Anthropology Subject Catalogue - Fall 2021

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A Mass Conspiracy to Feed People

Adivasi Art and Activism

Food Not Bombs and the WorldClass Waste of Global Cities David Boarder Giles

Curation in a Nationalist Age

Alice Tilche, Series edited by Padma Kaimal, K. Sivaramakrishnan & Anand A. Yang

September 2021 340pp 48 illus. 9781478014416 £21.99/ $28.95 PB 9781478013495 £84.00/ $104.95 HB

Global South Asia February 2022 272pp 14 b&w illus. 9780295749716 £22.99/ $30.00 PB 9780295749709 £79.00/ $99.00 HB



David Boarder Giles traces the work of Food Not Bombs—a global movement of grassroots soup kitchens that recover wasted grocery surpluses and redistribute them to those in need—to examine the rela�onship between waste and scarcity in global ci�es under late capitalism and the fight for food jus�ce.

Alice Tilche charts changes in adivasi aesthe�cs, home life, a�re, food, and ideas of religiosity emerging from nego�a�on with the homogenizing forces of Hinduiza�on, development, and globaliza�on.

Amazonian Cosmopolitans

Amazonian Kichwa of the Curaray River

Navigating a Shamanic Cosmos, Shifting Indigenous Policies, and Other Modern Projects Suzanne Oakdale

Kinship and History in the Western Amazon Mary-Elizabeth Reeve

January 2022 210pp 14 photos, 2 maps 9781496228802 £48.00/ $60.00 HB

February 2022 258pp 6 photos, 1 map 9781496230010 £48.00/ $60.00 HB



Drawing on recent studies in kinship, landscape from an indigenous perspec�ve, and social scaling, this ethnography explores ways in which Amazonian Kichwa narra�ve, ritual, and concepts of place link extended kin groups into a regional society within Amazonian Ecuador.

Focuses on the autobiographical accounts of two Brazilian Indigenous leaders, Prepori and Sabino, Kawaiwete men whose lives spanned the twen�eth century. Explores how they lived in a much more complicated and globally connected Amazon than most people realize.

Anthropology, Film Industries, Modularity

At the Limits of Cure Bharat Jayram Venkat

Edited by Ramyar D. Rossoukh & Steven C. Caton

Cri�cal Global Health: Evidence, Efficacy, Ethnography October 2021 308pp 17 illus. 9781478014720 £20.99/ $27.95 PB 9781478013792 £80.00/ $104.95 HB

October 2021 296pp 12 illus. 9781478014904 £20.99/ $26.95 PB 9781478013969 £84.00/ $99.95 HB



Drawing on historical and ethnographic research on tuberculosis in India, Bharat Jayram Venkat explores what it means to be cured and what it means for a cure to be par�al, temporary, or selec�vely effec�ve.

The contributors to Anthropology, Film Industries, Modularity take an anthropological and compara�ve approach to capturing the diversity and growth of global film industries, bringing into relief common film produc�on prac�ces as well as the local con�ngencies and deeper cultural reali�es at work in every film industry. 1

Between Dreams and Ghosts

Between Gaia and Ground

Indian Migration and Middle Eastern Oil Andrea Wright

Four Axioms of Existence and the Ancestral Catastrophe of Late Liberalism Elizabeth A. Povinelli

Stanford Studies in Middle Eastern and Islamic Socie�es and Cultures November 2021 288pp 9781503630109 £20.99/ $28.00 PB 9781503629516 £72.00/ $90.00 HB

September 2021 200pp 5 illus. 9781478014577 £18.99/ $24.95 PB 9781478013648 £76.00/ $94.95 HB



Over a million Indians travel annually to work in oil projects in the Gulf, one of the few interna�onal des�na�ons offering lucra�ve employment to men without formal educa�on. Andrea Wright demonstrates how migra�on is deeply informed both by workers’ dreams for the future and the legacies of colonial capitalism.

Elizabeth A. Povinelli theorizes the clima�c, environmental, viral, and social catastrophe present as an ancestral catastrophe that Indigenous and colonized peoples have been suffering through for centuries. In this way, the violence and philosophies the West relies on now threatens the West itself.

Cargoes in Motion

Citizens without a City

Materiality and Connectivity across the Indian Ocean Edited by Burkhard Schnepel & Julia Verne

Destruction and Despair after the L'Aquila Earthquake Jan-Jonathan Bock February 2022 296pp 22 b&w illus. 9780253058867 £22.99/ $30.00 PB 9780253058850 £56.00/ $70.00 HB

Indian Ocean Studies Series January 2022 344pp 9780821424612 £72.00/ $90.00 HB



In Ci�zens without a City, Jan-Jonathan Bock reveals how a dispropor�onate government response exacerbated survivors' sense of crisis, divided the local popula�on, and induced new types of poli�cal ac�on. Italy's disenfranchising emergency reac�on relocated ci�zens to camps and sites across a ruined townscape, without a plan for restora�on or return.

Cargoes in Mo�on considers both the materiality and special trajectories of cargoes across the Indian Ocean world in order to be�er understand the processes of exchange and their economic, social, cultural, and poli�cal effects on the region.


Collaborative Damage

From Coca Fields to the Streets Edited by Enrique Desmond Arias & Thomas Grisaffi

An Experimental Ethnography of Chinese Globalization Mikkel Bunkenborg, Morten Nielsen & Morten Axel Pedersen

October 2021 376pp 25 illus. 9781478014652 £21.99/ $28.95 PB 9781478013723 £84.00/ $104.95 HB

February 2022 300pp 19 b&w hts., 1 chart 9781501759833 £32.00/ $39.95 PB 9781501759802 £92.00/ $115.00 HB


The contributors to Cocaine analyze the contemporary produc�on, transit, and consump�on of cocaine throughout La�n America and the illicit economy's entanglement with local communi�es.


Collabora�ve Damage is an experimental ethnography of Chinese globaliza�on that compares data from two frontlines of China's global interven�on—Sub-Saharan Africa and Inner/Central Asia. 2

Collective Biologies

Come Now, Let Us Argue It Out

Healing Social Ills through Sexual Health Research in Mexico Emily A. Wentzell

Counter-Conduct and LGBTQ Evangelical Activism Jon Burrow-Branine

November 2021 pp 240 9781478014881 £19.99/ $25.95 PB 9781478013945 £80.00/ $99.95 HB

Anthropology of Contemporary North America November 2021 306pp 7 photos 9781496228192 £22.99/ $30.00 PB 9781496224200 £79.00/ $99.00 HB



Analyzing a longitudinal study of HPV occurrence in men in Cuernavaca, Mexico, Emily A. Wentzell explores how people can use individual health behaviors like par�cipa�ng in medical research to enhance group well-being amid crisis and change.

A look into a community that challenges common narra�ves about what it means to be LGBTQ and Chris�an in the contemporary United States. Provides an ethnography of how some LGBTQ and LGBTQ-suppor�ve Chris�ans nego�ate iden�ty and difference and work to create change in evangelicalism.

Commodities of Care

Cultivating the Past, Living the Modern

The Business of HIV Testing in China Elsa L. Fan

The Politics of Time in the Sultanate of Oman Amal Sachedina

November 2021 216pp 9781517907655 £18.99/ $25.00 PB 9781517907648 £80.00/ $100.00 HB

September 2021 288pp 13 b&w hts., 1 map 9781501760020 £22.99/ $29.95 PB 9781501758614 £92.00/ $115.00 HB


Commodi�es of Care examines the unan�cipated effects of global health interven�ons, ideas, and prac�ces as they unfold in communi�es of men who have sex with men (MSM) in China. Targeted for the scaling-up of HIV tes�ng, Elsa L. Fan examines how the impact of this ini�a�ve has transformed these men from subjects of care into commodi�es of care.


Cul�va�ng the Past, Living the Modern explores how and why heritage has emerged as a prevalent force in building the modern na�on state of Oman. Amal Sachedina analyses the rela�ons with the past that undergird the shi� in Oman from an Ibadi shari'a Imamate (1913–1958) to a modern na�on state from 1970 onwards.

Excludes Japan & ANZ


Diabetes in Native Chicago

Edited by Ghassan Hage

An Ethnography of Identity, Community, and Care Margaret Pollak

October 2021 192pp 1 illus. 9781478014737 £18.99/ $24.95 PB 9781478013808 £76.00/ $94.95 HB


September 2021 242pp 3 tables 9781496212061 £44.00/ $55.00 HB

In thirteen sharp essays, the contributors to Decay a�end to the processes and experiences of symbolic and material decay in a variety of sociopoli�cal contexts across the globe. They examine decay in its myriad manifesta�ons— biological, physical, organiza�onal, moral, poli�cal, personal, and social—and in its numerous contexts— colonialism and imperialism, governments and the state, racism, the environment, and infrastructure.


Explores experiences, understandings, and care of diabetes in a Na�ve urban community in Chicago made up of individuals represen�ng more than one hundred tribes from across the United States and Canada.


Digital Hate

Dressing with Purpose

The Global Conjuncture of Extreme Speech Edited by Sahana Udupa, Iginio Gagliardone & Peter Hervik

Belonging and Resistance in Scandinavia Edited by Carrie Hertz

December 2021 260pp 142 color illus., 11 b&w photos, 1 map 9780253058577 £22.99/ $30.00 HB

December 2021 416pp 36 b&w illus., 2 b&w tables 9780253059253 £14.99/ $20.00 PB


Dress helps us fashion iden�ty, history, community, and place. Dressing with Purpose examines three Scandinavian dress tradi�ons—Swedish folkdräkt, Norwegian bunad, and Sámi gák�—and traces their development during two centuries of social and poli�cal change across northern Europe.


Digital Hate provides the first dis�nctly global and interdisciplinary perspec�ve on hateful language online. Moving beyond Euro-American allega�ons of "fake news," contributors draw a�en�on to local idioms and prac�ces and explore the profound implica�ons for how community is imagined, enacted, and brutally enforced around the world.

Faith in Flux

From Family to Police Force

Pentecostalism and Mobility in Rural Mozambique Devaka Premawardhana

Security and Belonging on a South Asian Border Farhana Ibrahim

Contemporary Ethnography September 2021 232pp 8 illus. 9780812225105 £18.99/ $24.95 PB

Police/Worlds: Studies in Security, Crime, and Governance November 2021 210pp 9781501759543 £22.99/ $29.95 PB 9781501759536 £92.00/ $115.00 HB


Recent reports on Pentecostalism in the global South give the impression of an inexorable trajectory of massive growth, but Faith in Flux examines the religion's ambivalent recep�on in northern Mozambique, loca�ng vital insight in the overlooked places where this religion has failed to take root.


From Family to Police Force engages with policing through the produc�on and contesta�on of social, familial, and na�onal order on a South Asian borderland. Farhana Ibrahim looks beyond the obvious sites, sources and modes of policing.

Healing at the Periphery

Legalized Prostitution in Germany

Ethnographies of Tibetan Medicine in India Edited by Laurent Pordié & Stephan Kloos

Inside the New Mega Brothels Annegret Staiger

February 2022 312pp 22 b&w illus., 3 b&w tables 9780253058935 £26.99/ $35.00 PB 9780253058966 £64.00/ $80.00 HB

December 2021 224pp 1 illus. 9781478014454 £19.99/ $25.95 PB 9781478013525 £80.00/ $99.95 HB



The contributors to Healing at the Periphery examine Sowa Rigpa, or Tibetan medicine, and the central part prac��oners of Tibetan healing known as amchis play in Indian Himalayan communi�es and the exile Tibetan community. 4

Germany has been infamously dubbed the "Brothel of Europe," but how does legalized pros�tu�on actually work? Is it empowering or vic�mizing, realis�c or dangerous? Staiger's ethnography engages historical, cultural, and legal context to reframe the brothel as a place of longing and belonging, of affec�ve entanglements between unlikely partners, and of new beginnings across borders.

Loss and Wonder at the World’s End

Love and Liberation Humanitarian Work in Ethiopia's Somali Region Lauren Carruth

Laura A. Ogden

October 2021 200pp 56 illus., incl. 1 in color 9781478014560 £18.99/ $24.95 PB 9781478013631 £76.00/ $94.95 HB

October 2021 240pp 8 b&w hts., 1 map, 1 chart 9781501759666 £22.99/ $29.95 PB 9781501759475 £92.00/ $115.00 HB



Laura A. Ogden considers a wide range of people, animal, and objects together as a way to catalog the ways environmental change and colonial history are entangled in the Fuegian Archipelago of southernmost Chile and Argen�na.

Love and Libera�on tells a new kind of humanitarian story—the protagonists are not volunteers from afar, but rather, are Somali locals caring for each other. Carruth provides an alterna�ve vision of what "humanitarian" response means in prac�ce—not driven by Interna�onal Humanitarian Law, the missions of Western relief organiza�ons, or trends in the aid industry.

Making a Scene

Making Livable Worlds

December 2021 202pp 9781439920886 £20.99/ $27.95 PB 9781439920879 £59.00/ $74.50 HB

Decolonizing Feminisms November 2021 232pp 5 b&w illus. 9780295749402 £22.99/ $30.00 PB 9780295749396 £79.00/ $99.00 HB

Urban Landscapes, Gentrification, and Social Movements in Sweden Kimberly A. Creasap

Afro-Puerto Rican Women Building Environmental Justice Hilda Lloréns



In the three largest ci�es in Sweden, social movement “scenes”—networks of social movement actors and the places they inhabit—challenge threats such as gentrifica�on. Creasap inves�gates key spaces for scenes, showing how ac�vists develop structures of resistance that are an�-capitalist, an�fascist, an�-gentrifica�on, queer, and feminist.

Making Livable Worlds weaves together autobiography, ethnography, interviews, memories, and fieldwork to recast narra�ves that con�nuously erase Black Puerto Rican women as agents of social change. Lloréns serves as an “ethnographer of home” as she brings to life the powerful histories and tes�monies of a marginalized, disavowed community.

Excludes Asia Pacific

Misreading the Bengal Delta

Movement of the People

Climate Change, Development, and Livelihoods in CoastalBangladesh Camelia Dewan Series Edited & Foreword by by K. Sivaramakrishnan

Hungarian Folk Dance, Populism, and Citizenship Mary N. Taylor New Anthropologies of Europe October 2021 310pp 21 b&w illus., 3 maps 9780253057839 £32.00/ $40.00 PB 9780253057815 £68.00/ $85.00 HB

Culture, Place, and Nature December 2021 240pp 12 b&w illus., 2 maps, 2 tables 9780295749617 £22.99/ $30.00 PB 9780295749600 £79.00/ $99.00 HB


In Movement of the People, Mary N. Taylor takes readers inside the folk revival movement known as dancehouse (táncház) that sustains myriad events where folk dance is central and championed by interna�onal enthusiasts and UNESCO.


This book shows how misreading climate change has served as jus�fica�on for development projects in the Global South that fail to engage with the actual needs of the communi�es they are intended to help.



Mumbai Taximen

Ethnography as Diasporic Praxis Kaushik Sunder Rajan

Autobiographies and Automobilities in India Tarini Bedi

November 2021 272pp 4 illus. 9781478014928 £20.99/ $26.95 PB 9781478013983 £80.00/ $99.95 HB

Series edited by Padma Kaimal, K. Sivaramakrishnan & Anand A. Yang


Global South Asia January 2022 264pp 4 b&w illus., 1 map 9780295749860 £22.99/ $30.00 PB 9780295749853 £79.00/ $99.00 HB

In Mul�situated Kaushik Sunder Rajan evaluates the promises and poten�als of mul�sited ethnography in light of contemporary debates around decolonizing anthropology and the university. He observes that at the current moment, anthropology is increasingly peopled by diasporic students and researchers, all of whom are accountable to mul�ple communi�es beyond the discipline.


In this first book-length study of Mumbai’s taxi industry and of the livelihoods that surround it, Tarini Bedi draws from the lives and voices of chillia taxi drivers who have sustained a hereditary trade for more than a century.

Music in Arabia

New Lives in Anand

Perspectives on Heritage, Mobility, and Nation Edited by Issa Boulos, Virginia Danielson & Anne K. Rasmussen

Building a Muslim Hub in Western India Sanderien Verstappen

Series edited by Padma Kaimal, K. Sivaramakrishnan & Anand A. Yang

September 2021 322pp 50 b&w illus., 4 b&w tables, 8 printed music items 9780253057532 £27.99/ $36.00 PB 9780253057549 £80.00/ $100.00 HB

Global South Asia January 2022 216pp 3 b&w illus., 2 maps, 11 tables 9780295749648 £22.99/ $30.00 PB 9780295749631 £79.00/ $99.00 HB


Contributors to Music in Arabia bring a cri�cal eye and ear to the contemporary soundscape, musical life, and expressive culture in the Gulf region. This collec�on presents fresh perspec�ves and new research addressing why musical expression is fundamental to the area's diverse, transna�onal communi�es.


In 2002, widespread communal violence tore apart hundreds of towns and villages in rural parts of Gujarat. This compelling ethnography asks how people create new socie�es and reconfigure their sense of belonging in the wake of violence.

Orphaned Landscapes

Our Grateful Dead

November 2021 336pp 119 color illus. 9780823298693 £26.99/ $35.00 PB 9780823298686 £100.00/ $125.00 HB

Posthumani�es June 2021 196pp

Violence, Visuality, and Appearance in Indonesia Patricia Spyer

Stories of Those Left Behind Vinciane Despret Translated by Stephen Muecke


9781517911416 £17.99/ $22.95 PB 9781517911409 £73.00/ $92.00 HB

Theorizes the produc�on of monumental street art and other visual media as part of a wider work on appearance in which ordinary people, wi�ngly or unwi�ngly, refigure the aesthe�c forms and sensory environment of their urban surroundings. The book offers an of a place in crisis, while also showing how the work on appearance is inherent to sociopoli�cal change.


Through her unique storytelling woven from ethnographic sources and her own family history, Despret assembles accounts of those who have found ways to live their daily lives with their dead. Excludes Japan & ANZ


Paletó and Me

Plantation Life

Memories of My Indigenous Father Aparecida Vilaça

Corporate Occupation in Indonesia's Oil Palm Zone Tania Murray Li & Pujo Semedi

September 2021 232pp 9781503629332 £16.99/ $22.00 PB

November 2021 264pp 38 illus. 9781478014959 £20.99/ $26.95 PB 9781478013990 £80.00/ $99.95 HB


Winner of the pres�gious Casa de las Américas Prize, Paletó and Me spins a hear�elt story of an improbable rela�onship between an anthropologist and her charisma�c Indigenous father. Aparecida Vilaça shares her memories of life with her adop�ve Wari' family, and the profound personal transforma�ons involved in becoming kin.


Tania Murray Li and Pujo Semedi examine the structure and governance of contemporary palm oil planta�ons in Indonesia, showing how massive forms of capitalist produc�on and control over the palm oil industry replicate colonial-style rela�ons that undermine ci�zenship.

Race Experts

Radical Resilience

Sculpture, Anthropology, and the American Public in Malvina Hoffman's Races of Mankind Linda Kim

Athenian Topographies of Precarity and Possibility Othon Alexandrakis

February 2022 210pp 6 b&w hts. 9781501761447 £20.99/ $26.95 PB 9781501761430 £92.00/ $115.00 HB

Cri�cal Studies in the History of Anthropology September 2021 420pp 86 illus. 9781496228222 £32.00/ $40.00 NIP


Radical Resilience relates narra�ves of Athenians struggling to survive the impoverishment of relentless austerity measures, compounding emergencies and human disasters of successive na�onal crises in Greece since 2010. Drawing on eight years of fieldwork, Alexandrakis examines the effects of injury, erosion and upheaval on individuals already pushed beyond their limits but holding on against all odds.


A compelling examina�on of Malvina Hoffman’s Races of Mankind. Comprised of 104 life-size bronzes, the Races of Mankind was the largest exhibit on race installed in a museum and one of the largest sculptural commissions ever undertaken by a single ar�st.

Reactivating Elements

Reimagining Social Medicine from the South

Chemistry, Ecology, Practice Edited by Dimitris Papadopoulos, María Puig de la Bellacasa & Natasha Myers

Abigail H. Neely

August 2021 200pp 12 illus. 9781478014270 £18.99/ $24.95 PB 9781478013365 £76.00/ $94.95 HB

Elements January 2022 304pp 30 illus. 9781478014362 £20.99/ $27.95 PB 9781478013440 £84.00/ $104.95 HB


In Reimagining Social Medicine from the South, Abigail H. Neely explores social medicine's possibili�es and limita�ons at one of its most important origin sites: the Pholela Community Health Centre (PCHC) in South Africa.


The contributors examine chemicals as they mix with soil, air, water, and fire to shape Earth's troubled ecologies today. They invoke the elements with all their ambivalences as chemical categories, material substances, social forms, forces and energies, cosmological en��es, and epistemic objects.



See How We Roll

Violence Across Time and Space

Enduring Exile between Desert and Urban Australia Melinda Hinkson

Edited by Yael Navaro, Zerrin Ozlem Biner, Alice von Bieberstein & Seda Altuğ


The Ethnography of Poli�cal Violence October 2021 360pp 9780812253498 £60.00/ $75.00 HB

Global Insecuri�es October 2021 248pp 13 illus. 9781478014775 £19.99/ $25.95 PB 9781478013846 £80.00/ $99.95 HB



Melinda Hinkson follows the experiences of Nungarrayi, a Warlpiri woman from the central Australian desert, as she struggles to establish a new life for herself in the city of Adelaide. Banished from her hometown, on the urban streets Nungarrayi energe�cally navigates promises of transforma�on as well as sedimented racialized expecta�ons.

Reverbera�ons aims to generate new concepts and methodologies for the study of poli�cal violence and its a�ermath. Essays a�end to the distribu�on, extension, and endurance of violence across �me, space, materiali�es, and otherworldly dimensions, as well as its embodiment in subjec�vi�es, discourses, and poli�cal imagina�ons.

Single Mothers and the State’s Embrace

Substantial Relations

Reproductive Agency in Vietnam Harriet M. Phinney

Making Global Reproductive Medicine in Postcolonial India Sandra Bärnreuther

November 2021 256pp 5 b&w illus. 9780295749433 £22.99/ $30.00 PB 9780295749426 £79.00/ $99.00 HB

December 2021 186pp 12 b&w hts. 9781501758195 £14.99/ $19.95 PB



Substan�al Rela�ons is about the historical and contemporary making of global reproduc�ve medicine in India, with a focus on In Vitro Fer�liza�on (IVF). It depicts the country's trajectory by tracing the transna�onal travels of biological material, knowledge claims, medical supplies, and financial investments as vital substances that have animated this medical field.

In the mid-1980s, the shortage of men caused by the Indochina Wars prompted some Vietnamese women to pursue single motherhood by “asking for a child” (xin con)—asking men to get them pregnant outside marriage. Phinney explores the prac�ce of xin con and how it was embraced by the state.

Subversive Archaism

Taxis vs. Uber

The Lewis Henry Morgan Lectures December 2021 264pp 14 illus. 9781478017622 £20.99/ $26.95 PB 9781478015000 £80.00/ $99.95 HB

November 2021 272pp 9781503629677 £19.99/ $26.00 PB 9781503611528 £68.00/ $85.00 HB

Troubling Traditionalists and the Politics of National Heritage Michael Herzfeld

Courts, Markets, and Technology in Buenos Aires Juan Manuel del Nido



Juan M. del Nido considers the upheaval provoked by Uber’s April 2016 launch in Buenos Aires, examining how the clash between Uber and the tradi�onal taxi industry played out in courtrooms, in the press, and on the street.

Michael Herzfeld documents how marginalized groups use official discourses of na�onal tradi�on against the authority of the bureaucra�c na�on-state state and violent repercussions that can o�en follow.


Terror Capitalism

The Aesop's Fable Paradigm

Uyghur Dispossession and Masculinity in a Chinese City Darren Byler

An Unlikely Intersection of Folklore and Science Edited by K. Brandon Barker & Daniel J. Povinelli

December 2021 296pp 15 illus. 9781478017646 £20.99/ $26.95 PB 9781478015024 £80.00/ $99.95 HB

Encounters: Explora�ons in Folklore and Ethnomusicology December 2021 294pp 9780253059222 £32.00/ $40.00 PB


Darren Byler theorizes the contemporary Chinese coloniza�on of the Uyghur Muslim minority group in the northwest autonomous region of Xinjiang, showing how it has led to what he calls terror capitalism—a configura�on of ethno-racializa�on, surveillance, and mass deten�on that in this case promotes se�ler colonialism.


The Aesop's Fable Paradigm is a collec�on of essays that explore the cu�ng-edge intersec�on of Folklore and Science. These chapters examine how science has targeted the well-known Aesop's fable "The Crow and the Pitcher" as their star�ng point.

The History of Anthropology

The Last of His Mind A Year in the Shadow of Alzheimer’s John Thorndike

A Critical Window on the Discipline in North America Regna Darnell

September 2021 264pp 9780804012362 £14.99/ $18.95 PB

Cri�cal Studies in the History of Anthropology October 2021 408pp 9 photos, 2 tables 9781496228147 £26.99/ $35.00 PB 9781496224170 £79.00/ $99.00 HB


The bi�ersweet account of a son’s final year with his Alzheimer’s-stricken father, former Life magazine managing editor Joe Thorndike, and a candid portrait of an implacable disease. For this second edi�on, author John Thorndike has wri�en a new introduc�on with updated sta�s�cs and important lessons.


This volume on the history of anthropology emphasizes schools of theory, ins�tu�onal connec�ons, social networks, and collabora�ve research with North American Indigenous communi�es. Regna Darnell, a fi�y-year veteran of the field, brings unsurpassed historicist and presen�st interpreta�ons of the discipline’s legacy.

The Origins of COVID-19

The Social Life of Standards

China and Global Capitalism Li Zhang

Ethnographic Methods for Local Engagement Edited by Janice E. Graham, Christina Holmes, Fiona McDonald & Regna Darnell

August 2021 152pp 9781503630178 £10.99/ $14.00 PB


January 2022 256pp 2 b&w illus, 2 maps, 5 charts 9780774865227 £20.99/ $32.95 NIP

Li Zhang shi�s debate away from narrow cultural, poli�cal, or biomedical frameworks, emphasizing that we must understand the origins of emerging diseases with pandemic poten�al (such as COVID-19) in the more complex and structural entanglements of state-making, science and technology, and global capitalism.


The Social Life of Standards reveals how poli�cal and technical tools for organizing society are developed, applied, subverted, contested, and reassembled as local communi�es interact with standards created by external forces. 9

Excludes SE Asia, Indian sc & ANZ

Threatening Dystopias

Transpacific Developments

The Global Politics of Climate Change Adaptation in Bangladesh Kasia Paprocki

The Politics of Multiple Chinas in Central America Monica DeHart

Cornell Series on Land: New Perspec�ves on Territory, Development, and Environment December 2021 276pp 24 b&w hts., 2 maps 9781501759161 £20.99/ $27.95 PB 9781501759154 £92.00/ $115.00 HB

October 2021 246pp 8 b&w hts. 9781501759451 £17.99/ $23.95 PB 9781501759420 £92.00/ $115.00 HB


Transpacific Developments intervenes in the debates of China's growing presence in La�n America with original ethnographic research that challenges conven�onal thinking about who and what cons�tutes Chinese development in Central America, how it is perceived locally, and what it portends for the future.


Threatening Dystopias draws on ethnographic and archival fieldwork with development prac��oners, policy makers, scien�sts, farmers and rural migrants, to inves�gate the poli�cs of climate change adapta�on in Bangladesh.

Trouillot Remixed

Vehicles of Decolonization

The Michel-Rolph Trouillot Reader Michel-Rolph Trouillot Edited by Yarimar Bonilla, Greg Beckett & Mayanthi L. Fernando

Public Transit in the Palestinian West Bank Maryam S. Griffin Cri�cal Race, Indigeneity, and Rela�onality November 2021 231pp 9781439920794 £24.99/ $32.95 PB 9781439920787 £83.00/ $104.50 HB

November 2021 464pp 5 illus. 9781478014225 £23.99/ $31.95 PB 9781478013310 £92.00/ $114.95 HB



Examining the border-enclosure strategy Israel uses to impose Pales�nian im/mobiliza�on, Maryam Griffin considers the ways public transporta�on in the Pales�nian West Bank is a constant site of social struggle.

This collec�on of wri�ngs from Hai�an anthropologist Michel-Rolph Trouillot includes his most famous, lesser known, and hard to find wri�ngs that demonstrate his enduring importance to Caribbean studies, anthropology, history, postcolonial studies, and poli�cally engaged scholarship more broadly.

Excludes Asia Pacific


What Folklorists Do

Borders, Migration, and the Power of Locomotion Edited by William Walters, Charles Heller & Lorenzo Pezzani

Professional Possibilities in Folklore Studies Edited by Timothy Lloyd

October 2021 268pp 2 b&w illus. 9780253058423 £31.00/ $39.00 PB 9780253058430 £72.00/ $90.00 HB

December 2021 pp 328 9781478014287 £20.99/ $27.95 PB 9781478013372 £84.00/ $104.95 HB


What Folklorists Do examines a wide range of professionals—both within and outside the academy, at the beginning of their careers or holding senior management posi�ons—to demonstrate the many ways that folklore studies can shape and support the ac�vi�es of those trained in it.


The contributors to Viapoli�cs center the vehicle, its infrastructures, and the environments it navigates in the study of migra�on and borders across a range of sites, from ships crossing the Pacific and deporta�on train cars in the United States to treacherous Alpine mountain passes. 10

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