and lost place after 11th, weakened and pulled up before 4 out, in a race won by Rudy Catrail at Wexford 3m 1f hcp chs 0-102 gd in Sep, 9 ran.

of 10, 17l behind Greaneteen at Musselburgh 2m hcp chs 0-140 (3) gs. GET OUT THE GATE 6-1 Prominent early, mid-division, driven and outpaced before 4 out, left disputing modest 4th when hampered 2 out, weakened last, 6th of 10, 27l behind Greaneteen at Musselburgh 2m hcp chs 0-140 (3) gs. PISTOL PARK 25-1 Mid-division, mistake 3rd, weakened 4 out, pulled up before next, in a race won by Nuts Well at Wetherby 2m 3f hcp chs 0-150 (2) sft, 9 ran.

HANDICAP HURDLE (3) 2m Winner 4.05 £6,758 (6 run) RTV 1 049 Christopher Wood (80) P Nicholls 5 11-12 (D).........H Cobden 2 64F Dear Sire (17) D McCain 8 11-11 (CD)............................B Hughes 3 227 Goldencard (32) K Dalgleish 7 11-0 (CD)................Craig Nichol 4 2-1 Skiddaw Valleys (279) N Richards 8 10-12..........D McMenamin (3) 5 011 Lucky Flight (135) Miss L Russell 6 10-9 (D2)......S Mulqueen (3) 6 116 For Three J Ewart 6 10-6 (D2)................................L Murtagh (3)

70 73 82 92 70 99

BETTING: 5-2 Christopher Wood, 11-4 Skiddaw Valleys, 10-3 Lucky Flight, 6 Dear Sire, 8 Goldencard, 10 For Three.

SOUTHWELL TODAY BETWAY SELLING STAKES (5) 5f Winner LADBROKES HOME OF THE ODDS BOOST HAND6.30 5.30 £3,429 (4 run) SSR ICAP (6) (3-Y-O) 7f Winner £2,782 (12 run) SSR 1 Dark Phoenix 1 Zapper Cass (9) 101 (13) P Cole 9-10.......................P J McDonald 90 2 (12) 6-2 Hong Kong Dragon (25) T Fitzgerald 9-7...........D Costello 92 3 (5) 01- Class Clown (75) T D Barron 9-6 (C).......................P Dennis 92 4 (11) -83 Zuckerberg (18) Mrs Stella Barclay 9-6.................A Mullen 88 5 (7) 9-6 Dorchester Dom (41) N Twiston-Davies 9-4..........L Keniry 75 6 (10) -84 Full Secret (26) R Fahey 9-2................Connor Murtagh (3) 80 7 (6) 221 Luscifer (4) A Carroll 9-2(6ex) (CD)............................B Curtis 81 8 (8) 8-4 Chocolaat Heer (14) J J Quinn 8-10...........................J Hart 88 9 (1) -59 Mr Terry (27) J Osborne 8-10...................................N Currie 70 10 (3) 5-0 Light Lily (25) P D’Arcy 8-3..................................JP Sullivan 81 11 (2) -75 Queen Moya (15) N Tinkler 8-3.................F McManoman (5) 99 12 (4) -50 Dark Side Division (24) J Ryan 8-3................D Keenan (3) 78 BETTING: 3 Luscifer, 5 Class Clown, 11-2 Dark Phoenix, 6 Hong Kong Dragon, 7 Full Secret, 8 Chocolaat Heer, 14 Zuckerberg, 16 Mr Terry, Dorchester Dom, 25 Others. FORM GUIDE: LUSCIFER 11-8fav Chased leaders, ridden to lead well over 1f out, ran on well, won at Southwell 7f hcp (6) fbs beating Casaruan by 3l, 9 ran. CLASS CLOWN 4-1fav Raced wide in touch, headway over 2f out, soon switched left, ridden and every chance when ran green from over 1f out, driven inside final furlong, led final strides, won at Southwell 6f 2yo hcp 0-60 (6) fbs in Dec beating Jochi Khan by hd, 12 ran. DARK PHOENIX 7-1 With leader, led narrowly over 5f out, made rest, ridden 1f out, stayed on gamely when hard pressed final furlong, just held on, won at Wolverhampton 1m 1f 3yo hcp 0-65 (6) beating Golden Fountain by shd, 9 ran. HONG KONG DRAGON 5-2 Raced wide tracked leaders, ridden and headway to challenge winner inside final furlong, not run on towards finish, 2nd of 7, 1/2l behind Lets Go Lucky at Lingfield 7f 3yo clm stks (6) pol in Jan. FULL SECRET 10-1 Held up in 5th, headway over 2f out, went 3rd 2f out, stayed on same pace, no extra and lost 3rd towards finish, 4th of 8, 6l behind Savage Beauty at Newcastle 7f Novice Stakes (3yo) (5) in Jan. CHOCOLAAT HEER 14-1 Slowly into stride, held up towards rear, headway between horses over 1f out, ran on towards finish, not pace to threaten, 4th of 10, 1 3/4l behind Lord P at Kempton 6f 3yo hcp 0-65 (6) pol.

HEED YOUR HUNCH AT BETWAY HANDICAP (6) 6f 6.00 Winner £2,782 (6 run) SSR 1 -30 Poeta Brasileiro (19) H Spiller 5 9-7 (CD)..............B Curtis 99

(2) 2 (1) 0-8 Madrinho (31) A Carroll 7 9-7 (D4)...................D Keenan (3) 70 3 (5) 6-9 Global Humor (40) J Goldie 5 9-2 (D)....................P Dennis 82 4 (4) 823 Jem Scuttle (13) D Carroll 4 9-1.......................P Mulrennan 91 5 (3) 033 Loulin (19) Mrs R Carr 5 9-0 (C).............................JP Sullivan 94 6 (6) 003 Hellofagame (13) R J Price 5 8-2.............................L Morris 77 BETTING: 9-4 Jem Scuttle, 11-4 Loulin, 11-2 Poeta Brasileiro, 6 Global Humor, 7 Hellofagame, Madrinho. FORM GUIDE: JEM SCUTTLE 4-1 Chased leaders, edged right over 2f out, stayed on same pace final furlong, 3rd of 11, 3l behind The Eagle’s Nest at Southwell 7f hcp 0-60 (6) fbs. LOULIN 6-1 Tracked leader, hard driven to challenge over 1f out, kept on same pace final furlong, 3rd of 10, 2 1/4l behind Moveonup at Southwell 5f hcp 0-60 (6) fbs in Jan. POETA BRASILEIRO 10-1 Chased leaders, effort over 2f out, weakened over 1f out, last of 13, 15l behind Bint Dandy at Chelmsford City 7f hcp 0-65 (6) pol in Jan. GLOBAL HUMOR 6-1 Dwelt towards rear, never on terms, 9th of 11, 5l behind Spirit Power at Newcastle 5f hcap 0-70 (5) in Jan. HELLOFAGAME 66-1 Led, headed 3f out, stayed on same pace from over 1f out, 3rd of 10, 7l behind Decision Maker at Southwell 6f hcp 0-65 (6) fbs. MADRINHO 7-1 In rear, ridden over 2f out, never in contention, 8th of 10, 6l behind Lalania at Lingfield 6f hcap 0-70 (5) pol in Jan.

BETWAY LIVE CASINO HANDICAP (2) 5f Winner 7.00 £12,450 (7 run) SSR 1 51- Saaheq (125) Mrs A Perrett 6 9-7 (CD).....................J Fanning 82 (2)

INSIDE TRACK 2.00 Glorious Lady 2.30 Pogue 3.00 Starplex 3.35 Duke Of Navan 4.05 Christopher Wood 4.35 Dr Hooves 5.05 Easy As That

99 70 94 92 81 82

BETTING: 5-2 Saaheq, 11-4 Astro Jakk, 5 Moonraker, 6 Lord Riddiford, 8 North Wind, 10 Moveonup, 12 Samovar. FORM GUIDE: SAAHEQ 10-3fav Towards rear, not much room 2f out, headway over 1f out, led inside final furlong, pushed out, won at Southwell 5f hcp 0-85 (4) fbs in Oct beating Samovar by 1 1/4l, 11 ran. ASTRO JAKK 15-2 Led, ridden and headed over 1f out, weakened final furlong, 6th of 8, 12l behind Reckless Endeavour at Newcastle 6f hcp 0-85 (4) in Jan. MOONRAKER 2-1fav In touch, ridden over 1f out, soon outpaced, last of 6, 10l behind Astro Jakk at Southwell 5f hcp 0-80 (4) fbs in Jan. LORD RIDDIFORD 40-1 Chased leaders 3f, 18th of 22, 13l behind Moss Gill at York 5f hcp 0-95 (3) sft in Oct. NORTH WIND 22-1 Prominent, effort straight, kept on same pace inside final furlong, 5th of 8, 3l behind Blue Uluru at Dundalk 5f 3yo stks pol in Sep. MOVEONUP 6-1 Led, ridden over 1f out, headed inside final furlong, kept on, 2nd of 6, 1/2l behind Tone The Barone at Chelmsford City 5f hcp 0-75 (5) pol.

Lou In Southwell Shake-Up

LOULIN enjoys his visits to Southwell and can strike in the Heed Your Hunch At Betway Handicap. The son of Exceed And Excel has proved himself very much at home FORM GUIDE: CHRISTOPHER WOOD 10-1 Chased leaders, pushed along over five furlongs on the Fibresand of before 3 out, weakened soon after, 9th of 11, 39l behind Epatante at Newbury the Nottinghamshire circuit - but there 2m Lstd hcp hdl 0-155 (1) gs in Nov. SKIDDAW VALLEYS 1-1fav Tracked leaders, left in lead 2nd, mistake 6th, drew clear last, very easily (1 hurdle omitted), won at Perth 2m 4f mdn hdl (4) gd in May beating Lake Baikal by 14l, is no reason this first try there over the 5 ran. LUCKY FLIGHT 1-3fav Made all, not fluent 3 out, clear after 2 out until extra distance will not suit. flat, ridden out, won at Kelso 2m nh nov hdl (4) sft in Oct beating Getaway It is a move which may pay off too, Gerry by 1 3/4l, 10 ran. DEAR SIRE 14-1 Keen early, held up mid-division, close up on outside 6th, effort 3 out, narrow 2nd when fell next, in a race won after being narrowly out-manoeuvred by Greaneteen at Musselburgh 2m hcp chs 0-140 (3) gs, 10 ran. late on the last twice. GOLDENCARD 7-1 Close up, ridden when blundered and nearly unseated rider, soon weakened, 7th of 8, 23l behind The Mouse Doctor at Musselburgh Ruth Carr’s gelding was a winner 2m hcp hdl 0-130 (3) gs in Jan. FOR THREE 8-1 Held up in touch, headway to chase leaders 5 out, effort after 3 out, no extra last, 6th of 16, 26l behind Native here in November, and was then sucFighter at Carlisle 2m 1f hcp hdl 0-125 (3) gs in Oct. cessful again at Chelmsford the followHANDICAP CHASE (4) 3m Winner ing month. £4,484 (9 run) RTV He continues to run consistently, 1 941 Dr Hooves (16) Miss L Russell 7 12-1 (CD)............S Mulqueen (3) 93 2 24R Craiganboy (30) N Alexander 11 11-12 (D)...........G Cockburn (3) 99 and this slight rise in trip could enable 3 116 Pinch Of Ginger (21) D McCain 9 11-12 (D)..........L Murtagh (3) 94 4 098 The Trigger (30) Ronan McNally (IRE) 11 11-12 (D2)............. him to strike again off his mark. Moveonup can continue his fine .................................................................................A Cawley 70 5 P62 Achill Road Boy (16) W Coltherd 11 11-11...........S Coltherd (3) 96 start to 2020 by chalking up victory 6 466 King Golan (30) Kenny Johnson 9 11-9 (D2)..............A Clarke (7) 99 7 5-7 Shanroe Street (30) Miss L Russell 10 11-8 (D2)............D R Fox 83 number three in the Betway Live Casi8 12P Oscar Ceremony (72) Stef Keniry 9 11-4....................H Brooke 94 no Handicap. 9 -P6 So Satisfied (27) I Jardine 9 10-13 (CD)....................... C O’Farrell 93 Gay Kelleway’s four-year-old was a BETTING: 15-8 Dr Hooves, 4 Pinch Of Ginger, 5 Achill Road Boy, 13-2 Craiganboy, 7 Oscar Ceremony, 14 Shanroe Street, 16 So Satisfied, 20 The Trigger, King Golan. maiden after 14 races until he got his STANDARD OPEN NH FLAT RACE (5) 2m Winner head in front at Chelmsford last month. £2,599 (11 run) RTV After finishing third over this five 1 1 Easy As That (64) Miss V Williams 5 11-9 (D)...............G Sheehan 98 2 64 Abington Park (46) P Kirby 5 11-2............................T Dowson 95 furlongs on his first visit to Southwell, 3 Bollingerandkrug Miss L Russell 5 11-2..........T Willmott (5) — Moveonup went two places better 4 7 Dartum Tempus (16) R Fahey 5 11-2.......................J Hamilton 85 5 42 Grumpy Mcgrumpface (108) K Dalgleish 5 11-2..................... with a two-length all-the way win earli ..................................................................................Craig Nichol 99 er this month. 6 7 Ifyoucareshare (39) R Fahey 5 11-2.................Ross Chapman 70 He has since finished a creditable 7 Lyndale C Grant 5 11-2................................................S Quinlan — 8 Malpas D McCain 5 11-2...............................................B Hughes — second at Chelmsford and deserves his 9 Onward Route Ruth Jefferson 6 11-2.........................H Brooke — chance in this better company off a low 10 5- Room At The Top (360) A Whillans 5 11-2.................................. ......................................................................Mr Connor Wood (7) — weight. 11 7 Tooyou (101) S Corbett 5 10-9..................................J Corbett (5) 90 Accessor has been running well



BETTING: 5-2 Easy As That, 3 Grumpy Mcgrumpface, 13-2 Malpas, 7 Abington Park, 8 Bollingerandkrug, 12 Room At The Top, 14 Dartum Tempus, 16 Lyndale, Onward Route, 20 Others.

Going: Standard Draw: 5f None, 6f Low best

(1) 053 (4) M Appleby 7 10-0 (CD3)...................B Curtis 99 2 (4) 0-8 Glacier Fox (6) M Chapman 5 9-6..............................T Clark 70 3 (3) -26 Robot Boy (13) Mrs M Fife 10 9-6 (D7).....N Barratt-Atkin (7) 93 4 (2) 36/ Karalini (522) D P Quinn 4 8-9..................George Rooke (7) — BETTING: 4-11 Zapper Cass, 11-4 Robot Boy, 14 Karalini, 50 Glacier Fox. FORM GUIDE: ZAPPER CASS 7-1 Slowly into stride, soon chasing leaders, outpaced halfway, headway over 1f out, stayed on into 3rd inside final furlong, never able to challenge, 3rd of 4, 1 1/2l behind Sandridge Lad at Southwell 6f hcp 0-80 (4) fbs. ROBOT BOY 10-1 Chased leaders, ridden 2f out, weakened inside final furlong, last of 6, 8l behind Mulzim at Southwell 5f hcp 0-75 (5) fbs. KARALINI 11-1 Chased leaders, ridden over 1f out, weakened inside final furlong, 6th of 12, 4l behind Astronaut at Sandown 5f 2yo mdn (5) gs in Sep ‘18. GLACIER FOX 150-1 Outpaced behind, struggling from halfway, last of 8, 19l behind Piazon at Southwell 5f hcp 0-65 (6) fbs.

2 (5) 70- Lord Riddiford (130) J J Quinn 5 9-5 (D5).................J Hart 3 (1) 05- North Wind (144) T D Barron 4 9-4........................P Dennis 4 (3) -16 Astro Jakk (41) K Burke 4 9-1 (CD)..................P J McDonald 5 (6) -36 Moonraker (42) M Appleby 8 9-1 (BF, CD4)..............B Curtis 6 (7) 334 Samovar (4) S Dixon 5 8-8 (CD4)...............................L Morris 7 (4) 312 Moveonup (7) G Kelleway 4 8-2 (CD)..........George Rooke (7)

Arnica First Account Nineohtwooneoh Pistol Park Skiddaw Valleys Pinch Of Ginger Onward Route


Luscifer Loulin (nap) Zapper Cass Moveonup (nb) Limerick Lord Accessor

5.30 Class Clown 6.00 Jem Scuttle 6.30 Zapper Cass 7.00 Saaheq 7.30 Limerick Lord 8.00 War Empress

FORM GUIDE: SEA WILLOW 16-1 Towards rear, ridden and headway inside final furlong, nearest finish, 4th of 11, 6l behind Eglish at Wolverhampton 7f hcp (6) in Jan. LIMERICK LORD 10-1 With leader, led over 6f out until over 5f out, outpaced over 3f out, ridden over 1f out, kept on inside final furlong, 5th of 10, 2 1/4l behind I Think So at Wolverhampton 1m 1f am hcp 0-55 (6). MEDICI MOON 10-1 Held up in mid-division, ridden over 4f out, kept on final furlong, never nearer, 6th of 10, 6l behind Magwadiri at Wolverhampton 1m 1f am hcp 0-55 (6). DANIEL DRAVOT 10-1 In touch on outside, ridden and lost place 3f out, soon behind, weakened and eased final furlong, last of 10, 31l behind Crazy Spin at Southwell 1m hcp 0-50 (7) fbs in Jan. MOUNTAIN OF STARS 25-1 Chased leaders, pushed along 3f out, ridden and headway far side over 1f out, stayed on to go 2nd inside final furlong, 2nd of 10, 1 1/4l behind Daniel Dravot at Southwell 1m Classified Stakes (4yo+) (6) fbs in Jan. GOING NATIVE 14-1 Led until over 4f out, raiiled over 2f out, weakened over 1f out, 8th of 13, 21l behind Arabian King at Southwell 1m 4f hcp (6) fbs in Jan.

BETYOURWAY AT BETWAY HANDICAP (6) 1m 6f 8.00 Winner £2,782 (12 run) SSR 1 2-3 Say Nothing (31) E Dunlop 4 9-9.......Miss Sophie Smith (7) 95 (6)

2 (3) 8-3 Pumblechook (46) I Jardine 7 9-7 (D)..................J Gormley 3 (10) -13 Social City (27) A Carroll 4 9-7 (D)...........................H Turner 4 (1) -26 Sociologist (26) S Dixon 5 9-6 (C)........................B McHugh 5 (7) 9-4 War Empress (41) Miss J Feilden 4 9-4...........D E Hogan (3) 6 (5) /83 Cape Hideaway (13) M Appleby 8 9-4...............A Rawlinson 7 (4) 822 Accessor (14) M Wigham 5 9-3..............................J Fanning 8 (12) 82- Lady Kyria P Kirby 6 9-3.........................N Barratt-Atkin (7) 9 (11) -24 Caged Lightning (14) S Gollings 10 9-1 (CD2).........L Morris 10 (2) 5-9 Shamrad (29) I Williams 4 8-8.........................P J McDonald 11 (8) -00 Fennann (14) Frank Bishop 9 8-5.....................D Keenan (3) 12 (9) 00/ My Strong Man P Kirby 4 8-4...............................A Mullen

95 96 99 95 81 97 — 97 85 70 —

BETTING: 7-2 Social City, 4 Accessor, 6 Pumblechook, 8 Caged Lightning, 10 Say Nothing, Sociologist, War Empress, Lady Kyria, 12 Others. CLASSIFIED STAKES (6) 1m Winner FORM GUIDE: SOCIAL CITY 3-1 Raced wide in touch, switched left and £2,782 (10 run) SSR headway to track leaders 3f out, ridden and stayed on towards finish, 3rd of 14, 1 (6) -10 Daniel Dravot (34) M Attwater 4 9-9 (CD).............A Mullen 91 1l behind Padleyourowncanoe at Lingfield 2m hcp 0-60 (6) pol in Jan. 2 (8) 358 Going Native (19) Olly Williams 5 9-9 (C)...George Rooke (7) 93 ACCESSOR 7-2 Chased leaders, driven to challenge over 1f out, stayed on into closing stages, 2nd of 14, 3l behind Estrela Star at Kempton 2m hcp 0-60 3 (9) 075 Lady Carduros (13) M Appleby 6 9-9................Jane Elliott 86 2ndpol. PUMBLECHOOK 11-2 Close up, ridden to chase winner over 3f out, 4 (5) -35 Limerick Lord (10) Miss J Feilden 8 9-9 (CD3)........D E Hogan (3) 90 (6) ridden over 2f out, one pace final furlong, 3rd of 8, 2 1/4l behind Bill Cody at 5 (7) 857 Maykir (5) J R Jenkins 4 9-9..................................L Edmunds 99 Southwell 2m hcp 0-65 (6) fbs in Jan. CAGED LIGHTNING 20-1 Mid-division, 6 (10) -96 Medici Moon (10) R J Price 6 9-9 (CD2)..................D Costello 89 clipped heels and recovered well after 4f, headway to track leader over 9f out, 7 (4) 9-2 Mountain Of Stars (44) Suzzanne France 5 9-9................ led over 2f out, soon headed, rallied over 1f out, no extra closing stages, 4th of ..................................................................F McManoman (5) 89 14, 5l behind Estrela Star at Kempton 2m hcp 0-60 (6) pol. LADY KYRIA 9-1 up, pushed along and slightly outpaced 3f out, ridden and headway over 8 (3) 0-0 Pageant Master (47) M Appleby 4 9-9............A Rawlinson 70 Close 1f out, stayed on to go 2nd towards finish, 2nd of 7, 2 1/4l behind Miss Ranger 9 (1) 4-4 Sea Willow (29) H Spiller 3 8-4........................G Malune (3) 92 at Catterick 1m 6f app hcp 0-60 (6) sft in Oct. SAY NOTHING 12-1 In touch, 10 (2) 60- Stormy Bay (209) K Dalgleish 3 8-4..........................L Morris — effort over 2f out, carried right over 1f out, led briefly, kept on same pace inside BETTING: 10-3 Sea Willow, 5 Limerick Lord, 6 Medici Moon, 7 Mountain Of Stars, Daniel Dravot, final furlong, 3rd of 9, 3 1/2l behind Affluence at Chelmsford City 2m hcap 0-70 10 Going Native, Stormy Bay, Maykir, 12 Others. (5) pol in Jan.


recently on the whole and can land his second success of the year in the #BetYourWay At Betway Handicap. Since scoring at Newcastle last month, the Michael Wigham-trained five-year-old has run second in his last two starts and a similar display can see him go close. Luscifer can defy a 6lb penalty for winning over this seven furlongs on Friday when he returns for the Ladbrokes Home Of The Odds Boost Handicap. Trainer Tony Carroll has decided to turn the three-year-old gelding out again quickly after he powered home by three lengths from Casaruan in a similar grade. It looks the obvious thing to do and connections can be rewarded. Musselburgh puts on an extra meeting after the spate of abandonments around the country over the past stormy week - and Pistol Park can take advantage in the Racing Post GoNorth Finals Weekend 20-22 March Handicap Chase. Returning from a 455-day break at Wetherby at the start of the month, Pistol Park was possibly in need of the run given the way he faded before eventually being pulled up. Pistol Park was a useful performer before his prolonged absence and should hopefully take a step forward for that outing.




Going: Soft-heavy in places 2.15 (2m 1f, £2,859): 1, SAO MAXENCE (B Hughes) 4-9 Fav; 2, Diodorus 9-2; 3, Fazayte 10-1. 10 ran. 5½l, 3½l. (J Ewart). Tote: Win £1.50; Pl £1.10, £1.60, £1.20. Exacta: £3.30. Trifecta: £16.10. CSF: £3.12. NR: Fearless, Spirit Of Waterloo. 2.50 (2m 3f, £4,549): 1, MULTELLIE (J Hamilton) 9-2; 2, O’Hanrahan Bridge 15-8; 3, Scottish Accent 40-1. Also: 11-10 Fav Hold That Taught. 7 ran. 8l, 4½l. (T Easterby). Tote: Win £4.20; Pl £1.60, £1.50. Exacta: £13.20. Trifecta: £75.00. CSF: £12.08. 3.25 (3m 1f, £4,549): 1, JOBSONFIRE (Charlie Price) 10-11 Fav; 2, Royal Claret 12-1; 3, Mance Rayder 40-1. 11 ran. 8½l, 3l. (Sam Allwood). Tote: Win £1.80; Pl £1.10, £3.20, £9.60. Exacta: £11.90. Tricast: £260.21. Trifecta: £385.40. CSF: £12.14. NR: The Pine Martin, Trimmers Lane. 3.55 (2m 3f, £8,122): 1, CAPTAIN ZEBO (Mr J Dixon) 11-2; 2, Teescomponents Lad 13-8 Fav; 3, Taxmeifyoucan 14-1. 5 ran. 18l, 13l. (J E Dixon). Tote: Win £3.60; Pl £1.80, £1.30. Exacta: £13.60. Trifecta: £42.20. CSF: £15.30. 4.30 (2m 1f, £4,809): 1, CALLIOPE (C O’Farrell) 4-1; 2, Barnay 15-8 Fav; 3, Old Jewry 6-1. 8 ran. ¾l, nk. (Mrs D Sayer). Tote: Win £4.90; Pl £1.20, £1.40, £2.20. Exacta: £12.20. Tricast: £39.51. Trifecta: £55.90. CSF: £11.38. 5.00 (2m 1f, £4,809): 1, DEQUALL (Sam Coltherd) 20-1; 2, Ballydonagh Boy 2-1; 3, Emissaire 17-2. Also: 13-8 Fav Bingo D’Olivate. 7 ran. 2l, hd. (W Coltherd). Tote: Win £23.20; Pl £8.30, £1.50. Exacta: £85.00. Trifecta: £336.90. CSF: £57.07. Following a stewards’ inquiry, Bingo D’Olivate who finished 1st was disqualified and placed 5th. PLACEPOT: Dividend: £14.40.


Queen 5-1; 3, Spiritofthenorth 8-1. 6 ran. ¾l, 1½l. (Tom Clover). Tote: Win £1.70; Pl £1.40, £2.00. Exacta: £8.00. Trifecta: £35.70. CSF: £8.15. NR: Pretty Packet. 4.15 (7f, £3,817): 1, KNOWING GLANCE (J Garritty) 7-1; 2, Royal Dynasty 13-2; 3, Pour La Victoire 12-1. Also: 3-1 Fav First Link. 9 ran. 1¾l, nk. (R Fahey). Tote: Win £8.70; Pl £2.20, £2.50, £3.20. Exacta: £58.70. Tricast: £545.27. Trifecta: £318.20. CSF: £52.74. NR: Al Asef, Bint Dandy. 4.45 (6f, £3,332): 1, BOWLING RUSSIAN (George Rooke) 3-1 Fav; 2, Almqvist 10-1; 3, Yukon Mission 4-1. 9 ran. ½l, 1¼l. (G Baker). Tote: Win £3.60; Pl £1.50, £2.70, £1.60. Exacta: £34.50. Tricast: £123.86. Trifecta: £169.70. CSF: £34.97. NR: Bezzas Lad, Flashy Flyer. JACKPOT: Not won, pool of £5,687.74 carried over. PLACEPOT: Dividend: £208.30.

statistics Stable movers

Horses which are having their first run for a new trainer. SOUTHWELL: 5.30 Hong Kong Dragon (G Scott to T Fitzgerald), 6.30 Karalini (M Channon to D P Quinn), 7.00 North Wind (D English to T D Barron), 7.00 Saaheq (M Appleby to Mrs A Perrett). MUSSELBURGH: 2.00 Liar’s Dice (Courtney Tinkler to Justin Landy), 2.00 Saltmarket (P M Cloke to Daragh Bourke), 2.30 Carlitos Bay (Peter Fahey to H Burns), 2.30 First Account (D McCain to K Dalgleish).

Fit and ready

Horses which have won in the last 7 days. Luscifer (5.30 Southwell) won at Southwell (7f) hcp (AW). The following information relates to horses engaged at British meetings today only.

Going: Standard 1.30 (1m 4f, £3,332): 1, CAPRICORN PRINCE (H Crouch) 9-4; 2, Billy Star 12-1; 3, Global Wonder 16-1. Also: 2-1 Fav Cheng Gong. 11 ran. nk, 2½l. (G L Moore). Tote: Win £3.20; Pl £1.10, £3.60, £4.00. Exacta: £25.10. Tricast: £363.42. Trifecta: £372.90. CSF: £29.47. 2.00 (1m 2f, £3,332): 1, MISS ELSA (Georgia Dobie) 11-2; 2, Music Major 12-1; 3, Tebay 6-5 Fav. 8 ran. 1¼l, nk. (Eve J-Houghton). Tote: Win £6.70; Pl £1.90, £3.30, £1.10. Exacta: £63.90. Tricast: £129.06. Trifecta: £311.80. CSF: £68.45. NR: Estibdaad, Misu Pete. 2.35 (1m 2f, £3,332): 1, JANUS (D Costello) 14-1; 2, Highway One 5-2; 3, Amaretto 5-4 Fav. 6 ran. ¾l, 1¾l. (M Harris). Tote: Win £19.60; Pl £5.90, £1.70. Exacta: £63.70. Tricast: £76.55. Trifecta: £353.50. CSF: £49.67. NR: Ballet Red, Fivehundredmiles, Huddle. 3.10 (1m 2f, £3,332): 1, SIR I’LL CHANCE IT (B Curtis) 10-1; 2, Handsome Yank 9-4 Fav; 3, Blue Slate 16-1. 9 ran. ½l, 1l. (A Carroll). Tote: Win £13.10; Pl £3.90, £1.30, £4.90. Exacta: £42.10. Tricast: £369.18. Trifecta: £467.00. CSF: £33.31. 3.40 (1m, £3,817): 1, WISE EAGLE (J Mitchell) 11-8 Fav; 2, Glitter

Hot Trainers

Pinch Of Ginger Mus 4.35 Pistol Park Mus 3.35 Poeta Brasileiro Sth 6.00 Pogue Mus 2.30 Pull Green Mus 2.00 Pumblechook Sth 8.00 Queen Moya Sth 5.30 Raemoir Mus 3.00 Robot Boy Sth 6.30 Room At The Top Mus 5.05 Saaheq Sth 7.00

Saltmarket Mus 2.00 Samovar Sth 7.00 Say Nothing Sth 8.00 Sea Willow Sth 7.30 Shamrad Sth 8.00 Shanroe Street Mus 4.35 She’sasupermack Mus 2.30 Six One Nine Mus 2.00 Skiddaw Valleys Mus 4.05 So Satisfied Mus 4.35 Social City Sth 8.00 Sociologist Sth 8.00

(Most wins last 14 days) P Nicholls 8; M Appleby 6; A Carroll 5; J Ryan 4; N Twiston-Davies 4; P Kirby 3; I Williams 3; D McCain 3; T Fitzgerald 2; M Wigham 2; E Dunlop 2; B Ellison 2; T D Barron 1; P Cole 1; R Fahey 1; J Osborne 1; N Tinkler 1; Mrs Stella Barclay 1; Miss G Kelleway 1; Mrs A Perrett 1; K Dalgleish 1; C Grant 1; Kenny Johnson 1; J Ewart 1; Miss V Williams 1; J J Quinn 0; P D’Arcy 0; J Goldie 0; R J Price 0.

Hot Jockeys

(Most wins last 14 days) Ben Curtis 16; Luke Morris 9; Jason Hart 6; Joe Fanning 6; Brian Hughes 6; P J McDonald 5; Hayley Turner 5; Harry Cobden 5; Gavin Sheehan 4; Dougie Costello 3; Alistair Rawlinson 3; Darragh Keenan 2; James Sullivan 2; George Rooke 2; Barry McHugh 2; Thomas Dowson 2; Phil Dennis 1; Nicola Currie 1; Faye McManoman 1; Andrew Mullen 1; Lewis Edmunds 1.

RUNNERS’ INDEX Musselburgh - Mus Southwell - Sth A Ladies Milan Mus 3.00 Abington Park Mus 5.05 Abouttimeyoutoldme Mus 3.00 Accessor Sth 8.00 Achill Road Boy Mus 4.35 Ardera Cross Mus 3.35 Arnica Mus 2.00 Artic Mann Mus 2.00 Astro Jakk Sth 7.00 Barfly Mus 3.00

Bollingerandkrug Mus 5.05 Caged Lightning Sth 8.00 Cape Hideaway Sth 8.00 Carlitos Bay Mus 2.30 Chocolaat Heer Sth 5.30 Chosen Flame Mus 3.00 Christopher Wood Mus 4.05 Class Clown Sth 5.30 Craiganboy Mus 4.35 Danced Every Dance Mus 3.00 Daniel Dravot Sth 7.30 Dark Phoenix Sth 5.30

Dark Side Division Sth 5.30 Dartum Tempus Mus 5.05 Dear Sire Mus 4.05 Destiny Is All Mus 2.30 Dorchester Dom Sth 5.30 Doyen Breed Mus 2.00 Dr Hooves Mus 4.35 Duke Of Navan Mus 3.35 Easy As That Mus 5.05 Fennann Sth 8.00 First Account Mus 2.30 Folks Like Us Mus 2.00

For Three Mus 4.05 Full Secret Sth 5.30 Get Out The Gate Mus 3.35 Glacier Fox Sth 6.30 Glen Ballagh Mus 2.00 Global Humor Sth 6.00 Glorious Lady Mus 2.00 Going Native Sth 7.30 Goldencard Mus 4.05 Goldslinger Mus 3.00 Grumpy Mcgrumpface Mus 5.05 Hellofagame Sth 6.00

Hong Kong Dragon Sth 5.30 Ifyoucareshare Mus 5.05 Im Too Generous Mus 2.30 Jem Scuttle Sth 6.00 Karalini Sth 6.30 King Golan Mus 4.35 Lady Carduros Sth 7.30 Lady Kyria Sth 8.00 Le Gavroche Mus 3.00 Liar’s Dice Mus 2.00 Light Lily Sth 5.30 Limerick Lord Sth 7.30

Lord Riddiford Sth 7.00 Loulin Sth 6.00 Lucky Flight Mus 4.05 Luscifer Sth 5.30 Lyndale Mus 5.05 Madrinho Sth 6.00 Malpas Mus 5.05 Maykir Sth 7.30 Medici Moon Sth 7.30 Monsieur Co Mus 3.35 Monte Alban Mus 2.00 Moonraker Sth 7.00

Mountain Of Stars Sth 7.30 Moveonup Sth 7.00 Mr Terry Sth 5.30 My Strong Man Sth 8.00 Nineohtwooneoh Mus 3.00 North Wind Sth 7.00 Old Jewry Mus 3.00 On We Go Mus 3.00 Onward Route Mus 5.05 Oscar Ceremony Mus 4.35 Oscar Clouds Mus 2.00 Pageant Master Sth 7.30

Starplex Mus 3.00 Stormy Bay Sth 7.30 The Trigger Mus 4.35 Titus Bolt Mus 3.00 Tooyou Mus 5.05 Trongate Mus 3.00 War Empress Sth 8.00 Whispering Waters Mus 3.00 Zapper Cass Sth 6.30 Zuckerberg Sth 5.30

38   The Sentinel

Tuesday February 18, 2020

SPORTS AWARDS Your chance to nominate heroes from sporting year NOMINATIONS are open for the Sentinel/City of Stokeon-Trent Sports Personality of the Year awards. A gala dinner will take place at the King’s Hall in Stoke in May 2020 to honour those individuals and teams who impressed our judges. Candidates must either live, work, go to school or be affiliated to a club based within the Stoke-on-Trent City Council’s borders. So if you know someone who achieved great things during 2019, get in touch. Either call the sports desk on (01782) 864164 or email christopher.travers@reachplc., including your name and number. Closing date for nominations is 5pm on Friday, March 27. THE CATEGORIES TOM BRENNAN SERVICE TO SPORT This accolade will be given in recognition for long service to a particular sport or sports clubs in Stoke-on-Trent. COACH OF THE YEAR This gong is for those who have invested time, effort and energy in an individual or team. SPORT IN THE COMMUNITY Individuals, teams or groups who have strived to bring communities together. JUNIOR INDIVIDUAL This category is for athletes from any sport under the age of 18 who have achieved success in the past year. JUNIOR TEAM This section is open to teams who have achieved success over the past year and whose members are under 18. SENIOR INDIVIDUAL This category is open to athletes from any sport over the age of 18 who have achieved success in their field over the past year. SENIOR TEAM Presented to a team who have achieved success whose members are over 18. SPORTING CHALLENGE An open age award for people who have used sport to help turn around their life. CHRIS HARPER MEMORIAL AWARD Individuals or teams who live, work, study or are affiliated to a club or organisation in North Staffs and South Cheshire. OVERALL WINNERS Awarded to the outstanding sportsman and woman from the above categories.




The Grice is right when it comes to hitting goal trail Jim Hannah

LEEK Town striker Tim Grice has a habit of popping up in the right place at the right time. It’s something he’s been doing for most of his career in non-league football and it continued throughout 2019, although a niggling knee injury curtailed his involvement in the early days. January was a frustrating month for the 29-year-old, from Meir, as he continued to nurse his injury, but by March he was back to doing what he does best and that’s scoring goals. And he marked his return to fitness in March, netting a hat-trick in a 4-0 victory over Market Drayton Town in the BetVictor West Division to end a run of three successive defeats in his absence. It was Grice’s seventh hat-trick of his Leek Town career and took his goal tally for the club to 170. He had already become the club’s all-time leading scorer the previous season, scoring twice in a 3-1 victory at Spalding United to move above the previous record of 152 goals held by Dave Sutton during the late 80s, through the 90s up until he left the club in the 2000/2001 season. But Grice was gracious enough to acknowledge the contribution of Sutton during his time at the club. He said of the record: “Yes it’s great to have finally broken Dave’s record and I’m really happy from a personal point of view, but I am honest enough to admit Dave played for Leek at a higher standard than I am currently, so you have to take that into account.” Leek were chasing promotion last season and went into their game at Colwyn Bay needing to win to make sure they finished in the play-off places. The score was 0-0 as the game entered the last three minutes. Something needed to happen, and it did. Grice didn’t start the game, again he was nursing an injury, but manager Neil Baker put him on in a final throw of the dice and it paid off, with Grice setting up Dan TrickettSmith to net the winner. That secured third spot to set up a home tie against Colne in the play-off semi-final, a match in which Grice would play another leading role. In front of more than 1,000 fans at Harrison Park, the tie ended in a 1-1 draw after 90 minutes, so the match went to extra-time.

sharp shooter: Tim Grice is closing in on 200 goals for Leek - and he’s the club’s all-time leading scorer. Penalties were just seconds away with the score still 1-1 when Grice produced another moment of magic to smash home the winner. Unfortunately, Leek lost 2-1 to Radcliffe in the play-off final to end the season on a disappointing note. But Leek, and Grice in particular, made a cracking start to the new season in the new BetVictor South East Division and by the end of December, Blues were sitting top of the table and picked up the team of the month award, winning all five games without conceding a goal and scoring 14 times. Grice helped himself to five of them, including another hat-trick in a 4-0 win at Carlton Town and by the end of the month he had taken

Tim has remained loyal to the club and he’s known as ‘Mr Leek Town’ by the other players in the squad.

his tally for the club to 198 goals, just two away from the magic 200 mark. As a reward for his efforts last season, Grice has been nominated in the Senior Individual category at the Sentinel/City of Stoke-on-Trent Sports Personality Awards by Leek Town Chairman Jon Eeles, who believes the striker deserves to be honoured. He said: “In an era of non-league football where players move here and there for an extra £10, Tim has remained extremely loyal to the club and is affectionately known as “Mr Leek Town” by the other players. “Since joining us in 2011 from Eccleshall, Tim has gone on to score 198 goals in 364 appearances - a staggering feat in non-league football and we hope that he continues for many seasons to come. “He became the club’s alltime leading goal scorer in 2018 surpassing Dave Sutton’s record, when he scored two goals at Spalding United. “He currently heads the league scoring charts for the BetVictor League South East this season and

it wouldn’t surprise me if he was nominated for the team of the year again. “Tim is fast approaching the next milestone of 200 goals and 400 appearances plus - only four players previously have achieved this Dave Sutton, Gary Pearce, Anthony Danylyk and Chris McMullen, all club legends. “The general feeling at the club is that Tim is playing his best football and I believe this is the coaching of manager Neil Baker over the last three seasons. “Both him and Darren Chadwick have been a constant in the playing squad since I became chairman, and I have become very fond of them both - they feel more like family than players. “Tim is often the conduit to me from the other players if they need to ask a question or are unsure, a recognition of his maturity from the rest of his peers. “I can’t say enough good things about Tim, as he is a thoroughly nice person and he seldom gets booked,” added the chairman.



The Sentinel  Tuesday February 18, 2020




Degg makes the move to Stone SP for new season STONE SP have swooped to sign a talented young seamer who put them to the sword last summer. Pace bowler Jacob Degg has switched North Staffs and South Cheshire League Premier Division clubs after opting to leave Checkley. And his new club Stone SP are fully aware of his ability after Degg produced a match-winning display against them back in August. Degg scooped 5-30 to dismiss Stone SP for 112 as they attempted to chase down Checkley’s 190-9. That haul was part of 29 wickets Degg picked up for Checkley last season. His cricket education has been exclusively undertaken at Four Trees and he’s progressed from the junior set-up to the top of the senior ranks. Degg has also proved to be no slouch with the bat either and chalked up his first senior century with 108 for Checkley’s second string against Sandbach first team back in 2018. He also reached three figures twice last summer. Degg’s arrival at Lichfield Road comes weeks after Stone SP spinner Jacob Ward opted to move in the opposite direction. The duo will potentially line up against their former clubs on Saturday, June 13. In 2019, Stone SP finished in fourth place, with Checkley nestling in sixth when the curtain came down on the summer’s action. Meanwhile, NSSCL Division One club Hem Heath have continued their signing spree with the acquisition of two more players. Danny Sanders moves to Trentham

new challenge: Seam bowler Jacob Degg has left Checkley to link up with Stone SP.

Chris Travers

Lakes from Wedgwood, while Saj Ali joins from Woore. Hem Heath have been looking to bolster their playing resources over the winter as they attempt to bounce back to the top flight at the first attempt. However, they have also required reinforcements after opting to restore their fourth team in to the league set-up. The fourths will take their place in Division Eight when the season commences on Saturday, April 18. Meanwhile, North Staffs and South Cheshire League officials have opted to change the Talbot Cup and Talbot Shield formats. The competitions have been contested in 45 overs per side games, but they will cut back to 40 per team from this summer. Bowlers will be able to bowl a maximum of eight overs. The league have also confirmed that Duckworth Lewis will be used in the Talbot Cup. The dates for each cup competition have also been revealed, as well as the Barney McArdle Trophy. TRENT TROPHIES TALBOT CUP First round: April 26; Second round: May 17; Third round: June 7; Quarterfinals: June 28; Semi-finals: August 2; Final: September 6. JS SPORTS TALBOT SHIELD First round: April 26; Second round: May 24; Third round: June 21;

Quarter-finals: July 19; Semi-finals: August 30; Final: September 13. CRICKET CAVE T20 CUP First round: May 10; Second round: June 14; Finals day: July 26.

CRICKET CAVE T20 PLATE First round: May 31; Second round: July 5; Finals day: August 16. BARNEY McARDLE TROPHY September 20.

Silverwood is thrilled to see Morgan still leading way England head coach Chris Silverwood thinks it would have been “tragic” if Eoin Morgan had decided to stand down as limited-overs captain after overseeing their historic World Cup triumph. A back injury led to Morgan contemplating his future last summer, but he has since set his sights on leading England into both the T20 World Cup in Australia in a few months’ time and the one which starts in October next year. For the second time this winter, Morgan bludgeoned a 21-ball fifty - the quickest in T20s by an England batsman - to propel his side to a 2-1 series victory over South Africa at Centurion on Sunday. After quickfire half-centuries from Jos Buttler and Jonny Bairstow had given England a platform in their pursuit of a mammoth 223, Morgan bashed seven sixes in his 57 not out from 22 balls as the tourists won by five wickets. And Silverwood admitted he was relieved that the lefthander decided to remain in his post, saying: “I’m obviously very glad. He’s got so much experience in there and he’s a fine player. To lose him would have been tragic, really. “He’s got the bit between his teeth as we’ve seen, he’s got the ability to stay cool under pressure, to methodically break the scoreboard down, take risks when it’s applicable and guide us home as he has done. “It’s super to have him.” Buttler hit a swashbuckling 57 from 29 balls to set the tone to England’s pursuit of South Africa’s 222-6 at Supersport Park. Bairstow contributed 64 from 34 balls in a chase where the tourists never let the run-rate get out of hand.



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40   The Sentinel

Tuesday February 18, 2020



FOOTBALL Blow for Grove as Thompson leaves club for Hednesford KIDSGROVE Athletic have announced the departure of influential defender Rhys Thompson, who has returned to one of his former clubs Hednesford Town. Thompson has also been at Chasetown, Leek Town and Hanley Town, but after helping Kidsgrove Athletic into the BetVictor South East play-off frame, he’s opted to make the move to rejoin the Pitmen at Keys Park. Hednesford play in the BetVictor Southern Premier Central and are sitting 14th. Meanwhile, Grove boss Ryan Austin has added young Crewe Alex youngster Regan Griffiths to his squad and he would have been available for Saturday’s game at Glossop North End, had it gone ahead, but Storm Dennis put paid to that. The two clubs have a greed a loan deal for a month for the 19-year-old. CONGLETON TOWN have been busy adding to their squad by signing highly-rated goalkeeper Dave Parton. The former Stoke City, Nantwich and Kidsgrove keeper has joined from fellow North West Counties outfit Whitchurch Alport. LEEK TOWN are back in BetVictor South East action tonight after their game against Cleethorpes Town was postponed on Saturday. That enabled Stamford to close the gap on Blues to five points with a 3-0 home win over Stocksbridge, but Leek can claw those three points back with a victory at Chasetown. Also tonight, Stafford Rangers continue their survival fight with a tricky trip to FC United of Manchester in the Premier Division, while Kidsgrove Athletic are off to Gainsborough Trinity for an Integro League Cup tie. In the North West Counties League, Hanley Town welcome Irlam to Potteries Park.

Dennis proves to be right menace for local football Jim Hannah

Staffs County Senior League

STORM Dennis followed hot on the heels of Storm Ciara to play havoc with the weekend’s grass roots programme, with most of the action taking place on 3 and 4G pitches. Three games survived in the Staffs County Senior League and the Coors League, with just one being played in the Potteries and District League. The Uttoxeter and District League was hit hard, with just one game going ahead, while there was a complete washout in the Crewe Regional League. Action in the Staffs County Senior League Premier Division saw Walsall Phoenix move up to fifth place with a 4-2 home win over Hanley Town. Liam Hallan scored twice, with Olli Burn and Chris Warden also on the scoresheet for Walsall, while Izaak Walsh and Adam Wright found the target for Hanley. Into Division One where AFC Alsager took advantage of being the only club in action to stretch their lead at the top of the table to 15 points with a 4-0 home win over Keele University at their Alsager Sports Hub headquarters. Chris Speed was the goal hero for Alsager, scoring four times. His first came after 14 minutes and then went on to find the net in the 16th, 55th and 75th minutes, with Jordan Rigby scoring the fifth goal in the first half. Into Division Two where Eastwood Hanley

HEADING CLEAR: Congress Town’s Chris Perkin gets his head to the ball to clear the danger as AFC Northwood’s Harry Bickerton looks to take advantage during their Coors League game. Pictures: Steve Bould Development moved into second place with a 1-0 home win over Wyrley, thanks to the only goal of the game from Josh Gilson. There is one game scheduled to take place tomorrow night in the Premier Division where Abbey Hulton United welcome Ashbourne to their Birches Head road ground. Congress Town moved up

to third place in the COORS LEAGUE Division Three with a thumping 9-1 victory at AFC Northwood on their 4G facility at Northwood Stadium. Harry Everist bagged a hattrick with Dan Minshall and Jamie Shingler both scoring twice. Ross Whitehurst and Chris Perkin were also on target to complete the scoring. A host of clubs are

chasing the top two with only four points separating third from ninth. For Northwood it looks an impossible task to avoid the drop as they remain without a point and are ten points from safety having played more than their rivals. Into Division Three where leaders FC Gardeners opened up a six-point lead over Vale Hoppers with a 7-1

home win over Bradwell FC, the only game in the division to go ahead. However, Lee Pickerill gave fifth-placed Bradwell the perfect start when he cracked home a fine shot from 25 yards after only five minutes on the clock. The hosts took it in their stride however, and were soon moving through the gears to equalise through

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The Sentinel  Tuesday February 18, 2020


Have your say on all the latest football news at How they stand StaffS County Senior Premier

Pd W D Leek CSOB 15 13 0 Alsager Town Res 17 11 3 Brereton Social 20 10 4 Foley Meir 12 9 1 Walsall Phoenix 19 9 0 Redgate Clayton 16 8 2 Wolstanton United 14 7 4 Hanley Town Res 14 7 1 Audley & District 16 7 1 Silverdale Athletic 15 5 5 Ashbourne 15 4 4 Abbey Hulton Utd Res 15 4 0 Eastwood Hanley 18 0 6 Cheadle Town 18 0 5

L F A Pts 2 39 14 39 3 31 15 36 6 51 45 34 2 36 18 28 10 40 44 27 6 40 24 26 3 33 22 25 6 31 28 22 8 30 31 22 5 31 22 20 7 25 29 16 11 20 37 12 12 23 65 6 13 18 54 5

StaffS County Senior Div One

Pd W D AFC Alsager 18 17 0 Ball Haye Green 15 12 0 Shenstone Pathfinder 14 7 3 Market Drayton Tigers 12 9 0 Lichfield City Casuals 11 6 1 Milton United 12 5 4 Chesterton 15 5 2 Redgate Clayton Res 15 4 2 City of Stoke 14 4 2 Keele University 16 4 1 Whittington 13 4 0 Leek CSOB Res 15 4 2 Hawkins Sports 14 2 1

L F A Pts 1 64 21 51 3 44 16 36 4 36 20 30 3 30 15 27 4 41 34 19 3 35 31 19 8 25 35 17 9 31 32 14 8 32 51 14 11 31 70 13 9 26 29 12 9 30 46 11 11 23 48 7

StaffS County Senior Div Two Pd W D L F A Pts Walsall Phoenix Res 13 9 1 3 34 20 28 Eastwood Hanley Dev 11 7 2 2 34 23 23 Ball Haye Green Res 11 6 2 3 25 21 23 Madeley White Star 9 6 1 2 34 12 22 Audley & District Res 12 7 1 4 30 20 22 Hilton Harriers Res 11 4 3 4 25 20 15 Cheadle Town Res 13 2 5 6 25 32 11 Cannock United 9 3 0 6 14 28 9 Staffordshire Victoria 10 1 2 7 22 42 5 Wyrley Titans 11 1 1 9 17 42 4

CLOSE CALL: AFC Northwood goalkeeper Mark Shallcross denies Congress Town’s Ross Whitehurst. the in-form Josh Gill just five minutes later and the same player made it 2-1 shortly after. Ash Warren made it 3-1 to the hosts with a beautiful curling effort with his left foot and that was the score at half-time. The leaders were well in control at this point and despite playing against a strong wind in the second half they scored again as Ben Matthews hammered home a 25-yarder for the second week running. Josh Gill completed his hat-trick to make it 5-1 and incredibly that is his sixth treble of the season. An Adam Hutchinson free-kick was headed home by Ash Warren and he also completed his hat-trick with ten minutes remaining to make it 7-1. Tam O’Shanter have opened up a 13-point lead at the top of Division Four as a reward for being the only game on grass to survive the weekend’s stormy weather. In a one-sided affair, both Christian Roden and Ryan Rowe helped themselves to hat-tricks with Christian Hale, Tommy Smith and James Tudor ensuring the leaders hit double figures for the second time in three games. Tam have now gone 10 games without defeat in the league and although they have played six more

MY BALL: Congress Town’s Dan Minshall takes control of the ball as AFC Northwood’s Derrick Weston closes in. games than their rivals they have the points in the bank, leaving the chasing pack little margin for error. Just two games went ahead in the POTTERIES AND DISTRICT LEAGUE and Adderley Green took advantage to go level on points with leaders Roaring Meg following a 5-3 home win over Greenhoff’s, but they had to come from 3-1

at half-time to secure the points. James Beaman, Ash Moore, Elisio Francisco, Liam Robinson and Cameron Waltho were all on the scoresheet for Adderley Green. Into Division Two where Musician United moved into second place following a 2-1 home win over Fulford United.

Ryan Lewis hit the post midway through the first half, but made up for it by rounding the home keeper and tapping the ball into the net for a 1-0 half-time lead. Fulford levelled at the start of the second half through David Iacono, but Marco Buckley came off the bench with 30 minutes to go and struck home a left-footed winner. Silverdale Athletic are back on top of the Veterans Division following a 3-0 home win over bottom club Werrington Wasps, while Jolly Potter were 3-0 winners over Newcastle Athletic. Stone Town managed to stage their UTTOXETER AND DISTRICT LEAGUE Division Two game against leaders Bramshall FC, but could do nothing to stop Bramshall leaving with the three points following a 3-0 win. Bramshall have now won all 11 league games, to open up a six-point lead over second-placed Waterhouses, who also have a 100 per cent record from their nine games. John Thacker scored twice for Bramshall, with Kieran Coates rounding off a good morning for the leaders. South Cheshire was obviously badly affected by the storm, as every game in the CREWE REGIONAL LEAGUE was postponed.

Park Inn Knights Roaring Meg Birches Head FC Liquor Vaults AFC Castle Mona Wolstanton High St White Hart Small FC Robin Hood

13 5 2 6 49 42 17 11 5 1 5 34 33 16 11 5 0 6 24 52 15 6 3 1 2 23 16 10 13 3 0 10 19 59 9 7 2 0 5 9 19 6 12 2 0 10 20 47 6 9 1 0 8 8 46 3

potteries league premier Pd W D L F A Pts Roaring Meg 7 6 1 0 32 13 19 Adderley Green 9 6 1 2 25 16 19 Bignall End 7 4 0 3 18 13 12 Wood Park Wulruds 10 3 2 5 15 24 11 Greenhoff’s 7 2 2 3 15 16 8 Silverdale Athletic 8 2 1 5 13 20 7 Abbey Hulton Utd 6 0 1 5 6 22 1 POTTERIES LEAGUE DIVISION ONE Pd W D L F A Pts Moorcroft United 8 8 0 0 36 6 24 Cheadle United 9 4 2 3 22 15 14 Loggerheads 6 4 1 1 18 10 13 Black Cock 9 3 1 5 14 29 13 FC Clayton 6 3 1 2 13 19 10 Hazelhurst FC 8 1 2 5 12 20 5 Holditch United 9 2 1 6 7 25 4 Windmill Werrington 3 0 0 3 5 10 0 potteries league division two Pd W D L F A Pts Meir KA 8 8 0 0 38 7 24 Musician United 10 6 1 3 26 20 19 Ash Bank 12 6 0 6 31 29 18 Newcastle Athletic R 9 5 1 3 50 20 16 AFC Knave 6 5 0 1 36 8 15 Windmill Werr Res 10 4 0 6 22 42 12 Red Lion Hartshill 3 3 0 0 12 4 9 Hamptons Metals 6 3 0 3 27 20 9 Fulford United 10 2 2 6 19 32 8 Moorcroft Comm Click 11 2 0 9 15 67 6 Loggerheads Res 7 0 0 7 6 34 0

POTTERIES LEAGUE VETERANS Pd W D L F A Pts Silverdale Athletic 10 7 2 1 26 10 23 GOALS COORS LEAGUE PREMIER Abbey Hulton United 9 7 0 2 38 12 21 Pd W D L F A Pts Newcastle Athletic 10 5 2 3 33 20 17 Potters Bar 8 7 1 0 43 10 22 Bench & Bar 9 4 2 3 33 19 14 Newcastle Athletic 11 7 0 4 37 30 21 Tean 9 4 2 3 30 21 14 Sneyd Green 9 5 3 1 33 23 18 Jolly Potter 10 4 1 5 25 21 13 Shamblers 8 3 1 4 19 23 10 City of Stoke 9 1 1 7 14 47 4 White Hart VPR 10 3 1 6 25 34 10 Werrington Wasps 10 1 0 9 5 54 3 Cuckoo Albion 8 1 3 4 13 23 6 Barley Mow 8 0 1 7 11 38 1 UTTOXETER LEAGUE DIVISION ONE Pd W D L F A Pts GOALS COORS DIVISION ONE Bulls Head 9 5 2 2 26 18 17 Pd W D L F A Pts Uttoxeter Town 7 5 0 2 37 17 15 The Roebuck 11 7 2 2 32 14 23 Sudbury Park 8 5 0 3 37 18 15 Cheshire Cheese 11 6 3 2 21 15 21 Churnet Valley 6 4 1 1 22 9 13 Halmerend FC 6 6 0 0 22 2 18 Uttoxeter Dominoes 9 4 1 4 22 28 13 AFC Black LIon 11 5 1 5 34 30 16 Cheadle Rovers 9 2 4 3 15 18 10 Chesterton YC 6 5 0 1 33 7 15 Stone FC 8 3 1 4 20 30 10 Butchers Arms 6 5 0 1 26 8 15 JCB Lakeside 6 3 0 3 20 15 9 Kidsgrove Plough 11 4 1 6 30 30 13 Tean Albion 7 2 2 3 10 20 8 Jolly Carter 9 3 1 5 28 36 10 Doveridge FC 9 0 1 8 10 46 1 Ball Green WMC 10 2 1 7 18 31 7 Brown Edge 11 2 1 8 19 53 7 UTTOXETER LEAGUE DIVISION TWO Coach & Horses 12 1 2 9 24 61 5 Pd W D L F A Pts FC 11 11 0 0 57 13 33 GOALS COORS DIVISION TWO Bramshall Waterhouses 9 9 0 0 53 8 27 Pd W D L F A Pts AFC Ipstones 11 6 1 4 36 37 19 Moorlands Athletic 14 10 1 3 52 27 31 Stone Town 11 4 2 5 28 31 19 Railway Inn 8 6 1 1 27 14 19 Hixon FC 10 3 2 5 23 27 11 Congress Town 10 5 2 3 29 20 17 Tean Rangers 9 3 1 5 20 26 10 Knutton Community 9 5 2 2 29 22 17 Sudbury FC 13 3 1 9 23 47 10 The Kiln 12 5 2 5 35 34 17 Bird in Hand 5 3 0 2 15 11 9 Global Vision 9 5 1 3 26 18 16 Tuns FC 2014 11 1 2 8 18 48 5 Canal Tavern 11 4 3 4 35 33 15 Stone Outlanes 6 0 1 5 6 21 1 AFC Wulstan 12 4 3 5 24 38 15 Sutherland Arms 11 4 1 6 32 34 13 CREWE REGIONAL LEAGUE PREMIER Redgate Clayton 8 3 1 4 17 15 10 Pd W D L F A Pts Marquis of Granby 9 3 1 5 22 30 10 Crewe Athletic 11 10 0 1 42 20 30 AFC Northwood 13 0 0 13 15 58 0 George & Dragon 11 8 1 2 54 18 25 White Lion FL 14 8 1 5 47 27 25 GOALS COORS DI VISION THREE Betley FC 14 5 4 5 23 25 19 Pd W D L F A Pts NHB FC 12 5 3 4 29 28 18 FC Gardeners 12 11 1 0 72 19 34 Faddiley 12 6 0 6 39 39 18 Vale Hoppers 11 9 1 1 48 15 28 White Lion 11 4 0 7 30 40 9 Men Unite 11 8 1 2 50 21 25 Willaston White Star 12 2 2 8 23 51 4 Royal Furlong 12 7 1 4 43 34 22 Salvador 13 1 1 11 16 55 4 Bradwell FC 13 7 0 6 38 43 21 Caverswall Town 9 5 1 3 21 17 16 CREWE REGIONAL DIVISION ONE Stoke Town 12 5 1 6 31 36 16 Pd W D L F A Pts Jolly Potters 12 4 3 5 24 42 15 Bridge Inn 14 12 1 1 66 23 37 New Penny 14 3 3 8 28 34 12 The Old Star 14 12 0 2 71 27 36 Lymedale Athletic 11 3 1 7 19 34 10 Talbot 16 12 0 4 71 39 36 The Unicorn 13 3 1 9 28 50 10 AFC Talbot 15 10 3 2 68 32 33 Keele University 11 1 2 8 12 42 5 Sydney Arms 17 8 4 5 61 48 28 Plaza 9 1 0 8 13 31 3 Nantwich Pirates 15 8 1 6 52 45 25 17 6 3 8 29 52 21 GOALS COORS DIVISION FOUR Audlem White Horse 20 6 2 12 52 67 20 Pd W D L F A Pts Sandbach Town 14 6 1 7 38 46 10 Tam O’Shanter 15 13 1 1 78 17 40 Broadhurst FC 19 4 3 12 38 65 15 Canal Tavern Kids 9 9 0 0 43 5 27 Princes Feathers 14 1 1 12 28 63 4 Birches Head Rangers 9 7 1 1 47 16 22 C&N United 17 1 1 15 26 93 1 Breaks Athletic 13 6 0 7 31 33 18

Results TAFFS COUNTY SENIOR S LEAGUE Premier Division: Walsall Phoenix 4, Hanley Town 2. Division One: A FC Alsager 5, Keele University 0. Division Two: E astwood Hanley Development 1, Wyrley 0. COORS LEAGUE Goals Division One: A FC Northwood 1, Congress Town 9. Goals Division Three: F C Gardeners 7, Bradwell FC 1. Goals Division Four: T am O’Shanter 10, Birches Head 1.

OTTERIES AND DISTRICT P LEAGUE Premier Division: Adderley Green 5, Greenhoff’s 3. Division Two: M usician FC 2, Fulford UNited 1. Veterans Division: Newcastle Athletic 0, Jolly Potter Hartshill 3; Silverdale Athletic 3, Werrington Wasps 0. UTTOXETER LEAGUE Division Two: S tone Town 0, Bramshall FC 3. CREWE REGIONAL LEAGUE All games postponed.

42   The Sentinel

Tuesday February 18, 2020



FOOTBALL Tributes are paid to former Stoke keeper and Crewe manager HARRY Gregg, the Manchester United and Northern Ireland great, and a hero of the Munich air disaster, has died aged 87. Gregg joined United in 1957 and, on February 6, 1958, was on the plane that crashed in Munich having stopped to refuel after a European Cup tie in Belgrade. Twenty three died in the crash, but Gregg returned to the burning wreckage to rescue team mates and fellow passengers, including Bobby Charlton, Jackie Blanchflower, a baby and her injured mother. He spent nine years with United, making 247 appearances, leaving for Stoke and making two appearances for City in 1967 before moving into management. He was brought to Stoke by Tony Waddington midway through the 1966/67 campaign but suffered a shoulder injury. Waddington would sign Gordon Banks from Leicester City in April 1967. He played for Northern Ireland in the 1958 World Cup and was named the best keeper of the tournament after helping his country reach the quarter-finals. Gregg’s managerial career included a spell at Crewe from 1975 to 1978. He also took charge of Shrewsbury, Swansea and Carlisle and was assistant to Lou Macari at Swindon. The former goalkeeper’s charitable Harry Gregg Foundation said he died in Causeway Hospital in Coleraine. Gregg, pictured, spoke about his actions in the Munich air disaster in a moving interview with Ian Ladyman of the Daily Mail in 2017. He said: “It took time for the daily images to fade from my mind. There were times back then I didn’t want to go to bed, you know, because I would

dream about it. But there were times when I couldn’t stand to be awake either. “Listen, whatever happened on that day, I know every single bit of it, but God forbid if it happened again I may be the first one to run. You understand that? “What I did was what I did. It wasn’t heroic. It could have been different. You have to believe me.” Bobby Charlton led the tributes. Speaking to Manchester United’s website, he said: “I was proud to call him a teammate. For all the matterof-fact things Harry said about that night in Munich, for me, he will always be remembered as a heroic figure. It’s incredible to think that he went on to play in a match against Sheffield Wednesday just 13 days after that night. “A shining light both on and off the pitch. For so many reasons, he deserves to be remembered as one of the greatest names in Manchester United’s history. Harry will be deeply missed and our thoughts are with Carolyn and his family at this very sad time.” Stoke City have paid their respects, saying: “It is with deep sadness that Stoke City learned of the death of Harry Gregg, who had a spell with the Potters at the end of his distinguished playing career. They add: “The thoughts and prayers of everyone at Stoke City go out to Harry’s family and friends at this sad time.” Crewe also paid tribute to their former manager: “Crewe Alexandra Football Club is deeply saddened to learn of the death of former manager Harry Gregg. They add: “Harry will be fondly remembered by those who enjoyed his time at Gresty Road and all of our thoughts are with his family this morning.”

Michael Baggaley port vale

Mark Cullen is hoping to play a regular role in Port Vale’s push for the play-offs after returning to the side in style. The 27-year-old scored twice in the weekend’s 3-0 win at home to Colchester, a result that lifted the Vale to sixth in League Two ahead of Saturday’s trip to Walsall. The goals take his record to seven in just nine starts and 13 substitute appearances since signing on a free from Blackpool in the summer. He’s been hampered by minor injuries, but is hoping his performance will help him get a regular run in the side. He said: “That is all you can do. I’ve been in situations in the past few years where I have been injured, with bad injuries. That is when you are at your worst because you can’t help at all. “But this year I have maybe not played as much as I would have liked. But I thought at least I am fit and ready and available and, when I get that chance, I have to try my best to take it. “I feel that I am doing all right so far and hopefully that continues until the end of the season. “I am fit and ready. I have barely missed a day’s training this year. I have missed one or two with little niggles, but I keep training every day. Match fitness is massive and the only way you can get that is by continuously playing matches. “So it is difficult at times, but I will just keep trying my best, if I blew up after 80 minutes, similar to this (the Colchester game), at least I know I have tried my best for that 80 minutes and we can build on that.” Cullen was recalled to the side on Saturday because Tom Pope was serving a onegame ban after he was sent off in the 3-2 win at Forest Green, having scored twice in that game. So, Askey, has the choice of Cullen, Pope and Richie Bennett for the central striker role in his 4-3-3 formation for Saturday. The victory over Colchester lifted the Vale into the playoff places for the first time, with 12 games to go, and extended their impressive run to 13 points from five games. Cullen added: “We were in 10th for about three years - or it felt like that - but we kept going at it and now we are in it. Now we have to tick off the games one by one, there’s not a great deal left, and see where we end up. “We are in a great spot and the fans seem to be loving it. We are near the top end of the table which is where every team wants to be.

back of the net: Mark Cullen scored twice as Port Vale ran out 3-0 winners against Colchester at Vale Park on Saturday. Picture: Terry Lawson

Goal hero Cullen wants key role in play-off push We just have to try to stay grounded, as hard as that is, and try to concentrate on the job. “There are a lot of teams fighting for the same kind of thing so it is not a given that we are in the play-offs now. It is not like that at all, we have to keep working and keep hoping that we can get there in the end.” Both Cullen’s goals at the weekend were eye-catching as Vale took the game away from the visitors in the second half following Tom Conlon’s 14th-minute opener. He doubled the lead nine minutes into the second half, controlling David Worrall’s

inch-perfect pass before running through to beat the keeper, then added the third with a 20-yard, left footed strike on 72 minutes. He added: “With the first one, Wozza hit ‘a diag’ and I could tell the centre-back wasn’t moving his feet great, and I knew he wasn’t going to get it. So, I thought if I take a touch back across him it takes him out of the game. “The keeper came rushing out a bit so I thought, ‘if I just give it a little dink...’. “It wasn’t a great dink but it was enough, and luckily it went in, so it was a good goal. “The second was on my left and not many people expect

that. I just saw the passage to the bottom corner open up and I thought if I just curl it in there it would be lovely. As it turned out it just clipped the inside of the post so it couldn’t have got any better for me.” He departed to a standing ovation when he was substituted three minutes from time. He added: “It is nice to know people appreciate your hard work. “I am over the moon that the fans appreciated the two goals and I thank them for it.”

· KEEP up to date with all the latest Port Vale news by following Mike Baggaley on Twitter at @MBaggers37



The Sentinel  Tuesday February 18, 2020


Have your say on all the latest football news at

Lou Macari

Talking football with a genuine Stoke City legend

Youngsters helped to warm my heart in cup semi-final


FELT for the Stoke City fans who made that long journey down to QPR on Saturday. Not just because they witnessed a damaging 4-2 defeat after being 2-0 up, but because of what they didn’t witness. I’m talking about events at Stoke’s Clayton Wood training ground on Saturday morning when the club’s under-18s beat Chelsea to reach the Premier League Cup final. What a fantastic spectacle it was, a real throw back to how football used to be and still should be. I was there to watch my grandson playing for Stoke and will admit my mood was good from the start because I nabbed the last parking space at The Michelin so was able to watch from the dry. It was like a monsoon out there and few of today’s so-called stars would have fancied it. Not the 22 players of Stoke and Chelsea, though, because they played for that place in the final as though their lives depended on it. Even the build up to the game, seeing a referee in black and carrying the ball under his arm, not picking it up off a pedestal, had me thinking ‘this is real football, I might enjoy this.’ I did - and it’s not often I say that these days. The Stoke lads might have conceded first, but that wasn’t going to stop them and from start to finish they were a credit to manager Richard Walker and his staff... and a credit to football. For 120 minutes, because it went to extra-time, players ran around like it was a life-or-death match and flew into tackles. No-one rolled around when tackled or fouled, they just got up, and the referee wasn’t tearing over like someone had been murdered. Stoke not only went behind, they also had a goal disallowed and hit the bar, but were they disillusioned and feeling sorry for themselves? Not a bit of it. They equalised to force extra-time before bagging their winner. You can imagine the celebrations and there was no pausing for VAR, of course, and just as well there was no VAR because we’d still be there now waiting for the game to finish, there were that many incidents. So Stoke are into the final, to play Manchester City I believe, and boy did they deserve it. And to cap it all, the final scoreline of Stoke City 2, Chelsea 1 has a certain ring to it, doesn’t it?

away misery: Stoke City’s Tommy Smith battles with QPR’s Marc Pugh in the 4-2 weekend defeat. I just hope news of this game softens the blow for those Stoke fans who made it to Loftus Road and back instead on Saturday. I do feel for Stoke fans. Not just because they are Stoke fans and because of my affinity with the club, but because it wasn’t that long ago that they were getting into the Premier League and staying in the Premier League with performances a million miles away from what they must have seen on Saturday. Sadly, those players are long gone, bar one, and unfortunately Ryan Shawcross remains injured for now. You can only assume that Michael O’Neill would love to have him to call upon after seeing his side concede 11 goals in their last four games. With just about everyone else

picking up points on Saturday, the heat is well and truly back on Stoke. There has to be a response on Saturday against Cardiff, particularly at home, and it will be interesting to see what changes the manager makes for that one. There’s only 13 games left, and once you get into single figures the pressure cranks up again. There may be pressure on those trying to get into of the Premier League at the other end of the table, but the pressure is even greater on clubs like Stoke trying desperately to stay in the Championship. I remain confident, you have to, but my confidence would be even greater if I knew Stoke were going to regularly produce the kind of spirit and decent football - I saw from the youngsters on Saturday.

Finally this week, I would like to add my condolences after hearing that Harry Gregg has passed away at the age of 87. I knew Harry for nearly 50 years because he was goalkeeping coach when I first arrived at Manchester United. A survivor of the Munich air disaster in 1958, he clearly occupies a special place in everyone’s affections at Old Trafford. I took Harry with me as my assistant for my first job in management at Swindon in 1984. I felt his experience would be important as I took those first few steps into the precarious world of being a football manager. His death will have been felt by all at Old Trafford and I’m sure he will get a grand send off.

Do you agree with Lou’s views? Have your say at

Wenger: City can have no complaints about penalty Arsene Wenger has no sympathy for Manchester City after the club were banned from European competition for two seasons having been found to have breached financial fair play rules. The former Arsenal boss, who is credited with coining the phrase “financial doping”, insists City’s punishment which also includes a £25m fine - is necessary to uphold the spirit of the game. Speaking at the Laureus Sports Awards in Berlin, Wenger said: “The rules are what they are and you have to respect them. “People who are caught trying to get around the rules in more or less legal ways have to be punished, if it is proven that this has been done on purpose. “I think sport is basically to win by respecting the rules we celebrate the best in every sport and we want to know that they respect the rules. “If there is no respect for the rules it is not real sport. If you go into a competition it is a sign that you respect the rules.” City stated on Friday that they were “disappointed but not surprised” by the decision from the adjudicatory chamber of the Club Financial Control Body. They described the process as “flawed and consistently leaked” and said they would commence appeal proceedings with the Court of Arbitration for Sport at the earliest opportunity. The future of City’s manager Pep Guardiola has been the subject of speculation since the news of the ban broke, and he will not appear before the media to preview the match against West Ham on Wednesday. The game, originally due to have been played on February 9, was postponed because of Storm Ciara and because the rearranged date comes within the same match round, there is no need for either club to hold a second preview press conference. It has been reported that Guardiola has told friends he intends to stay at City despite the announcement of the twoyear ban. Wenger’s long reign at Arsenal coincided with City’s emergence as a global superpower, and led to a procession of stars including Emmanuel Adebayor, Gael Clichy and Samir Nasri swapping the Emirates Stadium for the Etihad. But Wenger would not be drawn on the suggestion that City should be punished further by being stripped of the silverware they earned during the period in question.


Sports Awards Grice is right when it comes to hitting the goal trail ...

Football Storm Dennis leaves its mark on the local football scene

TYRESE HAS BEEN BIG POSITIVE SAYS O’NEILL Stoke boss pleased with young striker but won’t weigh him down with targets Martin Spinks stoke city

Michael O’Neill would love to see Tyrese Campbell burst past the 10-goal mark - but says there are no targets weighing down the young striker. Campbell’s strike at QPR on Saturday made it six in total for the season and six in his last 13 appearances - with a potential 13 appearances still to come in the remainder of the current campaign. His goals could be crucial to Stoke’s fortunes over those 13 games and O’Neill says: “The target is as many as possible, as simple as that for Tyrese. “I thought that again, he was good for us (at QPR) and took his goal well. “He’s done very well since coming into the team and given the team a slightly different dimension to what we have from the other attacking players. “He came off with a slight calf issue and we need him fit and we need him scoring. “So I’m not setting him any targets as a young player, but he has been a big positive for us.” That calf injury is being assessed this week and O’Neill will be desperate to have him from the off against Cardiff City on Saturday afternoon. Not least because he is currently having to make do without one of his main talismen after James McClean suffered a knee injury against Preston last week. “Of course James is a miss,” O’Neill acknowledged. “He’s been an ever-present in the team, other

key man: Tyrese Campbell has scored six times since he was given his big chance by Stoke City manager Michael O’Neill. than the one game he missed through injury. “But we have to deal with that. We have to deal with players being unavailable and the result (at QPR) wasn’t down to James not

playing. But equally, we want as strong a squad as we can get going forward.” Assistant manager Billy McKinlay has suggested the injury could mean an absence of two or three

weeks, but a more cautious O’Neill says: “It’s difficult for me to put a time scale on that at this minute in time.” O’Neill has also expressed his sympathy for Thibaud Verlinden after the young Belgian winger sustained an anterior cruciate knee ligament injury in the Preston game. Verlinden is out for the rest of the season and O’Neill says: “It’s very disappointing for Thibaud. He was just getting a chance to come into the team and stake a claim for a place having been out on loan. “I thought he’d looked bright, he’s trained particularly well and we were quite excited about him. “Obviously the injury is a setback and now it’s about looking after the boy and making sure he’s right and hopefully ready for the start of next season, which is where his target has to be.” TICKETS are on sale for An Evening With Alan Hudson on Friday, May 1 at the Mitchell Arts Centre in Hanley. Tickets, priced £16.50 (plus £1.50 booking fee), are available from the Arts Centre’s box office (01782) 409307. The Stoke legend will be signing copies of his new book from 6pm in the foyer and the event, which starts at 7.45pm, will be compered by his former Stoke team-mate Terry Conroy. STOKE City Ladies have reached the FA Women’s National League Cup Final after goals from Abby Hunt and Mollie Gibson secured the club a 2-0 win against MK Dons at Stadium MK.

Vale fans eager to snap up more tickets for Walsall Michael Baggaley port vale

PORT Vale are hoping to get more tickets for Saturday’s game at Walsall after selling out their initial allocation of around 1,450. The second batch of 650 tickets sold out in less than two hours yesterday after an initial batch of 800 tickets were sold out by Saturday. The Vale’s chief executive Colin Garlick said: “I’ve spoken to Walsall and we are hopeful of getting a further allocation.” John Askey’s side have 12 games left to cement their place in the play-off spots having moved up to sixth with the 3-0 win at home to Colchester. Vale have already sold out on several occasions this season - taking 1,400 fans to Salford, 2,300 to Crewe, 1,800 to Macclesfield and 8,000 to their FA Cup third-round tie at Manchester City. Askey said: “It will be a fantastic atmosphere. It is only just down the motorway, a bit of a derby game.” Vale moved up three places with the victory over Colchester, a result that extended their run to four wins and a draw from their last five games. Tom Pope and James Gibbons are available after completing one and two-game bans respectively. But Askey may be tempted to stick with the same starting XI after Vale produced one of their best performances of the season to see off Colchester. He’s pleased the strength in depth of the squad was proved. Mitch Clark was serving the first of a three-game ban, Jake Taylor, Adam Crookes and David Amoo were out through injury and Manny Oyeleke was on the bench as he is being eased back into the side after hamstring surgery. The manager added: “Throughout the season, whoever has come in has shown they are more than capable of playing at this level. That is what has been really pleasing.” Printed by TMP Midlands, Birmingham, and published by Staffordshire Sentinel News and Media at Sentinel House, Bethesda Street, Hanley, Stoke-on-Trent, ST1 3GN. Registered for transmission as a Newspaper. No part of this newspaper may be reproduced, in part or in whole, without written permission from the publisher. Price 80p


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