Anthropology Subject Catalogue - Fall 2022

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A Language for the World

A Maverick Boasian

New African Histories November 2022 312pp 9780821424957 £28.99/ $34.95 PB 9780821424940 £69.00/ $80.00 HB

Cri�cal Studies in the History of Anthropology February 2023 282pp 16 photos 9781496233486 £56.00/ $65.00 HB

The Life and Work of Alexander A. Goldenweiser Sergei Kan

The Standardization of Swahili Morgan J. Robinson



Explores the o�en contradictory life of Alexander Goldenweiser, a scholar considered by his contemporaries to be Franz Boas’s most brilliant and most favored student. For the first �me, Sergei Kan brings together and examines all of Goldenweiser’s published scholarly works, archival records, personal correspondences, nonacademic publica�ons, and living memories from several of Goldenweiser’s descendants.

This intellectual history of Standard Swahili—a dialect of the Swahili language wri�en in the La�n alphabet—argues that a�en�on to the intertwined processes of codifica�on from 1864 to 1964 lends new perspec�ves on history, colonialism, �me, and cultural representa�on in East Africa and beyond.

A Ritual Geology

A Sephardi Sea

August 2022 328pp 31 illus. 9781478018476 £22.99/ $27.95 PB 9781478015833 £90.00/ $104.95 HB

Sephardi and Mizrahi Studies October 2022 236pp 7 b&w illus. 9780253062932 £24.99/ $30.00 PB 9780253062925 £65.00/ $75.00 HB

Gold and Subterranean Knowledge in Savanna West Africa Robyn d'Avignon

Jewish Memories across the Modern Mediterranean Dario Miccoli



Tells the history of West Africa’s centuries-old indigenous gold mining industries and its shared prac�ces, prohibi�ons, and cosmological engagements. Introduces transna�onal geological forma�ons as a new regional framework for African studies, environmental history, and anthropology.

Tells the story of Jews from the southern shore of the Mediterranean who, between the late 1940s and the mid-1960s, migrated from their country of birth for Europe, Israel, and beyond. This book explores how prac�ces of memory- and heritage-making has filled an iden�ty vacuum in three countries and helps the Jews from North Africa and Egypt to define their Jewishness in Europe and Israel today.


Ain't I an Anthropologist

Becoming Black in a Color-Blind Country Ryan Thomas Skinner Foreword by Jason Timbuktu Diakité

Zora Neale Hurston Beyond the Literary Icon Jennifer L. Freeman Marshall

September 2022 304pp 9781517912314 £21.99/ $27.00 PB 9781517912307 £93.00/ $108.00 HB

New Black Studies Series February 2023 264pp 10 b&w photos 9780252087103 £22.99/ $27.95 PB 9780252044960 £88.00/ $110.00 HB



The first scholarly monograph in English to focus on the African and Black diaspora in Sweden, AfroSweden emphasizes the voices, experiences, prac�ces, knowledge, and ideas of these communi�es.

Explores Hurston’s popular appeal as iconography, her eleva�on into the literary canon, her concurrent marginaliza�on in anthropology despite her significant contribu�ons, and her place within construc�ons of Black feminist literary tradi�ons.

Excludes Japan & ANZ


Excludes Taiwan, Japan, SE Asia & ANZ

Anthropological Witness

Authoritarian Laughter

October 2022 186pp 20 b&w hts. 9781501765698 £20.99/ $24.95 PB 9781501765681 £108.00/ $125.00 HB

December 2022 318pp 26 b&w hts., 1 chart 9781501766695 £26.99/ $32.95 PB 9781501766688 £108.00/ $125.00 HB

Lessons from the Khmer Rouge Tribunal Alexander Laban Hinton

Political Humor and Soviet Dystopia in Lithuania Neringa Klumbytė



Tells the story of Alex Hinton's encounter with an accused architect of genocide and, more broadly, Hinton's a�empt to navigate the promises and perils of expert tes�mony.

Explores the poli�cal history of the sa�re and humor magazine Broom published in Soviet Lithuania. Klumbytė inves�gates official a�empts to shape ci�zens into Soviet subjects and engage them into co-governance through a culture of popular humor.

Beauty and Brutality

Bedouin Folktales from the North of Israel

Manila and Its Global Discontents Edited by Martin F. Manalansan IV, Robert Diaz & Roland B. Tolentino

Yoel Shalom Perez & Judith Rosenhouse Contributions by Arnon Medzini

January 2023 364pp 26 hts. 9781439922286 £34.00/ $39.95 PB 9781439922279 £100.00/ $125.50 HB

November 2022 568pp 3 maps, 50 b&w tables 9780253063830 £69.00/ $80.00 PB 9780253063823 £88.00/ $110.00 HB


Diverse perspec�ves on Manila that suggest the city’s exhilara�ng sights and sounds broaden how Philippine histories are defined and understood. Beauty and Brutality provides an exci�ng, original, and cri�cal encounter with this Manila’s imagined and material landscape.


Collects nearly 60 tradi�onal folktales, told mostly by women, that have been carefully translated in the same colloquial style in which they were told. Accompanying each folktale is a comprehensive ethnographic, folkloris�c, and linguis�c commentary.

Excludes Asia Pacific

Castoffs of Capital

Conamara Chronicles

Work and Love among Garment Workers in Bangladesh Lamia Karim

Tales from Iorras Aithneach Compiled by Seán Mac Giollarnáth Translated by Liam Mac Con Iomaire & Tim Robinson

November 2022 272pp 26 b&w illus., 1 table 9781517913366 £22.99/ $28.00 PB 9781517913359 £96.00/ $112.00 HB

Irish Culture, Memory, Place November 2022 326pp 5 b&w illus., 2 maps 9780253063526 £24.99/ $30.00 PB 9780253063519 £60.00/ $70.00 HB


Examines how female garment workers experience their work and personal lives within the stranglehold of global capital. Drawing on fieldwork in Bangladesh, Lamia Karim focuses a�en�on onto the lives of older women aged out of factory work, heretofore largely ignored, thereby introducing a new dimension to the understanding of a female-headed workforce that today numbers around four million in Bangladesh. Excludes Japan & ANZ


Stories gathered here provide invaluable insights into the lives and culture of the community. This lovingly cra�ed transla�on is the final work of both Tim Robinson and his collaborator, the renowned writer and Irish language expert Liam Mac Con Iomaire. 2

Counseling Women

Crossing the Current

December 2022 240pp 3 b&w illus. 9781512822847 £26.99/ $32.50 PB 9781512822854 £86.00/ $99.95 HB

September 2022 352pp 9781503633407 £22.99/ $28.00 PB 9781503603295 £77.00/ $90.00 HB

Kinship Against Violence in India Julia Kowalski

Aftermaths of War along the Huallaga River Richard Kernaghan



Crossing the Current explores a�ermaths of internal war through the ethnographic scru�ny of rural transit and territorial transforma�ons in Peru's Upper Huallaga Valley. This book asks what happens to such a place once prolonged conflict has ostensibly passed. How have ordinary experiences of land, territory, and law, and of the river that runs through them all, been altered in the a�ermaths of war?

Women’s rights ac�vists around the world have commonly understood gendered violence as the product of so-called tradi�onal family structures, from which women must be liberated. Counseling Women contends that this perspec�ve overlooks the social and cultural contexts in which women understand and navigate their rela�onships with kin.

Defying "The Plan"

Diaspora Space-Time

September 2022 262pp 3 b&w photos 9780253062505 £25.99/ $32.00 PB 9780253062499 £73.00/ $85.00 HB

December 2022 288pp 15 b&w hts., 3 maps, 1 chart 9781501767951 £26.99/ $32.95 PB 9781501761959 £108.00/ $125.00 HB

Intimate Politics among Palestinian Women in Israel Kim Jezabel Zinngrebe

Transformations of a Chinese Emigrant Community Anne-Christine Trémon



Pales�nian women in Israel are expected to operate even the most in�mate aspects of their lives according to what some call "The Plan," which dictates everything from clothing, marriage, religion, and sex to how children are born and raised. The stories in this book trace and unpack se�ler colonial power at the level of the in�mate and na�ve women's various prac�ces of defiance.

Explores the transforma�ons of Pine Mansion—a Shenzhen former emigrant community—and its members' changing rela�onship with their diaspora around the world. As overseas financial contribu�ons diminish and diasporic rela�ons change, Trémon highlights the way emigra�on is being reconceptualized in rela�on to China's changing posi�on in the world.

Drawing Deportation

Enveloped Lives

February 2023 240pp 18 b&w & 38 color illus. 9781479810451 £24.99/ $30.00 PB 9781479810444 £77.00/ $89.00 HB

November 2022 162pp 3 b&w hts. 9781501766114 £20.99/ $24.95 PB 9781501765469 £108.00/ $125.00 HB

Art and Resistance among Immigrant Children Silvia Rodriguez Vega

Caring and Relating in Lithuanian Health Care Rima Praspaliauskiene



Based on ten years of work with immigrant children as young as six years old in Arizona and California— and featuring an analysis of three hundred drawings, theater performances, and family interviews—this book illustrates how the children of immigrants use art to grapple with issues of ci�zenship, state violence, and belonging. Excludes Taiwan, Japan, SE Asia & ANZ


Praspaliauskiene uses the envelope to explore complex doctor-pa�ent interac�ons that go beyond no�ons of the gi� or the bribe. Enveloped Lives extends the analy�cal categories of gi�, care, money, and transparency, shi�ing a�en�on away from material transac�ons by priori�zing rela�ons and prac�ces that transcend economic ra�onality. This book is a contribu�on to the larger debates about the ethics and futures of healthcare around the world.

Everyday War

Fantasmic Objects

The Conflict over Donbas, Ukraine Greta Lynn Uehling

Art and Sociality from Lebanon, 1920-1950 Kirsten L. Scheid

February 2023 216pp 11 b&w hts., 2 maps 9781501768484 £25.99/ $31.95 PB

Public Cultures of the Middle East and North Africa December 2022 376pp 21 color & 38 b&w illus. 9780253064240 £28.99/ $35.00 PB 9780253064233 £73.00/ $85.00 HB


Provides an accessible lens through which to understand what non-combatant civilians go through in a country at war. In Ukraine, landscapes filled with death and destruc�on prompted a�en�veness to human vulnerabili�es and the cul�va�on of everyday, interpersonal peace. Everyday War considers a different site where peace can be cul�vated at an everyday level.


In Lebanon, the study of modern art—rather than power or hierarchy—has compelled ci�zens to confront how they define themselves as a postcolonial na�on. Kirsten L. Scheid offers a striking study of both modern art in Lebanon and modern Lebanon through art.

Fragile Resonance

Franz Boas

October 2022 270pp 9781501765810 £24.99/ $29.95 PB 9781501765643 £108.00/ $125.00 HB

Cri�cal Studies in the History of Anthropology December 2022 656pp 16 photos, 3 tables 9781496216915 £34.00/ $39.95 HB

Caring for Older Family Members in Japan and England Jason Danely

Shaping Anthropology and Fostering Social Justice Rosemary Lévy Zumwalt


Described the paths carers take as they make meaning of their experiences and find a sense of moral purpose to sustain them and guide their decisions. Based on his research gathering stories of family carers in Japan and England, Danely traces how care transforms individual sensibili�es and the role of cultural narra�ves and imagina�on in shaping these transforma�ons, which persist even a�er the care recipient has died.


Franz Boas defined the concept of cultural rela�vism and reoriented the humani�es and social sciences away from race science toward an an�racist and an�colonialist understanding of human biology and culture. This book is the second volume in Rosemary Lévy Zumwalt’s two-part biography of the renowned anthropologist and public intellectual.

Free Culture and the City

Genres of Listening

An Ethnography of Psychoanalysis in Buenos Aires Xochitl Marsilli-Vargas

Hackers, Commoners, and Neighbors in Madrid, 1997–2017 Alberto Corsín Jiménez & Adolfo Estalella

September 2022 240pp 9 illus. 9781478018551 £20.99/ $25.95 PB 9781478015918 £86.00/ $99.95 HB


Exper�se: Cultures and Technologies of Knowledge February 2023 288pp 17 b&w hts. 9781501767180 £28.99/ $34.95 PB

How psychoanaly�c listening prac�ces have expanded beyond the clinical se�ng to influence everyday social interac�ons in Buenos Aires. Develops the concept of genres of listening to demonstrate that hearers listen differently, depending on to whom, where, and how they are listening. Opens up ways to imagine other modes of listening and forms of social interac�ons.


Free Culture and the City examines how and why free so�ware spread beyond the world of hackers and so�ware engineers to become the basis for an urban movement now heralded by scholars as a model for emula�on and inspira�on. 4

Global Labor Migration

Governing Death, Making Persons

New Directions Edited by Eileen Boris, Heidi Gottfried, Julie Greene & Joo-Cheong Tham

The New Chinese Way of Death Huwy-min Lucia Liu January 2023 264pp 2 diagrams, 1 chart 9781501767227 £28.99/ $34.95 PB


Studies of World Migra�ons December 2022 368pp 4 charts, 2 tables 9780252086793 £25.99/ $32.00 PB 9780252044700 £100.00/ $125.00 HB

Tells the story of how economic reforms and changes in the management of death, in China, affected the governance of persons. Rather than seeing a rise of individualism and the decline of a socialist self, Liu sees the durability of socialist, religious, communal, and rela�onal ideas of self, woven together through crea�ve ritual framings in spite of their contradic�ons.


Presents new mul�disciplinary, transregional perspec�ves on issues surrounding global labor migra�on. Excludes Taiwan, Japan, SE Asia & ANZ

Health in Ruins

In the Name of Wild

The Capitalist Destruction of Medical Care at a Colombian Maternity Hospital César Ernesto Abadía-Barrero

One Family, Five Years, Ten Countries, and a New Vision of Wildness Phillip Vannini & April Vannini, With Autumn Vannini

Experimental Futures October 2022 320pp 10 illus. 9781478018933 £22.99/ $27.95 PB 9781478016298 £90.00/ $104.95 HB

October 2022 288pp 16-page full-colour insert, 20 b&w photos 9780774890403 £20.99/ $24.95 PB



In Health in Ruins César E. Abadía-Barrero chronicles the story of El Materno—Colombia’s oldest maternity and neonatal health center and teaching hospital— over several decades as it faced constant threats of government shutdown.

Explores the five-year journey one family made across five con�nents to re-imagine the meaning of wildness. Part travelogue, part ethnography, this book takes the reader on a journey into the lives of the people who call places such as Tasmania, Patagonia, and Iceland home. Excludes Japan, SE Asia, Indian SC & ANZ

Infertility in a Crowded Country

Learning to Save the World

Hiding Reproduction in India Holly Donahue Singh

Global Health Pedagogies and Fantasies of Transformation in Botswana Betsey Behr Brada

December 2022 280pp 21 b&w illus. 9780253063878 £25.99/ $32.00 PB 9780253063861 £69.00/ $80.00 HB

February 2023 288pp 4 b&w hts., 2 maps, 1 chart 9781501762420 £25.99/ $31.95 PB


In Infer�lity in a Crowded Country, Holly Donahue Singh draws on interviews, observa�on, and autoethnographic perspec�ves in local communi�es and Lucknow's infer�lity clinics to examine access to technology and treatments and to explore how pop culture shapes the reproduc�ve paths of women and their supporters through clinical spaces, health camps, religious sites, and adop�on agencies.


This book reveals how individuals and collec�vi�es engaged in global health—visi�ng experts as well as local clinicians and pa�ents—come to regard themselves and others in terms of this framework. Brada shows that global health is a fron�er, an imagina�ve framework that organizes the space, �me, and ethics of encounter. 5


Making Meaningful Lives

The Traffic of Trauma Harris Solomon

Tales from an Aging Japan Iza Kavedžija

September 2022 304pp 11 illus. 9781478018858 £22.99/ $27.95 PB 9781478016212 £90.00/ $104.95 HB

Contemporary Ethnography July 2022 216pp 6 illus. 9781512823738 £19.99/ $24.50 NIP


Takes readers into the trauma ward of one of Mumbai’s busiest public hospitals, narra�ng the stories of the pa�ents, providers, and families who experience and care for trauma�c injuries due to widespread traffic accidents. In reflec�ng on the centrality of traffic to life, Lifelines explores a fundamental ques�on: How does medicine move us?



Iza Kavedžija provides a rich anthropological account of the lives and concerns of older Japanese women and men. Grounded in years of ethnographic fieldwork at two community centers in Osaka, Kavedžija offers an in�mate narra�ve analysis of the existen�al concerns of her ac�ve, independent subjects.

Meaningless Citizenship

Medicine at the Margins

November 2022 256pp 1 table 9781517911126 £21.99/ $27.00 PB 9781517911119 £93.00/ $108.00 HB

Polis: Fordham Series in Urban Studies September 2022 304pp 25 b&w illus. 9781531501082 £28.99/ $35.00 PB 9781531501075 £100.00/ $125.00 HB

Iraqi Refugees and the Welfare State Sally Wesley Bonet

EMS Workers in Urban America Christopher Prener



Traces the costs of America’s long-term military involvement around the world by following the forced displacement of Iraqi families, unveiling how Iraqis are doubly displaced: first by the machinery of American imperialism in their na�ve countries and then through a more pernicious war occurring on U.S. soil—the dismantling of the welfare state.

While we imagine ambulances as a site for cri�cal care, the reality is far more complicated. Social problems are encountered every day by Emergency Medical Services (EMS) workers. Wri�en from the lens of a sociologist who speaks with the fluency of a former Emergency Medical Technician (EMT), Medicine at the Margins delves deep into the world of EMTs and paramedics in American ci�es.

Excludes Japan & ANZ

Mother Cow, Mother India

Native Agency

Indians in the Bureau of Indian Affairs Valerie Lambert

A Multispecies Politics of Dairy in India Yamini Narayanan

Indigenous Americas January 2023 344pp 9781517914530 £21.99/ $27.00 PB 9781517914523 £93.00/ $108.00 HB

South Asia in Mo�on February 2023 392pp 9781503634374 £24.99/ $30.00 PB 9781503634367 £77.00/ $90.00 HB



Provides an essen�al look at an intriguing and impac�ul form of Indigenous resistance. It describes the con�nuing assaults made on Na�ve peoples and tribal sovereignty in the United States during the twenty-first century, and it sketches the visions of the future that Indians at the BIA and in Indian Country have been cra�ing for themselves.

How cows, buffaloes and their calves are embroiled in India's dairy industrial complex as reproduc�ve, religious, and poli�cal capital of the Hindutva cow protec�on agenda, an authoritarian form of Hindu na�onalism.

Excludes Japan & ANZ


Oaxaca in Motion

Pastoral Power, Clerical State

An Ethnography of Internal, Transnational, and Return Migration Iván Sandoval-Cervantes

Pentecostalism, Gender, and Sexuality in Nigeria Ebenezer Obadare Foreword by Jacob K. Olupona

October 2022 152pp 9781477326053 £22.99/ $27.95 PB 9781477326046 £77.00/ $90.00 HB

Contending Moderni�es September 2022 182pp 9780268203146 £28.99/ $35.00 PB 9780268203139 £86.00/ $100.00 HB


Oaxaca in Mo�on documents a revealing irony in the la�er sort: internal migra�on o�en is global in character, mo�vated by foreign affairs and interna�onal economic integra�on, and it is no less transforma�ve than its cross-border analogue. This book is an expansive survey of the cultural fluctua�ons experienced by Oaxacan migrants both inside and outside of Mexico.


Ebenezer Obadare inves�gates the social origins of clerical authority in modern-day Nigeria with an eye to parallel developments and pa�erns within the broader African society.


Places in Knots

Encountering Humanity's Dark Side Antonius C.G.M. Robben & Alex Hinton

Remoteness and Connectivity in the Himalayas and Beyond Martin Saxer January 2023 234pp 26 b&w hts., 4 maps 9781501766893 £17.99/ $21.95 PB

Stanford Studies in Human Rights January 2023 224pp 9781503634275 £20.99/ $25.00 PB 9781503630673 £73.00/ $85.00 HB


Tracing the experiences of mobile Himalayan across the globe, Places in Knots describes the ways in which Himalayan communi�es relate to the mul�ple places they inhabit and the work and trouble of keeping them �ed together. This book describes global Himalayan ventures as a form of expansion of community rather than out-migra�on. Moving out does not sever the bonds of community. Rather, moving out is the pull that �es the knot.


Drawing on decades of on-the-ground research, Antonius Robben and Alex Hinton explore how researchers go about not just interviewing and wri�ng about perpetrators, but also processing their own emo�ons and considering how the personal and interpersonal impact of this sort of research informs the texts that emerge from them.

Political Children

Practicing Sectarianism

Violence, Labor, and Rights in Peru Mikaela Luttrell-Rowland

Archival and Ethnographic Interventions on Lebanon Edited by Lara Deeb, Tsolin Nalbantian & Nadya Sbaiti

February 2023 264pp 9781503634022 £22.99/ $28.00 PB 9781503633360 £77.00/ $90.00 HB

November 2022 272pp 9781503633865 £22.99/ $28.00 PB 9781503631090 £77.00/ $90.00 HB



Argues for new methods of listening to marginalized young people so as to be�er understand everyday prac�ces of state power and violence. Grounded in extensive interviews, longitudinal ethnography, historical analysis, and archival work, Mikaela Lu�rell-Rowland shows how two separate groups of working young people in Lima, Peru, have become poli�cal protagonists, resis�ng and cri�quing inequality and injus�ce.

Prac�cing Sectarianism brings anthropologists and historians together to inves�gate the imagina�ve and contradictory ways people live and prac�ce sectarianism in their everyday lives, with the ul�mate goal of destabilizing sect as a category and sectarianism as a concept.



Rubber Boots Methods for the Anthropocene

Food Politics and Agrarian Life in the Andean Highlands Linda J. Seligmann

Doing Fieldwork in Multispecies Worlds Edited by Astrid Oberborbeck Andersen, Nils Bubandt & Rachel Cypher

Interp Culture New Millennium December 2022 224pp 36 b&w photos, 2 tables 9780252086885 £20.99/ $25.00 PB 9780252044793 £88.00/ $110.00 HB

February 2023 456pp 57 b&w illus. 9781517911652 £28.99/ $34.95 PB 9781517911645 £120.00/ $140.00 HB


Quinoa's new status as a superfood has altered the economic fortunes of Quechua farmers in the Andean highlands. Linda J. Seligmann journeys to the Huanoquite region of Peru to track the mixed blessings brought about by the surging worldwide popularity of this "exquisite grain."


Excludes Taiwan, Japan, SE Asia & ANZ

Excludes Japan & ANZ

A methodological follow-up to Arts of Living on a Damaged Planet. Retools the empirical study of the socioecological chaos of the contemporary moment across the arts, human science, and natural science

Ruderal City

Staple Security

Ecologies of Migration, Race, and Urban Nature in Berlin Bettina Stoetzer

Bread and Wheat in Egypt Jessica Barnes October 2022 320pp 45 illus. 9781478018520 £22.99/ $27.95 PB 9781478015864 £90.00/ $104.95 HB

Experimental Futures December 2022 344pp 37 illus. 9781478018605 £23.99/ $28.95 PB 9781478015963 £90.00/ $104.95 HB


Explores the process of sourcing domes�c and foreign wheat for the produc�on of bread and its consump�on across urban and rural se�ngs. Theorizes the nexus between food and security, drawing a�en�on to staples and the lengths to which people go to secure their consistent availability and quality.


Traces the more-than-human rela�onships between people, plants, and animals in contemporary Berlin, showing how Berlin’s “urban nature” becomes a key site in which no�ons of ci�zenship and belonging as well as racialized, gendered, and classed inequali�es become apparent. Helps us rethink the space of nature and culture and the categories through which we make sense of urban life in inhospitable �mes.

Terror Trials

The City Electric

Thinking from Elsewhere November 2022 272pp 4 b/w illus. 9781531501778 £25.99/ $32.00 PB 9781531501761 £88.00/ $110.00 HB

November 2022 264pp 7 illus. 9781478019145 £21.99/ $26.95 PB 9781478016502 £86.00/ $99.95 HB

Life and Law in Delhi's Courts Mayur R. Suresh

Infrastructure and Ingenuity in Postsocialist Tanzania Michael Degani



Explores how electricity and its piracy has become a key site for urban Tanzanians to enact, experience, and debate their social contract with the state. Moving from the poli�cs of genera�on contracts down to the street level experience of blackouts and disconnec�on patrols, he reveals the logics of infrastructural modifica�on and their effects on everyday life.

In an ethnography of terrorism trials in Delhi, the author shows how those charged with terror engage with legal technicali�es. The book shows how the ordinary procedures that lie at the heart of the trial are the mode through which human expressiveness and vulnerability emerge in the face of the law.


The Ends of Paradise

The Promise of Multispecies Justice

Race, Extraction, and the Struggle for Black Life in Honduras Christopher Loperena

Edited by Sophie Chao, Karin Bolender & Eben Kirksey

September 2022 296pp 23 illus. 9781478018896 £21.99/ $26.95 PB 9781478016250 £86.00/ $99.95 HB

November 2022 216pp 9781503634008 £22.99/ $28.00 PB 9781503632950 £77.00/ $90.00 HB



What are the possibili�es for mul�species jus�ce? How do social jus�ce struggles intersect with the lives of animals, plants, and other creatures? Leading thinkers in anthropology, geography, philosophy, specula�ve fic�on, poetry, and contemporary art answer these ques�ons from diverse grounded loca�ons.

The future of Honduras begins and ends on the white sand beaches of Tela Bay where Garifuna, a Black Indigenous people, have resided for over two hundred years. Loperena examines the Garifuna struggle for life and demonstrates how this struggle challenges concerted efforts by the state and mul�lateral ins�tu�ons to render both their lands and their culture into fungible tourism products.

To Save Heaven and Earth

Unraveling Time

January 2023 312pp 1 b&w ht., 4 maps 9781501767111 £26.99/ $32.95 PB

December 2022 232pp 9781477326190 £24.99/ $29.95 PB 9781477326183 £77.00/ $90.00 HB

Thirty Years of Ethnography in Cuenca, Ecuador Ann Miles

Rescue in the Rwandan Genocide Jennie E. Burnet CORNELL UNIVERSITY PRESS


Considers people who risked their lives in the 1994 Rwanda genocide of Tutsi to try and save those targeted for killing. By shi�ing focus away from these classic typologies of genocide studies and focusing instead on hundreds of thousands of discrete acts that unfold over �me, Burnet highlights the ways that complex decisions and behaviors emerge in the social, poli�cal, and economic processes that cons�tute a genocide.

Unraveling Time traces the enduring consequences of poli�cal and social movements, transna�onal migra�on, and economic development in Cuenca. The author’s approach not only reveals what change has meant in a major La�n American city but also serves as a reflec�on on ethnography itself. A compelling chronicle of economic, poli�cal, and social development in Cuenca.

Unruly Speech

We Are All Survivors

Displacement and the Politics of Transgression Saskia Witteborn

Verbal, Ritual, and Material Ways of Narrating Disaster and Recovery Edited by Carl Lindahl, Michael Dylan Foster & Kate Parker Horigan

Globaliza�on in Everyday Life January 2023 248pp 9781503634305 £22.99/ $28.00 PB 9781503633391 £77.00/ $90.00 HB

October 2022 186pp 23 b&w illus. 9780253063762 £20.99/ $25.00 PB 9780253063755 £52.00/ $60.00 HB


Unruly Speech explores how Uyghurs in China and in the diaspora transgress sociopoli�cal limits with "unruly" communica�on prac�ces in a quest for change. Saskia Wi�eborn situates her study against the backdrop of displacement as a communica�ve and spa�al phenomenon and focuses on how naming prac�ces and witness accounts can operate as tools of ac�vism, resistance, and communica�on.


What is the role of folklore in the discussion of catastrophe and trauma? How do disaster survivors use language, ritual, and the material world to ar�culate their experiences? We Are All Survivors is a collec�on of essays exploring the role of folklore in the wake of disaster. 9

Where They Need Me

You Can't Go to War without Song

Local Clinicians and the Workings of Global Health in Haiti Pierre Minn

Performance and Community Mobilization in South Africa Omotayo Jolaosho

September 2022 192pp 4 b&w hts. 9781501763854 £20.99/ $24.95 PB 9781501763847 £108.00/ $125.00 HB

October 2022 310pp 2 maps 9780253063212 £39.00/ $45.00 PB 9780253063205 £77.00/ $90.00 HB



Examines the work of Hai�an health professionals in humanitarian aid encounters. Minn argues that a serious considera�on of these local health care providers in the context of global health is essen�al to counter simplis�c depic�ons of clinicians and pa�ents as heroes, villains, or vic�ms.

Explores the role of public performance in poli�cal ac�vism in contemporary South Africa. Omotayo Jolaosho examines the cohesive power of protest songs and dances within the An�-Priva�sa�on Forum (APF), one of many social movements that emerged in the wake of South Africa's democra�c transi�on a�er 1994.

Youth in Egypt

recent highlight

Identity, Participation, and Opportunity Nadine Sika

History of Theory and Method in Anthropology

February 2023 224pp 13 b&w illus. 9781479819539 £22.99/ $28.00 PB 9781479819522 £77.00/ $89.00 HB

Regna Darnell

Cri�cal Studies in the History of Anthropology June 2022 348pp 4 photos, 4 tables 9781496231307 £24.99/ $30.00 PB 9781496224163 £85.00/ $99.00 HB


Explores the poli�cal world of young people in Egypt, focusing on their experiences under authoritarianism. Drawing on surveys, interviews, and focus groups, Youth in Egypt shines a light on the rising genera�on of young people that represents Egypt's future and also has significant implica�ons for the broader Middle East and North Africa region.


Offers a cri�cal reexamina�on of the theore�cal orienta�on of the Americanist tradi�on, centered on the work of Franz Boas, and the professionaliza�on of anthropology as an academic discipline in the US in the late nineteenth and early twen�eth centuries.

Excludes Taiwan, Japan, SE Asia & ANZ

Books stocked at Marston Book Services Tel: +44 (0)1235 465500 10

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