Art Subject Catalogue - Fall 2021

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A True American

Adivasi Art and Activism

William Walcutt, Nativism, and Nineteenth-Century Art Wendy Jean Katz

Curation in a Nationalist Age Alice Tilche

February 2022 176pp 79 color illus. 9780823298570 £22.99/ $30.00 PB 9780823298563 £84.00/ $105.00 HB

Series edited by Padma Kaimal, K. Sivaramakrishnan & Anand A. Yang Global South Asia February 2022 272pp 14 b&w illus. 9780295749716 £22.99/ $30.00 PB 9780295749709 £79.00/ $99.00 HB


This book argues that na�vism, the hos�lity especially to Catholic immigrants that led to the organiza�on of poli�cal par�es like the KnowNothings, affected the meaning of nineteenthcentury American art in ways that have gone unrecognized. Demonstrates how central this supposedly fringe movement was to viewers and makers of American art.


Alice Tilche charts changes in adivasi aesthe�cs, home life, a�re, food, and ideas of religiosity emerging from nego�a�on with the homogenizing forces of Hinduiza�on, development, and globaliza�on.

Are the Arts Essential?

Art and Posthumanism

Edited by Alberta Arthurs & Michael DiNiscia

Essays, Encounters, Conversations Cary Wolfe

February 2022 496pp 24 F/C illus. 9781479812622 £22.99/ $29.95 HB

Art A�er Nature December 2021 248pp 28 b&w illus., 12 color plates 9781517912833 £20.99/ $28.00 PB 9781517912826 £89.00/ $112.00 HB


In the midst of a devasta�ng pandemic, as theaters, galleries, and concert halls shu�ered their doors indefinitely and ins�tu�onal funding for entertainment and culture evaporated almost overnight, a cohort of highly acclaimed scholars, ar�sts, cultural cri�cs, and a journalist sat down to ponder an urgent ques�on: Are the arts essen�al?


Looking at biological and social systems, the ques�on of the animal, and biopoli�cs, Cary Wolfe explores how contemporary art rivets our a�en�on on the empirically thick, emo�onally charged ques�ons of “life” and the “living” amid ecological catastrophe.

Excludes SE Asia & ANZ

Excludes Japan & ANZ

Art as Information Ecology

Artisans in Early Imperial China

Artworks, Artworlds, and Complex Systems Aesthetics Jason A. Hoelscher

Anthony J. Barbieri-Low October 2021 400pp 111 illus., 44 in color 9780295749389 £32.00/ $40.00 NIP

Thought in the Act September 2021 288pp 24 illus. 9781478014386 £20.99/ $26.95 PB 9781478013457 £80.00/ $99.95 HB


Early China is best known for its dazzling ar�facts, which are o�en viewed without regard to the social context of their crea�on. Anthony Barbieri-Low combines historical, epigraphic, and archaeological analysis to refocus our gaze from the gli�ering objects and monuments onto the men and women who made them.


Drawing on close readings of 1960s American art, Jason A. Hoelscher offers an informa�on theory of art and an aesthe�c theory of informa�on in which he shows how art operates as informa�on wherein art's meaning cannot be determined. 1

Becoming Palestine

Black Gathering

October 2021 216pp 30 illus. 9781478014829 £20.99/ $24.95 PB 9781478013884 £80.00/ $94.95 HB

Black Outdoors: Innova�ons in the Poe�cs of Study September 2021 208pp 16 illus. 9781478014478 £19.99/ $25.95 PB 9781478013556 £80.00/ $99.95 HB

Toward an Archival Imagination of the Future Gil Z. Hochberg

Art, Ecology, Ungiven Life Sarah Jane Cervenak



Gil Z. Hochberg examines how contemporary Pales�nian ar�sts, filmmakers, dancers, and ac�vists use the archive in order to radically imagine Pales�ne's future. She shows how ar�sts reimagine the archive, approaching it not through the desire to unearth hidden knowledge, but to sever the iden�fica�on of the archive with the past.

Sarah Jane Cervenak traces how Black ar�sts and writers who create alterna�ve spaces for Black people to gather free from those Enlightenment philosophies that presume Black people and land as given to enclosure and ownership.

Body Language

Bronze Monsters and the Cultures of Wonder

The Art of Larry Day David Bindman, Jonathan Bober, Eileen Neff, Sid Sachs & Ruth Fine

Griffin Cauldrons in the Preclassical Mediterranean Nassos Papalexandrou

September 2021 200pp 9781735441672 £32.00/ $39.95 HB

November 2021 320pp 57 b&w photos, 1 map 9781477323618 £44.00/ $55.00 HB



Larry Day (1921-1998) was a dis�nguished painter and a dominant force in American art from the 1950s through the 1990s. This celebratory catalogue will explore his contribu�ons to the art of his �me, and the las�ng power of his observa�ons and imagina�on.

In the eighth and seventh centuries BCE, bronze cauldrons featuring the image of the griffin, a mythical monster, were imported from the Near East into the Mediterranean. Nassos Papalexandrou takes the griffin cauldrons as case studies in the shi�ing material and visual universes of pre-classical an�quity.

Carving Status at Kŭmgangsan

Colonized through Art

Series edited by Clark W. Sorensen

September 2021 450pp 52 illus., 12 tables 9781496228215 £32.00/ $40.00 NIP

American Indian Schools and Art Education, 1889–1915 Marinella Lentis

Elite Graffiti in Premodern Korea Maya K. H. Stiller

Korean Studies of the Henry M. Jackson School of Interna�onal Studies November 2021 240pp 46 color illus., 4 maps, 1 chart 9780295749259 £52.00/ $65.00 HB


Explores how the federal government used art educa�on for American Indian children as an instrument for the “coloniza�on of consciousness,” hoping to ins�ll the values and ideals of Western society while simultaneously maintaining a poli�cal, social, economic, and racial hierarchy.


The book details how late Chosŏn (ca. 1600–1900 CE) Korean elite travelers used the Kŭmgangsan Mountains to demonstrate their high social status by carving inscrip�ons, naming sites, and joining the literary pedigree of visitors to renowned locales. It introduces readers to an en�rely new field: autographic rock graffi�. 2

Cultivating Perception through Artworks

Ecoart in Action

Activities, Case Studies, and Provocations for Classrooms and Communities Edited by Amara Geffen, Ann Rosenthal, Chris Fremantle & Aviva Rahmani

Phenomenological Enactments of Ethics, Politics, and Culture Helen A. Fielding November 2021 238pp 11 b&w illus. 9780253059345 £26.99/ $35.00 PB 9780253059352 £64.00/ $80.00 HB

February 2022 320pp 45 b&w illus. 9781613321461 £26.99/ $34.95 PB



How can artworks help us see, sense, think, and interact in ways that are outside of the systems of conven�on and order that frame so much of our lives? Helen Fielding challenges us to think alongside and according to artworks, cul�va�ng a percep�on of what is really there and being expressed by them.

Compiled from 67 members of the Ecoart Network, a group of more than 200 interna�onally established prac��oners, Ecoart in Ac�on provides models for ecoart prac�ce that are adaptable for use within a variety of classrooms, communi�es, and contexts. Excludes SE Asia & ANZ

Envisioning Evil


September 2021 160pp 37 b&w illus., 81 color plates 9781517910518 £32.00/ $39.95 PB

November 2021 200pp 100 color illus. 9780932216793 £36.00/ $45.00 HB

“The Nazi Drawings” by Mauricio Lasansky Rachel McGarry

The Richard E. Lang and Jane Lang Davis Collection Edited by Catharina Manchanda



Envisioning Evil is an accompaniment to the exhibi�on of Mauricio Lasansky’s The Nazi Drawings, thirty-three monumental drawings examining the horrors of the Holocaust, at the Minneapolis Ins�tute of Art in 2021. McGarry provides comprehensive biographical, cultural, and historical context for the ar�st and the crea�on of this series.

Sea�le art collectors Richard E. Lang and Jane Lang Davis were frequent visitors to New York City in the 1970s and early 1980s when they collabora�vely built their collec�on, filling their home with singular works of art. Their shared legacy and passion for engaging though�ully, deeply, and personally with art—and the frisson of excitement that arises with such a connec�on—are celebrated and echoed in this special exhibi�on catalogue.

Excludes Japan & ANZ

Griot Potters of the Folona

Healing from Genocide in Rwanda

The History of an African Ceramic Tradition Barbara E. Frank

Rugerero Survivors Village, an Artist Book Susan Viguers & Lily Yeh

African Expressive Cultures February 2022 408pp 391 color illus., 12 maps, 8 b&w tables 9780253058997 £26.99/ $35.00 PB 9780253059000 £64.00/ $80.00 HB

November 2021 144pp full color picture book 9781613321348 £33.00/ $40.00 PB 9781613321355 £71.00/ $89.00 HB



Griot Po�ers of the Folona reconstructs the past of a par�cular group of West African women po�ers using evidence found in their ar�stry and techniques. The po�ers of the Folona region of southeastern Mali serve a diverse clientele and firing thousands of pots weekly during the height of the dry season.

Healing from Genocide in Rwanda demonstrates the power of art in the service of healing. The work tells the stories of two Rwandans who as small children experienced the 1994 Genocide. Their tes�monies are framed by chapters chronicling the crea�on of a powerful Genocide Memorial. 3

Excludes SE Asia & ANZ

Image Encounters

Imagined Realism

January 2022 344pp 192 color photos, 3 maps 9781477324271 £36.00/ $45.00 PB 9781477324264 £108.00/ $135.00 HB

September 2021 304pp 290 color photos 9781477323762 £48.00/ $60.00 HB

Moche Murals and Archaeo Art History Lisa Trever

Scott and Stuart Gentling The Amon Carter Museum of American Art Foreword by Ed Ruscha



Moche murals of northern Peru represent one of the great ar�s�c tradi�ons of the ancient Americas. In this first comprehensive study, Trever develops an interdisciplinary methodology of “archaeo art history” to examine how ancient histories of art can be wri�en without texts, inver�ng the typical rela�onship of art to archaeology.

Sco� Gentling (1942–2011) and Stuart Gentling (1942–2006) were brothers and lifelong collaborators whose ar�s�c interests spanned centuries and crossed con�nents. The essays and plates in this volume illuminate their careers and a�est to their contribu�ons to American crea�ve achievement.

Interplay of Things

Inventing Indigenism

October 2021 288pp 10 illus. 9781478014461 £20.99/ $26.95 PB 9781478013532 £80.00/ $99.95 HB

November 2021 232pp 51 b&w photos, 16-page color insert 9781477324080 £40.00/ $50.00 HB

Religion, Art, and Presence Together Anthony B. Pinn

Francisco Laso's Image of Modern Peru Natalia Majluf



The great nineteenth-century ar�st Francisco Laso’s pain�ngs of indigenous subjects were part of a larger project, spurred by writers and intellectuals ac�vely cra�ing a Peruvian na�on in the a�ermath of independence from Spain. This book is both an innova�ve account of modern indigenism and the first major monograph on Laso.

In Interplay of Things Anthony B. Pinn theorizes religion as a technology for interroga�ng human experiences and the boundaries between people and other things. Rather than considering religion in terms of ins�tu�ons, doctrines, and creeds, Pinn shows how religion exposes the openness and porousness of all things and how they are always involved in processes of exchange and interplay.

Mischief Making

Nervous Systems

Michael Nicoll Yahgulanaas, Art, and the Seriousness of Play Nicola Levell Foreword by Jonathan King Contributions by Michael Nicoll Yahgulanaas

Art, Systems, and Politics since the 1960s Edited by Johanna Gosse & Timothy Stott January 2022 312pp 31 illus. 9781478014768 £20.99/ $27.95 PB 9781478013822 £84.00/ $104.95 HB

September 2021 160pp 117 colour illus., 11 b&w illus. 9780774867368 £19.99/ $32.95 PB


The contributors reassess contemporary ar�sts' and cri�cs' engagement with social, poli�cal, biological, and other systems as a set of complex and rela�onal parts: an approach commonly known as systems thinking. They also highlight the ways that ar�sts adopt systems thinking to address poli�cal, social, and ecological anxie�es.


In a gorgeously illustrated explora�on of the art of Michael Nicoll Yahgulanaas, Mischief Making disproves any no�on that play is frivolous. Deploying playful and punning tac�cs, Yahgulanaas shines a spotlight on serious topics. Excludes SE Asia, Indian sc & ANZ


Poetic Operations

Portraits of Racial Justice

Trans of Color Art in Digital Media Micha Cárdenas

Americans Who Tell the Truth Robert Shetterly

ASTERISK January 2022 248pp 23 illus. 9781478017653 £19.99/ $25.95 PB 9781478015031 £80.00/ $99.95 HB

September 2021 128pp 50 color illus. 9781613321638 £32.00/ $39.95 HB


A vivid portrait collec�on of past and present Americans speaking truth to power. Robert She�erly's pain�ngs illuminate a community of people not only willing to recognize the shortcomings of America’s history, but most importantly, individuals who offer their visions of a be�er world moving forward.


In Poe�c Opera�ons ar�st and theorist Micha Cárdenas considers contemporary digital media, artwork, and poetry in order to ar�culate trans of color strategies of safety and survival. Drawing on decolonial theory, women of color feminism, media theory, and queer of color cri�que, Cárdenas develops a method she calls algorithmic analysis.

Excludes SE Asia & ANZ

Race Experts

Signs of Home

Sculpture, Anthropology, and the American Public in Malvina Hoffman's Races of Mankind Linda Kim

The Paintings and Wartime Diary of Kamekichi Tokita Barbara Johns Foreword by Stephen H. Sumida

Cri�cal Studies in the History of Anthropology September 2021 420pp 86 illus. 9781496228222 £32.00/ $40.00 NIP

August 2021 272pp 80 illus., 40 in color 9780295749693 £26.99/ $34.95 NIP



This beau�ful and poignant biography of Issei ar�st Kamekichi Tokita uses his pain�ngs and war�me diary to vividly illustrate the experiences, uncertain�es, joys, and anxie�es of Japanese Americans during the World War II internment and the more op�mis�c �mes that preceded it.

A compelling examina�on of Malvina Hoffman’s Races of Mankind. Comprised of 104 life-size bronzes, the Races of Mankind was the largest exhibit on race installed in a museum and one of the largest sculptural commissions ever undertaken by a single ar�st.

So Much More Than Art

Temples in the Cliffside

Indigenous Miniatures of the Pacific Northwest Jack Davy

Buddhist Art in Sichuan Sonya S. Lee

October 2021 224pp 28 photos, 7 tables, 3 charts/diagrams 9780774866552 £59.00/ $89.95 HB

December 2021 328pp 119 color illus., 11 maps, 4 tables 9780295749303 £52.00/ $65.00 HB



Miniatures – canoes, houses and totems, and human figurines – have been produced on the Northwest Coast since at least the sixteenth century. What has mo�vated Indigenous ar�sts to produce these �ny artworks? So Much More Than Art convincingly dismisses the persistent understanding that miniatures are simply children’s toys or tourist trinkets.

Sichuan is home to many cave temples with monumental sculptures, the result of local inhabitants’ centuries-long tradi�on of crea�vely using their natural resources. This farranging study shows that the temples’ con�nued presence is a reminder of the urgency to preserve culture as part of today’s response to climate change.

Excludes SE Asia, Indian sc & ANZ


The City in Time

The Dirty South

October 2021 240pp 66 color illus., 1 map 9780295749235 £52.00/ $65.00 HB

July 2021 288pp 175 illus., incl. 140 color 9781934351192 £36.00/ $45.00 HB



Contemporary Art and Urban Form in Vietnam and Cambodia Pamela N. Corey

Contemporary Art, Material Culture, and the Sonic Impulse Valerie Cassel Oliver

Featuring a dynamic array of crea�ve produc�ons that include staged and documentary photography, the moving image, and public performance and installa�on, The City in Time illustrates how ar�sts from Vietnam and Cambodia have envisioned their rapidly changing worlds.

This exhibi�on catalog to the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts’ The Dirty South: Contemporary Art, Material Culture, and the Sonic Impulse chronicles the pervasive visual and sonic parallels in the work of Black ar�sts from the southern United States.

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