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The Romantic Rhetoric of Accumulation Lenora Hanson
"The Romantic Rhetoric of Accumulation is a work of massive and singular importance." –Fred Moten, New York University The Romantic Rhetoric of Accumulation provides an account of the long arc of dispossession from the British Romantic period to today. Lenora Hanson glimpses histories of subsistence (such as reproductive labor, vagrancy and criminality, and unwaged labor) as figural ways of living that are superfluous—simultaneously more than enough to live and less than what is necessary for capitalism. Reading both historically and rhetorically, Hanson argues that rhetorical language records histories of dispossession and the racialized, gendered distribution of the labor of subsistence. Romanticism, they show, is more contemporary than ever. STANFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS November 2022 288pp 9781503633940 £22.99 PB now £16.09
Against the Uprooted Word Giving Language Time in Transatlantic Romanticism Tristram Wolff
"Against the Uprooted Word is a splendid piece of scholarship. It will be a welcome arrival to students across disciplines (including language studies and anthropology) in addition to charting the future of the literary field—romanticism—in which it is most immediately grounded." –William Galperin, author of The History of Missed Opportunities In this revisionist account of romantic-era poetry and language philosophy, Tristram Wolff recovers vibrant ways of thinking language and nature together. Wolff argues that well-known writers including Phillis Wheatley Peters, William Blake, William Wordsworth, and Henry David Thoreau offer a radical chronopolitics in reaction to the "uprooted word," or the formal analytic used to classify languages in progressive time according to a primitivist timeline of history and a hierarchy of civilization. STANFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS October 2022 338pp 9781503632769 £60.00 HB now £42.00
Poetic Form and Romantic Provocation Carmen Faye Mathes
Critics have long understood the development of Romantic aesthetics as a turning point in the history of literary theory, a turn that is responsible for theories of mind and body that continue to inform our understandings of subjectivity and embodiment today. Yet the question of what aesthetic experience can "do" grates against the fact that much Romantic writing represents subjects as not actually in charge of the feelings they feel, the dreams they dream, or the actions they take. Poetic Form and Romantic Provocation argues that being moved contrary to one's will is itself an aesthetic phenomenon explored by Romantic poets whose experiments with poetic form and genre provoke unanticipated feelings through verse. Mathes shows how provocations disrupt and invite, disturb and compel— interrupting or suspending or retreating in ways that ask readers to orient themselves, materially and socially, in relation to literary experiences that are at once virtual and embodied. STANFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS May 2022 264pp 9781503630246 £52.00 HB now £36.40
Media, Mediation, and the Cut of Romanticism Orrin N. C. Wang Techno-Magism explores how British Romantic literature abuts and is organized around both print and non-print media. The book explores not only the print, pictorial art, and theater of early nineteenthcentury England and Europe but also communicative technologies invented after the British Romantic period, such as photography, film, video, and digital screens. This proleptic abutting points to one way we can understand the implicit exceptionality wagered by reading Romanticism through media studies and media theory. Techno-Magism argues that both media studies and the concept of mediation in general can benefit from a more robust confrontation with, or recovery of, the arguments of deconstruction, an unavoidable consequence of thinking about the relationship between Romanticism and media. FORDHAM UNIVERSITY PRESS Series: Lit Z January 2022 13 color and 3 b&w illus. 240pp 9780823298488 £25.99 PB now £18.19
Look Round for Poetry Untimely Romanticisms Brian McGrath
Poetry is dead. Poetry is all around us. Both are trite truisms that this book exploits and challenges. In his 1798 Advertisement to Lyrical Ballads, William Wordsworth anticipates that readers accustomed to the poetic norms of the day might not recognize his experiments as poems and might signal their awkward confusion upon opening the book by looking round for poetry, as if seeking it elsewhere. Look Round for Poetry transforms Wordsworth’s idiomatic expression into a methodological charge. By placing tropes and figures common to Romantic and Post-Romantic poems in conjunction with contemporary economic, technological, and political discourse, Look Round for Poetry identifies poetry’s untimely echoes in discourses not always read as poetry or not always read poetically. FORDHAM UNIVERSITY PRESS Series: Lit Z May 2022 192pp 9780823299799 £22.99 PB now £16.09
Romantic Marks and Measures Wordsworth's Poetry in Fields of Print Julia S. Carlson
Winner of the 2017 British Association for Romantic Studies First Book Prize “Throughout the book, Carlson permits us to see and hear Wordsworth's poetry in exciting new ways, through sensitive close-readings and rigorous research into a wealth of historical sources. Her work is remarkable not only for the important contributions she makes to studies of Romantic print culture, but also for her uncovering of cartography as a site of visual imagination and playful meaningmaking, not just of disciplined, orderly knowledge. Carlson's study of Wordsworth's cartographical imagination is a nuanced exploration of how this visual experimentation shapes his poetic lines.” –The British Society for Literature and Science UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA PRESS Series: Material Texts January 2017 31 illus. 368pp 9780812247879 £56.00 HB now £39.20
Resounding the Sublime
What does the sublime sound like? Miranda Stanyon traces competing varieties of the sublime, a crucial modern aesthetic category, as shaped by the antagonistic intimacies between music and language. In resounding the history of the sublime over the course of the long eighteenth century, she finds a phenomenon always already resonant. UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA PRESS
Engaging the Ottoman Empire
Series: Sound in History May 2021 304pp 9780812253085 £65.00 HB now £45.50
Closely reading a mixed archive of drawings, maps, letters, dispatches, memoirs, travel narratives, engraved books, paintings, poems, and architecture, O'Quinn demonstrates the extent to which the Ottoman state was not only the subject of historical curiosity in Europe but also a key foil against which Western theories of governance were articulated. UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA PRESS
Music in English and German Literature and Aesthetic Theory, 1670-1850 Miranda Eva Stanyon
Middling Romanticism
Reading in the Gaps, from Kant to Ashbery Zachary Sng Romanticism is often understood as an age of extremes, yet it also marks the birth of the modern medium in all senses of the word. Engaging with key texts of the romantic period, the book outlines a wide-reaching project to re-imagine the middle as a constitutive principle. Sng argues that Romanticism dislodges such terms as medium, moderation, and mediation from serving as mere selfevident tools that conduct from one pole to another. Instead, they offer a dwelling in and with the middle: an attention to intervals, interstices, and gaps that make these terms central to modern understandings of relation. FORDHAM UNIVERSITY PRESS
Series: Haney Foundation Series February 2019 344pp 9780812250817 £65.00 HB now £45.50
Vexed Mediations, 1690-1815 Daniel O'Quinn
Shortlisted for the 2020 Indiana Center for EighteenthCentury Studies Kenshur Prize
Series: Material Texts January 2019 29 color, 11 b&w illus. 552pp 9780812250602 £65.00 HB now £45.50
Singing in a Foreign Land Anglo-Jewish Poetry, 1812-1847 Karen A. Weisman
Series: Lit Z June 2020 224pp 9780823288410 £47.00 HB now £32.90
Examines the uneasy literary inheritance of British cultural and poetic norms by nineteenth-century Anglo-Jewish authors. Focusing on a range of subgenres, from elegies to pastorals to psalm translations, Weisman shows how the writers she studies engaged with the symbolic resources of English poetry from which they had been historically alienated. UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA PRESS
The Connected Condition
Series: Jewish Culture and Contexts August 2018 264pp 9780812250343 £65.00 HB now £45.50
Romanticism and the Dream of Communication Yohei Igarashi Bringing to bear a singular combination of media studies, the history of communication, and literary history, this book proposes new accounts of literary difficulty and Romanticism, showing that the Romantic poets have much to teach us about living with the connected condition and the fortunes of literature in it. STANFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS Series: Stanford Text Technologies December 2019 256pp 9781503610040 £52.00 HB now £36.40
The Language of Fruit
Literature and Horticulture in the Long Eighteenth Century Liz Bellamy Examining the intersection of literary tradition and horticultural innovation, Bellamy explores how poets, playwrights, and novelists from the Restoration to the Romantic era represented fruit and fruit trees and traces how writers responded to the challenges posed by the evolving social, economic, and symbolic functions of fruit over the period. UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA PRESS Series: Penn Studies in Landscape Architecture March 2019 25 illus. 256pp 9780812250831 £60.00 HB now £42.00
Wordsworth's Poetry, 1815-1845
The History of Missed Opportunities
British Romanticism and the Emergence of the Everyday William Galperin Through close engagement with the work of Wordsworth, Austen, and Byron, this study posits the emergence of the everyday as both a concept and a material event in the Romantic period, analyzing the practices of retrospection to which it gave rise. Galperin positions the Romantics as precursors to 20th century thinkers of the everyday, including Heidegger, Benjamin, Lefebvre, and Cavell. STANFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS May 2017 200pp 9781503600195 £47.00 HB now £32.90
Romantic Complexity
Keats, Coleridge, and Wordsworth Jack Stillinger In Romantic Complexity, Jack Stillinger examines three of the most admired poets of English Romanticism--Keats, Coleridge, and Wordsworth--with a focus on the complexity that results from the multiple authorship, the multiple textual representation, and the multiple reading and interpretation of their best works. UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS PRESS December 2003 280pp 9780252076374 £22.99 PB now £16.09
Tim Fulford
Winner of the Robert Penn Warren-Cleanth Brooks Award for literary scholarship and criticism for 2019 The later poetry of William Wordsworth, popular in his lifetime and influential on the Victorians, has, with a few exceptions, received little attention from contemporary literary critics. Fulford argues that the later work reveals a mature poet far more varied and surprising than is often acknowledged.