Art & Design Fall 2020 Catalogue

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Art & Design Fall 2020

Books stocked at Marston Book Services Tel: +44 (0)1235 465500

Aboriginal Screen Printed Textiles from Australia’s Top End

Beyond the World’s End

Arts of Living at the Crossing T. J. Demos

September 2020 264pp 55 illus. 9781478009573 £20.99 / $26.95 PB 9781478008668 £83.00 / $99.95 HB DUKE UNIVERSITY PRESS

Joanna Barrkman

September 2020 334pp 257 color illus., 2 maps 9780998044507 £48.00 / $60.00 HB UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON PRESS

Demos explores cultural practices that provide radical propositions for living in a world beset by environmental and political crises. Rethinking relationships between aesthetics and an expanded political ecology that foregrounds just futurity, Demos examines how contemporary artists are diversely addressing urgent themes.

Presents the work of Australian textile artists working at five Aboriginal-owned art centers in the Northern Territory: Tiwi Design, Jilamara Arts and Crafts Association, Injalak Arts and Crafts Aboriginal Corporation, Bábbarra Women’s Centre, and Merrepen Arts, Culture and Language.

Blackness in Morocco

Form and Feeling

Gnawa Identity through Music and Visual Culture Cynthia J. Becker

The Making of Concretism in Brazil Edited by Antonio Sergio Bessa

November 2020 304pp 72 b&w illus., 12 color plates 9781517909390 £23.99 / $30.00 PB 9781517909383 £99.00 / $120.00 HB UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA PRESS

February 2021 256pp

9780823289110 £26.99 / $34.95 PB

9780823289103 £100.00 / $125.00 HB

Describes how Gnawa emerged as a practice associated with Blackness and enslavement by reviewing visual representation and musical traditions from the late 19th century to the present. Excludes Japan & ANZ


Features a collection of essays by noted scholars exploring the sensorial, experience-based, and participatory practices pioneered in the 1950s by artists and poets such as Flávio de Carvalho, Ivan Serpa, and Hélio Oiticica, among others.

Geof Oppenheimer: Twentieth Century Hustlers.

José Montoya

Ella Maria Diaz Foreword by Chon A. Noriega

Geof Oppenheimer Contributions by Tyler Cann, Anita Chari & Richard Sennett

A Ver November 2020 232pp 9780895511706 £23.99 / $29.95 PB 9780895511713 £50.00 / $60.00 HB UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA PRESS

September 2020 104pp 9780578608495 £17.99 / $22.95 HB OHIO UNIVERSITY PRESS

An illustrated account of the life and work of the prominent Chicano artist, educator, and activist José Montoya (1932–2013). Ella Maria Diaz examines a remarkable career that traversed decades, languages, media, and genres. Excludes Japan & ANZ

Geof Oppenheimer’s two-part video installation, Twentieth Century Hustlers., ruminates on how the post-industrial world has affected the physical, technological, and psychological conditions of labor.


Keith Haring’s Line

Knowing Native Arts Nancy Marie Mithlo

Race and the Performance of Desire Ricardo Montez

September 2020 272pp 12 color photos, 27 b&w photos, 4 color illus. 9781496202123 £27.99 / $34.95 HB UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA PRESS

July 2020 168pp 25 color illus. 9781478009535 £18.99 / $23.95 PB 9781478008606 £74.00 / $89.95 HB DUKE UNIVERSITY PRESS

Brings Nancy Marie Mithlo’s native perspective to understanding the significance of Indigenous arts in national and global settings. This contribution to the field of fine arts broadens the scope of discussions and offers insights that are often excluded from contemporary appraisals.

One of the first book-length treatments of Haring’s artistry, Ricardo Montez traces the drawn and painted line that was at the center of Haring’s artistic practice and with which the artist marked canvases, subway walls, and even human flesh.

London’s Arts Labs and the 60s Avant-Garde

Meleko Mokgosi

Bread, Butter, and Power Erica P. Jones

David Curtis

May 2020 56pp 25 color illus. 9780990762676 £14.99 / $20.00 PB UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON PRESS

September 2020 212pp 60 color illus., 40 b&w illus. 9780861967483 £24.99 / $32.00 PB INDIANA UNIVERSITY PRESS

Contemporary artist Meleko Mokgosi organizes his episodic painting cycles like chapters in a book. “Bread, Butter, and Power” forms a chapter in his current series, “Democratic Intuition,” which seeks to explore the many ways democratic concepts influence life, love, and relationships.

This is the story of two short-lived artist-run spaces that are associated with some of the most innovative developments in the arts in Britain in the late 1960s. This book relates the struggles of FACOP (Friends of the Arts Council Operative) to make the case for these new kinds of space and these new art-forms and the Arts Council’s hesitant response.

Savage Mind to Savage Machine Racial Science and TwentiethCentury Design Ginger Nolan

January 2021 328pp 74 b&w illus. 9781517905866 £27.99 / $35.00 PB 9781517905859 £116.00 / $140.00 HB UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA PRESS

Uncovers the relationship between “the savage” and the development of technology and its wideranging impact on society, including in the fields of architecture and urbanism. Excludes Japan & ANZ


Lost and Found in America: The Art of Vesna Kittelson Vesna Kittelson

May 2020 144pp 77 color plates 9781890434946 £33.00 / $39.95 HB UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA PRESS

A vibrant review of the international career and passionate spirit of a longtime Twin Cities artist. A vital participant in the Minneapolis arts community for decades, Kittelson demonstrates her strong passion for creativity through her everevolving practice and extensive international career. Excludes Japan & ANZ


Textiles in Burman Culture

The Future History of Contemporary Chinese Art

Sylvia Fraser-Lu

October 2020 584pp 293 color illus., 30 b&w illus., 29 charts, 5 maps 9786162151637 £52.00 / $65.00 PB UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON PRESS

Profusely illustrated with on-site and archival photographs of weavers and heirloom textiles, as well as with diagrams and sketches, this book will be an important reference for textile scholars and art historians and for those interested in Burman culture.

Peggy Wang

December 2020 264pp 47 b&w illus., 19 color plates 9781517909161 £23.99 / $30.00 PB 9781517909154 £99.00 / $120.00 HB UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA PRESS

A revelatory reclaiming of five iconic Chinese artists. Offers a corrective to previous appraisals, demonstrating how their works address fundamental questions about the forms, meanings, and possibilities of art. Excludes Japan & ANZ

The National Frame

Art and State Violence in Turkey and Germany Banu Karaca

February 2021 288pp 9780823290215 £26.99 / $35.00 PB 9780823290208 £100.00 / $125.00 HB FORDHAM UNIVERSITY PRESS

Based on long-term ethnographic research in the art worlds of Istanbul and Berlin, The National Frame rethinks the politics of art by focusing on the role of art in state governance.

Writing in Space, 1973– 2019

Lorraine O’Grady Edited by Aruna D’Souza

October 2020 336pp 58 illus., incl. 39 in color 9781478011132 £22.99 / $28.95 PB 9781478010074 £87.00 / $104.95 HB DUKE UNIVERSITY PRESS

Gathers the writings of conceptual artist Lorraine O’Grady, who for over forty years has investigated the complicated relationship between text and image. Includes artist statements, scripts, magazine articles, critical essays on art and culture, and interviews.

Books stocked at Marston Book Services Tel: +44 (0)1235 465500

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