Anthropocene Extinction flyer

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Anthropocene Extinction Earth Emotions

New Words for a New World GLENN A. ALBRECHT

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Reoccupy Earth

Notes toward an Other Beginning DAVID WOOD

Albrecht introduces us to the many new words needed to describe the full range of our emotional responses to the emergent state of the world. We need this creation of a hopeful vocabulary of positive emotions, argues Albrecht, so that we can extract ourselves out of environmental desolation and reignite our millennia-old biophilia— love of life—for our home planet. To do so, he proposes a dramatic change from the current human-dominated Anthropocene era to one that will be founded, materially, ethically, politically, and spiritually on the revolution in thinking being delivered by contemporary symbiotic science. Albrecht names this period the Symbiocene.

In Reoccupy Earth, the noted philosopher David Wood shows how an approach to philosophy attuned to our ecological existence can suspend the taken-for-granted and open up alternative forms of earthly dwelling. Bringing an uncommon lucidity, directness, and even practicality to sophisticated philosophical questions, Wood plots experiential pathways that disrupt our habitual existence and challenge our everyday complacency. In walking us through a range of reversals, transformations, and estrangements that thinking ecologically demands of us, Wood shows how living responsibly with the earth means affirming the ways in which we are vulnerable, receptive, and dependent, and the need for solidarity all round.

Glenn A. Albrecht is an Australian environmental philosopher. He established the now widely used and accepted concept of solastalgia, or the lived experience of negative environmental change. He retired from Murdoch University in 2014 as a Professor of Sustainability, and he is now an Honorary Associate in the School of Geosciences at the University of Sydney.

David Wood is W. Alton Jones Professor of Philosophy at Vanderbilt University. His most recent book is Deep Time, Dark Times: On Being Geologically Human.

Cornell University Press May 2019 | 256pp | PB | 9781501715228 | £15.99

After Extinction


Including both prominent and unusual voices in current debates around the Anthropocene, this collection asks authors from diverse backgrounds to address this question. After Extinction looks at the future of humans and nonhumans, exploring how the scale of risk posed by extinction has changed in light of the accelerated networks of the twenty-first century. The collection considers extinction as a cultural, artistic, and media event as well as a biological one. The authors treat extinction in relation to a variety of topics. From discussions of the anticipated sixth extinction to the status of writing, theory, and philosophy after extinction, the contributions of this volume are insightful and innovative, timely and thought provoking. Richard Grusin is director of the Center for 21st Century Studies and professor of English at the University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee. He is editor of Anthropocene Feminism (Minnesota, 2017) and The Nonhuman Turn (Minnesota, 2015). University of Minnesota Press 21st Century Studies March 2018 | 272pp | PB | 9781517902896 | £19.99

Fordham University Press Groundworks: Ecological Issues in Philosophy and Theology February 2019 | 240pp | PB | 9780823283538 | £21.99

How Culture Shapes the Climate Change Debate ANDREW J. HOFFMAN

Though the scientific community largely agrees that climate change is underway, debates about this issue remain fiercely polarized. These conversations have become a rhetorical contest, one where opposing sides try to achieve victory through playing on fear, distrust, and intolerance. This brief examines what causes people to reject or accept the scientific consensus on climate change. Synthesizing evidence from sociology, psychology, and political science, Andrew J. Hoffman lays bare the opposing cultural lenses through which science is interpreted. How Culture Shapes the Climate Change Debate makes a powerful case for a more scientifically literate public, a more socially engaged scientific community, and a more thoughtful mode of public discourse. Andrew J. Hoffman is Professor of Sustainable Enterprise and Director of the Frederick A. and Barbara M. Erb Institute for Global Sustainable Enterprise at the University of Michigan. Stanford University Press November 2015 | 120pp | PB | 9780804794220 | £9.99

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Wind and Power in the Anthropocene DOMINIC BOYER

In his volume, Energopolitics, Boyer examines the politics of wind power and how it is shaped by myriad factors, from the legacies of settler colonialism and indigenous resistance to state bureaucracy and corporate investment. Drawing on interviews with activists, campesinos, engineers, bureaucrats, politicians, and bankers, Boyer outlines the fundamental impact of energy and fuel on political power. Boyer also demonstrates how large conceptual frameworks cannot adequately explain the fraught and uniquely complicated conditions on the isthmus, illustrating the need to resist narratives of anthropocenic universalism and to attend to local particularities. Dominic Boyer is Professor of Anthropology at Rice University, Founding Director of the Center for Energy and Environmental Research in the Human Sciences (CENHS), and author of The Life Informatic: Newsmaking in the Digital Era. Energopolitics is one half of the duograph Wind and Power in the Anthropocene; Ecologics, by Cymene Howe, is the other half. Duke University Press 35 illus. June 2019 | 280pp | PB | 9781478003779 | £21.99

Enlightenment and the Gasping City

Mongolian Buddhism at a Time of Environmental Disarray SASKIA ABRAHMS-KAVUNENKO

With air pollution now intimately affecting every resident of Ulaanbaatar, the capital of Mongolia, Saskia Abrahms-Kavunenko seeks to understand how, as a physical constant throughout the winter months, the murky and obscuring nature of air pollution has become an active part of Mongolian religious and ritual life. Enlightenment and the Gasping City identifies air pollution as a boundary between the physical and the immaterial, showing how air pollution impresses itself on the urban environment as stagnation and blur. She explores how air pollution and related phenomena exist in dynamic tension with Buddhist ideas and practices concerning purification, revitalisation and enlightenment. By focusing on light, its intersections and its oppositions, she illuminates Buddhist practices and beliefs as they interact with the pressing urban issues of air pollution, post-socialist economic vacillations, urban development, nationalism, and climate change. Saskia Abrahms-Kavunenko is a Teaching Fellow at New York University, Shanghai, and an Associate at the Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology. Cornell University Press 12 b&w halftones June 2019 | 252pp | PB | 9781501737657 | £20.99


Wind and Power in the Anthropocene CYMENE HOWE

In her volume, Ecologics, Howe narrates how an antidote to the Anthropocene became both failure and success. Tracking the development of what would have been Latin America's largest wind park, Howe documents indigenous people's resistance to the project and the political and corporate climate that derailed its renewable energy potential. Using feminist and more-than-human theories, Howe demonstrates how the dynamics of energy and environment cannot be captured without understanding how human aspirations for energy articulate with nonhuman beings, technomaterial objects, and the geophysical forces that are at the heart of wind and power. Cymene Howe is Associate Professor of Anthropology at Rice University and author of Intimate Activism: The Struggle for Sexual Rights in Postrevolutionary Nicaragua, also published by Duke University Press. Ecologics is one half of the duograph Wind and Power in the Anthropocene; Energopolitics, by Dominic Boyer, is the other half. Duke University Press 52 illus. June 2019 | 272pp | PB | 9781478003854 | £21.99

Reimagining Livelihoods

Life beyond Economy, Society, and Environment ETHAN MILLER

Reimagining Livelihoods argues that the “hegemonic trio” of economy, society, and environment not only fails to describe the actual world around us but poses a tremendous obstacle to enacting a truly sustainable future. In a rich blend of ethnography and theory, Reimagining Livelihoods engages with questions of development in the state of Maine to trace the dangerous effects of contemporary stories that simplify and domesticate conflict. Miller articulates a rich framework for engaging with the ethical and political challenges of building ecological livelihoods among diverse human and nonhuman communities. In seeking a pathway for transformative thought that is both critical and affirmative, Reimagining Livelihoods provides new frames of reference for living together on an increasingly volatile Earth. Ethan Miller is lecturer in environmental studies, politics, and anthropology at Bates College. University of Minnesota Press Diverse Economies and Livable Worlds 15 b&w photos March 2019 | 312pp | PB | 9781517904326 | £20.99

Anthropocene Poetics Deep Time, Sacrifice Zones, and Extinction DAVID FARRIER

In Anthropocene Poetics, David Farrier shows how contemporary poetry by Elizabeth Bishop, Seamus Heaney, Evelyn Reilly, and Christian Bök, among others, provides us with frameworks for thinking about this uncanny sense of time.Looking at a diverse array of lyric and avant-garde poetry from three interrelated perspectives— the Anthropocene and the "material turn"in environmental philosophy; the Plantationocene and the role of global capitalism in environmental crisis; and the emergence of multispecies ethics and extinction studies—Farrier rethinks the environmental humanities from a literary critical perspective. Anthropocene Poetics puts a concern with deep time at the center, defining a new poetics for thinking through humanity's role as geological agents, the devastation caused by resource extraction, and the looming extinction crisis. David Farrier is senior lecturer in modern and contemporary literature at the University of Edinburgh. He is author of Unsettled Narratives: The Pacific Writings of Stevenson, Ellis, Melville, and London and Postcolonial Asylum: Seeking Sanctuary before the Law. University of Minnesota Press Posthumanities December 2019 | 176pp | PB | 9781517906269 | £17.99

Affective Ecocriticism Emotion, Embodiment, Environment EDITED BY KYLE BLADOW & JENNIFER LADINO

Scholars of ecocriticism have long tried to articulate emotional relationships to environments. Only recently, however, have they begun to draw on the complex interdisciplinary body of research known as affect theory. Affective Ecocriticism takes as its premise that ecocritical scholarship has much to gain from the rich work on affect and emotion happening within social and cultural theory, geography, psychology, philosophy, queer theory, feminist theory, narratology, and neuroscience, among others. This vibrant and important volume imagines a more affective—and consequently more effective— ecocriticism, as well as a more environmentally attuned affect studies. Affective Ecocriticism offers an accessible approach to this theoretical intersection that will speak to readers across multiple disciplinary and geographic locations. Kyle Bladow is an assistant professor of Native American studies at Northland College. Jennifer Ladino is an associate professor of English at the University of Idaho. She is the author of Reclaiming Nostalgia: Longing for Nature in American Literature. University of Nebraska Press 9 photos, index November 2018 | 360pp | PB | 9781496207562 | £27.99

Infrastructure, Environment, and Life in the Anthropocene EDITED BY KREGG HETHERINGTON

Infrastructure, Environment, and Life in the Anthropocene explores life in the age of climate change through a series of infrastructural puzzles—sites at which it has become impossible to disentangle the natural from the built environment. With topics ranging from breakwaters built of oysters, underground rivers made by leaky pipes, and architecture gone weedy to neighborhoods partially submerged by rising tides, the contributors explore situations that destabilize the concepts we once relied on to address environmental challenges. They take up the challenge that the Anthropocene poses both to life on the planet and to our socialscientific understanding of it by showing how past conceptions of environment and progress have become unmoored and what this means for how we imagine the future. Kregg Hetherington is Associate Professor of Sociology and Anthropology at Concordia University and the author of Guerrilla Auditors: The Politics of Transparency in Neoliberal Paraguay, also published by Duke University Press. Duke University Press Experimental Futures 37 illus. January 2019 | 312pp | PB | 9781478001485 | £22.99

Bad Environmentalism Irony and Irreverence in the Ecological Age NICOLE SEYMOUR

Activists today strive to educate the public about climate change, but sociologists have found that the more we know about alarming issues, the less likely we are to act. Meanwhile, environmentalists have acquired a reputation as gloom-and-doom killjoys. Bad Environmentalism identifies contemporary texts that respond to these absurdities and ironies through absurdity and irony—as well as camp, frivolity, irreverence, perversity, and playfulness. Nicole Seymour develops the concept of "bad environmentalism": cultural thought that employs dissident affects and sensibilities to reflect critically on our current moment and on mainstream environmental activism. Funny and original, Bad Environmentalism champions the practice of alternative green politics. From drag performance to Indigenous comedy, Seymour expands our understanding of how environmental art and activism can be pleasurable, even in a time of undeniable crisis. Nicole Seymour is associate professor of English at California State University, Fullerton. She is author of Strange Natures: Futurity, Empathy, and the Queer Ecological Imagination. University of Minnesota Press October 2018 | 304pp | PB | 9781517903893 | £20.99

A Primer for Teaching Environmental History


Draw readers into the process of designing courses on environmental history that will challenge students to think about one of the most urgent topics of study this century. Emily Wakild is Professor of History at Boise State University and the author of Revolutionary Parks: Conservation, Social Justice, and Mexico's National Parks, 1910–1940. Michelle K. Berry is Lecturer in the Departments of History and Gender and Women's Studies at the University of Arizona. Duke University Press Design Principles for Teaching History May 2018 | 200pp | PB | 9780822371489 | £20.99

Veer Ecology

A Companion for Environmental Thinking EDITED BY JEFFREY JEROME COHEN & LOWELL DUCKERT

A groundbreaking guide for the twenty-first century, Veer Ecology foregrounds the risks and potentialities of living on—and with—an alarmingly dynamic planet. Jeffrey Jerome Cohen is professor of English and director of the Medieval and Early Modern Studies Institute at George Washington University. Lowell Duckert is assistant professor of English at West Virginia University. University of Minnesota Press December 2017 | 536pp | PB | 9781517900779 | £20.99



Eco-Deconstruction marks a new approach to the degradation of the natural environment, drawing on published and unpublished work by Derrida and others. Matthias Fritsch is Professor of Philosophy at Concordia University, Montréal. Philippe Lynes is Fulbright Canada Visiting Research Chair in Environmental Humanities at the University of California, Irvine. David Wood is W. Alton Jones Professor of Philosophy at Vanderbilt University. Fordham University Press Groundworks: Ecological Issues in Philosophy and Theology March 2018 | 334pp | PB | 9780823279517 | £24.99

Arts of Living on a Damaged Planet


Living on a damaged planet challenges who we are and where we live. This timely anthology calls on twenty eminent humanists and scientists to revitalize curiosity, observation, and transdisciplinary conversation about life on earth. As human-induced environmental change threatens multispecies livability, Arts of Living on a Damaged Planet puts forward a bold proposal: entangled histories, situated narratives, and thick descriptions offer urgent "arts of living." University of Minnesota Press May 2017 | 368pp | PB | 9781517902377 | £21.99

Staying with the Trouble

The Edge of Extinction

In the midst of spiraling ecological devastation, multispecies feminist theorist Donna J. Haraway offers provocative new ways to reconfigure our relations to the earth and all its inhabitants.

Pretty explores life and change in a dozen environments and cultures across the world, taking us on a series of remarkable journeys to show that there are many different ways to live in cooperation with nature.

Making Kin in the Chthulucene DONNA J. HARAWAY

Travels with Enduring People in Vanishing Lands JULES PRETTY

Donna J. Haraway is Distinguished Professor Emerita in the History of Consciousness Department at the University of California, Santa Cruz, and the author of several books, most recently, Manifestly Haraway.

Jules Pretty is Professor of Environment and Society at the University of Essex. He is the author of The Edge of Extinction and This Luminous Coast, both from Comstock Publishing Associates, and The Earth Only Endures. He is coeditor most recently of Green Exercise.

Duke University Press Experimental Futures 31 illus., incl. 2 in color September 2016 | 312pp | PB | 9780822362241 | £23.99

Cornell University Press 13 halftones December 2014 | 240pp | HB | 9780801453304 | £21.99

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