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Kata Pengantar
This publication, AI Project, endeavors to record in pictures and prose the work done in schools across the country to raise awareness about avian influenza and the dangers of a flu pandemic.
Buku ini, AI Project, merekam berbagai gambar dan kisah kerja keras sekolah-sekolah se-Indonesia dalam meningkatkan pemahaman tentang flu burung dan bahaya sebuah pandemi influenza.
The AI team in UNICEF’s main office in Jakarta created a kit that contained creative yet educational materials to be used by the schools. UNICEF field offices then worked with local education departments to develop curriculum and lesson plans. The program has been implemented through UNICEF nine main field offices and to other parts of the country where the need was greatest. To date, an estimated 15 million children have benefited from this program.
Sebuah tim, yang dijuluki “The AI Team�, di kantor UNICEF Indonesia di Jakarta membuat sebuah paket pendidikan untuk sekolah dasar. Kantor-kantor perwakilan UNICEF di daerah dan dinas pendidikan di daerah merumuskan kurikulum dan rencana pengajarannya. Pada akhirnya, program Sekolahku Tanggap Flu Burung ini telah dilaksanakan di sembilan kantor perwakilan daerah dan juga wilayah lain di Indonesia yang membutuhkan. Sampai hari ini, diperkirakan sekitar 15 juta anak Indonesia sudah merasakan keuntungan program ini.
I would like to personally thank each and every principal and teacher that took part in this program and I encourage them all to continue to spread these very important messages to the children of Indonesia, the future of this exciting and diverse nation. Angela Kearney Representative UNICEF Indonesia
Saya persembahkan rasa terima kasih yang tak terhingga kepada semua kepala sekolah dan guru yang berperan dalam program ini dan saya harap mereka tetap menyebarkan pesan-pesan penting kesehatan kepada seluruh anak Indonesia, masa depan negeri indah nan elok ini. Angela Kearney Kepala Perwakilan UNICEF Indonesia
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AI Project Copyright UNICEF, Indonesia 2009 Concept/Writing Suzanna Dayne, AI Communication Specialist from an idea by Dr. Anne Vincent, Chief, Child Survival and Development Cluster, UNICEF Indonesia
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Additional Writing Arie Rukmantara, Emmy Fitri, Muktita Suhartono Photography Josh Estey, Edy Purnomo
The contents of this book reflect the opinions and views of the writers and do not necessarily reflect the views of UNICEF or any other UN Organization.
Banda Aceh
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without prior permission from UNICEF Indonesia.
Published By United Nations Children’s Fund Wisma Metropolitan II Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav 31 Jakarta, Indonesia
Design Mardiyah M, Harimawan Latif Translation Arie Rukmantara Editing Assistance Daniel Ziv Special thanks to KOMNAS FBPI for their strong and consistent support of the school program and to the UNICEF field offices, particularly Sinung Kristanto, Purwanta Iskandar, Steve Aswin and I Made Sutama who helped develop the first phase of the program.
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INTRODUCTION “This bird flu virus will be with us for some time, so we must integrate life-saving bird flu information in schools to ensure that the next generation knows how to deal with this threat and future ones,” Chief Executive KOMNAS FBPI, Bayu Krisnamurthi
“Virus Flu Burung akan bersama kita dalam beberapa waktu mendatang, maka dari itu kita harus integrasikan pesan-pesan pencegahan kedalam pelajaran sekolah untuk memastikan bahwa generasi berikutnya paham cara merespon ancaman ini dan juga ancaman-ancaman lain yang akan timbul di masa mendatang,” Ketua Komnas FBPI, Dr. Bayu Krisnamurthi
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When bird flu began to spread through Asia in 2003, it sent shockwaves through the scientific world. Here was a virus that killed anywhere from 60% to 80% of its victims and there was no cure. International donors sent millions of dollars to countries affected by the deadly virus. Governments - often with support from U.N. agencies, NGOs and humanitarian aid groups - went to work. From big cities to small villages, from markets to slaughterhouses, efforts were underway to raise awareness about this deadly virus and to try to halt its rapid spread. Indonesia is one of the worst affected countries and some 40% of victims here have been children or adolescents. The sprawling archipelago saw poultry avian flu cases in 31 of the country’s 33 provinces, and human cases in 12 of them. The disease became endemic across most of the country. Working with Indonesia’s National Avian and Pandemic Influenza Committee (KOMNAS FBPI) and UN partners, UNICEF Indonesia launched its nationwide AI campaign in 2006. The emphasis was on developing effective communication materials and working with the media and local communities to raise awareness on the issue and reduce the risk of families catching the deadly disease.
Kala Flu Burung mulai merebak di Asia di tahun 2003, berita tersebut menggemparkan dunia. Ditemukan sebuah virus yang mampu membunuh 60 - 80 persen korbannya dan obatnya belum ditemukan hingga kini. Negara-negara donor memberikan bantuan jutaan dolar Amerika kepada negara-negara yang menghadapi wabah tersebut. Pemerintah bersama dengan badan-badan Perserikatan BangsaBangsa (PBB), lembaga swadaya masyarakat, dan organisasi lainnya bekerja keras menghentikan penyebaran flu burung. Berbagai program dilancarkan di seluruh desa, kota, pasar serta tempat pemotongan hewan, untuk meningkatkan upaya pemahaman, pencegahan dan penghentian penyebaran. Indonesia adalah salah satu negara yang paling menderita karena Flu Burung. Sekitar 40 persen korban Flu Burung anak-anak. Flu Burung endemis di 31 dari 33 propinsi se-Indonesia. Berkat kerjasama yang erat dengan Komite Nasional Pengendalian Flu Burung dan Kesiapsiagaan Menghadapi Pandemi Influenza (Komnas FBPI) dan badanbadan PBB lainnya, UNICEF Indonesia meluncurkan kampanye “Tanggap-Flu Burung” di tahun 2006. UNICEF Indonesia memproduksi materi komunikasi, bermitra dengan media massa dan mengembangkan potensi masyarakat untuk melindungi diri dari flu burung.
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This all led to the development of an ambitious school program. The program set out to teach the young generation how to reduce their risk of catching the virus. They, in turn, would pass the knowledge outward, warning and teaching their parents and communities. Indonesia’s Avian Influenza and Pandemic Preparedness Team worked with the UNICEF Education section, which runs the Creating Learning Communities for Children (CLCC) program. The UNICEF-supported CLCC is an integrated approach to improving education quality in primary school by strengthening three core aspects: school management that is transparent, participatory, and accountable; strong community participation to support the functioning of the school; and classroom teaching that is effective, innovative, creative and enjoyable. The program was initially funded by Japan and then CIDA, the Canadian International Development Agency.
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Salah satu terobosan UNICEF Indonesia adalah melahirkan Program “Sekolahku Tanggap Flu Burung”. Sebuah program yang mendidik anak-anak Indonesia tentang cara melindungi diri dari Flu Burung dan menjadikan mereka kader penyuluh bagi para orang tua dan masyarakat di wilayah mereka tinggal. Tim Avian Influenza dan Kesiapsiagaan Pandemi bekerjasama dengan Bidang Pendidikan UNICEF Indonesia yang menjalankan program Manajemen Berbasis Sekolah (MBS) dalam melancarkan program ini. MBS adalah sistem berbasis pada tiga prinsip: manajemen yang transparan, partisipatif, dan dapat dipertanggungjawabkan; partisipasi masyarakat yang aktif dalam memfungsikan sekolah; dan kegiatan belajar-mengajar yang efektif, inovatif, kreatif dan menyenangkan. Program Flu Burung di sekolah-sekolah ini didukung oleh Pemerintah Jepang dan Pemerintah Kanada melalui CIDA (the Canadian International Development Agency).
[a] [b] [c] [d] [e]
AI kit bag Teachers’ Guide Cartoon DVD Stickers Flipchart
The program was launched in December 2007 at the Kebonagung Primary School in East Java by KOMNAS Chief Executive Bayu Krisnamurthi. “This bird flu virus will be with us for some time, so we must integrate life-saving bird flu information in schools to ensure that the next generation knows how to deal with this threat and future ones,” said Mr. Krisnamurthi. The program’s centerpiece is a school kit containing a variety of educational tools that were specially developed using characters from the popular local TV series ‘Bajaj Bajuri’. Since the bird flu program’s inception, more than 70,000 kits have been distributed to schools across the country. UNICEF worked with the television show’s creative team to develop a short cartoon and public service advertisements that would be aired on local and national television stations. These aimed to increase awareness of three basic messages: don’t play with poultry; wash your hands with soap; and report dead poultry to teachers, parents or the village head.
Program ini diluncurkan pada akhir Desember 2007 di Sekolah Dasar Kebonagung di Jawa Timur oleh Ketua Komnas FBPI, Dr. Bayu Krisnamurthi. “Virus Flu Burung akan bersama kita dalam beberapa waktu mendatang, maka dari itu kita harus integrasikan pesan-pesan pencegahan kedalam pelajaran sekolah untuk memastikan bahwa generasi berikutnya paham cara merespon ancaman ini dan juga ancaman-ancaman lain yang akan timbul di masa mendatang,” ujarnya. Setelah peluncuran tersebut, lebih dari 70 ribu paket Sekolahku Tanggap Flu Burung dikirim ke seluruh penjuru negeri. Paket berisikan alat mengajar guru dalam mengintegrasikan informasi Flu Burung kedalam mata pelajaran yang ada. Seluruh isi paket dikembangkan dari tokohtokoh tayangan komedi televisi “Bajaj Bajuri”. UNICEF Indonesia bersama tim kreatif Bajaj Bajuri mengembangkan animasi yang menjadi iklan layanan masyarakat. Animasi berdurasi 7 menit itu ditayangkan di seluruh stasiun televesi di Indonesia dan bertujuan menyebarkan tiga pesan utama bagi anak-anak: jangan bermainmain dengan unggas yang sakit, cuci tangan dengan sabun dan air dengan sering, dan laporkan kematian unggas ke guru, orang tua atau kepala desa.
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The seven-minute cartoon enforces these three messages through the antics of the lovable but sometimes clueless Bajuri family: Bajuri, his wife Oneng, mother-in-law Emak, his adopted son Soleh and his best buddy, Ucup. When Ucup brings home a sick cockerel and it infects his pretty hens, the whole family is in uproar. Emak wants to cook the fowl, while Oeng rushes off to report the crisis to the Village Head. Only the levelheaded young boy soleh realizes that they should all wash their hands right away. Ucup graps his hens and after a frantic hen chase, Bajuri, Emak, Soleh and Oneng find Ucup sick with fever. As Ucup is rushed to a hospital, the hens volunteer to go to their deaths for the sake of humanity. The story is also recreated in a colorful flipchart that can be used by teachers to re-enforce the messages. The kit also includes a teacher’s guide, large banner and stickers. But the kit is just a start. Using these materials, UNICEF field offices got teachers involved in workshops where they developed lesson plans that would stir pupils’ imaginations. The results included poems, posters and plays, and the integration of avian flu prevention messages into classes ranging from mathematics to languages, science and religion. This book aims to chronicle this innovative school program, as well as the teachers and children who played such a crucial and constructive role in its success so far.
Cerita dalam animasi tersebut berkisar seputar kehidupan Bajuri, istrinya: Oneng, mertuanya: Emak, anak angkatnya: Soleh, dan Ucup, sahabat karibnya. Pada suatu hari, Ucup membawa pulang ayam jantan yang akan dia kawinkan dengan ayam betinanya. Namun sayang, Si Ayam Jantan terkena Flu Burung. Para ayam betina yang tahu gejala tersebut, berusaha memperingatkan Ucup untuk tidak menyentuh pejantan tersebut. Terlambat, Ucup sudah ter lanjur memeluk ayam sekarat tersebut. Emak mengganggap bahwa dengan sakitnya ayam itu, Si Jantan siap diolah menjadi lauk-pauk. Dia pun menyentuh ayam sakit tersebut. Soleh berhasil memperingatkan Ucup dan Emak untuk cepatcepat cuci tangan dan segera melaporkan kejadian tersebut. Oneng kemudian memanggil Pak RT untuk melaporkan ayam sakit. Saat Pak RT ingin menyita ayam dan memanggil mantri hewan, Ucup melarikan ayamnya, meskipun akhirnya tertangkap juga. Ucup kemudian dirawat karena menunjukkan gejala flu dan ayam-ayamnya dimusnahkan demi keselamatan warga sekitar. Selain film kartun, paket Sekolahku Tanggap Flu Burung juga terdiri dari buku panduan mengajar Flu Burung bagi guru, stiker-stiker berwarnawarni untuk murid, dan papan presentasi (flipchart) berisi kisah Bajuri dan Flu Burung. Paket ini hanya stimulus. Kantor-kantor perwakilan UNICEF di daerah kemudian melibatkan banyak guru untuk merumuskan rencana pengajaran yang mampu membangkitkan imajinasi murid. Hasilnya: berbagai puisi, lagu, dan drama tercipta serta diadopsinya isu flu burung ke dalam pelajaran matematika, bahasa, ilmu pengetahuan alam dan agama. Buku ini mengisahkan tentang program inovatif ini, serta peran para guru dan anak-anak yang memungkinkan program Sekolahku Tanggap Flu Burung terlaksana di seluruh Indonesia.
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SUKABUMI West Java was one of the worst affected provinces due to its large population of both people and poultry. At the height of the outbreak, suspect cases were reported on an almost daily basis.
Jawa Barat adalah provinsi yang paling dirugikan dengan merebaknya wabah flu burung. Saat wabah mencapai puncaknya, kasus flu burung dilaporkan terjadi hampir setiap hari.
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DRAMA PROJECT smp negeri 1
One of the few junior high schools to take part in the program, SMP Negeri 1 students have taken the program in a new direction and it’s all in the students hands. Each class nominates volunteer ‘cadres’ to take part in a health program. Once a week, after morning assembly, they spread important health messages to their classmates, and it’s not a one time only event. Subjects are reviewed and presented in new and exciting ways so students remember to remain vigilant about issues like bird flu. SMP Negeri 1 Sukabumi adalah satu dari sedikit sekolah lanjutan tingkat pertama yang ikut melaksanakan program sekolahku tanggap flu burung. Di sekolah ini, semua kegiatan dirumuskan oleh para siswa. Setiap kelas mencalonkan relawan untuk dilatih. Tugas para relawan kesehatan ini adalah mempromosikan pesan pencegahan flu burung kepada teman-teman mereka secara terus-menerus. Cara promosi pun dievaluasi setiap saat agar siswa lainnya tetap tertarik mempelajari isu flu burung.
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Imam’s Story
Kisah Imam
Khalida’s Story
Kisah Khalida
13-year-old Imam started as ‘Dokter Kecil’ (‘Little Doctor’) in 7th grade, when bird flu first broke out. “By the time I started 8th grade, our program evolved, with many plays and presentations. Nearly all the kids here have chickens living at their homes, so it’s an important issue. We use theater because it’s easy for people to understand. If we do it through lectures or written material, kids get bored, the material doesn’t stick with them. Through our plays they seem to be more engaged and interested, the message stays in their heads even after the play is over.“
Imam, 13, sudah menjadi dokter kecil sejak usia 7 tahun, saat pertama kali dia mendengar kata “flu burung”. “Setelah saya kelas 8 (kelas II SMP), saya mulai aktif ikut program flu burung. Isu ini penting, karena hampir semua siswa disini punya ayam di rumah mereka. Kami bermain drama karena mudah ditangkap pesannya. Kalau lewat ceramah atau tulisan, teman-teman cepat bosan, pesannya tidak sampai. Lewat pementasan drama, mereka lebih tertarik menonton dan pesan-pesan kami lebih mudah ditangkap,” terangnya.
“I joined because it’s fun to be part of something like this and also because I noticed a lot of ignorance about health issues amongst my fellow students and I wanted to change that, wanted to show them how to live a healthier, safer lifestyle.”
“Saya ikutan karena aktivitas seperti ini menyenangkan dan saya merasa banyak yang tidak peduli tentang kesehatan. Saya mau merubah pikiran semacam itu, saya ingin tunjukkan bagaimana cara hidup yang lebih sehat,” ujar gadis 13 tahun yang duduk di kelas 8 itu.
“I have been active on bird flu issues at school for nearly two years. I think our classmates respond well to our activities and messages on bird flu because we are their equals and their friends, so it’s more fun when it’s coming from us than from adult teachers. “
“Saya aktif di program flu burung sejak dua tahun lalu. Saya rasa temanteman lebih senang mendapatkan informasi dari kami-kami daripada dari orang dewasa karena kami lebih dekat dengan mereka dan setara. Respon mereka bagus sekali.”
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The Bird Flu Play
Drama Flu Burung
The students stage an elaborate play on bird flu, for which they have been rehearsing for weeks. Their play depicts a normally idyllic village that eventually falls prey to the looming threat of avian flu. One dramatic scene features a village child falling gravely ill to the disease. The play then illustrates how the villagers - through education, consultation and communal cooperation - draw important lessons about bird flu and resolve to combat the threat in the future. Throughout the show, an eager audience comprising the actors’ classmates sits enraptured by the lively spectacle, evidence that this is no ordinary education.
Dengan berbagai kreavitas buatan sendiri—kostum warna-warni dan properti panggung yang kreatif—siswa-siswi SMPN 1 Sukabumi mementaskan drama tentang merebaknya wabah di sebuah desa. Seorang anak tiba-tiba sakit flu setelah memegang unggas sakit dan seluruh desa kemudian panik. Datanglah sekelompok pemuda yang berusaha menenangkan suasana dan menerangkan apa flu burung sebenarnya dan bagaimana cara mencegah penyebarannya. Pementasan yang lucu, atraktif, dan akting yang sungguh-sungguh, membuat seluruh perhatian penonton tertuju ke panggung sepanjang pementasan.
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PANDEGLANG This mainly rural area of Banten, the province that reported more human bird flu cases than any other in the country, has become the target of a massive awareness campaign.
Provinsi Banten melaporkan kasus flu burung lebih banyak dibandingkan dengan provinsi manapun di Indonesia, memaksa digencarkannya kampanye pemahaman flu burung.
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This Islamic boarding school for girls is home to some 250 students. Biology teacher Abdul Aziz Muslim says that they like to keep up with current issues like bird flu. “We like to empower the older students and we allow them to teach the younger ones about issues like bird flu.” With H1N1 now affecting boarding schools across the country, we need to be even more diligent,” he adds. Pesantren putri ini menjadi pondok belajar dan tinggal sekitar 250 santri. Guru Biologi, Abdul Aziz Muslim, menerangkan bahwa kesemua santri tersebut suka mengikuti berita, termasuk tentang flu burung. “Kami berdayakan santri yang lebih senior untuk memberikan informasi yang benar dan lengkap tentang flu burung kepada yang lebih muda,” terangnya. “Apalagi sekarang banyak pesantren terserang virus H1N1, kami harus lebih giat melakukan penyuluhan.”
Lusi Sofia’s Story
Kisah Lusi Sofia
13-year-old Lusi comes from the nearby coastal town of Anyer. She has been at Daar El Falah for the past three years. Her days are filled with studying classic subjects like math and science and adding a few newer ones like avian influenza. She also has time to relax with friends and conduct her prayers five times a day. “One day I hope I can become a University professor and be able to memorize the entire Koran,” she says.
Lusi Sofia, 13, berasal dari Anyer. Dia sengaja menuntut ilmu di pesantren untuk belajar agama sekaligus ilmu modern, seperti matematika dan ilmu alam. Pelajaran terbarunya: avian influenza alias flu burung. “Saya ingin jadi profesor yang hafal Al Qur’an,” tutur gadis yang sudah tiga tahun mondok di pesantren.
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“ It’s fun to come to the village and meet new people,” says Lusi. “They really listen to us when we talk about bird flu and now people are asking if swine flu is dangerous, too.” “Saya senang ke desa-desa dan bertemu warga,” kata Lusi. “Mereka sungguh-sungguh mendengar kita saat kita terangkan tentang flu burung. Dan kini orang bertanya kepada kami soal flu babi.”
Students helping the community The students also visit a neighboring village to raise awareness about AI. Backyard poultry are a common sight throughout the country and most chickens and ducks are free range. Lusi and her friends are warmly welcomed whenever they come for a community gathering. Berbagi Ilmu dengan Masyarakat
Women’s singing project
Merangkul Majelis Taklim
Para santri tidak hanya melakukan penyuluhan flu burung di dalam pesantren, namun juga turun langsung ke masyarakat. Di tengah pemukiman penduduk dimana ayam berkeliaran adalah pemandangan umum, kehadiran Lusi dan kawan-kawannya sangat berdampak besar.
Inspired by the students, a local women’s group wrote a song about bird flu using a traditional melody. “Don’t let children play with poultry, come on let’s get this done,” they sing.
Terinspirasi oleh ajaran para santri, ibu-ibu majelis taklim setempat mengarang lagu tentang flu burung yang dinyanyikan dengan gaya qasidahan. “Jangan biarkan anak anak bermain-main dengan unggas, mari, mari laksanakan,” lantun kelompok tersebut, diiringi tabuhan rebana.
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Central Java’s capital city is at the heart of the Semarang dikenal sebagai pusatnya Program avian influenza program. Thousands of primary Sekolah Tanggap Flu Burung. Ribuan sekolah schools in 35 districts took part in the program. dasar di seluruh kabupaten dan kota se-Jawa Tengah yang ikut serta menyukseskan program ini.
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sd taman pukunden
Art and language classes are at the forefront of avian influenza prevention activities for students at Taman Pukunden primary school. A poster competition among schools in the province brought out the students’ creative side. Cynthia, Talentalia and Nabila, for instance, worked together on a poster to show how important it is to visit the health center if you have flu symptoms. The students also compose poems on bird flu. Bird flu is now a subject addressed in a fifth-grade Indonesian language textbook, the result of a curriculum development workshop. Mata pelajaran Bahasa Indonesia dan kesenian menjadi sarana utama murid-murid SD Negeri Taman Pukunden mendapatkan informasi tentang flu burung. Lomba poster antar sekolah menjadi pembuktian kualitas informasi dan kreativitas yang dimiliki pelajar di sekolah ini. Cynthia, Talentalia dan Nabila, bekerjasama membuat poster tentang pentingnya segera ke puskesmas (Pusat Kesehatan Masyarakat) apabila terkena flu. Pesan yang mereka sampaikan itu, kini bahkan dicetak dalam buku teks pelajaran Bahasa Indonesia.
Real Life Issues
Masalah dalam Kehidupan Sehari-hari
Fifth grade teacher Karyono Subagyo has been teaching children for more than 25 years, and he believes it’s important that schools talk to children about issues that are relevant to their real lives. “These children have read and heard a lot about bird flu in the media. That’s why we have included the issue when teaching about routine health or even in Indonesian language classes,” says Subagyo.
Karyono Subagyo sudah mengajar kelas lima selama 25 tahun. Dia percaya bahwa anak-anak harus diajak mendiskusikan berbagai masalah yang ada di sekitar kehidupan mereka. “Anak-anak telah banyak mendengar dan membaca tentang flu burung dari media. Tidak ada alasan kita tidak membahas isu tersebut setiap kali kita mengajar kesehatan atau Bahasa Indonesia,” katanya.
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Danindru Yuda Putra’s story
Flu Burung Illness by Danindra Yuda Putra
Sri Nugraheni Kuspratiwi’s story
Bird Flu by Sri Nugraheni Kuspratiwi
The 11-year-old says he heard about bird flu on TV. “Millions of chickens died in my province and then a student from a nearby district died. My friends and I were a little scared. My teacher said that if we were careful and didn’t play with chickens and always washed our hands with soap, we could protect ourselves. It wasn’t so scary after that.”
One morning Someone reported to the village head That a child died of bird flu in the village Bird flu… why did you hurt this child?
The 10-year-old says she wants to be a doctor when she grows up. “I want to save people from diseases like bird flu. Bird flu is a new disease so we need to learn all we can about it so that none of my classmates get sick. The more we know, the more we can do something to stop it.”
Bird flu ... before you weren’t here But at night you came to attack mankind Bird Flu... an outbreak that spreads An illness so serious, making everyone afraid And adding to the death toll
Kisah Danindru Yuda Putra Danindru Yuda Putra, 11, sering mendengar berita flu burung di televisi. “Jutaan unggas mati dan seorang pelajar yang tinggalnya dekat rumah kami meninggal. Awalnya, saya dan teman-teman jadi takut, lalu guru bilang kalau kita hati-hati dan tidak bermain dengan unggas sakit atau mati, serta sering mencuci tangan, diri kita dapat telindungi. Setelah itu, saya tidak takut lagi,” tuturnya bercerita.
What should I do As time goes by the virus spreads Leave There are so many kinds of poultry that are infected with bird flu Many people still raise poultry For us it is a global problem
Kisah Sri Nugraheni Kuspratiwi Sementara itu, Sri Nugraheni Kuspratiwi, yang punya cita-cita menjadi dokter, ingin berkontribusi terhadap kampanye anti-flu burung. “Aku ingin selamatkan orang dari penyakit berbahaya seperti flu burung. Karena penyakitnya baru, kita mesti belajar banyak tentang flu burung supaya tidak ada teman yang kena. Semakin banyak kita tahu, semakin mudah kita menyetop penyebarannya,” ujar siswi berusia 10 tahun itu.
Oh God ... why did this have to happen? Was this your desire? Was this due to the conduct of man? Come friends, let us carry out three actions 1. Don’t play with poultry 2. Always wash hands with soap 3. Report to the village head or a teacher
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MOJOKERTO Located some 40 kilometers from East Java’s capital, Surabaya , this district is home to smallscale farmers and craftsmen and thousands of backyard poultry.
Terletak di sekitar 40 kilometer dari Surabaya, Mojokerto terkenal sebagai kabupaten dengan segudang pengusaha kecil, pengrajin dan peternakan unggas.
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STORY PROJECT sd kebundalem
One of the oldest CLCC schools in East Java, Kebundalem Primary hosts a team of enthusiastic teachers and a principal, Pak Suroto, who pushes, prods and perseveres to improve his school. The students’ artwork lines the classroom walls and the children aren’t confined to rows of desks all day. During a lesson on avian influenza the students sit on the floor and eagerly raise their hands to answer the teacher’s questions. Encouraging hand washing is easy at this school. Each classroom has its own outdoor sink. Sebagai salah satu sekolah bermetode MBS (Manajemen Berbasis Sekolah) tertua di Jawa Timur, SD Negeri Kebundalem, memiliki tim pengajar yang handal yang dikomandani kepala sekolah, Suroto. Karya seni dan kreativitas para murid terpajang diseluruh dinding kelas. Saat pelajaran flu burung diadakan, para murid bersemangat mengangkat tangan menjawab pertanyaan guru. Siswa pun lebih sering mencuci tangan, apalagi fasilitas yang dibutuhkan—keran air, sabun dan lap tangan—terdapat di depan setiap ruang kelas.
“It’s all about these children. They need to learn more than their subjects, they need to learn about life and issues like bird flu, and it’s our responsibility to give them all we can,” says Suroto.
“Semua yang kami lakukan adalah untuk anak-anak. Mereka perlu tahu isu terkini seperti flu burung, bukan hanya mata pelajaran. Tanggung jawab kamilah untuk membagi semua pengetahuan yang kami punya,” kata Suroto.
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Bajuri Cartoon
Menonton Kartun
Bird Flu Story by Laily Izzati Putri
The school boasts an audio-visual lab where all the students were able to watch the ‘Bajaj Bajuri’ cartoon and discuss the show. “I love this cartoon, it’s so funny, especially Oneng (the mother), she doesn’t know anything but her child has all the answers,” says Laili Putri, a fifth grader.
Di laboratorium audio-visual milik sekolah, puluhan murid duduk rapi menyaksikan animasi Keluarga Bajuri Tanggap Flu Burung, yang dibuat khusus untuk paket pengajaran flu burung di sekolah. “Saya suka sekali kartunnya, lucu banget. Apalagi Si Oneng, meski gak tahu apa-apa, untungnya punya anak pintar,” komentar Laili Putri, siswi kelas 5.
There are several types of poultry including chickens, ducks, geese and birds. Animals like poultry need to be raised in the proper way. If we don’t raise them properly, poultry can get a dangerous illness, bird flu. Signs that poultry are ill are diarrhea, sneezing and they can’t crow. Bird flu can spread to people through direct contact with poultry that are infected with bird flu; if a victim doesn’t get treated quickly, they can die. The way to protect yourself from bird flu is to wash hands with soap after touching poultry, spraying chicken coops with disinfectant, washing eggs and chicken meat before cooking, and cooking until well done so you kill all the germs. Cerita Flu Burung oleh Laily Izzati Putri Ada beberapa macam unggas, diantaranya ayam, bebek, itik, angsa, burung, dan lain-lain. Unggas termasuk binatang peliharaan, jadi unggas harus dipelihara dengan baik. Apabila tidak dipelihara dengan baik, unggas bisa terkena penyakit membahayakan yaitu flu burung. Ciri-ciri unggas yang sakit adalah mengeluarkan kotoran berupa cairan yang berwarna putih, bersin2 dan terjangkal, tidak bisa berkokok. Flu burung dapat menyerang manusia melalui kontak langsung dengan unggas yang terjangkit flu burung, kalau penderita flu burung tidak cepat ditangani bisa mati. Cara mencegah agar tidak terkena flu burung adalah cuci tangan pakai sabun setelah bersentuhan dengan unggas, menyemprot kadang ayam dengan disinfektan, mencuci telur dan daging ayam sebelum dimasak. Masak hingga benar-benar matang agar kumankumannya mati.
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Bird Flu Message travels home At the end of their school day, Laili and Farid decide to work on their homework and Farid visits his mother in her small shop and tells her about his day. More than 70% of students say they have told their family or friends about bird flu and how to prevent it. Pesan Pencegahan Sampai ke Keluarga Seusai sekolah, Laili dan Farid berniat mengerjakan pekerjaan rumah mereka bersama-sama. Dalam perjalanan pulang ke rumah, Farid berhenti di kios milik ibunya dan bercerita tentang kegiatannya mempelajari flu burung di sekolah pada hari itu. Farid adalah salah satu diantara lebih dari 70 persen siswa sekolah dasar se-Indonesia yang mengaku memberitahu keluarga mereka tentang cara mencegah flu burung.
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MAKASSAR In 2005, a farm worker in South Sulawesi tested positive for H5N1, becoming the country’s first human case. Luckily, he was cured. But Indonesia would quickly become the worstaffected country in the world.
Di tahun 2005, seorang peternak asal Sulawesi Selatan menjadi orang Indonesia pertama yang dinyatakan positif tertular virus H5N1. Setelah itu, virus menyebar tak terhentikan dan menjadikan Indonesia sebagai negara dengan korban flu burung terbanyak di dunia.
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SONG PROJECT sd pertiwi
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“We wanted to develop a creative way to teach about bird flu. We developed songs, art and writing activities. We also wanted to ensure that younger children were involved because they often come into contact with chickens in their neighborhoods,� says Principal Nursiah.
Kami ciptakan cara kreatif mengajar flu burung. Kami ciptakan lagu, adakan acara kesenian atau lomba menulis. Kami ingin pastikan bahwa anak-anak aktif terlibat karena mereka beresiko bersentuhan dengan ayam di rumah mereka,� terang Nursiah.
Schools in South Sulawesi have been involved in a wide variety of bird flu awareness activities developed by a group of educators from across the province. Pertiwi school Principal Hj Nursiah attended a development workshop and became a facilitator. She then went on to work in fifty schools. Sekolah-sekolah di Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan telah lama belajar flu burung, sebagai dampak dari kegiatan yang dikembangkan oleh sekelompok guru di provinsi itu. Kepala Sekolah SD Pertiwi Nursiah telah menjadi fasilitator pelatihan flu burung setelah sebelumnya menghadiri sebuah lokakarya yang diadakan UNICEF Indonesia. Dia kemudian melatih 50 sekolah.
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Ratu Fadhilah’s Story
Kisah Ratu Fadhilah
Ratu seems wise beyond her years. When asked whether, once bird flu is wiped out, can she play with chickens once again, she thinks for a moment and says “We always have to be careful, you never know when a new virus can emerge.“ Words that were spoken just months before the new H1N1 pandemic emerged. Her statement underscores the need for current health education to become an integral part of the school curriculum across Indonesia.
Dikenal sebagai anak yang “matang sebelum waktunya”. Dia lebih bijaksana dalam berbicara dibandingkan teman-teman sepermainannya. Saat ditanya apakah jika flu burung dapat dimusnahkan, dia boleh berlega hati, dia diam sejenak lalu berkata: “Kita harus selalu waspada, bisa saja virus baru muncul lagi.” Ucapan tersebut dilontarkan jauh sebelum virus influenza baru H1N1 muncul. Dan benar, virus influenza baru itu muncul dan memicu pandemi global. Pernyataan Ratu menjadi bukti mendesaknya pendidikan kesehatan dimasukan dalam kurikulum sekolah dasar.
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Pertiwi Primary School’s fifth graders sing bird flu songs during Indonesian language class
Siswa kelas lima Sekolah Dasar Pertiwi menyanyikan lagu flu burung pada saat mata pelajaran Bahasa Indonesia
Clap little chicks Chickens go....chick chick Ducks go…..quack quack Birds go…..tweet tweet Bird flu…..NO! Bird flu alert….YES!
Tepuk tangan unggas Bunyi ayam.......(petok-petok) Bunyi bebek.....(kwek-kwek) Bunyi burung.....(cit-cit) Flu burung NO! Tanggap flu burung YES!
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First Graders Learn too
Semua Kelas Belajar Flu Burung
Dzakwan is one of the youngest to learn about bird flu in school. “We have to always wash our hands with soap before we eat, that’s the most important thing”, says seven-year-old Dzakwan.
Dzakwan adalah murid termuda di SD Pertiwi yang ikut belajar mengenai flu burung. “Yang paling penting: cuci tangan dengan sabun sebelum makan,” kata bocah berumur 7 tahun itu.
“I love drawing and doing the bird flu puzzles with my best friend. We even had a math lesson with a hen and all her eggs that we had to count up,” says Dzakwan.
“Aku suka pelajaran flu burung dengan menggambar dan bermain teka-teki silang dengan sahabatku. Aku juga belajar flu burung lewat pelajaran menghitung,” lanjutnya.
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TORAJA In the faraway mountains of South Sulawesi, bird flu is less of a threat for the people of Tana Toraja. But schools here have joined the fight against the disease to ensure that this tourist region remains safe and its children are protected from the deadly virus.
Meski jauh di pegunungan dan puluhan kilometer dari pusat aktivitas provinsi Sulawesi Selatan, yang membuat ancaman flu burung tidak terlalu serius, sekolah-sekolah di Tana Toraja tidak mau tinggal diam dalam melindungi siswa mereka.
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BANNER PROJECT sd negeri 1
Pupils at Primary School 1 in Rantepao, Tana Toraja, created a giant banner with their handprints. The ‘hand’ has been used as a symbol for the program, with the slogan “Our hands prevent bird flu.” “We created the school banner as well as poems and songs to make it easy for the children to learn about bird flu,” says Principal B. Mangera.
Para murid SD Negeri 1 Rantepao memasang spanduk besar berhiaskan cap tangan mereka. Tangan adalah simbol dari kampanye nasional Tanggap Flu Burung. Spanduk itu adalah simbol keikutsertaan mereka dalam menyukseskan kampanye anti-flu burung. “Kami telah membuat spanduk, puisi dan lagu agar anak-anak mudah belajar flu burung,” ujar kepala sekolah, B. Mangera.
Delvi’s story
Kisah Delvi
12-year-old Delvi says she enjoys learning about bird flu and singing ‘The Clapping Song’. She says before bird flu, none of the children knew they could get sick from playing with chickens and ducks.
Delvi, 12, senang sekali bernyanyi lagu “Tepuk Tangan” yang dinyanyikan saat belajar flu burung di kelas. Sebelumnya, dia tidak tahu bahwa ayam-ayam tersebut dapat menularkan penyakit.
Clap bird flu, clap bird flu Don’t touch, wash your hands with soap Yes!
Tepuk Flu Burung, tepuk flu burung Jangan sentuh, cuci tangan pakai sabun Yes!
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BINJAI The country’s largest known cluster of bird flu cases in humans occurred in 2006 in the Karo district of North Sumatra province, where as many as 7 people in an extended family died.
Sumatra Utara sempat menghiasi halaman muka berbagai media, ketika klaster terbesar flu burung pada manusia ditemukan. Beberapa anggota dari sebuah keluarga besar meninggal karena tertular virus H5N1.
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At Binjai Primary School, teachers raise awareness about avian influenza in classes on the environment, science and religion. Principal Ross Aswit has been teaching at this school for 30 years. She says they have always taught pupils the importance of keeping their environment clean. “Now, with AI, we also emphasize to the kids the importance of keeping poultry away from their homes, as well as keeping poultry cages clean. The children then pass these messages on to their parents.” Di SD Binjai, pelajaran ilmu pengetahuan alam, ilmu agama serta pengenalan lingkungan digunakan sebagai perantara mengenalkan flu burung kepada siswa. Kepala Sekolah Ross Aswit telah mengajarkan pentingnya menjaga kebersihan sejak 30 tahun yang lalu. “Lewat flu burung, kita tekankan kepada anak-anak tentang pentingnya menjauhkan kandang dari rumah dan menjaga kebersihan kandang. Anak-anak kemudian memberitahu orang tua mereka,” terangnya.
“I know we are not allowed to play with chickens. We have to always wash our hands before we eat and after we play outside.” When I go home I always remind my mother to cook chicken and eggs until they are really well done,” says Yasser Arafat Sitepu, age 9.
“Ya, saya diajarkan untuk tidak bermain-main dengan ayam, selalu cuci tangan sebelum makan dan setelah bermain,” tutur Yasser Arafat Sitepu. “Di rumah, saya selalu minta ibu untuk masak ayam dan telur hingga matang,” tambah siswa berumur 9 tahun itu.
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Djasmaniar’s Story
Kisah Djasmaniar
Djasmaniar attended a bird flu training workshop and has now integrated what she learned into her religious classes. “Keeping clean is part of the traditional Islamic hadith (sayings) so we introduce the subject through the relevant religious sayings. We also talk about healthy cooking and eating by talking to the students about halal (religiously permitted) foods.”
Djasmaniar telah mengikuti pelatihan flu burung. Sekarang dia mengintegrasikan pengetahuannya itu ke dalam mata pelajaran Agama Islam. “Bersih dianjurkan oleh hadis, jadi anjuran itu relevan dengan ajaran agama. Kami juga mengajarkan bahwa salah satu syarat makanan halal ialah dimasak dengan matang dan bersih.”
“Our religion teacher always teaches us to keep clean, because it is one of the Prophet’s teaching, being clean is part of our faith,” says Tresia Gilang Sandit Hutabarat, 11 years old.
“Guru agama kami selalu mengajarkan hidup bersih, karena itu ajaran rasul. Kebersihan adalah sebagian dari iman,” kata Tresia Gilang Sandit Hutabarat, 11 tahun.
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I have chickens at home, but when I learned in school about bird flu I reminded my father to clean our chicken cages. Once I saw the chickens at my house die suddenly, I told my dad to bury them quickly and not to touch them because you can catch bird flu,” says Widya Anggita, 9 years old.
“Saya punya ayam di rumah. Waktu belajar flu burung, saya ingatkan ayah untuk selalu bersihkan kandang. Waktu ada ayam yang mati mendadak, saya bilang ke ayah untuk tidak menyentuh bangkainya dan cepat-cepat dikubur,” cerita Widya Anggita, 9, salah satu siswi SDN Binjai.
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PADANG West Sumatra is all too familiar with avian influenza outbreaks. Dozens of poultry and several of its residents contracted the deadly virus. The whole province is engaged in an effort to control the spread of the virus.
Sumatra Barat ini tak asing dengan flu burung. Puluhan unggas dan beberapa warganya terjangkit penyakit mematikan tersebut. Menumpas dan mencegah penyebaran flu burung jadi tekad bersama seluruh masyarakatnya.
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madrasah ibtidayah negeri In West Sumatra, UNICEF works closely with the local health office because the CLCC program has not yet been implemented in this province. Bird flu prevention messages have been integrated into the regular curriculum of Dokter Kecil (or ‘Little Doctor’) trainings by their teachers to disseminate information so that the bird flu virus cannot spread further. Dr. Irene, an official from the Provincial Health Department, explains: “If we develop the program with local actors, they have a sense of ownership. Sometimes schools keep creating and running bird flu awareness programs well beyond the official intended duration.” Meski belum ada sekolah yang menerapkan MBS (Manajemen Berbasis Sekolah), dinas kesehatan provinsi dan UNICEF Indonesia untuk meluncurkan program Sekolahku Tanggap Flu Burung. Kerjasama erat kedua lembaga dilaksanakan dengan melatih para “dokter cilik” tentang cara pencegahan flu burung. Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Negeri Padang mengirimkan utusan terbaiknya. Dr. Irene dari Dinas Kesehatan Provinsi Sumatra Barat menjelaskan: Dengan mengembangkan program yang diujungtombaki anak-anak setempat, masyarakat jadi ikut andil. Bahkan, program pengajaran flu burung diteruskan oleh sekolah-sekolah secara mandiri.”
Bird Flu Song The MIN children’s choir sings a bird flu song describing how each day they remind their friends about the dangers of bird flu, and about how hands must be washed before every meal. They sing about the dangers of the virus to humans, about how bird flu has taken human lives all over the region, and about how any sick or dead chicken must be immediately reported.
Lagu Flu Burung Paduan suara MIN menyenandungkan lagu berisikan pesan tentang bahaya flu burung dan pentingnya cuci tangan sebelum makan. Nyanyian mereka bercerita tentang merebaknya virus H5N1, banyaknya korban yang sakit dan meninggal dunia di seluruh Indonesia, dan pentingnya melaporkan kejadian unggas sakit dan mati.
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School Play
Drama Sekolah
The 320 pupils of the school assemble neatly outside the main building in the picturesque front courtyard. Jihad, age 9 (who is one of the Dokter Kecil (‘Little Doctors’), serves as moderator for a short play that his classmates present. He begins his narration: “Once upon a time in a quaint village on the foothills of a high mountain, lived a farmer and his family, and their many chickens. One day, the chickens started dying…” Some of Jihad’s classmates, squatting low on the courtyard surface and dressed in paper chicken head hats, start collapsing dramatically onto the ground. One of the children is curled up on the floor and remains completely still, depicting a dead chicken who fell victim to bird flu. Then a few other ‘chickens’ fall dead too, and the villagers receive guidance from the heath officials on how to deal with this new crisis. They don green surgical masks and lift garden hoes, and proceed to dig a pit and bury the diseased birds deep in the ground, just outside the village. Then they return to the community and warn friends and neighbors again of the dangers of bird flu.
Di lapangan sekolah, sekitar 320 siswa berkumpul dan berbaris rapi. Seorang dokter kecil, Jihad, 9, membacakan narasi dari sebuah drama yang ditampilkan teman-temannya. Dia memulai dengan: “Pada suatu hari, di sebuah dusun di kaki gunung tinggi, hidup seorang petani dan keluarganya, dan ayamnya yang banyak jumlahnya. Tiba-tiba, ayam-ayamnya mati….” Pada saat yang sama, teman-teman Jihad yang berperan sebagai ayam, berkelepar berjatuhan ke tanah. Salah satu dari mereka berakting bak ayam mati: kaku dan tak bernafas. Tak lama kemudian, pemeran ayam lainnya melakukan akting yang sama. Petani mendapatkan instruksi dari mantri hewan tentang cara menangani ayam mati tersebut. Dia kenakan masker dan sarung tangan, segera menggali lobang dan mengubur bangkai dalam-dalam. Dan mereka sebarkan informasi ke seluruh dusun tentang bahaya flu burung.
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Fun and Games
Bermain dan Bersenang-senang
Games were aso developed to help the students learn bird flu basics. The students play a special version of the board game Snakes & Ladders, they roll the dice and move across the board. One space reads “You’ve used a separate knife for slicing chicken: Advance two spaces.” Another says “Your neighbor’s chickens have died of bird flu: Give your neighbor one free sympathy egg and advance one space.” One player hits a setback: “You’ve forgotten to wash your hands – move back three spaces!”
Banyak permainan juga sengaja diciptakan untuk membantu murid belajar flu burung, salah satunya: Permainan Ular Tangga. Caranya, pemain melempar dadu dan menjalankan pin beberapa langkah sesuai angka dadu yang keluar. Mereka akan berhenti di kolom-kolom yang bertuliskan pesan pencegahan flu burung. Salah satu kolom bertuliskan: “Ayam tetangga Anda mati karena flu burung, berikan pertolongan dan maju satu langkah.” Sedangkan kolom lainnya, ada yang menjebak: “Anda lupa mencuci tangan, mundur tiga langkah.”
Then, a musical ball game, interspersed with queries by their teacher: “What do you do if someone in your village shows signs of bird flu?” she asks. “Take him to be examined at the local health clinic!” the children scream. “And what do we do with chicken eggs?” she inquires. “Only eat them if fully cooked!” the students respond.
Permainan lainnya melibatkan permainan bola tangkas yang diselingi tanya-jawab antara guru dan murid. “Apa yang dilakukan apabila ada tetanggamu yang menunjukkan gejala kena flu burung?” tanya seorang guru. ”Bawa ke puskesmas,” seru para murid. “Dan apa yang kita lakukan dengan telur ayam?” kembali Si Guru bertanya. ”Dimakan hanya kalau dimasak matang!” kembali para murid menjawab semangat.
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BANDA ACEH The massive Asian tsunami of December, 2004 killed an estimated quarter of a million people and left many more homeless. Indonesia’s Aceh province was the worst affected area, where some 170,000 perished in the tragedy. A year later, bird flu cases were also detected.
Tsunami 2004 telah membunuh sekitar 250 ribu orang di seluruh dunia dan membuat ribuan lainnya tunawisma. Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam merupakan daerah yang paling parah terhantam bencana tersebut. Sekitar 170 ribu orang warganya tewas atau hilang. Setahun kemudian, bencana lain datang: wabah flu burung.
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banda aceh
banda aceh
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GAME PROJECT sd muhammadiyah
Muhammadiyah 1 primary school was swept away by the tsunami and, tragically, more than 90% of its students perished. Classes eventually resumed at a temporary location, but now the students and teachers have a new school. “Our teachers get more training now. We learn about new issues too, like bird flu,” says teacher Ernawati. SD Muhammadiyah 1 di Banda Aceh tak luput dari hantaman tsunami. Sebagian besar muridnya meninggal dan tak ditemukan lagi akibat peristiwa itu. Lokasi sekolah berpindah dan kehidupan baru pun dimulai. “Para guru juga sering mendapat pelatihan. Kami belajar banyak ilmu baru, termasuk tentang flu burung,” kata ibu guru Ernawati.
Bird Flu Song I have a problem. Its name is AI. It’s a very smart virus, but easy to kill. Come here chicken, chick chick chick, let’s give you some rice Mother, father all the students, lets prevent AI!
Lagu Flu Burung Aku punya satu masalah, diberi nama AI Dia virus yang paling pintar, tetapi mudah mati Ayam kemari, kok kok kok, kemari, ayo dikasi nasi Ayah dan ibu, semua muridku, ayo cegah AI!
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Cut Putri Rona Jelita’s Story 10-year-old Cut Putri Rona Jelita lost her elder sister when the tsunami tore through her village. She spent months living in a tent. She now has a new home and just moved to this school and enjoys it very much. She says her classmates are much nicer than the other school she went to and the teachers are really good. Jelita says learning about bird flu is very interesting. “We have ducks and chickens at home. My parents look after them. I always tell them to wash their hands afterwards. This can help prevent bird flu and other diseases too,” says the fifth grader.
banda aceh
banda aceh
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Juwanda’s Story 13-year-old Juwanda says he wants to be a policeman when he grows up, so he can help people. “I lost my brother and several other relatives in the tsunami,” he says. Life is still hard, but it’s much better than before.” “Once, when my friends and I saw sick chickens, we reported it to our village head. I learned that at school, so it felt good to do that,” he explains.
Kisah Cut Putri Rona Jelita
Kisah Juwanda
Kehilangan kakak perempuannya karena tsunami. Dia sempat tinggal di tenda pengungsi selama berbulan-bulan. Sekarang dia punya rumah baru dan pergi ke sekolah yang baru pula. Dia menyukai teman-teman dan guru-guru di Muhammadiyah I ini. Menurut Jelita belajar flu burung mengasyikan. “Aku punya ayam dan bebek di rumah. Ayah dan ibu yang merawatnya. Saya selalu ingatkan ayah-ibu untuk selalu cuci tangan karena cuci tangan dapat mencegah banyak penyakit,” katanya.
Ia ingin selalu menolong orang. Dia bercita-cita menjadi polisi kelak dewasa nanti. Niat baiknya tak mengendur meski kakak dan banyak saudaranya meninggal karena tsunami. Meski masih belum bisa kembali pulih, namun kehidupan keluarganya sudah berangsur membaik. Kini dia siap belajar hal-hal baru, termasuk flu burung.
“Pernah saya dan teman melihat ayam mati, kami lapor ke kepala desa. Saya tahu saya harus melapor karena diajarkan di sekolah. Lega sekali bisa berbuat baik,” ujar bocah berusia 13 tahun itu.
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Often referred to as ‘paradise on earth’, the resort island of Bali faced a potential crisis in 2007 when two women died from H5N1 in less than a month.
Pulau Dewata sempat gempar di tahun 2007 ketika diberitakan bahwa terdapat dua kasus flu burung pada manusia dikonfirmasi di Bali. Kedua kasus tersebut terjadi di bulan yang sama.
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PLAY PROJECT sdn takmung
With no existing field offices on the island from which to carry out its bird flu prevention program, UNICEF teamed up with a non-governmental organization called CREATE. I Gusti Ngurah Mahardika, a virologist from Bali’s Udayana University, organized a series of bird flu awareness activities for school children across the island, including at this primary school in the village of Takmung, located southeast of Bali’s famed Sanur beach. Tanpa adanya bantuan kantor perwakilan daerah, UNICEF Indonesia menggandeng lembaga swadaya masyarakat CREATE dalam mengembangkan program Sekolahku Tanggap Flu Burung. Motor CREATE, Profesor I Gusti Ngurah Mahardika, seorang virolog dari Universitas Udayana, melatih beberapa sekolah di Bali. Salah satu yang paling berhasil, adalah sekolah dasar di Desa Takmung, tak jauh dari lokasi wisata ternama: Pantai Sanur.
Bird Flu Play
Drama Flu Burung
One of the key methods of passing on bird flu prevention messages to the community was through short dramas that highlighted the very real dangers of avian influenza. I Gusti Agung Ayu Chandra Devi, who played the doctor, says her parents never raised chickens but her neighbors do, and her mother had to inform them about the dangers of bird flu.
Metode yang digunakan di Bali adalah pementasan drama sekolah yang menyebarkan pesan tentang bahaya flu burung dan cara-cara pencegahannya. Dalam drama-dramanya, I Gusti Agung Ayu Chandra Devi selalu berperan sebagai dokter hewan. Perannya tersebut membuat gadis mungil ini selalu mengingatkan teman-temannya bahwa flu burung adalah penyakit berbahaya.
“It used to be pretty frightening because two women died of bird flu in Bali. But after we were given information about it, we were not so afraid anymore because we knew how to prevent it,” she says.
“Waktu dengar ada dua orang Bali yang meninggal karena flu burung, kami khawatir sekali. Tapi setelahdapat informasi, kami tidak khawatir lagi karena sudah tahu cara pencegahannya,” ujar gadis berusia 12 tahun itu.
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‘Bird Flu in Our Village’ – A School Play
Drama Sekolah “Flu Burung di Desa Kami”
A boy named Lanang is playing with his friends when they see a dead chicken lying on the ground. “This could be bird flu,” says Lanang. “Remember when our teachers told us that when chickens die suddenly it could be bird flu?” he asks. “Yes, that’s right, we have to do something, tell someone. I don’t want to get bird flu,” exclaims his friend. “OK, so remember not to touch the chicken. I’m going to get my dad,” Lanang replies. Lanang dashes back to his house to get his parents and tell them about the dead chicken. Soon, a veterinarian is summoned and takes care of the chicken carcass. A man wearing gloves picks up the bird and buries it. The children watch from a distance. “Wow that was close. Some of the little kids could have touched the chicken and gotten bird flu,” says the friend. “Yeah, lucky we came along in time,” Lanang exclaims.
Seorang bocah, Lanang, sedang bermain bersama kawannya saat mereka menemukan seekor ayam mati. “Jangan-jangan kena flu burung,” kata Lanang. “Ingat kata guru kalau ada unggas mati mendadak, kemungkinan kena flu burung?” tanya Lanang kepada kawannya. “Ya, benar. Kita mesti melakukan sesuatu, kasih tahu orang-orang. Aku tidak mau kena flu burung,” sahut temannya. “OK. Ingat, jangan pegang bangkai ayam itu. Aku bilang bapak dulu,” ujar Lanang. Dia mengadu kepada ayahnya. Tak lama kemudian, seorang dokter hewan datang dan memeriksa bangkai tersebut. Seorang petugas lainnya yang bersarung tangan segera membakar dan mengubur bangkai. Anak-anak menyaksikan peristiwa itu dari jauh. “Hampir saja. Kalau tidak cepat-cepat lapor, bisa-bisa ada anak-anak lain yang memegang bangkai itu lalu kena flu burung,” ujar kawan main Lanang. “Betul sekali, beruntung kita datang di waktu yang tepat,” tukas Lanang.
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LOMBOK By 2006, bird flu had spread through Lombok’s poultry population, sparking fears that the outbreak could pose a serious threat to the local population, as well as impacting tourism throughout the islands of West Nusa Tenggara province.
Pada tahun 2006, flu burung merebak di Lombok, menjangkiti sebagian besar populasi unggas di wilayah wisata tersebut. Dampaknya dikhawatirkan mengganggu kondisi kesehatan masyarakat dan mengganggu dunia pariwisata Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Barat.
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sd batukumbung 1 Batukumbung Primary School bridges the learning experience for its pupils by providing them with a modern education while teaching about, and maintaining, the traditions of the island. The students study about a wide range of current issues, from child safety to bird flu. Here, the teachers integrate bird flu awareness into science and Indonesian language classes, ensuring that their students understand the dangers of bird flu and the ways in which they can play an active role in preventing the spread of the virus within the community. Di ujung barat Pulau Lombok, berdiri Sekolah Dasar Batukumbung 1, yang berupaya keras menjembatani ilmu modern dan nilai-nilai tradisi dalam mendidik murid-muridnya. Para pelajar sekolah ini mempelajari begitu banyak pengetahuan, mulai dari hak perlindungan anak sampai ke isu flu burung. Para pengajar menyisipkan informasi flu burung kedalam mata pelajaran Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam dan Bahasa Indonesia. Mereka bertekad mengajak para siswa ikut serta menghentikan penyebaran flu burung di lingkungan mereka tinggal.
Nauria Rahmawati’s Story
Kisah Nauria Rahmawati
12-year-old Nauria enjoys learning about bird flu because she keeps three chickens and five ducks at home. When she heard that bird flu had killed poultry on her island she was very worried for her ‘pets.’ “My teachers told me we shouldn’t touch our chickens and ducks, and that if we accidentally do, we must wash our hands right away. Washing your hands with soap also helps prevent other diseases,” Nauria explains.
Bergembira saat belajar flu burung karena dia memelihara tiga ekor ayam dan dua ekor bebek di rumahnya. Dia ingin “melindungi” hewan-hewan kesayangannya tersebut dari bahaya penyakit itu. “Kata guru saya, kita tidak boleh memegang ayam atau bebek sakit atau mati, dan apabila terlanjur, harus cepat-cepat cuci tangan. Cuci tangan sebenarnya mencegah penyakit lain juga loh,” terang Nauria.
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Irfan Effendi’s story 10-year-old Irfan Effendi says it was interesting to learn how the bird flu virus attacks the human body. He said he enjoys learning about science and biology. “The main reason people are afraid of bird flu is because it’s a new virus and there isn’t any new medicine to cure it yet,“ says Irfan. “You can get the virus from touching sick chickens and ducks. We have more than a dozen chickens and ducks at my house. They are healthy now but we need to be careful. My mom looks after them and I remind her to always wash her hands and keep the poultry cage clean,” he adds. Kisah Irfan Effendi Irfan Effendi, siswa kelas lima, lebih tertarik memahami cara virus masuk ke tubuh manusia. Dia suka mata pelajaran Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam, terutama pelajaran Biologi. “Alasan utama orang takut kepada flu burung karena virusnya baru dan belum ada obatnya,” terang bocah berusia 10 tahun itu. “Kita bisa kena virus flu burung dari ayam atau bebek sakit. Sementara, aku punya banyak ayam dan bebek di rumah. Meski mereka sehat, aku tetap mesti hati-hati. Ibuku yang merawat mereka dan aku sudah beritahu ibu agar sering-sering cuci tangan dan membersihkan kandang,” tambahnya.
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Maluku is one of the last provinces to report bird flu cases. Experts say poultry from Sulawesi may have been the cause, heightening the need for stronger regulations at local import gateways.
Maluku adalah salah satu provinsi terakhir di Indonesia yang mencatata kasus flu burung. Beberapa ahli percaya bahwa pengetatan jalur perdagangan unggas dari luar Maluku adalah kunci penting pengendalian penyebaran H5N1.
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MARCH PROJECT sd negeri 9
Teachers and students at Primary School 9 in Ambon town are taking a tough approach to combating bird flu. For them it’s an important war, so they are all joining the battle. Science teachers here demonstrate to the children how the virus spreads from chicken to chicken, and how a human can also be infected if a sick chicken is handled improperly. The teachers explain that if you suddenly have symptoms of bird flu, such as a high fever, you need to head straight to the health clinic, where you can obtain medicine to help you get better. Para guru dan siswa Sekolah Dasar Negeri 9 di Ambon sudah mengambil tekad bulat dalam memerangi flu burung: perang total. Bagi mereka, pertempuran ini sangat penting untuk mengamankan wilayah mereka dari serangan virus mematikan avian influenza. Pengajar-pengajar Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam menjelaskan kepada para siswa mengenai cara virus menular dari unggas ke unggas dan dari unggas ke manusia. Para guru tersebut juga menyarankan anakanak untuk segera pergi ke Pusat Kesehatan Masyarakat (Puskesmas) apabila menunjukkan gejala flu agar dapat segera ditolong.
Yogi Tumuhury’s Story
Kisah Yogi Tumuhury
Yogi Tumuhury, a fifth grader, says it is vital for him to learn about the dangers of bird flu because he does not want to see himself, his family members or any of his friends catch the fatal disease. “Learning about bird flu keeps us safe,” says the boy, who likes to wear the colorful stickers that are part of the bird flu school kit, on his school uniform. He says he loves to sing the ‘Bird Flu March’ that his school specially composed for the prevention campaign:
Yogi Tumuhury, siswa kelas lima, bersyukur dia belajar flu burung karena dia tidak ingin dirinya, keluarganya, atau temannya terjangkit penyakit tersebut. “Belajar Flu burung membuat kita aman,” ujarnya, sambil menempelkan berbagai stiker flu burung di seragam sekolahnya, simbol bahwa dia akan ikut berjuang melawan penyakit itu. Dia senang sekali menyanyikan “Mars Flu Burung” yang khusus diciptakan untuk kampanye Tanggap Flu Burung di sekolah.
Hi my friends...there’s bird flu in our city Let’s get together and fight it seriously So that we do not get sick, we must keep our environment clean
Hai kawan...ada flu burung di kota kita Mari bersama melawan Agar kita tetap sehat dan lingkungan tetap bersih
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KUPANG Even the most distant islands in Indonesia’s vast archipelago were not immune to the H5N1 virus. Regular transportation links between islands mean that even Kupang, the capital of far-flung East Nusa Tenggara province, was affected.
Meski berada cukup jauh dari pusat penyebaran flu burung di Pulau Jawa, Kota Kupang juga kedatangan wabah penyakit maut itu. Transportasi yang makin intensif antara Kupang dengan kota lainnya di Indonesia, ditengarai telah membawa tamu tak diundang: virus H5N1.
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POEM PROJECT sdn naikoten
Naikoten Primary School is a simple countryside school with modest facilities and very basic infrastructure. But when it comes to education on avian flu prevention, the school’s 500 students are as knowledgeable as the students in the provincial capital. The pupils here learn about the dangers of bird flu the same way many students in big cities do - through subjects that are already familiar, such as math, writing and science. Sekolah Dasar Negeri Naikoten termasuk sekolah dengan fasilitas sekadarnya. Namun prestasi sekolah ini santer terdengar se-Kota Kupang. Sekolah pun punya bukti, sekitar 500 siswa-siswinya hafal pesan-pesan pencegahan flu burung. Mereka belajar pengetahuan baru tersebut sembari menekuni beberapa mata pelajaran yang sudah mereka akrabi: Matematika, Bahasa Indonesia dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam.
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A poem by Sheila Pohan, age 10
Sebuah puisi oleh Sheila Pohan, 10 tahun
Yuli Nggoek’s story
Kisah Yuli Nggoek
My Bird My bird is sick. She isn’t fit. She’s always weak. My bird doesn’t sing. She is sneezing. I am worried that my bird will die. I can’t touch her, I can’t hold her, and I can’t kiss her… My bird has died…a victim of H5N1.
Burung kesayanganku. Burungku sakit, terlihat luyu dan lemas. Burungku tak lagi bernyanyi, bersin terus menerus. Ku takut dia akan mati. Tak dapat kusentuhnya, tak dapat kudekapnya, tak dapat kuciumnya. Burungku kini pergi selamanya…mati akibat H5N1.
Another 10 year old, Yuli Nggoek, says her grandfather has 30 chickens and she always washes her hands if she has been near them. “Someday, I’d like to tell my grandfather that the cages should be moved away from the house,” says Yuli, adding that she is trying to gain enough courage to tell him.
Siswi Naikoten lainnya, Yuli Nggoek, bercerita bahwa kakeknya memelihara 30 ayam di rumah, sehingga memaksanya harus sering-sering cuci tangan setiap menyentuh ternak kakeknya tersebut. “Suatu hari nanti, saya akan beritahu kakek untuk pindahkan kandang ayam jauh dari rumah,” tutur Yuli, yang saat ini sedang mengumpulkan keberanian untuk mengutarakan isi hatinya tersebut.
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JAYAPURA In mid-2006, Indonesia’s easternmost province, Papua, reported its first bird flu cases. Several fighting cocks, believed to have come from the neighboring island of Sulawesi, tested positive for H5N1.
Di pertengahan tahun 2006, Provinsi Papua melaporkan kasus flu burung pertama pada unggas. Beberapa ekor ayam, yang dicurigai didatangkan dari Sulawesi, terbukti positif terinfeksi virus H5N1.
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Teachers at Entrop Primary School want to ensure that their students can compete with children in more developed parts of Indonesia. They work hard to maintain standards and ensure that their students have every opportunity available to them. So when the bird flu school kits arrived, they quickly got to work. “We read the teacher’s guide, played the cartoon and used the flip chart. It was easy to teach the subject because all the students enjoyed the materials,” recalls Principal Juliana Ramandei. Para guru di Sekolah Dasar Negeri Entrop bertekad kuat agar siswasiswi mereka punya prestasi yang sama unggulnya dengan pelajar di provinsi lain yang lebih maju. Mereka bekerja keras merumuskan metode pendidikan yang jitu untuk memastikan tiap-tiap anak murid mendapatkan kesempatan menjadi yang terbaik dalam hidup mereka. Saat Paket Sekolahku Tanggap Flu Burung tiba di sekolah mereka, tanpa buang waktu, kegiatan baru segera dimulai. “Kami baca seksama panduannya, putar film kartun dan gunakan papan presentasi. Mudah sekali mengajar subyek ini, semua anak-anak suka,” tutur kepala sekolah, Juliana Ramandei.
The Chicken Dance
Tarian Flu Burung
Students here flap their arms while singing a song about birds in Papua. The children love the stickers the teacher gives out when they correctly answer a question. “I’m really happy our teacher told us about bird flu and that I learned the bird dance to memorize the bird flu prevention messages”, says Desi Itlai, age 10.
Murid-murid menari dan bernyanyi tentang flu burung. Anak-anak menyukai stiker yang dihadiahkan oleh guru mereka ketika mereka berhasil menjawab pertanyaan. “Saya senang guru menjelaskan tentang flu burung dan saya belajar dari tarian flu burung untuk mengingat pesan penjegahan flu burung,” ujar Desi Itlai, 10 tahun.
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AFTERWORD “The best time to impart knowledge is when a person is young, during the early stages of their development. This program provides excellent direction for children and their families. We are committed to continuing this strong program in the future.” Dr. Irene, Head of Disease Preven-
“Waktu terbaik dalam mendidik seseorang adalah saat mereka masih muda, pada masa awal pengembangan diri. Program ini telah memberikan arahan yang benar dalam pengembangan diri anak dan keluarga mereka. Kami bertekad melanjutkan terus program ini,”
tion and Eradication, West Sumatra Health Department.
Dr. Irene, Kepala Pencegahan dan Pengendalian Penyakit, Dinas Kesehatan Provinsi Sumatra Barat.
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By early 2009, over 15 million children and thousands of teachers had been involved in the bird flu education program. From Aceh to Papua, students had learned the basics of how to protect themselves from the deadly virus. Indonesia was at the center of the global battle against the virus, and no other country had had more human victims. But now, its youngest citizens had the ammunition they needed.
Di awal tahun 2009, sekitar 15 juta anak dan ribuan guru telah terlibat dalam program Sekolahkau Tanggap Flu Burung. Dari Sabang sampai Merauke, para siswa telah mempelajari informasi dasar cara melindungi diri mereka dari ancaman virus H5N1. Hal ini sangat penting karena Indonesia adalah Negara dengan kasus flu burung terbanyak di dunia. Dan kini, generasi penerusnya telah memiliki amunisi dalam memerangi penyakit ini.
Although the school kit provided the ingredients for the program, it was local educators who created the recipe for success. At the same time, UNICEF field offices and their NGO partners supported the development of curriculum and lesson plans that produced creative, engaging ways to teach children bird flu basics. The result: A wide array of dynamic activities ranging from art, poems, plays and songs to science, math and religious studies. And the messages did not stay inside the school grounds; the children enthusiastically shared what they had learned with their parents, neighbors and communities.
Meskipun kehadiran paket pengajaran flu burung membantu terlaksananya program ini, namun para gurulah yang memastikan bahwa hasilnya memuaskan dan tepat sasaran. Kantor-kantor perwakilan UNICEF Indonesia di daerah beserta para mitranya telah berhasil mengembangkan kurikulum dan rencana pengajaran yang kreatif dan menarik bagi anak-anak. Hasilnya, berbagai kegiatan karya seni, seperti puisi, drama dan lagu telah tercipta dan bermacam mata pelajaran, seperti Matematika dan Agama, menjadi sarana belajar informasi baru. Pengetahuan tersebut tidak saja berputar di ruang kelas, para siswa berhasil menyebarkannya kepada orang tua, tetangga dan masyarakat mereka.
Avian influenza is endemic in much of the country. It will take time to eradicate it from this vast archipelago. But teaching children is key, so that the future generation is properly equipped for the bird flu prevention challenge.
Flu Burung sudah menjadi penyakit endemis di Indonesia. Pemusnahan total penyakit ini dari seluruh nusantara akan memakan waktu yang lama. Maka dari itu, mendidik anak-anak tentang cara-cara pencegahan adalah sangat penting untuk memastikan masa depan mereka terlindungi.
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UNICEF and its NGO partners have always operated in close collaboration with health and education officials at the National, Provincial and District level. This meant that all engaged had a direct stake in the program and became personally involved.
UNICEF Indonesia dan lembaga mitranya selalu bekerjasama erat pemerintah pusat, provinsi dan kabupaten dalam melaksanakan program-programnya. Kerjasama ini memastikan bahwa semua pihak punya keterlibatan dan kepentingan agar semua program terlaksana dengan baik.
Their testimonies about the program reflect this personal commitment:
Study Tour
Studi Banding
UNICEF’s Indoensia program has attracted interest from other countries, some as far flung as Uzbekistan, which sent a group of government officials on a study tour of UNICEF Indonesia AI projects. The group was especially interested in the school program.
Program Sekolahku Tanggap Flu Burung telah menarik perhatian dari negara-negara lain, termasuk Republik Uzbekistan, yang kemudian mengirim delegasinya untuk mempelajari program tersebut.
Kutipan pernyataan berikut adalah refleksi komitmen para aparat pemerintahan dalam menyukseskan program ini:
Knowledge, Attitude and Practice Study
Studi Perubahan Perilaku
“Public communication is the main strategy for confronting bird flu in Indonesia. Children have a huge role in spreading the information, especially passing on the latest information to their family members. The school program is an excellent way to ensure the right messages are getting through to children, their families and community at large.“ Bayu Krisnamurthi, Chief Executive, KOMNAS FBPI.
“Komunikasi publik adalah strategi utama melawan flu burung di Indonesia. Anak-anak memiliki peran penting dalam menyebarkan informasi kepada anggota keluarganya. Program sekolah ini adalah cara jitu untuk memastikan tersampaikannya pesan yang tepat kepada anak-anak, keluarga mereka dan masyarakat luas,” komentar Dr. Bayu Krisnamurthi, ketua pelaksana harian Komnas FBPI.
The overall goal of the program is not just to impart knowledge but to get children to actually practice the messages. In order to assess this, UNICEF conducted a series of KAP studies to monitor the effectiveness of the program (although there were other communication initiatives related to AI.) This study spoke to actual school pupils and their teachers. The study was conducted in 2008 and compared findings to data compiled in 2007.
Program Sekolahku Tanggap Flu Burung dirumuskan bukan hanya untuk menyebarkan pesan-pesan pencegahan, namun juga meyakinkan anak-anak untuk melakukan pesan-pesan tersebut. Di tahun 2008, UNICEF Indonesia melakukan penelitian perubahan perilaku yang dikenal dengan Knowledge, Attitude and Practice Study untuk mengukur kesuksesan program ini. Survei dilakukan kepada guru dan siswa di seluruh negeri dan membandingkan hasilnya dengan hasil studi perilaku di tahun 2007.
“We are committed to doing everything we can to protect our children from bird flu, and teachers play a significant role in this. That’s why we support UNICEF’s program by training selected teachers from CLCC schools in 35 Districts to help them integrate the kit into their regular curriculum.” Kunto Nugroho, Provincial Education Chief, Central Java.
“Kami bertekad melakukan apapun untuk melindungi anak-anak dari ancaman flu burung, dan peran guru sangat penting. Oleh karena itu, kami sangat mendukung program UNICEF ini dengan melatih guru-guru terpilih dari sekolah-sekolah MBS di 35 kabupaten/kota dalam rangka membantu mereka mengintegrasikan paket pengajran flu burung kedalam kurikulum,” ucap Kunto Nugroho, kepala Dinas Pendidikan Provinsi Jawa Tengah.
Key Results:
“Sebuah program yang sangat bagus sekali…menyediakan informasi penting terkini pada para guru, dan dari laporan yang kami terima, pihak sekolah kini tetap melanjutkan program tersebut dengan mandiri,” tutur Noerdin Efendi, dari dinas peternakan Provinsi Sumatera Utara.
The study also looked at how students felt about the AI kit itself:
“A very good program…it provides crucial information to students through their teachers, and according to our monitoring results, schools continue using the program on their own.” Noerdin Efendi, Veterinary Health Chief, North Sumatra province. “The best time to impart knowledge is when a person is young, during the early stages of their development. This program provides excellent direction for children and their families. We are committed to continuing this strong program in the future.” Dr Irene, Head of Disease Prevention and Eradication, West Sumatra Health Department.
“Waktu terbaik dalam mendidik seseorang adalah saat mereka masih muda, pada masa awal pengembangan diri. Program ini telah memberikan arahan yang benar dalam pengembangan diri anak dan keluarga mereka. Kami bertekad melanjutkan terus program ini,” Dr. Irene, Kepala Pencegahan dan Pengendalian Penyakit, Dinas Kesehatan Provinsi Sumatra Barat.
• Washing hands with soap before eating rose from 37% to 68% • Eating only well-cooked chicken rose from 53% to 92% • Washing hands after touching poultry rose from 25% to 61% • Staying away from poultry rose from 23% to 66%
• •
64% of students found the activities ‘interesting’ and 23% found them ‘very interesting’ 74% of students said they told family or friends what they have learned about AI.
Hasil Temuan Utama: • • • •
Kebiasaan mencuci tangan dengan sabun sebelum makan naik dari 37 persen di tahun 2007 ke 68 persen di tahun 2008 Kebiasaan mengkonsumsi daging ayam yang dimasak matang naik dari 53 persen ke 92 persen Kebiasaan mencuci tangan setelah memegang unggas naik dari 25 persen ke 61 persen Kebiasaan tidak menyentuh unggas sakit/mati naik dari 23 persen ke 66 persen
Hasil temuan yang khusus terkait dengan paket pengajaran: • •
64 persen pelajar SD menganggap bahwa program tersebut “menarik” dan 23 persen lainnya menyatakan “sangat menarik” 74 persen siswa yang belajar Flu Burung di sekolah, menyebarkan pengetahuan mereka ke keluarga dan teman
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Good Practice Review
Analisa Keberhasilan Program
In 2008, UNICEF acquired the services of an independent consultant to review and analyze the school program. The following is an excerpt from that report.
Di tahun 2008, UNICEF Indonesia mengundang seorang konsultan independen untuk mengkaji dan menganalisa program Sekolahku Tanggap Flu Burung. Berikut adalah kutipan hasil laporan kajian dan analisa konsultan tersebut:
The efficiency with which the program has been shown to transmit avian influenza related messages to the household level is encouraging provincial governments to find the relatively low level of funding required to sustain and expand the program by enabling already trained facilitators to train further teachers. All the lessons observed have obviously been fun for the children who have been singing songs, creating and reciting poems, enacting dramas they have created, playing games and painting pictures. The teachers also appear to enjoy delivering the classes, and to have a role to play in reducing the incidence of what is widely perceived as a serious threat to human and poultry health.
Efisiensi perluasan pesan-pesan pencegahan Flu Burung lewat program sekolah ini membuat banyak Pemerintah Daerah menganggarkan dana untuk melatih lebih banyak guru dan memperbanyak sekolah Tanggap Flu Burung. Semua kegiatan pengajaran Flu Burung menyenangkan buat para siswa SD karena memungkinkan mereka bernyanyi, menulis dan membacakan puisi, mementaskan drama, bermain dan menggambar berbagai hal yang berkaitan dengan Flu Burung. Para guru juga menikmati pelajaran ini karena mereka berhasil memainkan peran penting dalam menurunkan kasus penularan Flu Burung di Indonesia.
In some areas particularly, the avian influenza school program integrates well with other programs such as those related to general hand washing. The avian influenza program, for example, has resulted in new hand-washing facilities being provided at some schools. The program provides a means to reach the most remote communities. It also provides the background knowledge that can serve as a foundation for messaging related to pandemic preparedness and other health issues associated with infectious disease.
Di beberapa daerah, program Sekolahku Tanggap Flu Burung terintegrasi secara alamiah dengan kampanye promosi cuci tangan. Program ini, telah mendorong terciptanya banyak fasilitas cuci tangan di sekolah-sekolah di seluruh Indonesia. Program ini menyediakan sarana untuk menyampaikan pesan pencegahan Flu Burung ke anggota-anggota masyarakat yang terpencil dan terisolasi. Program ini sekaligus menyebarluaskan pemahaman tentang pandemi dan resiko penyakit-penyakit menular lainnya.
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