American Studies Fall 2020
Books stocked at Marston Book Services Tel: +44 (0)1235 465500
¡Viva George!
A History of the Ozarks, Volume 1
Celebrating Washington’s Birthday at the US-Mexico Border Elaine A. Peña
The Old Ozarks Brooks Blevins
June 2020 312pp 9780252085499 £16.99 / $21.95 PB UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS PRESS
November 2020 280pp 9781477321447 £22.99 / $29.95 PB 9781477321430 £72.00 / $90.00 HB UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS PRESS
Winner of the Missouri History Book Award. Winner of the Arkansas Library Since 1898, residents of Laredo, Texas, and Nuevo Association’s Arkansiana Award. Brooks Blevins Laredo, Tamaulipas, have reached across the US- begins his three-volume history of the region and Mexico border to celebrate George Washington’s its inhabitants in deep prehistory, charting how birthday. ¡Viva George! offers an ethnography the highlands came to exist. Excludes SE Asia, Indian SC & ANZ and a history of this celebration.
A World at Sea
A View from Abroad
The Story of John and Abigail Adams in Europe Jeanne E. Abrams
Maritime Practices and Global History Edited by Lauren Benton & Nathan Perl-Rosenthal
January 2021 320pp 11 b&w illus. 9781479802876 £21.99 / $27.95 HB NEW YORK UNIVERSITY
The Early Modern Americas September 2020 280pp 12 illus. 9780812252415 £36.00 / $45.00 HB UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA PRESS
Reveals the European travels of John and Abigail Adams and shines a new light on how the Adamses and their American contemporaries set about supplanting their British origins with a new American identity. Excludes SE Asia & ANZ
Expands our understanding of how the maritime world contributed to global transformations in the early modern world, from inventing knowledge-making practices to pioneering new ways of organizing labor.
Abstract Barrios
Alliance Rises in the West
The Crises of Latinx Visibility in Cities Johana Londoño
Labor, Race, and Solidarity in Industrial California Charlotte K. Sunseri
September 2020 328pp 47 illus. 9781478009658 £21.99 / $27.95 PB 9781478008798 £87.00 / $104.95 HB DUKE UNIVERSITY PRESS
Historical Archaeology of the American West December 2020 180pp 30 photos, 6 illus., 4 maps, 6 tables, index 9780803299566 £50.00 / $60.00 HB UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA PRESS
Examines how the barrio has become a cultural force that has been manipulated in order to create Latinized urban landscapes that are palatable for white Americans who view concentrated areas of Latinx populations as a threat.
Explores how pluralistic communities thrived in California’s mining hinterlans as immigrants and California Natives mobilized and mitigated power inequalities through their daily experiences.
America and the Making of an Independent Ireland
American Blockbuster
Movies, Technology, and Wonder Charles R. Acland
A History Francis M. Carroll
Sign, Storage, Transmission August 2020 400pp 54 illus. 9781478009504 £23.99 / $29.95 PB 9781478008576 £91.00 / $109.95 HB DUKE UNIVERSITY PRESS
The Glucksman Irish Diaspora Series January 2021 312pp 12 b&w illus. 9781479805655 £27.99 / $35.00 HB NEW YORK UNIVERSITY PRESS
The blockbuster movie has held a dominant position in American popular culture for decades. Acland charts its origins, impact, and dynamics, showing how it became a complex economic and cultural machine designed to advance popular support for technological advances.
Examines how the Irish American community, the American public, and the American government played a crucial role in the making of a sovereign independent Ireland. Excludes SE Asia & ANZ
American Catholic
American Freethinker
The Politics of Faith During the Cold War D. G. Hart
Elihu Palmer and the Struggle for Religious Freedom in the New Nation Kirsten Fischer
Religion and American Public Life October 2020 280pp 9781501700576 £23.99 / $29.95 HB CORNELL UNIVERSITY PRESS
Early American Studies December 2020 304pp 15 illus. 9780812252712 £32.00 / $39.95 HB UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA PRESS
Follows the course of political conservatism from JFK, the first and only Roman Catholic President of the US, to George W. Bush, and describes the evolution of the Church and its influence on American politics—how two seemingly antagonistic ideological groups became so intertwined in a certain brand of politics.
The first comprehensive biography of Elihu Palmer tells the life story of a freethinker who was at the heart of the early United States’ protracted contest over religious freedom and free speech.
Avidly Reads Passages
Becoming Entitled
Michelle D. Commander
Relief, Unemployment, and Reform during the Great Depression Abigail Trollinger
February 2021 160pp 10 b&w illus. 9781479806164 £74.00 / $89.00 HB NEW YORK UNIVERSITY PRESS
Unfolds distinct histories of transatlantic slavery ships, the possibilities presented by rail lines in the Reconstruction South, the fateful legacies of school busing, and the ways that Black Americans attempted to negotiate their automobility, including through the use of road and travel compendiums such as Travelguide and The Negro Motorist Green Book. Excludes SE Asia & ANZ
September 2020 246pp 9781439919538 £24.99 / $32.95 PB 9781439919521 £83.00 / $104.50 HB TEMPLE UNIVERSITY PRESS
In the 1930s, the unemployed were organizing. Becoming Entitled chronicles the emergence of this worker entitlement and those who cultivated it, focusing on Chicago after the Progressive Era. Excludes Asia Pacific
Bloody Bay
Bootlegged Aliens
Grassroots Policing in Nineteenth-Century San Francisco Darren A. Raspa
Immigration Politics on America’s Northern Border Ashley Johnson Bavery
Politics and Culture in Modern America September 2020 312pp 10 illus. 9780812252439 £40.00 / $49.95 HB UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA PRESS
November 2020 318pp 3 photos, index 9781496217530 £45.00 / $55.00 HB UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA PRESS
Explores the history of illegal immigration, migrant labor, and the early formation of U.S. immigration policy along the country’s northern border. Shows how this region influenced the practices surrounding illegal immigration in early twentieth-century industrial America.
Follows the history of policing in nineteenthcentury San Francisco, exploring the city’s culture of popular justice, its multi-ethnic environment, and the development of its uniquely progressive policing environment.
Borderlands Curanderos
Buffalo at the Crossroads
The Worlds of Santa Teresa Urrea and Don Pedrito Jaramillo Jennifer Koshatka Seman
The Past, Present, and Future of American Urbanism Edited by Peter H. Christensen
January 2021 280pp 9781477321928 £22.99 / $29.95 PB 9781477321911 £72.00 / $90.00 HB UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS PRESS
October 2020 336pp 96 b&w halftones, 1 map 9781501749773 £23.99 / $29.95 PB 9781501749766 £95.00 / $115.00 HB CORNELL UNIVERSITY PRESS
Takes us inside the intimate worlds of two “living saints.” Their effective healing—curanderismo— attracted thousands of followers, validated folk practices, and contributed to a modernizing world along the US-Mexico border.
The history of Buffalo’s built environment in relationship to the evolving interplay between nature, industry, and architecture.
Capitalism Contested
Chemical Heroes
The New Deal and Its Legacies Edited by Romain Huret, Nelson Lichtenstein & Jean Christian Vinel
Pharmacological Supersoldiers in the US Military Andrew Bickford
Global Insecurities December 2020 304pp 31 illus. 9781478011354 £21.99 / $27.95 PB 9781478009726 £87.00 / $104.95 HB DUKE UNIVERSITY PRESS
December 2020 360pp 3 charts, 1 table 9780812252620 £36.00 / $45.00 HB UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA PRESS
Bickford analyzes the US military’s attempts to design performance enhancement technologies and create pharmacological “supersoldiers” capable of becoming ever more lethal while withstanding various forms of extreme trauma.
Arguing the New Deal order is a product of a particular set of political institutions, social movements, ideological propensities, and legislative initiatives, Capitalism Contested analyses the degree to which that order persists.
Chicago’s Industrial Decline
Civilizational Imperatives
The Failure of Redevelopment, 1920–1975 Robert Lewis
Americans, Moros, and the Colonial World Oliver Charbonneau
December 2020 272pp 13 b&w halftones, 1 map 9781501752629 £33.00 / $39.95 HB CORNELL UNIVERSITY PRESS
The United States in the World September 2020 304pp 10 b&w
halftones, 3 maps 9781501750724 £37.00 / $45.00 HB CORNELL UNIVERSITY PRESS
Charts the city’s decline since the 1920s and describes the early development of Chicago’s famed (and reviled) growth machine. Highlights the deep incoherence of post-WWII economic policy and urban planning.
Reveals the little-known history of the United States’ colonization of the Philippines’ Muslim South in the early twentieth century.
Claiming Union Widowhood
Clipped Wings
The Rise and Fall of the Women Airforce Service Pilots (WASPs) of World War II Molly Merryman
Race, Respectability, and Poverty in the PostEmancipation South Brandi Clay Brimmer
September 2020 264pp 9781479805785 £23.99 / $30.00 PB 9781479805761 £74.00 / $89.00 HB NEW YORK UNIVERSITY PRESS
December 2020 320pp 8 illus. 9781478011323 £21.99 / $27.95 PB 9781478010258 £87.00 / $104.95 HB DUKE UNIVERSITY PRESS
Draws upon military documents, congressional records, and interviews with the women who Analyzes the US pension system from the served as WASPs during World War II to trace the perspective of poor black women—mothers, wives, and widows of black Union soldiers—in the history of the first women to fly military planes. Excludes SE Asia & ANZ period before, during, and after the Civil War.
Cry of Murder on Broadway
Defending Their Own in the Cold
A Woman’s Ruin and Revenge in Old New York Julie Miller
The Cultural Turns of U.S. Puerto Ricans Marc Zimmerman
October 2020 270pp 21 b&w halftones, 1 map 9781501751486 £22.99 / $28.95 HB CORNELL UNIVERSITY PRESS
Latinos in Chicago and Midwest November 2020 232pp 9780252085581 £20.99 / $28.00 PB UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS PRESS
The story of servant Amelia Norman and her attack on wealthy merchant Henry Ballard. In one violent moment, she expressed all the anger that the women of the emerging movement for women’s rights would soon express in words.
How Puerto Ricans have survived and created new identities and relations out of their colonized and diasporic circumstances, looking at the cultural examples of Latino entertainment stars. Excludes SE Asia, Indian SC & ANZ
Delusions of Grandeur
Dividing the Faith
American Essays Joey Franklin
The Rise of Segregated Churches in the Early American North Richard J. Boles
October 2020 216pp 1 illustration 9781496212108 £15.99 / $19.95 PB UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA PRESS
Early American Places December 2020 352pp 11 b&w illus. 9781479803187 £27.99 / $35.00 HB NEW YORK UNIVERSITY PRESS
Part cultural critique, part parental confessional, embraces the notion that the personal is always political and reveals important, if sometimes uncomfortable, truths about American obsessions with race, class, religion, and family.
Draws from the records of over four hundred congregations to uncover the often overlooked participation of African Americans and Native Americans in early Protestant churches. Excludes SE Asia & ANZ
Empire Builder
Embattled River
The Hudson and Modern American Environmentalism David Schuyler
John D. Spreckels and the Making of San Diego Sandra Bonura, Foreword by Uwe Spiekermann
October 2020 280pp 20 b&w halftones, 1 map 9781501752070 £15.99 / $19.95 PB CORNELL UNIVERSITY PRESS
November 2020 408pp 35 photos, 3 illus., 2 maps, index 9781496222916 £27.99 / $34.95 HB UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA PRESS
Describes the efforts to reverse the pollution and bleak future of the Hudson River that became evident in the 1950s, showing that the environmental victories on the Hudson had a broad impact across the United States.
The previously untold story of John D. Spreckels, the pioneer who almost single-handedly built San Diego after creating empires in sugar, shipping, transportation, and building development up and down the coast of California.
Enchanted New York
Evil Deeds in High Places
A Journey along Broadway through Manhattan’s Magical Past Kevin Dann
Christian America’s Moral Struggle with Watergate David E. Settje
October 2020 320pp 82 b&w illus., 7 maps 9781479838264 £17.99 / $22.50 PB 9781479860227 £74.00 / $89.00 HB NEW YORK UNIVERSITY PRESS
December 2020 288pp 9781479803149 £41.00 / $49.00 HB NEW YORK UNIVERSITY PRESS
Highlights Watergate as a critical turning point in Christian engagement in US politics. Captures a significant swath of popular opinon, providing one of the only studies to examine how everyday Americans viewed the events of Watergate. Excludes SE Asia & ANZ
This guidebook to magical Manhattan traces the arc of American technological alchemies—from Samuel Morse to the Manhattan Project—to Mesmeric physicians, to Madame Blavatsky. Excludes SE Asia & ANZ
Fear in Our Hearts
Folklore in the United States and Canada
What Islamophobia Tells Us about America Caleb Iyer Elfenbein
An Institutional History Edited by Patricia Sawin & Rosemary Levy Zumwalt
North American Religions January 2021 208pp 9781479804580 £21.99 / $28.00 HB NEW YORK UNIVERSITY PRESS
October 2020 308pp 48 b&w illus. 9780253052896 £27.99 / $35.00 PB 9780253052872 £70.00 / $85.00 HB INDIANA UNIVERSITY PRESS
Arguing that anti-Muslim activity tells us as much about the state of core American values in general as it does about the particular experiences of American Muslims, offers practical ideas about how we can create a more welcoming public life for all in our everyday lives. Excludes SE Asia & ANZ
To ensure the continuity of and traditions within the discipline of folklore, we must know what came before. This is an essential guide to the development of academic folklore programs throughout the United States and Canada.
Force and Freedom
From Slave Cabins to the White House
Black Abolitionists and the Politics of Violence Kellie Carter Jackson
Homemade Citizenship in African American Culture Koritha Mitchell
America in the Nineteenth Century August 2020 224pp 10 illus. 9780812224702 £18.99 / $24.95 PB UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA PRESS
New Black Studies Series August 2020 272pp 9780252043321 £26.99 / $34.95 HB UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS PRESS
Kellie Carter Jackson provides the first historical analysis exclusively focused on the tactical use of violence among antebellum black activists. Through tactical violence, argues Carter Jackson, abolitionist leaders created the conditions that necessitated the Civil War.
Analyzes texts by and about African American women to show the hostility they face as they invest in traditional domesticity. Includes Frances Harper, Toni Morrison, and Michelle Obama. Excludes SE Asia, Indian SC & ANZ
Giving Back
Herndon’s Informants
Filipino America and the Politics of Diaspora Giving L. Joyce Zapanta Mariano
Letters, Interviews, and Statements about Abraham Lincoln Edited by Douglas L. Wilson & Rodney O. Davis
Asian American History & Cultu February 2021 206pp 9781439918401 £22.99 / $29.95 PB TEMPLE UNIVERSITY PRESS
August 2020 864pp 9780252085635 £32.00 / $40.00 PB UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS PRESS
Investigates the cultural, social, economic, and political conditions of diaspora giving. Mariano reveals how power operates through this charity and the ways the global economic and cultural dimensions of this practice reinforce racial subordination and neocolonialism. Excludes Asia Pacific
Women to whom Lincoln proposed marriage, political allies and adversaries, judges and fellow attorneys, longtime comrades, erstwhile friends— all speak out here. Excludes SE Asia, Indian SC & ANZ
Immigrant California
In Defense of Populism
Understanding the Past, Present, and Future of U.S. Policy Edited by David FitzGerald & John D. Skrentny
Protest and American Democracy Donald T. Critchlow
September 2020 224pp 1 table 9780812252767 £22.99 / $29.95 HB UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA PRESS
January 2021 256pp 9781503614390 £23.99 / $30.00 PB 9781503613485 £74.00 / $90.00 HB STANFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS
Covering progressivism in the early twentieth century, the New Deal, civil rights activism, the Reagan Revolution, and the environmental and Tea Party movements, In Defense of Populism argues that grassroots activism is essential to transforming both Democratic and Republican parties into instruments of reform.
Contributors cover topics ranging from education systems to healthcare initiatives and unravel the sometimes-contradictory details of California’s immigration history.
In the Balance of Power
Incremental Realism
NEW EDITION Independent Black Politics and Third-Party Movements in the United States Omar H. Ali, Foreword by Eric Foner, Afterword by Jacqueline Salit
Postwar American Fiction, Happiness, and Welfare-State Liberalism Mary Esteve
Post*45 January 2021 312pp 9781503614376 £23.99 / $30.00 PB 9781503613942 £74.00 / $90.00 HB STANFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS
September 2020 304pp 9780821424346 £21.99 / $29.00 PB OHIO UNIVERSITY PRESS
Mary Esteve offers a bold, revisionist literary and cultural history of efforts undertaken by literary realists, public intellectuals, and policy activists to advance the value of public institutions and the claims of socioeconomic justice.
A history of how African Americans have created independent and third-party movements to expand democracy.
Infrastructures of Apocalypse
American Literature and the Nuclear Complex Jessica Hurley
October 2020 272pp 2 b&w Illus. 9781517908744 £20.99 / $27.00 PB 9781517908737 £89.00 / $108.00 HB UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA PRESS
A new approach to the vast nuclear infrastructure and the apocalypses it produces, focusing on Black, queer, Indigenous, and Asian American literatures. Excludes Japan & ANZ
Inventing America’s First Immigration Crisis
Political Nativism in the Antebellum West Luke Ritter
Catholic Practice in North America December 2020 288pp 9780823289851 £26.99 / $35.00 PB 9780823289844 £84.00 / $105.00 HB FORDHAM UNIVERSITY PRESS
Examines America’s first nativist movement, which responded to the rapid influx of 4.2 million immigrants between 1840-1860 and culminated in the rise of the National American Party.
Laughing to Keep from Dying
Lucretia Mott Speaks
African American Satire in the Twenty-First Century Danielle Fuentes Morgan
New Black Studies Series November 2020 208pp 9780252043390 £88.00 / $110.00 HB UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS PRESS
The Essential Speeches and Sermons Lucretia Mott, Edited by Christopher Densmore, Carol Faulkner, Nancy A Hewitt & Beverly Wilson
Women, Gender, and Sexuality in American History November 2020 264pp 9780252085550 £22.99 / $30.00 PB UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS PRESS
By subverting comedy’s rules and expectations, African American satire promotes social justice by connecting laughter with ethical beliefs in a revolutionary way. Excludes SE Asia, Indian SC & ANZ
Key speeches from Mott’s remarkable career. Excludes SE Asia, Indian SC & ANZ
Lyric as Comedy
Madam C. J. Walker’s Gospel of Giving
The Poetics of Abjection in Postwar America Calista McRae
Black Women’s Philanthropy during Jim Crow Tyrone McKinley Freeman
October 2020 224pp 9781501750977 £40.00 / $47.95 HB CORNELL UNIVERSITY PRESS
New Black Studies Series October 2020 296pp 9780252085352 £18.99 / $24.95 PB 9780252043451 £88.00 / $110.00 HB UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS PRESS
Explores the unexpected comic opportunities within recent American poems about deeply personal, often embarrassing, experiences. Provides new insight into the theory and aesthetics of comedy, taking in the indirect, glancing comic affordances of poetry.
Broadens our understanding of black women’s charitable giving and establishes Walker as a foremother of African American philanthropy. Excludes SE Asia, Indian SC & ANZ
Mayor Harold Washington
Modern Constitutions
Edited by Rogers M. Smith & Richard R. Beeman
Champion of Race and Reform in Chicago Roger Biles
Democracy, Citizenship, and Constitutionalism July 2020 360pp 8 illus. 9780812252347 £56.00 / $69.95 HB UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA PRESS
August 2020 400pp 9780252085482 £18.99 / $24.95 PB UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS PRESS
The world has seen many new constitutions promising social rights and adopting innovative representative institutions. This book presents examples from the United States, Europe, Africa, and Asia that show these constitutions face many challenges, especially the rise of authoritarian regimes that endanger the rule of law.
A definitive account of Washington and his journey. Once in City Hall, Washington confronted the backroom deals, aldermanic thuggery, open corruption, and palm greasing that fueled the Chicago machine’s autocratic political regime. Excludes SE Asia, Indian SC & ANZ
Nuclear Country
Occupied America
The Origins of the Rural New Right Catherine McNicol Stock
British Military Rule and the Experience of Revolution Donald F. Johnson
Haney Foundation Series September 2020 312pp 14 illus. 9780812252453 £26.99 / $34.95 HB UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA PRESS
Early American Studies October 2020 304pp 15 illus. 9780812252545 £26.99 / $34.95 HB UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA PRESS
Catherine McNicol Stock explores the question of why, between 1968 and 1992, most voters in the Dakotas abandoned their distinctive ideological heritage and came to embrace the New Right. Stock focuses on how this transformation coincided with the coming of the military and national security states to the countryside.
Donald F. Johnson chronicles the everyday lives of ordinary people living under British military occupation during the American Revolution. Focusing on port cities, Johnson recovers how Americans navigated dire hardships, balanced competing attempts to secure their loyalty, and in the end rejected restored royal rule.
Our Non-Christian Nation
Pacifist Prophet
Papunhank and the Quest for Peace in Early America Richard W. Pointer
How Atheists, Satanists, Pagans, and Others Are Demanding Their Rightful Place in Public Life Jay Wexler
November 2020 424pp 2 photos, 4 figures, 4 maps, index 9781496222862 £28.99 / $36.95 HB UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA PRESS
Recounts the untold history of peaceable Native Americans in the eighteenth century as explored through the world of Papunhank (ca. 1705–75), a Munsee and Moravian prophet, preacher, reformer, and diplomat in Pennsylvania and the Ohio country.
September 2020 216pp 9781503614994 £13.99 / $18.00 PB STANFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS
How members of minority religions and atheists have rightly taken advantage of Supreme Court decisions which allow them to participate in public life alongside the Christian majority.
Pan American Women
Preaching with Their Lives
U.S. Internationalists and Revolutionary Mexico Megan Threlkeld
Dominicans on Mission in the United States after 1850 Edited by Margaret M. McGuinness & Jeffrey M. Burns
Politics and Culture in Modern America September 2020 264pp 7 illus. 9780812224771 £18.99 / $24.95 PB UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA PRESS
November 2020 320pp 9780823289646 £44.00 / $55.00 HB FORDHAM UNIVERSITY PRESS
U.S. women activists worked to advance interAmerican cooperation among women and further hemispheric peace between the World Wars. But diplomatic tensions and the Revolution in Mexico complicated these efforts, as Mexican women embraced a more nationalist political identity.
This volume tells the little-known story of the Dominican Family—priests, sisters, brothers, contemplative nuns, and lay people—and integrates it into the history of the United States.
Race-ing Fargo
Reagan’s Gun-Toting Nuns
Refugees, Citizenship, and the Transformation of Small Cities Jennifer Erickson
October 2020 282pp 16 b&w halftones, 3 maps 9781501751158 £20.99 / $26.95 PB 9781501751134 £95.00 / $115.00 HB CORNELL UNIVERSITY PRESS
The history of refugee settlement in Fargo, North Dakota, from the 1980s to the present day. Focuses on the roles of gender, religion, and sociality in interactions between refugees from South Sudan and Bosnia-Herzegovina and the dominant white Euro-American population.
The Catholic Conflict over Cold War Human Rights Policy in Central America Theresa Keeley
September 2020 352pp 4 b&w halftones 9781501750755 £41.00 / $49.95 HB CORNELL UNIVERSITY PRESS
Theresa Keeley analyzes the role of intra-Catholic conflict within the framework of US foreign policy formulation and execution during the Reagan Administration.
Relative Races
Republican Character
Genealogies of Interracial Kinship in Nineteenth-Century America Brigitte Fielder
From Nixon to Reagan Donald T. Critchlow
Haney Foundation Series October 2020 220pp 9780812224719 £14.99 / $19.95 PB UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA PRESS
October 2020 320pp 25 illus. 9781478011156 £21.99 / $27.95 PB 9781478010104 £87.00 / $104.95 HB DUKE UNIVERSITY PRESS
Republican Character examines the role of temperament, personality, character, and leadership ability in political success. Donald Reads nineteenth-century personal narratives, literature, and images to illustrate how interracial T. Critchlow compares the strengths and weaknesses of four key Republicans—Richard kinship follows non-heteronormative, nonNixon, Nelson Rockefeller, Barry Goldwater, and biological, and non-patrilineal models of inheritance in nineteenth-century literary culture. Ronald Reagan—as well as the uneasy alliances that arose between them.
Revolution Around the Corner
Voices from the Puerto Rican Socialist Party Edited by José E. Velázquez, Carmen V. Rivera & Andres Torres
February 2021 408pp 9781439920558 £24.99 / $32.95 PB 9781439920541 £92.00 / $115.50 HB TEMPLE UNIVERSITY PRESS
Former PSP members, leaders, and supporters offer varying interpretations of their experience. Excludes Asia Pacific
Revolutions and Reconstructions
Black Politics in the Long Nineteenth Century Edited by Van Gosse & David Waldstreicher
Early American Studies July 2020 384pp 9780812252323 £44.00 / $55.00 HB UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA PRESS
Gathers historians to consider not whether African Americans participated in the politics of the long nineteenth century but how, when, and with what lasting effects.
Shredding Paper
Sounds from the Other Side
The Rise and Fall of Maine’s Mighty Paper Industry Michael G. Hillard
January 2021 280pp 10 b&w halftones 9781501753152 £25.99 / $32.95 HB CORNELL UNIVERSITY PRESS
Unwraps the changing US political economy since 1960, uncovers how the paper industry defined and interacted with labor relations, and peels away the layers of history that encompassed the rise and downfall of Maine’s mighty paper industry.
Afro–South Asian Collaborations in Black Popular Music Elliott H. Powell
November 2020 200pp 19 b&w Illus. 9781517910044 £17.99 / $22.50 PB 9781517910037 £74.00 / $90.00 HB UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA PRESS
An interdisciplinary analysis of the political implications of African American musicians’ South Asian influence since the 1960s. Excludes Japan & ANZ
Sweet Greeks
The American Museum of Natural History and How It Got That Way
First-Generation Immigrant Confectioners in the Heartland Ann Flesor Beck
Heartland Foodways October 2020 320pp 9780252085314 £20.99 / $27.95 PB 9780252043406 £100.00 / $125.00 HB UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS PRESS
Gus Flesor came to the US from Greece in 1901. In Tuscola, Illinois, he learned the confectioner’s trade and opened a shop that still stands on Main Street. Sweet Greeks tells how Greeks became candy makers to the nation, one shop at a time. Excludes SE Asia, Indian SC & ANZ
Colin Davey, With Thomas A. Lesser, Foreword by Kermit Roosevelt, III
November 2020 278pp 9780823289639 £14.99 / $19.95 PB FORDHAM UNIVERSITY PRESS
The story of the building of the American Museum of Natural History involves American presidents, New York power brokers, museum presidents, planetarium directors, polar and African explorers, and German rocket scientists.
The Autobiography of Daniel Parker, Frontier Universalist Daniel Parker, Edited by David Torbett
December 2020 312pp 9780821424292 £27.99 / $36.95 HB OHIO UNIVERSITY PRESS
The memoir of Daniel Parker (1781–1861) is an invaluable primary source for post-revolutionary and antebellum American history, an itinerant preacher’s account of the frontier’s diverse and evolving religious landscape, and an engaging human story.
The Black Civil War Soldier
A Visual History of Conflict and Citizenship Deborah Willis
NYU Series in Social and Cultural Analysis January 2021 240pp 99 b&w illus. 9781479809004 £27.99 / $35.00 HB NEW YORK UNIVERSITY
How photography helped construct a national vision of blackness, war, and bondage, while uncovering black Civil War soldiers’ histories. Excludes SE Asia & ANZ
The Character of American Democracy
Preserving Our Past, Protecting Our Future Jill Long Thompson
September 2020 162pp 9780253050434 £15.99 / $20.00 PB 9780253050427 £66.00 / $80.00 HB INDIANA UNIVERSITY PRESS
In this uncompromising, absorbing look at our government and society today, Jill Long Thompson persuasively argues that we all have a meaningful role to play in shaping America’s character and future.
The Cult of the Constitution
Mary Anne Franks
September 2020 272pp 9781503614987 £15.99 / $20.00 PB STANFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS
In this controversial and provocative book, Mary Anne Franks examines the thin line between constitutional fidelity and constitutional fundamentalism. The Cult of the Constitution reveals how deep fundamentalist strains in both conservative and liberal American thought keep the Constitution in the service of white male supremacy.
The Death of Things
The Fight for Free Speech
Ephemera and the American Novel Sarah Wasserman
Ten Cases That Define Our First Amendment Freedoms Ian Rosenberg
October 2020 272pp 30 b&w Illus. 9781517909789 £20.99 / $27.00 PB 9781517909772 £89.00 / $108.00 HB UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA PRESS
In The Death of Things, author Sarah Wasserman delivers the first comprehensive study addressing the role ephemera played in twentieth-century fiction and its relevance to contemporary digital culture. Excludes Japan & ANZ
February 2021 320pp 9781479801565 £22.95 / $27.95 HB NEW YORK UNIVERSITY
A handbook for protecting our democracy and bringing an understanding of free speech law to all. Creates a practical framework for understanding where our free speech protections originated and how they can develop. Excludes SE Asia & ANZ
The Haunt of Home
The Health of the Commonwealth
A Journey through America’s Heartland Zachary Michael Jack
October 2020 224pp 1 b&w halftone 9781501751790 £14.99 / $18.95 PB CORNELL UNIVERSITY PRESS
Considers the many ways a region’s abiding spirit shapes the ethos of a land and its people, offering portraits of others who, like himself, are determined to live out the unique promise and predicament of the Gothic.
A Brief History of Medicine, Public Health, and Disease in Pennsylvania James E. Higgins
October 2020 140pp 9781932304695 £14.99 / $19.95 PB TEMPLE UNIVERSITY PRESS
Higgins places Pennsylvania’s unique contribution to the history of public health and medicine in a larger narrative of health and disease throughout the US and the world. Excludes Asia Pacific
The Heart of California
The Ku Klux Klan in the Heartland
Exploring the San Joaquin Valley Aaron Gilbreath
James H. Madison
October 2020 254pp 81 b&w illus. 9780253052186 £22.99 / $25.00 HB INDIANA UNIVERSITY PRESS
November 2020 306pp 9 photos, 2 maps 9781496218636 £15.99 / $19.95 PB UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA PRESS
The Ku Klux Klan in the Heartland offers a detailed Aaron Gilbreath writes a highly personal narrative history of this notorious organization and of the San Joaquin Valley that incorporates examines how, through its use of intimidation, history, Native American displacement, violence, and the ballot box, the activities of Klan agriculture, environmental concerns, and more to in the 1920s have continued implications for describe the region’s nearly lost indigenous America today. culture and ecosystems, and to bring this complex yet largely ignored landscape to life.
The Labor Board Crew
The Last Sovereigns
Remaking Worker-Employer Relations from Pearl Harbor to the Reagan Era Ronald W. Schatz
Sitting Bull and the Resistance of the Free Lakotas Robert M. Utley October 2020 200pp 13 photos, 5 illus., 3 maps, index 9781496220226 £19.99 / $24.95 HB UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA PRESS
Working Class in American History January 2021 344pp 9780252085598 £22.99 / $29.95 PB 9780252043628 £100.00 / $125.00 HB UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS PRESS
The story of how Sitting Bull resisted the white man’s ways as a last best hope for the survival of an indigenous way of life—a nomadic life based on the buffalo—that was sacred to him and to his people.
The story of the team of young economists and lawyers whom George W. Taylor recruited to the National War Labor Board to resolve unionmanagement conflicts during WWII. Excludes SE Asia, Indian SC & ANZ
The Legend of Bigfoot
The Making of American Catholicism
Leaving His Mark on the World T. S. Mart & Mel Cabre
September 2020 216pp 83 b&w illus. 9781684351398 £15.99 / $20.00 HB 9781684351398 $20.00 HB INDIANA UNIVERSITY PRESS
The most well-known cryptid in American history, Bigfoot is as feared as he is loved. T. S. Mart and Mel Cabre reveal the myths, personal stories, and pop culture surrounding the legendary icon. Featuring more than 80 images recreating the Bigfoot’s appearance from firsthand accounts and folktales, the book showcases the many faces of the creature.
Regional Culture and the Catholic Experience Michael J. Pfeifer
January 2021 256pp 9781479889426 £23.99 / $30.00 PB 9781479829453 £74.00 / $89.00 HB NEW YORK UNIVERSITY PRESS
Traces the development of Catholic cultures in the South, the Midwest, the West, and the Northeast, and their contribution to larger patterns of Catholicism in the United States. Excludes SE Asia & ANZ
The Refugee Aesthetic
The Southern Exodus to Mexico
Reimagining Southeast Asian America Timothy K. August
Migration across the Borderlands after the American Civil War Todd W. Wahlstrom
Asian American History & Cultu February 2021 184pp 9781439915318 £20.99 / $27.95 PB 9781439915301 £79.00 / $99.50 HB TEMPLE UNIVERSITY PRESS
Borderlands and Transcultural Studies September 2020 234pp 6 photos, 2 illus., 1 map, 2 tables, index 9781496222213 £19.99 / $25.00 PB UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA PRESS
In his book, The Refugee Aesthetic, Timothy August investigates how and why a number of Southeast Asian American artists and writers have Examines the post–Civil War migration of former recently embraced the figure of the refugee as a southern slaveholders into Mexico, studying the particularly transformative position. transcultural tensions and conflicts in this region. Excludes Asia Pacific
The Unsung Great
The Untold Story of Shields Green
Stories of Extraordinary Japanese Americans Greg Robinson
The Life and Death of a Harper’s Ferry Raider Louis A. Decaro Jr.
December 2020 288pp 25 b&w illus. 9780295747965 £22.99 / $29.95 PB 9780295747958 £76.00 / $95.00 HB UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON PRESS
October 2020 240pp 14 b&w illus. 9781479802753 £21.99 / $28.00 HB NEW YORK UNIVERSITY PRESS
From a title-winning boxer in Louisiana to a Broadway baritone in New York, Japanese Americans have long belied their popular representation as “quiet Americans.” Scholar and journalist Greg Robinson showcases the lives and achievements of relatively unknown but remarkable people in Nikkei history.
Explores the life of “Emperor” Shields Green, one of the black men who followed John Brown to Harper’s Ferry in 1859. Emperor pushes back against racism and injustice and stands in his rightful place as an antislavery figure. Excludes SE Asia & ANZ
The World Colonization Made
They Will Have Their Game
The Racial Geography of Early American Empire Brandon Mills
Early American Studies October 2020 288pp 7 illus. 9780812252507 £36.00 / $45.00 HB UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA PRESS
Sporting Culture and the Making of the Early American Republic Kenneth Cohen
Views the 1816 founding of African Colonization Society (ACS) as part of the colonization movement—an ideology offering Americans a world of self-governing republics that harmonized with the racialized political institutions at home.
December 2020 336pp 25 b&w halftones 9781501752001 £21.99 / $27.95 PB CORNELL UNIVERSITY PRESS
Explores how sports, drinking, gambling, and theater produced a sense of democracy while also reinforcing racial, gender, and class divisions in early America.
Union Renegades
George M. Houser and the Struggle for Peace and Freedom on Two Continents Sheila D. Collins
Miners, Capitalism, and Organizing in the Gilded Age Dana M. Caldemeyer
December 2020 392pp 9780821424247 £40.00 / $50.00 HB OHIO UNIVERSITY PRESS
George M. Houser’s moral integrity and influential advocacy for nonviolent protest helped shape the American Civil Rights Movement, anticolonial independence victories across Africa, and the overthrow of the South African apartheid regime.
Working Class in American History January 2021 256pp 9780252085406 £22.99 / $30.00 PB 9780252043505 £88.00 / $110.00 HB UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS PRESS
In the late 19th century, Midwestern miners often had to decide whether to join a union. This book argues these workers were neither pro- nor antiunion, but acted according to what they believed would benefit them and their families. Excludes SE Asia, Indian SC & ANZ
Unseeing Empire
Upon the Altar of Work
Photography, Representation, South Asian America Bakirathi Mani
Child Labor and the Rise of a New American Sectionalism Betsy Wood
a Camera Obscura book
Working Class in American History September 2020 256pp 9780252085345 £20.99 / $28.00 PB 9780252043444 £88.00 / $110.00 HB UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS PRESS
November 2020 280pp 48 illus., incl. 16 in color 9781478010890 £20.99 / $26.95 PB 9781478009849 £83.00 / $99.95 HB DUKE UNIVERSITY PRESS
Examines the visual and affective relationships between South Asian diasporic viewers, artists, and photographic representations of immigrant subjects, showing how empire continues to haunt South Asian American visual cultures.
Betsy Wood examines the evolution of ideas about child labor against the backdrop of broad developments related to slavery and emancipation, industrial capitalism, moral and social reform, and American politics and religion. Excludes SE Asia, Indian SC & ANZ
Violence in the Hill Country
We Are Not Dreamers
Undocumented Scholars Theorize Undocumented Life in the United States Edited by Leisy J. Abrego & Genevieve Negrón-Gonzales
The Texas Frontier in the Civil War Era Nicholas Keefauver Roland
February 2021 288pp 9781477321751 £33.00 / $45.00 HB UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS PRESS
In this painstakingly researched book, Roland analyzes patterns of violence in the Texas Hill Country to examine the cultural and political priorities of white settlers and their interaction with the century-defining process of national integration and state-building in the Civil War era.
July 2020 264pp 3 illus. 9781478010838 £20.99 / $26.95 PB 9781478009795 £86.00 / $99.95 HB DUKE UNIVERSITY PRESS
Contributors—themselves currently or formerly undocumented—call for the elimination of the Dreamer narrative, showing how it marginalizes large numbers of undocumented youth.
West of Jim Crow
When Sunday Comes
The Fight against California’s Color Line Lynn M. Hudson
September 2020 352pp 9780252085253 £18.99 / $24.95 PB 9780252043345 £100.00 / $125.00 HB UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS PRESS
Deepens our understanding of the practices that African Americans in the West deployed to dismantle Jim Crow in the quest for civil rights prior to the 1960s. Rediscovers forgotten stories, like the experimental all-black community of Allensworth. Excludes SE Asia, Indian SC & ANZ
Gospel Music in the Soul and Hip-Hop Eras Claudrena N. Harold Music in American Life November 2020 288pp 9780252085475 £17.99 / $22.95 PB 9780252043574 £100.00 / $125.00
Claudrena N. Harold takes an in-depth look at late-century gospel musicians and the network of black record shops, churches, and businesses that nurtured the music in the post-Civil Rights era. Excludes SE Asia, Indian SC & ANZ
When the Medium was the Mission
White Reconstruction Dylan Rodríguez
November 2020 256pp 9780823289394 £22.99 / $30.00 PB 9780823289387 £84.00 / $105.00 HB FORDHAM UNIVERSITY PRESS
The Atlantic Telegraph and the Religious Origins of Network Culture Jenna Supp-Montgomerie
North American Religions February 2021 320pp 14 b&w illus. 9781479801497 £27.99 / $35.00 PB 9781479801480 £82.00 / $99.00 HB NEW YORK UNIVERSITY
How evangelical Protestantism helped shape the idea of networks like the telegraph as connective. Excludes SE Asia & ANZ
Dylan Rodríguez counternarrates the long “post–civil rights” half-century as a period of White Reconstruction, in which the struggle to reassemble the ascendancy of White Being toxifies the formal disassembly of U.S. (Jim/Jane Crow) apartheid and permeates the political and institutional logics of diversity, inclusion, formal equality, and “multiculturalist white supremacy.”
Wicked Flesh
World of Our Fathers
Black Women, Intimacy, and Freedom in the Atlantic World Jessica Marie Johnson
Early American Studies July 2020 360pp 15 illus. 9780812252385 £26.99 / $34.95 HB UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA PRESS
The Journey of the East European Jews to America and the Life They Found and Made Irving Howe, Foreword by Morris Dickstein
Unearthing personal stories, Wicked Flesh shows how black women, from Senegambia in West Africa to the Caribbean to New Orleans, used intimacy and kinship to redefine freedom in the eighteenth-century Atlantic world. Their practices laid the groundwork for the emancipation struggles of the nineteenth century.
October 2005 768pp 9780814736852 £24.99 / $32.00 PB NEW YORK UNIVERSITY PRESS
This classic of Jewish literature richly portrays the East European Jewish experience in New York, showing how immigrants tried to maintain their Yiddish culture while becoming American. Excludes SE Asia & ANZ
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