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A Ming Confucian’s World
east asian
Selections from Miscellaneous Records from the Bean Garden Lu Rong, Translated by Mark Halperin
China and the Making of the Modern World Ali Humayun Akhtar
April 2022 200pp 3 b&w illus., 2 maps 9780295749938 £22.99 / $30.00 PB 9780295749921 £79.00 / $99.00 HB
June 2022 288pp 9781503627475 £20.99 / $28.00 HB
With the goal of understanding China's future in a changing interna�onal landscape, this book offers a new picture of China's rise since the Age of Explora�on and its historical impact on the modern world.
Mark Halperin organizes a translated selec�on of Lu Rong’s accounts from Miscellaneous Records from the Bean Garden to create a panorama of Ming life. Centuries a�er their composi�on, Lu’s words con�nue to provide a richly textured portrait of China on the cusp of the early modern era.
Administering Affect
Banking on Growth Models
Pop-Culture Japan and the Politics of Anxiety Daniel White
China's Troubled Pursuit of Financial Reform and Economic Rebalancing Stephen Bell & Hui Feng
July 2022 280pp 9781503632196 £20.99 / $28.00 PB 9781503630680 £72.00 / $90.00 HB
Cornell Studies in Money May 2022 282pp 4 charts, 29 graphs 9781501762529 £40.00 / $49.95 HB
How do the worlds that state administrators manage become the feelings publics embody? Daniel White addresses this ques�on by documen�ng the rise of a new na�onal figure he calls "Pop-Culture Japan." Emerging in the wake of Japan's drama�c economic decline in the early 1990s, Pop-Culture Japan reflected the hopes of Japanese state bureaucrats and poli�cal elites seeking to recover their country's standing on the global stage.
Contends that China's rapid economic rise from the late 1970s to today has been built on and shaped by a highly poli�cized and inefficient bank-centric financial system. Argues that if the Chinese growth model drives how key economic sectors interact, meaningful reform can stem only from a revised growth model.
Beethoven in Beijing
Betting on the Farm
Stories from the Philadelphia Orchestra's Historic Journey to China Jennifer Lin, Foreword by Yannick Nézet-Séguin
Institutional Change in Japanese Agriculture Patricia L. Maclachlan & Kay Shimizu March 2022 258pp 5 charts 9781501762123 £48.00 / $59.95 HB
April 2022 172pp 9781439921616 £26.99 / $35.00 HB
Provides a photo-rich oral history of this boundarybreaking series of concerts the Phildelphia Orchestra performed under famed conductor Eugene Ormandy in 1973. Gives voice to the American and Chinese musicians, diplomats, journalists, and others who par�cipated in and witnessed this historic event. Excludes Asia Pacific
Japan Agricultural Coopera�ves (JA), a na�onwide network of farm coopera�ves, is under increasing pressure to expand farmer incomes by adap�ng coop strategies to changing market incen�ves. Some coops have adapted more successfully than others. The authors a�ribute these differences to three sets of local variables: resource endowments and product-specific market condi�ons, coop leadership, and the organiza�on of farmer-members behind new coop strategies.
Biographical Dictionary of Tang Dynasty Literati
Celebrating Sorrow
Medieval Tributes to "The Tale of Sagoromo" Edited & Translated by Charo B. D’Etcheverry
Edited by William H. Nienhauser, Jr. & Michael E. Naparstek
August 2022 183pp 3 charts 9781501764776 £32.00 / $39.95 HB
April 2022 616pp 9780253060266 £44.00 / $55.00 HB
Celebra�ng Sorrow explores the medieval Japanese fascina�on with grief in tributes to The Tale of Sagoromo, the classic story of a young man whose unrequited love for his foster sister leads him into a succession of roman�c tragedies as he rises to the imperial throne. Charo B. D'Etcheverry translates a selec�on of Sagoromo-themed works, highligh�ng the diversity of medieval Japanese crea�ve prac�ce.
This book is the first comprehensive dic�onary of writers during the Tang dynasty. In addi�on to individual entries, it includes an overview of Tang literature, a literary �meline of the Tang, and an explana�on of official �tles and ranks, making it an indispensable resource for anyone interested in classical Chinese poetry.
China in the World
Cinema Illuminating Reality
Culture, Politics, and World Vision Ban Wang
Media Philosophy through Buddhism Victor Fan
Sinotheory April 2022 232pp 3 illus. 9781478010845 £19.99 / $25.95 PB 9781478009801 £80.00 / $99.95 HB
March 2022 328pp 39 b&w illus. 9781517909925 £22.99 / $30.00 PB 9781517909918 £95.00 / $120.00 HB
Shows how ancient visions persist even as China has adopted and revised the Western na�on-state form. Wang traces the shi�ing concept of the Chinese state from the late nineteenth century to the present, showing how the Confucian no�on of �anxia—“all under heaven”—influences China’s dedica�on to contribu�ng to and exchanging with a common world.
How can a philosophical discourse generated in Asia help us reframe and renew cinema and media theory? Cinema Illumina�ng Reality provides a possible way to do this by using Buddhist ideas to examine the intricate rela�onship between technicity and consciousness in the cinema. Excludes Japan & ANZ
Climatic Media
Transpacific Experiments in Atmospheric Control Yuriko Furuhata
The Fictional Mode of Existence Frenchy Lunning March 2022 224pp 62 b&w illus. 9781517912154 £18.99 / $25.00 PB 9781517912147 £79.00 / $100.00 HB
Elements April 2022 256pp 15 illus. 9781478017806 £19.99 / $25.95 PB 9781478015192 £80.00 / $99.95 HB
Flourishing far beyond its Japanese roots, cosplay has become an interna�onal phenomenon with fervid fans who gather at enormous, worldwide conven�ons annually. Here, author Frenchy Lunning offers an in�mate, sensa�onal tour through cosplay’s past and present, as well as its global lure.
Traces climate engineering from the early twen�eth century to the present, showing how a range of Japanese scien�sts, technicians, architects, and ar�sts developed technologies to monitor, condi�on, and modify climate. Furuhata’s transpacific analysis offers a novel take on the elemental condi�ons of media and climate change.
Excludes Japan & ANZ
Diasporic Cold Warriors
Discovering Fiction
Lianke Yan Translated by Carlos Rojas
Nationalist China, Anticommunism, and the Philippine Chinese, 1930s–1970s Chien-Wen Kung
Sinotheory June 2022 160pp 9781478018308 £17.99 / $23.95 PB 9781478015673 £72.00 / $89.95 HB
Studies of the Weatherhead East Asian Ins�tute, Columbia University March 2022 318pp 11 b&w hts., 3 maps, 1 chart 9781501762215 £44.00 / $54.95 HB
A�er emerging as one of the most important writers in the world, eminent Chinese novelist Lianke offers insights into his views on literature and realism, the major works that inspired him, and his theories of wri�ng. Revealing and instruc�ve, this book gives readers an unprecedented look into the mind and art of a literary giant.
Chien-Wen Kung explains how the Chinese Na�onalist Party (Kuomintang) sowed the seeds of an�communism among the Philippine Chinese with the ac�ve par�cipa�on of the Philippine state.
Divorce in China
Dreadful Desires
June 2022 304pp 15 b&w illus. 9781479816736 £22.99 / $30.00 NIP
Thought in the Act April 2022 280pp 9 illus. 9781478017998 £20.99 / $26.95 PB 9781478015376 £80.00 / $99.95 HB
Institutional Constraints and Gendered Outcomes Xin He
The Uses of Love in Neoliberal China Charlie Yi Zhang
The only study of Chinese divorce cases based on fieldwork and interviews conducted inside Chinese courtrooms over the course of a decade. Through a socio-legal perspec�ve highligh�ng the richness, sophis�ca�on, and cu�ng-edge nature of the research, this book is as much an account of Chinese courts in ac�on as a social ethnography of China in the midst of momentous social change.
Examines how the Chinese state deploys affec�ve no�ons of love to regulate the popula�on in order to secure China’s place in the global economy. By outlining how state-framed forms of love create desires they cannot fulfill, Zhang places China at the forefront of using affec�ve a�achments to na�on, leader, and family in the global shi�s toward exploita�on and authoritarianism.
Excludes Taiwan, Japan, SE Asia & ANZ
Dreams of Flight
Health Insurance Politics in Japan
The Lives of Chinese Women Students in the West Fran Martin
Policy Development, Government, and the Japan Medical Association Takakazu Yamagishi
February 2022 368pp 44 illus. 9781478017615 £21.99 / $28.95 PB 9781478014935 £84.00 / $104.95 HB
The Culture and Poli�cs of Health Care Work May 2022 234pp 2 b&w line drawings,
Explores how young Chinese women nego�ate compe�ng pressures on their iden�ty while studying abroad, between expecta�ons of fulfilling tradi�onal roles as wife and mother versus becoming highly educated and cosmopolitan career-oriented individuals. This book illustrates how emerging forms of gender, class, and mobility fundamentally transform the basis of iden�ty for a whole genera�on of Chinese women.
10 charts 9781501763496 £37.00 / $46.95 HB
Japan is the fastest aging country, with the largest super-aged society in the world and growing larger by the day, yet its universal health care costs are rela�vely low. Yamagishi inves�gates how Japan has been able to control health care costs through health insurance poli�cs.
How China Escaped the Poverty Trap
Human Rights and Transnational Democracy in South Korea
Yuen Yuen Ang
Cornell Studies in Poli�cal Economy March 2022 344pp 11 hts., 1 map, 15 tables, 24 charts 9781501764561 £18.99 / $24.95 NIP
Ingu Hwang
Pennsylvania Studies in Human Rights March 2022 376pp 9 hts. 9780812253597 £44.00 / $55.00 HB
Acclaimed as "game changing" and "field shi�ing," How China Escaped the Poverty Trap advances a new paradigm in the poli�cal economy of development and sheds new light on China's rise. How can poor and weak socie�es escape poverty traps? Yuen Yuen Ang launches a new paradigm grounded in complex adap�ve systems, which embraces the reality of interdependence and humanity's capacity to innovate.
Drawing on previously unused or underu�lized archival sources, this book offers the first account of the historical intersec�on between South Korea's democra�c transi�on and the global human rights boom in the 1970s. The book also calls a�en�on to the parallel development of counterac�on human rights policies by the South Korean regime and US administra�ons.
Inglorious, Illegal Bastards
Innovate to Dominate
The Rise of the Chinese TechnoSecurity State Tai Ming Cheung
Japan's Self-Defense Force during the Cold War Aaron Skabelund
August 2022 424pp 27 charts 9781501764349 £36.00 / $44.95 HB
Studies of the Weatherhead East Asian Ins�tute, Columbia University July 2022 350pp 31 b&w hts. 9781501764370 £44.00 / $54.95 HB
Tai Ming Cheung offers insight into why, how, and whether China will overtake the United States to become the world's pre-eminent technological and security power. This examina�on of the means and ends of China's quest for techno-security supremacy is required reading for anyone looking for clues as to the long-term direc�on of the global order.
In Inglorious, Illegal Bastards, Aaron Herald Skabelund examines how the Self-Defense Force (SDF), the post-World War II Japanese military, and specifically the Ground Self-Defense Force (GSDF), struggled for legi�macy in a society at best indifferent, and o�en hos�le to its very existence.
Interconnected Worlds
Jia Zhangke on Jia Zhangke
Global Electronics and Production Networks in East Asia Henry Wai-Chung Yeung
Michael Berry
Sinotheory May 2022 232pp 52 illus. 9781478018124 £19.99 / $25.95 PB 9781478015499 £80.00 / $99.95 HB
Innova�on and Technology in the World Economy June 2022 408pp 9781503632226 £22.99 / $30.00 PB 9781503615298 £72.00 / $90.00 HB
An extended dialogue between the interna�onally acclaimed Chinese filmmaker Jia Zhangke and film scholar Michael Berry in which Jia offers a comprehensive first-hand account of his life, art, and approach to filmmaking. From industry and economics to art and poli�cs, this book represents the single most comprehensive document of the director’s candid thoughts on the art and challenges of filmmaking.
Drawing on literature on the electronics industry, new empirical material comprising custom datasets, and extensive personal interviews, this book examines through a "network" approach the coevolu�on of globalized electronics produc�on centered in East Asia across different na�onal economies and sub-na�onal regions. 4
Koreatown, Los Angeles
Making Peace with Nature
Immigration, Race, and the "American Dream" Shelley Sang-Hee Lee
Ecological Encounters along the Korean DMZ Eleana J. Kim
Asian America June 2022 240pp 9781503631823 £19.99 / $26.00 PB 9781503613737 £68.00 / $85.00 HB
July 2022 216pp 21 illus. 9781478018353 £18.99 / $24.95 PB 9781478015727 £76.00 / $94.95 HB
Shows how a closer examina�on of the Demilitarized Zone area in South Korea reveals that the area’s biodiversity is inseparable from scien�fic prac�ces and geopoli�cal, capitalist, and ecological dynamics. In so doing, Kim reframes peace away from a human-oriented poli�cal or economic peace and toward a more-than-human, biological peace.
Beginning with the early development of LA's Koreatown and culmina�ng with the 1992 Los Angeles riots and their a�ermath, Shelley Sang-Hee Lee demonstrates how Korean Americans' lives were shaped by pa�erns of racial segrega�on and urban poverty, and legacies of an�-Asian racism and orientalism.
Marriage Unbound
Model Machines
July 2022 336pp 9781503632011 £22.99 / $30.00 PB 9781503613140 £72.00 / $90.00 HB
Asian American History & Cultu June 2022 305pp 9781439922347 £32.00 / $39.95 PB 9781439922330 £88.00 / $110.50 HB
State Law, Power, and Inequality in Contemporary China Ke Li
A History of the Asian as Automaton Long T. Bui
China a�er Mao has undergone vast transforma�ons, including massive rural-tourban migra�on, rising divorce rates, and the steady expansion of the country's legal system. Today, divorce may appear a private concern, when in fact it is a profoundly poli�cal ma�er. Marriage Unbound focuses on the poli�cs of divorce cases in contemporary China, following a group of women seeking judicial remedies for conjugal grievances and disputes.
Offers the first historical overview of the overlapping racializa�on of Asians and Asian Americans through their confla�on with the robotmachine nexus. He puts forth the concept of the “model machine myth,” which holds specific queries about personhood, ci�zenship, labor, and rights in the transna�onal making of Asian/America. Excludes Asia Pacific
New Women of Empire
Nursing Shifts in Sichuan
Gendered Politics and Racial Uplift in Interwar Japanese America Chrissy Yee Lau
Canadian Missions and Wartime China, 1937–1951 Sonya Grypma
August 2022 200pp 13 b&w illus. 9780295750521 £22.99 / $30.00 PB 9780295750514 £79.00 / $99.00 HB
April 2022 320pp 15 photos, 13 tables, 1 map, 1 chart 9780774865722 £29.99 / $37.95 PB
Nursing Shi�s in Sichuan is a testament to the resilience of educated women, exploring modern nursing as one of the most consequen�al addi�ons to health care in early-twen�eth-century China.
Chronicles the rise of a genera�on of young people who transformed what it meant to be Japanese American. New Women of Empire centers the compelling life histories of five young women and men in Los Angeles to illuminate how they nego�ated overlapping imperialisms through new gender roles.
Excludes SE Asia, Indian sc & ANZ
Prescriptions for Virtuosity
Privilege and Anxiety The Korean Middle Class in the Global Era Hagen Koo
The Postcolonial Struggle of Chinese Medicine Eric I. Karchmer
July 2022 156pp 1 map, 13 charts 9781501764943 £16.99 / $21.95 PB 9781501764912 £100.00 / $125.00 HB
July 2022 272pp 21 b&w illus. 9780823299836 £22.99 / $30.00 PB 9780823299843 £92.00 / $115.00 HB
In Privilege and Anxiety, Hagen Koo examines what has happened to the Korean middle class in the era of rapid globaliza�on and demonstrates that the middle class has experienced significant changes in its social character.
Prescrip�ons for Virtuosity tells the story of how doctors of Chinese medicine have responded to the global dominance of biomedicine and developed new forms of virtuosity to keep their clinical prac�ce relevant in contemporary Chinese society.
Racist Love
Shadow Traces
Asian Abstraction and the Pleasures of Fantasy Leslie Bow
Seeing Japanese/American and Ainu Women in Photographic Archives Elena Tajima Creef
ANIMA: Cri�cal Race Studies Otherwise April 2022 280pp 41 illus. 9781478017851 £20.99 / $26.95 PB 9781478015222 £80.00 / $99.95 HB
Asian American Experience April 2022 192pp 9780252086472 £19.99 / $26.00 PB 9780252044403 £88.00 / $110.00 HB
Traces the ways in which Asian Americans become objects of anxiety and desire, showing how a�rac�on to Asianized objects and images func�ons as a source of an�-Asian bias and violence. Bow provides a new means of understanding the ambivalence surrounding Asians in the United States while offering a theory of the psychological, affec�ve, and symbolic dynamics of racist love in contemporary America.
Images of Japanese and Japanese American women can teach us what it meant to be visible at specific moments in history. Elena Tajima Creef employs an Asian American feminist vantage point to examine ways of looking at indigenous Japanese women throughout history. Excludes SE Asia, Indian sc & ANZ
Spatial Dunhuang
Spawning Modern Fish
Experiencing the Mogao Caves Hung Wu
Transnational Comparison in the Making of Japanese Salmon Heather Anne Swanson, Series edited & Foreword by K. Sivaramakrishnan
June 2022 381pp 188 color illus., 1 map, 2 tables 9780295750200 £52.00 / $65.00 HB
Culture, Place, and Nature August 2022 272pp 9 b&w illus., 2 maps 9780295750392 £22.99 / $30.00 PB 9780295750385 £79.00 / $99.00 HB
Constructed over a millennium from the fourth to fourteenth centuries CE near Dunhuang, an ancient border town along the Silk Road in northwest China, the Mogao Caves comprise the largest and bestpreserved treasure trove of Buddhist art in the world. This book examines the caves from the perspec�ve of space, trea�ng them as physical and historical sites that can be approached, entered, and understood sensually.
Swanson explores how efforts to make Hokkaido more legibly “modern” have shaped the course of the island’s agricultural development, its fish, and the lives of people living there. 6
Spirit Power
Politics and Religion in Korea's American Century Heonik Kwon & Jun Hwan Park
Distinction and Participation in Post-Hierarchy South Korea Michael Prentice Culture and Economic Life June 2022 240pp 9781503631878 £22.99 / $30.00 PB 9781503629479 £72.00 / $90.00 HB
Thinking from Elsewhere July 2022 240pp 8 b&w illus. 9780823299911 £24.99 / $32.00 PB 9780823299928 £88.00 / $110.00 HB
What should South Korean offices look like in a post-hierarchical world? In Supercorporate, anthropologist Michael M. Pren�ce examines a central tension in visions of big corporate life in South Korea's twenty-first century: should corpora�ons be sites of fair dis�nc�on or equal par�cipa�on?
Spirit Power explores the manifesta�on of the American Century in Korean history with a focus on religious culture. It looks back on the encounter with American missionary power from the late nineteenth century, and the long poli�cal struggles against the country’s indigenous popular religious heritage during the colonial and postcolonial eras.
The Concrete Plateau
The Emergence of Global Maoism
Urban Tibetans and the Chinese Civilizing Machine Andrew Grant
China's Red Evangelism and the Cambodian Communist Movement, 1949–1979 Matthew Galway
Studies of the Weatherhead East Asian Ins�tute, Columbia University July 2022 228pp 16 b&w hts., 2 maps 9781501764097 £27.99 / $36.95 HB
March 2022 342pp 8 b&w hts. 9781501761829 £44.00 / $54.95 HB
The Concrete Plateau examines the ways that urbaniza�on has extended into the Tibetan Plateau. Grant pushes back against the no�on that urbaniza�on can only erode essen�al aspects of Tibetan culture through his in-depth explora�on of Tibetans' experiences with urban life in the growing city of Xining, the largest city on the Tibetan Plateau.
The Emergence of Global Maoism examines the spread of Mao Zedong's wri�ngs, ideology, and ins�tu�ons when they traveled outside of China. Ma�hew Galway links Chinese Communist Party efforts to globalize Maoism to the dialec�cal engagement of exported Maoism by Cambodian Maoist intellectuals.
The End of Pax Americana
The Many Lives of the First Emperor of China
The Loss of Empire and Hikikomori Nationalism Naoki Sakai
Anthony J. Barbieri-Low
September 2022 376pp 18 color illus., 48 b&w illus. 9780295750224 £52.00 / $65.00 HB
Asia-Pacific: Culture, Poli�cs, and Society March 2022 368pp 3 illus. 9781478014911 £21.99 / $28.95 PB 9781478013976 £84.00 / $104.95 HB
Ying Zheng, founder of the Qin empire, is recognized as a pivotal figure in world history alongside other notable conquerors. This book is an interdisciplinary explora�on of China's First Emperor which looks historically at interpreta�ons of Ying Zheng in history, literature, archaeology, and popular culture as a way to understand the interpreters as much as the subject of their interpreta�on.
Examines the decline of US hegemony in Japan and East Asia and its impact on na�onal iden�ty and legacies of imperialism. This decentering is symbolized by the sense of the loss of old colonial empires such as those of Japan, Britain, and the United States. 7
The Middle Kingdom under the Big Sky
The Tibetan Nun Mingyur Peldrön
May 2022 280pp 24 photos, 3 maps, 1 chart 9781496230997 £44.00 / $55.00 HB
August 2022 300pp 9780295750361 £22.99 / $30.00 PB 9780295750354 £79.00 / $99.00 HB
A History of the Chinese Experience in Montana Mark T. Johnson
A Woman of Power and Privilege Alison Melnick Dyer
The Middle Kingdom under the Big Sky seeks to deepen understanding of the history of Chinese immigrants in Montana by recovering their stories in their own words. Mark T. Johnson has mined several large collec�ons of primary documents le� by Chinese pioneers, translated into English here for the first �me.
Alison Melnick Dyer considers how privilege influences individual authority, how authorita�ve Buddhist women have nego�ated their posi�on in gendered contexts, and how the lives of historical Buddhist women are (and are not) memorialized by their communi�es.
Theorizing Colonial Cinema
Tiger, Tyrant, Bandit, Businessman
Reframing Production, Circulation, and Consumption of Film in Asia Edited by Nayoung Aimee Kwon, Takushi Odagiri & Moonim Baek
Echoes of Counterrevolution from New China Brian DeMare
August 2022 208pp 9781503632363 £48.00 / $60.00 HB
New Direc�ons in Na�onal Cinemas February 2022 306pp 34 b&w photos 9780253059758 £18.99 / $25.00 PB 9780253059741 £52.00 / $65.00 HB
Using rare archival sources, this book weaves together four stories of criminal counterrevolu�on to examine the arrival of Communist power in the Chinese countryside. DeMare recounts stories of a Confucian scholar who found himself allied with bandits and secret society members, a farmer who murdered a cadre, an evil tyrant who exploited religious tradi�ons to avoid prosecu�on, and a merchant accused of a crime he did not commit.
A millennial retrospec�ve on the entangled in�macy between film and colonialism from film's global incep�on to contemporary legacies in and of Asia.
Vulgar Beauty
March 2022 312pp 76 b&w illus., 10 color plates 9781517911911 £26.99 / $34.95 PB 9781517911904 £111.00 / $140.00 HB
April 2022 312pp 26 illus. 9781478018117 £20.99 / $27.95 PB 9781478015475 £84.00 / $104.95 HB
Earthy Materials in Contemporary Japanese Art Bert Winther-Tamaki
Acting Chinese in the Global Sensorium Mila Zuo
Offers a new theoriza�on of cinema�c feminine beauty by showing how mediated encounters with Chinese film and popular culture stars produce feelings of Chinese-ness. Zuo uses the vulgar as an analy�c to trace how racial, gendered, and cultural iden�ty is imagined and produced through affect.
Collec�vely referred to by the word tsuchi, earthy materials such as soil and clay are prolific in Japanese contemporary art. Winther-Tamaki explores the many aesthe�c manifesta�ons of tsuchi and their connec�on to the country’s turbulent environmental history, inves�ga�ng how Japanese ar�sts have con�nually sought a passionate and redemp�ve engagement with earth. Excludes Japan & ANZ
Governing Water in India
south asian
Inequality, Reform, and the State Leela Fernandes
Delhi Reborn
Partition and Nation Building in India's Capital Rotem Geva
August 2022 288pp 2 b&w illus., 6 maps, 1 chart, 4 tables 9780295750439 £22.99 / $30.00 PB 9780295750422 £79.00 / $99.00 HB
South Asia in Mo�on August 2022 358pp 9781503632110 £22.99 / $30.00 PB 9781503631199 £72.00 / $90.00 HB
Explores the challenges of managing resource use in the world’s largest democracy. Leela Fernandes traces the configura�on of colonial historical legacies, developmental-state policies, and economic reforms that strain water resources and intensify inequality.
This book revisits one of the most drama�c episodes in Delhi’s history, telling the story of how the city was remade by the twin events of par��on and independence.
Living Worth
Making Place for Muslims in Contemporary India
Value and Values in Global Pharmaceutical Markets Stefan Ecks
Kalyani Devaki Menon
Cri�cal Global Health: Evidence, Efficacy, Ethnography May 2022 292pp 9 illus. 9781478017677 £20.99 / $26.95 PB 9781478015048 £80.00 / $99.95 HB
May 2022 210pp 13 b&w hts., 2 maps 9781501760617 £20.99 / $27.95 PB 9781501760587 £100.00 / $125.00 HB
Analyzing the religious narra�ves, prac�ces, and construc�ons of religious subjec�vity of diverse groups of Muslims in Old Delhi, Kalyani Menon reveals the ways in which Muslims variously contest the insular and singular understandings of na�on that dominate the sociopoli�cal landscape of the country and make place for themselves.
Explores depression and an�depressant uses in India to develop a theory of value that captures both market worth and cultural and ethical norms. Ecks’s theory expands value beyond both a Marxist labor of theory of value and a free-market subjec�ve theory, thereby offering new insights into how the value of lives and things become entangled under neoliberal capitalism.
Ploughshares and Swords
Queer Companions
Religion, Public Intimacy, and Saintly Affects in Pakistan Omar Kasmani
India's Nuclear Program in the Global Cold War Jayita Sarkar
June 2022 224pp 19 illus. 9781478018032 £19.99 / $25.95 PB 9781478015413 £80.00 / $99.95 HB
July 2022 288pp 13 b&w hts., 3 maps 9781501765018 £18.99 / $24.95 PB 9781501764400 £100.00 / $125.00 HB
Theorizes the construc�on of queer social rela�ons at Pakistan’s most important Sufi site by examining the affec�ve and in�mate rela�onship between the site’s pilgrims and its patron saint. Kasmani outlines the felt and enfleshed ways in which saintly affec�ons bind individuals, society, and the state in Pakistan through a public architecture of in�macy.
India's nuclear program is o�en misunderstood as an inward-looking endeavor of secre�ve technocrats. In Ploughshares and Swords, Jayita Sarkar challenges this received wisdom, narra�ng a global story of India's nuclear program during its first forty years. The book foregrounds the program's civilian and military features by probing its close rela�onship with the space program. 9
Roaming Free Like a Deer
Sensory Futures
Deafness and Cochlear Implant Infrastructures in India Michele Ilana Friedner
Buddhism and the Natural World Daniel Capper
June 2022 288pp 20 b&w illus. 9781517912130 £20.99 / $28.00 PB 9781517912123 £89.00 / $112.00 HB
March 2022 300pp 9 b&w hts. 9781501761966 £24.99 / $32.95 PB 9781501759574 £100.00 / $125.00 HB
What happens when cochlear implants, heralded as the first successful bionic technologies, make their way around the globe and are provided by both states and growing private markets? This book explores biotechnical interven�on in the realm of disability and its implica�ons for state poli�cs in the Global South.
By exploring lived ecological experiences across seven Buddhist worlds from ancient India to the contemporary West, Roaming Free Like a Deer provides a comprehensive, cri�cal, and innova�ve examina�on of the theories, prac�ces, and realworld results of Buddhist environmental ethics.
Excludes Japan & ANZ
The History and Culture of Iran and Central Asia
The Opportunity Trap
High-Skilled Workers, Indian Families, and the Failures of the Dependent Visa Program Pallavi Banerjee
From the Pre-Islamic to the Islamic Period Edited by D. G. Tor & Minoru Inaba
March 2022 304pp 11 b&w illus. 9781479841042 £24.99 / $32.00 PB 9781479852918 £71.00 / $89.00 HB
April 2022 350pp 51 b&w illus., 38 maps 9780268202095 £72.00 / $90.00 HB
Provides a cri�cal look at our visa system and unravels how US visa laws fail Indian professional workers and their legally dependent spouses and families. Drawing on interviews, Banerjee highlights the experiences of high-skilled immigrants as they struggle to cope with visa laws, which forbid their spouses from working paid jobs.
This volume examines the major cultural, religious, poli�cal, and urban changes that took place in the Iranian world of Inner and Central Asia in the transi�on from the pre-Islamic to the Islamic periods.
Excludes Taiwan, Japan, SE Asia & ANZ
The Right to Be Counted
The West and the Birth of Bangladesh
The Urban Poorand the Politics of Resettlement in Delhi Sanjeev Routray
Foreign Policy in the Face of Mass Atrocity Richard Pilkington
South Asia in Mo�on July 2022 336pp 9781503632134 £22.99 / $30.00 PB 9781503630840 £72.00 / $90.00 HB
April 2022 296pp 9780774861984 £27.99 / $35.95 PB
This major new study examines, for the first �me, the US, Canadian, and Bri�sh policies formulated in reac�on to the mass atroci�es at the birth of Bangladesh, situa�ng the responses within the nascent 1970s human rights revolu�on.
In the last 30 years, Delhi has displaced over 1.5 million poor people. Rese�lement and welfare services are available, but the city deems much of the popula�on ineligible for civic benefits. This book examines how Delhi's urban poor, in an effort to gain visibility from the local state, incrementally stake their claims to a house and life in the city.
Excludes SE Asia, Indian sc & ANZ
Three Early Mahāyāna Treatises from Gandhāra
Why Would I Be Married Here?
Marriage Migration and Dispossession in Neoliberal India Reena Kukreja
Bajaur Kharoṣṭhī Fragments 4, 6, and 11 Andrea Schlosser
April 2022 306pp 5 maps 9781501764134 £26.99 / $34.95 PB 9781501762550 £100.00 / $125.00 HB
Gandharan Buddhist Texts February 2022 360pp 21 color illus., 12 b&w illus., 15 color plates 9780295750736 £79.00 / $99.00 HB
Why Would I Be Married Here? examines marriage migra�on undertaken by rural bachelors in North India, unable to marry locally, who travel across the breadth of India seeking brides who do not share the same caste, ethnicity, language, or customs as themselves.
This volume presents three manuscripts from the Bajaur Collec�on (BC), a group of nineteen scrolls discovered at the end of the twen�eth century and named a�er their findspot in northwestern Pakistan.
Communal Intimacy and the Violence of Politics
southeast asian
Along the Integral Margin
Understanding the War on Drugs in Bagong Silang, Philippines Steffen Bo Jensen & Karl Hapal
Uneven Capitalism in a Myanmar Squatter Settlement Stephen Campbell
Foreword by Vicente L. Rafael
August 2022 210pp 21 b&w hts., 1 map 9781501764882 £39.00 / $48.95 HB
May 2022 216pp 11 b&w hts., 4 maps 9781501762772 £18.99 / $24.95 PB 9781501762765 £100.00 / $125.00 HB
Through ethnographic narra�ves of the lives and struggles of residents of a squa�er se�lement in Myanmar, Campbell challenges narrow concep�ons of capitalism and asserts that nonnorma�ve labor is not marginal, but rather centrally important to Myanmar's economic development.
Explores the notoriously brutal Philippine war on drugs from below. Examines how the war on drugs folded itself into communal and in�mate spheres in one Manila neighborhood, Bagong Silang.
Enacting the Security Community
Fixing the Image
Studies in Asian Security July 2022 264pp 9781503631106 £56.00 / $70.00 HB
September 2022 224pp 19 b&w illus. 9780295750613 £22.99 / $30.00 PB 9780295750606 £79.00 / $99.00 HB
Ultrasound and the Visuality of Care in Phnom Penh Jenna Grant
ASEAN's Neverending Story Stéphanie Martel
Introduced in Phnom Penh around 1990, at the twilight of socialism and a�er two decades of conflict and upheaval, ultrasound took root in humanitarian and then priva�zed medicine. Services have since mul�plied, promising diagnos�c informa�on and be�er prenatal and general health care. Jenna Grant draws on years of research to theorize the force and appeal of medical imaging in the urban landscape of Phnom Penh.
Enac�ng the Security Community illuminates the central role of discourse in the making of security communi�es through a case study of the Associa�on of Southeast Asian Na�ons (ASEAN). Despite decades of discussion, scholars of poli�cal science and interna�onal rela�ons have long struggled to iden�fy what kind of security community ASEAN is striving to become. 11
Fluid Jurisdictions
Heritage Drinks of Myanmar
Colonial Law and Arabs in Southeast Asia Nurfadzilah Yahaya
Luke J. Corbin, Photographs by Shwe Paw Mya Tin March 2022 100pp 99 color illus. 9786162151804 £52.00 / $65.00 HB
March 2022 270pp 5 b&w hts., 3 maps, 2 graphs 9781501764646 £22.99 / $29.95 NIP
Heritage Drinks of Myanmar takes the reader on an anthropological journey through emerald mountains and rust-red valleys to showcase some of the myriad alcoholic drinks made in this unique and fascina�ng country. In Myanmar, freshly brewed and dis�lled beers, wines, and spirits are integral parts of village economies, providing health, communal, and financial benefits.
This wide-ranging, geographically ambi�ous book tells the story of the Arab diaspora within the context of Bri�sh and Dutch colonialism, unpacking the community's ambiguous embrace of European colonial authority in Southeast Asia. Nurfadzilah Yahaya looks at colonial legal infrastructure and discusses how it impacted, and was impacted by, Islam and ethnicity.
In the Shadow of the Palms
In the Year of the Rabbit
More-Than-Human Becomings in West Papua Sophie Chao
A Novel Terrance A. Harkin
March 2022 316pp 9786162151767 £14.99 / $18.95 PB
July 2022 344pp 14 illus. 9781478018247 £21.99 / $28.95 PB 9781478015611 £84.00 / $104.95 HB
In the Year of the Rabbit tells a story of healing and redemp�on and honors three groups missing from accounts of the Vietnam War—the air commandos who risked death flying nightly over the Ho Chi Minh Trail, the ac�ve-duty airmen who risked prison by joining the GI an�war movement, and the people of neutral Laos, whose lives and country were devastated.
As Chao notes, it is no secret that the palm oil sector has destruc�ve environmental impacts; it greatly contributes to tropical deforesta�on and is a major driver of global warming. Chao examines the mul�species entanglements of oil palm planta�ons in West Papua showing how Indigenous Marind communi�es navigate the social, poli�cal, and environmental demands of the oil palm plant.
Lured by the American Dream
Strike Patterns
Notes from Postwar Laos Leah Zani
Filipino Servants in the U.S. Navy and Coast Guard, 1952-1970 James Paligutan
March 2022 208pp 9781503611733 £18.99 / $25.00 HB
Asian American Experience August 2022 216pp 9780252086670 £18.99 / $25.00 PB 9780252044595 £88.00 / $110.00 HB
A strike pa�ern is a signature of violence carved into the land— bomb craters or fragments of explosives le� behind, forgo�en. Leah Zani journeys to a Lao river community where people live alongside such relics of a secret war. With sensi�ve and arres�ng prose, Zani reveals the layered reali�es that se�le atop one another in Laos—from its French colonial history to today's authoritarian state—all blown open by the war.
Star�ng in 1952, the US Navy and Coast Guard ac�vely recruited Filipino men to serve as stewards-domes�c servants for officers. Oral histories and detailed archival research inform Paligutan's story of the cri�cal role played by Filipino sailors in pu�ng an end to race-based military policies. Excludes SE Asia, Indian sc & ANZ
The Candidate's Dilemma
The Sovereign Trickster
Anticorruptionism and Money Politics in Indonesian Election Campaigns Elisabeth Kramer
Death and Laughter in the Age of Duterte Vicente L. Rafael February 2022 192pp 15 illus. 9781478017790 £18.99 / $24.95 PB 9781478015185 £76.00 / $94.95 HB
June 2022 234pp 1 map, 2 charts 9781501764059 £22.99 / $29.95 PB 9781501764028 £100.00 / $125.00 HB
Provides a complex account of how Philippine president Rodrigo Duterte uses humor, fear, misogyny, and violence to weaponize death as a means to control life. By diagnosing the symptoms of the authoritarian imaginary as it circulates in the Philippines, Rafael provides a complex account of Duterte’s regime and the social condi�ons that allow him to enjoy con�nued support.
In The Candidate's Dilemma, Elisabeth Kramer tells the story of how three candidates made decisions to resist, engage in, or otherwise incorporate money poli�cs into their elec�oneering strategy over the course of their campaigns.
Turning Land into Capital
Upland Geopolitics
Postwar Laos and the Global Land Rush Michael Dwyer Series edited & Foreword by K. Sivaramakrishnan
Development and Dispossession in the Mekong Region Edited by Philip Hirsch, Kevin Woods, Natalia Scurrah & Michael Dwyer Series edited & Foreword by K. Sivaramakrishnan
Culture, Place, and Nature August 2022 232pp 7 maps, 8 b&w illus. 9780295750491 £22.99 / $30.00 PB 9780295750484 £79.00 / $99.00 HB
Culture, Place, and Nature August 2022 273pp 2 maps, 5 charts, 3 tables 9780295750460 £22.99 / $30.00 PB 9780295750453 £79.00 / $99.00 HB
Upland Geopoli�cs uses the case of Chinese agribusiness investment in northern Laos—one of China’s first sustained forays into foreign land deals during the boom years of the early 2000s—to study the unbalanced geography of the new global land rush.
Examines contradic�ons produced by superimposing neoliberal projects onto diverse landscapes etched by decades of war and state socialism.
Winning by Process
recent highlight
The State and Neutralization of Ethnic Minorities in Myanmar Jacques Bertrand, Alexandre Pelletier & Ardeth Maung Thawnghmung
A History Eugene Y. Park
August 2022 276pp 1 b&w line drawing, 2 maps, 1 chart 9781501764684 £22.99 / $29.95 PB 9781501764530 £100.00 / $125.00 HB
February 2022 408pp 9781503629844 £26.99 / $35.00 PB 9781503629462 £84.00 / $105.00 HB
This first English-language history of Korea offers an up-to-date, accessible overview of the country’s history from an�quity to the present. Eugene Y. Park draws on original-language sources and the most up-to-date synthesis of recent East Asian and Western-language scholarship to break new scholarly ground.
Winning by Process asks why the peace process stalled in the decade from 2011–2021 despite a liberalizing regime, a na�onal ceasefire agreement, and mul�lateral peace dialogue between the state and ethnic minori�es. 13
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