Architecture Fall 2020 Catalogue

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Architecture Fall 2020

Books stocked at Marston Book Services Tel: +44 (0)1235 465500

Building Reuse

Building Socialism

Sustainability, Preservation, and the Value of Design Kathryn Rogers Merlino

The Afterlife of East German Architecture in Urban Vietnam Christina Schwenkel

Sustainable Design Solutions from the Pacific Northwest July 2020 232pp 172 color illus. 9780295748078 £32.00 / $39.95 NIP UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON PRESS

October 2020 440pp 95 illus., incl. 17 in color 9781478011064 £24.99 / $30.95 PB 9781478010012 £95.00 / $114.95 HB DUKE UNIVERSITY PRESS

Makes an impassioned case that truly sustainable design requires reusing and reimagining existing buildings. It includes case studies all located in the Pacific Northwest, a region with a long history of sustainable design and urban growth policies that have made reuse projects feasible.

Analyzes the collaboration between East German and Vietnamese architects and urban planners as they attempted to transform the bombed-out industrial city of Vinh into a model socialist city. Draws on archival and ethnographic research in Vietnam and Germany.

Crafting History


Archiving and the Quest for Architectural Legacy Albena Yaneva

Nature, Place, Craft & Restraint Lake|Flato Architects November 2020 310pp 9781477321416 £36.00 / $45.00 HB UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS PRESS

Expertise: Cultures and Technologies of Knowledge November 2020 258pp 20 b&w hts. 9781501752155 £21.99 / $27.95 PB 9781501751820 £95.00 / $115.00 HB CORNELL UNIVERSITY PRESS

Few design firms are as celebrated as San Antonio–based Lake|Flato Architects, the winners of more than three hundred international, national, and regional awards, including the American Institute of Architects’ Firm of the Year Award. This book features the firm’s large-scale pursuits: arresting, airy, and sustainable public buildings.

n this book we learn how objects are processed and catalogued, how a classification scheme is produced, how models and drawings are preserved, and how born-digital material battles time and technology obsolescence.

Miró Rivera Architects

Modern Mobility Aloft

Building a New Arcadia Juan Miró & Miguel Rivera

Elevated Highways, Architecture, and Urban Change in Pre-Interstate America Amy D. Finstein

September 2020 448pp 9781477321409 £52.00 / $65.00 HB UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS PRESS

The first from the firm, this volume provides critical insight into Miró Rivera Architects’ creative process through texts, 95 drawings, and 231 photographs, exploring two decades of work that has helped bring Texas architecture onto the international stage.

Urban Life, Landscape and Policy October 2020 320pp 9781439919187 £22.99 / $29.95 PB 9781439919170 £92.00 / $115.50 HB TEMPLE UNIVERSITY PRESS

The first study to focus on pre-Interstate urban elevated highways within American architectural and urban history. Excludes Asia Pacific


Modernity for the Masses

Opening Kailasanatha

The Temple in Kanchipuram Revealed in Time and Space Padma Kaimal

Antonio Bonet’s Dreams for Buenos Aires Ana María León

October 2020 312pp 62 b&w illus., 19 color plates, 4 tables 9780295747774 £52.00 / $65.00 HB UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON PRESS

December 2020 328pp 9781477321782 £38.00 / $50.00 HB UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS PRESS

Opening Kailasanatha examines the figures adorning the eighth-century Kailasanatha temple complex in southeastern India, built by rulers who were both warriors and ascetics. Padma Kaimal deciphers the intentions of the monument’s makers, reaching back across centuries to illuminate worldviews of the ancient Indic south.

Follows Catalan architect Antonio Bonet’s decades-long, state-backed quest to house Buenos Aires’s diverse and fractious population. Working with totalitarian and populist regimes, Bonet developed three large-scale housing plans, each scuttled as a new government took over.

Showpiece City

The Materiality of Architecture

How Architecture Made Dubai Todd Reisz

Antoine Picon

Stanford Studies in Middle Eastern and Islamic Societies and Cultures October 2020 424pp 125 b&w images 9781503609884 £23.99 / $30.00 HB STANFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS

January 2021 192pp 36 b&w Illus. 9781517909482 £20.99 / $27.00 PB 9781517909475 £89.00 / $108.00 HB UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA PRESS

Digital tools have launched architecture into a dizzying new era. In this ambitious exploration, an eminent thinker examines what, exactly, the building blocks of architecture have meant over the centuries and how technology may—or may not—be changing how we think about them. Excludes Japan & ANZ

Recent highlights

Staggering skylines and boastful architecture make Dubai famous—this book traces them back to a twentieth-century plan for survival. Showpiece City recounts the story of how Harris and other hired professionals planned Dubai’s spectacular transformation through the 1970s.

How the Working-Class Home Became Modern, 1900–1940

The Metabolist Imagination

Visions of the City in Postwar Japanese Architecture and Science Fiction William O. Gardner

Thomas C. Hubka

Architecture, Landscape and Amer Culture August 2020 320pp 148 b&w photos 9780816693016 £33.00 / $40.00 PB 9780816693009 £99.00 / $120.00 HB UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA PRESS

Reveals the transformation of average Americans’ domestic lives, revealed through the mechanical innovations and physical improvements of their homes. Excludes Japan & ANZ

May 2020 224pp 4 b&w photos 9781517906245 £20.99 / $27.00 PB 9781517906238 £89.00 / $108.00 HB UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA PRESS

Japan’s postwar urban imagination through the Metabolism architecture movement and visionary science fiction authors. Excludes Japan & ANZ


Books stocked at Marston Book Services Tel: +44 (0)1235 465500

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