Anthropology Fall 2020 Catalogue

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Anthropology Fall 2020

Books stocked at Marston Book Services Tel: +44 (0)1235 465500

American Gamelan and the Ethnomusicological Imagination

Arc of the Journeyman

Afghan Migrants in England Nichola Khan

Muslim International January 2021 288pp 2 b&w illus. 9781517909628 £20.99 / $27.00 PB 9781517909611 £89.00 / $108.00 HB UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA PRESS

Elizabeth A. Clendinning

September 2020 264pp 9780252085291 £22.99 / $30.00 PB 9780252043383 £88.00 / $110.00 HB UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS PRESS

In this first full-scale ethnography of Afghan migrants in England, Khan examines the imprint of violence, displacement, kinship obligations, and mobility on the lives and work of Pashtun journeyman taxi drivers in Britain. Excludes Japan & ANZ

Illuminates what it means to devote one’s life to world music ensemble education by examining the career and community surrounding the Balinese-American performer and teacher I Made Lasmawan. Excludes SE Asia, Indian SC & ANZ

Bad Dog

Black Food Matters

Pit Bull Politics and Multispecies Justice Harlan Weaver, Series edited by Banu Subramaniam & Rebecca Herzig

Racial Justice in the Wake of Food Justice Edited by Hanna Garth & Ashanté M. Reese

October 2020 256pp 6 b&w illus. 9781517908140 £21.99 / $28.00 PB 9781517908133 £93.00 / $112.00 HB UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA PRESS

Feminist Technosciences December 2020 272pp 2 b&w illus. 9780295748023 £22.99 / $30.00 PB 9780295748016 £76.00 / $95.00 HB UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON PRESS

Analyzes how Blackness is contested through food, differing ideas of what makes our sustenance “healthy,” and Black individuals’ own beliefs about what their cuisine should be. Excludes Japan & ANZ

Explores how relationships between humans and animals shape experiences of race, gender, ethnicity, sexuality, nation, breed, and species.


Channeling Moroccanness

How Stolen People Changed the World Catherine M. Cameron

Language and the Media of Sociality Becky L. Schulthies

Borderlands and Transcultural Studies November 2020 234pp 6 photos, 4 illus. 9781496222206 £19.99 / $25.00 PB UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA PRESS

November 2020 240pp 9780823289721 £24.99 / $32.00 PB 9780823289714 £88.00 / $110.00 HB FORDHAM UNIVERSITY PRESS

Provides a detailed comparative study of captivetaking in small-scale societies and explores the profound impacts captives had on the societies they joined. Cameron’s book opens new avenues of research about captives as significant sources of culture change.

What does it mean to connect as a people through mass media? This book approaches that question by exploring how Moroccans engage communicative failure as they seek to shape social and political relations in urban Fez.


Collaborative Anthropology Today

Drawing the Sea Near

Satoumi and Coral Reef Conservation in Okinawa C. Anne Claus

A Collection of Exceptions Edited by Dominic Boyer & George E. Marcus

November 2020 256pp 16 b&w illus. 9781517906627 £20.99 / $27.00 PB 9781517906610 £89.00 / $108.00 HB UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA PRESS

January 2021 240pp 39 b&w hts., 2 b&w line drawings 9781501753350 £20.99 / $26.95 PB 9781501753343 £95.00 / $115.00 HB CORNELL UNIVERSITY PRESS

How Japanese coastal residents and transnational conservationists collaborated to foster Assembles ventures in collaborative anthropology relationships between humans and sea life. Excludes Japan & ANZ and puts them in dialogue with one another to explore the surge of interest in creating new kinds of ethnographic and theoretical partnerships.

Enduring Cancer

Exile from the Grasslands

Life, Death, and Diagnosis in Delhi Dwaipayan Banerjee

Tibetan Herders and Chinese Development Projects Jarmila Ptáčková, Series edited by Stevan Harrell

Critical Global Health: Evidence, Efficacy, Ethnography August 2020 240pp 32 illus. 9781478009559 £20.99 / $25.95 PB 9781478008620 £83.00 / $99.95 HB DUKE UNIVERSITY PRESS

Studies on Ethnic Groups in China December 2020 176pp 17 b&w illus., 5 maps, 1 table 9780295748191 £22.99 / $30.00 PB 9780295748184 £76.00 / $95.00 HB UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON PRESS

Banerjee explores the efforts of Delhi’s urban poor to create a livable life with cancer as they negotiate an over-extended health system unequipped to respond to the disease.

Documents the viewpoints of those affected by the Great Opening of the West and the Chinese officials charged with relocating them.

Folklore Concepts

Histories and Critiques Dan Ben-Amos Edited by Henry Glassie & Elliott Oring

September 2020 260pp 2 b&w tables 9780253049568 £28.99 / $36.00 PB 9780253049551 £74.00 / $90.00 HB INDIANA UNIVERSITY PRESS

Henry Glassie and Elliott Oring have curated a selection of Ben-Amos’s groundbreaking essays that explore folklore as a category in cultural communication and as a subject of scholarly research.

Folklore in the United States and Canada

An Institutional History Edited by Patricia Sawin & Rosemary Levy Zumwalt

October 2020 308pp 48 b&w illus. 9780253052896 £27.99 / $35.00 PB 9780253052872 £70.00 / $85.00 HB INDIANA UNIVERSITY PRESS

Folklore in the United States and Canada is an essential guide to the history and development of academic folklore programs throughout the United States and Canada.


Foresters, Borders, and Bark Beetles

Gardens of Gold

Place-Making in Papua New Guinea Jamon Alex Halvaksz Foreword & Series edited by K. Sivaramakrishnan

The Future of Europe’s Last Primeval Forest Eunice Blavascunas

September 2020 236pp 20 b&w illus., 1 map 9780253049605 £18.99 / $24.00 PB 9780253049582 £62.00 / $75.00 HB INDIANA UNIVERSITY PRESS

Culture, Place, and Nature September 2020 248pp 4 b&w illus., 7 maps, 5 charts, 8 tables 9780295747590 £22.99 / $30.00 PB UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON PRESS

Provides an intimate ethnographic account of Europe’s last primeval forest, gathered in more than 20 years of research, to untangle complex forest conflicts between protection and use.

Jamon Halvaksz examines the role of place in informing indigenous relationships with conservation and development.

Genetic Afterlives

Indigenous Dispossession

Black Jewish Indigeneity in South Africa Noah Tamarkin

Housing and Maya Indebtedness in Mexico M. Bianet Castellanos

Theory in Forms September 2020 280pp 27 illus. 9781478009689 £20.99 / $26.95 PB 9781478008828 £83.00 / $99.95 HB DUKE UNIVERSITY PRESS

December 2020 200pp 9781503614345 £21.99 / $25.00 PB 9781503603288 £74.00 / $85.00 HB STANFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS

Illustrates how Lemba people in South Africa give their own meanings to the results of DNA tests that substantiated their ancestral connections to Jews and employ them to manage competing claims of Jewish ethnic and religious identity, African indigeneity, and South African citizenship.

Examines how Maya families grapple with the ramifications of neoliberal housing policies. M. Bianet Castellanos relates Maya migrants’ experiences with housing and mortgage finance in Cancún, one of Mexico’s fastest-growing cities.

Laura Nader

Liquor Store Theatre Maya Stovall

Letters to and from an Anthropologist Laura Nader

Black Outdoors: Innovations in the Poetics of Study November 2020 312pp 32 color illus. 9781478011125 £21.99 / $27.95 PB 9781478010098 £87.00 / $104.95 HB DUKE UNIVERSITY PRESS

November 2020 422pp 8 b&w hts. 9781501752247 £33.00 / $39.95 HB CORNELL UNIVERSITY PRESS

Documents decades of letters written, received, and archived by esteemed author and anthropologist Laura Nader. She revisits her correspondence with academic colleagues, lawyers, politicians, military officers, and many others, all with unique and insightful perspectives on a variety of social and political issues.

Stovall uses her Liquor Store Theatre conceptual art project—in which she danced near her Detroit neighborhood’s liquor stores as a way to start conversations with her neighbors—as a point of departure for understanding everyday life in Detroit and the possibilities for ethnographic research, art, and knowledge creation.


Maria Czaplicka

Marriage Without Borders

Gender, Shamanism, Race Grazyna Kubica, Translated by Ben Koschalka

Transnational Spouses in Neoliberal Senegal Dinah Hannaford

Critical Studies in the History of Anthropology November 2020 630pp 69 photographs, 4 illus., 1 map, 2 tables 9781496222619 £70.00 / $85.00 HB UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA PRESS

Contemporary Ethnography November 2020 180pp 9780812224740 £22.99 / $29.95 PB UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA PRESS

Provides a rich account of the costs of global neoliberal economic policy for families in the global south, with a focus on Senegalese migrants in Europe and their wives who are left behind.

Biography of the Polish British anthropologist Maria Czaplicka (1884–1921) and cultural study of the dynamics of the anthropological collective presented from a researcher-centric perspective.

Mekong Dreaming

Nostalgia after Apartheid

Life and Death along a Changing River Andrew Alan Johnson

Disillusionment, Youth, and Democracy in South Africa Amber R. Reed

August 2020 216pp 12 illus. 9781478010821 £20.99 / $25.95 PB 9781478009771 £83.00 / $99.95 HB DUKE UNIVERSITY PRESS

Kellogg Institute Series on Democracy and Development November 2020 258pp 9780268108779 £50.00 / $60.00 HB UNIVERSITY OF NOTRE DAME PRESS

Explores the changing relationship between the river and the residents of Ban Beuk, a village on the Thailand-Laos border, by focusing on the effect that construction has had on human and inhuman elements of the villagers’ world.

A unique approach on how the attempted postapartheid reforms have failed rural Black South Africans, and how this failure has led to a nostalgia for the conditions that oppressed them.

Paper Trails

Race-ing Fargo

Migrants, Documents, and Legal Insecurity Edited by Sarah B. Horton & Josiah Heyman

Refugees, Citizenship, and the Transformation of Small Cities Jennifer Erickson

October 2020 282pp 16 b&w hts., 3 maps 9781501751158 £20.99 / $26.95 PB 9781501751134 £95.00 / $115.00 HB CORNELL UNIVERSITY PRESS

Global Insecurities July 2020 264pp 9781478008453 £20.99 / $26.95 PB 9781478007944 £83.00 / $99.95 HB DUKE UNIVERSITY PRESS

Race-ing Fargo focuses on the role that gender, religion, and sociality play in everyday interactions between refugees from South Sudan and Bosnia-Herzegovina and the dominant white Euro-American population of the city.

Examines migrants’ relationship to the state through requirements to obtain identification documents in order to get legal status. Analyzes immigration policies in the UK and the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals programs.


Remaking Muslim Lives

Return to Ruin

Everyday Islam in Postwar Bosnia and Herzegovina David Henig

Iraqi Narratives of Exile and Nostalgia Zainab Saleh

Interpretations of Culture in the New Millennium October 2020 208pp 9780252085215 £20.99 / $28.00 PB 9780252043291 £88.00 / $110.00 HB UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS PRESS

November 2020 272pp 9781503614116 £19.99 / $25.00 PB 9781503607026 £70.00 / $85.00 HB STANFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS

With the U.S. invasion of Iraq, Iraqis abroad, hoping to return one day to a better Iraq, became uncertain exiles. Return to Ruin tells the human story of this exile in the context of decades of U.S. imperial interests in Iraq.

Questions how contemporary religious imagination, experience, and practice infuse and interact with social forms and with the legacies of past ruptures and critical events. Excludes SE Asia, Indian SC & ANZ

Shaving the Beasts

Seeing Like a Child

Inheriting the Korean War Clara Han, Foreword by Richard Rechtman

Wild Horses and Ritual in Spain John Hartigan Jr. November 2020 272pp 54 b/w illus. 9781517904746 £19.99 / $24.95 PB UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA PRESS

Thinking from Elsewhere November 2020 208pp 9780823289462 £18.99 / $25.00 PB 9780823289455 £72.00 / $90.00 HB FORDHAM UNIVERSITY PRESS

Wild horses still roam the mountains of Galicia, Spain. But each year, in a ritual dating to the 1500s called rapa das bestas, villagers herd these “beasts” together and shave their manes and tails. This is a firsthand account of how the horses experience this traumatic rite. Excludes Japan & ANZ

An utterly original and illuminating work that meets at the crossroads of autobiography and ethnography to reexamine violence and memory through the eyes of a child.

Storytelling in Siberia

The Ends of Kinship

The Olonkho Epic in a Changing World Robin P Harris

Connecting Himalayan Lives between Nepal and New York Sienna R. Craig, Series edited by Padma Kaimal, K. Sivaramakrishnan & Anand A. Yang

Folklore Studies in Multicultural World October 2020 256pp 9780252085529 £22.99 / $30.00 PB UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS PRESS

Olonkho, the epic narrative and song tradition of Siberia’s Sakha people, declined to the brink of extinction during the Soviet era. Robin P. Harris documents how the Sakha have used the Masterpiece program to revive olonkho and strengthen their cultural identity. Excludes SE Asia, Indian SC & ANZ

Global South Asia October 2020 312pp 9 b&w illus., 2 maps 9780295747699 £22.99 / $30.00 PB 9780295747682 £76.00 / $95.00 HB UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON PRESS

Asks how do different generations abide with and understand each other?


The Globally Familiar

The Greater India Experiment

Digital Hip Hop, Masculinity, and Urban Space in Delhi Ethiraj Gabriel Dattatreyan

Hindutva and the Northeast Arkotong Longkumer

October 2020 272pp 17 illus. 9781478011200 £21.99 / $26.95 PB 9781478010159 £83.00 / $99.95 HB DUKE UNIVERSITY PRESS

South Asia in Motion December 2020 328pp 9781503614222 £23.99 / $30.00 PB 9781503613461 £74.00 / $90.00 HB STANFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS

How the young men of Delhi’s hip hop scene construct themselves on- and off-line and how digital platforms offer these young men the means to reimagine themselves and their city through hip hop.

For the first time, Longkumer constructs a comprehensive understanding of Hindutva, an idea central to the establishment of a Hindu nation-state, focusing on the Sangh Parivar’s engagement with indigenous peoples in a region that has long resisted the “idea of India.”

The Occupied Clinic

Toward a Sound Ecology

Militarism and Care in Kashmir Saiba Varma

New and Selected Essays Jeff Todd Titon

October 2020 240pp 28 illus. 9781478010982 £20.99 / $25.95 PB 9781478009924 £83.00 / $99.95 HB DUKE UNIVERSITY PRESS

August 2020 324pp 9 b&w illus. 9780253049681 £31.00 / $38.00 PB 9780253049674 £83.00 / $100.00 HB INDIANA UNIVERSITY PRESS

Explores spaces of military and humanitarian care in Indian-controlled Kashmir— the world’s most militarized place—to examine the psychic, ontological, and political entanglements between medicine and violence.

How does sound ecology—an acoustic connective tissue among communities— also become a basis for a healthy economy and a just community? Titon’s collected essays address his growing concerns with people making music, holistic ecological approaches to music, and sacred transformations of sound.


Village Gone Viral

Remaking Personhood in a Neurodiverse Age Matthew J. Wolf-Meyer

Understanding the Spread of Policy Models in a Digital Age Marit Tolo Østebø

October 2020 296pp 9781517909147 £20.99 / $27.00 PB 9781517909130 £89.00 / $108.00 HB UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA PRESS

Anthropology of Policy February 2021 264pp 9781503614529 £21.99 / $28.00 PB 9781503614512 £77.00 / $90.00 HB STANFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS

Developing a cybernetic model of subjectivity and personhood that honors disability experiences to In 2001, Ethiopian Television aired a documentary about Awra Amba which challenged images of reconceptualize the category of the human. Ethiopia as gender-conservative and aidExcludes Japan & ANZ dependent. Using this example this book considers the circulation and use of modeling practices in a transnational & digital policy world.


Virulent Zones

Animal Disease and Global Health at China’s Pandemic Epicenter Lyle Fearnley

Experimental Futures October 2020 296pp 22 illus. 9781478011057 £20.99 / $26.95 PB 9781478009993 £86.00 / $99.95 HB DUKE UNIVERSITY PRESS

Situates the production of ecological facts about the likely epicenter of viral pandemics inside the shifting cultural landscapes of agrarian change and the geopolitics of global health.

Voluminous States

Sovereignty, Materiality, and the Territorial Imagination Edited by Franck Billé Afterword by Debbora Battaglia

August 2020 304pp 13 illus. 9781478008422 £21.99 / $27.95 PB 9781478007913 £90.00 / $104.95 HB DUKE UNIVERSITY PRESS

Conceiving of sovereign space as volume rather than area, the contributors explore how such a conception reveals and underscores the 3D nature of modern territorial governance.

Books stocked at Marston Book Services Tel: +44 (0)1235 465500

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